RWBY Ruby Rose x Male Reader (Volume 1) Part 9.

(Heeeeeeyyy over 200 people have read this...I don't know what to say other than thank you for taking the time to read this...Hope you guys are enjoying it so far! I know that there must be Grammar errors here and there and maybe some confusing dialogue but thank you all either way. Have a nice day!...Or night since apparently, people in the Philippines and Indonesia are viewing this...uh...Enjoy!)

((Later Edit:"Grammar errors here and there", MORE LIKE EVERYWHERE PAST ME!, er uh move along, nothing to see here.)

(Volume 1) Part 9: An Unknown Burden (Part 2)

You slowly lift your eyes as the sun is shining directly in your face, you yawn not knowing of the massive bed head you have... (Oh though you have the freedom of Hair color...except pure white for story purposes...I really shoulda put this stuff in the beginning, my God...sorry...anyways your hair style is slightly long, goes down to your neck in the back and goes down to your forehead in the front, your hair is wavy and never stays down no matter what you try to do...if you ever watched My Hero Academia think of Izuku/Deku's hair)

You look to where Raiden is...or at least was as the bag is fear the worst and slowly glance at Yang's breathe out relieved to see that he is not there...though you wonder when that will happen since it's completely obvious they like each other now...especially Yang who enjoys tormenting him.

You look at Raiden's bag and see a note on it, the note reads 'Went out for a walk, didn't feel like waking you since it was 3 am...I'll be back.' You pick up the note and slowly sit up, you take off the bandage over your eye and feel that the headache is gone, you take out your scroll to see what time is it and see that it is 8 am. You feel your scroll buzz as a notification pops up with Ozpin sending you a message. The message reads 'We will be delivering extra beds later today to accommodate your room.' you feel relieved that you won't be having to sleep on a sleeping bag for the 4 years you're here.

You look around to see Ruby slowly waking up along with Blake and Yang. You notice all of them are staring at you...Ruby is trying her hardest not to laugh. You look at them confused

You:"...What is it?"

Ruby:"Um...your hair is kinda..."

You suddenly look at your scroll and look at your reflection in the scroll to see that your bed head makes your hair look essentially like a Super Saiyan's...

You:"JEEZ!" You then quickly get up and look at all of them...except for Weiss who is still sleeping somehow and Conjure your uniform in your hands

Blake:"Uh...I really hope you're not planning on changing in here...since we need to change as well"

You:"Oh um...I guess I'll in the bathroom..." You run out of the room

10 minutes later

You took longer since you decided to take a quick shower to make your hair less...Super Saiyan-like  and changed into your uniform...though you wanted to wear your regular clothes...though your fighting outfit is just a light blue jacket with a white shirt underneath and black sweatpants...But you looked at yourself in the mirror and see that it doesn't look that bad...You walk out of the bathroom and start walking back you look at your scroll to see that it's now 8:10 you go to knock on the door...but before you do you look around a notice...its oddly as if the entire school had shudder but knock on the door

You:"It's me it safe to come in or are you all still changing in there?"

There...was no open the door slightly and look in only to see the room completely black...the room was empty and you notice that your eye has begun emitting blue flames...though you didn't even activate your're wondering what's going on.

You:"...Guys?" You open the door fully and see a man in a black cloak...his eye...was engulfed by dark purple flames...

You:"W-who are you?"

There was no response. Your eye fully burning blue suddenly starts feeling massive pain. You collapse to the ground holding your eye...It feels like it's on fire (...No pun intended :3...Wait a minute...Oh right uh you don't feel any pain while using your semblance only when over using it...REALLY feel like I shoulda told ya'll this earlier read the story or...not)

You start to feel cold and as you look up everything is pitch black and a shattered mirror appears in front of you, looking at your reflection your Semblance's changing...

You:"What...are you doing to me?" You say weakly as the pain is unimaginable as you look at the man whose flame is burning brighter.

???:"Showing you Salem's power..."

You:"S-Salem? Who the hell are you?" You have no clue what this Salem look back at the mirror and see your eye...burning a dark purple flame.

???:"You will know soon enough." The man vanishes...leaving black Particles in his position

You close your eyes as you feel the cold feeling growing over you...everything turns pitch black, and all of a sudden you're standing in front of the door to your dorm breathing heavily and sweating, your eye burning blue. You look around frantically looking for any explanation only to see Ruby in her uniform opening the door and looking at you.

Ruby:" alright (F)? You look terrible...though you look good in that uniform" You calm down a little and fake a smile for her

You:"Y-yeah just...lost in thought I suppose." You wonder in your head 'what the hell was that...need to tell Raiden about this?'

Ruby:"Oh well we're all up, we're unpacking our stuff, OH and two new beds arrived like 3 minutes ago I guess it's for you guys...though we're still not too sure how they got here so quickly...OH we're decorating the room as well! Come join us!"

