The Circle Of The Qur'an[Facts and Figures So Far...] - 2

AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, dear treasured readers!

Welcome to The Circle Of The Qur'an[Facts and Figures So Far...] - 2.

In here includes all important and notable characters, events, and info from Crescent 17.1 to Crescent 27.7.

Important notes from the Hâ Mîm events as well as the Tales of Rawdhātul Jannã saga and other important information from other arcs would be in the next chapter(in shaa Allah) – Recap{TCOTQ}.

Note that all things mentioned in the first chapter I had published on Facts and Figures, including characters, have been omitted from this writeup.

However, certain important eight characters who were mentioned before, but due to one reason or the other, had to be mentioned again, have been included.

Now without much ado, we dive!



The Island of Madinatu Asghar is an Isle which hosts people from all places, and of different races.

In Tâ Hâ, people can be classified as being one out of four groups, viz:

1. The Natives: consists of the four original tribes of Tâ Hâ, the aborigines. They are;
•Banu Al Haris

•Banu Al Ilyâsin

•Banu Hilâl

•Banu Salâma

Among these, Banu Al Haris and Banu Salâma have branches in other cities of Qalb-ul-Ard, City Sâd and the City of Salãma respectively. However, their original city is Tâ Hâ.

We'll address them later..

2. The Affiliate Tribes: consist of seven other tribes from different origins, not necessarily Qalb-ul-Ard even. Among them, those so far mentioned are;
• Al Maghrib: a branch of a tribe which migrated from the Country of King Sulaymân

•Al Adnan: also a branch of a tribe from the Country of King Sulaymân

•Al Aswâd×: no more present on Tâ Hâ as a tribe in their numbers. They migrated to the Capital of Qalb-ul-Ard upon a decade span. Abdul Bâqi's family left in the wake of the GQRC two years ago. Some like Rafik still remain, but they're only a few.

This tribe is a remnant of a Noble tribe of the Country of King Sulaymân. They were famed for their asceticism, loyalty, truthfulness, and keeping of the Amaanat.

Abdul Bâqi, one of the five Quraa under Sheikh Al Iskandarî, and Rafik, a pioneering member of the new South district halaqah, are members.

3. The Foreigners:
a. Those who are locally from Qalb-ul-Ard, but not natives of the island.

b. Those from Countries other than Qalb-ul-Ard.

In Crescent 18.3, Yasmin's mother has the title Al Qamari. It's not a form of endearment, but the name of a tribe(its significance is in TCOKS, consequently, it's a tribe of the Country of King Sulaymân. A point of importance to note..:D



A large stretch of green forests(mostly in the south and west), a middle lake, a chain of mountains and a waterfall, a southern delta and a red desert, —with densely inhabited cities interspersed. The whole Island is known as the Isle of Tâ Hâ.

The City itself, consisting of all towns and districts within, is known as Madinatu Asghar. However they're used interchangeably.

Tâ Hâ is south of Qalb-ul-Ard, some kilometers into the South sea, and is one of the Seven Provincial Cities of Qalb-ul-Ard. Usually, one requires the services of the ferry at the City of Salâma to get to the island.

On the island however, the entire City is divided into four main regions/districts:


Two of the seven affiliate tribes live here. They're among the most affluent in the society.
Generally, most people living here are in the upperclass of society, and from the mainland regions. Only they can afford living there.

Arman Shah, the father of Yasmin and Alamghir, husband of Kohinûr Al Qamari, is the representative of this district.

He built a school here – United Ummah Institute, one of the only three High schools on the island.

This school particularly has many branches across the entire Country of Qalb-ul-Ard.

He seems to be a top shot, as the tribes mention him as being the eyes of the King on Tâ Hâ. He lives in the North district with his family. His wife died here on this island years ago, and was buried in the Southwest graveyard..

The halaqât of the North district are mentioned by Arman Shah to be united under his High School. No one yet is known from there.

People mentioned in the story so far from the North district

Al Qamari Family
1. Arman Shah Al Qamari(father)
2. Yasmin Bint Arman Shah Al Qamari(daughter of twin pair)
3. Alamghir Ibn Arman Shah Al Qamari(son of twin pair)
4. Kohinûr Al Qamari(mother—deceased)


2.CENTRAL CITY(basically an extension of the East district)

Notable Points:

1. The Grand Masjid of Tâ Hâ is here, moated all around by the middlemost and largest lake of the whole island. A meadow of spectacular greenery adorns the land around here.

2. Central City (or East district) is the most populated region of Tâ Hâ. Most foreigners or non-natives settle here from among the rich and middle-class in society.

3. The main tribe overseeing this region are the Banu Adnan. Some of the Al Maghribi live here. Two other of the seven affiliated tribes settled here.

4. The halaqât of East district are numerous(unlike the South which has only one) and divided(unlike the North and the now-united West Circles).

However, there are the Top three halaqât mentioned as the 'Three Kings of the East distrct', one of them being the Eastern Waterfall Halaqah, under Sheikh Sâmuddin.

Some members of Eastern Waterfall Halaqah have already been mentioned in the first TCOTQ Facts And Figures.

