Lucy is a maid!

Lucy's pov

"How many times do I have to tell you guys!"I said pointing my finger at 3 idiots
"Gray! Haven't I told you to pull your damn pants up"I said aggravated
"Loke!your shirt must be tucked in!"
"Gajeel! Take off those stupid earrings they are not allowed!"
I pulled one of the student council member who had his hair properly done,clothes and in dress code
"See this is how it should be done"I said showing the student council member
I pulled the gate closed
"don't come back till your descent" I said while walking to the school
Student council room

"I swear I feel like I'm surrounded by low life's day in and day out,hey rouge have you gotten that proposal together"I said as I crossed my arms
"Miss president are you sure this is actually necessary guide book of student conduct"rouge the Vice President said terrified
I scowled "you fool!" I said as I pound my fist on the table
"Of course it is otherwise you idiotic males would just end up slacking off"I said with a fire all around me
"Yes m-ma'm"said rouge sweating and terrified like crazy
'It's been several years sense fairy tail academy turned co-ed however this formal all boys school still retains an 80% male population I was elected the first female student council president and sense becoming president I ruled all these bafoons with an iron fist this place made my skin cloths sense day one and the female students couldn't do anything but indoar the male students blate and disregard for common descency but something had to give,so I worked hard harder then I ever worked before,my dedication combined with the powers of basic manners helped me own the teachers trust and successfully gain the position of student council president'

As I was walking patrolling te school after class I came across the idiots telling one of the female students to clean for them"come on he's asking you nicely"the raven boy said to the female
"Just take care of the cleaning for us"said the oranged hair boy to the female handing her the broom
"But I cant I have things to do"the female said frightened
"It's just one day"said the black haired male
"Do your own cleaning"I said angrily
"Huh"said the three males
"You got a problem with that then you prefer cleaning the toilets for a week instead"I sai keeping my posture straight
"M-miss president"said the small terrified female
"I'll take it from here"I said walking toward the 3 males
"Y-yes ma'm" said the female as she runs away
"What your problem now madem president" said gajeel holding the broom
"That should be my line you three idiots"I said annoyed
"What did you just say to me!" Gajeel said angrily
"Idiots who can stay in dress code arnt worthy of being called by name!and for the last time take those earrings out now this is my last warning"I said annoyed
"Yeah yeah I'll be sure to take them off"gajeel said emotionless
"I said NOW! And I mean it"I said getting really mad
"Jeesh shut up,I said I will do it later" gajeel swing his hand to punch me but I grabbed his hand I then jumped on him"I said now CONFISCATED!" I said Taking out his earrings out of his earlobe "these are mine!" I yelled
"Ahh she's a monster"gray sai trembling in fear
"She ripped them right out"said a crying loke
"Ahhhh"said the 3 males while running away
"W-what wait your cleaning!"I said yelling at them
"We won't forget this"they said while dissappearing from my sight
I then herd crying "oh now what" I said quite annoyed
I walked towards where the crying was coming from
"Hey what's going on here"I said facing the two
"Nothing really I just turned down her love confession"said a pinkette turning to me
"You again natsu dragneel!"
This guy breaks hearts left and right
The girl who was crying had white short hair then started running down the halls still crying
"I told you,you need to work on your rejection technique next time you make a girl cry I'm coming for you"I said pointing at him angrily
I then turned my back at started walking
"How many times have I heard that one"natsu says while thinking
"I wonder what's up with the president hitting on the guys so much natsu,you gotta find a way to make her cry uncle"
"Do it yourself I could care less"said natsu walking away
I heard all what they said and left the school
Men who make women cry I hate them! I thought in my mind while walking home
I was walking to my house an opened my gates but they both collapsed "both sides braking at once"I said sweat dropping
"Oh great not another repair bill"
I started walking at opened the door
"I'm home!"
I took off my shoes and while walking the floor broke with the news paper on the floor
"Kyaaaaa!"I yelled as my foot was in the floor
"Oh lucy your home" said my younger sister Wendy calmly
"Uhh Wendy what's with this death pit here" I said sweat dropping
"Oh its were I stepped on earlier I think..the wood Is rotten on that spot"Wendy said while guessing
"Yeah but did you really have to cover it up with a news paper like some kind of hidden trap"I said kinda squealing
Wendy then started to giggle"cunning wasn't it"she said trying to cover we mouth from giggling
"Theres nothing cunning about it"I said getting out my foot of the whole
"Wendy you didn't hurt your self did you"I asked concerned Wendy door was on the the verge of closing
"Wendy?"I said again
She looked through the space from te door then closed it
"I guess that means shes fine"I said to myself
"Hey mom"I said looking for her
"Oh lucy"my mom said while painting the object she had on her hand
"I'm home"I said with a smile
"Oh welcome back"mom said while returning to paint
"You worked the late shift at the hospital last night right? Your body isn't that strong you shouldn't push yourself that hard"I said with worry in my voice
"I'll be fine,I can't rely on you for everything lucy I can take care of myself just fine"my mom said while smiling at me
"We relied on dad and he ran off and left us with and anout of debt"Wendy said emotionless
"Wha- there's no need to bring that up"I said trying to stop her from saying more
"Oh your boss from maid late left a message for you a while ago she said someone can't make it so she'd like you to come"Wendy said blankly
"Huh really then I have to go now"I quickly went to go change "why didn't you say something whoah!that was close I almost stepped on it again!"
"Lucy do you think you can drop this card for me while your at it"Wendy said handing me the card
"Another sweepstakes"I said getting the card from her
"You got it"Wendy said excited
Then I swished off"make sure you rest mom I'll be back"I said yelling
I opened close the door and went to open the gate "ohhh no not the gate again oh man!" I said upset
At maid late

