018: Rion
Often when he was off duty and not in training, Rion liked to find solace in the ocean waves. Usually, he preferred to run alone, but this twilight Crevan and Jayce had joined him and the sounds of their bare feet slapping against the wet sand, and their panting breath at every foot fall was liberating.
They spoke inside, in their combined Zalez, on a frequency they'd honed over years of such deep conversations. Of course, the idea on all of their minds was the searcher girl held inside the castle, unassimilated.
Crevan's mind voice was the most strident, by far the most concerned. "How do we know she will not use her melding powers to slip through the rock walls and re-enter the mountain. "
"The witch has placed charms or such on her cell, I am sure." Jayce countered easily, confidence in planetary magic a thing he took for granted.
"You give the witch much credit. Perhaps the searcher girl has spells that can undo whatever the witch has done. Perhaps she is not able to be assimilated."
"If she had such spells..." Rion advised. "She would certainly have used them already. And yes, she can be assimilated."
"Not if she is royal. I don't think the royalty can be assimilated. Perhaps she is Taan's own daughter."
"Is there something special about royalty that exempts them from the assimilation process? I think not. They are as vulnerable as anyone." Rion scoffed. "But I agree, there must be something different about her that Adara senses." He caught his breath on that thought. "If they-- any of them, even the royals-- were able to circumvent the assimilation they would have done it, Jayce! They would be the threat to us, and they would be capturing and killing us! Instead, they run and hide. Their sole purpose inside the mountain is to find the Talisman, we have very little to do with that."
"But Quildor would be quite happy if one of us found the Talisman."
Rion shook his head. "I don't think we can find it, brother!"
"What do you mean? You think it is only manifest to Aquarians or Carriganians? Another part of the exile?"
Their conversation was cut short as Crevan stopped running, one hand held to his head listening to another frequency. Jayce and Rion stood near, waiting politely. Rion bent over, his feet spread far apart, his hand massaging his lower back.
Crevan's eyes cleared abruptly. "Sorry to have to stop so soon."
They all grunted knowing they had come further up the coast than they usually did, and the way back would take Crevan at least two hours. They waited but he did not elucidate his reasons for going back, nor did he ask them to accompany him. He simply turned and began running back the way they had come. Rion watched as he became a silhouette against the rising moons and the sinking sun.
"Your royal father needs his Quarso captain." Jayce shrugged with a grim smile.
Rion's eyes flashed in annoyance, knowing that his status was well known among the Quarso, as well as his antipathy was understood. He did not acknowledge Quildor. Jayce was teasing him, as much as it bothered him, if the idea was to get a reaction, he would be the first to deny Jayce that reaction.
"Do you want to go on, or go back?" He asked Jayce.
"How about, go out?" Jayce jerked his head toward the foaming waves with a grin.
Rion nodded easily and began to run straight toward the sharp bank along the shoreline. Both experienced swimmers, they surfed vigorously, slowly making their way back toward the faint lights of the villages near the castle neither of them could actually see. All talk was about their progress, about the sea itself and the ways of waves and body surfing. Until finally Jayce expressed exhaustion and got out, flopping onto the cold wet sand.
Rion sat cross-legged beside him, companionably, grateful that they had this connection, the bond of close brothers. The way his thoughts went so easily to his encounter with the sister searcher girl, and the two times he had deliberately sensed her, he needed the distraction of brotherhood.
"Crevan seems unusually bothered that Quildor has kept the captured girl intact." Jayce suggested.
Rion shrugged. "It is a bit out of the ordinary."
"But surely he trusts that Quildor has his reasons, and would not put any of us in danger if she were able to affect us."
Rion snorted, thinking that Quildor would not care if he thought something could benefit himself. "Like what? How could she affect us?"
"Like steal our assimilations so she could breathe on the land longer, or even change our Zalez."
Rion was nodding. "But she has no power to do any of that, she is simply human, Jayce. The only power this planet has given them is that of the meld. An advantage to be sure. Maybe keeping her intact is a way to study just this very thing. Maybe he is trying to figure out what magic she uses to meld so that we can use it as well. That would make more sense."
"But you don't think that do you?" The reply was too quick, he realized Jayce had been waiting for just this opportunity. He smiled inwardly, wanting to keep his feelings to himself, yet at the same time, deeply troubled and needing to share it.
"I don't know what I think about the intact searcher girl. I think she might be the Princess. I think Galantyne would be a fool to send her inside if that is the case, but she makes very good leverage against Taan if Quildor wants to use it."
"Good leverage, yes. Perhaps they will negotiate to stop this accursed searching for a Talisman that can cleanse the toxic air. Just what do they think it can do? How will it cleanse the air?"
