Little Fear, Big Problems

Hi.👋 I don't really have much to say except enjoy the chapter 🙂 and a shout-out to @SMBTSV for being my first vote on this book and supporting it. ❤️

Saige's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It seemed more annoying than usual, probably because I still wanted to sleep in. But I begrudgingly turned it off and managed to drag myself out of bed.

"Ugh, why do I gotta get up so early. Can't they just let us sleep in?" I groaned. I hated getting up early, mostly because it cost me precious time that could be spent sleeping. But I still did it anyway, for breakfast.

Once I shook the remaining sleepiness off my body and fully woke up, I got dressed and put on one of my orange Camp Half-blood tees and a pair of dark blue jeans, straight cut of course.

I brushed my teeth and combed out my messy, black hair. I decided to just tie it back in a simple ponytail today, but I still brought along an extra hair tie in case I needed it. Before I headed out the door, I put on a pair of plain white socks and slipped on my pair of black, slightly beat up, Chuck Taylor's.

"Oop- can't forget my sword." I said. I then walked over to my nightstand and picked up my black watch. Now you must be thinking, "I thought you were going to get your sword?" Well, this watch is my sword. If you look closer, you'll see it has an inscription on it in greek written in purple.

The inscription reads "φέρνοντας φόβο", or "Bringing Fear." I like to think of it as "Bringer of Fear" rather than "Bringing Fear," but that's just me. Since both names are kinda long, I just call my sword "Slasher." As for summoning it, I just have to turn the watch clockwise. I recently found out that I could also summon a shield if I turned the watch twice. Anyway, I slapped my watch on my wrist and headed out for breakfast.

"Wonder what's for breakfast?" I thought as I made my way over to the Dining Pavillion. Then I stopped, something I looked over and realized I had stopped near the climbing wall.

There stood a line of campers around it waiting to climb. "That's odd..." I said to myself. "Most people are usually too afraid to even go near it." That's when it hit me. What felt odd about it was the fact that they weren't afraid. I felt no fear coming off of them... something was wrong, very wrong. I'll have to go see Chiron after breakfast and ask him what's going on.

I arrived at the Dining Pavillion and went to check what was for breakfast. "Mmm. Waffles and eggs today. Looks delicious." I sat down at my cabin's table with my other cabin mates, me, myself, and I.

Yeah... so I don't actually have any cabin mates because I don't have any siblings, not even one. Dad doesn't get around much, not after what happened with my mom... I would kill for a sibling, though.

I don't have any direct demigod cousins here at camp, just cousins twice removed (like Percy), aunts, and uncles. Most of them were either dead, didn't have kids, didn't have kids at Camp, were too young to have kids, or were too busy. Uncle Deimos had a demigod son once. I never met him, but apparently something horrible happened to him. Uncle Deimos didn't have any more kids that, not after what happened to his first...

My thoughts were cut short at the arrival of my best friend, Kenneth McKane, son of Hermes.

"Morning, Saige."

"Good morning, Kenny."

He then sat down next to me and began eating his serving of waffles and eggs.

"That's weird..." I said.

"What's weird?" asked Kenny.

"Usually, you're too scared to sit down immediately. You always worry that my dad is going to plague you with nightmares if you sit at his cabin table without permission." I replied. "I have to convince you just about every day that nothing bad will happen."

"I guess I didn't really think about it today. Wasn't worried." Kenny said, face full of waffle.

"You weren't scared or even a little worried?" I asked, starting to worry myself.

"Nope." Kenny shook his head. "Is something wrong?"

"I don't know..." I said. I felt almost no fear within the camp. Something was VERY wrong. "I need to see Chiron." I then quickly finished the rest of my breakfast and got up.

"Okay, see you later!" Kenny shouted as I left.

I made my way to the Big House, where I found Mr. D on the porch playing, what appeared to be cards, with a satyr named Paul. Not far away stood Chiron pacing back and forth, deep in thought.

"Chiron, I need to talk to you about some weird things that have been going on around here."

"Ah, Saige. It's a good thing that you're here. I've been meaning to talk to you." Chiron said. His face looked worried, and there was a look of sadness in his eyes.

The minute he said that, I launched an onslaught of questions at him, hoping for answers. "What's been going on? Why is there so little fear? Why can't I feel it?"

"Saige." Chiron began. "There's been a prophecy that I suspect involves you. It could have horrible reprocussions if not dealt with.

