The Doll

Inside Ramone's Fashion and Paint Shop

Ramone is sitting at his desk working on some new personal designs for all of his friends

...Sob sob...

Just now he hears someone crying and gets up from his desk to take a look. Ramone walks into the room and sees Sweetie Belle sitting on the bed holding her legs close and crying.

Oh Sweetie. She's been like this for 3 days straight.

Ramone thinks for moment on if he should try to talk to her now or wait a bit for her to calm down a little. After a minute passed he decided to that this has gone on long enough and it's time to see why she's so upset.

There's got to be more to it than just them being stuck here.

He walks inside and then takes a seat on the bed next to her.

"Hey Sweetie is everything alright? You've been like this for a while now and I'm a little worried about you. Is there something that you would like to talk about. I'm sure you'll feel a little better once you talk it out."

Sweetie Belle looked up at him with tear filled eyes.

" Sniff...I...Sniff...I...Sniff..."

He picks Sweetie Belle up and sits her on his lap then gentle wraps his arms around her giving her a comforting hug and she calms down enough to talk.

" T-This is all my fault...Sniff...We're all stuck here because of me. I was the one who cast that spell that got us trapped here and...Sniff...and I have no idea how to get us back. I...I'm terrible with magic. I don't know what I was doing, thinking that I could cast such a high leveled spell. I can't even do a simple levitation spell right. Let alone a teleportation spell. I...Sniff...I was only trying to go to one corner of the room to another and I end up sending everyone to a whole new world. So far from home Applebloom and Scootaloo probably hate me...Sniff...And I wouldn't blame them I messed up so bad."

Ramone pulls Sweetie Belle away just enough to look her in the eyes.

"Now Sweetie calm down. Applebloom and Scootaloo are your friends and they could never hate you. That's not what friends do. No Sweetie friends forgive each other no matter how big or bad a mistake they make. Your friends will always love you no matter what happens. And besides don't you remember it was Scootaloo's idea to go to the library alone without an adult. And Applebloom did confess she should have spoke up against this. You know very well none of this is all your fault. Your friends all admitted that they too made mistakes. Remember you're still just a little kid and you're going to make mistakes every now and then. It happens with everyone even me. You see one time I was helping out my mom at her shop. I was carrying more stuff than I thought I could hold and I ended up tripping over my loose shoelaces and all the stuff I was carrying went flying everywhere. A pin cushion I was carrying on top of all the stuff knocked over my juice I had sitting on the edge of the counter and all the juice spilled all over the new dress my mom had just finished for a new client. I thought that she was going to be really mad at me. But she wasn't you know why?"

Sweetie Belle shakes her head

"Because it was an accident and my mom knew that I would never do something like that on purpose."

Sweetie Belle looks up at him then looks down

"Sweetie. Do you understand now what I'm trying to say?"

Sweetie Belle looks up at him nodding her head and giving a small smile.

" Yes. This isn't my all my fault and I shouldn't be blaming myself for it. Because I made a mistake just like everyone does. And I going to make more mistakes but I should never let them get to me. Because making mistakes is all a part of life."

Ramone pulls Sweetie Belle into a big hug and a proud smile on his face

"That's right Sweetie! Now you understand."

Sweetie Belle smiles at Ramone, but that smile didn't last long as a realization came to her mind and she starts crying all over again. Ramone looks down seeing that she started crying again

" Sweetie? What's wrong now?"

Sweetie Belle keeps her eyes closed

"Sniff Sniff Sob Sob Whimper...I...I miss her."


"Your sister...Rarity?"

Sweetie Belle nods. Ramone sits there thinking for a moment not sure how to help Sweetie Belle with this. A few minutes go by then an idea pops into his head remembering something his mom did for him when he was a little kid.

"Hey Sweetie I think I got something that will help."


"Why don't you go on over to Flo's place for a bit and when you come back it'll be done. Ok."


Though a little bit confused Sweetie Belle wipes away her tears and leaves the shop and heads over to Flo's cafe. Ramone heads back over to his desk and gets started working. After finishing drawing out the design Ramone picks out the softest material he has in white and purple, some stuffing, blue, white, black, and purple thread.

. . .

"Ramone I'm back."

Sweetie Belle comes through the front door of the shop.

"I'm in here Sweetie. Come in I have a surprise for you."

Sweetie Belle walks into his room seeing Ramone standing next to his desk with both arms behind his back.

"Sooooo...You said you had a surprise for me."

Sweetie Belle looks up rocking on her heels and waiting patiently for what Ramone has for her. After spending some time with everyone she started feeling a lot better. Ramone kneels down in front Sweetie Belle with his arms still behind his back.

"First close your eyes and hold out your hands."

Sweetie Belle closes her eyes and holds her hands out. At that moment Ramone takes out what's behind his back and sets the item in Sweetie Belle's hands.

"Ok open them."

She opens her eyes and looks at the item in her hands.


It's a doll that looks just like...Rarity! Just staring at the doll and at a complete loss for words Ramone takes this chance to explain.

"You see when I was a little boy my mom often had to go on really long trips for fashion shows. And I missed her all the time while she was gone. One day when I she had to leave for another show I tried everything that I could to get her to stay but nothing worked and I was really upset about it. So my mom made something special for me. A doll that looks like her and she said that whenever I was missing her all I had to do was just look at that doll and think about all of the good times we had together and I was always reminded that she comes back. So even though I still missed her I always felt a little better while she was away all because I had that doll with me to let me know that she'd always come back. And I thought you needed the same thing. A little something to help you remember that even though you're so far from home you know that you'll always have someone who loves you and will always be with you no matter how far away they are."

Ramone waits for her reaction, while Sweetie Belle is still looking at the doll tears welling up in her eyes.

"So...What do you think? Do you like it?"

Sweetie Belle jumps into his arms hugging him tight with tears streaming down her face

"I love it! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Ramone lifts her up in his arms hugging her close.

"I know how it feels being so far away from someone you love it's very hard and especially for someone at your age. You just need someone there to help you get through it all. And that's why I'm here you know that if you ever need anything I'm always here for you."

Tears falling down her face Sweetie Belle hugs him tighter

"Thank you so much Ramone...Sniff...I love you."

"I love you too Sweetie."      

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