Where Are They?
Here's a quick glimpse back to Equestria and how Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Twilight are handling the disappearance of the CMC. It's already been quiet a few month since the girls' unexpected trip to the human World of Cars.
Back in Equestria in Ponyville, it's been months since the CMC disappeared. That day Applejack had gone to the CMC's clubhouse to take the girls home when she found Applebloom's letter.
"Applebloom! Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo! Come on girls it's time ta go it's get'in late."
Applejack looked around the clubhouse to find nopony there. She turned her attention to the desk with a note sitting on top, she read it aloud...
Howdy! If anypony comes looking for us
we'll be at Twilight's castle.
Applejack shook her head and trotted out the clubhouse heading to Twilight's castle.
End of Flashback
But when she had gotten there she looked all around for the girls only to enter the library and find it destroyed books scattered all over the place and the whole room looking like a tornado hit it. Applejack sighed as she sat in the middle of the girl's clubhouse.
"Oh Applebloom where did ya'll go?" She stared blankly at the ceiling "Ma, Pa please look after her wherever she's at Sniff ."
She layed back down on the floor and began crying once again.
Rainbow Dash snapped out of her trance just in time to dodge the flagpole that she was only seconds away from crashing into. Breathing heavily she landed on the cloud ground of Wonderboltz Headquarters. Spitfire flew over and put a hoof around her shoulder.
"You ok Crash? You've been really distracted lately."
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Are you sure? I know you've been having a hard time since-"
"I SAID I'M FINE!!! NOW JUST DROP IT!!!" Rainbow shouted and took off to the locker rooms.
Spitfire just stood there staring, all the other Wonderboltz followed her gaze.
"Is she going to be ok?" Soarin asked a worried expression on his face.
"I'm not sure? I know she's been upset ever since those Crusaders disappeared..."
"Isn't there anything we can do to help?"
Spitfire though for a moment
"Hmm...Princess Twilight's library is pretty big...maybe if she had some help looking through all those books. She might be able to find a solution a lot quicker...Alright we're not just going to leave Rainbow Dash like this. Practice is ending early today I'll go and try to talk with her while the rest of you head over to Princess Twilight's castle and see what you can do to help her out."
All the other Wonderboltz exchanged glances and stared at her with confused looks on their faces.
"Are you sure about this Spitfire?" Soarin asked
"Wonderboltz stick together! When one of us in trouble we all stand together and do everything we can to help!"
"YEAH!!!" all the other Wonderboltz cheered
"Alright Wonderboltz move out!" the rest of them took off and headed for Twilight's castle while Spitfire headed straight to the locker room.
Spitfire opened the locker room door to see Rainbow Dash curled up on the floor in a corner staring off into space. Her ears perked up at the sound of hoofsteps getting closer but she didn't move.
"Crash? You ok?"
She sat down next to Dash and put a wing over her shoulder
"Look Cr-Dash I know you're upset about those fillies. But this isn't the way to handle things."
Sigh "Ok now you're just being selfish!"
"Do you really think you're the only one upset about this?! What about Applejack and Rarity those are their little sisters that are missing."
"Look I'm not trying to upset you I'm just telling you that you're not the only one suffering. Those two just lost an important member of their families. They don't know where they are or what's happening to them.They don't even know if they're safe or not. Your friends have been trying their hardest help and Princess Twilight's working herself to the bone trying to find a solution."
Spitfire put a hoof on her shoulder
"And holding it all in isn't making things any better."
Rainbow felt a trickle of tears fall and immediately wiped them away. Spitfire glared at her with disappointment.
"How do you think the spurt will feel? Seeing her hero, her idol slumped down on the floor bottling up all her emotion snapping and screaming at all her friends even though they're only trying to help.?"
Rainbow Dash knew where she was getting at and knew what Scootaloo would think about her right now. She wouldn't see the brave, strong and confident mare she idolized. She would only see a snivling coward hiding all her pain by shutting out everyone who tried to help.
"She would be disappointed...But..I don't know how else to handle it."
Spitfire took both Rainbow's hooves in her own pulling her into a gentle hug.
"Just let it out"
And she did. All the fear, worry, and sadness came rushing out like a waterfall. Spitfire stayed with Dash letting her release all the emotions she'd had locked up for months.
At Rarity's boutique
Rarity was curled up on her bed tears were streaming down her cheeks and her mascara was running. This wasn't like all the other breakdowns she'd had before. No, this one was different she felt as though a large piece of her heart had just been ripped out her chest.
After she had heard what happened she ran home with tears in her eyes and locked herself in her room. Day after day she hoped and prayed that the girls would just reappear somehow and this whole nightmare would end...But it has yet to happen.
Now she just sits in her praying that wherever the CMC are they're safe.
"Hey Twilight, you still in there?" Spike peeked into the door of the library to see Twilight sitting in the middle of the floor with multiple towers of books around her.
"...um uhm..." was all the answer he got.
Sigh Of course she is. Why do I even ask?
"Well...um...ya see a few of the Wonderboltz showed up and are wondering if there's anything they can do to help."
Twilight hesitated for a moment wanting to say "no"...but she took a second look at all the shelves full of books, and this isn't even the only library in the entire castle. With tired eyes and without looking away from her book, she replied...
Spike stood there shocked for a moment surprised that she actually agreed, then pushed the door wide open letting in the group of pegasi. The group wasted no time getting to work, pushing away each tower of books into their corner of the library and began reading through their first book. Twilight never took her eyes off the pages not even for a glimpse.
I promised everypony that I'd find them and I will. I'll never stop searching until I find them and bring them back home. Girls...one way or another I will find you...I promise.
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