Crescent 38: Friday..(7)[His key to opening the Domains]
"Taqwa is not fasting long days and praying long into the nights.
Taqwa is abandoning the disobedience of Allah (SWT).
Everything beyond that is Ihsan. (Excellence)"
-Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz(R. A.)
AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
This Ramadan, let us all try to cultivate Taqwa. After all, that's the purpose of Ramadan:
يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ كُتِبَ عَلَيۡكُمُ ٱلصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى ٱلَّذِينَ مِن قَبۡلِكُمۡ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَتَّقُونَ
"O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become God-conscious.."
[Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 183]
And also, Ihsan, as much as we can-This would enable us to cross the barriers between us and Allah, to attain Ma'iyyat(Closeness to Allah).
If you've Allah, what more do you need in this world and/or the hereafter..?
Do enjoy the story, yeah. I sacrificed the entire night to complete it. I'll find time to pay back the missing sleep though, in shaa Allah^_^
Lady Frieda didn't have to wait long to see the blond boy make his way over from the courtyard, to meet her at the southern pillars, where she stood close to the ladies' side.
"AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, Lady Principal. I heard you called for me."His eyes lowered when he was at a decent distance.
There were very few people here on Tâ Hâ who had earned respect as a singular personality. And even fewer, who weren't from the four native tribes or the affiliate ones like his own.
Lady Principal, even though a foreigner and a lady, had earned her way up in a highly patriarchal system. Heading perhaps, the most distinguished High School on the island, she had single-handedly won her way into the town's Council Hall, without being an official member, but one of honour.
Thus she could, whenever she wanted, attend Council Hall meetings, the highest governing body on Madinatu Asghar.
But for they who were her students, she held an even more sacred position in their hearts as their Lady Principal. Because they had experienced firsthand, the level of academics and propriety she always requested of all her students.
She was an ideal disciplinarian, and all the students of Iqra Complex without an exception, would bear witness to that.
"Ah yes, Sheikh Zakariyya, How're you doing?"
Zak became abashed at the title she addressed him with. Not that it was unusual for him to be called 'Sheikh'. For many of the grownups who were acquainted with his parents, they always preferred calling him by that title.
But this was the Proprietess of his High School herself! - The Lady Principal!
He politely replied to her.
"Abii requested to meet with Elder sister upon an issue of urgency. She said I should tell you that if she's done and you're still around, she'd accompany you back home to East district."
"Ah, Don't mind. I would be attending a meeting in the Town's Council hall after 'Asr today, in shaa Allah.
So I probably would not be leaving till after the next Salah"She said lightly, and Zak thought she smiled.
She decided not to beat about the bush.
"The reason for my summon, was to ask about a person from within your clique..
The boy who called the adhaan..
Could there be any way by which I could meet and speak with him?"Subconsciously, she fidgeted with her inner robe from anxiety.
"Oh, - Kãn!"Zak sighed jovially. The look of relief on his face showed visibly. Thank Allah..! When Fatima had called for him, his father Hajj Ya'qûb, had been giving him and the boys some targheeb on being steadfast with the Halaqah.
He mentioned his plans to have them officially registered into the Island's list of Halaqât at today's Council meeting, as 'Inabah, the Circle of the South district. They were in the middle of the discussion, when a boy came running, that big sister was calling him, and if he didn't make it in ten seconds, she'd whoop him big time. Zak turned red as the other boys burst out laughing, including his own father, who told him to tell big sister to meet him at the Western Prayer Hall gate for an urgent matter.
Zak and his father knew it was Fatima. Only she was so.. overbearing in her behaviour.
Zak was sure his father wanted to meet her on the papers to be signed that day at the Council meeting, officially giving their new Halaqah a legal recognition.
In the future, with any competition or official event that occurred within the island or anywhere in Qalb-ul-Ard, that piece of parchment would legalize their participation. And that included the GQRC.
Fatima was the only one who was most familiar with their father's study among them, aside Ismail who was now in East district. He surmised she'd be sent to retrieve the documents, since their father seemed to have left them at home.
He was praying 'Asr at the Council Hall after all.
