RWBY Ruby Rose x Male Reader (Volume 2) Part 11.
(Volume 2) Part 11: A Hellish Train.
Last Time on RWBY
Ruby:"Did they go in yet? One bark means 'yes'." After waiting a bit and hearing a door open, Zwei barks once. I put him down "Oh, this is it! This is it!" We're close to stopping this!! YAY! I grab my scroll and call the rest of the team...gah it shows a low signal notification...can't get to them. "Oh man! Uh..." I grab my Crescent Rose off the ground and look at Zwei :"Come on, we gotta get the others!" I start to walk back when...the ground beneath begins to crack...uh-oh. "Huh!?" The ground sinks in and breaks and my Crescent Rose flies out of my hand as I fall and grab the ledge of the hole that was just created as I grab Zwei who also flew in. I throw Zwei up and he gets up and barks at me and I try to climb up...but the ground cracks even more and the ground I was hold breaks off...and...I fall in.
This Time on RWBY (5 Minutes Later) Your POV
You can't sleep, it feels strange as you have the feeling of everything beginning to fade but stil being didn't even notice Yang was entering the room.
Yang:"Hey Weiss It's your..." She stops...that worries you so you open your eyes barely...Ruby is gone. "Ruby?" After a slight pause you fully sit up. "Hey, where's Ruby?" everyone sits up and Oobleck pokes his head out of the doorway.
Oobleck:"What?" You see Zwei run through the doorway and walks up to Yang as she crouches down to his level
Yang:"Zwei!?" Blake stands up looking around curiously
Blake:"What's going on?"
Oobleck:"Grab your weapons. Your leader may be in trouble" You shiver at disturbing flashbacks of the Man in the Cloak killing her...You immediately Conjure your Marasuma and your eye is fully engulfed with blue flames...You aren't in a good mood. With your head having a massive headache, your fingers still messed up and a lack of sleep has really gotten you on edge...and now Ruby...if you learn that she had gotten hurt you would've snapped. Raiden sees this anger in your eyes as he Conjures his Cloud Kitsune and engulfs his eyes with flames.
Raiden(Telepathically):"Calm down bro...I know you're worried about her...We'll find her, I promise." You nod at him as the rest of the group has grabbed their weapons and you all run out of the building. You look down at Zwei as he is sniffing around before turning and barking at you all and then immediately dashing down the road. You all follow after him and after turning a corner you see a hole in the ground and...Ruby's are frantically don't know why but everything feels off...
Yang:"Ruby's Scythe!" Zwei walks up to it and sniffs it as you grip your Marasuma in worry and anger...
Blake:"Oh no..." Weiss approaches the hole in the ground and looks down at it.
Weiss:"Do you think she fell in?" Oobleck zooms over
Oobleck:"Fell!?" Oobleck looks around, apparently not seeing the giant hole beneath him.
Weiss:"Down there..." She says while looking down into the hole.
Oobleck:"Oh my..." He gets up and looks like he's just realized something. "Of course...Of course, of course, of course!"
Blake:"What is it?!" Oobleck begins walking around
Oobleck:"How could I be so stupid!?"
Yang:"Doctor Oobleck, what's wrong?" Oobleck dashes over to Yang, stopping very close to her face
Oobleck:"Mountain Glenn! Yes! An expansion of Vale that was inevitably destroyed by creatures of Grimm!" Oobleck zooms over to Blake getting close to her face. "Previously home to thousand of people!" He goes back to being in Yang's face "Working people, commuting to the city. The main city." He again goes to Blake "Developed a subway system to the inner city." Oobleck then rushes over to Weiss getting her face as well "Grimm attacks increase! Population in danger, now desperately searching for shelter!" He zooms over to Raiden "City evacuates into metro tunnels" He zooms over to you."and what do they find!?" He zooms over to...Zwei as well "The South-East Quadrant of Vale is known for wild forests and deep caves!"
