Chapter 8: The Battle and Unexpected Guest!

Right after Caspia saids that she and Wolf Warrior are going to give back the Narnians their kingdom, Lord Sopespain did something out of the ordinary by taking out a Narnian bow and shoved it right into Miraz's back to think that the Narnians killed the formal Telmarine king. In which Sopespain began his plan to take over.


Wolf Warrior: That son of.......(Wolf saids in thought)

Caspia: Oh no......

Peter: BE READY!!!(Peter saids to the others who get prepared for battle)

Wolf Warrior: Looks like we been tricked

Caspia: ROY LOOK OUT!!(Caspia saids as a Telmarine was going to strike Roy down)

Wolf Warrior: Oh please.......

Telmarine: ARGGHHHH!!!(The Telmarine charged at Wolf Warrior but Wolf grabbed him by the neck and then punched him sending him flying into the wall knocking him out cold)

PUNCH!!!(Wolf punched the Telmarine and went flying into the soldiers)

Wolf Warrior: Hehe, he ain't so tough now

Peter: Nice one Roy

Wolf Warrior: Thanks, Caspia go with the others until we give the signal!

Caspia: Right!(Caspia saids and hops on her horse while looking back at the Telmarine army)


The Telmarines cheered and got ready for battle until they were given the order to launched their catapults at the Narnians.

Peter: INCOMING!!(Peter saids while warning the others about the stones heading towards them)

Wolf Warrior: I don't think so!! HEEEEYEAAA!!!(Wolf saids and jumps and kicks one of the stones back at the Telmarines in which destroyed one of their catapults)

Caspia: Wow he never seances to amaze me even more!!(Caspia saids in thought while watching one of the catapults destroyed in which Peter, Edmund and Susan were very impressed by Roys strength)

Wolf Warrior: I will not allow anyone get killed while I am here!

Meanwhile with the Telmarines:

Telmarine soldier: WATCH OUT!!!(The soldier screams while their own attack got deflected right back at them)

CRASH!!!(The stone hit their catapult and it got destroyed remaining two left which not only shocked the soldiers but the lords themselves)

Sopespain: did he....just.....(The lord couldn't believe what he just saw, that Wolf Warrior kicked the stone right back at them, damaging one of their catapults as well as injuring some of their men in the process)

Glozelle: This is one is quite skilled for a man his age, it's no wonder our men fear him, he could be hard to defeat.

Sopespain: Yes indeed but let's see how he can handle more of our men, you know what to do general.(The lord saids to the general in which he nods and gave the order to their men)

Glozelle: GAVERY!!....ATTACK!!!(General saids and the soldiers on the horses began to charge towards the Narnians)

Back with the others at the How:

Wolf Warrior: So it begins.....(Wolf saids as he along with Peter and Edmund watch from the front while the others get ready)

Susan: Archers get ready!!!(Susan saids as her along with the archers get ready)

While Susan and others ready their bows and arrows, Wolf Warrior along with Peter and Edmund were on the ground preparing for their attack and that is when Wolf gave the signal to go.

Wolf Warrior: Caspia Go!!!

Caspia: Understood!!(Caspia saids as she and Glenstorm headed back into the How to give the orders to the others to attack)


With that Caspia along with the rest of Narnians travel into the underground tunnels while the Telmarines however were above them in which they have no idea what was going to happened in the next ten seconds in which Wolf Warrior and Caspia began to count until the Narnian horn was blown under Wolf Warriors feet.

Wolf Warrior: 1...2

Caspia: 3...4

Peter: 5...6

Susan: Everyone take your aim!!!

Trumpkin and Nikabrik : Stay with them!!

Susan and the other archers took their percussions while waiting for the signal

Caspia: 7...

Wolf Warrior: 8...9..

Peter: Get Ready!!!!

Caspia: NOW!!!

Caspia gave the order in which the Narnians broke the pillars that were holding the top ground so that their plan will work in which the entire top of the battle field began to crack that had the Telmarines still running towards the others in which they were not expecting this from the beginning. Once the Telmarines got close towards the How half of them began to fall into a hole in which the Narnians had planed for them.

Wolf Warrior: LET ARROWS FLY FIRE!!!!(Wolf gave Susan the signal in which all the archers began to fire upon the Telmarines)

Susan: NOW!!!(Susan saids to the others and release their arrows in which made contact with the Telmarines killing half of them in the process)

Wolf Warrior: NARNIANS ATTACK!!!

Peter: CHARGE!!!

Wolf Warrior along with Peter and his brother as well as the Narnians charge at the Telmarines while Caspia came from underground and had the rest of the Narnians charge from behind.

Caspia: Charge!!!!

Wolf Warrior: This is going to fun!! HEEYEAA!!!(Wolf saids while attacking more than ten soldiers while they were trying to kill him but nothing seems to working in which Wolf started punching and kicking them sending them flying in their other soldiers then using his sword to cut down more then twenty more who began to charge at him)

Rip: HAHA!! Take that!!

Wolf Warrior: How you holding so far Rip!!

Rip: I took down six already!!

Wolf Warrior: I am already on thirty five!!

Rip: My friend you really know how draw attention to yourself!!!(Rip saids as he lands in front of another Telmarine)

Telmarine: Your a mouse?

Rip: You people have no imagination?(Rip saids as his takes down the Telmarine)

Wolf Warrior: They really don't?(HIT with shield)(Wolf saids as he hits a Telmarine with his shield without looking)

While the fighting was continuing the rest of the Telmarine army began to approve them with great force.