When they had met at the masjid's courtyard, he made sure to deliver his message first, in case she took that later on as an excuse for escaping whatever she had for him. She'd still have that wariness of him being a pathological liar after all-something he'd developed in his early adolescent years'. He had hoped they would move on from recalls of that shortcoming. But Fatima still had her suspicions whenever he opened his mouth.
She laughed as he blushed, realizing the reason why he had told her that first. His past demons were still haunting him..
Fatima then told him about Lady Frieda's request to meet with a person from amongst their group of friends. She had asked him about Arkaan, only to receive the reply that he had left the masjid earlier on, with Âyatullah.
She was at a loss for a moment, before telling him to go and meet with the Lady. According to her, since Lady Frieda hadn't specifically asked for anyone, then perhaps anyone would do, and she had probably been only over-thinking things.
But in case she asked for someone specifically, he had to go and find that person. Zak shivered, remembering the tone she had used. Aside his mother, the next person he feared incurring their wrath most among his family members, was Fatima.
She could be sweet as sugar, but when you crossed her lines, she was a fierce tigress to contend with. And he grew up experiencing it firsthand.
After using her threatening tone to instruct him, she had left.
Even as he had approached the Lady Principal, he had feared it would be something relating to school. He couldn't think of any other reason why the Lady would want to speak to any of them-he or Ukashah particularly. But then, was Arkaan she was looking for.
He called the adhaan.
Was it because of the feels Arkaan's adhaan gave..? So it wasn't only on the male's side eh?
Kãn you sly boy, you hid this from us, and even had the Lady Principal swooned by you!
He wasn't sure why she was looking for him, but did it matter? All he felt was the relief of it not being school matters. He was quite the one to stay invisible to the radar of the school authorities throughout the trimester. As long as that'd save him from getting into any trouble with them.
"He left with Âyatullah immediately after the Salah. They headed towards West District.
If I run, I can catch up to them!"Zak said with vigour, clearly ready to do anything for the Lady Principal.
Khan.. So that's his name.. At that moment, the hope that had been accruing within her heart, all tumbled down to the ground, dissipating like ash in the wind. A wave of disappointment engulfed her.
"No, ..don't."She smiled, tiredly."It's okay."
Even though she was anxious to meet with the child who called the adhaan that night, it was mostly because she had believed it was her Rukni- Arkaan.
It not being Arkaan, took away more than half of her yearn to meet with the child..
For a moment, Lady Frieda didn't know what to say.
She was lost within.
Why risk hoping in something, when it can all come to failure?
If man never had any high expectations,
If man were never to hope in anything, ..then maybe, it wouldn't hurt as much.
But sometimes, we can't just help hoping..
The question was, was it worth it..?
The next her voice came out, it was levelled, without any of her previous emotions. So Zak didn't notice anything had gone amiss, during their interaction just now.
She asked on their new halaqah, and after giving some encouragement, Lady Frieda retreated back into the Eastern prayer hall, where most of the ladies had already left.
There were things to do that day, -a Council meeting she had to attend to before Maghrib. She needed to spend some time on her Adhkar before then, because only Allah knew what she'd do if any of the tribes got on her nerves that day-Something they never failed to not surprise her with, whenever they had an encounter.
She also didn't want to take any more of Zak's time than she had to. The boys had their halaqah to attend to.
But even as she rounded into the ladies prayer hall, at a position to the staircase leading up the first floor where no one could see her, she sagged, leaning unto the balustrade for support.
All the emotions came running in.
What did she really expect..?
Inna ma'al usri yusraa..?
Did she hope it'd be her Arkaan..?
Did she think it'd be that easy?
But Allah, she had waited for him, for YEARS.
Was she being too greedy to ask only for her son to return, even though she had lost both husband and son..?
Was it greediness, to ask for only one of them return to her..?
She looked up, facing the heavens with tears in her eyes. Sorrow gripped her heart tightly like a fist would, to squeeze water from a soaked foam.
It hurt.
Ilãhi.. How long would this atonement last..?
They said, if I asked You for forgiveness, ..You'd not hesitate to forgive..
What sin requires an atonement of EIGHT YEARS..?!