You:"I...s-sure, sounds great." You enter the room and see everyone is in their uniforms...except a slightly angered Weiss in pajamas all of them look feel like telling them about how good they look but...wait start feeling confident and say it

You:"Uh...I...want to say you all...look beautiful." You feel stupid as're wondering why you said beautiful and mentally yelling at the top of your lungs...yeah...

You then look up to see that they are all slightly blushing while looking a little surprised..Ruby looks especially red and surprised.

Ruby:" you? she manages to stutter out

Before more awkwardness could happen however, Raiden comes through the door, he looks very happy for some reason...

You:"Oh...uh hey bro, we were just about to start doing look happy?"

Raiden(Speaking):"What? Am I not allowed to feel joy?" You...were kinda thrown off by him speaking yet pleasantly surprised

You:"Um...and what are you feeling happy about?" He then slightly pulls down his shirt collar and see a visible scar on it

Raiden(Speaking):"I spoke to Professor Ozpin early in the morning and...they got rid of my infection." Your eyes open extremely wide and your jaw drops and you tear up as the rest of team RWBY well mostly Ruby and Yang look surprised


Raiden(Speaking):"Whoa, calm down a little (F)...I'll tell you everything later the most important part is...heh, it's gonna be easier to communicate in our team right?" You hug him with tears in your eyes and he ruffles your hair. (Raiden's 6' or...1.82 meters)

You:"I'm so happy...words can't even describe what I'm feeling now."

(Well now Raiden can speak yay :D so now when Raiden 'speaks' it will be actual speaking instead of sign language unless said otherwise)

Raiden:"Heh, that's ironic given our current situation." You stop hugging him and look to the rest of Team RWBY

Ruby:"THAT'S GREAT NOW THEN! Now that we're all here we can officially begin our first order of business!"

Weiss:"Excuse me?"

Yang:"Decorating!" she yells while holding a bunch of things in her hands


Blake:"We still need to unpack." She says while holding up her briefcase...which opens and everything in it spills to the floor..."And clean."

Weiss looks annoyed at us before being knocked over by Ruby blowing a wonder where did she get that.

Ruby:"Alright! Weiss,Blake,Yang,(F),Raiden, AND their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission. BANZAI!" while holding her fist in the air

You, Raiden, Yang, and Blake pop up beside her and yell 'Banzai' while holding your fists in the air...Weiss is not amused

After Weiss got dressed in her uniform everyone begun decorating the room. As Yang places a poster of...something you don't know on one side of the room, you see Raiden talking and laughing with's gonna take you a bit to get used to him talking but you are so happy for him. Weiss places a... portrait on one side of the wonder how she even fit that into her luggage...You look over and see Blake setting up books...and...see her pick up one was Ninjas of Love...the original...though you did read the second one you were never allowed to read the first, Raiden said that the first novel was filled with...well all he yelled was 'Filth!' and has a poster of a man with a very long...katana...Ummmm while the second one was toned down by a LOT for Teen readers essentially just making it a romance look at her and she places her finger against her lips while think to yourself 'I better keep quiet...she scares me more than Ice Queen does'. You look to Ruby as she has her Crescent Rose out and slices the binds...

You:"Uh Ruby?" she looks to you while smiling


You:"We kinda need those..."

Ruby:"Ugh, fine I'll sew it back on."

You and Raiden don't have much, you Conjure and set up your XStation 12 that Raiden bought you when you turned 15. you loved playing on it so you decided to take it with you...hard to believe that was only a year ago you think to yourself. Raiden being the very calm person that he is, Conjures his picture of You and your family all smiling and sets it on one of the desks in the room...that picture was taken almost 7 years look so young. Yang looks at the picture.

Yang:"Awwww (F), you looked so cute and adorable back then." You blush slightly "And you still looked fine- lookin' when you were younger Raiden." Raiden turns red...I wonder how many times has he done that this past...3...days...jeez this has been a long week you say to yourself...Filled with so many twists and look to Raiden and the rest of Team RWBY laughing about something you missed, you smile and you think that you wouldn't have it any other way

You all stand near the front of the room and witness the GLORY THAT IS TEAM RWBY'S ROOM...and automatically see that the beds are cluttered together and everything in the room seems cramped...the two extra beds did not help one bit.

Weiss:"This, isn't going to work."

Blake:"It is a bit cramped."

Raiden:"The extra beds definitely don't help either."

Yang:"Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff?"

Ruby:"Or maybe we could ditch the beds..." gasps in an unholy high pitched screech "Aaannd replace them with bunk beds!" she yells while lifting her arms in the air with excitement

Weiss:"Um, that sounds incredibly dangerous."

Yang:"And super awesome!"

Raiden:"Well if it helps with the cramped nature of this room then...HELL YES!" You look to Raiden, eyes wide and he looks at you "What?"

