Unexpected Surprise
Alec had officially worked for Magnus for a little over a month, and he was still no closer to finding his own apartment. Izzy hadn't said anything else to Alec about his living arrangements, but he didn't want to impose any more than he already had. Alec was ready to increase his budget, which he knew his realtor would be happy about.
On a different note, Alec and Magnus had been getting along ever since that day of the dinner party. Magnus started by having his meals in the kitchen everyday. For the first couple of weeks, they would just talk; Magnus about his work, and Alec about his siblings. Then, Magnus started asking Alec questions about what he was preparing and why he did things a certain way. Magnus even offered Alec to sit and eat with him a few times, though Alec would politely decline, stating that it was unprofessional. Magnus understood, but Alec would notice the man's demeanor gradually change.
Last week, Magnus informed Alec about yet another dinner party he wanted to have. It was the third party this month. Magnus had a friend who just recently got engaged and he wanted to throw a small engagement party for her and her family. He met the girl at an event a few years ago, and the woman was getting harassed by another man. Magnus swooped in and saved the day until her boyfriend - now fiancé - arrived; Magnus' own words. Since then, the three of them became close friends.
"Hello, Alexander. Thank you again for coming in tonight. I feel like you work more Saturday nights than you're off," Magnus said as he waltzed into the kitchen.
"I don't mind. I'm happy to help," Alec said as he pulled the cake out of the refrigerator to finish decorating it.
"That cake is gorgeous! Tell me about the menu tonight," Magnus said as he walked around to the other side of the island to watch Alec decorate the two tiered cake.
"Well for the starter, I'm making the bacon wrapped scallops you asked for. And since you basically gave me full reign of the menu I'm making a spring salad with pink, white, and lavender pansies - and yes they're edible flowers - with a red wine vinaigrette dressing. The main dish is a creamy shrimp linguine, and then of course, there's the cake," Alec said, putting the last frosting flower on top. "Speaking of which, would you mind if I take a picture of this? I would like to put it in my portfolio."
The finished product consisted of a buttered almond flavored two tiered cake with ivory fondant embossed in a lace pattern over the buttercream frosting that Alec used as a sealant. Pink, white and lavender flowers were placed on the top tier. And lavender candied pearls surrounded the base of both tiers. Alec was proud of this cake; it made him even more excited to start planning Jace and Clary's engagement party.
"This should be photographed in all it's perfection!" Magnus gushed. Alec took out his tablet and started taking photos of the cake.
Alec then moved on to make the pasta. He got Magnus' permission to buy a pasta roller a few weeks prior when Magnus had mentioned one night at dinner that he'd love fresh pasta. Alec automatically agreed to make Magnus pasta anytime the man wanted it.
"What wine do you think would be best paired with tonight's meal?" Magnus asked, pulling Alec out of his thoughts. Alec didn't realize that he zoned out while rolling pasta.
"A Sauvignon Blanc would go nicely with everything on the menu, if you have it?" Alec said, finishing his task. "But a Cabernet would go best with the cake."
"Great! I'll go down to the cellar and get them," Magnus said, making his way to the basement door.
Setting the linguini to the side, Alec moved on to start the sauce. He finely chopped the onion, minced the garlic, and sliced the mushrooms. He was sauteing them when Magnus emerged trying to carry six bottles of wine at once. Alec quickly reached the man before he could drop any bottles.
"I would have helped you with that," Alec said, grabbing three bottles from Magnus. Setting them on the counter, Alec quickly went back to the stove.
"I didn't want to impose, Alexander. I know you're busy in here," Magnus said, with a wave of his hand.
"I'd rather help you than have a couple hundred dollars of wine all over the floor," Alec said with a laugh. Then Alec notices that Magnus was taking the wine out of the kitchen. "Hey, Magnus? You do know that those two wines need to aerate, right?"
"I thought only reds needed to breathe?" Magnus asked with a confused look on his face.
Chuckling, Alec proceeded to explain. "Most whites don't require it, but Sauvignon and Cabernet are the exceptions... along with a few other whites."
"You make me smarter," Magnus said with a cheeky smile - causing Alec to snort with laughter - then grab the corkscrew and get to work.
"And make sure you keep them chilled, you can put a few bottles in the fridge if you want," Alec said, continuing to make the sauce, "Just let your servers know when you need them."
Alec saw Magnus nodding out of the corner of his eye and placed a few bottles in the fridge. Then he grabbed a couple of decanters and filled them with ice.
"I really hope Biscuit and Blondie enjoy the party tonight," Magnus said, eyeing the cake. "Biscuit prefers smaller, more intimate gatherings."
"And how did you end up hosting this party again?" Alec asked. He knew Magnus was friends with these people, but Alec would have thought that a family member would have hosted an engagement party for the couple.
"Well, Blondie approached me about arranging it. He said that he wanted to have a stress free evening without his older brother overshadowing everything," Magnus shrugged as he explained.
Alec paused at that. That sounded absolutely horrible to him. The siblings must not be close, he thought.