"As long as you continue hoping in Him.. One day your son might return to you a beautiful reunion.. In shaa Allah"
It was as though the words had come to answer her question.. But for how long must one continue to hope? She asked her grieving heart.
Yet, she sobered up, and walked up the stairs. She remembered the scholar. His courage gave her strength. His pain, told her she was not alone in such a trial. He also faced it, yet he smiled.
He smiled, ..even though he was obviously in great sorrow. He wiped away people's tears, and taught them ways to find happiness, even though ..his heart was bleeding deep inside, with unshed tears.
Only a few among Insan, could attain to such a level..
That scholar lost his daughter for two years when mine had only been gone for one.. But still he smiled, trusting in his Allah..
If it's eight years now, then so what..?
What complaint can I give, when Allah's beloved prophets had undergone worse, and set down the examples..
If EIGHT years can bring this pain and Hasrat.., then what about Ya'qûb alayhis Salaam.. with Yusuf, alayhis Salaam..?
Until my years of losing my son exceeds those years of patience spent waiting for his son, I'd only be a hypocrite with tears..
Astaghfirullah wa'Atuubu ilayk.. She hymned in her mind.
She had questioned her Allah, when she should not have. For that, let her repent. For that..
"..continue hoping in Him.."The words rang, like a sorrowful sigh in her heart.
In the silence around her, Lady Frieda made a dua..
..Oh Beloved of the hearts,
That which cannot be said, You've heard
And that which was said behind the veiled hearts,
You've witnessed
To You alone we turn all our hopes and calamities..
The first floor of the Eastern prayer hall was almost empty, except for one or two people around. Mahaa was no where to be found. She probably returned to her lodging here in the South.
At the moment, Lady Frieda needed some peaceful silence to herself and her internal turmoil.
She didn't wish to meet anyone she knew. And Mahaa was an even worse company that could drain her.
In that silence, she sat in Tashahhud, facing the Qibla.
With masbahah in hand, she counted the glories of God.
"Arkaan my boy! I never knew you had it in you to call an adhaan like that!"Âyatullah said, elation in his eyes as he looked at Arkaan.
They were walking down a road, leading away from Masjidur Rahmân. Many passersby stopped to look at the rowdy man, who had a garish display of foreign traits. However, a turban covered his lower visage in exceeding white, masking his identity.
The greenness of the boy's eyes didn't seem to alleviate the attention they were getting. Not usual was it to see foreigners walking their streets and being too conspicuous about it too.
Arkaan noticed all the staring, and silently hoped Redbeard would stop making them so apparent. But the burly man was either oblivious about it or didn't seem to care. He highly doubted the former.
"And boy, I say - I've never heard adhaan being called this way before."
"Ahn- Did I call it wrong?"Arkaan was confused.
It was only after the Khutbah and Salah had ended, that he realized people had actually reacted to the adhaan he had called.
He received compliments on his adhaan from people he knew, and people -he didn't know.
Among those he knew, were Sheikh Ya'qûb and the Al Maghribi brothers.
Sheikh Ya'qûb particularly stayed behind, after he had met with Âyatullah and some other South district elders, to give some encouragement to the boys who were preparing for the halaqah session after 'Asr.
As for Âyatullah, he mentioned he had to hurry to the West district for a reason, before the Council meeting started later that day. He was an expected guest..
Sheikh Ya'qûb would be moving there too.
Among those whom he didn't know, but still had complimented him, were people who actually had tears in their eyes, saying the adhaan reminded them of someone in the far past.
As for whom, they seemed not to be willing to mention, ..or was it that, they could not remember..? Such strange behaviours.. It seemed funny that they could not remember someone who had particularly affected them so. Or where they just making it all up..?
That could be possible too.
Then Zak and Abdullah, who promised him they had a serious discussion right when he came back. One they couldn't have at the time, because Âyatullah was in a hurry and wanted Arkaan to accompany him.
The rest of the halaqah members who were present exclusive of Arafat and Haru(who weren't in the masjid then), all wore looks of reverence on their faces. As to whether it was because of his adhaan, or the fact that a top-notch world-traveller and famous personality had treated him as a friend, Arkaan would never know.