"Don't they all." I rolled my eyes. "Dumb prophecies..." I muttered.

There's also been word from Olympus." Chiron continued. "'s about your father and uncle. Something happened to them."

For a second, the world seemed to stop. My dad and uncle...I assumed Chiron meant Uncle Deimos. What had happened to them? Were they hurt or in danger?

You might be thinking, "Why do you care so much? gods get into trouble all the time." or "They don't seem to care about demigods. Why care about them?" For your information, my dad is a decent parent unlike some others, who will not be named.


His brothers and sisters are pretty okay, too. Considering what other demigods have to deal with. Well... nice to me, at least. Sorry, cousin Percy. My dad and uncle are pretty powerful despite being minor gods. If something happened to them, It must've been really bad or really stupid.

"What happened to them?" I asked urgently.

"The details surrounding the message are vague, but from what I know, Phobos and Deimos have gone missing." Chiron explained. "Though I suspect the prophecy may shed some light on a couple of details."

"What does it say?" I wanted to know what I was going to have to deal with if this prophecy did involve me.

Chiron pulled out a piece of paper from one of his coat pockets and began reading.

"A child of fear must venture here

To save what they hold most dear

Along with four of love and war

Before the twins reach death's door.

Travel to the land where no gods rule

Remain watchful and use your tools

Finish the quest by the 12th day's dawn

Before all you love is destroyed and gone."

"Do you have any idea what it means?" I asked.

"Yes, I believe the first line is about you. "A child of fear." You are the only child of fear that is currently alive." Chiron explained. "To save what they hold most dear." What do you hold most dear, Saige?"

I thought about it for a bit, then realized. "My family. Family is what I hold most dear." Family was the only thing I could think of. My family here at Camp, they were the ones who raised me, cared for me. I would die to protect them.

"The rest is pretty self-explanatory." Chiron said. "The third line, though, is a bit confusing."

"Along with four of love and war," right?" I thought about it. Four what? Four weapons? Four items? Four... people? Four people...Four children! My eyes widened in realization. "Four children of love and war!" I exclaimed, looking at Chiron. "Four children of Aphrodite and Ares, love and war!"

"Yes!" Chiron said. "But which four?"

That was a good question. Ares and Aphrodite both had a lot of children, individually and together.

"I don't know..." I sighed.

"I guess we'll just have to figure it out." Chiron said. "The prophecy is clear. You, Saige, must travel to the land beyond the gods, along with four children of Ares and Aphrodite, to save Phobos and Deimos."

"What about the time limit?" I asked.

"The prophecy reads "by the 12th day's dawn." In two days, it will be the beginning of November. You have until dawn on November 12th to complete your quest and two days to prepare." Chiron explained.

"How do I know who I'm going to take with me?" I said.

"That, Saige, will be up to you." Chiron replied. "A quest of five. An odd number for a quest, but it is what it is. Mr. D and I must get into contact with Olympus to see if anything needs to be done before the quest and if anything can be done to help you succeed."

"Why not just go to Olympus." I said.

"Saige, we can't just waltz into Olympus." Chiron said.

"Please, Chiron. If we went, we could get information, I could see my family, and maybe I could find out which people I have to take on my quest. Pleeeeeeeeeeease." I practically begged him to let me go.

I'd been to Olympus before when I was about six? After I had decided to run away from Camp. Uncle Eros and Anteros found me. Apparently, I had gotten pretty far for a six year old demigod. Far enough that I ran into them while they were working. They were going to just take me back, but I told them I wanted to see "Owimpus," and they caved into my cuteness. (love gods, am I right?) I practically spent the whole day with them going all around Olympus, seeing the sights, playing a couple pranks, and trying to avoid my dad the best we could. I still think he doesn't know I was there that day. In the end, Eros and Anteros eventually returned me to Camp and apologized to Chiron for making him worry.

Now where we...oh, right.


"Okay!" Chiron finally caved in. "We will go tomorrow. Just please stop saying "please."

Yes! Tomorrow we were going to Olympus. I knew I could convince him. Being annoying goes a long way, don't you forget that.

"Thank you, Chiron." I said happily. I ran off to my cabin to prepare for the journey ahead because I knew this was NOT going to be easy. Not in the slightest. Wish me luck...

Hello. 😄 this has been chapter one of my first pjo fanfic story. I hope you enjoyed it. Comment: Who's your favorite Greek god out of them all? I like Apollo and Hermes the most. 1,868 words 🥳👍 See you next chapter.

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