RWBY Ruby Rose x Male Reader (Volume 5) Chapter 5.
(Volume 5) Chapter 5:My Protector/ A Tearful Reunion
It's almost dinner time and of course you are ready for some grub...a lot of it, everyone's finished setting up the table and the food is almost done being cooked, Ren's...a VERY GOOD COOK, you wonder if he would've been a chef if he wasn't a Huntsman... and though the food's almost ready, not everyone is here. Oscar's in the training room...which you didn't even knew this place had and Sophie's...somewhere. Qrow's not here either but he's busy doing Huntsman stuff. It's think he would've found at least ONE Huntsman by's as if they were all dead. That can't be true though, they must all be on missions of their own shake off the bad thoughts.
Ren:"Food's almost done. Make sure everyone's here."
Jaune:"Yeah, we all know with these two around it won't last all that long." He points to you and Nora.
Nora:"And I NEED TO GET STRONGER, YOU CAN'T GET STRONGER IF YOU HAVE NOTHING IN YOU TO KEEP YOU MOTIVATED!" You slide over to Nora to give her a fist bump, and she does so. Ruby face palms.
Ruby:"Honey...could you just go get Sophie and Oscar?"
You:"And let Nora eat all of it without me? Nuh-uh...also I have no clue as to where Sophie is...and...I don't know where our training room is."
Jaune:"...We've been living in this house for weeks..."
You:"Hey, all I've had for homes are back alleys, small apartments and crowded dorms, this place is you know that we have five bathrooms!? FIVE!" Jaune looks at you weirdly.
Ruby:"...I'll just go get Oscar myself, considering you're useless."
You:"Says the one who can barely fight against a 14 year old boy."
Ruby:"Says the one who can't even beat Jau-" She quickly glances at Jaune "whooo can't even beat.......I'M JUST GONNA GO GET OSCAR!" She exits...there's just silence...a random tumbleweed passes through before going out an open window.
Jaune:"You totally took it easy on me during that fight didn't you?"
You:"I-...yeah...could you notice?"
Jaune:"Considering you've spared against Pyrrha back in Beacon and survived longer than three minutes? Yeah I noticed."
You:"Well you were still good and still caught me off guard regardless." Jaune gives a thumbs up. You all sit down, Nora has her fork and knife at the ready and Jaune's just on his scroll, you wonder why Ruby's taking so long... You let some of your Semblance flow and listen in to why that is.
Ruby:"-Well, see you upstairs."
Oscar:"How do you handle all of this?" Handle what?
Ruby:"What do you mean?"
Oscar(Voice Cracking):"I'm... scared." I'm more scared than I've ever been in my life, than I ever thought was possible. I always knew that I wanted to be more than a farmhand, but this? Who would ask for this?" He stays silent, you hear him sniffle...poor're scared as well to be honest
Ruby:"We all went to Beacon because we wanted to help people. But, you're right. None of us asked for this either. We just have to press on and--" Oscar interrupts
Oscar:"How can you be so confident?! People have tried to kill you! The world's about to go to war all over again! How are you okay with any of this?!!" Ruby stays silent...
Ruby:"When Beacon fell, I lost two of my friends: Penny Polendina and Pyrrha Nikos. I didn't know them for very long, but that doesn't change the fact that they were two of the most kind-hearted people I have ever met. But that didn't save them. Pyrrha thought that if there was even the smallest chance of helping someone, then it was a chance worth taking. And because of that, she died fighting a battle she knew she couldn't win. And Penny... was killed... just to make a statement."
Ruby:"I am scared, but not just for me. What happened at Beacon shows that Salem doesn't care if you're standing against her or not. She'll kill anybody, and that scares me most of all. Pyrrha... Penny... I'd be lying if I said that it didn't hurt, that I didn't think about them every day since I lost them, that I didn't wish I had spent more time with them. If it had been me instead, I know they would have kept fighting too, no matter how dangerous it was. So that's what I choose to do - to keep moving forward." And there's the Ruby you fell for.
Ruby:"C'mon, if we don't hurry, Nora and (F) are gonna eat everything. It definitely wouldn't be the first time. I don't want those two to tear up the entire house fighting over the last piece of chicken." That's not'd only destroy the table...and the windows...and the couches...and the walls...and the roof...and the- You hear her footsteps leave the room as Oscar apparently lingers for a bit.
