021: Kara

Kara scanned the assembled crowd of dignitaries there to celebrate the lunar perigee, a time when the full moons of Belion and Delicor were aligned and Garimon was eclipsed. It was a time of Great Harvest, as the normal algal bloom they depended on for all their sustenance was plentiful and close. It gave the dwellers in the undersea domes a reason to celebrate. Galantyne ensured she'd be here tonight with promises, such as there might be other ways to rescue Jerrika.

"My dear, you look stunning." Korlon tucked her arm close to his body.

"The dress was Jerrika's choice."

"I'm sure it was, nevertheless, it suits you very well." His hand deliberately caressed the naked skin at the back of her gown.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She snapped, jerking herself away. His eyes sparkled at her while his thumb kept up the small caress. "There is nothing wrong with my dress!"

"It is provocative."

"In what way is it provocative? If Jerrika were here she would be wearing its twin."

"Did it expose so much skin?"

Kara shrugged her shoulders in annoyance. "It is comparable to the fashion I see floating around here. You are far too interested in it."

"You should allow Jerrika to choose your wardrobe more often."

Kara's hand rose to cover her mouth. Korlon instantly regretted his words, meant to convey a completely different meaning than the one she took. He brought her fingers to his lips, holding her eyes steadily. "Accept my apology, my words were careless, Kara."

Her eyes filled with tears, and she discreetly dashed them away, searching inside for that warm strength she'd felt on the stairs. To her relief, the feeling came. It took the throat-clogging pain away so she wouldn't disgrace herself by crying at this public function. She must get through this so she could be there to urge them all to mount Jerrika's rescue.

Korlon changed the subject. "Had you noticed Belakane has made a rare appearance? She brought her adopted sons, Princes Evian and Tylar, with whom she hopes to propose an alliance with you."

Kara strained to see them over the gathering of the receiving line.

Her eyes sought Galantyne's. He stood next to their father, and in that moment a welling of emotion threatened to choke her again. She let her fingers ride softly beneath her eyes to swipe at the dripping emotions. Galantyne, her dear, beloved brother! Gone were the angry rebellious thoughts from their earlier encounter. Kara gave Feniece the obligatory pat on the shoulder, moved in for a hug from Galantyne, and then stepped to her Father. There was something in the way he gathered her in. She knew in her heart he would help her!


She didn't see his arms rise to enfold her in his embrace, she only felt the warmth of his touch as he pulled her close to his breast. "Kara!"

A feminine throat clearing brought them back to the present, as Taan's wife, Lynette reminded them of who and where they were.

"We will speak privately." Taan nodded. Kara reached for Korlon's hand at her side, knowing he would never leave her when she was this emotional.

He whispered discreetly. "You are exhausted."

Korlon procured goblets as they made their way to a table, thankful that seating arrangements weren't pre-assigned. Galantyne's banquets were never as formal as in Aquaria.

He found an empty table and held Kara's chair for her. As soon as they sat, he lifted his drink to salute her and then eyed the two young Princes across the room. "There they are."

Kara feigned an interest in the chandelier but turned her eyes in the direction Korlon indicated and saw four young men pretending not to look in her direction, but one of them was familiar.

"Lailoken!" She gasped, squinting in his direction. "I hadn't known Gal was letting the boys attend. I think I was fourteen at my first public function."

Beside them were the two Princes. She was not surprised to see their adopted mother, Queen Belakane, pointing her out. "I should just go and introduce myself."

Korlon pursed his lips in annoyance. "Wouldn't you have met them when you attended school on Carrigah?"

"Yes." Her eyebrows rose. "I'm sure I did. But that was almost five years ago. The oldest one, Evian, I think, was attending school in Etrusia. If I remember correctly, Belakane wanted him to study government, and what better way than to mentor with one of the provisionary officials my father sent to watch over Etrusia? Belakane is very ambitious for her boys."

Korlon's arm lay across the back of her chair and his thumb absently caressed her exposed skin. Kara concentrated on that thumb. "Why do you keep rubbing my back? Do you think it will keep me alert?"

"Why? Is it keeping you alert?" He let it slip farther to her side, causing a shiver.

"Do you think anyone will notice? Your attention to me is quite forward for this occasion."

"I would call it possessive."

"Possessive? Why would you be possessive of me? You mean because of those boys?"

"Well, you are being discussed as a future mate for one of them."

"Whom else would you care to see me with, Korlon? Is there someone you have in mind? You've always known this day would come, as have I."

"I have known this day would come, but I wonder: will you turn them down?"

"And do what? Defy the Council and my father?"

"You are beyond marriageable age. You are what, all of nineteen?"

