
Sweetie Belle was at her favorite park when it happened...

Ramone had taken her and Bulk into the city with him to do some shopping. They had left Bulk in the car while Ramone and Sweetie were in the stores. Now before you say anything Ramone's car is a purple 1959 Chevrolet impala lowrider with the convertible hood. Bulk's leash is tied to the pole and Sweetie even put up a sign that says

'Feel Free To Pet! But If You Go For His Leash Or Anything In The Car He Will Growl!'

A few people tried it out at first by petting Bulk and scratching him behind the ear, which is his favorite spot and always makes his leg thump like Thumper from Bambi then they'd playfully reach for the leash and Bulk really did growl. Most laughed and commented how smart it was to teach him that, while others who still believed the stereotypical 'vicious dangerous dog breed' made really nasty comments.

"Why do people even have those things for pets?"
"Those beasts belong in a cage."
"They'll be sorry when that thing rips their faces off."

Fortunately Sweetie Belle wasn't around to hear any of it, but that all changed when they got to the park and Sweetie Belle experienced first hand the pit bull stereotype...

It wasn't her first time bringing Bulk to that park, so she was confused as to why some people were acting so strange around him. Bulk was very well trained and very clingy to Sweetie Belle so it was safe to take him off leash and let him run around. They trusted that he would stay close and never run off, mostly because of his past in dog fights he was scared of most people mostly men and would avoid other dogs his size or larger. Those are the main reasons why they've been taking him with them on trips into the city in hopes of ridding him of these fears. It was working very well but there were still certain men Bulk would avoid and be pretty much terrified of if they came near him. That being men with messy dark hair, big scruffy beards and a very large built, that fact had led them to believe that that was what the man who abused him looked like, or at least something similar.

Anyway onto the real story...

Sweetie Belle and Bulk were running around in the grass chasing and rolling around. Sweetie Belle rolled onto her stomach when Bulk hopped onto her back and started playfully nibbling at her hair.

"Hahaha Bulk stop it! That's tickles!" she giggled as her little pup continued playing with her hair...until.


Bulk cried out loudly and jumped off her, Sweetie sat up and was about to walk over to see if he was ok when a pair of hands grabbed her from behind and lifted her up high in the air.

"Get off her you stupid mutt!" It was a guy's voice then there was a 'thud' and another 'yelp' from Bulk followed by him whimpering.

All of this happened within the matter of a minute and it took Sweetie another minute to process what just happened before realizing that she's currently being held up in the air by a complete stranger...and she's wearing a dress.

Her face burned bright red as embarrassment and fear took over...

"KYAAAAAAAAAA!!!" she screamed and started kicking the man, he held her at arms' length.

"Woah kid! Calm down it's ok I'm just trying to save you!" The man calmly said, but before he knew it she was immediately ripped out of his arms as a fist hit him square in the nose braking it and sending him crashing to the ground

"Ouch! Hey! What the hell was that for?!" He shouted and looked up to see a very pissed off Ramone glaring down at him. Sweetie Belle sitting in one arm, her own arms wrapped firmly around his neck with her head buried in his shoulder.

"You keep your filthy Goddamn hands off my sister before you find yourself needing a new face!" Ramone shouted at the man looking very menacingly.

"Look man I was just trying to help her ok! Some idiot decided to let their big ass pitbull run amuk in a children's playground!" He said holding his bleeding nose and pointing to a quivering Bulk who's now hiding behind a tree, staring wide eyed at the man. At that point pretty much everyone in the park was now watching, one kid was even recording them.

"That's her dog Cabron." Ramone growled, never taking his eyes off the man.

Now Ramone hardly ever used that kind of language, but when he did he only ever said those things in Spanish knowing Sweetie Belle would not understand. To explain what he said, 'Cabron' is the literal translation for a male goat. But it's slang meaning is a lot ruder and generally translates to three very offensive words, one being a 7 letter word that starts with 'a' and ends in 'e'.

Ramone then whistled and Bulk came running from the tree, past the man and hid behind him.

"What, you've never seen a kid playing with their dog before?"

"Why the hell would you get your sister that beast?! Do you know how dangerous that breed is?" Ramone just growled and held up a fist, indicating that he won't hesitate to throw another.

