Maximillian Hunter. That was his name. He didn't know how he would win. But he knew he couldn't let his friends die. He knew he couldn't let himself lose.
Tiffany: Max! .... Max!
Aloysius: Be quiet! Let him do as he pleases.
Wolfram and Max walked towards each other. It was when they were merely a few metres from each other when they both instinctively stopped.
Tiffany: (thinking: Wha... what is wrong with him? Something's different about him.)
Silence followed for a second, and then Max moved at super speed and dashed around Wolfram again, this time in a much closer circle than before.
Aloysius: This again. Are you still a coward?
Wolfram aimed his arm in the direction of Ken, but at that moment, Max left the circle, leaving Wolfram in a dust cloud.
Aloysius: What?
He turned around and around to look for Max only to hear a metallic screeching sound. It was a mining cart, and Max was moving one towards him at super speed.
The blow landed directly and pushed a shocked Wolfram to the wall of the cave before Max fired bolts at the stalactites above to land on Wolfram.
Aloysius responded by creating a crystal shield to protect himself. They crashed down on him, creating another dust cloud that he emerged from, flying.
He looked down at a glaring Max.
Aloysius: Hmph. So you do have some fight in you.
Aloysius fired crystal beams at him, but Max dodged him with his speed.
Tiffany: Max...
Aloysius: Tch...
Aloysius started to summon crystals from the ground to try to catch him, but Max simply dashed across the wall to avoid the approaching crystal.
Wolfram began to fire beams, but Max continued to fire bolts at him in return, much to his annoyance.
Aloysius: You fool! Those attacks are far too weak.
But Max simply continued irregardless.
Aloysius: Tch.
Aloysius's attacks became more aggressive as he blasted more violently, but Max continued dodging both crystals and beams and firing bolts.
Aloysius: Grrr. You imbecile.
He fired a powerful beam at Max while making the crystals chase him even faster. The result was a massive explosion that seemingly connected and hit Max, causing a massive explosion.
Tiffany: Max!
Luke: (struggling) N... no...
Aloysius panted a bit.
Aloysius: There. Finished.
He expected Max to fall, but he did not see a body fall to the ground.
Aloysius: What! Where is...
It was at that point that a vicious electrical surge was heard from behind him. It was Max, in the air, coming after him with an electrified punch and a determined look in his eyes.
Aloysius was too shocked to react.
Max's blow struck home. It landed directly onto his right shoulder and sent both of them crashing to the ground. What's more, it cracked his crystal body shield around his shoulder and ruthlessly electrocuted him.
Tiffany: Max!
The result was a massive explosion to the ground.
Max dashed away from him and kept his distance while panting.
Aloysius remained on the ground, shocked for a second, before getting up.
Tiffany: Max?
Max didn't answer. He simply stayed panting.
Aloysius: Well, now. I never would have imagined that you would be so much trouble. Entertain me, where did this courage of yours come from?
Max remained silent.
Aloysius: Hmph. Very well.
Aloysius effortlessly repaired his shield.
Max: What!
Aloysius: Hmph. Did you think it would be that easy?
Max: Grrrrrrr.
Aloysius: Well, I imagine you have no interest in running away. And, I have better things to do, so... Let's make this quick.
Wolfram made a giant crystal surround him. It was just a bit larger than him. The crystal prison in which Tiffany was begun to crystallize her arms and legs.
Tiffany: What!
Max: Tiffany!
Luke pushed himself even harder, and cracks began to appear in the crystal he was trapped in, but Wolfram simply reinforced it with a flick of his wrist.
Luke: No... no..
Max: Grrr...
Max fired bolts at him, each one leaving a small dent in his crsytal, but it was not enough.
Aloysius: Your powers seem to be stronger somehow. But it is still not enough.
The crystal suddenly stopped at Tiffany's legs and arms, leaving her head and torso exposed, much to Luke and Max's shock.
Aloysius: Shocked, are we? I decided that hunting you down would be too much trouble. And so, I have a simple deal for you.
Dark energy pulsated from the crystal Wolfram was in. It was in Tiffany's direction.
Aloysius: I will fire this beam at her.
The crystal prison opened up, leaving her exposed.
Aloysius: And I will fire at her from the safety of this crystal I summoned.
Max: N... no...
Aloysius: So, you have a choice. Let her die, or try to stop it.
Max gasped. Tiffany flinched and struggled to break free, and Luke struggled harder.
Luke: Why you....
Aloysius: Well... Max... What will you do?
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