Ukashah though, regained lucidity from his earlier self from before the adhaan was called. But the cryptic looks he gave Âyatullah, made Arkaan believe not all was well.
The two seemed to know each other, at least on an intimate basis. This did not elude Arkaan's discerning eyesight.
But Ukashah seemed to only avoid the red-haired man in general. Apart from the courteous greeting and curt responses to everything Redbeard said, there seemed to be no other interaction at all.
If Arkaan didn't catch all the subtle clues from when Âyatullah first came, he'd have said the two had nothing to do with each other.
However there was always humour in Redbeard's eyes all throughout.
Finally, he left with Arkaan.
"I'm not talking about the words, yaa walad! I'm talking about the Call. The Voice.. -It was almost like when the five Quraa two years ago recited Qur'an with Tajweed, and opened the Domains."
Tajweed Adhaan, yh right..! Arkaan laughed mentally as Âyatullah continued to talk.
"But it possessed a different effect!
Your voice.. This voice.. -Who taught you..?"Âyatullah suddenly paused in his jabber, turning to face Arkaan.
"Can't I have taught myself?"Arkaan had laughter in his eyes.
"Impossible.."Âyatullah muttered.
"One would hear the adhaan five times a day, and would not give heed to it, much less contemplate upon the words..
But this adhaan.., this adhaan induced contemplation!
It was like the pauses between the lines were intentional, inciting one to ponder the words they heard mostly everyday, five times!
You learnt it from someone..a learned person of some sorts."Seeing that Arkaan would not spill, he asked,
"What was on your mind as you called the adhaan, yaa walad?"
"Honestly"Arkaan turned sober, remembering,"I really don't know.."
An image of a dying girl conjured in his mind. But he'd rather forget it, so he suppressed the memory from rising.
It was disturbing, making his heart go into a riot of emotions.
"But whatever it was, it certainly was not contemplation of Allah.."He really couldn't tell Redbeard all that time he was calling, it was a girl on his mind now, could he?(^_-)
"Impossible, Arkaan.. There must have been something you're overlooking. Think! Yaa walad! Think.
An adhaan like that, kindling contemplation, rousing different states of wonderment..?
Impossible! Simply impossible." Âyatullah said, shaking his head vehemently as he walked ahead, looking down as though lost in his thoughts.
It seemed he sincerely wanted Arkaan to find whatever that thing was, which triggered him to call the adhaan that way.
Arkaan went silent, as he became slowly absorbed deep within his thoughts. His steps gradually slowed, increasing the gap between them.
Âyatullah was completely vexed to even notice as he moved on. He just couldn't belief what the boy had said. Because hearts speak to hearts, and if Arkaan's heart was completely void of divine contemplation, there was no way it'd induce tears in anyone, much less affect that many people.
Somehow, Arkaan's adhaan was a catharsis, allowing him to release all his deepest emotions, and _something else that was suppressed. It resonated with the hearts of those in hearing range, purging them also.. calming them.
Instead of a call to prayer, it was almost like a Heart-Cleansing, in and of itself.
The depth of his sorrow was so apparent.
He looked back at the boy stuck in thought.
Young boy,
What really have you gone through in life, that your heart holds so much pain and yet've yet to see the end of a second decade..
Throughout their journey together, Arkaan had avoided personal topics. They were strangers then after all. Arkaan was only being level-headed. But now, even though they were close, they both still refrained from talking personal issues.
Somehow, he wanted to help Arkaan on the path of the Qur'an that he had chosen. Arkaan had been talking about it, ever since they had boarded the ferry together. He had said he wanted to join a particular Halaqah once he returned to the island.
He was quite passionate about the Qur'an, from what Âyatullah could see in his eyes.
Only a few youth of the new generation would actually choose such a path though.
"Arkaan, say what?"He called up to the boy, who suddenly raised his head. He stood waiting as the boy covered the distance.
"You've heard of the Domains of Ar-Riqâq, haven't you?"
"Those astounding recitations?"Arkaan asked
Âyatullah nodded.
