Chapter 5: Love Trapped, Shouldn't It Be the Other Way Around?

"Help," I moaned pathetically.

I waited for a reply like, 'I'm here dear Erik, let me rescue you from the prison you call the recording room.' I snorted, I shouldn't keep my hopes that high.

I tried again. "Help."

Nope nothing. I groaned and slumped against the door. I should have seen this coming, pushing Juliette's button and she locked me in the school's recording room. I opened my phone, yes, Cupid has a phone. I sighed, no signal and it's 5 p.m. School's out, it's unlikely that anyone will still be here. Looks like I'm trapped here and will have to spend the night at school.

Most people get trapped in love, but I never heard love getting trapped.

Juliette has my weapon that's in the form of a key chain. Even if she did this to me, I still trust her with it. I don't know why I do, I never knew my golden arrows can be so strong. And neither did I know my lead arrows were so strong too. Now Juliette hates me more than she will ever be. Nice job, Cupid.

I feel like a really stupid Cupid, I chuckled at that thought. I was surprised when I heard Juliette's voice in the loudspeaker talking like a radio host. And when she played that song that she knows I absolutely hate. But I have to admit, it's pretty catchy.

Then something hit me. Juliette was in the loudspeaker, she does those 'Songs of the Hour' thing and announcements here... in this room. I slapped my forehead, why in love's name haven't I realize this!

I stood up and walked over to the desk. I turned on the announcement mike.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I said into the mike. "My name is Erik Rosetta, and I'm a junior here. Er, this is kinda embarrassing but I'm trapped in the school's recording room. Can someone unlock it for me, I'm getting claustrophobic."

The last part was a lie, but it got me out of the room faster.

As soon as I turned the mike off, the door opened. The janitor was just as surprised as I was when he found me in the room.

I shooked his hand. "Thank's so much sir, I thought I'll be in there the whole night."

He looked behind me. "Sure son, but isn't there a lady friend with you?"


"Well most of the time I encounter some young couple who were trying to find somewhere where they can fool around but end up accidentally locking themselves in."

I chuckled nervously. "Well the girl who was in here was the one who locked me in."

He gave a low whistle. "You're sure in the dog house."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Let me give you some man-to-man advice. Me having some experience, you should fix whatever boundary you went through with the miss."

"You're right, I need to fix this with Juliette.

He chuckled to himself. "I remember when I was young and in love."

I raised an eyebrow. "Got any crushes, old man?"

He laughed. "Well I do have one, Mildred, one of the school's lunch ladies. But heck, she never notices me."

I looked at him, when he thought of her his pie chart was 94%. When I see someone's pie chart I can also see how the other person feels about the other. And something tells me Mildred shares the same feeling, 91%.

"No need to hide anymore, go up and talk to her. I guarantee she feels the same about you."

He rubbed his chin. "You sure, kid? We only talk when it's our lunch break."

"And it's her favorite time of the day, go for it old man."

"Fine, I'll take my chances. And the name's Mr. Scott to you, I'm not that old."

I nodded. "'Kay then, I got to go."

"Had a nice talk with you son."

We walked our separate ways. Thanks old man, best advice I ever heard, after my dad of course.

I looked at the blank sheet of paper. I got nothing, my mind just got blank. If you're thinking if this is some essay, it's not I'm practically done by it the day the assignment was passed out. I've been trying to write up a song but my I got nothing. My hand found itself fiddling with Erik's weapon key chain. I unhooked it from my belt buckle and studied it. There was a little clasp and when it opened it, it broke in two.

I was about to cry, Noooooo! But I realized it must have been part of the design. One side was gold and the other must be lead. They both look sharp, so I carefully put them together and set them on my desk. The last thing I want is to accidentally prick myself with it.

I'm still a little bit pissed of by Erik, but my anger died down a bit. I'm not really the type to hold a grudge, except when it'a either my best friend's exes or my dad.

I stared at the blank paper. I started to glare at it, I wouldn't be surprise it lasers came out of my eyes and made two holes on the paper. Then I had an idea for a song. What's more better than a song about Cupid?

Yeah, it might work. I met the Cupid, he might be a good inspiration for the song. I made a face, if he finds about this I'll die. My mind started to move my hand, writing lyrics for the song.

After a couple of hours, I got the first few versus of my song. This is what I have so far:

It all started when I got shot,

He didn't mean for me to get what I got

I thought for sure I was dead

I looked up to Cupid and said


Clueless Cupid, why are you here?

Your very presence is something to fear,

You see love like its just some game

But you're gonna see love never the same

I grinned at myself, feeling quite proud of what I have so far.

"Okay, now I need a couple more verses."

"Couple verses for what?" Someone asked leaning on my shoulder.

