Entering Witness Protection
A week later...
"Hey girls, how y'all feel'in." Mater asked as the girls entered the cafe, they went to sit at their table Bulk underneath in front of Sweetie Belle his head on her lap.
"We're fine." Applebloom replied not really looking at anyone, Sweetie and Scootaloo kept quiet. Scoots twiddling with her fork and Sweetie petting Bulk waiting as Flo brought them their breakfast and setting down Bulk's food and water bowl under the table. Doc watched Lightning with a worried look "Lightning..." when Doc called him 'Lightning' instead of 'Kid' or 'Rookie' he knew he was serious. "What's wrong?" "..." Sigh "Alright let's go outside." They stepped out of the cafe and over towards the back stopping not too far from the front door.
"Ok Lightning what's wrong?" he said nothing and Doc put a hand on his shoulder
"Come on Son you know you can tell me anything." the boy shook and leaned into a hug
"I-I'm scared Doc. Applebloom said the guy took a kid...w-what if he comes after the girls."
Crap! Doc mentally cursed I hadn't even thought of that! "Then he'd have to go through all of us to get to them."
Lightning sniffed "H-he had a gun."
"You forget Sheriff is a trained police officer and Sarge is retired military. Both can easily handle one guy with a gun."
"Do you really think it's just going to be one guy! Come on Doc no one's that's stupid!"
"Calm down Son, I know you're scared but you of all people should know that no one here is ever going to let anything bad happen to these girls. After all we promised that we'd all protect them. And I don't intend on breaking that promise anytime soon. Besides how do you know for certain they'll come after the girls?"
"Doc! They saw him! Of course they're going to come after them!"
Doc sighed and pulled him close "Ok...you have a point there."
"And that's why I'm here Mr. Hudson." both jumped at the voice and turned to see Detective Burns watching them. Lightning immediately wiped away his tears blushing furiously, Doc giving him an unamused look.
"And exactly how long have you been standing there Detective?"
Burns smirked "Long enough to hear your concern."
Lightning turned towards the wall face flushed red. "And you decide to just eavesdrop on our personal moment, very professional Detective."
Burns just continued to grin adjusting the tie around his neck "So do you wanna talk in the cafe or somewhere a little more private." It wasn't a question.
Doc exhaled "Let's talk in my office." and pointed over to his clinic.
"Lightning go back inside, but don't tell anyone he's here until we're done."
"Yeah...sure." and he walked back inside but not before glancing back at the two older men as they made their way and the fear he had earlier grew increasingly at moment.
They took a seat in his office, Doc making coffee for both and took a seat across him taking a sip before getting straight to the point.
"So I take it what Lightning said is true right, whoever killed that man will attempt a kidnapping with Applebloom Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo."
Burns' expression grew serious "No point in taking things slow with you, Yes we do believe they are formulating a plan."
"So what is our plan?" Doc took a sip of coffee
"I'm sorry 'our plan' no. You will stay here and do nothing while 'my' team investigates, the three girls will be put in a witness protection program."
"And how does this program work?" Doc's expression hadn't changed
"The girls will be taken to a secret location-"
"Excuse me?"
"I said 'no'. The girls stay here and you will not be taking them anywhere."
"Mr. Hudson this will go by a lot easier if you would just cooperate."
"I am but you're not taking the girls."
" Sigh That's the complete opposite of cooperating."
"Detective think about it...these girls, these children just witnessed a murder do you really think they would willingly go with some stranger who they've never met before and follow them to 'who knows where'. No they wouldn't, these girls would most likely scream 'Stranger Danger' than go anywhere with you."
Burns let out a breath "So what do you propose we do?"
Doc took another sip "Simple, undercover officers."
"Really?" Burns asked wondering if he was serious, he was
"Yes. You do that sort of thing don't you." He didn't phase it as a question
"Yes we do, but only in a more serious situation."
"Heh really more serious than the safety of three children." This time Doc grinned finishing off his coffee "I'm sure the media would love to hear that you don't considered child safety a top priority."
"That is not what I said Mr. Hudson."
"I don't know that's sure what it sounded like to me." Doc continued to grin
"Please don't play with my words."
"I'm not, you said and I quote 'but only in a more serious situation'. And we are talking about the safety of three defenseless young girls."
Burns growled "For a world famous racer you're very deceiving...I don't see any other way in changing your mind?"
Burn took a deep breath and exhaled "Fine." he got up, straighten his tie "I'll see what I can do and get back to you." And left.
Doc got up and put the two cup in the sink
Sorry to be so devious Detective, but I can't take the chance of anyone finding out the girls' secret.
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