[Location: Atlas]

Pilot: Well this got fucked real fast.

Not long after retrieving the three, the bullhead's travel to one of the Atlesian factories was cut short after a surprise RPG strike. Just a few yards from the crashed bullhead, Atlas forces open fire on the group that hit the CCT. The pilot and Watts taking cover in an alley, Watts hastily trying to fix a transmitter while the pilot pops out and shoots every now and then with his pistol.

Donn is being pinned down behind an abandoned car as he returns fire with a burst rifle. Penny and Velvet on the other hand are out in the open dealing with the soldiers. With her flying blades, Penny uses pairs of threes as laser turrets while launching the occasional blade into any soldier dumb enough to stand out of their cover. Velvet digitizes a pair of swords, one a bulky double edged sword and the other a dagger like blade with a built in pistol in the grip, deflecting and returning fire at the soldiers.

Charging at a squad of five coming from behind, Velvet jumps at the closest soldier and stabs him through the chest while using him as a shield. As he is riddled with bullets from his comrades, Velvet tosses him to the side and slices another soldier's head off, raising her one pistol sword and head shots the next. Three down. However, without paying attention, one Atlas soldier got close and is able to hit her in the head with the butt of his rifle. As she staggers back a bit, something seems to fall off of Velvet's face and clatters to the ground. The soldier looks down to see that it is... a mask? Looking back up he sees what appears to be Velvet's real face.

Soldier: Woah-

Without hesitation, Velvet stabs him in the chest with both of her swords. She then launches her head at his neck and starts ripping out his throat with her teeth. As blood gushes out of the new hole in his neck and down Velvet's chin, the last soldier snaps out of his shocked state and raises his rifle. Suddenly one of Penny's blades pierces out of his chest, blood spurting out of the wound as he is yanked back and into another group of soldiers.

The pilot brings his gun out, fires a few shots, then gets back into cover as more bullets wiz past him.

Pilot: Well, doc?

Watts: "grunt" If I had a proper set-up, I would have had this blasted communicator fixed already! But since I'm just going with what I have in my pockets, also we are being SHOT AT, you'll have to understand why this is taking so long!

Pilot: Whatever you say. Kid!

He pokes his head out from the alley and spots Donn still ducking behind the car.

Pilot: How you holding up?

Donn: Oh, you know!

He stands back up and swings his rifle around shooting at the Atlas soldiers before ducking back down.

Donn: Trying not to get shot.

Pilot: Good to hear. Just try to-wait...

He stays still for a second, noticing something strange about the weather. It has gotten much colder, with a familiar screech on the wind.


Donn looks at him in confusion. That is until he finally hears the wind whistling harshly. Knowing full well what it is he makes a bee line for the alley the other two are in, effortlessly dodging bullets like he's in a science fiction movie involving a war in the stars, and dives into a dumpster. Penny rips a blade out of a corpse and looks at her companions with her red digital eyes in confusion.

Penny: Is something wrong? We are not being over whelmed, so what is the concern?

Donn/Pilot: The Banshee's coming!

Watts: What?!

The doctor quickly runs behind the dumpster to hide, the pilot silently judging him. He ignores this and turns back to Penny.

Pilot: Just take cover somewhere, now!

With haste, Penny runs at a building and dives head first into a window. The storm becomes more violent as the Atlas soldiers finally realize what is going on.

Soldier1: Everyone, fall back!

Sadly for them it wasn't fast enough. Flying in from the sky with Atlas jets hot on it's tail, a pale lengthy humanoid with large wings and horns soars down through the streets and right over the soldiers.

As the Banshee passes over the soldiers they are immediately frozen on the the spot, becoming nothing more than street statues. Aside from the rest of the group, Velvet is the only one still in the street. After finish eating the soldier's neck to the point of decapitation, she reaches down to grab her 'face'. Oblivious to what is going on, she places her mask back on her head and moves the jaw piece around to set it in place. Satisfied she turns around only to see at the last second the Banshee fly right at her, digging it's nails into her ribs and flying upwards with Velvet. As they make altitude the rest of the group slowly make their way out of the alley with a hard shiver, walking over a new layer of snow on the ground.

Pilot: H-holy crap man, drop of a hat and it's like a freezer!

Watts walks out of the alley with frost forming on his mustache, rubbing his hands together for warmth. He looks down the street and sees all of the Atlas soldiers shooting at them before, now frozen solid.

Watts: "shiver" Well n-now that that's dealt with, l-let's hurry to the factory before we succumb to hypothermia.

Penny pokes her head out of the broken window before climbing out of it.