"Sigh Look, I didn't know that was her dog ok and why would you get her a pitbull in the first place?" The man finally stood up still holding his bleeding nose.

"Why not get her a poodle or some other 'non dangerous breed'. And honestly from what I saw with that little girl lying on the ground like that and it on top of her biting her hair I really thought that dog was attacking her."

"And you thought that made it ok to not just abuse an innocent animal, but to also put your hands on someone else's kid?" Ranome's eyes narrowed at the man fist still clenched.

The man now looked scared and added to the people that were watching him now starting to whisper, decided to just give up but not before trying to get the last word.

"You know what, fine! But don't come crying to me when that thing rips her face off."

"BULK WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!!" Sweetie Belle shrieked now glaring at the man

"Bulk is the sweetest, kindest, most loving dog you'll ever meet!" The man took a step away, a bit taken aback by her sudden raised voice. But still seem to think that this kid needed some 'educating about the pit bull breed'.

"Kid, you do know that pit bulls are naturally vicious right?"

As Bulk is very protective of Sweetie Belle, Sweetie Belle is just as protective of Bulk.

Ramone kept quiet with a smug look on his face, knowing that this grown man is about to get an ear full of it from a little kid.

"No they are not! Pitbulls are just like all dog breeds out there, it's all about how you raise them! I hear so many stories about pitbulls being labeled dangerous! And it's all because of those monsters who force them to fight in those horrible fights! Those sick people train them to be that way just so they can get there sick kicks out of watching poor innocent animals kill each other!
And even when those fights are broken up there are always dogs that are just too far gone to be saved. And those poor dogs end up being killed because no matter what people do they just can't reverse what those monsters did to them! Then there are some dogs that are just so desperate for love they will walk up to just about anyone! Just so they can feel the love that they've been denied their whole life!"

She was now steaming at this point and the people watching either had huge smiles or sh!t eating grins directed at the man.

"Do you wanna know what real pitbulls are like Mister? Fun fact pitbulls were named the original nanny dog.

Yep! She did her research.

"Pitbulls are very sociable dogs, they get along with people and children 'If' well socialized. And as all breeds their temperament can change depending on their education from when they are a puppy. And occurring to studies from the American Temper Test Society the pitbull has a more stable temperament than the average dog. The aggression is due to improper training from the owner. Pitbulls are very protective and a great companion if you can take the time to give them the love and attention they need. They are extremely friendly with strangers and a very intelligent breed. Pitbulls were once known as being nanny dogs so they were trusted enough to be around small infants and children."

"Ok ok kid, I get it calm down will ya." The man tried to slowly walk away but Sweetie Belle wasn't done with him yet.

"Oh no! I'm not done with you!" She jumped out of Ramone's arm and stood in front of the man

"Did you know that there are far more videos on the internet that show pitbulls as being caring, lovable, playful and overall just big babies! Then there are that very very small percentage that show them as vicious and dangerous."

She called Bulk to her to emphasize her final statement.

"And finally Mister! My boy Bulk had been a victim of those horrible dog fights! He was abused and left to die chained up in some trash dump ally! And despite all the pain and torture he went through he was still so happy to see us that he crawled right into my lap! Not once did he growl or try to bite me! All he wanted was for me to hold him! To save him from all the pain he's gone through in his life."

And to finish it off she asked the man

"Tell me Mister, have you ever seen a dog cry?"

An eruption of cheers sounded throughout the park, people were clapping and cheering for Sweetie Belle. For she had told this man off good and hard.

The man was finally able to escape and people booed at him as he passed by.

Once they got back home Ramone told everyone how Sweetie Belle bravely told off that man and everyone cheered and congratulated her.

Scootaloo and Lighting told her that she was a massive savage especially with that last line.

Sweetie Belle and Bulk were both rewarded with a huge banana split! Vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice cream right in the middle of a lengthwise sliced banana. Topped with chocolate syrup, whipped cream, rainbow sprinkles and three cherries on top. Of course the chocolate on Bulk's was replaced with carob ice cream and caramel syrup.

All and all the day ended ok and Sweetie Belle was labeled a hero for the day.

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