Sky's P.O.V.
i was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, black one stars, a leather jacket that was unzipped, and my orange Yancy Acadamey that had a white panther on it in the middle, and in a fancy parchment like thing, it said 'Yancy Acadamey the Boarding School for the Troubled Kids'. troubled? okay... does dyslexia really count? apparently, it does.
my nails were an electric blue color, my charm braclet, and thick band that said 'LOL'. my black chest length hair was in its natural wave down my back as i stepped off the scarlett Hogwarts express. Freddie had found his dad, and James led me to his.
"gods... James! You did not!" "but i did." "you could get a lot of dentions." "for kicking Mrs. Norriss? that cat has issues..." i rolled my eyes, and he smirked. "hey, dad." "hey james. so, you said your bringing a friend home for the holidays? okay, he'll be sleeping in your room."
i paled. i am not a guy! james blushed. "excuse me, james, i am not a guy!" "you sure act like one." "so, pranking, knowing how to play basketball, and liking Halo is automaticly meaning that im a guy?" "yupp." "well, then ill call you a girl, Jamie." "Sam." "jamie." "sam." "okay... uh... lets go to the cr. your mothers waiting for us."
i sat with james in the back seat, and Harry asked me, "so, werent you in the DADA class... you went off at Castian?" "yea, that dudes a jerk face." "he does seem to be. he kept asking if he had you in his classes, and then when hermione said, 'i beieve so.', he breathed, 'perfect. payback... shouldnt of survived that 'accident'. what happened? your hand, he said something about it.."
"oh... he uh... made his pet scorpian bite me, sending posion through my body, and to make it worse, he scraped down my shin creating big long scar with a knife.... hes bloody horrible." "Azkaban?" "hes not a wizard."
we arrived at the Potter house hold, and James mother greated us. "James, honey?" "huh?" "your friend- he's with you, correct?" i dragged James and mines bag through the door, and sarcasticly remarked, "thank you, James, for leaving me out there on the drive way, abbondoned, in a small town in London, where i have never stepped foot into, where i do not live, abbondoned in a continent that i am not from, making me drag our bags into your house, not thinking to ask me how do i like London."
he rolled his eyes, and grabbed the bags, as well as mine. "sorry, Sky. how do you like London so far?" i smiled, and said, "oh, its brilliant- pretty good architchture, old timish, my friend would drive me bonkers and explain about the marble and everything, and id have to ask her, 'can i use the potty? your going into one of your architectual taks, right?'" "im guessing Massi- what is it, i cant pronounce it- isnt like this?"
"Massachusetts? way off. Manhatten, you mean?" "yea.. you live there, right?" "yea, Columbos Road, the Manhatten apartment building, floor five, appartment 5b. well... its diffrent... alot, actually. no nice little villages, basicly a huge department stores, plazas, etc., theres crime.."
"oh. nevermind that.." he just smirked at how i put my hands on my hips. "well, Mr.? im your guest. shouldnt you take my bags up to the place ill be sleeping?" he rolled his chocolatey- hazel brown eyes that i sometimes get lost into. "your wish is my command, Miss Smith. when i come down, my mistress, how would like your stake?" "medium rare, please." we were on a sarcastic roll. "no, i mean the other stake. the wooden one. on fire, or plain, or blood from the victom before?" "as i have told you and Fred before- threating me gets you no where! and when i am mad, well... im probably like how youve said your grandmom and mom get angry." "except much, much, much worse..." fred exclaimed in the background.
my eyes darted onto him, staring into his soul (not literally! thatd be weird!),my eyes probably becoming icey, sky, electrical blue, and you could see little lightning bolts in my eyes. "okay! okay! im sorry! your not worse- your actually the same as grandmum, Aunt Hermione, Rosie, Victorie, and Aunt Ginny, and Lily..." my anger went down, and i smiled."fred why dont you comehelp me with-?" "okay, i have to ask you something...." he smirked.
anyway..... "hi, im Ginny, obviously James mum, and Harry, his dad, obviously." "Sky. Sky Smith. just dont call me Skylarlike mom doeswhen shes angry..... and Fred when he teases me." "we wont. why dont you come meet James siblings?" "okay!"
a boy with unrurly black hair, emrald eyes, and fair skin and rectangle glasses looked at me, wide eyed. a girl who seemed nine rolled her warm, chocolate brown eyes, and shook her head of firey red hair, and muttered under her breath, "almost every time he sees a girl un related to us, or known by our family..."
"im al... im going to Hogwarts next year." "lily", the red head said. "Hogwarts in two years." "hiya, im Sky Smith, a friend of your brother and your cosin Fred." "y-y-your p-p-pretty..." Al blushed. its funny, because when i blush, you cant see it. only James makes that happen.
james came back down, Fred following him, and a boy with blue hair infront of them. "Teddy Lupin. nineteen." "Sky. Sky smith." Teddy smiled.
"OOHH JAMESIE! I HAVE THE PICTURE!" "DONT YOU DARE, THEODORE LUPIN!" ofcourse, teddy showed the picture of whatever the image was to Harry and Ginny. it was moving, taken by Victorie, perhaps...
harry smirked, and ruffled james hair. i smirked, and laughed. "ha. guys, whats so funny my people?" "okay, little ruler of the world. the sky, my dearest freddie." he rolled his eyes.
i luff this family.