Penny: Well, you might. Me however, I'll be fine. I have antifreeze within my systems for such an occasion. If you were to come to an untimely demise via freezing to death, Dr. Watts, I will be more than happy to continue your mission in acquiring an army for the Children.

Watts: That is not reassuring.

Donn: Wait a minute.

He looks around while rubbing his arms and notices someone missing.

Donn: Where's Velvet?

Pilot: Eh, probably several hundred feet above our heads as we speak. Come on, the factory is not that far from here.

Donn: But-

Penny: Don't worry, Donn. Velvet is not that easy to kill, on account she is already dead. She'll be just fine!

As they start to make their way to their destination, the Banshee continues to fly into the sky with Velvet in it's clutches. Although the jets are keeping up, the Banshee's quick maneuverability and continual storm spawning makes getting a clear shot on it very difficult. Velvet reaches for it's arms to pry herself out, only for her arms to freeze over from contact with a thick layer of ice. The Banshee just looks down at her and lets out an ear splitting shriek right in her face. Unfazed, Velvet lets out an equally loud screech before ripping her frozen fists back and swings them at the Banshee's head. The ice shatters on contact, stunning the Banshee, and loosens it's grip. Not wanting to go just yet, Velvet wraps her legs to it's torso and grabs hold of the horns. She pulls her head back and rams it into the Banshee's face, finally letting go and plummeting to the earth. As she falls a barrage of bullets fly right into the Banshee, making it falter for a second before flying off in the distance. Velvet just stares down and watches as the ground races towards her.

Down on the ground, the remaining four finally make their way to their destination. One of the Atlesian factories. While the three squishies rush to the door to get inside the possibly heated factory, Penny just takes a brisk walk as she hums a tune to herself. The pilot takes the lead and just rams his shoulder into the door, breaking it down and tumbling inside. Watts and Donn rushing in from behind.

Pilot: "moan of pleasure" Thank the Father for heaters...

They take a moment to rest and warm up. As they do so, Penny walks inside with some snow on her head and shoulders. The pilot gets back on his feet while Watts walks over to a desk with a computer. He places the half fixed transmitter down and bashes the computer open, scrounging through the components.

Watts: Ok, I might be able to get the transmitter fixed with this. Afterwards we will need to get this place up and running.

Donn: What are the chances there are people here?

Penny: Very likely, seeing as there would need to be security personnel to safe guard this facility.

Pilot: Greeaat.

Watts: And, done!

He raises the now fully repaired transmitter, slightly bulky. Watts presses a button and brings the device up to his mouth.


Watts: Hello? This is Doctor Arthur Watts. We have made it to our destination. We have lost our bullhead during the travel by a surprise attack, no fatalities. Requesting two bullheads to our location as we take over this factory.


Transmitter: Copy that, Watts. Sending bullheads out now. Hang tight.

Watts: It's doctor.


Watts: Alright, if we make our way to the factory floor, we should find the main terminal and gain access to the manufacturing system.

Knowing what to do, they make their way to the doors leading to the factory. As they walk in, they see tons of machinery working around the clock to make Atlesian drones by the hundreds. A worker with a pistol in one hand and what appears to be a detonator in the other appears in the middle of the room. He raises his gun and shoots wildly at them. They take cover behind the doors to dodge the bullets.

Worker: Stay back! I know what the fuck you're here for, and I'm not letting you do anything in this factory!

Penny: I told you there would be someone here.

Donn: Shh!

Worker: You Children assholes think you can just come in, claiming to know what is best for Remnant, and try to take down the kingdoms? Especially Atlas!? We are the most technologically and militarily advanced kingdom there is! WE WILL WIN THIS FIGHT!

Pilot: Why are we just standing here? We can take this asshole.

Worker: One fucking move and I blow this whole place sky high! They kept telling us to evacuate, saying that nobody will be able to make it into the factory with all of the Atlesian drones on security. But I knew better! I knew someone could shutdown the current drones somehow, and it happened! So I've rigged this whole factory to explode. You might have made it this far, but you sure as shit aren't making it any further! You hear me?! YOU AIN'T GOT SHIT ON MEEEE!!!

On queue, something bursts through the skylight just above the worker. He looks up in time to see whatever it is land right on top of him, crushing him as a small crater is made on the spot, blood splattering everywhere. The others poke their heads out to see a disoriented Velvet laying in a crater full of blood and gore.

Pilot: Well, that's some deus ex machina shit right there.

They rush into the factory floor and pass the blood crater, over to the main terminal.

Penny: Hi, Velvet!

Velvet raises a hand to wave before letting it splash back into the pool of blood. Watts rushes to the main terminal and plugs his scroll in, a W appears on both the screens as he starts typing.

Watts: This may take a moment. But as long as I'm not interrupted, this shouldn't be long.