I grabbed my pencil (which is very sharp) and held it up against someone's neck. My room was dark, with only the computer the only thing lighting the room. My pencil was still up against the person's neck, who didn't dare making any sudden movements. My hand finally found my lamp, and I turned it on.


He grinned sheepishly but didn't say anything. Maybe because the pencil was still poking his neck. I put down the pencil and glared at him.

"Why the hell are you here!"

He shrugged. "Can't I visit my favorite girl?"

"Sure, your favorite girl locked you in the recording room."

He pinched my cheek. "And I forgive you for that."

"Stop that."

He peered behind me. "So what's that?"

"What's what?"

"That piece of paper you were writing on, what's it about?"

I got the paper and crumpled it behind me. "Nothing, it's nothing!"

He smirked. "You act like it's something."

"No I don't!" I protested.

He pushed my hair behind my shoulder, a shiver went down my spine. "Then show it to me."




His face lit up. "So yeah?"


He pouted. "Please?"


"Pretty please?"


"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"


His hand trailed down my arm. Then found itself touching my hand.

He moved closer to me."I just want one peek."


He uncurled my hand and took the paper from my hand. My mind was still processing him touching my hand when I realized he took the paper.


He was about to unfold it. "So let's see here..."

"Don't read it!"

He held it up in the air. "Why, is it a love letter?"

"Of course it isn't!"

I pathetically jumped trying to grab the paper. Why does he have to be so damn tall?

He waved the paper in the air. "Are these cheats for next weeks test?"

"Why would I have cheats? I don't cheat!" I grabbed his arm to pull it down but he's strong too.

"A page of a diary, then?"

I stood on my tippy toes. "What do I look like? 6?"

He laughed. "Then I should see what's in it then."


Erik must have tripped on one of my books and toppled backwards on my bed. I took the chance and climbed over him and got my paper from his hand.

I screamed, "YES!"

My mom burst into the room. "Juliette, is something wrong? I heard you arguing with someone upstairs."

"I, uh..."

I looked down at Erik who put his finger to his lips. How did my mom not see this guy on my bed unless... he's in Cupid mode.

I looked back at my mom. "I was talking with Dylan and she was asking for my history notes."

"And why did I hear arguing?"

"We were arguing about why she doesn't take her own notes, and she bounced back because she was doing tryouts in the soccer girls-division"

"Oh, she should do her notes. But you should help out a friend once in a while, they can repay you back with something better."

"Noted, thanks mom."

She nodded and closed the door. But then she poked her head in my room. "And Juliette?"


"I'm sorry for talking about your father, I know you're still sour about him."

"It's okay, really."

"Good," and she closed the door. I sighed in relief as I heard her footsteps going away.

"What's the weather up there?"

I forgot that I was on top of Erik when I tried to get my music lyrics. Wow, that sounded weird. I mentally slapped myself for the thought.

"Don't get too cocky."

He grinned. "Too late for that now."

"How come my mom can't see you?"

"Why should she? She has your dad right?"

I bit my lip. "Actually no, she doesn't."

"Why, did something happen to him?"

"Don't you mean did something happen to her?!" I snapped.

He looked startled. "I'm sorry for implying that-"

I shook my head. "Just forget it."

"So... is it me, or am I getting lucky tonight?"

I punched his chest. "What's wrong with you?"

He laughed. "It was a joke."

"I'm 16, I don't want to be 16... and pregnant!"

He lifted his head up by using his elbows as a kickstand. He was inches away from my face. "Can I get a kiss then?"

I had this stupid urge to lean forward but my head jerked back. I retreated off of my bed and backed up to my desk. Erik had a look of disappointment, then leaned back of my bed again and sighed.

"Can't blame a guy for trying," he mumbled to himself.

"But why can't she see you?"

He sat up. "I didn't know that you didn't know that she was seeing someone."


"It's some guy name Oscar Williams, know him?"

I blinked. "Yeah, he's her colleague. They're really close, but I never realized that..."

I trailed off. My mom moved on, but why can't I? I wanted to move on to another subject.

"Why are you here?"

"I entrusted you with my bow and arrows, just wanted to check on you."

"Oh," I tossed the key chain to him. "If you wanted it back you could've just asked."

He tossed it back at me. "Nah, hold on to it a little longer. It's nice having a break from archery practice."

"So you admit, you use people for target practice."

"No! I don't, I swear!" He protested. 

"It was only a joke, you're so gullible."

"Not as gullible as you," he muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing."

"So Mr. Scott was the one who let you out huh?"


"Mr. Scott, the janitor."

"Oh yeah, I had to use the announcement mike so he could unlock the door."

I burst out laughing. "You used the mike?!"

"Either that or I would've stayed in there the whole night."

"But you do know that there are some after school tutoring in some classes and the library."


"And there was football practice after school, that you skipped, must I remind you."


