090: Jerrika

Jerrika had never seen such heinous destruction and waste. Bodies were strewn in bits and pieces all over the trail, and surrounding camp, a camp that had been somewhat disbanded, hastily moved and left to be scattered in the wind. She circled, looking for the Aerie, and found the golden wings of Kahlest shredded and torn, her body hacked and mutilated on the ground, being pecked by scavenging pheroons. How long had it been? How long since she'd heard their cries of panic? Moments? Days? She hadn't been that far from them, had she?

She alighted near what was left of the Aerie leader, Kahlest, a girl she had only met in Zalez. Tears wet her eyes. There were more, dark haired Harpyiae, golden blondes, the white of older bird women. How many, she counted, at least five. And the men they'd fought? A hundred. Two.

She was moaning as she transformed into human form and walked through the scenes of death and battle. "Oh no." 

She was about to spread her wings once more to ease the agonizing pain she felt, when she heard a male voice calling to her.

"Maiden, will you help us?" Jerrika spun once more, and this time saw a small contingent of Minions and Foemen gathered just over a sand dune covered in blood and broken bodies. Nothing moved until she detected a hand waving her over. Jerrika ran.

She knelt at the side of the downed Harpyiae, shoving the grasping Minions away, and slapping at the hand of the huge Foeman who knelt protectively over the woman.

"I can reach her in Zalez, we are connected..." He breathed awkwardly, "We were connected when she fell..."

Jerrika's eyes met his in sparking wrath. "Yes, I'm sure you were."

Fontayne knew she had the right to see this place and realize what happened here with disgust and horror, but he also knew that he could help the girl with further strength from another's Zalez. He sensed this living Harpyiae had that strength. Would she set aside her animosity in favor of saving Sibeal's life?

Jerrika bolstered her hands on either side of Sibeal's face and closed her eyes going deeply into Zalez as Ondrea had taught her. As she concentrated, the life force from her own body began to reach out to the planet beneath her, acquainting itself with those who ranged close by. The Foeman who had said he was connected to her was the first whose Zalez strength was at Jerrika's disposal. As anathema as it was to her, she dared to incorporate it in order to save this Harpyiae's life.

After what seemed like a very long time, she looked up and saw Fontayne's expression of approval. She looked down and saw that Sibeal's dark purple eyes were open and she was staring upward.

Jerrika fell back, her legs gone weak, her arms limp. If they wanted to kill her, now was the time. Fontayne lifted Sibeal into his arms and was cradling her tenderly, brushing her fair hair back, and kissing her forehead in relief.

"How come you to be her lover?" Jerrika asked inside his mind, her energy weak, her mind voice a mere whisper.

The answering chuckle was complimentary in nature. "I am no such thing."

"Why do you care then if she lives or dies? How many others are dead on this battlefield?"

"Including the leader? I think, six. And somewhere around a hundred of my men. Your sisters were valiant. What are you called and why were you not originally among them?"

"I am Jerrika, daughter of Ondrea Taan of Aquaria. I was not raised in the Aerie as were these." 

The Foeman's lips twitched. A born Princess of Aquaria? He held Sibeal carefully, with part of his mind taking in her breathing, and her temperature, the other assessing the warrior in front of him. Jerrika was nothing if not regal. She stood ready, obviously having seen battle before. She'd been a searcher in Sentinel, she had that stance. Yet she was the epitome of arrogant confidence, and a sad sort of confusion warred in her eyes as she took in the gross destruction around them. 

"I am Fontayne Etrusia." He glanced back up at her shaded in the dimming light of the rising moons. Her dark hair framed her face, leaving her all in shadow to him. "I was raised in Village Etrusia and had sworn allegiance to Quildor through my membership in the Elite Quarso, until today, when a child of Valdemar saved my life."

Jerrika barely heard his civil words and glanced in anger and confusion at the strewn bodies of the Minions around her. "Will you care for these?" she indicated the need for burial or disposal in some way. "I have need to be elsewhere. The war is commencing, and the healing of the planet. My duties take me to the sea." 

Fontayne realized as she did not, how affected she was by the reality of war. She was not a brutal woman, nor was she cruel or uncaring.

He decided to acknowledge her allegiance to Taan and Ondrea, ignoring her awkward shifting as she scanned the area around them in rising dread. "I know nothing of the healing of the planet. I only know that I have seen enough atrocities this month to sicken me beyond measure. Where is your liege? Where is Taan?"