They challenged the newly forming South Halaqah to a Qur'an competition by the end of the month.
In ten days time(from the Sunday after Arkaan's coming—approximately the next Tuesday), they'll return for the final decision from the South's Halaqah.

Note that the South Halaqah 'Inâbah, were once hailed as 'The Southern Emperors' of the entire Tâ Hâ Halaqât.

Prominent places in the Central & East City are:

Iqra Complex High School :
Known as the Premier High School in all of Tâ Hâ, it is headed by the Verdant Lady, also known as Lady Principal by her pupils.

It's the Number one High School in Tâ Hâ, in terms of academic performance, and sports.

Most children who go there are from both Central district(includes East district) and South district, since the South has no High school situated there.

Ukashah and Maryam are the Head boys' and girls' prefects there. Zak also attends here.

The Baab-ur-Ridwân Bookshop:
Zak mentions shopping for Islamic books here with his elder brother Ismail. He also calls it the Leading Bookshop in all of Tâ Hâ, the number one in the entire nation with branches everywhere in Qalb-ul-Ard and beyond.

The family running the organization are in close terms with the Monarchy, like Arman Shah..

Dreamland building complex:
has an amusement arcade. Harun mentions going there on a spending spree with his elder brother Ismail.

Some prominent people living here include Lady Frieda and Sheikh Sâmuddin.


3.South district

A delta region south of the Island, consisting of four tributaries originating from the Kawthar River and its waterfall, and three landmasses:

1.Mt. Shirah landmass – a residential area. Arkaan's former family house was here. He now lives there with Ukashah and Mother Ashyaa. Masjidur Rahmân(where South district's halaqah holds their meetings) is upon the four mountain ranges situated here.

2.Honey Fields landmass – uninhabited region. The glade where Arkaan and the scholar met is here.

3.Chinese Market landmass – the Al Maghribi Estate lies immediately east of this landmass, after a Kawthar tributary. All sorts of things are sold here. In Crescents 21, we get to know a black market lies underneath this establishment, where Nine Flowers Heaven have their base. Urwah(Sora) and Haru are child assassins from the guild. Urwah left to never return though. However, Haru's mother has put him on a mission that involves approaching the South's halaqah.

The sisters of the alley stayed in the Chinese market in Arkaan's recall in Crescent 22. Aileen and Esmeralda(Esme) are notable names from there. Esme particularly, has a history with Arkaan and the black veiled girl.

Others In South district

1. Khalid - A childhood adversary and neighbour of Arkaan. He seems to have a grudge with Arkaan that he wouldn't let go.

2. Boys from the neighbourhood
Muhassan(Husayn's younger brother)

3. Ignacio Gonzalez Carmona / Ibn Al Andalusi(Arafat) - Arafat's father was a Spaniard and Muslim revert. According to his maternal uncle's own words, the man converted just so he could marry his sister even though their whole family was against it. His father left to his homeland westward a decade ago. Arafat stays with his mother and two younger sisters, their uncle Abdul Sattâr visiting them always.

Arafat was persuaded by his maternal uncle to join the South district's halaqah 'Inabah. Finally making a deal with Ukashah, he agrees to stay as per the deal for a limited period of time, after which he'd decide whether to leave or stay. Coming from a background like his, Arkaan claims he can understand Arafat more than the others.

An interesting fact about him is that the little boys from the neighbourhood seem to like him, and rally about him.

4. Haru - His mother has sent him on a mission relating to the South district halaqah. We do not yet know what it's about.

Tribes here include the Al Maghrib and the Al Aswâdi, who've mostly emigrated.


4.West district

West district is the lair of the aborigines of Tâ Hâ. You can say because they don't want to mix with the rest of the non-natives, they dwell in their grand fortress most of the time. They even built a high school in the West district for only their children to go to — Al Ahad Foundation.

The entire West district itself, stretches east from the borders of Tâ Hâ's Central city to the red sands cold desert on the west. Beyond this cold desert is the sea. It is particularly amazing how the red desert had transited easily into the blue sea.

Within the land stretch is the tribes' Grand Fortress encircled by a large tract of mountain ranges which demarcates the district from the Central city on the east, the North district on the northeast. It stops short at the south, continuing as a forest spread famously known as the West forest. To the further south of West forest is Tâ Hâ's graveyard. To its southeast is a tributary of River Kawthar, and the South district delta region.

The tribes possess about a good seventy percent of the City council who see to the general administration of the island city as a whole.

Within the fortress of the West were five regions; Four resident quarters, and a large uninhabitable sweep of land which includes the red cold desert called Tâ Hâ Ancestry Land Expanse, or TALE for short.

The four quarters are;

Lilac Crescent precinct – occupied by the tribe Banu Hilâl. Crest – Lilac crescents.

Peace Lake vicinity – occupied by Banu Salâma. Crest – Clamshell in a lake.

Watchtower domain – occupied by Banu Haris. Crest – White pearl upon a majestic mountain.

Blessed Valley zone – occupied by Banu Al Ilyâsin. CrestAn archaic tree reaching into a starry sky.

Other Notable Places in West District
Natives' West Mall: Harun mentions going there once with Ismail.

