Crescent 27: Hâ Mîm|Chronicles of the Boy Saint|
Ha, Meem.
'Ayn, Seen, Qaf.
Thus has He revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and to those before you - Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
Ash-Shûra, 42:1-3
Feeling around for one of the melons, he grabbed one big one lying around. These were easy to locate due to their being widely present all around the woman's stall.
Urwah moved to help him, seeing him struggle to carry it.
"Urwah"He said lightly, trying to hold his companion's hand.
"Please take me to the stage for the sales.."
Urwah led him to the chair and table, upon which was set several melons. With Ukashah making way for him, he was guided to take the seat, the melon placed right in front of him.
A collective gasp resonated in the crowd when his shawl lowered a bit, it seemed as if everyone had sucked in a breath.
Seemingly oblivious of his effect on the crowd, he proceeded to address the crowd,"Indeed.. As you can see, I've been blind since I was young..But my grandmother has always strived to help me.
I also didn't get the chance of meeting waalidî(my birth parents)."
At this, the crowd grew dense with palpable emotion. Some even sighed. Such a blessed youth, and yet he experiences such calamity right from birth! In their hearts, they called on the mercy of the heavens.
"Respected elders, is it right for such rumours to be spread about an old woman and her grandson? Ones who're only trying to make a living in this big wild world, where the agniyaa'u(rich) only grow richer, while the fuqaraa'u(poor) continuously live in poverty."
His tone lowered deeply,"I'm yet young and I know so little, so forgive me for my inexperience. But for the most of my life, I've learnt that everyone is facing one problem or another.
If we're all in this world, striving to please our Rabb and are mostly living in Hasrat wan-Nadaama (Distress and worry), then surely we should aim to help one another succeed.
If we cannot do even this, what right do we have to claim our having humanity?"
An air of contemplation fell deeply over the crowd. They seemed to offer him the utmost respect!
Even more people began to arrive, when they heard the news about the beautiful youth giving a sermon! The crowd began to grow!
"At least, even if we cannot help others let's not become additional obstacles in their paths towards happiness.
Are we all looking for happiness?
Well then, there's this story jadatî (my grandmother) once told me about an old woman..
Having lost her son, she fell into profound bereavement. Being unable to cope with the grieve, she went to a monk, seeking medicine for her huzn (sorrow).
“Bring me a mustard seed..”He said. She thought for such a simple thing, how difficult could it be to attain?
But he continued,“Retrieve it from such a home as had never experienced grief before. Find this, and you'll find the solution for your grief.”
The woman left, going from house to house. In one house she asked for a mustard seed. Upon asking if they'd never had any bereavement in their home before, they replied “Old lady, in this house, the living are few, and the dead are many. Which grieve have we yet to face?”
Feeling sympathy for the family, she gave her condolences and stayed awhile, heartening them. Once she'd achieved her goal, she continued on her way.
Like that, every house she knocked upon, had one grieve or the other they bore. No house had there been the absence of huzn. The emotion presented itself in so many forms. And in every home, she gave her condolence and sat to share something to lighten their qulûb(hearts).
Finally, even as she walked on, she felt the happiness radiate within. Somehow, she had overcome her grief..
She returned to the monk, who asked her whether she had found what she had been looking for?
She responded,“I found that, no home was completely deprived of huzn in its essence. It came in many different forms, presenting people with many a grievance.”
“In the end, did you learn the significance of sharing sentiments with the people you met?”The sage asked.
She replied,“Indeed! I found that, whenever I helped someone move pass their huzn, I subconsciously also overcame mine. We help one another overcome our sorrows.
Happiness comes from helping people unto the path of happiness. Once you relieve people of the burdens weighing down on their hearts, you also find that you've effortlessly also attained happiness.”
So I ask you, yaa Qawm; What joy is obtained from the suffering of others? If such a thing really exists, then no one would achieve happiness in this world. For all would seek the downfall of their companion.. "
At the end of his speech, the large crowd around him had already taken a liking to the youth and were stunned by him.
Everything about him was such as would cause a liking for him in the people's hearts. It was not only his otherworldly beauty from his half-opened face. But he was one endeared into the hearts of the people. It were as if he had gained the acceptance of the Heavens, so the people of Earth naturally loved him.
"So what do we do about these dzaalimûn (wrongdoers)?!"The people got hold of the lying vendors.
"I say, imprison them! Or they'd go round spreading more rumours about others!"A shout came from behind.
