Chapter 4: Weapons and Meeting Kings and Queens of Old
It was early in the morning in Narnia and the Narnians along with Roy and Caspia were planing on stealing weapons from the Telmarine camp site located near the river but they have to make sure not to alert the entire Telmarines otherwise the plan will not work. So right now they were waiting for the right moment to take the weapons while three soldiers were guarding the weapons as well as the armor included.
Roy: Wow these guys are well organized, and those are some impressive armory and weapons they have there.(Roy saids while looking at the Telmarines weapons)
Caspia: Yes but you will not like what they can do.
Roy: Caspia I seen catapults, cross bows, swords, spears, and armory before trust me I been there done that and I seen what they can do.
Glenstorm: Seems like you have your fair share of war as well great guardian?
Roy: Indeed I see wars happen all the time and I always get prepared for what comes.
Caspia: This is all great and all but how are we going to get past those guards in front of the carriers without being spotted?
Rip: Anyone got a plan?
Roy: Seriously you mean to tell me you guys don't have a plan to get past them, Caspia you lived with these guys surely you know a way to get past them right?
Caspia: I haven't left the castle in years or been outside the walls or even know what the soldiers do so no I don't know anything cut me some slack.
Roy: Sigh....very well I'll handle this you guys wait here until I can tell it is safe to get the weapons.(Roy saids to the others who nod in agreement)
Roy: I always wanted to use this spell on someone but had the chance to until now.(Roy saids to himself then walks slowly towards the three guards who weren't paying attention to whats gonna happened to them)
Nikabrik: What is he planing on doing?
Trufflehunter: Lets see what happens?
Roy begins to move even more closer to the guards than when he is close enough, he raises his hand in the air and chanted two words and then all of sudden a glow was surrounding the guards which made them freeze then fall to the ground like stones.
Roy: Petrificus Totalus!(Roy saids the spell and the guards are on the ground like stones)
Rip: Wow.....I am impressed?
Caspia: How did he do that?
Trufflehunter: He used magic, but I never seen this kind of magic before?
Glenstorm: He is full of surprises
When the guards are knocked out due to Roys spell he begins to take them and hide them to make sure there is no others.
Roy: Alright guys start loading the weapons, while I keep watch.(Roy saids to the Narnians who did what they were told and started taking the weapons and armory from the carts)
Caspia: Roy what did you do to the soliders?
Roy: I used my paralyze spell on them to make them solid like stone but don't worry they will be fine once we leave and gathered all their weapons.
Caspia: He is even more amazing than ever, I wonder if he knows other magic?(Caspia saids in thought while admiring Roys talents in magic)
Roy: Glenstorm hows it going with uploading the weapons?
Glenstorm: We got them all, and were all set great guardian
Roy: Excellent lets the heck out of here before more guards show up.
Caspia: Wait I want to do one last thing before we go
Roy: What would that be Caspia?
Caspia: A sign to show that we do not fear you anymore.(Caspia saids and takes out her knife and carves a sign to warn the Telmarines)
Roy: You were right to fear the woods?, Hmmm.....good sign I like it but let's move before they release that we are here.
Caspia: Right lets get going and thanks
Roy: For what?
Caspia: For helping the Narnians and for standing up for me back the gathering I really appreciated for what you have done for me.(Caspia saids with a small blush to Roy)
Roy: It was my pleasure angel just doing the right thing is all.
Caspia: Still really appreciate the help
Within an hours everyone left the camp site of the Telmarines and retreated back into the woods to gather everyone and armed them with the weapons they need to fight their enemies.
Caspia: Hey I am gonna scout a head to make sure we weren't followed if that is alright.
Roy: Just stay safe and try not to do something completely stupid.
Caspia: No such promises!(Caspia saids to Roy and runs off to scout around the area)
Roy: Does she even know how to use a sword?
Nikabrik: I get the feeling that she doesn't?
Rip: Maybe she needs someone to teach her
Nikabrik: I am not doing it!
