Day Of The Dead Day 2
And I promise the last part won't take another whole year to finish.
Now time for everyone to get ready for the festival as Ramone showed Sweetie Belle the dress he made for her. It was an off shoulder dress with a beautiful red color, white ruffles layered at the top and bottom with a gold ribbon wrapped around the waist. The boots were a simple red with festive designs and gold ribbons around the ankles.
"Well how do I look?" Sweetie spun around in her new dress as she stood in front of Ramone.
Ramone himself was wearing a traditional black charro suit with a purple necktie. He bent down in front of her.
"You look beautiful Sweetie Belle." he booped her nose
"But you're still missing one thing."
"Oh right the make up! But I don't know how to do make up."
Ramone picked her and held her on his hip
"No worries Sweetie, mama will help you with that." He picked up a Marigold hair clip and placed it in her hair.
"Besides, I'm not so good with the face paint either." He chuckled before calling for Bulk who sported a festive styled bandana and headed out the room.
"Ok now first we apply a little moisturizer to prepare the skin." Silvia explained while applying said moisturizer to Sweetie Belle's face. They were sitting in the main family room with other family members getting their makeup done.
"Then we apply the foundation." She was using a foundation lighter than Sweetie's natural skin tone in order to get that pale look avoiding the areas around her eyes.
"Now for the eyes." Using an eyeliner pencil to draw circles around her eyes a little upon the eyebrows to the top of the cheekbone making the guidelines for the deepened eye skull effect.
"Now to prime the eyes." Picking up the eyeshadow she used different shades of light green, applying the lighter shade to the inner corner of the outer area of the eye then applying the medium shade blending it in from the outside of the lightest shade, lastly filling in the existing area with the darkest shade blending it in from the outside of the medium shade.
"Next outline the circle with black gel eyeliner." Taking the black gel eyeliner drew a 'U' on the bridge of the nose then a line down the bottom of the and colored it in. For the mouth she lightly drew a horizontal line from the corner of the lips out, then added some towards the inner lips. Drew retangular lines over the lips to look like stitches.
"Normally we add eyelashes next but you don't have to wear them if you don't want to."
"No, they're really uncomfortable and annoying." Sweetie replied
"Ok then I'll just tweak them up a little with the tweezers." Picking up said tweezers to fix up her eyelashes.
"Now I'm going to apply some glitter so keep your eyes closed on this part...nono not that tight just relax and keep them closed." Silvia grabbed a small piece of tissue and placed it below her eyes before applying the glitter.
"And now for the finishing touches." Silvia spoke as she finished up with the traditional designs the flowers and all that.
"And Ta Da! What do you think?" She held up a mirror as Sweetie Belle admired her new look.
"It looks beautiful! Thank You!" Sweetie wrapped her in a hug
"Aww! You are such a sweet girl!" Silvia returned the hug
They turned to Bulk who stared at Sweetie Belle with a confused look. Both giggled as Bulk examined the others curiously for a moment before realizing...
If everyone else is wearing this gunk on their faces then it must be normal.
He scratched his ear before going to sit right next to Sweetie Belle.
Since everyone is going to be dressing and looking the same, better stay close to Sweetie so I don't lose her.
Sweetie was beyond ecstatic when Ramone reminded her that Day of the Dead is a three day festival.
I don't think this girl will be going to bed anytime soon.
Ramone chuckled as the family made their way through the festive streets, Sweetie Belle in awe at everything and Ramone making certain to keep a tight grip on Sweetie's hand.
Bulk on the other hand decided that the crowds would be too much and stayed home with Nacho as she too did not like the big crowds.
Though that excitement quickly turned to slight nervousness as they approached the cemetery. Ramone knew Sweetie Belle had a slight fear of cemeteries. All thanks to Scootaloo's scary stories about zombies jumping out of their graves to eat your brains and the classic zombie movies as well as other monster movies she enjoys watching. Whenever Sweetie Belle saw Scootaloo watching something at night or in the dark she'd run out of there quick as lightning because she knew for certain Scootaloo loved watching scary movies in the dark.
"Sweetie, remember what we talked about." He reminded her and she nodded
"Zombies aren't real and they're not going to jump out of the graves." She whispered shyly hoping the others wouldn't hear.
"Atta girl."
