Halloween Special: The Four Monsters

It's the 20th of October and the girls are still trying to find the right costumes to wear. At a complete lose they decided to go to Ramone to ask for a little help. Sweetie Belle peeked her head inside the shop.

"Ramone are you here?!"

"I'm in here Sweetie!" his voice came from the other room and the girls followed it finding Ramone sitting at his desk stretching something. Everyone else had asked him for their costumes so the girls thought he wouldn't mind making three more.

"Can we ask you for something?"

"Of course girls what do you need?"

" We a been hav'in a tough time try'in ta find what costumes we wanna wear. Can ya help us out?"

He knew the girls would ask him for help sooner or later.

"What did you girls have in mind?"

"That's just it dude! We don't have a clue what to wear."

Hum...ok..he took out his laptop and waved for the girls to come closer.

"Ok how about we look at some options? See what you girls like."

And so they began scrolling through a bunch of costumes trying to find the right one for them. Sweetie Belle "eep" and ducked behind Ramone when the costume of a really creepy doll popped up, Ramone skipped that one and any others like it and they continued on. Eventually all three picked out the one they wanted. Sweetie Belle even picked out one for Bulk and Ramone printed them out then asked the girls to get on his stage so he can begin getting all their measurements. Once he was finished and got each girl's exact measurements they left the shop for him to get started. Scootaloo had picked a costume that she wouldn't have to hide her wings but Ramone will still have to add holes to it.

The girls exited the shop and began wandering around town they headed over to Sheriff's station and found him in his office adjusting the arms on...something. It was a green human with really big hands and feets, it's head was more square than round and seems to have stitches around the forehead, arms, and legs, there were also bolts in it's neck. Scootaloo got his attention

"Hey Sheriff!" turning to the direction of the voice Sheriff smiled at the girls

"Hello girls! What brings you here?"

"Noth'in we're just wanderin round lookin for somethin ta do."

Sweetie Belle pointed to the thing

"What's that?" Sheriff looked at the decoration hanging on the wall then back to the girls smiling, he'd had a feeling the girls wouldn't know who he was.

"This is Frankenstein. He's one of the four original monsters and one of my favorites." all three girls looked at him confused

"Who's Frankenstein?" Applebloom asked. Sweetie Belle hopped in place

"Oh boy! Story time!" Sheriff gestured to his desk and the girls sat on the floor in front of him.

"Ok the story goes like this...Back in the 19th century in Europe there lived a young very brilliant scientist named Victor Frankenstein. Frankenstein was very much into the human sciences and reanimating the dead. So much he attempted it himself. But things had ended terribly. Frankenstein used various..."

Sheriff paused realizing that the girls might not be able to handle the fact that Frankenstein used various decayed body parts. He thought for a moment not sure how to explain that part...though to his surprise Applebloom said

"If ya worried bout us bein scared of real bloody parts don't we've heard scarier."

"Are you sure? I warn you it's not pleasant." the girls nodded, Sheriff sighed and continued on.

" Alright...Frankenstein used various body parts that he had stolen from graves. His assistant Igor collected those parts and brought them to his master. Each body parts were carefully stitched together and they were almost done. But Frankenstein still needed one more thing. A brain for his creation. So Frankenstein ordered Igor to go out and fetch one. But Igor had made a horrible mistake. Instead of bringing Frankenstein a normal brain. He brought him one belonging to a murderer. Unbeknownst to this Frankenstein continued with the experiment placing his creation on the operation table and began rising it up to an opening in laboratory. Lightning struck the body and Frankenstein screamed out at the top of his lungs " IT'S ALIVE!!!". Frankenstein welcomed his creation into the lab and the monster did as he was told. That is until Igor entered with a flaming torch frightening the monster. His fright was mistaken as an attack and Frankenstein chained him in the dungeon. He left the monster locked up believing that he would wreak havoc if allowed to roam free. Realizing that his creation must be destroyed Frankenstein prepared a powerful drug to injected into the monster. But entering the dungeon found that the monster had strangle Igor to death. With some help from his old medical professor Waldman injected the monster with the drug and he fell unconscious. But it did not work as well as they had planned. For moments after Frankenstein left to prepare for his wedding Waldman stayed to examine the monster he awoke and strangled Waldman then escaped. The monster then encountered a farmer's young daughter who asked him to play a game with her. Throwing flowers into the lake and watching them float. When they ran out of flowers the monster threw her in thinking she would float too. To his confusion she drowned upset by this he ran away. The wedding preparation were completed and Frankenstein and Elizabeth were to be married as soon as Waldman arrives. Sadly one of his friends had rushed in saying that Waldman was dead. Then a chilling scream and Frankenstein found Elizabeth dead the monster gone. The young girl's father arrived with his daughter in hand. Knowing it was the monster a band of peasants forms a search party to bring him to justice. Frankenstein becomes separated from the group discovered by the monster who attacks him knocking unconscious and carrying him off to an old mill. The peasants heard his cries and regrouped to follow it only to find the monster had climbed to the top dragging Frankenstein behind him. The monster hurled Frankenstein to the ground but his fall was broken by the vanes of the windmill. The mob set the windmill on fire trapping the monster inside killing him."

