Destined Rider*

Time Period: Approximately 15.7 years after Destiny and 16.7 years after Niaomi

Location: Aroughs, Alagaësia

Characters: Liress, Maggie, Blödhgarm, Luwæn, Ruby

A/N: ^List refers to characters specifically from Destiny and Niaomi.


Belle stilled her breathing, bent down in complete silence. She dared not move an inch lest the werelights before her disappeared. The water around her ankles was cold, but she held back her shivers as she stared at the dancing balls of color.

They bobbed and weaved in between the moss that draped down from the gnarled trees, illuminating the semi-dark twilight that these depths of the swamp always lived in. Belle felt more and more light-headed as she stared at the werelights, and the urge to dance among them grew so strong that she stood up from her crouch.

As soon as she moved, the lights flared once before disappearing. Cursing, she walked forwards, her voice even higher than normal as she called, "Wait, don't go! I'm not going to hurt you!"

Her pleas were fruitless, and Belle finally shuddered in dismay and with a touch of fear. The gloom, temporarily dispelled by the creations of wild magic, had returned - and with it her fear. Grabbing the trunk of the tree nearest to her, she pressed her forehead against the bark and whispered, "Finna du gata."

Where her forehead touched the tree, a glowing line appeared, quickly winding its way down the trunk and cutting through the swamp. Belle followed it, relief loosing the tightness that had grown in her chest as the branches thinned and the dimness faded.

Bugs buzzed around her but could find no meal through the solid layer of mud covering her bare skin. The sunlight caused the muddy green water to sparkle brilliantly, shining through curtains of moss with a beauty that only the people of Aroughs seemed to see.

As the trees receded, she could see the town now, raised high above on its stilted platforms. The glowing line ended at one of the floating wooden planks that formed a path and disappeared as Belle jumped onto it. She walked up to the gate set inside the thick white wall which encircled Aroughs and nodded to the guards, who nodded back, easily recognizing the familiar dirty figure.

"Touched one of 'em werelights yet?" called the one who stood to the right with a friendly grin.

Belle ducked her head shyly but met his eyes as she touched the edge of the wall for luck before walking past. "No, sir."

"Better luck next time, then." She didn't respond as she slipped around the first corner, quickly walking beside one of the many canals to reach a small cottage that lay on the outskirts of town.

The wood clattered loudly underneath her booted feet as she ran up the steps. Opening the door, she peeked through the tangled bangs of her long near-black hair to see her mother standing before her.

"And who could this muddy child standing on my doorstep possibly be?"

Liress saw a flash of white teeth in her daughter's brown face as she sheepishly grinned. "Good morning, Mother."

"Almost afternoon now," she scolded, shooing Belle into the house and shutting the door behind her. "Go get cleaned up for the noonday meal."

The girl quickly scampered off after touching the door frame while Liress sighed and ran a hand through her thick golden hair before moving back into the small kitchen are. Taking off her apron, she was just placing the duck on the table when an unexpected knock sounded on the door.

"Can you get the door, Belle?"

Reluctant footsteps drew up behind her. She glanced back to see her daughter, clean and surly. Her face was all sharp angles, and those large doe-like brown eyes begged even as a clear soprano voice asked, "Must I?"

Her mother's hazel eyes narrowed. "Yes, you must," she said in a tone that brooked no argument. Plodding off, Belle fervently wished that whoever it was wasn't another one of those stupid suitors. How could anyone wish to marry someone just based off their "beauty" when they didn't know the person?

"Please, Hera, don't have sent me another," she prayed to the queen of the gods as she opened the door. Looking at the woman who stood before her, Belle knew Hera had answered her prayers and more. "Maggie!"

Laughing, Maggie held open her arms as the girl launched herself into them, and they hugging each other tightly. Pulling back, she smiled and said, "Look at you, all grown up! The boys must be flocking to you like sheep." She laughed again at Belle's grimace, hazelnut eyes twinkling in her striking face.

"Please don't mention them, Maggie. What are you doing here? Where's my little nephew?"

"Brom is with his father back at Alalëa," Maggie explained as Belle lead her into the house.

From the kitchenette came Liress's voice. "Belle, who's that?"