"How astute you are. You know very well how old I am, as well as I know you are twenty-seven. And that boy over there is but twenty, and his brother only eighteen. Neither of them has the training or the drive to search for the Talisman. I doubt being married to them would afford me the opportunity to do so either. They will be politicians, Korlon, to some extent like you. Only you are a warrior and an ambassador, and you understand my future plans. I would be far better off with you, don't you think?"

Korlon's thumb stopped caressing. "Are you saying you would prefer being with me, Kara?"

Korlon felt the tightening of the muscles all over his body. His hand rested on top of hers on the table as the room fell away and all sound faded into the background.

"I had not dared to hope..." He leaned forward, his eyes resting on her red lips.

"Eh! Eh, what is this?" Galantyne's voice interrupted Korlon's intention and Kara jumped in her seat, her face reddened all the way to the roots of her hair. Galantyne pulled up a chair. "I thought I saw an intimacy about to happen, right here in this grand ballroom. Did I see correctly?"

Kara closed her eyes to block out the view of her brother's mocking, yet very accepting grin. She heard Korlon's affirmative answer.

"Has it been decided then? I was under the impression that Belakane had brought her boys here tonight for just this purpose."

"We were discussing that." Kara muttered evasively.

I will speak to your father soon.

Maybe we should wait. I will not accept a proposal from either of those boys.

Why wait, love?

There is so much at stake right now. Jerrika... the Talisman.

Kara, I would never forbid you to search for the Talisman.

I know that, but---

Your brother waits for his answer, what should I tell him?

She looked up at Galantyne. "I think if there is anything to tell it must wait until after Jerrika has been rescued."

Galantyne's eyes flashed. "Kara, you must not attempt anything stupid."

"Stupid." Anger clouded her judgment.

He leaned close. "We will discuss a meeting."

"A meeting."

"To negotiate with Quildor."

"That's certainly progress. But what if he will not negotiate?"

"Then we will discuss further options at that time."

Kara turned away, fighting bitter tears. She jerked her chin at Korlon.

I think you want more of me right now than I can give.

Anything you offer has always been enough.

Galantyne left to greet another guest as Lailoken and Faherdin joined Kara and Korlon's table.

"Are these seats taken, Aunt?" Lailoken tried his best-mannered smile.

"No, please sit with us." Korlon withdrew his intense gaze and his arm from around her back.

Lailoken lowered his voice. "Are you planning to rescue Jerrika? The two of you?"

"I would never go behind your father's back, Lailoken." Korlon picked up his drink, pretending not to have been speaking some of the most important words of his life just seconds before.

"I know you wouldn't, but she might." Lailoken pointed his own drink at Kara.

"If I make any attempt to rescue Jerrika, you know your father will deport me. Tell me, what would you do if I were deported?"

"I would hope you'd be deported to Etrusia."

"Excuse me? Etrusia? Whyever for?"

"It is why Belakane's sons are here, Kara. To see if Taan will appoint one of them your betrothed, and then give both of you the regency of Etrusia. It is his to give, and there has been little contact lately with the provisional government Taan set up. Someone will need to take over the reins."

Korlon's eyebrows shot up. "You are interested in this development, why?"

Lailoken looked far more shrewd than any thirteen-year-old should. "A new government on Etrusia might cause much unrest. Whichever of Belakane's sons Kara chooses will need a military general. I have little hope of inheriting father's realm, so that post might be rewarding."

Kara stared at her nephew in shock. "You're a little boy! You shouldn't be thinking such things!"

Lailoken snorted. "I might be young, but I am not a child."

"Oh ho!" Kara chortled. "Not a child, huh? I beg to differ with you. I was just telling Korlon that I wasn't even allowed to attend one of these events until I was fourteen. And here you are, only thirteen! And Faherdin only twelve. Don't get ahead of yourselves, boys!"

Belakane pulled her two Prince's close and Kara's mouth went dry. Protocol demanded that she rise and greet her Aunt, the Queen of Carrigah. Korlon anticipated her thought and had a hand on her chair to help her up. It was also a casual statement that he was her protector.

Kara rose, feeling gentle strength permeate her being, and waited for her Aunt to arrive. She gave her that same obligatory cheek touch and slight pat that was expected of close relatives in this setting. She gazed at her Aunt trying to see the Warrior Princess she had once been. It was difficult; the years had not been good to her.

"Kara, my girl, how good to see you. You must come to my rooms later and tell me about yourself and your adventures here with Galantyne. May I present my son, Prince Evian?" she pulled the taller of the two young men forward and Kara allowed him to take her hand. His eyes were brown like many of the Etrusians, his hair was short, his facial hair just growing in, and he proudly displayed it above his upper lip. There was a gleam in his eye that Kara found unsettling. She forced a smile and dropped her eyes. "

And Prince Tylar." The next young man stepped forward and Kara focused her attention on him, hoping for a different result and she wasn't disappointed. Tylar's face was less furtive, and the gleam in his eye bespoke a love of youthful drama. They may have been in their early twenties, but neither boy appealed to Kara as a future mate. She accepted their interested eyes, their barely touching hugs.