Al Ahad Foundation : The High school for children of the native tribes. The Banu Al Haris tribe oversees this institution.

Notable People (Patriarchs are mentioned under the City Council)
1. Yahya Al Ilyâsin - He's the father of Arkaan, husband of Lady Frieda, and eldest brother to Imran and Tasnîma.
He's said to have been betrothed to be married to a family friend's daughter called Mahaa. However, after going West on his own business purposes, met Lady Frieda, a non-Muslimah at the time from an aristocratic family.

He eloped with her after she became Muslim, and they lived in West district for a time, where she was not accepted by her in-laws. They moved South and had Arkaan. In time, he heard his brother left on a family errand to a strange land and died. In atonement and to retrieve his brother's dead body and attain his father's forgiveness, he left for the same land, and never returned.

Lady Frieda and Arkaan seemed to believe he left on a business basis to better their lot..

2. Imran Al Ilyâsin - He's the middle born—younger to Yahya, and elder to Tasnîma. He was married to Mahaa who was before, betrothed to his elder brother. They had a son called Tawhid.

He left to a strange land on a family mission and never returned. It's speculated that he's dead.

3. Tawhid Ibn Imran Al Ilyâsin - He's in his late adolescence probably 15 or 16, as Arkaan is older than him. He's described as a fairly handsome youth with a clean-cut appearance and a cultured air. Maryam depicts him as being indifferent.

As the only known 'living' heir of Banu Al Ilyâsin, he's set to become a leader of the tribe one day. However, this might change once Arkaan shows up. Arkaan's father is the elder after all. Also, Arkaan was born before him.

He stays somewhere in the South district presently with his mother Mahaa, due to the 'training' that Banu Al Ilyâsin has put in place for him—herding sheep in the lush southeastern meadows.

We do not know his Halaqah, or his relationship with the Qur'an. We do not know his interests, except he seems to believe he might have feelings for Maryam.

4 & 5. Zuhayr Al Hilâli and Husâm Al Hilâli - Two young members of the Hilâl clan who had been assigned by their lazy Second patriarch to watch the West Forest. They snitched on Arkaan and the Eastern Waterfall guys when they entered the forest and caused havoc.

City Hall Council of Tâ Hâ

Four native tribes, seven affiliated tribes, and honorary members like Arman Shah make up the council. Seventy percent of its power is with the native tribes.

A Presiding Grand elder is selected from the First patriarchs of each native tribe in succession for a three month term of office. He oversees the meetings. Currently, Al Ilyâsin has their first patriarch heading. In a month's time when schools reopen, the Banu Al Haris first patriarch would take over.

Each tribe has their elders numbered according to seniority in age; first, second, third...

The First elder = First patriarch = Grand elder etc(NB: Grand elder is a title for only the first patriarchs). Every tribe has its own internal politics.
Interesting facts:

First elders – Banu Ilyâsin(pleasant, humour-in-eyes oldie), Banu Haris(quiet, calculative), Banu Hilâl(calm, annoyed at the second patriarch's lackadaisical attitude)

Second elders – Banu Haris(lanky, reports on matters concerning the natives school), Banu Hilâl(lazy, pleasantly aged, West forest overseer), Banu Al Adnan(His name is Abu Damdam. He asked for them to oust the West forest overseer)

Third elders – Banu Salâma(His name is Salman. He seems to be vehemently against Arman Shah.)

Arman Shah – clean-shaven, pleasant-looking, wears glasses.

Sheikh Sâmuddîn – scholar of Eastern Waterfalls Halaqah. He seems to represent the Halaqât of the east District in the meetings.

Nine Flowers Heaven location
Halaqât and Schools
Others matters pertaining to the island like Forests etc.


Capital City Nûn

Sky Legacy Haven

Abdul Bâqi Al Aswâdi

City Sâd

Irshad bin Aswad – Participant of GQRC with Tâ Hâ five Quraa two years ago. After an unfortunate incident, he and his fellow participant and friend, Jarullah got lost. It's later found out that he became Chief of Thieves

Jarullah bin Luqmân – as above. He ended up losing his mind, but still remembers Qur'an and recites with Irshad still.


Veiled Sisters
Maryam's mother – Maryam
Maryam's elder blood sister – Hayaa


Kingdoms and Notables From Their Royal Families

•Princess Hafsah – daughter  of King Dhul Qarnayn and Queen Zubaidah. She's the betrothed of prince Ihtisham. She has a facial disfigurement because of which her father is heatedly searching for the Saint stone. She's shown to be a talented artist.

Country Of King Sulâyman
• Bilâl – Special stealth archer who sends a message to Ihtisham with an arrow. A message on the movements in Baladus Sulaymân.

Mijannah : Unknown.

So far we know of two tribes of jinns in Qalb-ul-Ard;

Jinns of the Dark Meadow Tribe, of which Junnah is a member.

Jinns of the Hidden Valley, of which we know Shad(Blackhooded boy, who can change his eye colour between amber and grey), the White Patriarch, and Little green.


Âyah = Âyatullah Al Hamdy = Uncle Redbeard.


Recaps would follow later today with the Crescents in shaa Allah.

They'll not come all at once, so you can take your time:D

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