"ITS CHRISTMAS! WAKE UP!" james and fred jumped on the bed in room that i was staying at while were all at the Burrow.
honestly? i hate Christmas. why?
i hate Christmas because for me, it means, 'okay, youve been a good child this year, heres your present.' if anything, being framed as thieves, accidently turning over a car, killing a fury teacher, and jumping off the St. Louis Arch is anything but good.
it also means that this is the only time of year mom seems to somehow care. well, if you call buying a bunch of expencineve, unused, preasents to try to buy your mother-daughter relationship love, yea. thatsnot really caring, is it?
i walked down with rosie and lily, Rosie who is going to Hogwarts next year with Al, all of us in our pajamas.
i took a look at the Christmas tree, and under my breath, whispered, "Wow.."
there were alot of presents. "okay, oldest to youngest, like always." lily did not seem happy about that. i wonder why? please, notice the sarcasm.
finally, it was my turn. Yay! im the fith youngest (poop!), and the first present i opened was from Fred. pranking supplies and candy. James. Pranking supplies, candy, and a note that said, 'ill give a small thing later, dont want to be embarrassed!'.
from Percy, i had gotten my favorite muggle candy- a big box of Milk Duds!!!! Annabeth hadgotten me an architectual sketchbook, with colour pencils and stuff! its pretty cool- i like architecture too. Grover had gotten me... a pop tap bracelet? wow. he didnt eat it... maybe hes going on a diet?
Connor and Travis had gotten me some of their prank supplies, Silena a nice paddle brush, Beckandorff a braclet that turns into a sheild when needed, and Chrion had gotten me a fudge, as well as Milk dudds. Carisse had gotten me a toilet seat. typical.
dad.... dad got me a lightning bolt charm for a charm bracelet. i got a set of tears in my eyes as i opened that present.
then i got the worst present of all time. from my mother.
my mother got me nothing. no card or letter. instead? i got a letter from the hospital that my mom was staying at. it read:
'Miss Skylar Alana smith, age eleven,
last night, at ten oclock p.m., eastern time, your mother, Bay Smith, had gone into chemotherapy. however, it was impossible to save her. so, hours after, at eleven o six p.m., eastern time, your mother, Bay smith, had passed away. we are sorry for your loss, and if you happen to have any questions, you know who to call. plans will be sorted out by your godmother, Sally Jackson.
Anne Jefferson, your mothers nurse'.
i ran out, tears streaming from my eyes. i stepped out of the house and into the backyard, and sat on the grass, my knees brought up to my chest. i was sobbing away, ever so quietly. there is no sarcasm in that last sentence.
James Pov.
Sky ran into the backyard. i took the letter and read it. "james! you dont go readin gother peoplesmail!" mum hissed at me. fred came over and read it too. "Fred!" Aunt Angelina hissed as well.
quietly, fred said, "i guess thats why shes crying." "you think? no, Fred. she would laugh about this." "oh, see. your being sarcastic."
"no Fred. if she laughed about this i would smack her." "shes stronger then you- big time." "Fred our best friend is out there, sobbing, and your sort of being sarcastic?"
my family looked at me, shocked. yes, i was being Sirius. no pun inteanded.
"im not meaning to... you know that." "i know." yet again, my family still shocked. "but she knew this was going to happen. she just didnt know when. its obvious, that when somebody talks about parents, or family, she bites her lip, and tries to change the subject. remember at dinner last night? Teddy asked her what her family is like, and she said, 'Pie! oh, Mrs. Weasley- uhm.. everyones grandmum that is- Gods this is confusing- this is really good pie!'"
"oh, yea... that happened.." confussed, Dom asked, "you guys didnt hear what happened?" Doms in our year. shes friends with Sky. they share a dorm.
"Romilda Wilbert got some necklace from her mother, and knew all of us liked it, and that it was very pretty. so, she asked Sky, nosily, 'doesnt seem like you dont have anything special from your parents....' and then seconds later, Romilda says, 'oh, well. this necklace is crap anyway.'" so, Sky got pissed, and said, "okay, Romilda. Aaperciate that you got special gifts from your parents. because- well- my parents are never there for me. do you know how many boarding schools ive been too? do you know how many times ive run away? do you know that so far in my life, ive only met my dad twice? so, shut up, and appriciate what youve got."'
louis said, ''okay, dontwant to hear you talk Dom. keep on going, James." i completed the rest of my sentence when Sky came in. "she knew it would happen. she just... didnt know when, exactly." she smiled half heartidly. "your right, James. for once, your correct."
Skys P.O.V.
yes, i knew it was bound to happen, but i just didnt know when. i tried to keep strong as i went in. "I feel bad. you never really knew her." said Dom. "yea... hey i wanted her to be around, but she didnt want me to be around. so... i guess..... ive only seen her about five times, two at Christmas, and three during the summer. too busy with her photo shoots, clubbing, drinking, and going to jail, where i have t use our money to bail her out. not a suprise, she only made it worse for herself. yea, im sad. i doubt shed cry if i died. then again, she probably wouldnt even notice."
i was keeping strong! "what happened?" Lily asked.
"well... you see, my mom had cancer, for a long time. and last night she died." lily came up to hug me. "now, i dont want a sob story. you here me?" james and fred nodded furiously. "yes. we dont want to get you mad." "you dont. ive gotten mad at...... Luke.... once.... okay, multiple times, and that one time last summer... it didnt turn out good. for both of us. apparently, he has a pet. a posinous scorpion."
the rest of break was awesome. i felt.... home.
so, now i have three homes.
Camp Half Blood.
The Burrow.
I feel loved.
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