Chapter 9: The Battle Continues and Aslan Return
The battle continues on with the combine strength of Solaris Knight, Leanbow, and the White Mystic Ranger at the Narnians side.
Caspia: I can not believe I am fighting along side the Mystic warriors themselves, as well as the one I love. We might actually win this battle.(Caspia saids in thought and charges along side the others to face down the Telmarines.)
The battle continues with the Narnians and Telmarines going head to head with one to another but lucky for the Narnians that the legendary heroes known as Leanbow, Solaris Knight, and White Mystic Ranger have come to aid them in battle which means that the Narnians as well as the kings and queens and even Caspia have a chance to end this distractive conflict.
Wolf Warrior: TAKE THIS!!!(Wolf saids as he kept of hitting and cutting down more and more Telmarines who kept on charging at him)
Telmarine soldiers: AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!(Soldiers screamed in pain and then his life ended after being taken down by Wolf Warrior)
Rip: Hey Roy!, how many are you on now!!
Wolf Warrior: I am already on three hundred!!
Rip: What?!! there is no way I am loosing this challenege come on!!!(Rip saids as he charges at the soldiers coming towards him)
Wolf Warrior: Why did I ever agreed to make this stupid challenge in the first place.(Wolf saids as he takes down more soldiers coming his way)
Meanwhile with the others:
Trumpkin: Arrgggghhh! UH I NEED SOME HELP HERE!!(Trumpkin saids as he sees a Telmarine about to strike him down until Leanbow came to his aid)
FIRE SLASH!!(Leanbow saids as he takes the soldier who tried to kill Trumpkin)
Leanbow: Are you alright my dwarf friend(Leanbow saids as he offers his hand for Trumpkin who takes it in thanks)
Trumpkin: Thank you great Leanbow.....
Leanbow: My pleasure sir dwarf, now lets show these Telmarines what true warriors can really do!
Trumpkin: Yes!!(Trumpkin saids as he and Leanbow charge at the soldiers with great might)
Leanbow charges to aid the other Narnians who were being pin down by the soldiers and they thanked him for their rescue and got back up and fought harder this time. and they weren't the only ones Peter, Susan, Edmund, along with Solaris Knight were keeping the other soldiers at bay.
Peter: Ed! behind you!!(Peter saids to his brother who is about to get strike down by a soldier)
Edmund: What.......
Solaris Knight: I DON'T THINK SO, LASER LAMP FIRE!!(Solaris Knight fired his beams at the soldiers who were about to end Edmunds life)
Edmund: WHOAH!!(Edmund ducked when the lasers came towards him and then ended the soldiers life in a second)
Peter: Wow....I got to try that thing out myself(Peter saids in thought then goes back towards the fighting)
Edmund: Thanks for that!
Solaris Knight: Your welcome, now let me show you how a true mystic knight knows how it is down.(Solaris Knight saids as he charges the Telmarines and starts kicking and bashing each and ever one of them one by one)
Edmund: Ok now I am impressed with these Mystic Rangers by the minute.(Edmund saids in thought then goes back to the fighting with his brother and sister)
Solaris Knight: Is that really all of you got! Come on I took down better soldiers then you.(Solaris Knight saids as he takes down more soldiers then out of nowhere an arrow went by his left side face and it hit the Telmarine in front of him and when Solaris looked back, he saw that Susan gave him a hand)
Solaris Knight: Thank you Milday!
Susan: My pleasure!(Susan saids as she continues to fire more arrows at the Telmarines)
Solaris Knight along with Peter, Susan and Edmund were doing fine so far but with Caspia she was being cornered by more and more soldiers coming towards her.
Caspia: Arrgggghhh!!!(Caspia having trouble keeping up with the two soldiers attacking her from both sides until she heard a female voice and then the next thing Caspia sees is a bright light and then all of sudden the soldiers turned to ice.)
MYSTIC SNOW STAFE!!(White Mystic Ranger saids and aims her staff at the soldiers)
White Mystic Ranger: That ada teach you!!
Caspia: Udona!!
White Mystic Ranger: Hello my dear seems like you could use some help!
Caspia: Yes thank you so much!
White Mystic Ranger: You're welcome now let's show these men what we women can really do.