Ruby:"Hey, Oscar? This isn't gonna be easy, but the fact that you're even trying says a lot about you. You're braver than you think." You smile as you stop using your Semblance
Ruby comes back up and sits next to you, she has a tear going down her cheek. You wipe it away, she looks embarrassed.
Ruby:"O-oh, sorry, I talked to Oscar about some personal things."
You:"That's perfectly fine." After a bit Oscar heads to the table and sits down next to you. Good timing as the food arrives, and the feast begins
(After the Food Genocide)
You and Nora burp a mighty belch at the same time. She clicks her tongue and gives you a thumbs up, you give her a thumbs up as well. There's at least 20 empty plates in front of you...Oscar's still not used to that it seems.
Ruby:"Amazing as always."
Jaune:"You really out did yourself Ren."
You:"That was incredible."
Nora:"Is there ANY MORE!?" Nora eye balls you, making sure you don't try to get whatever's left.
Ren:"Why thank you, and no Nora we used up the entire pantry for that."
Ren:"Why not have a healthy salad?" The salad on her plates has not been touched.
Nora:"WHO EATS RABBIT FOOD WHEN YOU GOT HIGH CHOLESTEROL!?" You uh...don't know what to say to that. Ren doesn't either as he lower his hid slightly, smiles and shakes his head slightly. You are about to help clean up before Oscar looks at you
Oscar:"Hey, (F)? Can we talk in private?" You wonder what sparked that up?
You:"Huh, sure. Um..." You look at all the plates and back at the rest of them, they all motion for you two to leave. "Well, let's go." You both get up and exit the house, you two begin walking, it's a beautiful night at least "Ah, a beautiful night, ain't it?"
Oscar:"Well...y-yeah I guess so."
You:"Well, what's on your mind?" You place your hands in your jacket pockets
Oscar:"What's a Chronicle?" You look at him confused
You:"Shouldn't Ozpin have already told you about what the Chronicle is?"
Oscar:"Well he gives me a simple version of it, but I want to know the details, and who better to ask then the Chronicle."
You:"Ah well, the Chronicle is the vessel of Luna the Leviathan and Cole the Ancient King of the Glaive."
Oscar:"Yeah, you see Ozpin didn't tell me about that. He also asks about how Cole's doing?"
Cole(Sub):"Tell him that I'm still upset over the 20 pieces of silver he owes me for poker."
You:"He says he's upset over the 20 pieces of silver he owes him for poker." there's a small pause in Oscar, seemingly listening in to what Ozpin is saying
Oscar:"He says it was only 10 silver pieces and that he cheated by conjuring in Aces."
Cole(Sub):"Hah, really is him."
You:"Well back to the subject, the Chronicle is a prophecy saying that he'll be the one to get rid of Serpent. Serpent is...well I don't know, never met the beast and all I know is the Man in the Cloak and Raiden have her power."
Oscar:"Raiden? Your brother? I...thought you said Raiden died?"
You:"Ruby said that he wasn't around anymore, never said she was dead, though he might as well be. "
Oscar:"What'd he do?"
You:"He betrayed us, betrayed his school, his home, his Team, and his family. Stabbed us in the back, quite literally for me." Oscar eyes widen
Oscar:"He stabbed you?" You nod as you lower your jacket and shirt collars a bit but just enough to reveal the scars surrounding you, and the massive one coming from his Kitsune. "Jeez. How'd you deal with that?"
You:"I didn't really at first, I was so angered and hurt when it turns out my own brother helped destroy Beacon and in turn aided the deaths of Penny and Pyrrha. He was so amazing too, always giving advice and protecting others before himself...and now...he's just a monster." Oscar stays silent "Yeah, it's a real fun story. Hehe..." You chuckle and smile
Oscar:"How can you still joke and smile after that?" Oscar says, a worried look on his face.
You:"Well, if I linger on it, yes it hurts, but I prefer to think back to the Raiden that fed me and protected me and clothed me, the one who got me into Beacon, the one who loved Yang with all of his heart, and the one who gave me wisdom. Rather than the present Raiden, because THAT Raiden will always be apart of me, and I've convinced myself somewhat that Raiden died alongside Pyrrha and Penny that night. At least the one I knew." You hear a footsteps on a nearby roof, you glance at it for a bit before looking back at Oscar. He's silent...
