Chapter 15: A New Chapter!

(This Chapter is a little shorter then the others, I hope you still Enjoy!)


Ardan ran into the Chancellor's office to see that master Yoda and Palpatine were gone and two guards dressed in red are knocked out cold, Ardan took his robe off and pulled out his Saber not igniting it as he noticed the Chancellor's seat has ascended into the Senate, Ardan quickly made his way up there as fast as he can just in time to see Master Yoda falling to the ground from a high Pod.

Ardan used the Force to Catch Master Yoda, Darth Sidious looked as Ardan jumped up to the Chancellor's seat Orange Saber by his side and a dead look in his eyes, Sidious can't see if he's confident scared or anything, that's more worrying to him then anything else.

Sidious: Young Solari, since you're here I assume Darth Shyon failed me. He was always weak...

Ardan had heard enough from the Dark Lord and cut him off with no fear what so ever.

Ardan: Darth Shyon was weak! But Kodo Solari was a stronger Jedi then you could have ever imagined.

Master Yoda looked up to Ardan as he used the force to pull a pod towards him without using his hand, just his mind.

Yoda: You're Prophecy begun it has.

Ardan stood on the pod as it flow towards the Emperor.

Sidious: You're powers are strong, join me and I can teach you how to use that power.

Ardan didn't answer and just stood there, Darth Sidious thought he got to the boy but instead Ardan used the Force to pull the pod out that the Emperor was standing on and cut it in half with his Saber forcing the Dark Lord to be caught of guard and fall to the ground below.

The Emperor looked up to Ardan scared as he used the pods to step down towards him like it was the easiest thing to do in the Galaxy, the Dark Lord was scared of his power from his knowledge of both Light and Dark sides, to his Saber abilities, Ardan's young age shouldn't be able to do all this but here he is making the Dark Lord cower in fear.

So in a last ditch effort Sidious pulled all of the pods out the walls, well as many as he could and shot them towards Ardan with both hands, Master Yoda stood behind him as Ardan held his still ignited Orange Saber in his right hand and used his left to hold them all in place, Ardan, a 19 year old boy is out strengthening the Emperor with just one hand, Ardan's face never changed and he just pushed with his left hand sending all the pods back into the Emperor but Ardan felt something off and it was the Clones coming to the Emperor's aid.

Yoda: Master Solari, Leave we must. Be out numbered we will.

Ardan looked to the pile of pods that held the still alive Emperor not noticing that Master Yoda just called him a Master, making him the Youngest Master in the Jedi Order in history beating Mace Windu by 9 years.

Ardan shut off his Saber and walked towards Master Yoda light the Master Jedi onto his back and running out the room hating the fact he could have killed the Emperor if he just had more time, maybe if he didn't Force Project himself to Mustafar then he could have but instead, their running away.

Ardan: Where to Master?

Master Yoda directed him to a nearby balcony as he activated a tracking device, Ardan ran to the edge and jumped off just as Senator Organa caught them with a speeder, Ardan sat in the passenger seat as Master Yoda sat on his lap.

Yoda: Into exile I must go. Failed I have.

Both the Senator and Ardan looked to Master Yoda as he was clearly ashamed of himself for letting this happen if he just trusted his judgement he would have seen that Palpatine was the Sith Lord all along, Ardan even told him but he still didn't see it clearly.

Ardan: We all have Master. We all have.

The mood in the Speeder wasn't a good one as Senator Organa sped towards his ship to get them off Coruscant and to safety, if there is anywhere safe for a Jedi anymore...


It's time, Padme has given birth to twins, Luke and Leia, Kyly couldn't be happier that they are safe and healthy, Padme on the other hand no so much as she's dying, not from blood loss or anything but from the fact that Anakin's not with her anymore.

MediBot: Medically, she's completely healthy. For reasons we can't explain, we are losing her.

Everyone in the room went from happy about the twins to sad hearing this news.

Obi-Wan: She's dying?

Obi-Wan asked the question everyone was thinking but they all waited hopping to get some good news but that didn't follow.

MediBot: We don't know why. She has lost the will to live.

Everyone looked into the room where Padme was laying seemingly slowly dying and only Ardan can understand how.

Kyly: Wait, Ardan...

Ardan was hopping he wouldn't be asked because this is far beyond even his power.

Kyly: ... You brought me back can't you do the same for Padme?

Ardan was leaning on the glass but he could sense all eyes are now on him as everyone was hoping he'd save the day one last time but even some days can't be saved.