"Yh! We can't have them harming poor innocent lives of our Hâ Mîm!" Another followed from the same place.
Soon the crowd was roused by the two voices.
"You're right!"
"Imprison them!"The chant grew into a wide scale clamour within the now big gathering.
"Irshâd, you troublemaker! Let those vendors get you. They won't let you off!"Jârullah guffawed, pulling his friend down in a sideways bear hug. Apparently it was his friend who earlier made the suggestion of imprisonment.
"And who was it that supported me earlier?!"Irshâd laughed too, excited at having riled up trouble.
"Please let me have a say, revered people of Hâ Mîm."The crowd grew silent again once Zayn's voice sailed through, carrying with it the feeling of an eternity of spring.
The boys disentangled.
"To err is human. And none of us is perfect.. Perhaps, they heard these rumours somewhere, and didn't necessarily create them.
They must have only innocently spread what they believed to be true.. Perhaps, they could be given a chance as anyone of us would want, if we were in their place."
"You heard the boy,"One elderly man among the audience said to the rumour mongering vendors,"Go, and change your ways! Take this as Allah giving you a second chance.
If we hear even the slightest hint of anyone spreading a rumour about this revered old lady and her son again, - or anyone else for that matter, Hâ Mîm will not spare you!"
These words sent a chill down the vendors' spines as well as those who played roles in such similar acts.
The vendors scampered away. Not without first giving the blind Zayn malicious looks.
The unaware crowd and companions of Zayn didn't see it. How much more the blind boy?..
"Yaa shabâb(Oh youth)! How much are your two remaining carts?"A hearty voice boomed from the very end of the crowd.
The people opened up to expose a man at the very back, who rode on a strong camel dressed in the finest of silk and brocade. He wore a black and white garb, with a large black turban raised up high, studded with rubies. It was the most captivating thing about him. The howdah of the camel and the man's garments were all impressive.
His countenance was magnetic, and his long beard which he gently stroked, was as black as ebony.
"Al Amîru! Al Amîru!"
"Hâ Mîm's governor?"Abdul Bâqi asked, shocked.
"Yh, - Who else could ride a camel into the bazaar?!"Urwah laughed, arms folded,"Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you - Amir of Hâ Mîm, Sayyidi Muhammad Amin!"
"How did you know though? We're all new here.."Zak asked curiously.
"I've my ways.."Urwah smiled smugly. Zak frowned. This was what he didn't like about Urwah. He always seemed to have so many secrets.
But oh well, apparently he had done his research.
"We can't take money for this."
"B-but how?"
"Remember what we said earlier,"Abdul Bâqi smiled at her,"We didn't do this for you to pay us. Just hoped we could help you.." The woman smiled in gratitude at the four boys. They nodded, smiling back.
Zayn was a bit away from the group, facing a direction with oblivious thoughts.
"Shukran (Thanks) hafîdî.."The old woman approached him,"You even lied to save my face. I'm sure this would bring a definite end to all the slanders.."
"Grandmother.. I didn't lie. Everything I said was sahīh(true).. of my diseased but beloved only relation I had fii haadhihid-Dunya(in this world).."Zayn turned and smiled at her faintly. All that he spoke to the people about, was of the woman who took care of him before he met his Ustadh and his daughter. She was his Jadatî.. and she had passed away some few years before.
"Fee Amanillah (I leave you in Allah's care). Maybe we'll meet again.. one day."Saying this, he walked away, led by the cane. He joined his waiting companions and they made their way to their lodging at the inn.
"Yaa Allah! Fabi'izzatik! (Oh Allah! By Your honour!)"The woman looked at her empty cart. What just happened?
"I must have just been aided by Al Wildânum Mukhalladûn..(eternal youth of paradise)"
She looked in awe as the happy companions walked away, glee radiating from them.
"Let's go, Jar. We'll probably meet them again, tomorrow. At the second stage of the GQRC tournament.."Two pairs of feet silently retreated into the darkness.
Immediately too, the adhân for the maghrib and breaking of fast sounded throughout Hâ Mîm, in many mingling heavenly calls.
In the end, the very Amir of the Hâ Mîm towns ended up paying for the carts of melons of the old woman, and even paid in excess. The slander was extinguished, and in its place, the people said,
"The old lady has no cursed grandson. Rather, all this time she has had a blessed boy!"