After hearing the story Applebloom said

"Oh! Ya mean Frankenstallion!" Sheriff just smiled of course then Scootaloo asked

"And what about the other 3?"

"Oh yes! Well next the Wolf-"


Came a very loud voice from outside. They peeked out the door to see what's going on. The Tuners a group of street racers were racing through the town at top speed. Sheriff growled under his breath and headed to his cruiser

"Not these punks again! Sorry girls I have to go now."

"But what about the other three monsters?" Scootaloo asked. Sheriff thought for a moment

"Why don't you girls go over to Mater's and ask? The Wolfman is his favorite."


Sheriff's eye twitched and he sped off after them.


Scootaloo grinned as she watch chase after them remember he let her join him on a chase with those guys and the look on their faces when they got caught, he'd even let her use the siren.

"Alrighty girls! Let's head over to Mater's."

At Mater's Garage the girls found him bent over some boxes fiddling with something inside. Scootaloo looked over to her right and noticed a mask sitting on a pile of junk. It looked like what she guessed the Wolfman looks like, a guy with hair all over his face pointed ears and a really weird nose. An idea popped into her head and she picked up the mask slipping it over her head. Both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle gave her confused looks and she put a finger to her lips shushing them as she slowly tip-toed over to Mater. Mater on the other hand was to occupied by what was in the box that he didn't see Scootaloo sneak up in front of him. Though he did have the sudden urge to look up and when he peeked out from the box


Mater shrieked kicking his head back instinctively knocking over a pyramid tires. Scootaloo fell back clenching her stomach laughing. Mater popped out from the pile, a tire around his head and a derp look.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" All three girls were on their backs laughing out loud.

Mater shook his head looking up at the tire and he too started laughing. Trying to get the it off

"AHAHAHAHA! Ya got me Scootaloo! That was a good one!"

"Ahaha thanks Mater"

Applebloom got up wiping away her tears

"Say Mater can ya tell us bout the other three monsters?"


"Sheriff already told us bout Frankenstal-stein, but than he had ta go chasing after them darn Tuners again and he said ya can tell us bout the Wolfman."

Mater's face lit up

"Well sure thang girls! The Wolfman's ma favorite." Scootaloo sat down next to her two friends and Mater sat in front of them finally gotten the tire off his head.

"Ok y'all the story goes like this...In the early 20th century. After learning about the death of his brother, Lawrence "Larry" Talbot returned to his home in Llanelly to recoil with his father. While there Larry met a girl named Gwen Conliffe and instantly fell in love. She runs an antique shop. So in a way to impress her he purchases a silver-headed walking stick. Decorated with the shape of wolf's head. Gwen tells him it represents the werewolf. A man who changes into a wolf. Not believing in such things she recited to him a poem. "Even a man who is pure in heart, and says his prayers at night, May become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms and the autumn moon is bright." That night Larry attempts to rescue her friend Jenny from a sudden wolf attack. Larry managed to kill the wolf with his cane but was bitten in the process. A gypsy fortune teller named Maleva reveals to him that the beast was actually her son Bela in the form of a wolf. And that he himself will become a wolf. For those who are bitten by a werewolf and lives will become a wolf themselves. Talbot transformed into a wolf-like creature stalking the village and killing the local gravedigger. He retained vague memories of being a werewolf wanting to kill and continually struggles to overcome it. He was finally bludgeoned to death by his father with his own silver walking cane. Sir John Talbot and Gwen watched in horror and cried as the dead werewolf transformed into Larry's human form."

"Wow that was so cool! Hey now that I think about it. We have a legend just like that in Equestria."

"Oh yeah! In Equestria they're known as Wereponies."

Oh oh! Next one please what are the other two?"Sweetie excitedly

"Alrighty girl next i'll tell ya'll bout vampires-" and just like with Sheriff they were interrupted. A customer had just walked in asking for Mater's help.

"Dad gum! sorry girls...say why don't ya go ask Miss Sally! She's a huge fan of vampires. She can tell ya."

"Ok thanks Mater." and the girls left, leaving Mater with the customer heading over to the Cozy Cone.

Inside Sally was at her desk filling out some papers when the girls walked in. Sweetie Belle ran up to Sally throwing her arms around her. She laughed at this returning the hug.

"Well hello girls and what can I do for you?"

"Can ya tell us about..um what was it...vampires?"

"Why the sudden interest?" Sweetie Belle hopped onto her lap and said

" Sheriff told us that there were four original monsters and he told us about Frankenstein. Mater told us about the Wolfman, he was going to tell us about vampire but then a customer came in asking for help and he had to stop. So he sent us here says you can tell us the story. Can you? Please."

"Of course girls! I'll tell you the story it's one of my favorites after all."

Sally loves vampires and is a huge Twilight fan, and the only one in town. Scootaloo and Applebloom sat on the floor in front of her while Sweetie Belle remained on her lap.

