Chapter 5: Aslan How and The Castle Raid Plan
After Roy, Peter, Susan,Edmund, and Lucy finished their conversation they caught up with the others to head towards their base called Aslan's How where all the Narnians are regrouping and preparing for war against the Telmarines. While they were heading towards the How the kings and queens were still shocked that Roy comes from the future and the war that they were in has ended in couple years.
Roy: So you mind if I asked you guys something
Peter: Sure what is it?
Roy: What made you guys wants to leave Narnia in the first place because some of the Narnians didn't quite get it either neither did Caspia but I understand if you don't want to talk about it.
Lucy: We didn't mean to leave and I was all caught up of going back home and then once we came back to our world, we couldn't go back the way we came.
Susan: We all were and we feel bad for what happened here
Edmund: If we stayed we could of help those who have fallen
Roy: You shouldn't blame yourselves, you didn't know what would happened and if you did stayed then you would ended up like the others who gave their life to protect those and wouldn't given up hope. I should know my brother and his friends been through the same problems together when they were still the Mystic Rangers.
Peter: He's right, what ever happened in the past stays in the past, and we could only keep moving forward.
Roy: Thats the spirit Peter, and I made a promise that I will keep everyone safe which includes you four as well I give you my word as a warrior and as a friend.(Roy saids to the four who looks upon him with respect and thinks of him as a friend)
Lucy: You are very kind person Roy, I can see how your mother raised you.
Roy: Thank you Lucy you are a very kind and sweet girl who cares about the people around you.
The others smiled at how Roy was treating their youngest siblings with such kindness that they can relate because they been through so much together and do not want anything happening to each of them. And when they reached to the end of the forest they came upon the cite of the How.
Roy along with the four began to walk towards the How with a group of centaurs lining up to respect the kings and queens of old by taking out their swords and raising them up to show that their leaders have returned for so long.
Once they were all in the How, the Narnians were preparing their weapons for battle against the Telmarines while Caspia was siting on the steps waiting for Roy and the kings and queens to come back. In which Caspia didn't like the idea of waiting for so many hours in which she was getting quite bored.
Caspia: Your late
Roy: Well sorry angel, they needed information about myself and I couldn't say no to them and I needed information as well.
Caspia: Yea but I hate waiting for you to come back I really do.(Caspia pouted and folded her arms while the others giggled at her moping)
Caspia: But anyway this may not be what you are used to but it is devisable.(Caspia saids to the kings and queens then all of sudden Susan spoke up to asked her brother to see something)
Susan: Peter you may want to see this.(Susan saids to her brother who nods and everyone including Roy follow)
Lucy: Whats going on?
Roy: Honestly I have no idea, I never been down that part of this place yet, let's go see.(Roy saids to Lucy who nods and continue walking)
When the kings and queens along with Caspia and Roy were walking in the halls they came across carving all around the walls that looked like them except for Roy and Caspia.
Susan: It's us?
Roy: They really are the kings and queens of old, I can see the resemblance even in these carvings.(Roy saids in thought while looking at the carvings in the wall)
Lucy: What is this place?
Caspia: You mean you don't know?
Roy: Well they have been gone for 1300 years so they can't possibly know what this place is until they see it with their own eyes.
Edmund: He does have a point? I mean I never seen this place in Narnia before?
Caspia: Well let's keep going follow me.(Caspia saids and takes the others deeper into the hall except Lucy who was staring at the carving in front of her)
Roy: Lucy are you alright?
Lucy: Sigh.......yes it just.......
Roy: Who is that in the carving?
Lucy: Mr.Thomas, he was a dear friend to me and the first Narnian I met when I first step foot into this world.(Lucy saids while looking down in sadness that Mr.Thomas is gone forever)
Roy: I am so sorry Lucy, but his memory will live on in all of Narnia and the memories you had with him will always be in your mind and in your heart.
Lucy: 😢sniff.......thank you Roy I really needed someone to help me past this.
Roy: That is what friends are for Lucy, come let us join with the others.(Roy saids and takes Lucy hand and they began to walk away from the carving without one more last look at Mr.Thomas then heading back with the others)
When Lucy and Roy caught up with the others they came into a stop where everyone was looking at nothing but pitch black and emptiness until Caspia found something that lid up the entire room. The flames went all around the room and what Roy and the others saw were more carvings of the Narnians and a carving of Aslan himself but what the kings and queens saw in front of them was something from their past in which Lucy walked towards.
Roy: What is all of this?.......
Caspia: I am not sure?
Susan: The stone table.........
Roy: What do you mean Susan?
Susan: Something from our past, that is the stone table that Aslan was sacrificed and killed by the white witch for capturing our Edmund but it was meant for him.
Edmund: Aslan took my place and he sacrificed himself to save my own life.
Roy: But what is the table cracked, did something happened those years ago?
Susan: The witch didn't know the true meaning of sacrifice and didn't know about the deep magic in which the stone table had cracked and then all of sudden Aslan came back to life.
