Chapter 6: A Terrible Truth and The Witch

It has been a day since Peter and his two siblings along with Caspia left to raid the Telmarine castle while Lucy and Roy stayed behind just in case the Telmarines try to attack or spy on them. So right now Roy is in Aslan's How telling the rest of his stories to Lucy about the Mystic Rangers and their battles against Master Octomus.

Lucy: So let me get this straight, during the end of the battle Master Octomus servants grow into gigantic size after they are defeated in combat?

Roy: That is corrected Lucy, you see when they are in the type of form they can cause a lot of damage to either villages or cities ten times their size and they carry a lot of power to do so.

Lucy: Thats horrible, how did the rangers defeat them?

Roy: They called upon their mystic titan forms, in any case we called them zords.(Roy saids to Lucy who was surprised about this information)

Lucy: What did they look like when they took on their titan forms?

Roy: They look like this Lucy(Roy saids and shows Lucy the ranges mystic titan forms and their ultimate form called a megazord)

When Lucy saw the rangers mystic titan forms, she was blown away of how the rangers turned into such beautiful giant beings with such amazing abilities.

Lucy: They look so magnificent!, they almost look like Narnians by their facial expressions.

Roy: Huh?, you know you have a point there they do look some of the Narnians?

Lucy: Hehehe, but what is that one there and why does have their colors, I mean not to sound rude but it does looks quite amazing.(Lucy saids while looking at the megazord)

Roy: That Lucy is called a megazord in which all the rangers merge themselves together to form one being, and when they merge together their mystic powers grows stronger.

Lucy: Wow!, this is something that is worth seeing in person, did anyone else have these mystic titan forms?

Roy: Indeed, my father, and my mentor Daggeron

Lucy: I wish I could see them in person

Roy: What I can Lucy that they will love to meet you as well along with your brothers and sister.

Lucy: I hope their alright.......(Lucy saids looking down sad)

Roy: Don't worry Lucy they will come back I know so

Lucy: I know as well

When Lucy and Roy were about to say something else they heard a bird calling from outside the How and went to see if was the others who came back from the raid.

SCREECH!!!!!!(Narnian bird calling)

Roy: Their back?

Lucy: Already? they were gone for a day?

Roy: I think something is wrong let's go see whats the problem is.

Lucy: Ok

Lucy and Roy got up from their spots and headed outside the How to see the others return and when they got out they saw half of their army gone and the others looked down in sadness but mostly Caspia.

Roy: Something definitely went wrong I can only see half of them came back which means the plan failed but whats wrong with Caspia?(Roy saids in thought while looking at the others who came back from the raid)

Lucy: Peter......what happened.......(Lucy saids to her brother)

Peter: were right Roy....the plan did fail and I was a fool not to listen or think about what I did.(Peter saids to Roy while Peter looks down in shame)

Roy: Peter don't blame yourself, you were just trying to what was right but next time think before you do something out of the ordinary.

Peter: I will time

Roy: How many did we loose?

Edmund: About like thirty of them

Susan: I feel so bad for them........

Peter: We lost so many good soldiers.......

Glenstorm: I even lost one of my sons........(Glenstorm looks down in sadden along with his other sons and his wife was brought to tears)

Roy looked upon the others who were sadden by the lost of their friends and loved ones that he knew what he must do to make them not looked down in sadness. So Roy went towards the field and lifted his one hand and chant out some words that caught the attention of the Narnians as well as the kings and queens.

Roy: Galwit Mysto Aerotan!(Roy saids the spell which was his resurrection spell in which a golden light appeared on the ground that shocked all behind Roy)

The light began to shine in which everyone had to shield their eyes from the brightness and when the light began to fad away what they saw in front of them was the Narnians who were killed during the raid in which they couldn't believe their eyes that Roy brought them back using a spell that was taught by his family.

The Narnians who were killed during the raid were brought back to life and completely healed from their injuries thanks to Roy and his healing spells. They looked at each other like nothing happened until the minotaur known as Asterius spoke.

Asterius: What happened?

Rainstone: We were slain by the Telmarines but how are we alive?

Roy: Welcome back everyone I see all of you are healed up and in good shape.(Roy saids to the Narnians)

Susan: Roy!, you.....(Susan saids while in shock)

Edmund: Impossible?

Peter: The mystic seal!(Peter saids that got everyones attention)

Edmund and Susan: What?

Roy: After I arrived here and met the Narnians and told them about who I am, I place upon them a mystic seal in which if they ever died in battle, I can simply resurrect them back all healed up and ready to fight when the day comes.(Roy saids to everyone who was blessed by his gifts and abilities and couldn't believe what he can actually do)

Narnians: Thank you great guardian!(The Narnians bowed in the respect for Roys ability and the other Narnians went towards their friends and loved ones to welcome them back)

Everyone was happy that their friends were brought back to life except for a certain princess who was looking down in sadness until Roy went up to her to see what was wrong with her.