Roy: No one asked you too, besides I am supposed to help her anyway so I will be more than happy to teach her myself.
Glenstorm: That would be very rise of you to teach her how to defend herself.
Roy: Just like how my father taught me when I was younger
Rip: I would like to meet you mother and father some day if you can find a way to break the curse that was stored upon them.
Roy: I would see what I can do to help them Rip but for now let me help all of you take back your kingdom and bring back the magic of Narnia once more.
Trufflehunter: We really appreciate the.........(The badger was about to finished until Roy put his hand up in front of him to stop for a moment)
Roy: Hold that sentence for a moment I hear something?
Rip: I hear it too?
Glenstorm: I hear it also?
Trufflehunter: What is it Roy?
Roy: Listen? and tell me what do you hear?
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Rip: It sounds like swords clashing?
Roy: It has to be Caspia come on she is probably in a fight!! Everyone armed yourselves!!
Everyone including Roy were heading towards the direction to where the swords were clashing with each other until they started hearing a young girls voice coming from where they were heading.
NO STOP!!!(Young girl saids)
Within minutes Roy and the Narnians made it and finds Caspia next to a young blonde man with a little girl in which Roy didn't recognize them and what he can tell is that they were not Telmarines until the blonde man started to look towards Caspia with a questionable look.
Blonde man: Princess Caspia?
Caspia: Yes and who might you be?
PETER!!!(Another female voice was heard then all of sudden a younger man and the girl along with a dwarf came into the clearing to see what was happening)
Roy: Wait did she just said Peter like as in High King Peter the magnificent?(Roy saids in thought while looking at the four together until he release that he is in the presence of the kings and queens of old)
Caspia: Your...high king Peter?
Peter: I believed you are the one that called?
Caspia: Well yes but I thought you would be older?(Caspia saids to Peter in which Roy giggles at the age difference)
Roy: Hehehe, Caspia I don't think it is very nice to talk to people about their age difference even if their royalty.(Roy saids to Caspia who looks towards to Roy as well as the kings and queens of old)
Peter: I am sorry but who might you be, and are you a Telmarine as well?
Roy: Oh no I am not and this is my first time in Narnia and it is a pleasure to meet you High King Peter the magnificent, Edmund the just, Susan the gentle, and you must be Lucy the valiant.(Roy saids to the kings and queens who stare at Roy thinking how does he know them)
Caspia: This is not what I expected?(Caspia saids to the kings and queens of old)
Edmund: Neither are you?(Edmund saids to the minotaur who was standing in front of him)
Trufflehunter: A common enemy unites even the oldest of foes.
Rip: We heard about your return my league our hearts and swords are at your service.(Rip bows to the kings and queens with honor)
Lucy: All my goodness he is so cute...(Lucy whispers to her sister about how cute Rip looks)
Roy: Sigh.....Rip your doing it again, seriously stop pointing your weapon at girls geez how many times do I have to say?
Lucy: Sorry.......
Rip: Oh your majesty, with the greatest respect I do believe courageous or shipper-as might more benefit a knight of Narnia.
Peter: Well at least we know some of you can handle a blade pretty well.
Rip: Indeed and with the help of Roy here we have collect enough weapons for your army.(Rip saids to Peter than points to Roy who helped them secure weapons for the army)
Peter: Good because were gonna need every sword we can get?
Roy: Well I am pretty sure you would be wanting yours back, Caspia if you would hand back his sword.
Caspia: Huh?, oh right sorry here you are Peter.(Caspia saids and hands Peter back his sword)
Peter: Thanks and Roy was it can you wait here me and my siblings would like to talk to you if thats not too much trouble.
Roy: Not at all, besides I need to talk to you four anyway since I do not know that much about Narnia. Caspia why don't you go with the others were catch up with you in few.
Caspia: Don't take too long
Roy: No such promises
With that everyone left with Caspia while the kings and queens stayed behind with Roy to talk with him.
Roy: four are the kings and queens of Narnia I been told about?
Peter: Yes we are, hows is that you know about us?
