Halloween Special: Monster Springs
Welcome to Monster Springs!
Vampires: Lightning(Soran), Sally(River)
Werewolves: Mater(Lucas), Sheriff(Seff), Calvin Coolant(Felix, Mater's cousin)
Ghosts: Stanley(Stan)
Mad Scientist: Doc
Frankenstein Monster: Applebloom(Bloom),
Witches: Sweetie Belle(Belle), Lizzie
Demons: Scootaloo (Drakoloo)
Zombies: Ramone(Zero)
Mummy: Mack(Tat)
Wight: Fillmore(Lezael)
Gremlin: Luigi(Zuct)
Goblin: Guido(Drozz)
Gargoyle: Sarge(Gazar)
Cyclop: Red(Alas)
Banshee: Flo(Maiden)
Orc: Chick(Olog)
Wendigo: The Weathers, Strip(Braxed), Lynda(Zellney), Cal(Ryzan)
Hellhound: Bulk(Zarro)
Boogeyman: Bobby Swift(Vonnor)
Ah! You have returned friend what a grand! Have you come for another? Well then let us dig in further. But I should warn thee. For this next tale is no less frightening. My next tale is one to dwell. In a town not too far down. It resembles Radiator Springs. They call it Monster Springs...
On the edge of the Nightmare Realm sits the quaint little town of Monster Springs. A small little town filled with creatures of all kinds. The leader of the town is the mad scientist named Doc, he keeps everyone inline, undead, and working. He is also the creator of the young Franken-monster Bloom, who is under the guidance of her teacher the gargoyle Gazar. His best friend and next grave neighbor is Lezael a wight. He will often join the Weathers on a trip to the human realm, the Weathers are a family of wendigos the father Braxed, the mother Zellney and their son Ryzan. They are almost always joined on their trips to town by their son's friend a boogeyman named Vonnor so that they can hang out with their friends. A vampire couple Soran and River, Soran's best friend a werewolf Lucas. His father who is also a werewolf is the town sheriff named Seff. Unfortunately the Weathers' visits are sometimes accompanied by the not so friendly Orc, Olog who just loves to make the town folks' lives and deaths a living heaven. Two of the towns folks are a goblin Drozz and his mischievous little gremlin friend Zuct. However Doc isn't the only leader of the town he is joined by the ghost/founder of the town Stan and his wife a witch named Lizzie. Lizzie herself is also teacher to a young witch in training named Belle, her training is joined by her faithful companion a hellhound she named Zarro. Belle's friends in town are the young Franken-monster Bloom and the demon child Drakoloo, the sister of Soran. Whenever our young monsters get hungry they stop by at Maiden's Night Shift for a bite to eat. Maiden is a banshee who runs the place. Her husband is a zombie named Zero who is also Belle's guardian/brother. The last two members of the town consist of a mummy called Tat and a shy cyclop who goes by the name of Alas.
And now that this long introduction is finished let the story begin...
Inside one of the small houses layed two coffins in the center of the room, above them in a corner of the roof a large mash of black and red goo formed into a sort of misshapen hammock. Sitting in it a small black and red lump sleeping inside. The lid on one of the coffins began to slide open as a young pale skin woman rose from inside her blond hair a mess, River yawned revealing her sharp fangs, rubbing her dark red eyes she turned to the coffin next to her. An arm and leg sticking out the side, she couldn't help but giggle at the picture before her.
Why does he always sleep like that? River thought as she climbed out of her coffin and proceeded to knock on the other.
"Sun's low Sor! Time to get up!" She announced and as always Soran's response was to pull back his arm and leg and shutting the lid closed.
"Five more minutes Riv.." Soran groaned,
River sighed then flew up to the goo mash hammock and shook the lump inside. Seconds later a groan came as the lump unfolded itself to be a young child with dark skin and red marking spread across her body. Her nails were sharp as knives but short nonetheless, her eyes are completely red, and her hair was short literally fire with tiny horns poking out from the sides of her head. She yawned baring her sharp teeth as her large dark wings extended outward.
"Oh hey River... yawn ...is it night already?" Drakoloo rubbed her eyes, stretching as she shook herself awake.
"Woo! Alright! Let's get movin'!" Drakoloo shouted wide awake and about to take off...until River grabbed her by the wing halting her mid flight.