I giggled at that. "So what did you say, 'Help! Get me out of this place! Some crazy girl locked me in the school's recording room. And I'm freakin' starving!'"

"No, but I should have, especially the crazy girl part."

I rolled my eyes. 

"So how did you know it was Mr. Scott?"

"Lots of people ask me for the favor for using the recording room for, er, privacy."

"Say what?"

"The pro is they even offer money thought I'm fine with just giving them the favor. The con is that they always leave a mess." I shuddered at the thought.


"But I stopped the business, thankfully."

He didn't say anything.

"Oh god, I didn't freak you out with that thing did you?"

He chuckled. "Oh no, that's not it. I'm just thinking about your dad, if you don't mind."

"Oh," I said with annoyance.

"I was just curious."

"I don't want to talk about it."

He ran his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"It's okay, I just don't really like talking about him."

"I see."

"What about you, what's your dad like?"

He shrugged. "He's what people mostly see Cupid as, a player."

"A player?"

"Y'know in movies, that one friend who's the ultimate flirt, goes clubbing every night, all night. Hangs out with girls the same time. Add that to someone who looks like an older version with me and you get... my dad."

"Oh, wow."

"He's a pain in the ass, but he's my dad." He chuckled at that. "But other than that, even if he acts like that, he knows love like the back of his hand."

I wanted to press on more about the previous Cupid after Erik, but it would be unfair since I didn't tell a thing about my dad. "He sounds pretty cool, I guess."

"Sure, sure."

I looked at my alarm clock on my nightstand. 10 p.m, it's that late? Erik looked at the direction I was staring at.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was past your bed time."

"Shut up! It's just so late." I yawned pathetically.

He smiled, "you're so cute when you're trying very hard to stay awake."

"I'm not trying, there are many times when I'm still awake in 3 in the morning to finish a project."

"Sure you do," he rolled his eyes.

I stood up and stretched. "Fine don't believe me, but I'm getting to bed."

He fell back to my bed again. "Don't mind if I do."

I slammed my pillow at his face. "I'm serious, leave."

"Why can't I stay?" He whined like a little kindergartner.

"'Cause I wanna sleep, and I can't sleep if some guy is in the same room as me."

I grabbed my pillow away from him, but he hold onto it. Refusing to let go.

"Let go."


"I said let go."


"C'mon, let go!"


He let go and I fell backward on my butt. I groaned in pain. He ran up to me.

"Juliette, are you okay? I didn't mean for you to get hurt!"He said. "What should I do. CPR, mouth-to mouth?"

"Erik," I groaned. "Please, come closer."

"Oh, OK."

"No, closer."

"Of course."

I slowly opened my eyes and...smacked him on the forehead.

"What the-?" 

"That's for letting go."

"Your asked me to."

"You know I didn't mean it like that."

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

I sat up, rubbing bottom. 

"Is there anything I could do? Get you an ice pack? Do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?"

"What's with you and the resuscitation thing?"

"Nothing, I just find it a clever way to-"

"There is one thing you can do for me."

"What? I'll do anything."


His shoulders slumped "Fine, if that's what you want.."

"Yes, I do."

He stood up and went towards my window. "I'll just end it here then."

I stood up. "What?"

He opened the window and took a deep breath of air. 

"Erik, What are you doing?"

"Goodbye Juliette."

Then he jumped out of the window.

"Nooooo!!" I screamed as I ran to the window. I looked out of the window in panic, did he jump? Why did he jump, did he suicide?!

Then I heard laughter and saw Erik fly up with his beautiful feathered wings to the sky and soar away. I banged my head against the wall, how can I forgot?

Erik is Cupid.

Cupid has wings.

Wings mean flying.

I feel like a huge idiot right now.


Helloooooo readers!!! Sorry it took me sooo long to finish this. I only got one more project! But I've been in wattpad the whole day. Wattpad is bad for my academic grades....JUUUST KIIIDINNNN'!!! I love love love wattpad, did I mention I love wattpad?

Movie I'm watching (was): Fred 3, I think. I forgot, whoops. It's about Fred going to this camp called Camp Iwannapeepee (ikr? when I first heard of it, I was like seriously?) But then I heard their camp motto (p.s they say iwannapeepee is America Indian for giving someone sunshine and rainbows or something, I forgot again.) Anywho, the motto is: Iwannapeepee on you, Iwannapeepee on you, Iwannapeepee on all of you. When I first heard of it, I burst out laughing with my little bro, but later on in the movie it just go down right idiotic. LOL, though. (I watched the movie today, I have no clue how I forgot that much of the movie. I feel as if I'm having this short-term memory thing but not as bad as Dorothy in Finding Nemo who has short term memory loss.)

Well, thanks for reading this chapter. And hope you'll like the next chapter.

Oops, I forgot. VOMMENT!!

Jk, of course I didn't forget something like that. DERP



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