"Hello, Mother." The blonde looked up to find both of her daughters standing before her, wearing identical grins despite the differences in their appearances. The elder was paler and had her father's chestnut hair; Belle's own father had left a stronger stamp upon his daughter than Liress, giving her that lightly bronzed skin and darkly beautiful features. But both of her children shared their height and had her figure, as well as that lovely smile.

"Maggie, what brings you here?" their mother asked her now after they shared a warm embrace.

"It's that time of year again, and this time I was one of the human Riders chosen to come along with the couriers."

As Liress gestured them to the table, Belle noticed how Maggie rearranged her scabbard so that she could sit comfortably. The glyph for sverd was emblazoned on the bronze-colored wood. The fact that she'd essentially named her sword "sword" spoke loads about her personality; Maggie was not one to be fanciful despite her lofty position as a Rider (and a council member, no less). But despite her plain attire of a beige buff jerkin and black breeches, there was a sense of strength and power about her that Belle knew she'd never be able to achieve.

Shaking away her grim thoughts, she inquired about the rest of her family. Her sister eagerly talked about her young son, who still spoke with that adorable lisp, and their cousins as they ate. Afterwards, Liress asked Belle to give the two some privacy, so she retreated to her room.

Watching her leave, Maggie sighed and murmured, "Still as shy as ever?"

"Even shyer," Liress said, standing up to clear away the dishes. Her daughter moved to help, but she pushed her back into the chair. "Sit and rest. Tell me what news you have from Ilirea."

"Prince Nasu was not chosen by one of the eggs this year, of which his mother and all of Alagaësia are very grateful for. The humans cannot afford to lose the heir to their throne to our order." Maggie took a sip of her wine before continuing. "There are also rumors of him and Lady Ismira having some sort of romance."

"I thought those two hated each other."

The Rider shrugged. "You know how children behave at that age towards those they fancy. But it's still just a rumor. There are more floating about...ones that talk of how a true heir to the throne still lives. Galbatorix's daughter."

Silence fell as Liress froze in place, and grew until she began scouring the plates once more. "Do they whisper about me as well?"

"Everyone whispers about the Black Hand," her daughter remarked with just a hint of bitterness. "Some think I'm the heir, but not many."

"And no one knows my whereabouts?"

"No one except the council members and the queens."

"Good," Liress sighed, and Maggie finally noticed how tired her mother looked. Though as an enchantress she was still stunning, pale violet shadows dwelled beneath her light brown eyes.

The younger woman hesitated before softly suggesting, "You should tell her."

"And have Belle doubt herself for the rest of her life? No."

"Mother, she deserves to know the truth about her - "

"I said no, Mahogany, and that's final!"

Gritting her teeth as Liress uttered her full name, Maggie rose from the table and spit out, "I have to leave for the ceremony. Make sure you lock Belle inside since we wouldn't want history to repeat itself. Oh, wait - that would be history repeating itself, wouldn't it?"

The blonde closed her eyes as she heard the front door slam shut. Memories flickered past behind her eyelids, images of that bright blue gaze disappearing from view as she turned the key and strode away, ignoring the muffles shouts of desperation that followed her. Maggie was right: caging Belle would be just like caging the twin sister she'd named her for. Liress couldn't lock away Belinda once again.

That's why, when she heard the sound of someone quietly slipping out the door, she just stacked the dishes into the cupboards and prayed for the gods to guide her little girl.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Heart pounding, Belle scurried away from her cottage, weaving through the town's mazes of canals and walkways as her mind whirled over what she'd heard. Coming back to ask Maggie a quick question about Murtagh, she'd arrived in time to hear her vouching that Belle know...something. Their mother had been adamantly against the fact, and the argument had escalated until her sister had stormed out of the house. Shocked and shaken, she'd waited for what seemed like an eternity before she too left.

Liress was keeping secrets from her. Somehow, Belle could not get her mind to accept that fact. The two were outsiders in Aroughs and only had each other for company, besides the occasional visits from family members and the unwanted visits from suitors. They were as close as mother and daughter could be, confidantes in everything - or so she had believed. How could her mother lie to her? She'd said something about keeping Belle from doubting herself, but Maggie had argued that she had the right to know. And what had she meant by not letting "history repeat itself"?

Rounding a corner, she stumbled to a halt as a profession of brightly colored figures glided in front of her. They were indescribably breathtaking, tall and regal with hair that shimmered as dark as night or as bright as the moon. The males wore theirs short enough so that Belle could see the tips of their pointed ears, and knew immediately that these must be the egg-couriers.