"Does this older brother do things like that often?" Alec wondered.
Shrugging, Magnus responded. "Honestly, I wouldn't know. I've never met Jonathan's family."
"Wow, I tend to forget that other people don't get along with their siblings. My brothers and sister are so close. We tend to forget that not every family is like that," Alec said.
At that moment, the doorbell rang. Magnus looked over at Alec and grinned, "It's showtime!"
"Have fun playing party host," Alec called laughing, to Magnus' retreating back.
Alec just finished serving the main course and was washing dishes when one of the servers came in.
"Excuse me, chef..." The teenager said.
"What's up?" Alec replied, putting on a smile because the kid looked really uncomfortable.
"Um... one of the guests has requested to meet the chef. Mr. Bane sent me in here to get you," The kid said, shifting his feet nervously.
"Of course," Alec replied, wiping off his hands. But the kid looked like he wanted to say something else. "Is that all?"
"Uh... also... Mr. Bane wanted me to tell you that he didn't know," he said quickly then ran out of the kitchen as fast as he could. Shaking his head at the cryptic message, Alec headed out to the dining room.
Alec stepped into the dining room looking down at first, but the moment he looked up he froze. The eleven faces before him he knew very well, and they were all sitting at the table eating and conversing with his boss. His parents, all of his siblings, Luke and Jocelyn, Clary and Simon, and Simon's mother and sister, Elaine and Rebecca were all sitting there looking surprised to see him. Alec was just as surprised to see everyone he loved sitting together at a table that was beautifully decorated for an engagement party. A party that Alec quickly pieced together as being for Jace and Clary. Alec glanced at the blonde, rage bubbling up within him as his brother's face paled. Alec glanced at his sister, who's face mirrored Jace's. Everyone else at the table looked confused, but happy all at once.
It wasn't until Maryse spoke that Alec was pulled out of his trance.
"Alec! This is amazing, I can't believe you did all of this for your brother," Maryse and Robert stood up immediately to give Alec a hug.
"Uh... I uh... I didn't know this party was for them," Alec couldn't seem to find an appropriate response, wanting to blurt out exactly what was on his mind. Needing to get out of there, Alec extracted himself from his parent's embrace and fled.
"Excuse me," Alec said as he rushed away.
It was a relief to get back to the kitchen, but it was short lived. Soon Alec was pacing, anger getting the best of him. No, not anger; Alec was furious! Everything that Magnus had told Alec about what that 'Jonathan' person had said hit Alec like a freight train. It was as if all of the air had left his lungs.
Glancing up as he heard the door open, Alec's fury increased at seeing his brother sauntering in like he owned the place.
"So... that wasn't supposed to happen," Jace said, scratching the back of his neck.
"What the fuck, Jace!" Alec yelled.
"Look," Jace said, letting out a breath. "I just wanted my engagement to be about Clary and me. That's why you weren't invited."
"Yeah, Magnus mentioned that his 'friend' Jonathan said he didn't want his older brother coming tonight and overshadowing the party," Alec yelled. "Care to tell me what that was all about?"
"Look!" Jace yelled, stepping closer to Alec. "I'm getting sick of everyone always talking about Robert and Maryse's 'precious eldest' at social events! This is my engagement party! For once in your life, let's not make this about you!"
"Jace, I was ecstatic about your engagement! How in the hell would I have made this about myself?" Alec asked.
"Oh let's see," Jace started with a snide laugh. "'Oh Alec, we're so glad you're home.' Or 'Our Alec has won this award, and he's won that award, and he's achieved this and that.", And, 'Our Alexander is going to become a world renowned chef.' And my personal favorite, 'Alec is such a good role model for his brothers and sister, it's a shame they can't live up to his standards.'" Jace mimicked in both Robert and Maryse's voices.
"Jace, you can't be serious. Mom and dad don't say things like that!" Alec exclaimed incredulously at his brothers accusations. "Besides, you know that I don't care about all of the things I've done throughout the years!"
"But they do, Alec!" Jace threw his hands in the air in frustration. "They were constantly doting on you to all of their friends at Izzy and Simon's wedding. Your presence took away from their day. Izzy was livid!"
"That's not true!" Alec replied quickly but then added with doubt. "Is it?"
"It is! Alec, you take away all of our glory when you're around. Hell, I didn't even invite you here today, and yet, instead of me enjoying a meal with my family, I'm in here arguing with you." Jace said.
"You do realize that our parents do the same with you, Iz and even with Max, right? They brag about all of us to their friends and colleagues!" Alec was beginning to lose his patience, especially after Jace made that dig about him 'enjoying his meal with his family' since he hadn't included Alec in that statement.
Jace walked up to Alec and pointed a finger right in his face.
"That's bullshit and you know it! All we ever hear about is their 'precious eldest.' We're done playing second fiddle to you."
