Crescent 33: Hâ Mîm|World-shocking Voices open the Domains(3)!|

"Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller." - Ibn Battuta


"However.."Zak looked at Abdul Bâqi who seemed to be mentally absent.
..I don't regret having come..

Pointing to the dark brooding boy, he grinned against Ukashah's expressionless face, highlighting his dimples,

"It's time to wake this guy up. Right?Ukashah?

Earth to Abdul, Earth to Abdul!"


"Hey Abdul.. Boy Abdul!!!"

"Hahnn.. Wha-what?!"He staggered, almost falling off his seat.

"Where did you go? I wanted to ask if you'd prefer to go this round instead of Ukashah.."Zak asked, his eyes in open humour.

"Why, You done already, Zak? I wasn't even able to witness your recital! Ya Allah! I've been thinking about where Zayn and Urwah ran off to, I wasn't present enough to hear you. It was a wonderful recitation as usual..wasn't it?"


Abdul Baqi had a sorry and sincere expression on his face. But it made Zak all the more feel like punching him. Didn't even hear him???

"You guys can handle this round though, ..I'm waiting on the others."

"What-" Are you implying..was what Zak was going to say.

But he stopped when he saw Abdul Baqi's eyes darken,"If Zayn recites on the seventeenth, then my recitation is also on the seventeenth..

If he recites on the nineteenth, then my recitation is also on the nineteenth!

- ..Awww! What was that for?!"

He held his forehead in complaint from where Ukashah had just flicked.

Ukashah looked down at him sombrely,"..because the seventeenth and nineteenth all belong to you.."

"..In shaa Allah.."Abdul Bâqi said with grudge, realizing his mistake.

Zak scoffed,"I think it's obvious that Zayn's recital is the unmatched one amongst us.. Your own may be quite exceptional even among us, but it would take a century before you're anywhere near Ustadh's first and most foremost student!"

"Heh.."Abdul Baqi sneered."Do you really think all this time, I've been learning Qur'an to surpass Zayn?..

Zak, you've really underestimated me, so much.. Why I learn the Qur'an.. If Ikhlâs is truly an essential part of entering the domains.. Then have you questioned why of us all, I'm the closest to Zayn in recitation?

If you thought really carefully about that, you'd have theorized..that there's a different intention motivating move on, ever forward.."

"Tsk! Hogwash, stop playing the saint!"Zak voiced out. Abdul Bâqi always picked up the right moment to act all high and mighty, but he was fed up with it as of now.

The tension seemed to build between them even as they faced off.

"What's going on in the Tâ Hâ group? Who's the black boy? How come I've not noticed him until now.."King Dhul Qarnayn said, amused.

"Your eminence, he's part of the five best pupils of Al Iskandâri. Abdul Bâqi Al Aswâdi, I've personally witnessed his own recital."

"An Al Aswâdi?.."The King iterated.

"Na'am, your eminence. Of them five, it's widely known he's the only one on par with Zayn who's recitation is transcendent amongst the extraordinary!"Sâmuddîn answered.

"I see.."The King's eyes narrowed,"And what's Ukashah's position among them?"

"He's their student leader.. He's in another league altogether, I'd say Ukashah's domain is an exclusive realm where he remains indomitable himself.. So he surpasses them in his own respect.

Much difficult to explain this, but.. they all have something where they each surpass the other in.."

"Âyatullah! You're most familiar in these things, and you've named the five reciters of the past generation! Do give us your say in this.

What's the standard of appraisal?!!"

All eyes on the high table turned to the redheaded man, everyone expectant and eager to hear something from him. For indeed, the reason for his fame was not only particularly because of his extensive voyages far and wide, and high position in the court of King Sulaymân.
But Âyatullah himself was a Qaadi from a lineage of Qadwaah(Judges), plus he was enlightened in the sciences of Tajweed. This and all, won him the favour of the people wherever he went!

Âyatullah put a finger to his lips, his eyes squinted as he looked at the boys across, from the other side of the pavilion.

He'd really know the standard of appraisal of those within the domains, and so did the current main Qaadi judging from above. He was sure there were others from among the scholars who had a hint of how the domain grading system worked.

"Under normal circumstances a person shouldn't be able to reach to a hundred percent Tajweed in recitation..

..As it concerns the beauty of sawt, the makhârijul huruf, and all known ahkâm of Tajweed.

However, all those who're able to break through this, into the domains have attained something likened to a hundred percent perfect Tajweed!"He paused to let it sink.