She waited until the last had passed before following a ways behind, careful to avoid being seen or approached. It was uncommon for her to go this far into the town, but her curiosity had grabbed hold. They approached the second tier and climbed up, winding their way towards the center square. As the elves filed in and mounted the raised dais that stood in front of the huge granite statue of Roran Stronghammer, Belle hung back from the rest of the crowd that gathered even closer.

There seemed to be twelve of the Fair Folk, the one leading the procession the most exotic of them all. His body was covered by a blue pelt, and she realized they must be the Twelve Vanyalis. Her mother had taught her about the War of the Riders and the elven guard that had protected, advised, and served the Leader of the Riders, Maggie's older brother. Beside them stood a larger group of about fifteen people, five from each of the remaining dragon-bound races: humans, Urgals, and dwarves. She spotted her sister among them, face grim.

"People of Aroughs," the head of the Twelve Vanyalis began as Belle racked her brain to remember his name. "As we do every year, we have come with one of the precious eggs the dragons have bestowed upon us to see if any among you is its Rider."

The crowd muttered, surging closer while maintaining a respectful distance away. It was as if the whole town had shown up for the ceremony. Even the lord governor was there, standing near the front with his hand on his eager son's shoulder.

Blödhgarm! That was his name. The elf stepped back and let the only silver-haired male come forward. He held a silk cushion in his hands, and with a flourish removed the silk covering. Everyone gasped as they gazed upon the large oval object that sat on the gilded pillow. "I present to you the egg," the courier announced in a clear voice that carried to the far ends of the square. "Those that wish to have a chance to touch it, line up at the stairs to your left."

No one stepped forwards, and the whole crowd seemed to shrink backwards at the sight of the dark black egg. Murmurs of dismay and worry filled the air, and Belle watched the Riders frown as the Vanyalis traded glances.

Coming to the forefront once more, Blödhgarm asked in a rumbly purr, "Does no one wish for the chance to be a Rider?"

The lord governor cleared his throat to end the terse silence. "Being apart from the rest of the country leaves us swamp folk with plenty of superstitions. One of those's bad luck, and it would be mighty bad indeed to have a dragon that was the same color as that ole king of ours."

Murmurs floated around once more, this time of agreement, and Belle saw the furrow in the fur on Blödhgarm's forehead as he frowned. "No one dragon is the exact same shade as another. And Shruikan didn't serve Galbatorix of his own volition. I trust that you are an intelligent man, being the governor; why do you not allow your son to take this opportunity? He is obviously excited to try his hand."

Coughing, the lord governor began to speak when his son interrupted, "Yeah, I wanna try! Lemme give it a go."

"Now, junior, how 'bout we just - "

It was too late. The boy wriggled out of his father grip and darted to the platform, climbing the steps as the people watched with a near-fearful atmosphere. He slowed down as he approached the Riders, a look of awe and nervousness on his young face. Belle was sure he was no older than one-and-ten, much younger than her own age, but he still managed to have enough bravery to walk up and delicately press his hand against the egg.

Everyone waited breathlessly for something to happen, but after a few moments the silver-haired courier shook his head and the boy let his arm fall.

"I'm sorry, young one, but you are not meant for this egg, nor it for you." He sulked off while the elf turned to address the rest of the crowd. "Will anyone else step forwards?"

A handful of others began lining up to touch the egg, while some mothers restrained their children with a sharp whisper. The lord governor himself looked relieved as his son came back to his side, still pouting. Belle looked back at the unusually small line, mostly adolescents and young adults, and remembered the conversation she'd eavesdropped on earlier. Maggie had mentioned the egg ceremony before she left, and it had seemed it had something to do with history repeating itself. Was it that she may become a Rider like her cousins and sister before her? Should she take the chance to touch the egg?

Examining it from afar, Belle was stunned at how it shimmered despite its color. The veins of white stood out sharply from the rest of the eggshell, drawing intricate patterns that she yearned to see up close. She took a few steps forwards before pausing. All of Aroughs would be watching her if she went up.

Luwæn held in his sigh of disappointment as the last human scurried off the other side of the dais. He looked down at the egg he held in his hands, murmuring to it softly in the ancient language, "Is your Rider truly not to be found here? Or is your partner still hiding among the crowd?"