"My goodness! That teen is a youth from the heavens! He even brought the governor to the woman's doorstep!"
"Did you hear? The governor wanted to bestow the boy with a title so he'll be in his person, but the blind boy declined!"
"Yaa Salaam! Did you see the boy? No heart that sees him but will love him!
His eyes, his voice, his manner of speaking, compassion.. Everything about him is endearing to the heart!
Wish I had a boy like that. I'd die with a smile on my face."
Four men sat under the stars that night, within a golden pavilion, well furnished from the inside out. This was a secret meeting no one would know about.
Two of the grown men seated down, were more regally dressed than the two others. One of the two others, wore a scholar's bisht, and the other, - an official's robe and headgear.
This was a place within the bazaar's upper floors of the storeys present, and these men were seated on a lush blue-coloured carpet, intricately designed with woven gold threads.
"Jayyid! Jayyid! (Good! Good!) Ahsantum! You three have all carried your duties perfectly.."A loud laughter sounded. The one laughing was one of the regally dressed men. Holding a cup of exotic tea to his lips, he asked sombrely,
"Yaa Amin, Are you angry with me?" How could he miss the displeasure on his companion's face. It wasn't a while ago when he had witnessed the event with the blind boy from a private booth in the top floors of the bazaar, and he had sent the Amir to do what he did. Without saying, this man seemed to hold a considerable power over the Hâ Mîm governor. The smug smile on his face as he looked down into the dark fluid swirling, accentuated the aura of flair about him. His gold-rimmed red dress was more sophisticated than his companion, the governor, who wore a black and white garb. The red dress finely adorned his chiselled brown tanned figure, accentuating him in a dark handsomeness.
But his companions all seemed to fear him without an exception.
Apparently, he was not to be trifled with! He commanded the utmost respect!
Unjust Ruler! Wrongful bullying! Petty King! Dhul Wajhayn (Possessor of two faces/hypocrite)! Charades as a benevolent Monarch but he's the most shrewd cunning person I've ever come across in life. Of course he couldn't say these out aloud..
"Ahaha.."The other regally dressed man in the black and white garb laughed awkwardly in his companion's direction,"I don't dare! Yaa Sultan!"An air of devotion and righteous indignation covered him, as his eyes filled with a reverent look of pious loyalty. It looked like he would brave seas of fire and mountains of blades to please the companion by his side.
Yaa Allah, don't make us ever cross paths again in the afterlife! One lifetime of being bullied is enough.. He cleared his throat,"Yaa Sultan, ahemm ..Don't you think it's a bit inappropriate for you to be in Hâ Mîm when you should be in the Pleiades Palace; Ath-Thurayya.."
"Muhammad Amin, In which position are you to decide for me where I should be, and where I shouldn't?"His eyes darkened as he drew closer to the Amir, and whispered,"Yaa Amirul Hâ Mîm.. You do know the ousting of you from your post is but by a single amr (command) of mine to be uttered.."
"Your Sultanate! Aiyaa! I didn't mean that.. I don't dare!"The Amir cried in frustration,"I only mean, ..the wuzaraa'u (ministers) look up to you for decisions to be made.."
Dhul Wajhayn! He cursed under his breath and continued,"Yaa Allah! Though this tournament's second aspect is staged here for only seven days, you can't be away for so long.."
The truth was, the Hâ Mîm Amir only wanted to get rid of his regal companion from his town, so he'd have a peace of mind.
The man he referred to as Sultan knew that, but he only laughed,"Laa ba'sa (Never mind), I've Reyaz taking care of stuffs over at the Capital."
Curses and woes! The Amîr cried internally as the Sultan continued,
"Maasha Allah, Though he's only eighteen, the boy has a forte in governance and its affairs.. Such a pity he's not of my direct bloodline, I would have groomed him to ascend.."
"Yaa Sultan! What about the Prince Firdaws?!.."The Hâ Mîm governor asked in overt upset.
The Sultan answered,"He's still young, has much about State Affairs to learn, and moreover, is an eccentric. His interest in Qur'an far exceeds anything else.
Haha.. I'll not be surprised if he runs up to me one day and says: Baba! I wish to become a travelling faqîr!"The Sultan mimicked a cheerful exclamation of an exuberant youth, then smiled wryly.
"So would you(allow) if he does so?"The Amir suddenly seemed interested. But the Sultan dismissed him,
"Enough with that talk. Now.. to real business,"He turned to the other two who were mute throughout,
"Have you found any info on the Stone?.."