Edmund: And what did you mean this is your first time in Narnia?
Roy: Well to answer your question Peter, I found out about you guys from Rip who told me all about how you came to Narnia help saved it and defeated the White Witch known as Jadis who tried to conquer Narnia but was defeated in battle and then soon you four became the kings and queens who ruled Narnia before you disappeared in which Rip told me after you four vanished the Telmarines invaded and took control and brought Narnia into a dark age.
Susan: So thats how you know about us from the stories they told you am I correct?
Roy: Yes you are Susan, and for your question Edmund, the reason why this is my first time in Narnia is because I come from another world and I only found out about Narnia three days ago after Aslan created a portal and brought me here.(Roy saids to all four who looked upon Roy with such great shock and mostly Lucy because she too knew about Aslan as well)
Edmund: Your from another world too?!!
Roy: Yea I come from earth why?
Peter: You as well?!(Peter saids in shock that Roy comes from earth just like them)
Roy: Wait you four are from earth as well, Aslan never told me about this neither did the Narnians?
Lucy: YOU MET ASLAN!!!(Lucy saids with excitement that Roy seen Aslan)
Roy: Yes well I never met him in person only his reflection in the water when he created the portal that brought me here.
Susan: But why did he bring you here if you don't know about Narnia?
Roy: Well to be specific, the call wasn't meant for me it was meant for my mother and father.
The four looked towards each other in confusion of why Aslan wanted Roys parents in Narnia.
Susan: What do you mean the call was for your parents? Because we never seen other humans in Narnia before it was just us four.
Roy: Well you see is that my parents told me that they were once great protectors of Narnia who were like guardians of this world centuries ago until the white witch put a cursed on them from every returning to this world. My mother and father were powerful soccers and studied in magic in fighting.(Roy saids to the four who were blown away by this information that they did not know about)
Lucy: How is that we don't know about this?
Roy: Honestly I have no clue all of this is new to me, maybe they were around here before the four of you came to Narnia so this was probably a very long time ago. I still need to ask them about more information about this world.
Edmund: So basically after the witch cursed them they returned to earth to live normal lives just like us.
Roy: Actually the truth is my mother and father are not from earth they came from another world as well where magic exist but was taken over by an evil dark lord named Master Octomus.
Peter: There are other worlds out there besides Narnia?
Roy: Oh yea there is a whole lot of other worlds out there to be explored.
Edmund: And your parents are from a magical world as well but was taken over by an evil dark lord?
Roy: Yea Master Octomus is someone you do not want to mess with, he has powers that are even more threatening that this white witch of yours.(Roy saids to the four who shivered that there is someone who is more dangerous than the witch)
Lucy: Is this dark lord still around?
Roy: Oh no he has been destroyed a long time ago thanks to my parents and my older brother Bowen who was taken in by people from earth after my parents world was destroyed by Master Octomus during the great wars. There, my parents flied so they can reunite with him and with the help of his friends they banned together to take down the dark lord and brought peace and freedom to the world.(Roy saids to the four who were amazed of what Roys parents did and thank heavens they would not want to handle a dark lord that was that evil)
Peter: How did they defeat him if your mother and father were the only soccers?
Roy: Not just them, but my older brother and my mentor who became my uncle and his name was Daggeron he taught me in the ways of magic just my mother and my father taught me how to fight like him. Also my brothers friends who were just normal human beings were helped and trained to master in the arts of magic in order to protect those from Master Octomus wrath.
Edmund: Wow, that is something else?
Lucy: But if this dark lord was so powerful how could they defeat him if he was greater?
Roy: By using the powers of their mystic force abilities in which turned them into the great heroes known as the Mystic Rangers.
Susan: Mystic Rangers?
Peter: That is something we never heard of?
Edmund: What were they like when they became these rangers?
Roy: I will show you, I too have magic as well so I can show you an image of what the rangers and my parents looked like.(Roy saids as he uses his spell to show the four the mystic rangers)
Once Roy has shown them the image of his family the mystic rangers they were so blown away by these heroes and their magnificence.