His slanted eyes scanned the townspeople once more before landing on a young woman who was walking forwards from the back. Hope surged within him as he pointed to her, making her come to a halt, and announced, "There is one last courageous human who has come forwards!"

As all eyes turned towards her, Belle's eyes grew even bigger than they already were. Why was one of the Vanyalis pointing at her? Had he just said she was coming forwards? She'd only taken five steps!

Everyone's eyes were on her, expectant. Well, it was too late to avoid being noticed now, so she may as well satisfy her curiosity in the process. And if she backed down now, Belle knew she'd be for ever remembered as the coward of Aroughs despite the superstitions, for it was worse luck to back down from a task once undertaken.

The crowd parted for her as she slowly walked to the platform, and Luwæn felt the dragon within the egg stir with greater intent as it had the morning before they had reached the town. All his fellow couriers had mentioned a similar experience that came right before the egg's Rider was found. Could this be it? Could she really be the one? There was something vaguely familiar about her...

Belle kept her face hidden by her bangs, feeling the midday sun beating down upon her. Her fingers plucked at the long-sleeved white shirt she wore over her tan breeches, sweating from nerves as well as the heat. All swamp folk wore attire that covered as much skin as possible to ward off the bugs and their illnesses, and right now she could hear the similarly dressed people around her murmuring as she passed. Snatches of her name reached her ears, making her walk a bit faster to reach the platform.

The wooden steps creaked under her boots, just like the ones of her own home's porch, and Belle wondered what her mother was doing at this moment. Had she even noticed yet that her youngest daughter was missing? Liress always seemed to know; could that mean she was in the crowd, watching her now?

Maggie gaped at her little sister. What in Tartarus was she doing here? Their eyes met for an instant, and she saw through Belle's hair how her face grew even more determined. Confidence infused her body, steadying her stride and straightening her spine as she came to a stop before Luwæn.

The elf looked at the woman before him and asked gently, "What is your name?"

"Belle, sir," she said in a small voice, eyes downcast. "Or that's what I'm called; it's short for Belinda. Belinda Liressdóttir."

His eyes widened in shock, and he shot a quick glance to Maggie. She have a short nod of her head and added a weak smile of encouragement, doing little to set aside his doubts. The person before him was the daughter of the former Black Hand, Galbatorix's most loyal servant? Luwæn knew better than to judge others based on their parents, as Maggie herself was a prime example; however her father had also been Brom, a legendary Rider who'd fought against the Empire and founded the Varden. Who could Belinda's father be? And how old was she?

Biting her lower lip as the Riders began sharing covert glances at each other, Belle looked up into the elf's gray-blue eyes as he asked her, "How old are you?"

"Five-and-ten, sir." She heard the flurry of whispers grow in volume at her words and winced in response. With her well-endowed willowy figure, she looked more like a woman than a girl. It was a characteristic that often drew males of all ages to her, though Liress held them all off with a ferocity that never ceased to amaze her.

Her gaze lit upon the egg in front of her. Up close, she could see that while entirely black, it was lighter than she'd imagined, like the color of raw coal. The sunlight flashed across it, revealing small scattered speckles that were the exact shade of her hair. She looked up at the courier from underneath her long lashes, and in response he presented the egg to her. Cautiously, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement, her left hand came forwards to rest on the egg.

It was warmer than she had expected, hard and unyielding against her palm. Belle stroked it, and the shell seemed to pulse in response. Suddenly, it rattled violently, and a crack appeared on the once unblemished surface. Gaping, she pulled away; the egg settled down once she did so, and the courier turned to the crowd to announce, "Belinda Liressdóttir has been chosen!"

The townspeople all gasped in shock, and a voice from the back hollered, "Belle?!", as another one called, "You sure you didn't make a mistake?" Everyone began laughing, and Belle flushed with mortification. She ran across the platform and down the other set of stairs, darting off even as the insults and jeers followed her.

Luwæn turned back to address the crowd when his leader strode up to stand by his side, yellow eyes glinting. "How dare you!" Blödhgarm growled, and all others grew silent in the wake of his rage. "How dare you show such insolence for this time honored tradition. How dare you display such rudeness towards the Order. And how dare you doubt the choice of a dragon!"