Yang:"Doc, what are you saying?" Oobleck zooms back to Yang and grabs her shoulder
Oobleck:"My dear, we are not searching for an underground crime network. We're searching for an UNDERGROUND CRIME NETWORK!!!"...You in your deprived sleep state is not amused. Oobleck zooms back to the hole.
Blake:"They've been working in caves?"
You:"Think about it, if any airship passed by this place they would've seen what they've been up to long before we got here."
Oobleck:"Exactly. You see, Mountain Glenn was Vale's first serious attempt at expanding. It worked for a short period of time thanks to an aggressive perimeter defense and unique transportation. The city developed an elaborate subway system to carry citizens safely from the new territory into the main Kingdom. Sadly, without the many natural barriers Vale had to protect its borders, Mountain Glenn was doomed from the start. As the end drew near, the citizens of the territory made one last attempt at survival. They took shelter beneath the city, in massive caves that they had cleared out for the subway. And they had cut themselves off from the surface." You are caught staring into the hole...Ruby's down there...
Yang:"A-an underground village?"
Oobleck:"In a matter of speaking, yes. A...A safe haven. explosion opened the mouth of another cavern...filled with subterranean Grimm." You look down must've been absolutely horrid down there that day...all those innocent people just...gone. "After that...the Kingdom officially sealed off the tunnels, creating the world's largest tomb." You clench your good fist and look down at the cave "If Ruby is down there..." He takes out his coffee mug as it..turns into a bat...huh... "We must find her..." You nod as you look down back at Zwei as he barks at you and runs off again. He stops behind a wall, lightly growling. You peak your head out of the corner to see two White Fang members...keeping guard at a door...You're done messing around. The rest of the group has appeared behind you, You waste no time as you Phase dash forwards in front of the door.
WF Member:"WHAT THE-!?" The two guards are thrown off completely by surprise as your Warp to one of them and hit them in the throat with the hilt of your Trident as the other White Fang member aims to shoot you but you warp to him with blazing speed as you upper cut him using your aura to make him fly about 20 feet in the air before falling and crashing down to the pavement...the rest of the group looks at you...seems like they were going to go with a plan...but not anymore it seems.
You:"Come on, let's go!" You walk up to the door and your arm erupts with flames as you slam your arm into the door using your Flare Smash as the entire door way bursts and explodes and the ground shakes, your arm is messed up but is healed by your don't care anymore as you continue walking on. You enter the underground city with the others, the entire area is on alert and MANY White Fang and Torchwick members start rushing towards you and shooting at you... You smile as Yang reloads her Ember Celica and fires about 12 homing shots at them which causes a massive explosion. You all begin to run at them and they realize their own foolishness and run the opposite direction, you use grab a Fire Dust crystal and place it into your Marasuma and slam the hilt into the ground as a enormous fire trail explodes from it. You can hear...Torchwick. All of the White Fang and Torchwick members are running away as you, the rest of Team RWBY, and Doctor Oobleck are laying down fire. You run onto train tracks and you see Torchwick and Ruby! Ruby jumps on top of Torchwick and forces Torchwick's hat to go over his eyes as Torchwick grabs Ruby and throws her down. Ruby gets up and dashes over to you
Torchwick:"Somebody kill her!" He raises his cane and his scope goes up as he fires repedeatly with White Fang members all shooting at her...thankfully Ruby evades the bullets easily as she's too far away. Torchwick bends his metal cane in frustration as he walks away saying something. You can't focus as a group of White Fang members aim at Ruby before being blasted away by one of Yang's homing shots. Ruby runs up to you all as Yang hugs Ruby in happiness and spins her around.
Yang:"Ruby!" She places her down and you run up to her and hug her...You are so relieved to see that she's safe...
Weiss:"Are you okay?" You let go of her and you look over at the train to see that it's...starting to move
Ruby:"I'm fine! I'm fine! But listen...Torchwick's got all sorts of weapons and robots down there." You look over at Raiden to see that he is rubbing his eye...there's blood coming out of his eye, a lot of it...Odd...he hasn't used his semblance at all today...Blake takes out Ruby's Crescent Rose and gives it back to her.