Roy: Caspia?

Caspia: 😢..............

Roy: Caspia whats wrong?(Roy saids and lifted Caspia's face to see whats wrong with her until he started to see tears coming done her beautiful eyes.

Roy was shocked about this moment that Caspia was on the verge on crying for he does not know what caused her to feel to down and yet he was trying to think what happened during the raid of the Telmarine castle.

Roy: Caspia whats the matter what happened........


Roy: Caspia please tell me what happened did something go wrong or something else.......whose He?

Caspia: 😭........HE KILLED THEM!!!!!(Caspia screams while crying more and more then runs back into the How without looking at everyone including Roy)

Roy: Caspia!

Roy trying to call Caspia but she didn't want to talk to anyone not even Roy because something did happened during the raid which maid her very upset.

Roy: Guys what happened during the raid?(Roy saids to everyone who looked upon him with sad faces until a older man came up to him and his name was Cornelius)

Cornelius: I think it would be rise if I told you of what happened that night.

Roy: Are you the one that Caspia told me about who was locked up in the castle?

Cornelius: Yes I am Cornelius, Princess Caspia's professor and teacher it is an honor to meet you Roy son of Leanbow and Undona.(Cornelius saids and bows his head to Roy)

Roy: The pleasure is all mine Cornelius and tell me what happened that night during the raid.

Cornelius: It would be rise to talk alone and it is a terrible tale.

Roy: I understand sir, Peter I think it is best that everyone gets some rest because what I can is that the Telmarines are coming soon for war so we might as well be prepared.

Peter: Understood

With that said everyone went back inside the How after Lucy healed up her dwarf friend who was injured in the raid while Roy goes with Cornelius to talk about what maid Caspia so upset. So right now Roy and Cornelius were on top of the How siting so they can talk.

(Top of Aslan's How)

Roy: What do you know Cornelius?

Cornelius: Has Caspia ever told you about her father and her older brother.(Cornelius saids to Roy who looked shock that Caspia had a brother)

Roy: No she never told me having a brother or anything about her family why?

Cornelius: Sigh.......because she found out a terrible truth of what happened in which I didn't have a choice in which made her very upset.

Roy: What did you tell her?

Cornelius: The truth of what happened to her father Caspian the ninth and her brother Prince Caspian the tenth.

Roy was puzzled about this and wanted to know what happened to Caspia's father and brother.

Roy: Caspia said something that he killed them? What did she mean by that? Who was he?

Cornelius: The person you are referring to is her uncle Miraz.(Cornelius saids to Roy who was now in complete utter shock that Caspia's uncle was Miraz)

Roy: mean to tell me that Caspia's uncle....he was the one.....

Cornelius: Miraz killed Caspia's father and brother for the throne so he can become a much darker king then the ones that came before.(Cornelius saids to Roy who was heart broken about this information and felt sadden for Caspia)

Roy: So thats why she was upset because her uncle killed her father and brother.....(Roy saids to himself while looking sad and angry for what Caspia uncle did to her)

Cornelius: Yes......and I feel terrible for what happened to them, they were good people especially Prince Caspian who was a wonderful student of mine just like his sister.(Cornelius saids to Roy and remembers the good times he had with the young prince and the princess together)

Roy: What was he like Prince Caspian?

Cornelius: He was a wonderful boy who enjoyed many things I taught him everything including the old tales of Narnia.

Roy: He knew about what happened all those years ago between the Narnians and the Telmarines?

Cornelius: Yes I told him everything there is to know as well as his sister Caspia who wanted to meet the Narnians if they were still alive.

Roy: Was it forbidden to talk about the old tales?

Cornelius: Yes and it has been past down for many generations, only a few know about the tales in which I know them since my mother was a dwarf from the mountains who fell in love with my father who was a Telmarine.

Roy: Sigh.......I feel so bad for her that she lost so much in her life.

Cornelius: I can see that you to have lost something in your life.

Roy: Yes......I lost my real parents years ago and I never knew them and I was taken by Leanbow and Undona who gave me a new home and showed me so much love in return I had an older brother who was their real son who looked after me when I was growing up.

Cornelius: I can see that you went through so much in your life and yet you were able to find happiness within yourself and I think you might do the same for Caspia.

Roy: Yea I think I can do that for her, I have never met anyone like her before. She is kind, brave, enjoys the things she cares about, and the people around her, and she has these beautiful eyes and such a wonderful smile.

Cornelius: Hehehe, you love her don't you

Roy: Yes I do, and I want to tell her at the right moment she means everything to me.

Cornelius: What I can tell is that you and her would be a magnificent together.

Roy: Thank you Cornelius you are a very rise man I can see why Caspia cares about you.