Caspia: Absolutely!!(With that both Undona and Caspia charge at the soldiers side by side taken down as many soldiers as possible)
White Mystic Ranger: Roy my son you have chosen such a perfect girl to be your bride.(Undona saids in thought while continuing fighting the Telmarines)
Caspia: She is magnificent!!!, and I can not believe I am fighting.........Argghhhh!!!!(Caspia didn't finished as one of the Telmarines hits her and knocks her over and she landed in the tunnel hole in which Wolf Warrior saw)
Wolf Warrior: Oh no......(Wolf saids in thought)
Wolf Warrior: Hand on Caspia I am coming!!!(Wolf saids as he charges threw the soldiers knocking every one of them down and slashing each one with his sword to get to the person he loves)
Caspia: Path.......path.........(Caspia got up from the fall and was startling until she saw Glozelle killing a Narnian in front her and he turns to her and points his weapon at her)
Glozelle: HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!(Glozelle charges towards Caspia and points his spear at her then stops to stare at the defenses princess on the ground)
The two stared at each other for quite a couple of seconds while the battle was still going on, Caspia was still on the ground shaking and thinking that Glozelle will end her life for good but while she was on the ground Glozelle was staring at her for quite a while and then all of sudden he lowers his spear to the point that he can not kill the princess because for the first time in his life he knows that it was wrong to kill an innocent girl who done nothing. But then all of sudden a giant root came out of the ground and wrapped around Glozelle banging him up and down in which knocked him out leaving a totally shocked Caspia until Wolf Warrior came to her aid.
Caspia: What......what just happened?
Wolf Warrior: Caspia! are you alright?(Wolf saids as he goes down to check on his beloved)
Caspia: Yes I am but how did?
Wolf Warrior: Hehehe, I think I know whats going on come on.(Wolf holds out his hand and Caspia took it and when they got up from the hole they saw that the trees have come to life and taken down the Telmarines all together)
The trees have come to life and starting to attack the Telmarines in which all of them started to run for their lives while some get tackled by the vines.
Caspia: How is this possible?!
Leanbow: I think I have the slightest idea princess
Caspia: What do you mean?
Peter: Lucy(Peter saids with a smile in which everyone cheered)
Wolf Warrior: God bless you Lucy
While the Narnians were chanting for joy, all of sudden one of the catapults hit the tree in which knocking it down to the ground in other words when the other tress saw this, they dug their roots into the ground then used their full force to destroy the Telmarines catapults in a second. The Narnians began to cheer with greatness and joy.
Wolf Warrior: Hehehe, not bad for moving tree now let me show them what I can do with my kind power father care to join in.
Leanbow: Absolutely my son
Wolf Warrior and Leanbow: IN THE NAME OF HONOR BLAZING SWORD SLASH HEEEEYAAAAAAA!!!!(Both said in union and used their mystic sword slash to cut down the rest of the catapults in which everyone cheered for the mighty Leanbow and Wolf Warrior)
Peter: FOR ASLAN!!!
Everyone: FOR ASLAN!!!!(Everyone said and went after the Telmarines who fleeing for their lives and were heading back to the river to regroup but what they don't realize two people are waiting for them as well as the others)
Meanwhile with the Telmarines:
Telmarine Lord: We can defeat them if we draw them to the river!
Sopespain: We must regroup, TO THE RIVER!!!
Telmarine Soldiers: TO THE BRIDGE!!!
With that the Telmarines fled back into the forest and decided to regroup back towards the river with the Narnians as well as the Mystic Warriors behind them.
The Telmarines made it back to the river with half of their army but when they made it to the bridge Lucy came out of the woods to greet them in which the Telmarines and the lords came to a halt while the Narnians came out of the woods behind them to make sure not of them can escape.
Wolf Warrior: Hehehe, no where to go boys(Wolf saids as he and the others pointed their weapons at the remaining Telmarines but stop to see Lucy on the other side of the bridge)
Caspia: Its Lucy.......(Caspia saids while looking at Lucy on the other side but then she sees something coming out of the woods and what it looks like a big lion)
Leanbow, White Ranger, Solaris Knight, Wolf Warrior: Aslan.......(Both said in union)
Caspia: It's really is him(Caspia said in awe because she is seeing the great king in person along with Lucy at his side)
While everyone was silent and waiting for the right moment, Sopespain probably knew that he and his men can handle a little girl and a lion together so he gave the order to his men.
