16. The Stern Principal

Principal: Oh. Hold on, children.

They all paused in fear.

Principal: Pardon me for stopping all of you, but... it would just so happen that I have a hunch about something.

Ken: A hunch, huh? You don't say.

Principal: Why... yes.

His deep but gentle tone did not change even in the slightest.

Principal: My gut is telling me that I may be able to find the one responsible for this if I asked you, Miss Rose.

Rose held in a squeal.

Principal: Now, of course, that isn't to say that I do not trust any of you, but, well... everybody can lie. I sincerely hope you do not take it to heart.

Rose squealed even more loudly and jumped.

That was it, Max thought. He was screwed. Not only was he responsible for this, in a sense, but also, Rose didn't look like a liar. In addition to that, he didn't know what to expect from a man that terrifying.

Ken: Well, sir....

Principal: Now now, Mr Stone. Why not we let the lady speak?

Ken took a step back and, much to Max's surprise, whispered to Rose not to tell on him. Luke followed suit.

The principal simply remained silent. Not moving an inch.

Principal: Did something happen to her?

Ken: No, no, no... She's fine.

Principal: Hmm. But I heard whispering.

Ken: W... well, that was... well... (thinking: Come on, Ken, think of a lie.)

Principal: I see. If it is all the same to you, perhaps I shall take her to the sick bay. The four of you may go home for today.

Rose squealed even more loudly, and tears rolled down her eyes.

Tiffany tried to calm her down by patting her back.

Max was about to step forward and tell on himself, but Luke stopped him, much to his surprise.

Luke: (whisper) Chill.

Ken: Sir, I swear, she is absolutely fine. In fact, she hasn't been better.

Principal: Really?

Ken: Yes. You know Rose. She's just... delicate. You know, like a Rose.

Principal: Ah, of course. I should have figured. Such an event must have bothered her quite a bit.

Ken: (thinking: Phew.)

They all started to relax again.

Principal: Even more so, a reason as to why I should take her with me.

They all froze in fear, again.

Principal: She could be having a panic attack. So I will simply take her along.

That was it. Ken had no more lies left to tell.

Luke and Ken looked sorrowfully, and Max.

Ken: (whisper) Sorry.

Max: (whisper) It's fine.

Even though he knew he was screwed, he at least had friends who would fight to help him till the end.


Principal: Well, come now, little Rose. Don't worry, I don't bite.

He gave a gentle chuckle before Rose suddenly very loudly spoke.

Rose: It was Vince. He started it!

They all remained in shock.

Principal: Hmm. I see.

He stroked his beard.

Principal: Alright, children, have a nice day. And thank you.

As the five of them remained there, frozen. The principal walked into the mess hall, and all the shouting and bustling inside stopped abruptly.

Principal: Good afternoon, students.

They all froze from inside the cafeteria.

Principal: My my... what a mess. It seems you have all let this place go.

There was a moment of stone cold silence. No one, not even the lunch ladies, spoke.

Principal: I have heard of who is responsible from me, but I would like to get a second opinion.

After all that chaos, all the heads simply turned towards Vincent.

Principal: I see. So it is true.

Vince: B.. but...

Principal: No buts, young man. You will be coming with me. And now... while I know that the rest of you are hungry, may the rest of you please clean this place up. Thank you.

Outside of the mess hall, the five of them had heard what he had said and ran into a corner where they released massive sighs of relief.

Ken: Pheeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwww! That was close!

Luke: Yeah!

They were all hyperventilating. Most especially Rose.

Ken: Rose, I don't believe it! You just...

Rose: I don't wanna talk about it. I can't believe I just withheld information.

Luke: First time for everything, amirite?

Rose, however, started sobbing.

Tiffany held her and started to comfort her.

Tiffany: It's alright, Rose.

She then turned to Max.

Tiffany: See what your reckless actions almost cost us.

Max: Umm, well.. I...

Tiffany: Well?

Max didn't know quite what to say.

Max: I... I'm sorry.

Luke: Hey, it's fine. Lay off him for a while.

Ken: Yeah. We just survived the principal. That's reason enough to celebrate.

Tiffany: Ugh.

Max: Why are you guys so scared of him anyway?

They all flinched and looked at him like he was crazy.

Ken: Oh, right. He's new.

Luke: Yeah, figures.

Ken: Let's just say that the national expulsion rate is about 1.1% on average. This school's rate is the highest with 3%

Max: What?

Luke: Rumour has it that the principal was once in the military. Did you see what he was saying to us back there? That was all psychological warfare.

Max: No way!

Tiffany: Besides, sorry to burst your bubble, but there's a chance he'll figure out what really happened.

Max: Oh...

Tiffany: I suggest going to your parents and being extra nice for a while.

Rose giggled again.

Tiffany: Huh?

Rose: Sorry, it's just... you're acting like his sister.

Tiffany blushed again, much to Ken and Luke's laughter.

Tiffany: I.... ugh. Never mind.

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