"Ok the legend isn't vampires per se..it's more about one vampire in particular..Dracula..Count Dracula is an undead centuries-old vampire. Living in his Transylvania castle. A solicitor named Renfield makes a trip to Transylvania in a stagecoach. Strangely the mentions of his destination to Castle Dracula had the locals alarmed. Telling him that Count Dracula is a vampire but he didn't believe them. The Count welcomes him in where he then drugs him with wine and bites him. Now Dracula's slave he boarded a ship, laughing maniacally as his master picked off the crew one-by-one. When the ship reached england Dracula was the only found "alive". He met a man named Dr. Seward and his family at an opera. Lucia was completely fascinated by Dracula and that night became his next victim. Professor Van Helsing was called in and he recognized the danger and that Dr. Seward's patience Renfield was somehow involved in all of this. But soon after meeting the Doctor's new neighbor, Dracula and seeing that he had no shadow figured out who the vampire was. And not a moment too soon because Seward's daughter Eva was beginning to fall under his spell. Fe;;ing weak and wild to the point of attacking her fiance Juan. With Seward and Harker help Van Helsing attempted to trap Dracula but he outwitted them and escaped with Eva by seizing control of a nurse's mind. They followed Renfield Carfax Abbey ending with Dracula killing his slave and throwing him from a staircase. Now deep in the catacombs they find Dracula asleep with Eva still alive. Van Helsing took this chance that he had and drove a stake through the vampire's. And he and Harker left with Eva after praying over Renfield's body."

"Eh that wasn't as exciting as I thought it was going to be..we do have the vampire legend in Equestria but it's not really my favorite. They're kind of boring I mean their one really big weakness is sunlight. They can't even go anywhere during the day and it's not like they do so good hunting at night since most people will be asleep. And seriously! A bat they can't change into a more cooler animal. Bats are boring and the only cool they do is that sonic voice thing. And let's not forget the way they transform. It's just a poof of smoke and they're a bat. At least with werewolves there's actual body change."

Ouch! Low blow! Sally tried her best to hide it though.

"Ok last one!" Sweetie Belle said eagerly. To embarrassed to go on Sally came up with an excuse.

"Uh sorry girls but...I have a lot of paperwork to do right now..um why don't you go ask Mack to tell you about the Mummy."

"The Mommy?"

"Ehehe no Mummy" she set Sweetie Belle down and they left.

Mack was sitting outside the cafe giving Bulk little bit of peanut butter from his sandwich laughing as he tried to lick it off his nose. The girls walked to him and Bulk immediately jumped into Sweetie Belle's arms licking her cheek.

"Hi Bulk! Have you been nice everyone coming in?"


"Hehe good boy."

"How's things going for you girls today?Having fun?"

"Sure are!" the girls sat down at the table

"You three look like you need something." Mack waited to see the three wanted

"Actually yeah we do. Do ya know the legend of the Mummy?"

Mack smiled at this the Mummy has been his favorite ever since he was a kid.

"Sure do. Did you want me to tell you the story?"

"Yes please!"

"Ok..the story goes...Back in Ancient Egyptian times there was a priest of very high status named Imhotep. He had fallen in love with the princess Ankh-es-en-amon. And when she died he stole the Scroll of Thoth in an attempt to resurrect her. But he caught and punished by the princess's father Pharaoh Amenophis the Magnificent. The pharaoh ordered Imhotep to be tortured, mummified and buried alive. And the sacred spells meant to protect his soul on its journey to the Underworld were chipped off his coffin. Leaving his condemned in the afterlife. Years later an archaeological exhibition found Imhotep and was accidentally revived as a mummy when one archaeologist unknowingly read the scroll ancient life-giving spell. Imhotep escaped and assumed the identity of Ardath Bey, a modern Egyptian, helping the archaeologists to find the tomb of Ankh-es-en-amon. When he then meets Helen Grosvenor. A woman that bears a striking resemblance to Ankh-es-en-amon. Realizing that she's a reincarnation of the princess attempts to mummify her making her his bride. Imhotep was able to use his powers and strength to control others in person and through a looking pool from afar. Giving both an attraction to him and death to those he disliked or felt was in the way of his plans. His powers allowed him to give orders to others and they would follow them without resistance or hesitation. Thus giving Imhotep the ability the control Helen and lead her to him. She could not remember what she did or why she was there. By in the end Helen recalled her past life and pleaded with the goddess Isis the save her. The statue of Isis then emits a beam of light from it arm burning the Scroll of Thoth breaking the spell that gave Imhotep immortality. Reducing him to a pile of dust."

"I say that Imhotep fella got what deserve." Applebloom said her arms crossed

"It's like that old saying "Love make you do crazy things"." Mack replied

"But in this situation I always believed that wasn't doing all that for love but instead for his own selfish desire. Not caring if the even wanted to be brought back to life or not. That he did it all because he wanted her back."


"Hehe I think Bulk wants more peanut butter?"

"Here you go boy."

Mack scoped off some more peanut butter from his sandwich onto his finger and it out to Bulk, he started licking it immediately.

"Hey Mack are there anymore Halloween monster stories?"

"Sure are tons"

"Can you tell us some more?"

And during the rest of the day Mack went on to tell the myths and legends of other monsters such as Pumpkinhead and the Scarecrow.

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