Sopespain: CHARGE!!!(Sopespain saids and he along with the Telmarines charge at Lucy and Aslan until Aslan let out a mighty roar in which stopped them completely)
Wolf Warrior: Wow that was some roar.....(Wolf saids in awe)
Leanbow: And it is about to get even more exciting my son just watch.
Wolf Warrior: What does he mean mother?
White Mystic Ranger: You will see
When Aslan let out his mighty roar, all of sudden the water that the Telmarines were in began to go down to their waist which made them confused until they saw something coming towards them in any case was a giant wave heading right at them and try to get away before they get it. But what they didn't expect to see was that the wave turned into a giant water god right before their eyes which made everyone including Wolf Warrior and Caspia in shock and yet amazement.
Wolf Warrior: Now that is something I have never seen before in my life(Wolf saids while admiring the great water god in person)
Caspia: Incredible.....
When the river god saw the the Telmarines screaming for their lives and jumping off the bridge landing into the water, the god looked towards Aslan in which the great lion nods telling the god to do what must be done in which he washes away the remaining Telmarines off the bridge before destroying it completely leaving half of it in his hands with Lord Sopespain staring at the great water giant and tried to attack it but couldn't since he was made of water; then all of sudden the water god crushed the remaining bridge with the lord who still on it then opened its mouth to kill the lord in a brith second before descending back into the river while washing away the remaining Telmarines.
Wolf Warrior: Narnia is really full of surprises.(Wolf saids in thought then the next thing that happened was that the Telmarines decided to surrender themselves and turn in their weapons without being harmed)
Narnians: STAY YOUR WEAPONS, TAKE OFF THAT ARMOR, YOU WILL NOT BE HARMED!!(The Narnians say to the Telmarines who giving up and surrounding their weapons while the kings and queens along with Caspia and the Mystic Warriors went over to greet Aslan and Lucy)
When all of them looked upon the great king, they all bowed to him in respect to see their old friend again.
Aslan: Rise kings and queens of Narnia(Aslan saids to Peter, Susan, and Edmund who got up except Caspia)
Aslan: All of you(Aslan saids to Caspia who looks up at Aslan who is nervous)
Caspia: I.....I don't think I am ready.......
Aslan: That is the same reason I know you are Caspia.(Aslan saids to Caspia who gets up from where she was kneeling down then Aslan turns to the Mystic Warriors)
Aslan: And you may rise great guardians of Narnia and you as well Wolf Warrior Defender of Truth.(Aslan saids as Wolf Warrior along with Leanbow, White Ranger and Solaris Knight rise up from the ground and nod at the great lion before them)
Leanbow: It is good to see you again old friend
Undona: It has been so long
Daggeron: It is pleasure to meet you great king
Aslan: It is so wonderful to see you as well Leanbow and Undona and to you as well Daggeron.
Roy power down and looked upon his parents with such love but what confused him was how did they came back to Narnia.
Roy: Mother, I don't understand hows it that all three of you came back to Narnia I thought you were still cursed?
Leanbow: Aslan if you would(Leanbow saids to the great king in which he nods and looked towards Roy)
Aslan: I think I can answer that question my boy, you see when you strike down the witch in the tomb with your father's sword it destroyed the remaining of her magic in which broke the curse that she put on your parents.(Aslan saids to Roy who looked upon Aslan with great shock but yet happiness that Roy broke the witches curse that was put on his parents centuries ago)
Roy: If I broke the curse than that means........
Undona: It means that we can return back to Narnia when ever we want and it was all thanks to you my son, I am so proud of you.(Undona saids to Roy in which she hugs her son which such love which made Peter, Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Caspia smile seeing a mother proud of her child)
Roy: Hehehe, well I could of done it without my new friends I made during my time in Narnia, would like to meet them.(Roy saids to her mother and walks her and Leanbow to the others)
Roy: Mother, Father, Daggeron, I want you three to meet the friends I made during my time in Narnia. This is Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie the kings and queens of Narnia.(Roy saids to his family and introduces them to the kings and queens of Narnia)
Roy: Peter, Edmund, Susan, Lucy, I want to you four to meet my mother and father as well as my uncle Undona, Leanbow, and Daggeron.