Ardan: I can't.

This confused them all as Kyly wasn't looking to lose Padme, she was her friend, advised her in so much in her life and has been there for her.

Ardan: Her wounds are far beyond physical. I bring her back and she'll just die again. I can heal many things, a broken heart isn't one of them.

Ardan left the room feeling that this is once again his fault, he was a fool for thinking he could defeat the Emperor and save Anakin but he tried and failed them both, if he focused on one instead of both then maybe Padme would have survived and Anakin wouldn't be gone, then he and Anakin could work together to bring the Emperor down and save the Galaxy, not all stories have happy endings...


Ardan, Kyly, Obi-Wan, Master Yoda and Senator Organa are in a conference room on the Senator's ship heading towards Naboo for Padme to receive a proper funeral, Kyly is sat with the others as Ardan is by the window looking out to the stars thinking about what could have been and what is to come.

Yoda: Hidden, safe the Children must be kept.

They agreed with the Master Jedi as Kyly sat by still upset her friend is gone and that nothing could have been done about it.

Obi-Wan: We must take them somewhere where the Sith will not sense their presence.

Obi-Wan made a good point and everyone agreed, Kyly didn't want to take part, she's still trying to process everything that's gone on while Ardan blamed himself, all this power and still nothing he can do about it.

Yoda: Hmm. Split up they should be.

Senator Organa agreed and jumped to the opportunity as Master Yoda and Obi-Wan turned to him.

Blair: My wife and I will take the girl. We've always talked of adopting a baby girl. She will be loved with us.

That was Leia safe and sound but now Luke, what's to become of Luke.

Obi-Wan: And what of the boy?

Obi-Wan asked as there was a moment of silence till Master Yoda looked over to Ardan still looking out the window seemingly in a trance.

Yoda: Master Solari. Take the boy, will you?

Master Yoda asked as once again eyes turned not just to him but to Kyly as well, Kyly was okay with it but looked up to Ardan as he turned to them all.

Ardan: No.

Was all he said before turning back to the stars in the sky, Kyly was a little hurt about it and the others didn't expect it, Kyly wasn't letting Luke go to some people who can't keep him safe and stood up and walked to Ardan.

Kyly: Why?

Was all she asked making Ardan turn to her, he has his reasons and spoke them for the room to hear.

Ardan: I've seen what happens when a Skywalker gets power. He's better off with a normal family that won't teach him how to use his power.

Everyone understood why he's skeptical about taking the boy but with is training and his mentoring, Luke would have no better teacher in the Galaxy, Ardan felt Kyly's eyes burring into him and looked to her, she really wants this and if he's being honest, he doesn't want to see the boy go to a place where he won't be looked after properly.

Kyly: Please...

She begged him in her thoughts, Ardan could see it in her eyes she wants to take the boy and raise him as their own, kids is something they talked about but Ardan didn't think she meant when they were 19, but apparently plans change.

Ardan: Okay...

Ardan turned back to Obi-Wan, Blair Organa and Master Yoda as they smiled to the boy.

Ardan: ... We'll take the boy.

Everyone stood up as Kyly hugged Ardan and Ardan held her close with his right arm looking to the table where they now all stood.

Yoda: Until the time is right, disappear we will.

Ardan, Kyly and Blair left the room as Master Yoda called Obi-Wan back for a moment, Ardan and Kyly went to see Luke as he slept in his bed before attending the service for Padme, Kyly's upset yes but no one is more then Ardan imagine having the power to bring people to life but not being able to save a friend.


Senator Organa was kind enough to take Ardan, Kyly and Luke to Jakku where they will raise Luke and teach him the ways of the Force, Ardan will not teach him the Dark side.

As Ardan got off the ship though he was greeted by an old friend.

BD: *Beep* *Boop* *Beep*

Ardan was more then happy to see his friend but he was confused as to how he got here till he looked and saw his Starfighter to the side, it looked like it was scrapped but nothing he can't fix, the thing he couldn't fix was O2, O2 was completely taken apart.

Obi-Wan: I will be nearby if you need me. If needed, he has an Aunt and Uncle on Tatooine.

Ardan and Obi-Wan shook hands as Kyly held Luke in her arms and BD climbed onto his shoulder, Ardan looked to Luke though as the boy smiled up to him, Ardan smiled back as this was the start of a brand new Chapter in their lives...


(To Be Continued)

(On a scale of 1-10 how much are you enjoying this story? Thanks for reading and I hope you look forward to the rest of the story as I am!)

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