"Sorry Draks we can't go just yet." She pointed to the closed coffin "Sor here refuses to get up as always." She continued and Drakoloo grinned mischievously
"Oh I know just how to wake him up." She flew over to the coffin and opened it as the sleeping vampire groaned his disapproval.
Soran groaned and turned his back to his little sister hoping she'd let him be. He could feel her flying above him as his eyes shot open in realization.
Damnit! Not again!
Once Drakoloo had position herself just a few feet above Soran she ceased her flapping and fell right on top of his back. He screamed then growled as he laid in there with Drakoloo sitting happily on his back and River laughing in the background.
"Ugh...Alright Drakoloo I'm up I'm up." He groaned and Drakoloo got off as Soran groggily got up and out of his coffin.
River walked over to the fridge and pulled out a small rat and handed it over to her sleepy boyfriend.
"Here Sor, we're heading over to Maiden's for breakfast anyway but this should wake you up."
He thanked her and began drinking the rat's blood.
The two entered Maiden's cafe and Soran perked up as soon as he saw his friends Vonnor and Ryzan sitting at a table waving him over. But before said vampire could take a step forward something large tackled him to the floor.
"Damnit Lucas! Not again!"
The large figure was indeed his best pal Lucas sitting on top his chest shaking his tail fiercely.
"Howdy Sor! Good to see yer awake!"
"Good to see you too Lucas now can you please get off me." Soran asked casually tapping his finger on the floor as he waited for the young werewolf to move.
"Woops! Sorry Pal!" Lucas jumped off, scratching himself a little before standing on his hind legs.
"Come on bud! Let's eat!" and pulled Soran to the table with a slight yelp.
The next group to step in were Gazar, Lazael, and Bloom
"Hey guys."
"Hello everyone."
"Howdy Y'all!" They all greeted
"Hey Gazar! Hey Lazael! Hey Bloom!" The others greeted back.
Bloom went up and hugged Drakoloo but as she did her arm got caught in the child demon's wing and very easily popped off.
"Woops! Sorry Bloom." Drakoloo apologized
"Ain't yer fault Drak. Ma arm's been popping off a lot lately." Bloom replied picking up said arm. "Doc's gonna fix it up for me in a little bit."
"Well he better hurry because you know what day it is right?" Drakoloo asked excitedly.
"Sure do! Halloween!"
"That's right children the one night of the year where we can cross over to the human realm without frightening the mortal." Said the elder witch who had just stepped inside.
"Lizzie!" The girls exclaimed running up to the witch.
"Where's Belle?" Drakoloo asked. Lizzie motioned behind her where the young witch stepped out from behind her.
"Greetings friends." Belle went to stand next to her friends. Stan, Lizzie's husband stood in front of his wife.
"Bloom, Sweetie, Doc is ready for you."
"Alrighty!" Bloom exclaimed heading out the cafe to Doc's lab.
"Hurry up Bloom cause we're leaving right after breakfast!" Drakoloo shouted
"You sure are excited little demon." Another werewolf had just stepped inside and a scream came from Lucas when he saw who it was.
"WOAH!! Ehehe it's good to see you too little cousin!" Felix laid on his back as his little cousin licked his face. "Alright alright Lucas that's enough! Get off me."
"Sorry cus' I just missed ya so much! Are ya coming to the human realm with us." Lucas asked excitedly.
"Why else do ya think I'm here cus'? Of course I'm going with ya'll!" Felix answered finally pushing his cousin off him.
"Hey Felix why don't you sit with us and have a bite to eat before we head out?" Soran asked tossing the new wolf a rabbit as he and Lucas made their way back over to the table. During the rest of the morning everyone else came in and ate.
Once everyone had finished breakfast and Doc had finished fixing Bloom's arm they all headed over to the portal, Soran and River put on their special sunglasses before stepping through. Most people believe that vampires need to stay out of the sun completely, but it is only their eyes they need to protect, since the eyes are windows into the soul. It is also daytime in the human realm while it's night time in the nightmare realm, same goes for the other way around. Daytime in the nightmare realm is night time in the human realm.
They entered the human realm and right away the girls, mainly Bloom and Drakoloo, began pulling their guardians out into town to do some Trick-or-Treating while the others went to walk around and meangle.
"Oof! Hey!" Drakoloo had just bumped into someone
"Oh! Sorry are you ok?" A hand reach out and pulled her to her feet.