Ruby:"Androids, mechs-they're all loaded up on the train cars."
Oobleck: "Ahhhh, that's ridiculous. These tunnels are sealed, the tracks lead to a dead-end."
Roman(On a speaker system): "Get to your places, we are leaving now!"You see that the train has started moving as the train moves towards the tunnels.
Yang: Well, it sounds like they're going somewhere."
You:"But...where?" Everyone thinks about that for a second before focusing on the train as it begins to leave.
Ruby:"Wait, We need backup. Let me call Jaune." She grabs her scroll and dials Jaune's number, only for it to not go through with a low signal notification popping up...gah, what could you expect from being underground.
Ruby: "I can't get through!"
Weiss:"So, what do we do?"
Oobleck:"I believe we only have one option..." Ruby turns around facing the train.
Ruby:"We're stopping that train!" You nod at her as you all run at full speed towards the train.
You and Raiden both warp onto the train and Ruby quickly follows behind using her Semblance. You look at the others and see Yang propel herself onto the train by firing her Ember Celica downwards to propel herself upwards. Weiss forms a Glyph beneath her feet and the Glyph flings her up onto the train. Blake throws her weapon and it lands on top of the train as she uses the chain to pull herself look back down to where Oobleck and Zwei was...only to see that they're gone and you look back and see that they're already on the train somehow... You see a White Fang member who seems to have seen most of this. He gets out his walkie-talkie.
WF Member:"I think they're on the tra-" He gets hit in the head with Oobleck's bat, knocking him out cold...though it seems like the other White Fang members still know you're on the train...great.
Oobleck:"Hurry, children! We must get to the front and stop this train!" You notice that Weiss is still holding the hatch which you came up from open...
Weiss:"Err... Professor?" Weiss points down into the hatch as Oobleck zooms over to her.
Weiss:"What's that?" All of Team RWBY looks at the device and now on...closer kinda looks like a-
Oobleck:"That my dear..." He points at it as he gets on his knees to get a better look at it. "Appears to be a bomb." All of team RWBY along with you jump back a bit.
Ruby:"We've got baddies!" You look away from the bomb to see dozens of White Fang members climbing to the top of the train...
Oobleck:"Well, I didn't expect them to go-" Oobleck stops as You hear a beeping sound and look down back at the bomb to see it blinking and beeping...uh-oh "-easy on us..." he says discouraged and quickly stands up and points his finger in the air "Time to go!" You with the rest of the group start running onto the next train as Oobleck stops Blake
Oobleck"Blake! Detach the caboose! It will kill us all!"...Caboose...hmm, where'd have you heard of something called a Caboose that's constantly killing team members...hmm (cough Red vs Blue cough)
Blake:"On it!" Blake jumps down and goes to detach the caboose does it by itself "Huh!? It decoupled itself!"
Oobleck:"What?!" he says looking down to where Blake is.
Yang:"I guess he REALLY doesn't want us on this train." You...feel like that's not the entire point here...something's off about this. You look at the decoupled caboose is as it lags behind and explodes...something's not right here.
Oobleck:"That's not good..." You look to see Ruby opening the hatch of this cart and...another bomb is inside it.
Ruby:"Uh, neither is this!"
Blake:"Another bomb?!" You've got a bad feeling about this... Oobleck looks back to where the caboose was and to the carts
Oobleck:"No. No. No..." He mumbles to himself as he hops to the next cart and stops opens the that see that there's one in there too... "They ALL have bombs!!" You hear the bomb activate and start beeping, the cart you and team RWBY are on decouples itself forcing you and the others to run onto the next one. You all turn back to see the cart you were on fall behind
Yang:"This doesn't make sense!" You all look back as you see White Fang members walk over to you as more appear. You run past Oobleck as you Conjure your Marasuma as all of Team RWBY ready their weapons in a defensive position.