Jerrika shook herself to a standing position, the need to be on her way was overpowering. She could do nothing here, and yet everything needed to be done. She glanced to the east where the outline of Sentinel still stood in hazy and faded glory. "He is in Aquaria, I presume. I know not. I was held captive in Castle Quildor and set free by Ondrea Aquaria." 

She looked directly into Fontayne's eyes darkened by duty. "This brief moment we meet as enemies is a truce between us, because of your love for the Harpyiae. But it will end when I leave." Jerrika raised her arms in transformation.  "Choose to follow Galantyne, or meet your death at Quildor's hand. There are things you know nothing of Fontayne Etrusia. Things I cannot explain except to say that your hope lies in surrendering to Galantyne, none else." 

With that, and one last look at Sibeal's gently cradled body, Jerrika lifted into the air. She spread her wings and once more turned toward the sea and her mother.


Rion retraced his mind links till he reached Ondrea's consciousness and in desperation reached out once more to her mind. "You're her mother! Lend more strength!"

"What would you have me do? She is surrounded by swirling water." Came Ondrea's own desperate mind voice. "Talisman is even now evacuating the Mountain, cleansing is about to occur."

"Protect her!" Rion sought frantically to understand the strange words Ondrea used, the strange allegiances she had, the foreign beliefs that held her bound. "Encompass her, give her air and buffering. She cannot be lost!"

He stopped and looked to the sea, intent upon Kara's cause

He felt Ondrea surge ahead of him to meet and match with others, to join forces to save this precious daughter. By seeing through their eyes he was able to ascertain first Galantyne marshalling those he could to higher ground outside the village. He saw Galantyne stop and turn to face the mountain, focusing on his sister. In his mind's eye Rion witnessed another, a woman, also stop in the halls of Sentinel as she too was herding people out to safety, she too lent her strength at the clarion call. And further, so far away as to be almost non-existent, a third mind voice added strength to the protective shield being woven around and around Kara's unconsciousness. This third was also the strongest, a direct connection not to Kara as were the others, but to someone Ondrea knew and loved. He heard the acceptance of this third person, as he calmly gave his not inconsiderable ability. "Ondrea, let me help you." Came that distinct mind voice and the name and mental signature of Archer Valdemar.

Rion wondered for precious seconds about the league being formed by their longings to save this Princess, and then he surged ahead of them and wrapped her essence safely in his mind strength, giving her air and buffering where there was none to be had. He stayed in her conscious even when she herself wasn't aware, and as she was carried along the tunnels inside the mountain to that inevitable cascading geyser, Rion was there. She erupted into the air, but rather than burst the cocoon she was being carried in, he lifted her clear of the debris and rubble, the rising waters, boulders and broken pathways. He lifted her clear and heard in his mind, "Bring her to me!"

Rion opened his own eyes and forced himself to open Kara's in order to see Galantyne far enough away to not be affected by the tumult.

In supreme effort Rion directed the body of his love toward her brother using the combined strength of those who loved her. In moments she arrived in her brother's arms, and Rion felt the collapse of raw energy as the others withdrew from him.

"Come to me first, Rion." Ondrea said distinctly. "Come to me Avarona and Galantyne, there is little time." And then the contact with Ondrea faded and was gone.


Ondrea sat back on the shore, her body limp and freezing. Mathilde rocked her from behind, gently squatting with arms around her, lending warmth and sight. Ondrea had turned suddenly inward and Demor had said she was in mental battle to save her daughter, Mathilde knew not which daughter that might be, but thought Jerrika, as that was the last thing she'd said before collapsing.

Ondrea opened her eyes, but as the mental links slipped from her as the others concentrated their energy on saving their own contingents, she kept the last one, the unexpected one. "Archer."

"My lady." Came his firm reply.

"You live." Was her astonished observation. "I felt Taan's death, and feared you were with him."

"He died in my arms." Archer confirmed in her mind, the feeling that accompanied his words was warm and sincere, not tactile, but gentle and assuring, holding back the raw need she knew was felt between them. "We are upon the sea in a wounded craft, with no way to navigate. My comrades are scientists and are working to find a way to land before we perish. Etrusia is no more."

Ondrea felt her world breaking in brittle pieces as this confirmation came tumbling to her mind, and she closed herself off to grieve privately.

"My lady." Came Archer's mind voice gently. "Are you also in danger as was your Princess?"

"She is safely with Galantyne. But will they be safe when the planet heals? There is no time. She must revoke her kai."

"I wish I were there to help you."

"Soon, we will find a way." Ondrea's voice turned once again to her immediate concerns, as she felt the rushing of young wings envelope her and she turned to the waiting arms of her daughter, Jerrika.


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