Cornelius: Leanbow and Undona raised you well and they would be proud of what your doing for Caspia and for Narnia.

Roy: I know they are

Roy and Cornelius stared at the view of the How and decided to head back inside after their conversation in which Cornelius went to a room to get some rest while Roy went on to look for Caspia who was probably in the tomb area to see if she is alright until he heard Peter's voice with his siblings right behind him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Peter: CASPIA!

Roy: Edmund whats going on!

Edmund: Caspia is in danger and we need to help her!

Roy: Caspia.........whats wrong!

Edmund: She is being sacrificed so the White Witch can come back!

Roy: The white witch!

Edmund: Yes come on we need your help to stop this from happening!

Roy: THEN LETS GO!(Roy saids and takes out his fathers sword and heads towards the tomb)

When the kings and queens along with Roy made it to the tomb they saw a glowing ice wall that had a women in it which was the witch herself and her servants who were a werewolf and a bird woman.

Peter: STOP!(Peter saids as everyone attacked while Roy goes to save Caspia from the witch)

Peter and Edmund were dealing with the wolf and bird woman while Susan stood too with her arrows to make sure know of them can escape while Roy goes to save Caspia from the witch.

Witch: Come on.........(Witch saids to Caspia who was holding her hand to take it until Caspia was pushed away by Roy)

Roy: STAY AWAY FROM HER WITCH!!(Roy saids to the witch while pointing his fathers blade at her)

The witch backed away from what happened and looked upon this new person in front of her in which she does not know about.

Witch: Hmmm....who might you be I never seen you before.(The witch saids with a smile)

Roy: So you are the witch, I have to say my mother and father told me about you in their stories and I never thought I got to meet you until now.

Witch: You know of me but I do not know you why is that and hows does your parents know about me.

Roy: Let me knock some sense into that frozen brain of yours do you know the sword I am holding in my hand.(Roy saids to the witch in which she looks at the sword and became frightened)

Witch: That can't be.......thats impossible....(The witch saids while looking scared of the sword)

Roy: you do know this blade then allow me to introduce myself, I am Roy son of Leanbow and Undona the great sorcerers of Narnia.

Witch: I never knew that those two would have son?!!

Roy: Well now you know witch and I come to end you for good.(Roy saids and readies his blade until the witch said something and took out her hand again)

Witch: What if instead I can offer you my help in return, just one drop of Adams blood and you will free me and I am yours son of Leanbow and Undona.(Witch saids with smile)

Everyone in the room begins to look at Roy who was going to see if he would do what the witch saids or not.


Witch: You know you can not do this alone.

Roy: Hmmm...let me think about this ah.......not on your life MYSTIC FIRE SLASH!!(Roy saids and stabs the witch through the ice with his fathers sword)

Everyone in the room was relief that Roy made the right choice and slain the witch in which the ice began to crack while the witch screamed in pain.

Witch: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!(The witch screamed than the ice exploded into pieces which means the witch was finally gone for good)

Once the witch was defeated along with her servants, Roy went to Caspia to see if she was ok in which tears came down the poor girls face of what happened.

Roy: Caspia are you...........(Roy saids then all of sudden Caspia hugged him with tears of sadness coming down her eyes in which Roy hugged her back)

Caspia: 😢sniff......I am sorry...Roy......I was so scared...😭....I didn't know what to do......I was so sad and angry and hurt.........I didn't want to be alone anymore........because of what happened to my........

Roy: Shhh.....It is ok angel I am here and I know Cornelius told me what happened to your father and your brother.

Caspia: Please don't leave me......I don't want to be alone anymore.....😭.........please.....

Roy: I never going to leave you alone Caspia......I will always be here for you and I will always protect you I promise.(Roy saids to Caspia who looks at him with so much love and greatness)

The kings and queens were sadden by how Caspia felt and they know that feeling of being alone as well as Roy.

Roy: Come on I will take you back to your room so you can rest up.(Roy saids to Caspia who only nods and for that Roy carried her bridal style while the others headed back with the Narnians)

Once Roy made it to Caspia's room he place her down on her bed to let her sleep until Caspia took Roys hand while still looking sad about being alone.

Caspia: Can you.......stay I don't want to sleep alone......please

Roy: Of course Caspia

Roy gets into bed with Caspia who cuddles up next to Roy for warmness and relaxes her head on Roys chest so that they she will have someone to look after her.

Caspia: Thanks for saving me and for being there for you promise to never leave me alone again.

Roy: I promise angel I will always be with you

Caspia: Roy.....I just want to.........say.......I.....I...........(Caspia was trying to say something until she drifted off to sleep)

Roy: I know but I will tell you when the time is right good night Caspia.(Roy saids and heads to sleep as well with Caspia close to him)

Chapter 7: Coming Soon!

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