"Do you know why people are influenced when some people recite the Qur'an, and not others..?"
Arkaan shook his head."No."
"It's all about this."Âyatullah touched Arkaan's chest, right over his heart.
"When the heart and the mind is whole, ..the tongue speaks from the recesses of the soul..
Only a pure heart, can move others.
There's a secret to that adhaan you called, lying within your sadr. Find it, develop it.
Once you do, it'll become your key in opening the Domains-those realms of astounding recitations, as you embark on your journey in the Qur'an halaqât.
Qur'an cultivation is Heart cultivating, son..
Qur'an cultivation is the cultivation of the Heart!
It's the hearts that memorize the Qur'an.
It's the pure hearts that can guard the words of the Lord."
Arkaan looked at him with eyes wide open, he forgot to breath.
It was until the man burst out laughing that Arkaan regained his sobriety. But then Âyatullah changed the subject.
Arkaan smiled, knowing that the man had just given him invaluable advice on the path he had chosen. Thank you, Redbeard..
"So now, boy, what did you think about when I made my debut?" Redbeard puffed his chest out with a boastful smile.
"Wait - it was so clear on your face! Hahaaa"He hollered, making Arkaan turn red from embarrassment. Not from his words though, but from the stares people were giving them. Was this the same elegant renowned man he had heard about? Âyatullah -the World-traveller, friend of Kings..? Surely, it can't be because of the veil covering his lower face that emboldens him to behave thusly in a crowd?
Arkaan tsked."I got rid of the Eastern Waterfall guys the last time you challenged me. But that was less of a recompense for what I did!"
"I've already returned your things.."Âyatullah said, removing tears of laughter from his eyes.
"That wasn't even part of the deal. You promised to return that yesterday. You didn't."
"Sorry son, I got caught up in something urgent."He had his hand clasped behind his head as he sauntered, Arkaan walking by his side.
Ah.. He sighed in his heart. He had hoped their friendly relationship wouldn't change after that. And that Arkaan still saw him as an ordinary person, the Uncle Redbeard he met on the ferry. No titles, no veneration, - just normal people who met on a journey, and enjoyed each other's company.
He was glad that they were still the same as before..
At first, when Arkaan didn't believe him, Âyatullah had this desire to see what Arkaan's expression would be when he revealed himself.
Of course when they met on the ferry, there was no way he'd have been recognized by anyone, and also on the market. He had concealed his lower visage with his turban, leaving only his eyes to see the way.
Now though, he wondered if it was worth it, that the boy came to know who he was.
But then again, -it was important that he knew, for the next thing he was going to request of him..
"I want you to do something.."He continued without waiting for a response,
"Considering you won the deal and were able to handle all those guys from the Eastern Waterfall singlehandedly, you've proven yourself to me as capable, and make me wanna give you a much ~ higher task.
Albeit, more dangerous too.
I don't know if you'll be willing to accept the challenge?"Seeing the grave look on the man's usually smiling face, Arkaan knew this was no joke, and that whatever it was, the man was well serious about it.
However, his blood was boiling at the mention of challenge. You see, he was never quite the one to back away from one. If there was anything Arkaan's curiosity led him to, it was adventuring wherever there was a challenge or mystery. He seriously believed in that adage people said, that whatever doesn't kill you, only seeks to make you stronger.
So he nodded.
The man sighed in relief, but his face was suddenly filled with sobriety as he uttered the next words.
"You've heard the tale of the Nine Stone Pieces, right?.
I want you to find them.."
Arkaan opened his mouth agape in surprise. He didn't see that coming.
"Not all-Just the ones on Tâ Hâ. And-I want you to destroy them."
The names Kãn and Khan are homophones when the word 'Khan' is pronounced by the English way.
Lady Frieda is originally from the West, so that's the name that comes to mind, when Zak mentions it.
Do y'all hate Zak now? ;) That's why you shouldn't call your friends by their nickies in front of their mothers. They wouldn't be able to identify them!:D
I'll be updating the last chapter(I divided this one into two) before Ramadan today in shaa Allah.
Have something to do now.
Do vote, comment, ask questions, whaleva:3
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