Sylvia had a camera with her and was snapping pictures of everyone and everything, even a few cute ones of Ramone and Sweetie Belle
"Hey Ramone, I thought you said Day of the Dead has nothing to do with Nightmare-I mean Halloween?" Sweetie Belle asked
"It doesn't."
"Then why is everyone dressed up like it is Halloween?"
"That's simple since Halloween is mostly celebrated by children, the art of dressing up in costumes traveled to Mexico, and with the costumes and atmosphere so many people have come by to see our traditions."
So that means I could have worn a costume. Jerk! Sweetie pouted
Ramone noticed another shiver from her as they got closer to the cemetery, I don't think Scootaloo realized how much she really scared Sweetie Belle with those stories.
"Mamá, no creo que Sweetie Belle esté dispuesta a ir al cementerio hoy." Mom, I don't think Sweetie Belle is up for going to the cemetery today.
Ramone tapped his mother on the shoulder who looked back slightly confused
"¿Eh? ¿Por qué tan hijo?" Huh? Why so son?
"¿Recuerdas lo que te dije sobre las bromas constantes de Scootaloo y asustarla con historias sobre zombis y demás?" You remember what I told you about Scootaloo's constant pranks and scaring her with stories about zombies and so?
"Sí, lo recuerdo y esa jovencita debería avergonzarse de sí misma por asustar a su amiga." Yes I remember and that young lady should be ashamed of herself for scaring her friend like.
Silvia scoffed and Ramone just chuckled
"Así que la voy a llevar al festival con Carlos y los demás niños." So I'm going to take her to the festival with Carlos and the other kids.
"Está bien, cariñosos, ¡diviértete!" Okay sweeties, have fun!
Silvia kissed his cheek as the two turned away from the cemetery entrance. Sweetie Belle looked
"Huh? Ramone, where are we going?"
"I know you're just trying to be brave Sweetie, you don't have to go to the cemetery if you're not ready."
Sweetie Belle felt a slight blush on her cheeks as well as relief.
"Oh thank Celestia you noticed! I was too nervous to say anything." Sweetie whispered quietly as she breathed a sigh of relief, Ramone just chuckled at her attempt of bravery.
"And trust me Sweetie you're going to enjoy the festival a lot more. Especially since this day is all about the children."
Sweetie Belle starred in 'ah' eyes sparkles at the sight of such a beautiful and festive sight before her.
"It's incredible!" Sweetie cheered
"EVERYTHING IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!" she jumped up waving her hands in the air
Carlos bent down in front of her
"Sweetie Belle, since you're our guest you get to choose where we go first." he said with a smile
"Really?!" She squealed, holding her alebrije that she had named 'Dante' since it looked just like the loveable dog from Coco, Rarity still safely sitting on the ofrenda back home.
"Of course nina..." Carlos ruffled her hair not noticing the slight annoyance on her face.
Can they please stop calling me that, it's starting to get annoying now.
Ramone noticed and chuckled a bit as Sweetie Belle glanced around the festivities before her eyes locked onto an area where people are gathered around several ofrendas.
"Oh! What about there?" pointing to the ofrendas
"Excellent choice Sweetie!" Carlos cheered before standing up
"¡Muy bien niños! ¡Marcha hacia adelante!" (Alright little children! March onward!)
Maybe I should consider learning Spanish...since most of them seem to forget that I don't understand spanish.
Sweetie sighed as she walked with the group...
Sweetie was happy that she had chosen the judging of the ofrenda as their first stop because now she understands even more just how much thought and effort are put into making them.
Suddenly Carlos got a phone call...
"Hola Dusty!...Really?! ¡Eso es genial!" (That's great!)
We all stopped and turned around to see what all the excitement was.
"Where are you? I will come pick you up...¡Perfecto! I'm on my way!" He hung up before turning to Ramone
"Who was that?" he asked his cousin
"I had invited my fellow racers for Dia De Los Muertos and they had just arrived at the airport. So I'll be leaving to pick them up. Will you be alright watching the ninos on your own."
Ramone nodded and gave him a thumbs up.
"Por supuesto primo! I've got it, you have fun with your friends, we'll meet you back at home." (Of course Cousin!)
"Gracias primo!" Carols thanked him as he turned and headed off.
"Alright kids, so where should we go next?"
...Many hours later...