A baby somewhere in the midst began crying, and the humans shuffled around awkwardly. Scoffing at their shame, the blue-furred elf waved them away. "Begone! The egg ceremony is over, so get out of my sight."

The square quickly cleared, and only the lord governor lingered behind. His round chin wobbled as he hemmed and weakly began apologizing. "So sorry for my people, mister - ah, sir. They can be harsh at times, but I'm sure they didn't mean nothing by it. They was just surprised is all."

"I expect that the reception will be better next year," was all Blödhgarm said in response before turning his back to the man, who quickly scurried away with his son in tow.

Luwæen walked towards the rest of the Vanyalis and Riders and said, "We must track down Belinda before the egg hatches. She must be the one to touch it first."

"Belle," a soft voice spoke up, and his eyes met Maggie's. "She's called Belle."

"Do you and her not share the same dam?" asked Skgahgrezh, one of the Urgal Riders. His eyes looked as fierce as Blödhgarm's from underneath his long horns.

The woman nodded. "We do, and so I shall find her."

"Take the egg with you," Luwæn said before she could leave. "It's time of hatching draws near."

Carefully grabbing hold of the cushion, Maggie shielded it with the silk cloth once more before leaving. As she disappeared down one of the streets, Hildegram of the Dûrgrimst Fanghur exclaimed, "Werg! These backwards humans have no manners. Why do they despise the child so?"

"What I wish to know is who her father is," Linden said, his blue eyes curious. "Maggie's was Brom, and he died long before Belle was conceived. It has been sixteen years since Galbatorix was killed. Do you think - "

"It does not matter who her parents are," a voice cut off the human's words, and all eyes turned upon the only other council member in their ranks besides for Maggie. Her gaze was firm beneath the mass of fiery hair, features somewhat elven due to the many years she had lived bonded with her dragon Vervada.

"Ruby-elda is correct," stated Blödhgarm. "All that matters is that Belle has been chosen by the egg, and she will be its Rider."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Maggie jogged down the streets, careful to jostle the egg as little as possible. She knew exactly where her sister had gone. It would be the same place Belle always ran off to when her shyness fearfully gripped her. Indeed, it was the same place she herself had wished to take refuge in when she was young. Climbing the squeaky steps, she opened the door to find them both in the foyer.

Her mother's eyes looked up at her entrance as the woman held her youngest daughter tight. Restraining the envy that occasionally gripped her, Maggie moved forwards and gazed at Belle, waited for her to look up. She eventually stared back in a mixture of fear, caution, and interest. It was a look that had never been seen on the face of the man who she'd once believed to be her father, but it was those same eyes, albeit filled with hazel flecks, that gave it now to Maggie through tangled strands of wavy hair.

"Why me?" Belle whispered, and her sister instantly kneeled before her. She took the girl's face in her hands as their mother took the egg from her and drew away.

"Because you're amazing, Belle. You are absolutely extraordinary, and your dragon recognized that fact. It could only be you."

Shaking her head, the girl tried to back away, but Maggie held her fast. "I'm not," she protested, bottom lip quivering. "I'm not anything special. I'm not like you."

"No, you're not," Liress agreed, setting her hand on Belle's shaking shoulder, which instantly relaxed. "You're not Maggie, though you and her do share some of the same qualities. That curious spirit, that beautiful grin. But you're not her. You're you, my little bell. And I couldn't be prouder."

Kissing her sister's forehead, Maggie watched as she leaned into their mother and felt that same sting in the pit of her stomach. When she'd been Belle's age, she had not even been allowed to call Liress 'Mother', forced to grow up at a distance from the blonde. Now, seeing how close the two were, she felt like an outsider looking in. They had a bond that she and her mother would never have, a bond she craved with all her heart. But her duties kept her away, and their pasts kept them apart.

Belle noticed the strange look on Maggie's face, and was about to ask what was wrong when she saw the egg Liress held. Several smaller cracks had formed, and it rocked now in her presence. Instinctively, she caressed the egg again, watching in fascination as a piece of the shell broke off and squeaking sounds emerged.