Rion shrugged. "That is the question, isn't it? The real danger to all of us is just that. If one of them finds this Talisman and effects whatever it can do, and they all come on land to live, who will be their ruler? Who will be our ruler? It will be certain war."
"I agree, Rion, but there is something else bothering you."
"You are perceptive, brother."
Jayce shrugged. "You are restless inside. Although faint, you project this to me."
Rion smoothed his tongue over his teeth and nodded slowly. He knew that the stronger the brother bond, the more likely they would be to sense each other this way. He didn't mind the intrusion. Jayce was perfectly trustworthy and would keep his thoughts to himself.
"I feel a strange pull inside to change."
"Change what?"
"Occupation, I think."
Jayce tried not to show his surprise. "I see. And how would you effect this change?"
"I am not sure. I have no idea where I might go or what I might do other than what I already am doing. I do not have a farmer's instinct's, although I am sure I can fend for myself on the land. I just feel drawn to do something more."
Jayce cocked his head to one side and pulled on his chin. "Perhaps it is time to settle down and take a wife?"
Rion turned just slightly to look at his brother's eyes reflecting the last dying rays of sunlight over the horizon. "Are there no other options for us, Jayce? Our people, I mean. We as a whole, live to fight Quildor's battle. We serve no other purpose. There are no innovations, no improvements. On land, we simply exist. We are primitive and lead a very primitive civilization. Out there--." He pointed directly toward the sea. "They live a cultured and progressive life. They live! We are stagnant."
"But isn't that why Quildor wants to get into Galantyne's fortress? To take back what is rightfully ours and end the exile? Out there they have the resources to bring their life to the land, as long as the air can be healed."
Rion set his lips in a grim line and rested his chin on crossed arms and drawn up knees. "Yes, yes, that is what we fight for I suppose. Perhaps I am simply restless inside."
"The Quarso are not forbidden to marry and have children." Jayce suggested again.
"But none of them do. Our lives are inconducive to that lifestyle, Jayce, we are gone risking ourselves daily. We are in harm's way constantly, and are required to be ruthless and sometimes cruel."
"We defend ourselves."
"That's' a lie."
"We assimilate to keep them from finding the Talisman."
"But we don't actively search for it ourselves, why not?"
"Obviously what you said earlier, that it can only be found by one of them."
Rion turned back to survey the clouds off to the south. He thought about that option, and about how even if the air were healed, his people were rough and uncivilized in a far less progressive way. They didn't try and better themselves but seemed content with the meager existence Quildor allowed them.
That was just it. The danger of their existence was that it encompassed only what Quildor allowed them. His planetary magic took the wills of good men and bent them to his own. Even now, the Quarso were unfailingly loyal to him, and would do their jobs, even though they felt the need-- he felt the need-- to question it.
"I sense two thoughts at war inside you brother."
"Pray tell."
"I see a vision of a beautiful staircase, carpeted in brilliant red. The wooden railings are carved intricately, the ends capped in sparkling gold. I see white and gray marbled stone pillars, and hand painted portraits so striking the colors seem unreal. Tell me about that. Have you been researching in Quildor's library?"
Rion was startled that Jayce had accessed his vision. "Is that all you saw? The staircase?"
"Briefly, I saw a hall crowded with elegantly dressed people celebrating."
Rion relaxed. He wasn't ready to share the little searcher girl with anyone-- not even his closest brothers. "What is your other observation?"
"I think you want to defect to Valdemar."
"Valdemar!" Now he was even more startled, having not thought of it at all that he was aware of.
"Or someplace like it."
"There is no place like it. All the settlements along the coast are like this. Rough, built of sticks and stones and thatch. The roads are all dirt and ruts, and the trade is nonexistent."
"You've never been to Valdemar. How would you know if it were any different?"
"There have been a few who have traveled there. The stories they tell are of a much more established city."
"They left at the time of the original settlers, they've had more time to become established. Brother, you need look no further than the castle for your restlessness to end. Go to Quildor's library, discover better ways of doing things, be that innovative person you want to be. And retire from the Quarso if you want, settle down and produce posterity. It may give you that sense of continuity you are looking for."
Rion stood and pulled Jayce up. "You are wise beyond your years."
Jayce laughed. "Don't think I am questioning your loyalty, Rion, just offering a possible variation for you."
"I know my secrets are safe with you."
"No matter what you choose to do. However, I thank you not to judge me too harshly when I return to the tavern and find myself a warm bed partner this evening and drink myself into oblivion."
Rion clapped him on the back. "I will not judge you."
"Then I will not mention the red haired girl in your vision either."
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