Wolf Warrior: Here comes the rest of them of them Peter!!

Peter: Yea I see them!!

Caspia saw the army approaching and gave the signal as the winged beast took to the skies with dwarves firing arrows at them in which killed half of them until the Telmarines used a much bigger crossbow that fired killing the winged beats along with the dwarves.

Peter looked towards what just happened and began to panic while looking towards his sister Susan thinking that Lucy didn't find Aslan yet in which the help they needed will not come while looking back at the battle in which they being surrounded by the Telmarines.

Peter: EVERYONE BACK TO THE HOW!!!(Peter saids to everyone and they all began to retreat while Wolf Warrior was still fighting the Telmarines)

Wolf Warrior: OH YOU WANT SOME OF THIS TAKE THIS!!!!(Wolf saids and took down more soldiers in which Caspia saw that her love was be surrounded)

Caspia: Hang on Roy I am coming!!(Caspia saids as she was taking down some of the Telmarines who got in her way)

Wolf Warrior: Caspia get down!!(Wolf saids as a stone was heading right towards her)

Caspia: WHOAH!!(Caspia panics and drops down in which the stone missed her and Wolf went running towards her to make sure she is ok)

Wolf Warrior: Are you alright my love?

Caspia: Yea that was close I thought I was going to........SUSAN!!!(Caspia saids as she saw Susan hanging over the How because she was about to fall)

Wolf Warrior/Peter/Edmund/Caspia: HAND ON SUSAN!!!!(All saids in union and went to try and help Susan before she falls)

Trumpkin: HANG ON YOUR MAJESTY!!(The dwarf saids while holding onto Susan as tight as he can)

Susan tried to hang on but her fingers were sleeping in which she began to fall while the others watch in horror.

SUSAN!!!!(Peter, Edmund, Caspia, and Wolf Warrior said in union until they saw a golden light that caught her in a flash in which Susan was on the ground unharmed and confused)

Susan: What....what just happened?

Peter: Susan!, your ok but how did......?

Susan: I don't know I thought I was going to die then all of sudden I was saved by some golden light?

Edmund: Well whatever the case glad your alright

Caspia: What was that?

Wolf Warrior: What was the golden light I just saw?(Wolf saids as he looks towards behind him that more Telmarines began charging at them until everyone heard a voice)

LASER LAMP FIRE!!(The voice saids as beams of light came out of nowhere and hit the Telmarines in which shocked the Narnians as well Caspia, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Wolf Warrior)

Peter: WHOAH! where did that come from?

Why don't you look behind you kind sir!(Everyone looked behind them and what they saw brought Wolf Warrior in shock as well as the others because standing behind them was a golden knight with a cape)

Wolf Warrior: can't Warrior saids in shock seeing the one person who was like family to him)

Caspia: that who I think it is..........(Caspia saids while looking at the knight in gold armor in front of her and the others)

Peter/Edmund/Susan: Unbelievable.........

Thats right one of the mystic warriors has come to help and his name is Daggeron better known as Solaris Knight.


Caspia: Its him the legendary golden knight from your stories he's real!!!(Caspia saids while looking at the Solaris Knight in person)

Wolf Warrior: DAGGERON!!(Wolf saids as he goes up to his uncle and hugs him)

Solaris Knight: Hahaha, it is good to see you to my nephew and I see your in need of help.(Solaris Knight hugs his nephew while looking at the battle field)

Wolf Warrior: are you here?

Solaris Knight: Aslan of course he created a portal that brought us here so we can help you bring order back into Narnia.

Peter/Susan/Edmund/Caspia: Aslan......

Wolf Warrior: Wait we?

While they were talking more Telmarines came in and try to attack them until two more voices were heard in which Wolf Warrior knew.

MYSTIC SNOW STAFE FIRE!! MYSTIC STORM SLASH!!(Both voices said and took down the Telmarines that try to attack them)

Wolf Warrior: I can't believe it.......

Caspia: Oh my gosh..........

Peter/Edmund/Susan: Is that.........

When they all looked who was in front of them, what they saw was a female warrior dressed in white welding a staff while the other one was holding two swords and had horns.

Wolf Warrior: Its really them..........their here.......

Caspia: Roy......who are they.......


When Wolf Warrior said that the two begins in front of them were his mother and father it brought everyone in complete utter shock that the legendary sorcerers of Narnia have returned in which Caspia couldn't believe her eyes that standing in front of her were the Leanbow and the Undona in person.

Caspia: That is them.......that is really Leanbow and Undona......Roy's parents here.....

White Mystic Ranger: Hello my son, and to you as well kings and queens of Narnia.

Leanbow: Sorry we are late someone forgot to give us an invitation to the party it is pleasure to meet you all.(Hit with sword)(Leanbow saids as he takes down a Telmarine who tried to attack him from behind)

Wolf Warrior: As much as I want to talk more father, we have a battle to win.

Peter: He's right lets talk after we are not dead

Solaris Knight: Let's show these Telmarines not to mess with our friends and our family.

White Mystic Ranger: Care to lead on my son and you as well Princess Caspia

Wolf Warrior and Caspia look at each other and nod and began to arm their weapons along with the others.

Wolf Warrior and Caspia: FOR NARNIA!!!(Wolf along Caspia and the others charge at the Telmarines and began to fight with their combine strength)

The battle continues on with the combine strength of Solaris Knight, Leanbow, and White Mystic Ranger at the Narnains side.

Caspia: I can not believe I am fighting along side the Mystic warriors themselves. As well as the one I love, we might actually win this battle.

Chapter 9 coming soon!

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