Roy: I have to do more research on Narnia history after all of this ends.
While Roy was caught up with all of this knowledge, he looks towards Lucy who had a worry face and goes up to her to see if she is ok.
Roy: Lucy?
Lucy: He must of know what he was doing........(Lucy saids who looked sadden and Roy patted her back to make her feel better while still sad)
Roy: It's ok Lucy it will be alright I promise......
Everyone looked towards Aslan's carving to figure out what they must do until Peter intruded
Peter: I think it is up to us now
After everything was happening and Lucy was calming down from her sadness, Peter along with brother and other sister and Caspia decided to call everyone for an important meeting while Roy went outside the How to get some air while a faun was keeping watch to make sure that there was nothing outside their area.
Roy: Anything happening?
Faun solider: So far it is all clear great guardian, there seems to be no sign of danger.
Roy: Good just I wanted to hear.(Roy saids as he looks around the forest area as well to make sure they no body was watching them until the faun spotted something moving in the trees)
Faun Soldier: Great guardian look.......
Roy: What is it all I see is.............(Roy saids and looks towards the trees and what he saw was a Telmarine on a horse looking at them)
Roy: A Telmarine spy.........
Faun Soldier: What do we do?
Roy: Warn the others I'll deal with this problem myself.(Roy saids as he jumps down from the clip side and runs towards where the Telmarine is fleeing away.
Faun Soldier: Yes sir!
With Roy he changed into his armor and ran after the solider who getting away and decided to cut him off so that the soldier wont know about the surprise attack.
Telmarine Soldier: I must tell the lords of the council about this.
Telmarine Soldier: What? ARGHHHHH!!!(The soldier gets hit in the face with a shield and gets knocked off his horse and landed on the ground)
The soldier gets up from the ground and readies his weapon to see who has hit in the face.
Telmarine Soldier: WHERE ARE YOU?!! SHOW YOURSELF!!!
The soldier looked behind him and when he looked who was in front of him it brought the soldier and in shocked that he is staring at Wolf Warrior defender of truth with his sword out and pointing it towards the Telmarine as a warning.
Telmarine Soldier: Who......who...who are you........
Wolf Warrior: I am Wolf Warrior great guardian of Narnia and protectors of the Narnian race.(Wolf saids and points his weapon at the Telmarines neck to show he will not show any mercy)
Telmarine Soldier: You are definitely not one of our people yet you are an enemy of us, and we will come and finish you all off.(The soldier saids to Wolf Warrior and then all of sudden Wolf Warrior blade began to burst into flames that made the soldier shiver in fear)
Wolf Warrior: Tell your leaders if they want a war they will get one and I will be there to crush all of you with my power!! and tell them that Wolf Warrior guardian of Narnia is coming for them.(Wolf saids as the solider drops his weapon in fear and nods then runs away to make sure he doesn't want to get hit with a fire sword)
Once the soldier got back on his horse in ran off to tell his members of the council about the Narnians and the armored warrior he in countered.
Wolf Warrior: I will not let anyone get hurt and I will defend them from the Telmarines with my life.(Wolf saids to himself and heads back towards the How to see if they got the warning from the faun solider)
When Roy got back to the How he was greeted by the kings and queens along with Caspia who was worried about him and thought he could gotten captured by her people.
Caspia: Roy!, I was so worried are you alright.
Roy: I am fine Caspia, the person was a Telmarine spy who was sent by his leaders to find our location.(Roy saids to Caspia who looks more worried as well as the others)
Peter: Did he get away?
Roy: Yes before I gave hit him with my shield and gave him warning not to mess with a guardian of Narnia or his friends.
Edmund: Come on we can discuss it in the meeting, everyone is assembling.
Everyone began to walk in the How until Caspia stopped Roy because she wanted to speak to him before they go to the meeting.
Roy: Whats wrong Caspia?
Caspia: I was so worried that you could of gotten captured or killed promise me you wont do that again I already lost so much.
Roy: I am sorry I made you worry Caspia and I promise I wont do it again, I give you my word.
Caspia: Thank you
Roy: Welcome come on let's see what the meeting is about.
Caspia: Ok
Meanwhile in the How where some of the Narnians along with the kings and queens as well as Roy and Caspia were gathered together for an important meeting Peter was discussing.
Peter: It is only a matter of time, Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. Which means those same men aren't protecting his castle.
Roy: So thats one the leaders names Miraz.(Roy saids in thought while thinking who this Miraz is)
Rip: What do you propose we do your majesty?
Peter and Caspia: We need to get ready for wa.............(Both Caspia and Peter said in union)
Caspia: Sorry......
Peter: Our only hope is strike them before they strike us.
Roy: Ok I can tell that is a suicide.(Roy saids in thought)
Caspia: But thats crazy no one has ever taken that castle!
Peter: There is always a first time
Then the dwarf known as Trumpkin spoke
Trumpkin: We will have the element of surprise
Caspia: But...but we have the advantage here?