"All of them are in a direct and continuous chain of masters and students tracing back to the Prophet, alayhis Salaam himself, in a concise relay of the science.

As you know, the teacher of the Prophet, alayhis Salaam was Jibril alayhis Salaam.. As Rabbul 'Izzah Dhul Jalâl has said;

Ba'ada a'uudhubillahi minash Shaytânir Rajim

Bismillahir Rahmânir Rahîm...

'Allamahuu Shadîdul Quwah..[An-Najm:5]

He was taught by one of mighty power..

And the teacher of Jibril.., alayhis Salaam is Dhul Jalâli wal Ikrâm Himself!!!

Thus, with such authentic chain and meticulous transmission of the science, it's not an underestimation to say they're all gurus in Tajweed recitals.

Now, these people are among the chosen who can tap into a realm where Tajweed is 100% and only hearts can tell recitations apart!

Here, there are five criteria of appraisal;

Tajweed, which is the first, has an upper limit mark of 50. This represents the 100% Tajweed in the level before domain.
Thus, everyone in the domains has a least Tajweed mark of 50.

Tarannum, melody, this is more of a natural gift. Only those graced by Rabbul 'Izzah with a talent of a beautiful sawt may attain the heights. It's uppermost mark is 20.

Tahazzun, sorrow; this measures the innocence and softness of one's qalb. One who's heart is not soft first of all, cannot advance here.
The words of Allah work upon the softest hearts..
It's highest mark is 10.

Khashyah, the awe of Allah's greatness, tends to measure the level of Ikhlâs. One who stands in awe of his Rabb, can think of none else but to please Him.

Among the past five reciters, the one with the most effective recital had a Khashyah level measuring 8! The uppermost limit is 10!

The last of all these, is Tadabbur - Contemplation. Only with a high spiritual level of focus and raghbah(the fervent love and desire to reach that which is beloved) can one soar in Tadabbur. Among all five criteria, it has been where most reciters slumped. Up to now, the reason has remained a mystery to me.. I'm yet to see a reciter with high Tadabbur level.

Apparently, even tahazzun and khashyah both have little influence on it, so even in the older generation of five reciters, the highest in Tadabbur was 3, but that was not Zeeshan who topped in Khashyah.."

"Then who was it??"King Dhul Qarnayn asked in shock and wonder.

In a calm voice, Âyatullah answered,"It was Inaayat Al Iskandâri!

He surpassed the top reciter, Zeeshan in this level. Zeeshan had a mark of 1, whilst Inaayat had 3, the uppermost limit of this realm being 10.

When all the marks in these five criteria are added, the total is over a 100% mark in the domains.

The best reciter has the highest mark!

But even among them, some may surpass the others in different categories..

In the past, Zeeshan was the best, and he had attained a mark of 76%.

Inaayat Al Iskandâri came only second, with a mark of 75%!"

Everybody's eyes at the high table glowed with enlightenment and understanding. In their hearts they all thought about how so profound the realms of the domain were, where reciters perfected Tajweed rules, and only hearts told recitations apart.

"Yaa Habîb, tell us.. What was Zak's grading just now?"King Dhul Qarnayn asked curiously.

Âyatullah laughed, to himself though. The King using that term for him meant he was extremely happy.

By now from his hairs up to his toes are singing in ecstasy. To have asked about Zak.. I guess it'd be something on everyone's mind by now..

But he himself was amazed by the level of prowess Zak had shown just now.

He sighed. Indeed, the student surpasses his teacher..

"Zak.. Zak's grading is..."


"Zakariyya. Leave him be. What he thinks of his recital or that of others concerns him alone. This is not something you should get vexed up about.."Ukashah said calmly as he faced the podium.

At this, Zak backed down, realizing his mistake. The tension cleared.

"Heh.. Shukran, Ukashah. You always know the right words to say.."Abdul Bâqi's lips curled up in a smile. But Ukashah couldn't tell as to whether it carried any sincerity.

Abdul Bâqi then folded his arms across his chest and closed his eyes in a strange sedateness, avoiding to say anything further.

This boy seemed a mystery. Sometimes, Ukashah felt he didn't really understand Abdul. He felt even after all these years, Abdul Bâqi hid his true self under an open personality.

What was his true heart?

Why did he learn the Qur'an?

Why was he so obsessed about Zayn's Qur'an particularly?

..He might never know, ..till Abdul reveals his true self!

"..I'm going now."

Even as Ukashah approached the speaker, he remembered everything they'd been in till now since they became companions, learning the Qur'an under Ustadh Inaayat.