Drone: [Halt]

Everyone turns around to see a new batch of Atlesian drones pointing their rifles at them.

Drone: [By order of the Atlas government, you are under arrest]

Watts: Damn it! A new wave has already rolled out!

Pilot: We'll worry about that! You do whatever the hell you need to do with the terminal!

Donn and the pilot take cover behind some machinery, Penny summons all of her blades from her back pack and uses them as turrets, Velvet stands up from the pool of blood and starts cracking her knuckles. All of them, besides Watts, stare down the drones.


High in the sky, the Raptor continues to fend off any Atlas airships as other battle ships riddle them with missiles. Commander Joshua watches from the main deck as an enemy ship begins to plummet to the ocean.

Joshua: Shouldn't be long now.

Crewmember: Sir! Receiving a distress signal from the Blue September dreadnought.

Joshua: Patch 'em through.


Joshua: This Commander Joshua of the Raptor. What is your emergency?

Cpt: *static* -ay mayday! We are under attack by an enemy dreadnought! Shields are down, our main guns are offline, and are under heavy fire! We can't take much more-

The transmission is cut as an explosion can be seen off in the distance. As Blue September falls, Joshua sees an enemy dreadnought he is all too familiar with. The Yeti.

Joshua: James...

Crewmember: Orders, sir?

Joshua: I know this type of dreadnought. It may seem invincible, but it has one weakness... Transmit all power to the forward shields and start up the engines!

Crewmember: Sir?

Joshua: It has powerful guns and a strong hull, but it's shields are nothing but a joke. We ram the ship into it, it'll buckle under the force and get torn in half. Now do it!

Crewmember: Y-yes, sir... Forward shields at 100%, engines primed and ready.

Joshua: All hands, brace for impact!

The dreadnought begins to fly towards the enemy ship, the front emanating a noticeable blue glow of it's shields. The Yeti seems to have spotted the Raptor as it opens fire with it's main cannons. However, they only detonate on contact with the shields.

Crewmember: Shields at 91%. Collision in 20 seconds.

The Yeti continues fire as it now launches missiles to take down the ship.

Crewmember: 80%. Collision in 15 seconds.

As the shields take a beating, the Raptor draws closer and closer to the Yeti.

Crewmember: 10. 9. 8. Shields at 67%. 5. 4. 3. 2.

Joshua: "whisper" Please work.

Crewmember: 1!

As the Raptor rams into the side of the dreadnought, the Yeti's shields flicker and shatter out of existence. The Raptor continues to fly into the enemy dreadnought as it gave way to the ramming attack. The Yeti's hull is torn apart with ease as explosions begin to riddle it from the inside. As the Raptor tears through the other side, the two halves of the Atlas dreadnought begin to plummet. This action however did not leave the Raptor unscathed. Inside the ship most of the crew have been flung off their feet from the impact. Joshua gets back on his feet and looks around the deck.

Joshua: "grunt" Status report.

Crewmember: "groan" Shields at 15%. Hull breaches in the lower levels of the ship. But we're still airborne.

Joshua: Good... Let's not do that again.

Crewmember: Thank you, sir.

Gunner: Commander! Escape pods have been launched from the Yeti!

Joshua examines a screen and sees several escape pods flying out of the enemy dreadnought. However, he spots the deck of the ship begin to detach and fly off. Joshua knows fully well James is occupying that vessel.

Gunner: Orders?

Joshua:... Let them go. We've defeated the dreadnought, that's all that matters.

He just watches as the escape pods fly out of site, hoping that sparing them was a good idea.

[Location: Atlesian factory]

Watts: Yes! It's done!

Watts steps away from the main terminal and listens as the factory stops for a second before revving back to life, constructing new designs of drones for the Children. All throughout the factory floor, the remains of the Atlesian drones lay scattered by the rest of the group. Donn and the pilot make their way back to Watts as Penny tries to pry a drone from one of her blades, Velvet just tosses one of their heads back and forth between her hands. Watts unplugs his scroll from the terminal and begins to make his way to the front doors with the others.

Watts: Now all that is left to do is do the same with the other factories and take control of the R&D district, but that should be easier to accomplish with one of the factories now constructing drones for the Children.

Penny: So do we make our way to the next factory?

Watts: No. You two have done your part, the rest can be handled with the help of the troopers. You and the Grimm may head back to the Caslte. The other two will stay with me, however.

As they make it out of the factory, they spot two bullheads waiting for them.

Penny: I guess this is where we part ways, doctor. Good luck to you three.

Donn: Take care.

Pilot: It's still cold as fuck out here!

As they board their designated bullheads, they take flight to where they need to be. One heading back home, the other heading deeper into Atlas.


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