Sometimes memories were painful, the happiness the pictures carried made you sadder for you weren't that happy anymore. This picture was taken by Renjun, he was a darling but he left for China after graduation. He used to be Marks best friend. Haechan sniffled at the picture. He missed his past and dreaded his future now.
"I know we just met but......you can talk to me. You look like you have so much on your mind and heart. I'll take your secrets to my grave." Jaemin's cheerful voice sounded making the brunette look up.
"It's........I don't even know what's happening to my life anymore." Hyuck choked in a sob, Jaemin took hold of his hand as he guided him to a room. It was Jeno's cabin, a place he had every right to be in.
"No one will disturb us here. Except for Jeno, he's such a darling so you can tell me anything. I'll do everything I can to help you." Jaemin was genuine, he wanted to help this Pudu, he's never had siblings or a friend so he wanted to help Haechan.
"Do you.......Do you perhaps know Mark Lee?" He started, weird but he trusted Jaemin, he was like an open book. Reserved and precious, his hand caressing his belly time to time with a soft sweet smile.
"Yeah! That hot ass senior guy right? Damn Jeno get so jelly at him because I used to crush on Mark before. So what about him?" The bunny like boy waddled around trying to get them some drinks.
"He......He's my husband." The secret he had kept for years had been let out. Jaemin almost had a miscarriage at the statement. He came back with a worried expression and sat before Haechan.
"Husband?" He whispered.
"Yes......I started dating him when I was 13, he was amazing, the schools nerd and also the head boy when he became older. We got married after our graduation, alone with just one friend for witness. Actually I wanted to marry him so bad after he'd proposed earlier at mid term. He took a year off so he can graduate with me, My family is strict and my mother is a monster but Mark started changing all of a sudden and he started hitting me and......well he used to abuse me alot after. We were both on a one year break so we could go to university together. So I ran away but I did promise to return as soon as I can, the year put me into severe depression, my mother forced me to be with Jaehyun and he abuses me alot too. I want to know what happened to my baby, I want him to tell me but he won't do it, it's like he's keeping it from me and it hurts so much. I still love him like crazy and.......I don't mind being abused by the man who loves me, I just don't to be anywhere close to Jaehyun. I'm scard. All he ever wants is to be pleased or asks me if I'm ready for sex. Like.......I can't tell Mark my problems because it's not my story, it's his. I want to help him. I want my baby lion back and I don't know how I am supposed to do it!!" Donghyuck broke down crying, for the first time he had told someone, the weight lifted off his chest. Finally.
"I think I understand but Haechan we don't walk the same shoes, I can't say I feel you or I feel Mark but I've been where your husband has. I was severally broken, I was on drugs, I clubbed with people I didn't know, I attacked anyone who pissed me off. My family was shit, I barely remember anything because they threw me at an orphanage when I was three. I thought that was it, I had no one who loved me so I wanted to ruin myself and die. Then I met Jeno, he was older, patient and kind. He held my hand and promised me that things would get better, I didn't believe him at first. I thought if him as a liar, a pervert trying to get into my pants but as days went by I started changing, I smiled, I ate well, I started waiting for him, I realized that he loved me and that he wasn't lying. I've been dating him since I was 15, he was 25 back then, he didn't even lay a finger on me until I turned 21, he gave me a life I never thought I would. Sometimes all you need to do is, hold their hands together and assure them that you'll always be there for then. It's going to be okay. Mark needs someone to talk to, you need to show him you love him even though things were different. Hmm? We were all monsters at one point if our lives." Jaemin's eyes were red, he wasn't crying but his smile did show he was reopening an old wound, it also showed that it didn't hurt as much anymore.
"NaNa." Haechan whispered as Jaemin pulled him into a hug, tight like a mothers hold and soft as a protective friends love.
"I like that name. Now stop crying hmm? I remember you mumbling about your mother trying to snatch Marks house right? Time for you to slither inside and get your man back. Jaehyun can fuck himself if he has a long dick. I mean-" Jaemin was shocked at himself as both burst into laughter. It felt so good to laugh after years and be happy.
"I'm moving in tonight. Oh no!! Jaehyun would beat me if I got late. Bye NaNa I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you for everything!! I love you." Haechan kissed his cheek and waddled off as Jeno came in with glasses and his papers.
"Love? Are you okay?" Jeno kissed the pink heads forehead with his bright sunshine like eye smile.
"Never been better. It's so good to have a best friend." Giggled NaNa with a squeal.
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