Drakoloo looked up to see a girl with long purple hair and dressed in a werewolf costume, a must better one then she had seen from most humans. Next to her were two other girls one dress as a mummy with a red ribbon holding her bright red hair in a ponytail, the other one had white and light purple hair and she had a large white pit bull with her both dressed in panda costumes.
Behind Drakoloo she heard Zero let out a small squeal.
Ok. Maybe they are kinda cute. Drakoloo thought to herself. She snapped out of her thoughts realizing that she had yet to answer the girl's question.
"Oh...um right! Yeah I'm fine. Sorry about that." Drakoloo apologized
"It's ok. Hey do you girls wanna join us?" The girl asked, Belle looked to her brother
"Brother? May we?"
"Sure you can." he answered
"Awesome! We'll get twice as more candy in a bigger group!" Drakoloo cheered
"That's what I'm talking about!" the girl high fived her.
"Hey what are your names anyway? I almost forgot." Drakoloo asked the trio the girls
"Oh yeah! My name's Scootaloo." the werewolf girl answered
"I'm Applebloom! Nice to meet ya'll." the mummy greeted
"And I'm Sweetie Belle! And this is my dog Bulk!" the panda greeted and her dog barked a "Hello" in return.
"I'm Drakoloo and these are my friends Bloom and Belle and this is her pet Zarro."
"Nice to meet you all and now that the introductions are over let's get some candy!" Scootaloo announced.
"YAY!" everyone cheered
They spent most of the day playing games at the carnival while others met friends of their own. Lucas, Seff and Felix met a father and son at the carnival named Mater and Sheriff they talked for a long time finding that they all had so much in common Mater even mentioned to Lucus that he has a cousin just like Felix and that his name was Calvin. It was the same thing with everyone else, the Monster Springs group meeting the Radiator Springs group.
When it came night time and all the girls began their Treat-or-Treating they talked between each stop sharing every detail about their interest though all girls careful not to reveal anything about where they are really from.
"Your costume is amazing Drakoloo! How did you make your wings?" Scootaloo asked
"Talent." Drakoloo simple replied "And your werewolf costume is so much better all the others I've seen. How'd you make it?"
"Simple I just used a bunch of old clothes I had and ordered the ears, tail, and claws off of Amazon. I took a black shirt cut up three claw marks then took a red shirt and stitched it on the inside of the black one so it would look like there are three red claw marks. I also added a little red at the bottom since the shirt seems to be a little too short for my taste. Then I cut it up a bit so it would seem ripped. Then I added a pair of ripped jeans, black combat boots, and Sweetie Belle's brother Ramone helped me with my makeup. And Ta-Da!" Scootaloo explained twirling a bit to show off her full costume.
"Wow! You are real creative Scootaloo!" Drakoloo exclaimed
"What about the rest of you girls?" Bloom asked
"Well me? I just went with a plain white outfit then covered myself in toilet paper." Applebloom explained.
"I had my big brother make these for us. I'm not as creative as my friends." Sweetie Belle giggled.
"So did you all make your costumes yourself as well?" Applebloom asked
"Yeah!" All responded
"Cool!" The girls exclaimed
And it went on like that for hours, the girls collecting candy and talking about their costumes. Afterward the girls invited Drakoloo and her friends to Radiator Springs for their traditional ghost stories and movie marathon. The ghost stories were all horrifying and the movies very scary. Everyone had so much fun together that they were sad the night was over and everyone had to say goodbye.
The girls went home to the Nightmare Realm and ate up at least half of their candy before falling asleep, excited for next year so that they can see their new friends once again.
"I'm glad we listen to that other demon who told us to go to that town for Halloween." Drakoloo spoke
"Ya! He was right! The candy they had was awesome better than the other places we go to. And I can't wait to see the girls again!" Bloom exclaimed
"Agreed." Belle calmly spoke
"Well girls we should get some sleep. Night ya'll." Bloom yawned and layed in bed
"Night!" the others followed and as Drakoloo drifted off to sleep she whispered softly
"See you next year Scootaloo."
Happy Halloween! Everypony! I give you a dark realm version of Radiator Springs and the CMC. Along with the first mention of Mater's cousins(Felix=Calvin Coolant). Can you guess who gave them the idea to go to Radiator Spring?
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