Oscar:"I...I'm sorry that you had to go through that." You walk closer to him and ruffle his hair
You:"Don't be, I've learned to let go. Now then, head back to the house." You begin walking towards the roof where you heard footsteps
Oscar:"What about you?" You wave him off
You:"Just gonna look at the stars for a bit more." Oscar shrugs as walks back, once he's out of view you burst your eye into flames and warp onto the roof, on the roof is Sophie, who's sitting on the edge of the building away from you, staring up into the stars. "Hey you missed dinner you know?" Sophie is silent. "I could buy you some food later if you're upset about that but before that, where were you at?" Just barely do you hear Sophie's sobs. You narrow your eyes as you head towards her slowly "Sophie? Are you all right?" Sophie sniffs before wiping her eyes, still not looking at you.
Sophie(Misery):"S-sorry I...I was thinking about someone." You reach her side and sit down next to her, looking at her as she has her face buried in her arm, wiping away her tears
You:"What's wrong Cinnamon Oreo?" She slightly laughs in the midst of her tears before sniffing and looking at you with her tear stained eyes
Sophie:"Cinnamon Oreo?"
You:"Well it's because you seem sweet on the outside but on the inside you can be real feisty...also I needed to cheer you up somehow." Sophie sniffs and looks up at the Shattered Moon of Remnant.
Sophie:"Well it worked, just a bit."
You:"...So, what's up?" Sophie stays silent as she takes out a small, golden, heart-shaped locket from her pocket. It opens up to reveal that one side has the picture of her and what looks to be her family, a mom, a dad and what looks to be her older brother, the other side of the locket has no picture in it."Is that your family?" She nods slowly
Sophie:"It was..." Oh no...
You:"...They...aren't around anymore.....are they...?" She doesn't respond as her eyes tear up, the tears fall and land on the picture of her family. "What...happened?"
Sophie:"Humans...that's what happened, some thugs came to our house, they wanted our father...he apparently owed them money for some deal...didn't have they repaid him by placing a bullet in his was painless, but I was only 6 years old...and my life changed as I knew it. My mother screaming and my brother trying to fight them off, they just laughed, as I looked on in shock, unable to do anything...they knocked out all of us, when I woke up we were all bound in handcuffs in a dirty truck, there were others there...just like us, we were all Faunus, all sobbing and all fearing for their lives. We became slaves in an underground organization, forcing hours upon hours of work on us, and if we failed." She makes the sound of a gun going off with two fingers to her head " went on for years...I was 11 when my brother riled up everyone who was working and caused a riot, all the Faunus used their strengths and fought back, it worked...for a while, right before we were free, the dust infused scepter went straight through my brother's chest. It was a fallen Huntsman, his skills outmatched every single one of ours, every man was killed, and all the women and children were gathered up...they separated us and only a few of us were chosen...the most beautiful of the women and children many screams...What happened next was......inhumane...every man got a woman to...u-use a-and.........t-they held me down..........a-and.........m-made me..." She tears up and hyperventilates in terror as she has a panic attack as your eyes widen in horror, she bursts out sobbing as you get closer to her and hold her in your arms, she's trembling, her breath shaky as she continues sobbing into your shoulder "It was...s-so horrifying....they were just animals and......after they were done...they lined us up...and one by one killed us, the ones who.....used me laughed saying 'at least you got a treat before you died'..., and that was when my Semblance kicked in, I just shattered, and so I did the same to them, I eradicated all of them, brutally and without mercy...they begged and begged for me to stop but in my anger I obliterated all of them..." She holds you tight "It...was then...when I saw that the firing squad had already killed my mom...I collapsed...and when I woke up the White Fang were all around us, they saw what I did, and recruited me. Promising me that nothing like this will ever happen to any other little Faunus girl again. But it turned out that was a lie...we were becoming just like them...I realized that and then when I first met you, I saw that I was on the wrong side..."
You:"Gods..." You just hold her as she hangs onto you tightly.