"Won't you join us?" She indicated Tylar and Evian as graciously as she could.

"I understand you've been venturing inside Auditorium, Kara."

Kara fluttered her napkin into her lap without answering him, trying vaguely to come up with something witty and divertive. Evian gave Korlon a knowing smirk. "She's clearly intoxicated."

"Why in the world would you say that?" Kara was surprised at such an odd remark from this Prince. She turned to see Belakane had walked away and then whirled back to her table mates.

"Your guardian is clearly supporting you. I understand you are not only disobedient to your liege, but also--."

"Prince Evian! I can assure you---." Korlon began with protective authority, but Kara shushed him with a hand cut across her neck to indicate that he could let her handle this.

"Prince Evian. Why would you bring either of those allegations to this table, this night of all nights, and the minute you are invited to enjoy our hospitable invitation no less?"

"I wasn't sure I would have an opportunity to speak with you any other time."

"The night is young. I'm sure you could have devised a better moment to bring these things to the fore, however, since your rearing has obviously not prepared you for such courtly manners, let me answer your charges in my own defense, and please accept my word, since you are in my home, and you seem to feel these issues are of the utmost importance. Anyone who knows me can attest, I do not partake of spirits. Please see that the glass in front of me is still full."

"Your eyes are clearly red-rimmed and puffy, Princess, a dead giveaway for drunkenness." He kept his eyes focused on hers even when his brother laid a warning hand on his shoulder.

"I have been grieving the loss of someone very dear to me, Prince. The redness you see is due to tears. I would not have attended this function except my father and brother wished it fervently, and asked that we keep our grief to ourselves." She straightened before taking a deep breath, "As far as the allegation that I am disobedient to my liege, yes, that rumor has been substantiated. I am quite aware of what they say about me, but my relationship with my brother is certainly none of your business, and I have not put myself or the realm in danger."

"You are aware then, that your father and my mother have put forth our names as possible joint rulers of Etrusia?"

Kara's eyes narrowed. "Clearly, any such suit would be unfavorable. I am of age, and so are you. They cannot force us to marry."

Evian steepled his fingers one over the other. "You have spirit, Kara. I find that amusing."

"Amusing, you say?" She could feel Korlon's annoyance rising to a peaking crescendo and worried he might announce their tentative plans before it was completely decided in order to put this young guppy in his place.

"I find that when a King speaks, such as your father, one is wise to obey."

"You are saying that if my father encouraged me to marry you, I would do well to accept his pleasure? My father would never force me to wed against my will."

"You know little of court politics."

Kara frowned. "I care only for finding the Talisman and cleansing the toxic air for all the tri-kingdoms. If you want to rule Etrusia, go right ahead. You won't need my help, as you have indicated, I am not the ruling type. If you are worried that my father will force me to marry you, rest your fears, I have no intention of marrying you!"

Evian's eyes widened alarmingly and he reached for his dress sword as he pushed back his chair. "You would defy the King? You are unfit to rule at all! You might even be a traitor."

"Sit down, young man!" Korlon had risen. "Your overreaction is causing an impolite stir. Let us take this discussion somewhere others won't be disturbed by your obscene disclosures!"

Evian did not sit down and all of the tables surrounding them had hushed to stare at the debacle.

"You must be mad, to call me a traitor!" Kara reached for her dagger that wasn't there. Her hand closed into a fist.

Galantyne's voice in her ear urged her to sit down. Kara broke loose from him and stepped around her chair to plant herself firmly in Evian's path. Her eyes challenged him feverishly. "How dare you?"

"Just to make sure we are completely in accord..." He stepped close to her.

"Accord? I would not marry you if my life depended on it." She hissed angrily. "And we certainly didn't need this event to prove it. I must ask you to leave."

Evian's eyes flashed quickly to his Mother's scandalized ones. As Archer also approached, he seemed to recall where he was, and he re-sheathed his sword, giving his brother one triumphant look, he pushed back his chair and made for the exit.

Kara glanced at Tylar, whose face had blanched white and then bright red.

"Do you have any idea why he just did that?"

"Yes. He was concerned that you would be forced into a contract of marriage with him, and he finds you unsuitable. He had told our mother earlier that he would make sure you would never accept his proposal. I think he has done just that. If you will excuse me?" The younger Prince stood and followed his brother.

Kara swayed alarmingly. Her eyes sought Korlon's as one hand rose to her head.

The last thing she saw was Lailoken's eyes alight with anxiety before her world went black with sparkling stars.


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