"I didn't do anything! I don't ask for attention, yet I get it anyway. That's part of the reason why I moved in with Izzy and Simon! I don't want mom and dad 'doting' on me, as you so kindly put it. I just want to work hard and start my own business. Is that too much to ask?" Alec had lost it. All semblance of patience had evaporated.
"Bullshit! If you wanted to open your own damn restaurant, you would have done it by now. You're too much of a fucking coward to take the risk, Alec." Jace yelled back.
"Is that what you think? I'm a coward? If me wanting to ensure that I'm not going to end up living on the street for the first two years after opening a restaurant, then fine, I'm a coward!" Alec fumed. "You can't just wish something to happen, Jace! You above all people should know that!"
"Don't you dare try and make a dig at my career! My life is perfect. I'm working and doing what I love, and I'm not the one who's going to die alone, unlike you!" Jace said, punctuating his words by stabbing his finger in Alec's chest.
"What the fuck?" Alec exclaimed.
"Nothing," Jace said, anger deflating.
"Oh, no! You're not going to start something without finishing it. Air it all out Jace, please enlighten me on everything you find wrong with me! This will be your only chance to do so!" Alec yelled, his anger flying off the charts in this moment.
"Okay, fine! But I'm warning you, you're not going to like what I have to say," Jace said.
"Yeah, because the conversation so far has been a fucking bag of rainbows!" Alec retorted.
"You are the reason why none of your relationships lasted! You are the one who inevitably finds guys who want nothing but sex or career advancement! And you are always the one playing the martyr when they eventually cheat on you or dump your sorry ass!" Jace pushed Alec back so far that he hit the corner of the countertop, causing a sharp pain radiating up his back and down his right arm.
"Wow, so now you're upset about my shitty dating life! Low blow Jace, not everyone can find their soulmate in fucking high school!" Alec snarled.
"Whatever Alec, the bottom line is that you are the reason why Izzy and I feel like no matter what we do, nothing is good enough compared to you," With that, Jace turned and walk out of the kitchen.
"Don't worry, Jace," Alec said, causing Jace to pause at the door. "You don't have to worry about me getting in your way. From this point on, I'll stay far away from you and Isabelle so I'm not making your lives 'harder' than they need to be."
As Jace disappeared through the door, Max ran in. "Alec, are you okay? I can't believe Jace and Izzy! I am so pissed right now! Mom, dad, and everyone else is out there giving Izzy the riot act."
"I don't care. They feel how they feel, and there's nothing I can do to change that," Alec sighed, slightly wincing from the pain in his back, and sat down. "I just never knew they felt that way."
"Fuck 'em! They apparently forgot who actually raised them! You still have me, you know I would never think any of that about you, right?" Max said, looking like he was about to cry.
"I know buddy. But I also never thought that Jace and Izzy would think that poorly of me either," Alec said, feeling like his heart was just ripped in half. "But I just want to be left alone for right now, could you please ask Magnus to come in here? I need to leave and get all of my shit out of Isabelle's place as fast as possible."
"But where will you go?" Max asked, sounding just as heartbroken as Alec felt.
"I don't know yet, buddy. But I'll let you know as soon as I find out," Alec said, trying to reassure his baby brother.
"Okay, but you know you can always come back home, right?" Max looked at Alec with hopeful eyes.
"I don't think so, Max. Jace was right, mom and dad would dote on me constantly if I were there. I really just want to be alone," Alec explained.
"I understand. I'll go get Magnus for you, but I just want to let you know that I love you big bro! That'll never change for me," Max said, pulling Alec into a tight embrace.
"I know, Max. I love you too," Alec said, returning the hug.
Max pulled away first, then left to get Magnus for Alec. No sooner had Max left, then Magnus walked in.
"Alexander, are you alright?" Magnus came around to Alec with a panicked expression. "I swear I had no idea that Jonathan Herondale was your brother."
"That's because 'Jonathan Herondale' is his legal name as well as the name he uses for his public image. Only family and close friends call him Jace."
"Wow, I've known the guy for years now, and he never once asked me to call him anything other than Jonathan. Some 'friend' I am," Magnus said sarcastically.
"I uh... well I need a favor. I know I have no right to ask this of you after the scene I just caused..." Alec wasn't able to complete his sentence because Magnus held up his hand causing Alec to shut his mouth.
"Alec, you in no way caused a scene tonight. That was all Jonathan, so don't feel like you've done anything wrong," Magnus lowered his hand. "Ask away."
"Can I leave and get my stuff out of Izzy's place? I'll also need to find a hotel to stay in, at least for tonight. But when I'm done, I'll come back here and finish cleaning up," Alec rushed out.
"Of course you can, and don't worry about finding a place to stay. You're staying with me tonight," Magnus said, giving Alec a look that broached no argument. "Now go, I'll keep your family here for a while longer. I think Jonathan and Isabelle are out there getting their asses chewed out by the rest of your family right now. I'll text you when they're leaving, if you're not already back by then"
Alec thanked Magnus again and bolted out of the brownstone before anyone else in his family could stop him.
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