Sophie(Broken):"S-so you could guess, I got some massive trauma issues from that...and today was just one of the days where those issues came back in full force...when that happens, I just need time to be alone...I-I'm sorry..." She trembles in your arms
You(Sincerely):"Shhhhh......"you both continue to hold one another for a good long while " long as I live and breath, no will EVER hurt like that again. NO ONE. I will protect you as best as I damn can." She sniffs as she buries her face in your chest
Sophie(Softly):"Thank you......big brother..." she gives you a small sisterly kiss on the cheek and your mind goes back to sigh and run your fingers through her hair softly...
You:"Of course little sis..." you both just stare up at the stars and the Shattered Moon of Remnant, after a good long while Sophie's stomach growls "Well...want to go get food in the town?" She smiles up at you and nods softly.
(3 Hours Later of eating)
You open the door for your little Oreo as she walks in with her Neo-...Neapolitan Ice Cream, when she asked for that you almost had a small heart attack. Regardless she stroll in with her 15 scoops of Neapolitan ice cream on a nearly didn't fit in the door, surprisingly the little Oreo has almost as big as an appetite as you
Sophie:"That was fun!" You smile as she quickly tears through the ice cream with no remorse. She smiles back and begins walking towards her room. "Can we do that again sometime, (F)?"
You:"Anytime, lil' Oreo." She giggles a bit before going to her linger there in the living room...your heart aches...that definitely got you go into the bathroom, take a quick shower and get in to your PJ's and head to your room. Before you do you see Ruby and Sophie smiling and talking to each other, they wave to each other good night as they both enter their rooms, before Ruby enters she looks at you and waves for you to come over with her pointer finger. You are enter the room as Ruby looks at you totally in love.
Ruby:"That was incredibly sweet of what you did with Sophie...that old (F) back in Beacon who was adored by all came back...I've missed that (F)..." You look down smiling before Ruby comes up to you and gives you a long kiss on the lips, you kiss back, it goes on for a lot longer you hold her side, she places her leg around you as she begins to get a bit more intimate with you in the kiss. You both linger towards the bed as you delicately lean her on the bed, still kissing her. You both slowly break away from the kiss before you both lose self control. You both have tomato-lookin' faces again as your both out of breath "W-well...I uh...that was v-very nice..." You...notice something has...risen...Ruby notices it too as her eyes widen a little, she blushes further
You:"S-sorry I...lost a bit of my self control t-there..." Ruby smiles as you manage to blush even more.
Ruby:"W-well at least I definitely know you love me. And as much as I would want to...go right now......I-I d-don't want to risk having a child with you FOR NOW! FOR NOW! When we're a bit older we can...start..."
You:"Hopefully not in a house filled with people next time?" She giggles looking into your eyes
Ruby:"Would've been awkward especially since my Uncle's here..." Phew dodged bullet there
You:"Yeeaaahhh...and children."
Ruby:"Oh, we're making it worse, thank the Gods we stopped." You both laugh as you both get in bed, just staring into each others eyes. Still blushing, delicately she says "I love you..."
You:"And I most certainly love you too..." You both snuggle up against each other and slowly drift off into sleep
(Hah, thought I'd go smut on y'all HUH!? Well continue on I guess)
(One...Awkward Night Later: Dinner Time)
You're wandering around the house with Sophie by your side, you 'wander' into the kitchen as Ruby, Nora, and Ren are all cooking, you were banned from cooking since it wasn't 'acceptable to use the entire pantry to make a feast for yourself' you slowly walk by and grab a carrot slice from where Nora is. She's about to throw something at you before noticing Sophie, her eye twitches as she mutters under her breath looking at you, you shrug as Sophie giggles softly.
Ren:"Alright, the first batch is just about done."
Ruby:"Awesome! Now we just need Qrow and we'll be all set." Nora's still eating her carrots
Nora: (still eating carrots) Do you really think he's gonna bring that many people? This is a lot of food. she eats another carrot slice as you look at her unamused...
You:"HAVE YOU EVER MET ME!?" Nora sticks her tongue out at you
Ruby:"Uh, I don't know, but it sounds like we could use all the help we can get." You hear Qrow's yelling from somewhere, seem like he's back. Sophie exits and goes to where Oscar usually is, you look over to where Ruby is...she's gonna overcook that.
Qrow:"I'm back!"