After going through the festival many activities, sweets, the parade, concert, and so on. Ramone got a text from his mom saying it was time to head back home for dinner, and that Carlos' friends will be joining them at the table and tomorrow when they go back to the cemetery.
"Alright kids, it's time to head back home now!" Ramone announced to the group of children.
"Are Carlos's friends coming to dinner?" Veronica asked, who had been standing next to Sweetie Belle along with Mari and Henry.
"Yeah! Are they?! I wanna meet Dusty Crophopper and Ripslinger!" Henry started jumping up and down.
"And I wanna see Rochelle again!" Mari squealed happily
"I wanna meet Bulldog!"
"And I wanna meet Ishani!"
"Ned and Zed are my favorite!"
All at once the kids were listing off why they wanted Carlos's friends to come, all except Sweetie Belle who has no idea who they're talking about. She only recognized the names from Scootaloo fangirling over their races, one thing she did get from that as well as a few comments Scootaloo read is that apparently Ripslinger, the green one was a really bad guy to begin with but with time and some help from Dusty Crophopper, the orange one. He's a completely new guy now and the two have become best friends.
Sweetie Belle couldn't help but smile wherever she thought about that, thinking how proud her sister and her would be hearing that story.
"I've got something even better, Carlos's friends will be spending the night and joining us for the day tomorrow."
Ramone announced with a smile igniting a chorus of cheering, laughing and squealing of excitement from the children. Sweetie Belle was about to ask why everyone is so excited to meet these people, but then she decided that she would just meet them herself.
...Back at home for dinner...
"RIPSLINGAAA!!!" Henry roared running up his favorite racer, dark skin, wavy black hair, and no surprise green eyes.
"Ehe, that's right kid." he bent down and ruffled the boy's hair.
Standing next to him was who Sweetie guessed must be his twin since they looked exactly alike, though this one's hair was much more neatly combed than his brother's. Behind them were who she guess were the rest of Carlos' friends/racing buddies. Carlos had his arm around a very beautiful brown haired, greened eyed, fair skinned woman.
('Brunette' Sweetie Belle remembered what human's call it, chuckled as everytime she remembered that humans have to dye their hair for it to be as colorful as ponies manes and tails. Thinking how dramatic Rarity would act if she lost her precious purple mane.)
Then again we all kept our ma-hair color when we got here. Though we're still learning about all the different human races, and I don't want to be rude by mixing them up, so it's probably best I try not to mention or ask questions about it until I really understand all of them. Even if it was by accident I said something wrong I'd still feel bad about it.
Sweetie was always the most cautious about meeting other humans of a different race, because there's still so much about earth and humans they don't know about. And she didn't want to risk saying something offensive as she doesn't know what would offend that specific person. So she would alway be extremely careful around new people and think very very hard about her words.
So far so good it worked, though it did worry Ramone that she didn't want to talk or even be near new people because of that. He is proud of her for not wanting to hurt anyone, but that doesn't mean that she has to talk so less to people. That's the main reason why he and the others want to get the lesson on different human races over with quickly so that the girls, mainly Sweetie Belle will be a little more comfortable talking with others outside the town. That and the fact that they're obviously going to be here awhile, it won't be long until they'll have to be enrolled in school. And it's best the town folks teach them as much about humans and earth as they can so the girls will have an easier time when that day comes.
...Any ho, now that that little explanation is over back to the story...
"Mi Familia I like to introduce you to mi amigos! Dusty Crophopper, Ripslinger, his brother Richard, cousins Ned and Zed, Ben (Bulldog), Ishani...and of course mi amor Rochelle."
"It's a pleasure to meet everyone!" Rochelle gave a small cortese, as the others gave their greetings.
While the table is being set, Sweetie Belle has decided to take a little break from everyone for a bit and give her little Bulk love and attention. Just like everyone else she had taken off her makeup, with a little help from Sylvia as she was kinda making a mess trying to scrub it off.
Unfortunately once the makeup was off she started getting some...unwanted attention.
Clears throat
Sweetie Belle turned to see one of the twins standing behind her, looking slightly nervous and...blushing.
"Oh hi! You're um...Zed right?"
Right! Ned wears a green shirt and white jeans while his brother Zed wears a white shirt and green jeans, plus Ned also wears those orange wristbands while Zed doesn't.