Lucy: They look so beautiful.....I love their color outfits!!
Edmund: Wow these guys sure look like the heroic type
Susan: This is something new to us, I can see how they defeated the dark lord by using these amazing powers and armor to defeat him.
Peter: Who are the three in back because the one in gold I find very interesting?
Roy: Well Peter the one is wolf armor is my father Leanbow, the white one is my mother Undona and the gold one is my uncle Daggeron together they were known as Wolf Warrior Defender of Truth, White Mystic Ranger, and the great Solaris Knight.
Lucy: They are amazing Roy!! and such lovely names they have.
Roy: Thank you Lucy for you kind words.
Edmund: I take that the red one is your brother am I correct the one in the middle?
Roy: Yes that is my older brother Bowen though on earth he was known as Nick thanks to his adopted parents I should know because I am Leanbow and Undona's adopted son.
Susan: You were an orphan?
Roy: Yea, except I was found in the woods when I was a baby and I was scared and I never knew my real family because when the rangers and my brother found out information about me and my family they found out that my real parents died years ago but they did leave me a name but only a first name and that was Roy and nothing else.(Roy saids to the four who looked at Roy with such sadness that he never met his real parents and was alone his whole life)
Lucy: That is so horrible, I am so sorry...... 😢(Lucy saids with a tear coming down her cheek)
Roy: It is ok Lucy, I mean after Leanbow and Undona found me they decided to raise me as their own just like they did with Bowen who became my older brother and they gave me happiness and a home as well as taught me everything about magic and the mystic rangers so that one day I would follow in their footsteps to become something greater.
Peter: What I can tell is that they did a wonderful thing for you Roy, and they would be proud of what your doing.
Roy: Thank you Peter, and they already are after I took the title Wolf Warrior after my father step down and offer to train me to become his legacy.
Edmund: Wait you mean to tell us you can do the same thing you father did like can you use the armor he had like the image you showed us.
Roy: Indeed I can Edmund, it took me a couple of years to master the armor and its powers and I came to be very good at it.
Susan: If you don't mind us asking could we possibly see the armor in person?
Roy: Sure not all Susan, thought you may want to take a couple steps back for when I transform into the armor.
Peter: Fare enough
The kings and queens step back as they were told so Roy can transform into his mystic armor. Roy then takes out his fathers morpher in which the four saw and looked at in confusion to what was in his hand.
Lucy: Roy what is that you got there?
Roy: This Lucy is how I transform into the armor, it is called a mystic morpher in which all the rangers have one so they can turned into their heroic selfs.
Edmund: It kind of looks like a phone but a strange looking phone?
Roy: That because it is basically technology and magic put together into one to form something new.
Susan: Magic and Technology together? How come we don't have this on earth?
Roy: Wait you guys don't have this on earth why is that?
Edmund: Well probably due to the war that is going on.
Roy: What war?
Peter: What do you mean what war, the war that is happening?
Roy: Peter I don't understand what war are you guys talking about?
Lucy: World War 2 of course?
Roy: Wait wait what? What did you just say?
Susan: World War 2 why whats wrong?
Roy: Oh my god, they are from the past?(Roy saids in thought and in shock)
Edmund: Roy whats the matter why do you look so stunned? I mean you should know about World War 2 as well since your from earth just like us.
Roy: Guys there is something you need to know about where I came from and it could shock you.
Lucy: How could it be shocking to us Roy?
Roy: Sigh......guys I don't know how to tell you this but World War 2 ended eighty years ago.(Roy saids the four whose jaws were hitting the ground and went completely shock of hearing that news)
Peter/Edmund/Susan/Lucy: WHAT?!!!!! EIGHTY YEARS AGO?!!!!
Roy: Yea thats right
Lucy: This has to be some sort of joke right? I mean how could the war be over?
Roy: Lucy it is not a joke, World War 2 ended eighty years ago and it is the year 2025 where I come from.