"Welcome back to maid late master"me and my boss and work mate said in unison
"Right this way please"said yukino one of the workers to the customer
"Hey luce"my boss flare said (call her that because it's shorter)
"Yeah"I said casually
"I'm sorry for calling you in such short notice" flare said guilty
"No problem it seems that there would be a lot of expenses this month so it actually worked out"I said giving her a warm smile
"Hey Luce can I get a cutesy cutesy rice omlet"said a late 30's customer
I smiled "one cutesy cutesy rice omlet coming right up for you master"I said as I bowed
Night time at maid late

I opened the door to take out the trash
"Ugh" I said frustrated
"I wish I can quit this place already,but this is the only place that works with my busy school schedule not to mention they pay more than anywhere else but if anyone from school saw me like this I'll be finished"I said frustrated at the thought
Then I had a voice"well then"said a pinkette
I quickly stood up and saw who it was
I squeaked
"Well this is a surprise,miss president"said natsu said turning to me then walking away
"Natsu dragneel!" I yelled while still shocked
Back in the cafe employees room

"It's all over"I said as I fell on the floor as a white blob"I'm doomed this is gonna spread through the school like wild fire there's no way I'll be able to maintain my image when people find out that there student council president is a part time maid all the effort I put in will be...will be.."I said whining at the last words
I was squirming around still in my white blob form
" time for a little break"said yukino while walking in she stepped on a certain white blob"aaaaaaaaah"yukino screamed yukino frightened"manager!manager!theres some unknown life form in the break room!"yukino yelled
"Huh?whats going on in here?oh Luce are you alright"flare said surprised yet concerned
I turned back to my normal self again
"If your not feeling well you can just go on home"said flare
"Oh it was Luce"said an embarrassed yukino
"No I'll be fine"I said kinda feeling blue
Maid late closed

"Goodnight everyone"I yelled before walking out the back door
I was shocked to see who was standing on a wall
"Oh your back to normal"said natsu
"U-uh w-hat are y-you dining here what do you want"I said freaking out
"Oh nothing really I just wanted to find out myself that our student council president really works as a maid so why are doing this kind of job anyway?"natsu said while scratching his self on the wall
"U-uh"Is all I could say
I faint voice was heard"manager I'll be going now"said yukino from afar
"Good work today"said the manager to yukino
"U-uh"I walked over to natsu I touched his shoulders"let's go somewhere else"I quickly said
"What"he said dumbly
"Let's just come on"I said dragging him
At the park