Leanbow: It is an honor to meet you your majesties(Leanbow bow to show respect to them)
Peter: The pleasure is ours sir
Edmund: Roy told us so much about you and your heroics
Susan: As well as your times as the Mystic Rangers in which we enjoyed hearing about.
Lucy: You are quite beautiful Undona
Undona: Hehehe, why thank you so much Queen Lucy(Undona bow in respect to Lucys kind words)
While the Pevensies were getting along with Roy's parents and uncle; Caspia was admiring how it feels to be loved by loving parents who cared about their child in which it reminded her father and brother.
Roy: Oh there is someone else I would like you three to meet as well, Caspia would you come over.(Roy saids to his parents and uncle and have Caspia come over to meet his family)
Roy: Mother, Father, Daggeron, I want introduce you to Princess Caspia she is the girl that Aslan asked me to protect and help bring order back into Narnia.(Roy saids to his parents and Daggeron and introduces Caspia to them in which she blushes a little)
Caspia: It is an honor to finally meet you three, Roy told me so much about you and adventures including your battle against Master Octomus.(Caspia saids and bows to respect Roys parents)
Undona: You are most the beautiful girl I ever laid my eyes upon, I can see why my son has chosen to protect such a wonderful person like yourself.(Undona saids to Caspia who blushes and smiles for Roys mother kinds words)
Leanbow: It is quite the honor to meet you Caspia
Daggeron: Thank you for staying by my nephews side every step of the way and your four as well.(Daggeron saids to Caspia and the Pevensie children who smile at his words)
Undona: Oh Roy by any chance are you planing on proposing to her anytime soon because I can only imagined what my future grandchildren will be like.(Undona saids to Roy who he and Caspia started to turn red and blushing so much which earned laughs from everyone including Aslan)
Roy: MOTHER!!!(Roy screams out out embarrassment)
Caspia: saids in thought while holding her hands to her face while blushing red while thinking about her and Roy being married)
Everyone began to laugh but they stop when their heard music playing from behind them and what they saw was a group of mice carrying an injured Rip from the battle.
Roy: Rip......Lucy can you, you know
Lucy: Yes of course(Lucy saids and goes down to Rip and pours the juice drop into his mouth in which heals him)
Rip: Oh thank you, your majesty thank you
Roy: It is good to see you alright my mouse friend
Rip: Yes indeed Roy it is and Oh hale Aslan it is great honor to be in your.........(Rip saids but looks back to see that his tail is gone)
Roy: I do believe you are completely out of countenance
Rip: Sigh......yea, your majesty perhaps a drop more?
Lucy: I don't think that does that?
Rip: Well you can have a go?
Aslan: Hehehe, it has become you well small one
Rip: All the same great king and with that I must withdraw for a tale is the honor of glory of the mouse.
Roy: Hey don't be so down on yourself Rip
Aslan: He is right perhaps you think too much of your honor friend
Rip: Well it is not just the honor but it is also great for balance and climbing and grabbing things.
Leanbow: For a mouse he shows true courage and honor in his heart.(Leanbow saids in thought)
Undona: He is such a wonderful being for who is so small.(Udona saids in thought)
Mouse Soldier: May I please your majesty we will not bear the shame of wearing an honor denied to our chief.
Aslan: Not for the sake of your dignity
Roy: But for the love of your people(Roy finishes)
With that said all of sudden Rip's tail magically grows back shocking his troops and himself in which made him very happy and made Roy and his friends and family smile at his excitement.
Rip: Thank you thank you my league, I will treasure it always from this day forward it will serve a great reminder of my huge humility.
Roy: Hehehehe, you are one heck of mouse Rip, and I mean that.
Rip: Thank you my friend and Oh my the great Leanbow and the lovely Undona it an honor to finally meet the great guardians of our kingdom.
Leanbow: The honor is ours noble mouse
Undona: Truly it is 💋(Undona saids and gives a kiss to Rip forehead in which he faints which everyone laughed)
Roy: Hahaha is he gonna be ok?
Mouse Soldier: Yea he will be fine
Caspia: Things are going to be different now are they
Roy: Yea but were figure out together(Roy saids while holding Caspias hand in which she smiles at Roy and he does the same)
Chapter 10 coming soon!
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