Chip by chip, the rest of the stunningly colored egg fell away to reveal and even more stunning dragonet. It was covered in an array of glistening scales, each one a slightly different shade of black with a few browner ones thrown into the mix. They darkened towards the bone-white spikes that ran along its spine, whose line had a larger gap between the spikes at the upper part of its shoulder blades. It was not even the length of her forearm and sat on the pillow, looking up at her to reveal a triangular face with three small spines sprouting from each cheek, horns that were surprisingly straight, and brilliant slitted purple eyes.

The baby dragon sat on the pillow, talons digging into the velvet as it unfurled wings that were several times longer than its own body. Its maw opened, exposing rows of gleaming pointed teeth, and squeaked. Belle couldn't help but smile as it tried to balance, and when it looked as though it were about to fall, she quickly stretched out her left hand and righted it.

An icy sensation shot its way up her arm as soon as her fingers made contact with its coal-black hide, burning its way through her body as she pulled back with a startled cry. She began to fall backwards, but her sister caught her, murmuring soothing words that she could not understand as shivers racked her body. Belle panicked slightly, unable to feel Maggie's grip, numb with the fiery sensation that felt as though pure undiluted energy was being absorbed into her body. The agony seemed to stretch on for an eternity before finally abetting, her shudders slowly ceasing.

Some weight pressed down on her chest, and she tilted her head down to see the dragon - her dragon - coiled there. Those glittering violet eyes stared into hers as its tongue flicked out to lick her cheek, making her scrunch her nose. Weak laughter came from above her, and Belle was surprised to find tears running down her mother's face even as she chuckled. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing," Liress said on a partial sob, covering her face with both hands and breathing deeply. Maggie helped her to her feet as the dragonet scrambled its way to her shoulder. A mind brushed against hers, curious and strange, and Belle turned her head to eye her dragon in suspicion. "Gods, look at you two. Both my girls, Riders. Looks like it's a father's blood that wins out in the end."

The girl gasped. "Are you saying my father was a Rider like Maggie's?"

Both her sister and her mother froze at the question. That mind brushed against hers again, this time distinctly hungry, and Liress used the distraction to guide her into the kitchen. "Come now, your dragon must be fed."

"I'll be on my way now to meet the other Riders," Maggie said, picking up the discarded pillow and tucking it beneath one arm. She hastily swept the bits of eggshell to one side. "We leave in an hour. Meet us by the main gate, Belle."

"Why would I be leaving with you?"

A wry smile blossomed on the elder's face. "You're a Rider now. That means you must come with me to Ellesméra to begin your training. Pack you things and be ready within the hour."

"But - "

"Belle, go feed your dragon." Belle gritted her teeth, knowing that it was no use to protest when her mother used that voice, and stomped into the kitchen. Once her youngest daughter was inside, Liress turned to face her oldest. "You leave so soon?"

"The hatching of her dragon hastens things." Maggie hesitated before stepping forwards to grip the blonde in a tight hug. She returned it as the other whispered in her ear, "I'll respect your wishes and keep the truth from Belle. I'll take care of her."

"Thank you," Liress whispered back, pulling away to kiss both cheeks. She tucked a strand of chestnut hair behind one slightly tapered ear and stared into those deep brown eyes. "I love you, Maggie. So much more than you will ever know."

She saw the tears rise in the younger's eyes before they were blinked away. "I know, Mother. I love you, too."

They parted, and Liress watched with a heavy heart as Maggie left the house. Sighing, she walked back into the kitchen to find Belle at the table feeding the young dragonet with strips of jerky. "How are you?"

"Okay," the girl sighed, worry making her lips look full as they formed a pout. "I mean, it's weird, being a Rider. I can feel the dragon's mind against my own, like it's already well-settled in this niche I never knew was empty until it became filled." She stared down at the slightly glowing gedwëy ignasia that was now emblazoned on her palm.

Her mother reached forward to squeeze her shoulder. "You'll get used to it. You'll be a great Rider, Belle."

Not like Maggie, she wanted to say. Instead, her voice asked, "Like my father was?"

The way Liress stiffened told Belle that the subject was closed. "You should go to your room and begin packing. I'll ready some provisions for your journey."

Her mouth opened then snapped shut, and she draped her dragon around her neck as it continued to gnaw on the jerky before leaving the room. Walking down the short hall, she opened the door to her left and entered her room. It was a small yet uncramped space, filled with her bed and a chest of drawers. The desk she'd had since she was born stood pressed against the wall underneath the window, and it was to there she moved first after setting down the dragonet on her mattress.