As Team RWBY begins their assault on the incoming White Fang forces, Four White Fang members run at you as you Phase through one of them as you drive your foot backwards hitting the White Fang member in the back before lifting both of your get and kicking off of the White Fang member you just kicked to knock him down and propel yourself into the air before axe kicking downwards into another White Fang member, slamming her into the ground, you thank Mercury in your head for teaching you a bit about his fighting style, a White Fang member slices at you repeatedly as you parry with your Marasuma in it's HF-Engine Blade mode before you get in close, step on his foot and use your shoulder to push him backwards, knocking him off balance as you grab his weapon, throw it off of the train and then slam him into the ground. The last very young, around maybe 13 you'd can tell she's scared to fight you as well...You look at her as she's shivering slightly as her bunny ears hang down, reminds you too much of did she even end up with these guys, you wonder...You walk up to her as the other members of RWBY have finished their fights and she's up there...alone...they're all looking at her...though you see in the distance that White Fang members are getting into Atlesian Paladins...great...
You:"I can tell that you don't want to do this..."
Young WF member:"How can you tell I don't want to do this, y-you filthy human." You very easily swipe her bow from her hand. She looks terrified...
You:"Listen. Look at me in the eyes and tell me that this is what you want..." She is looks down...defeated. "That's what I thought." You burst your eye into blue flames and have flames surround your pointer finger before placing it on her forehead and she immediately passes didn't even know you could do that but you catch her before falling to the ground and set her down gently. The rest of the team looks at you... "...What?" No one responds except for Ruby who is smiling softly at honestly have no clue as to what you did...though you feel like sparing that girl will come in handy later (It sure will, that's for sure).
Oobleck:"Oh, dear..." You look over to see what Oobleck was worried about to see...MULTIPLE types of Grimm chasing after the train...they came from the holes that the train explosions created. "He's leading Grimm to the city!"
Weiss" What?"
Oobleck:"It's the cars! They detach and explode, creating openings for the Grimm!"
Blake:"That's insane!"
Raiden:"But it's a smart idea." Another train car behind you detaches itself... You look down back at the girl you just knocked can't just leave her here.
Oobleck:"We have to hurry! You five, go below and try to stop those bombs!" You pick up the girl -who is surprisingly light- and put her in a firefighter's carry hold as everyone glances at you.
Ruby:"What about us?"
Oobleck:"We're going to stop this train." He says while standing heroically
Ruby:"Yeah, I know. I said that earlier." You run off into the nearest hatch with Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Raiden (And White Fang girl I guess) and jump in it.
Yang:"I guess this is what we trained for." You...try so hard not to view that as a train pun. You see Weiss get out a magazine filled with Dust vials and hands it to Blake.
Weiss:"Here. This should help you." Blake grabs it and loads it in her Gambol Shroud. You begin running down the corridor until you are stopped by...Neo..Raiden freezes as he looks at Neo...Neo simply smiles and blows him a kiss...Raiden frowns at her
Raiden:"Neo..." Yang seems pissed off by that...
Yang:"You four go on ahead. This one's mine." Raiden a little hesitant at first nods and you all run towards the next cart until Neo charges her attack only for her having to jump back as Yang fires her Ember Celica twice at her, giving you all the chance to evade her...the two of them go face to face...but you can't focus on that as you enter the next cart and the door to where Yang is closes...As you continue hear the sound of something metal dragging against the look up to see a White Fang Lieutenant as he's dragging a Chainsaw-type weapon against the ground, making the most unbearable sound.
Weiss:"You three go on ahead!"
Blake/You:"Got it!" Weiss dashes up to the Lieutenant going to block before evading backwards as the Lieutenant slams his chainsaw into the ground to where she was standing.
You run into the next cart to see it...completely empty...before you move any further you see that this is the second to last cart before the front of the train so you grab the White Fang girl on your back and place her on the ground gently...As you begin running again you feel a massive sharp pain in your eye as you fall to the ground due to the sheer pain of it. Your eye involuntarily bursts with Blue flames and You look at Raiden to see that he's done the same. You can't hear anything other than loud whispers, tormenting you as you can't help but cry out in agony.