You:"N-nothing...I've never really heard you yell before is all...except for that one time when I asked about where babies come from."

Blake:"It does seem efficient."

You:"...Wait how would we even get bunk beds." you say quietly. Ruby hears you and yells


Weiss:"Well, we should put it to a vote."

Ruby:"I think we just did"

It was a 5 to 1 wonder when will Weiss learn to live a little...though you felt like you shouldn't don't know what people have been through in life.

Ruby and Weiss rush to their side of the room while Blake and Yang rush to and Raiden don't know where to set up your beds let alone how to make it a bunk bed you decide to just place it in between the two other bunk beds...though it kinda blocks the window a little.

You:" do we turn this into a bunk bed" you look to Ruby and see that she's balancing on a chair and tying rope to the bed and lifting it up to the look to the other side and see that Blake is placing books on the edges of the bed and Yang struggling to hold up the bed in place.

An idea pops in your head

You:"Hey Raiden...just how many plastic spoons,forks, and knives did you grab?"

Raiden:"Oh. let me check" he Conjures everything plastic at once and it spills to the floor making a stack of plastic that went up to Raiden's knees...he immediately understands and after 20 minutes of hard work and determination your bunk bed stands tall...using plastic forks,spoons, and knives to keep them up...because screw logic.

After everyone was done you all witnessed the TRUE GLORY THAT IS TEAM RWBY'S ROOM.

Ruby:"Objective, complete! Now as for our second order of business isssss...classes she says while ploping down on one of the beds. "Now we have a few classes together today...At 9:00 we've gotta be-"

Weiss:"Wait,DID YOU SAY 9:00!?" Weiss interrupts


Weiss:"IT'S 8:55 YOU DUNCE!" she yells before sprinting out of the room. You all gather at the door and see Team JNPR on the other side also huddled by the door.

Ruby:""Uhh,t-t-to class!" she yells before you all run off with Team JNPR following. You pass by Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch on your way there...adding more embarrassment

You just barely make it to class on time as it's 8:59 and you along with Team RWBY...wait...Raiden's already here taking notes and sitting down you notice...

You:"HOW THE HE-" you notice everyone staring at you along with Professor Port.

Professor Port:"Is there something you wish to share with the class (F)?"

You:"N-no sir." You sit down next to Raiden whose at the edge and sign to him 'How the hell did you get here before us' Raiden signs 'I warped as far as I could while we were running here at scowl at him before paying attention to Port's lesson.

Professor Port:"Monsters! Demons...Prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names. But I, merely refer to them as prey. Ha ha!" You look over at Ruby who's sitting next to you and notice that she's...already asleep. You boop her nose lightly to snap her awake and it works...for all of two seconds before drifting to sleep again

You(whispering):"Hey Ruby, I know this is boring but at least try to stay awake, m'kay?" Ruby then puts her head on your shoulder which catches you off guard but you see she's already fast asleep..."I guess not..."

Professor Port:"And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy. Now as I was saying, Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world. Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces. And that's where we come in. Huntsman, Huntresses..." Port clicks his tongue at look at Raiden and see him noticeably pissed off

Yang:"Uhh, heheh..." Yang says uncomfortably you look to Raiden and smile at him as he looks pissed

You(Whispering):"Looks like you seem a bit protective over Yang don't cha?"

Raiden smiles smugly and ruffles your head and signs to pay attention

Professor Port:"Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves. For what you may ask? Why...The very world!"

A random student then gets up and yells "Ehhh, yeah!" we all look at him then he sits down

Professor Port:"That is what you are training to become. But first, a tale of a young,handsome,! When I was a boy..." you get distracted by Ruby waking up and drawing something and you look closer at it you can see she's making a drawing of Professor Port...and giggles while she shows us the picture. You all laugh a bit except for Weiss...Port hears this and clears his throat while looking at us, after pausing he continues

You look at Weiss as...she seems to be getting pissed off at Ruby as she tells you to look at what she can do

Professor Port:"The moral of this story? A true huntsman must be honorable." Ruby then balances a pencil o  her finger with a book and apple on it...quite impressive but Weiss looks more angered. "A true huntsman must be dependable." Ruby starts falling asleep again and Weiss looks furious. "A true huntsman must be strategic, well educated, and wise!" ...Ruby is picking her nose now...she wipes it on you before giggling a little while you freak out and wipe it off of yourself and grab her hood and pull it over her head forcefully before rubbing her head and she laughs before pulling it off...Weiss looks like she's gonna explode...

Professor Port:"So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?" Weiss shoots her hand up

Weiss:"I do, sir!" You could tell this is going to be bad...

Professor Port:"Well then, lets find out..." he looks to a cage containing a Grimm inside

(These keep getting longer and longer...though the next one's gonna be a bit shorter, though it seems fair, 3 bigger parts for 1 smaller part, alright, as always enjoy! Or not...)

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