Roy: I agree with that one Caspia(Roy saids in thought)
Susan: If we dig in we could probably hold them off independently
Trufflehunter: I for one feel safer underground.(The badger saids while other Narnians agreed)
Peter: Look I appreciate what you and Roy have done here but this isn't a fortress, it is a tomb.
Edmund: Yes and if were lucky the Telmarines will just wait and starves us out.
Squirrel: We could collect nuts?
Rip: Yes and throw them at the Telmarines......SHUT UP. I think you know where I stand sir.
Peter then looks towards Glenstorm
Peter: If I get your troops in can you handle the guards?
Glenstorm: Or die trying my league(Glenstorm bowed his head to Peter)
Roy: Sigh.....this is not going to end well.(Roy shakes his head while rubbing his eyes knowing this plan will definitely not go so well)
Lucy: That is what I am worried about.....
Peter: Lucy?
Lucy: All of you are acting like there are two options going there or dying here.
Peter: I am not sure you been listening Lu?
Lucy: No you are not listening or have you forgotten who really defeated the white witch Peter.(Lucy saids to her brother and then Roy looks towards them thinking that what Lucy was saying true that someone else defeated the witch and not them)
Peter: I think we have waited for Aslan long enough
With that said Peter along with the others left the room leaving Lucy, Caspia and Roy alone to themselves.
Lucy: You are not going with his plan are you Roy?
Roy: No I am not and I can tell this plan is going to fail miserably.
Caspia: So you will agree with mine instead?
Roy: Your plan sounded much better than Peter's because raiding a castle is not the best way.
Lucy: Why is that?
Roy: One time my parents tried to raid Master Octomus fortress but what they didn't realize that their plan was failing and so many lives have been lost that day because they were out numbered and out matched so which means that Peters plan for raiding the castle will not end well.
Caspia: Then we have to tell him that it will not work!
Lucy: He wont listen to anyone, including me.....
Roy: Are you going with them Caspia?
Caspia: Yes I am, because in that castle someone important to me is in there and I need to free him because he knows something I don't know about.
Roy: Sigh........Alright but be careful ok and try not to get killed or something completely stupid and I mean completely stupid.(Roy saids which made both Lucy and Caspia giggle at the thought)
Caspia: I promise Roy, but what about you?
Roy: I will stay behind and look after the others and Lucy while you are gone, and if any Telmarines try to attack they need someone to help fend them off.
Caspia: Alright, I will let Peter know of your decision and make sure everyone here is safe.
Roy: Hey I am a warrior who can fight and use magic I can handle anything that comes my way.
Caspia: Hehehe I know I just don't want to see you gone 💋(Caspia saids to Roy who kisses him on the cheek than walks aways leaving Roy stunned and Lucy with a smile)
Roy: What was that just now?
Lucy: Hehehe, I think she likes you Roy and I mean like like.
Roy: You could be right, I mean she is quite beautiful and very pretty.
Lucy: Why don't you tell her how you feel?
Roy: I will tell her at the right moment but not now because we have a war to stop.
Lucy: Your right, should we see everyone off
Roy: That would be wise thing to do
Lucy and Roy went outside the How to see half of the army leave to get ready to invade the Telmarine Castle. When Peter saw them, he went up to Roy about what Caspia told him about staying behind to keep the others safe.
Peter: Caspia told me that you are staying behind, are you sure you can not come with us.
Roy: I am sorry Peter but the others and your sister need someone to look after them if any Telmarines try to attack, I have to be here to keep them safe.
Peter: Sigh.......Alright make sure Lucy is safe and the others as well.
Roy: I will make sure of it Peter I promise
Peter: Thanks
Roy: Peter there is something I should tell you after the meeting was done.
Peter: What is it Roy?
Roy: I placed a mystic seal on all the Narnians, and if they are killed in this plan of yours I can simply just resurrect them back here all healed and safe until you return if the plan fails.
Peter: You can do that?(Peter saids in stunned after hearing this)
Roy: Indeed I can, they will all be healed and ready when the day comes to fight again.
Peter: Roy I really appreciated the offer thanks, but tell me why can't you come?
Roy: Because raiding a castle Peter is not the best idea anyone could come up with, I should know because my parents tried to raid Master Octomus fortress but they failed and lost so many lives and were completely out numbered.
Peter took some time to think about what Roy said, and he thinks that his plan might work or maybe it could fail but he will try to take Roys advice.
Peter: I am sorry, but I will keep your idea in mind if my plan fails.
Roy: Thanks Peter, and good luck
Peter: You too Roy(Peter saids and leaves with the others along with other siblings and Caspia)
Lucy: Can you really do that kind of magic and resurrect them if they are killed in battle.
Roy: Yes I can, they all have the mystic force seal of them so if I sense them being slain in battle I will bring them back all healed and ready to fight again.
Lucy: I just hope my brothers and sister will be alright
Roy: They will look out for each other Lucy, I am also worried about them as well as Caspia.
Roy and Lucy looks towards the army that is leaving and pray they will be alright and safe.
Chapter 5: Coming Soon!
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