Pulling a rucksack out from under the bed, she turned and faced the few belongings she owned. A thick sheaf of bound papers held all her drawings and sketches. She stuffed it into her weathered copy of Domia abr Wyrda before placing it into the sack. Next went a tube with a rolled up map of Alagaësia and Aroughs, along with a few of her other books and the wooden box that held the trinkets family members had gifted her with over the years. A pouch full of quills and candles was tucked inside as well before she drew the string closed.

Setting it down beside the baby dragon, who was now watching her curiously, Belle grabbed another sack and folded her small collection of shirts, breeches, and under garments inside. She paused before packing the two fine dresses her mother had made her as well, and placed her good slippers and spare boots on top. Moving towards her nightstand, she picked up the bag of her swamp treasures and belt of throwing daggers before moving to pack them as well. Out of the rucksack popped a small head, and Belle couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

"Why'd you want to ride in there, anyways?" she asked good-naturedly, plucking the dragonet out and plopping the bag and belt in before drawing the cloth closed. Holding it up to her face, she stared into the mauve eyes that sparkled with intellect and interest. It suddenly hit her that she was a Rider. A bonafide Dragon Rider of the ancient order tasked with upholding the safety and peace of all of the land.

Sitting down on her bed hard, Belle hugged her dragon and struggled to breath. It nuzzled into her chest, and a low throaty sound began to issue from it. Was it humming? That same consciousness brushed against hers, calming and soothing enough for her to ward off the panic that had threatened to consume her. Unconsciously she began to rub its head, and the strange humming grew louder. Already she felt a strong connection the tiny ball of awe that would grow to be a magnificent creature. A creature that would change many lives as surely as it had changed her own.

"Alright, let's go." Standing to her feet, she lifted the dragonet so that it could wrap itself loosely around her neck and leave her hands free to grab her two sacks. Peeking her head into the kitchen, she saw her mother packing a satchel full of food. The woman looked up, and Belle was startled to see the sheen of tears in her hazel eyes. She dropped the bags and walked forwards.

"Ah, you're ready. I've got something for you." Liress slipped the strap of the satchel around her shoulder and fussed over it until it hung just so. "There you go, something to eat on the way. And something to use, too."

Her eyes went wide as her mother reached into the pockets of her plain blue muslin dress to withdraw a pair of gloves. They were a shade darker than her dragon's color, made of some foreign material that looked like a hide. The fingers were cut away, and metal spikes lay embedded in the knuckles. "What are these?"

"They're Ascûdgamln gloves, as you know." Taking her daughter's hands, Liress slipped them on and kept hold. "Though these are a bit different that the ones you've practiced with."

"A bit different? They're incredible," Belle gushed, holding her hands close to her face to examine them more thoroughly. Her dragon leaned forward, sniffed the gloves, and let out a harsh blast of air through its nostrils as if sneezing. "What are they made from?"

The woman's mouth tightened for a moment, but the other didn't notice. "From the hide of a very rare and glorious animal. Now, you best get going. It'll take you a while to reach the gate carrying all those bags."

Belle's eyes held hers fast as she spoke, as was the custom. It was considered impolite to not look someone in the eyes while talking to them. "Come with me, at least as far as the gate."

"You know I can't," her mother chided gently, squeezing her hands once before releasing them. "One of the citizens would be bound to recognize me as the former Black Hand, and then you could never come back home without facing the scorn."

"Maggie doesn't have to face it," she pouted.

Liress smiled and kissed her forehead. "That's because her father was Brom."

"I thought that was her son?"

"Cheeky girl." The blonde's fingers dug into Belle's sides, and she laughed as the other tickled her ruthlessly. Still grinning broadly, she tucked the girl's hair behind both ears and looked into her eyes, seeing her own hazel irises in the flecks of the other's. "I love you so much, my little bell."

Sniffing, her daughter burrowed her face into her shoulder. "I love you, too. I don't want to leave you here all alone."

"That's why you and Maggie will visit me often." Lifting her chin, Liress turned on her mothering voice. "Mind your sister and the elders, and make sure to practice your fighting skills to stay in shape. Stay safe."

"I will." After receiving one last kiss, Belle picked up her bags and headed for the door. Pausing at the entrance to the kitchen, she turned back to ask, "Mother, who is my father?"