Blake:"(F)?! Raiden?!" You just barely look up in time to see...a Portal of Purple Fire has opened in front of the three of Man in the Cloak steps out of it...his eye burning purple. You just barely manage to stand up're in unimaginable pain at the moment as the whispers in your head has turned into screams.
You(In pain):"J-just go, Blake!" You weakly Conjure your Marasuma in as you almost lose your balance due to the weight of your Marasuma...Raiden's gotten up as well, Conjuring his Cloud Kitsune...
Blake:"But, you both are hurt!"
Raiden:"None of our pain will matter if that train makes it!" Blake very hesitantly begins to run past the Man in the Cloak as he doesn't even do anything, just simply lets her go as he begins walking towards you and Raiden.
You:"You bastard!!" All of your rage is beginning to let loose as you feel your flames burn bigger and brighter. You weakly throw your Marasuma at him as he grabs it by the tip of one of the Trident's spikes, you warp to it and go to Flare Smash him as your arm fills with flames but they vanish before they even get near him and Raiden activates his 7-Whip mode and flings the whips at him as the Man in the Cloak lifts up his arm as the whips wrap around his arm as the Man in the Cloak pulls forcefully towards him sending Raiden flying towards him before stepping to the left, bringing his arm out and Raiden hits his arm with full force as the Man in the Cloak slams him into the ground, you can hear the wind being knocked out of Raiden as he lays there as he flames burn out. You are lifted up by your jacket collar by the Man in the Cloak as he just looks at can't see his face at all...his hood makes his entire face be covered in shadows... You can barely breathe as he uses his other hand to grab you by the throat, you begin to wheeze as he grabs your neck.
Man in the Cloak:"So THIS, is the might of the pathetic, without your link to Leviathan you're worthless...if it was up to me I'd kill all of your pathetic companions and let you watch before killing you myself..." Something snapped...the horrid nightmares of before all came back together, he slams you into the ground as you feel the wind getting knocked out of you... He begins to walk away and you get on your stomach...your power's rising...not Leviathan's...The Ancient King of the Glaive's power...You feel a burning feeling in your Soul as your body is surrounded with Cosmic Blue Particles.
You:"No..." The Man in the Cloak glances back as your stumble onto your knees. You feel your power burning higher than ever before. You breathe heavily as you balance yourself onto your feet, weakly. "I won't...allow it!!" Your flame returns but not as blue...your flame burns a pure white... "I won't allow you to take away the people I love!!!" You yell as your see your particles around you turning into a pure white as you step closer to the Man in the Cloak. The entire cart shakes with every step. (Yes, yes, this is basically a Super Saiyan type deal but hey, this is only the beginning of your power)
Man in the Cloak:"That's more like it..." the Man in the Cloak Conjures a black, cracked spiked spear with a symbol of a Serpent on it. You feel your power rising as Thirteen individual Marasuma's conjure around you and float in a circle behind you, the weapons all facing in the Man in the Cloak's direction except they are all entirely made up of White particles... you are about to charge at him before the Man in the Cloak simply starts laughing and clapping "I wish I could carry out this fight...but sadly...Salem tells me not to intervene with this...only to observe...until next time...Chronicle." He summons a dark purple Fire Portal as he enters it but you dash at him with blinding speed. But it's too late as the portal disappears and the weapons around you scatter and dissolve and the particles around you turn to blue and fade look at your skin as it begins to crack and smoke...You tired..Raiden grabs both you and the White Fang girl and puts you both in a fireman's carry as...everything begins to black out...
Later (2 minutes)
You Vale? You look around you to see many worried see debris of the train everywhere...You look to see shards of ice everywhere and Team RWBY, Zwei, Oobleck, and the White Fang girl all lying on the hear rumbling next to a King Taijitu emerges from a giant hole made from the train...They've made it into Vale.
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