..It was also just Abdul's way of thinking,

.. you couldn't be too bothered about it.

Abdul had always asked their Ustadh who was the best reciter.

To anyone who had heard them all recite before, even among those learned in the Qur'an sciences, it was always a hard time choosing between Zayn and Abdul.
But all agreed the five were exceptional, and read beyond the normal level, applying the rules perfectly till they now focused on building their bond with the book.

However, their Ustadh straight out told them his favourite recital, even after commending them all..

Ustadh once said, after having crowned Urwah the best reciter, apparently for his own reasons..

"..You all are different in your understanding and comprehension abilities, but you're all gifted with enlightenment even after reading an ayah only a few times..

Who's better than the other, Abdul Bâqi you ask?

..I think it's just like colours..

Everyone has their favourite colours, but it doesn't mean one colour is better than the other. What might seem a heart-sundering Qur'an recitation for you, might just be ordinary to another..

It's about how much we let the Qur'an we recite influence us, and subsequently.. those around us too..

Everyone has their paths chosen and laid out, so recite your hearts out. You've all excelled at Mujawwad and Murattal, and your Tajweed has soared to the level that, in any contest, trying to tell you apart by your abiding to the rules of Tajweed and Makhârijul huruf(Points of emanation of letters) would be pointless..

Thus, people would only be able to judge you based on your strength of hifz(memorization), Sawt(beauty of voice), your enlightenment of the verses recited, and then how much it has affected them.."


"The Qur'an is my garden.. My world.."Ukashah intoned even as he stood facing the Judges and the crowds.

"Well, if it's not Abdullah bin Islam."King Dhul Qarnayn said in a slight mocking tone. But Ukashah dismissed it.

"I've arranged a special way of testing your abilities to finally or not, crown Tâ Hâ, as the winners of today's competition."

"Ermm.. Your eminence.. There are some others groups left..(You can't just crown them like that!!)"The Hâ Mîm governor whispered.

"My word is final. Thus, I guess all those groups just got evicted.."He gave a sorry smile that was anything but sincere.

"Now then, let's begin! The final test of this round!!!"

Zak smiled. Did that so-called guest of honour think he could arrange such a competition on Qur'an that would faze a Qaari like Ukashah??
Not in our world! - And definitely not Ukashah..

He'll let you have a glimpse at something truly beautiful..

Ukashah sighed, hearing King Dhul Qarnayn's words. The man definitely didn't know how to give up.. Thus he made up his mind.
He was going to end this, right here and now!..


By the time Ukashah realized, he was standing with five other competitors from other cities. All these had made it into the finals, having read before Tâ Hâ.

The only missing city was Sâd, and that was because, Sâd was to recite after Tâ Hâ. But the King had essentially disqualified them and all who remained after Tâ Hâ.

It created a bit of unrest among the people present. The King's blatant actions were exposing him before all those who had before, remained oblivious of his presence.

However, he seemed not to care..

"For this second part of the competition, one has to be well versed with the Book, to be able to win!

This part has been specially designed by our guest of honour here today, in order to test our young Quraa's time spent with the Holy Book.

Naturally, if you're always consistent in reading, this would come as no feat to any of you..

However, ..there's a caveat for this to be all the more competitive.. A verse would be recited for all the participants at once.

Whoever recognizes the verses first by opening to the very verse in the Qur'an before the others.., can recite.

The winner of this part would be determined by the most number of openings, and so therefore the most number of recitations, not forgetting the very rules of Tajweed and also Sawt."

The six young Quraa looked around. Understanding seemed to flicker in them, and most felt jittery just looking at the provided Qur'ans in their hands.

Obviously, this was not to test one's hifz, but one's familiarity with the pages of the Qur'an.

The Qaadi smiled, looking at the variant expressions on the participants' faces. All were shaken by the very declaration of the nature of the quiz.
Only one person amongst them, had a stoic expression on his face like he didn't care a bit.

Ukashah's indifference upon hearing the nature of the quiz was quite palpable among his compatriots.
Even the King wondered if he'd only just opened a field where his test subject actually considered as his territory of expertise.

"Once we've all understood this, let the rounds begin!!!"The Qaadi's voice rang throughout the convention.


AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, Treasured readers:D

If you want to read some more about Raghbah and Khashyah, do check the link below:)))

It has some interesting points on Raghbah and Khashyah..

Till the next crescent sooner than you can expect in shaa Allah,

Fee Amânillah:)))))

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