Edmund: 2025?!!
Susan: You mean to tell us that you come from the future?!!!
Roy: Yes I do, honestly time lines change a lot where you enter other worlds and it really is quite annoying really my head is already spinning out of control.
The four were stunned by this news of advent that Roy comes from the year 2025 in the near future and the war they knew about ended seventy years ago.
Peter: But if what saying is true, what about the war did we win?(Peter saids still stunned about Roys information and Peter also wanted to know if the war was won)
Edmund: I wondering as well?
Susan and Lucy: Same goes for us to
Roy: Heck yea we won unconditional total surrender, the war ended in the year 1945.(Roy saids with a smile which made all the four excited and filled with happiness that the war was won)
Edmund: I can't believe it we actually won the war
Susan: It is like a dream come true
Peter: And we will finally have peace for so long!
Roy was actually quite happy to see their smiling faces that the war they were in was going to end in couple of years so they can get on with their lives, and while he was admiring their excitement Lucy ran over to Roy and gave him a big hug for telling her and her siblings the greatest news of their lives.
Lucy: Thank you so much for telling us this wonderful news Roy!!!
Roy: Hehehe, you are quite welcome Lucy but you must not tell anyone about this information because it has to stay a secret.
Peter: Why is that?
Roy: If knowledge of whats going to happen in the future it could destroy the entire space time and continuum in other words you could destroy the entire universe in the process.
Peter/Susan/Edmund/Lucy: GULP!............
Edmund: Can that actually happened?
Roy: Oh yea it happened once or twice, because if you four reveal this in your time your enemies can win the war and the future you may see will no longer exist.
Peter: Ok that is something we can not let happen, we will keep this a secret Roy you have our word.
Edmund: And the stuff about you coming from the future we will keep the secret as well.
Roy: Thank you so much.
Lucy: Oh Roy changing the subject you were going to show us your mystic armor.
Roy: Oh right of course now stand back everyone while I chant out the words to transform.(Roys saids to the four who nod and backed away)
Roy: MAGICAL SOURCE MYSTIC FORCE!!(Roy saids the word and then a red seal comes down from above him in which shocks the kings and queens and what happened next was Roy in his armor that made them looked upon Roy with amazement)
Peter/Susan/Edmund/Lucy: Amazing!!!!
Lucy: Roy you look incredibly beautiful!!!
Edmund: Wow that is what I call fancy armor
Susan: It is unbelievable....
Peter: Your armor and sword and shield look brilliant Roy
Wolf Warrior: Thank you everyone I can see why Aslan chose me to help you
Lucy: Aslan asked you to help us
Wolf Warrior: Yes and it involves a prophecy
Susan: There is another prophecy but how?
Wolf Warrior: Aslan told me in the prophecy that a warrior with great strength and power will help a princess of royal blood to aid her along with the kings and queens of old to bring back to glory of Narnia form this dark age.
Peter: So princess Caspia and you are the ones in that prophecy?
Wolf Warrior: Yes, you see the Telmarine thrown is hers and if we can help her claim it, she can bring peace between the Telmarines and the Narnians so this conflict will be over.
Susan: So thats why we were called back so we can help our friends and Caspia retake back Narnia and bring peace between the others.
Wolf Warrior: That is the plan but the Telmarines are not gonna stop because I seen their machines and weapons and the bridge they are building to find us so we have to move quickly and get ready for them.
Peter: Alright let's get going then, we can talk more after we stop the Telmarines from taking over Narnia.
Wolf Warrior: Excellent, everyone is meeting at Aslan's How the place has been abandoned for hundreds of years, Rip and his mice only knows of its existence.
Peter: Than Aslan's How we must go
Lucy: And you think we can hear more stories about the rangers on our way there.
Wolf Warrior: Not at all Lucy I have a lot to tell you all
Lucy: Great!
With that the kings and queens along with Roy are heading towards the place called Aslan How to regroup with the others and Caspia to discuss the plan of action.
Chapter 5 coming soon!
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