Paling, the woman looked away and said in a quiet voice, "You're better off not knowing, Belle. Trust me."

Ignoring the ache in her heart, she nodded once swiftly before striding out. Shutting the door behind her, she looked up and let the sun's light clear away the moisture in her eyes before heading towards the wall of Aroughs. At the gate waited the entire party of Riders and couriers, both groups giving her curious yet guarded looks. She knew they all must know who her mother had been, and was relieved to spot Maggie coming forth from the rest.

Her sister took her bags and tied them to one of the packhorses. "Come, we must be off. You can ride with me."

"What a beautiful dragon," the Vanyali who had held her dragonet's egg said, his hair shining in the sunlight like freshly burnished silverware. "Such vibrant eyes."

"As bright as Niaomi's," another commented, this one a Rider whose eyes - almost the same shade as her mother's - sent a pang through her. "Have you thought up a name yet?"

"Uh, not exactly..." Belle had been racking her brain to call her dragonet something rather than "it", but she had to know the gender first. If it was a male, maybe it would like the name Raugmar, after Raugmar the Black. It was quite fitting; yes, she'd privately call it that for now.

The woman, several heads shorter than her, introduced herself. "Nice to meet you, Belle. I am Ruby."

"Ruby? As in Ruby Huginelditaka?" she gasped, completely shocked.

The short Rider nodded, making her mass of auburn curls bounce around wildly, and gestured to the other humans behind her. "These are Linden, Turnell, and Hana." The last named was a brunette and had slightly elvish features (though hers were nowhere as strong as Ruby's). Linden's hair was nearly as golden as Liress's, though his keen eyes were blue and trained on her. Turnell had long black hair held back in a small horsetail, and he stood quietly, aloof and apart from the rest of the group.

One of the dwarves stepped forwards next, the only female knurla among them. "Greetings, child. My name is Hildegram, and I along with Drûn and Suraug are of the Dûrgrimst Fanghur." Her clear green eyes were direct, and she along with the others from her clan all shared the same brownish-blonde hair. The remaining two were the long-haired Kaft of Dûrgrimst Ingeitum and the steely-eyed Rutha of Dûrgrimst Quan.

The Urgals came next, who for the most part shared the same coloration in their black oily hair, grayish skin, and small yellow eyes. The most noticeable difference besides their genders were their horns. Nar Skgahgrezh was the one with the longest, and the other two males were Dazhgra and Yarzek. Herndall Ruthisk was a Kull, towering above the rest of her kin. The last was named something Belle could not even begin to pronounce. In her head, she called her "Gary".

Blödhgarm merely introduced the elves as the Twelve Vanyalis, which she didn't mind; all of their names were somewhere in her history book, along with their Houses as well most likely. She'd nodded at the humans and dwarves, the latter of which had stared at her gloves with surprise; her throat had been bared respectively at the Urgals, who all grinned in delight. Now, she touched her fingers to her lips before twisting her right hand over her sternum in the customary elvish gesture. Belle was too nervous to recite the greeting, but the elves seemed pleased by her actions nonetheless.

They all climbed atop their mounts after being introduced save Ruthisk, and she admired the proud elf horses with their gleaming coats and intelligent eyes. Maggie brought her own roan steed around in front of her sister, offering a hand out to help the girl up into the saddle. Her stomach became a bundle of nerves and excitement, and the black baby dragon on her neck lifted its head as if scenting the air for adventure.

This was really happening. She, Belinda Dröttningu Liressdóttir, was going off to the elven capital to become a Rider. The large party passed through the gates, and she in her enthusiasm waved to the guards as they passed. The one who'd spoken earlier to her was so shocked that his mouth almost fell clean off his jaw. Teeth flashing, she gripped Maggie's waist and looked forward at the northern expanse of the swamp. The water flashed brightly as they cantered by, leaving Aroughs further and further behind.

Belle knew she would miss looking for the werelights, and tracing the town's winding streets, and feeling her mother's arms around her most of all. But with her dragon Raugmar beside her and her sister before her, she felt the anticipation of a new future that lay just beyond the swamp's horizons.


Yay, that's the end for now! Actually thinking of expanding this into a full-fledged novel once I'm done with Destiny - gonna call it Breoal or something like that. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this little segment! xD

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