"My bad Ned, is there something you need?" Sweetie giggled giving him a sweet smile causing the blush on his face to grow.
"Um!...cough cough..A-um well you see I-I-uh...HERE! T-THIS IS FOR YOU!" He pulled out a rose and Sweetie Belle's cheeks quickly turned pink.
"Oh! Um...thank you. That's very sweet of you." She stood up taking the rose as the two just kinda stood there in awkward silence, feet shuffling as they tried and failed to really look each other in the eye.
"Hey Sweetie Belle?" She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Zed standing there...blushing and clearly hiding something behind his back.
"Oh hi Zed?"
"Sooo...Sweetie Belle, someone told me that you really like stuffed animals, so I got you this."
Sweetie Belle's eye sparkled and she couldn't help but squeal when he pulled out a soft, fluffy, and very adorable little brown puppy plushie!
"Aww! It's so cute!"
She had accidentally dropped the rose when she happily took the gift, but was a little too distracted with her new adorable plushie to notice...nor did she notice the death glare Ned was giving his brother from over her shoulder or the smuggish of grins Zed gave back.
"Um Sweetie Belle...I was um...well was wondering if-"
Zed took advantage of his brother's stuttering and jumped in.
"Hey Sweetie Belle dinner is about to start, would you like to sit with me?"
"Sure!" She said happily as Zed took her by the hand and led her away.
Leaving his poor brother standing alone and defeated...but wanting to pour salt on the wound Zed smirked as he brought a hand behind his back and Ned felt steam coming out of his ears as his own brother flipped him off!
...Dinner had been great, everyone talking, laughing and just being a family. Even with Sweetie Belle completely oblivious to Ned and Zed's obvious competition...
...Though at times Sweetie Belle seemed to notice something a little strange...there seemed to be a lot more kids then from before, but no one else really seemed to notice them...Well except for the dogs as Sweetie Belle had walked in on a couple of girls playing with Bulk.
"Oh hi there I don't think I've met you before! My name is Sweetie Belle and that's Bulk."
The two jumped and looked back at her almost confused, neither said a word leaving Sweetie Belle a little nervous as the two girls stared at each other for a moment then back at Sweetie Belle.
" did I say something wrong? Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked fearing that she might have said something wrong.
Oh no! Did I meet these two and just forgot about them! Oh Celestia I'm horrible!
The girls looked back at eachother one more time before smiling as they turned back to Sweetie Belle. She waited for them to say something...but instead they waved for her to follow them before turning to leave the room. Bulk wanting more pets followed with them and Sweetie Belle wanting to know why they weren't talking to her followed as well. The girls had brought her to the room where the ofrenda stood just as beautiful as when she first laid eyes on it. There were a few other kids there as well, some eating the sweets set out and others playing with the toys. A little girl who looked to be 3 was playing with Rarity, it was fine she would just ask her for it back later. Though she was still a bit confused as to why they brought her here...and why are they still not talking to her.
" why am I here and can I ask why you're not talking to me?"
One of the two simply pointed to a photo, Sweetie Belle walked over and leaned in to get a closer look. The photo was of the two girls!
Sweetie was still confused...then she remembered the main reason for the ofrenda, and her skin went white...white as a ghost.
Most of the adults were still up celebrating and Sweetie Belle was the only child still awake, determined to stay awake a little longer...but the sleep was obviously winning as she walked through the house. Stopped at the door of the room she had previously been in before dinner, and her eyes locked onto something on the ground, as she walked closer she noticed what it was and perked up.
"Oh! Ned's rose! I must have dropped it, silly me!" She giggled before bending down to pick up the gift.
Another yawn escaped her mouth and she rubbed her eyes when she felt a tug on her dress. She turned to see Bulk tugging on her dress, his new pack behind him as they all seem to be thinking the same thing.
"Looks like bedtime for a certain young lady?"
Sweetie turned back around to see Sylvia kneeling over her with a soft smile on her face. Sweetie let out another yawn which made the older woman giggle slightly.
"Guess I'm busted." She laughed tiredly while rubbing her eyes once again.
Sylvia bent down to pick up the tired child and Sweetie Belle sighed in content as she cuddled into her arms. Sylvia smiled brightly and kissed her on the forehead.
"Benditos sueños mi hija."
Blessed dreams my daughter.
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