Ruby:"Be right there!"
Ren:"You're going to overcook that."
Ruby:"No I'm not, shut up!"
You:"Uh hun, not to alarm you but smoke's literally starting to come out of i-" Qrow interrupts from the Living room
Qrow:"Hey, uh, Ruby? (F)?"
Ruby/You:"We're coming!" A lot smoke comes from the pan Ruby is cooking with.
You:"Told ya so."
Ruby:"Fine! You take over." She says to Ren, Ruby grabs the tea tray and gestures for you to grab another one, you do so and head to the living room
You:"Wait where are the cups?" You look down at the tray looking for the cups as you both enter the room.
Ruby:"So, we didn't know how many people were coming, so we just cooked all of it. You know how (F) is though, will probably eat it all before-" She stops and gasps as you hear the tea tray shatter on the floor. You look up to see what's wrong to see-...this has to be a you see not only Qrow, but...Yang and Weiss. Your jaw drops as you drop your tray as well in disbelief, Yang approaches her little sister. You feel such joy in your heart as tears begin to well up
Ruby(voice cracking):"Yang, I... I'm so sorry! I- I should've stayed, and I should've talked to you more! I'd-- I just... I wasn't sure if you wanted me around and-" Suddenly, Yang gives her a loving hug. Ruby's lips quiver, and she looks toward her.
Yang:"I love you." tears begin falling from Yang's eyes. Ruby sobs as she leans into her sister's hug. That did it, now you're crying...damn it!
Ruby:"I love you too." Jaune, Ren and Nora enter the room, smiling with goofy old grins on their faces. Qrow smiles as well. Oscar and Sophie enter the room, they look a bit confused,but they realize what's happening and smile...
You try to hide the fact that tears are streaming down your face but in the corner of your eye you can see Weiss is looking at you. Your head turns as you lock eyes with her, her face is beaming with a soft smile on her face. It doesn't take long for her to quickly run over to you, throwing her arms around you as she squeezes you tightly.
Weiss(Broken/Joyful):"I've missed you, you had me worried sick, you big stupid jerk!" her voice trembles in a joking manner, her tears staining your jacket as your own arms wrap back around her, her fingers digging into the fabric of your jacket, as if she was making sure what she's feeling isn't some cruel trick.
You(Broken/Joyful):"I've missed you too, Ice Queen..." Your own voice crackling in a similar manner, attempting to stop the tears from flowing to no avail, you feel her laugh for a moment from the name you used to tease her with
Weiss(Broken):"Just this once I'll let that nickname slide..." You both continue to hold one another tightly as after having learned she was sent back to her father, you genuinely weren't sure if you would ever see Weiss again "If I'll be honest...I've felt like such an idiot since you've been gone...there were so many times where you were just trying to cheer me up back at Beacon and I just discarded you or treated you like garbage...I'm so sorry (F)..." Your fingers smoothly glide through her white hair, attempting to soothe her.
You: "Hey, none of that matters don't have to be sorry for anything." She slowly breaks away from your hug looking into your eyes "I'm just happy that you're back, that's all that matters." You state with a slim smile on your face, Weiss attempts to wipe away the tears that continue to fall down her face as she smiles and nods.
Ruby: "Weiss." Weiss looks towards them, and sees the two sisters open their arms up for her. She smiles and eagerly joins them in their hug. This sight is completely breaking you down, you clear your throat in attempt to stifle those emotions.
You(Breaking):"D-damn invisible ninjas cutting onions everywhere." You hoarsely state, now attempting to look away trying to seem fine but you watch as Ruby, Yang, and Weiss slightly pull away from their group hug to look at you, once again just seeing them together is melting your heart...
Yang: "Come on tough guy....we know you want to get on in here (F)." They open their arms to welcome you in as without even a moment's hesitation you find yourself quickly running over, your arms wrapping around them tightly as you hear each of them softly laugh at your eagerness, you feel their arms similarly wrap around you as this feeling is so greatly appreciated
You: "I've missed you all..." You all smile and enjoy each other's warm and long forgotten embrace.
(Later Edit:Changed up the last part a bit, made it more emotional I guess, peace y'all)
(MUCH Later Edit: Yeah,I made the last part more emotional than before after like...6 years randomly cause why not.)
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