The two perked up.
"Your eminence, the investigation on the pieces is still ongoing. But we've a clue that has led us to the Tâ Hâ scholar.."The official looked over at the scholar in bisht.
"Indeed Your eminence, we have a lead that makes Inaayat a primary suspect."The scholar answered.
"Inaayat.. So that's his name. Wa huwal 'aalimus-Shahîr? (And he is the famous scholar?)
I've personally never met him, but have heard his tales in my land.."
"Yaa Sultan, I think tomorrow would be a good time to make a chance encounter with him..
You can also take the chance to investigate him yourself.."The Hâ Mîm governor spoke.
Not trying to sack me from your town again eh? The Sultan smirked, sipping his tea in elegance, then put it down and asked,"If I remember, it's his kid I had you buy the two carts of melon from."
The Amir nodded.
The Sultan laughed,"Interesting.. What a scholar! He even trains such kids..
Everybody was talking about the blind teen. They even called him - The Boy Saint! Even I was deeply touched by today's event. Such a shame they declined my grace.."
"Your eminence are very benevolent. You let them go free even after rejecting your offer."The scholar said ingratiatingly.
The Sultan's shrewd eyes narrowed as he looked at the scholar well for the first time.
"Seems you already have something against the scholar and his kids. Could I take it that all your judgements are biased and cannot be trusted when it comes to him?.."
"Laa! Laa! (Nay! Nay!) Your eminence, I dare not. I was only -- "
"-praising? I do get that a lot"The Sultan took a sip, his face showed disgust,"People fawning on me once they know of my identity. In this land, they're the people I hate the most.
That's why I move around coded. Only a few know my true face.. Consider yourselves honoured seeing me. But I tolerate no such cheap exultations.. Consider this your first and final warning.."
The air was tensed for a while till it was broken by a hearty laugh from the governor.
"Wait till the GQRC second stage starts, you'd really see what's truly profound about the boy.. Isn't that so, Sâmuddîn?!"He eyed the scholar.
"Yh. Indeed.."His voice came out forced.
"If brother Sâm himself says so about a kid from his rival's team, then this profundity must be something one must die to see."The Sultan become somber again.
The scholar shivered slightly.
The Sultan's lips curled at how his play with the word 'die' affected him. He was yet to see a scholar who hadn't cowered before him..
"Come to think of it, it starts tomorrow, on the fifteenth right? Mr. Registrar?"He turned to the official.
"Na'am (Yes), Your eminence. The peak day of Ayyâmul Bidh (White days).. The Musâbaqah of Qur'an will take place."
"Hâ Mîm is in for the shock of their lives! Yalla! Kuluu wash-rabuu! Yaa Sahaabati (Come on! Eat and drink! Oh my companions!)"The governor motioned to his guests in glee and pomp.
"I really can't believe those kids,"The Sultan laughed heartily once again, remembering the boys. He seemed amused.
The others though, dived wholeheartedly, drinking the night tea and eating the thârid. At first, because of his presence, they found it hard to even look at the food. And had but swallow at their hunger. Good that the Amir of Hâ Mîm was with them.. or they probably might have left here without eating a thing!
"They even refused the old lady's offer of payment.. and that of the Sayyid of Hâ Mîm!"He eyed the governor who turned away in embarrassment,
"Talk about eccentricities among kids. Your rival surely deserves the praise of having raised wonderful kids!"
At this, Sâmuddîn scoffed silently. You make it sound as though they were below ten! The youngest is thirteen for Allah's sake! He gulped down the rest of the tea.
The Sultan's laughter rang into the night. He had succeeded in pissing off everyone, and he was happy about it.
Congratulations Dhul Wajhayn! Ah~ You never seem to surprise me! The Amîr of Hâ Mîm drank his tea with difficulty, anxiety wrecking him from head to toe as to what was going to happen here in Hâ Mîm for the next couple of days. He cried for his relatively peaceful City.
Hâ Mîm..
Sultan in disguise..
School's reopened...
But in shaa Allah, I'll try to release all the chapters on the Hâ Mîm arc before next week Friday in shaa Allah.(Currently eight in total now)
Four are to be released for the days of Tashreeq though :)
Pray for me.. A new chapter has opened! Clinical years begin!
Till the next time we meet at Hâ Mîm..:)
Fee Amânillah
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh..
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