"I see so it's because of things at home are they really that bad?"asked a curious calm natsu
"I guess"I said in a fainty voice
"So that's why you got a job at a maid cafe couldn't you have gotten an annual labor job or something?"asked natsu
I started to hold my hat in my arms
Tight"I tried that already but I couldn't allow my performances as student council president to suffer in the end I couldn't keep up with the whole thing"I said kinda sad
"Wow sounds preety ruff,oh so even though you hate guys you chose fairy tail because of the cheep tuition"natsu said looking up while I was staring at the ground"I guess" I have no idea what's going on in this guys head I thought
Natsu just *sighed*and still looking up at the sky
At home Lucy's room
"I can't let this destroy the carefully crafted respect that I had with my peers"I said as memories of natsu finding out my secret *sigh*"not something like this"I said as I continued my work"ugh why can I ever catch a break"I said putting my chin on the palm of my hand
Morning at fairy tail academy
Three days past.........
'Stomp stomp stomp'i was walking around patrolling as usual the school after class
"So for a maid.."said a random dude
I immediately freaked out "a maid!"I said to them
"U-uh for my maid souvenir my grandpa said he will want it with a highschool girl
"Geesh he was just talking about a stupid souvenir"I said barely walking away
"Oh yeah the other day this maid..."said the other dude
I reacted again and came to them
"Maid!"I said gloomy
"Maid in toukishi t-shirt I liked didn't fit me anymore"the dude said sweat dropping
I immediately lightened up and snapped my fingers "oh toukishi huh?"I said smiling
"Huh what the...?"said the two boys confused
I then walked away
This is bad every time I hear the word maid I over react like crazy still it's strange that no one else knows about it yet I stopped and crossed my arms does he plan to use it against me...or maybe..he feels sorry for me he's annoying but that would make things easier I was cut off of my own thoughts when I heard someone call me
"Lucy!"yelled a running blue haired girl waving her hand with another girl with red hair
"Oh levy and erza"I said surprised
"You tired or something"said levy still trying to get to me
She finally was in front of me"sorry I was just thinking about something"I said assuring them
"Lucy you really need to top worrying so much about everything"said erza emotionless
Levy then immediately perked up fold her arms together "we've got a really big favor to ask"levy said with her cute face
"Huh?"I asked confused
Clubs are held outside

"This is....a sand bag from the boxing club"I said
"It's rather intimating it's blocking our path an were in able to get to the flower arrangements
"I'll have a word with the boxing club,at any rare this still needs to be moved stand back a little"I said walking towards the sand bag
"But it's really stinky and really heavy"said levy concerned
"Just leave it to me kyaa"I said as I had the sand bag over my shoulder I put my leg backwards to kick the sand bag over me 'bam!' The sandbag landed on the floor in front of the boxing club door
"We're the boxing club what's going on" said the boxing club in unsison
I pointed my finger at them I glared at them like I was the devil"PUT THIS UP BEFORE I TAKE YOU DOWN"I said angrily
"Yes ma'm"the boxing club said frightened in unison
"Wow lucy your incredible"levy said squealing in amusement
"It was no big deal it was much lighter than I thought it be"I said to assure them
Levy then hugged me "thank you I love you!"levy said hugging me tightly with her cutesy voice
"Please accept this token of thanks"erza said passing me a flower
I took it and looked at it for a while then I smiled"thanks you two"I said as smelling the flower
"Huh?"said a surprised levy"isn't that natsu over there"levy said still shocked
"Huh?"I turned to see he was standing there with his hands in his pockets I started sweat dropping"w-what are you looking at!"I yelled
'Hmph' was all he said he then turned and started walking
"Hmph?whats that suppose to mean?"asked a curious levy
"I have no idea"I said exhausted
"But natsu sure is handsome Isn't he"levy said basically squealing
I looked at her with an ugly face"huh?"
I said kinda surprised
Levy turned so cute and was daydreaming"I heard he practiced dojo all through junior high so not only he is super manly but super tough too all the males idolize him and female practically fall for his feet and plus he's at the top of his class in every subject"levy kept on blabbering about natsu and soon her eyes turned to stars "but he's so popular that now he isn't interested in girls at all boo"she said pressuring her lips together
"Even so that doesn't keep them from confessing to him"erza said stating it
"I had no idea he was so popular I don't get what they see in him"I was scowling until I realized something "I see"I said suddenly"maybe he doesn't care that I'm a maid cause maybe he's not intrested.
At maid latte

"U-uh"I said at the same time groaning seeing who was in front of me
He was just standing there looking at me emotionless quietly
While I was with my mouth wide open
What's going on what does he want I said whining in my mind
"Hey who's that"one of the workers said
"He is hot"the other worker said
He had that stupid face but then turned back to himself"oh found you"nasu said rather calmly
While I still had my jaw opened
Is he making fun of me is this some kind of test or challenge yeah it's a challenge isn't it fine you son of a bitch get ready' I said in my thoughts
I put up a smile"welcome back to maid late master"I said in my work voice he was just standing there looking at me blankly for a while "heehe"natsu laughed to the side that made my blood boil
'Im gonna kill him' I said in my mind
He's at the table

I walked over to his table and brought him what he ordered and I bowed my head and walked
"Staaaaaaaaaaaaaare"natsu said while looking at me walk away
Then I saw my manager "hey lucy is that like your boyfriend it's like he can't keep his eyes off you"flare said with hearts all over her and her hands together
"No he is not"I said coldly
"He's not"flare said disappointed
Next chapter would be
The next day

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