Surprise Cake

Alec had just gotten home from the bistro, and finished freashing himself up when there was a knock at the door. Opening it revealed Jace and Clary. Alec just started for a moment, confused why they'd show up at his door out of the blue.

"What's up guys?" Alec said, letting them in. "I'm running a little late. I'm supposed to meet Magnus for dinner."

"Sorry to drop by unannounced," Jace said, panting slightly as he hobbled inside with his crutches. "But I really wanted to talk to you about something."

"We wanted to talk to you," Clary amended, glaring at Jace.

"Right," Jace said, clearing his throat. "Clary and I have decided on a date for the wedding."

"That's great guys," Alec exclaimed, giving them each a hug. "I'm glad you've decided, but I really do need to go." He felt bad that he was pushing them out of his apartment - especially with them delivering such great news - but he was really running late for his date.

"Sorry," Jace said sheepishly. "We just wanted you to be the first to know. And... I really want you to be my best man. I promise I won't be a dick this time around."

"It's fine, Jace," Alec laughed, putting a hand on Jace's shoulder and squeezed. "I know you won't be."

"We also want to do a 're-do' on our engagement party, and I-" Jace was interrupted with a nudge in the ribs by Clary. "We would really like it if you could organize it this time around."

"I'm sure I can come up with something," Alec smiled, happy that he gets to be a part of their engagement party his time around. "We can talk more tomorrow, I promise."

"Do you want us to give you a ride?" Clary asked as they made their way out of the building. "Maybe then you won't be so late."

"That would be awesome," Alec agreed easily. "I'm meeting Magnus at Gramercy, and since it's right around the corner from your place I won't be putting you out."

"You'd never put us out, buddy," Jace said, turning to give Alec a goofy grin. "We can also talk details on the way." Alec chuckled at Jace's enthusiasm and then they got going, walking together to the car.

"So when's the big day?" Alec asked once they were on the road.

"Thanksgiving," was Clary's response. "I know it's pretty unconventional to have a wedding on a Thursday, and a holiday on top of that, but that way everyone will already be together. We pretty much have everything we want figured out. We were wondering if you could talk to Emma about making a cake for us?"

"I can do that, and I'm sure she'd be delighted to make your cake," he responded, making notes in his phone. "So for the catering, do you want the traditional Thanksgiving dinner, or did you want something different?"

"Turkey, stuffing, yams, mashed potatoes, greens, corn-" Jace started rambling off food.

"Okay okay, I got it," Alec chuckled. "Traditional Thanksgiving dinner it is."

Jace had always been the one person in the family who loved food more than he should. Alec could never understand how his brother wasn't some five hundred pound beast with the amount of food he consumed. The man was blessed with great genes and a high metabolism.

"We also want fall colors for the wedding, burgundy, a burnt orange, and yellow," Clary responded as they were pulling up to the restaurant.

"Sounds good. The Grand Opening is tomorrow, you guys will be there, right?" Alec asked before getting out of the car.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world! I know everything is going to taste absolutely perfect," Jace exclaimed. The guy really loved his food.

"That's not the point," Alec chastised lightly. "The point is for you guys to tell us what we need to work on so we know what things we need to adjust. I know we invited family and close friends, but you guys need to go in with an unbiased opinion, just like any average customer that'll be coming in the door."

"Yeah yeah," Jace waved him off. "Now get out so you don't keep your man waiting. We'll see you tomorrow."

Alec laughed as he walked into the restaurant. The hostess, who had been well acquainted with Alec and Magnus since Gramercy, just smiled and led him to the table. When Magnus came into view Alec saw his eyes light up, and smiled at his boyfriend.

"Hey," Alec kissed Magnus' cheek in greeting. "I'm sorry I'm late."

"It's fine, darling," Magnus pulled Alec's chair out for him, causing heat to rise in his cheeks. "I know you're working hard. I was surprised you set this date up, in all honesty."

"I wanted to spend time with you," Alec shrugged because it was true. He did want to spend time with the love of his life.

Alec was at the point where he wanted to spend all of his free time with Magnus. With how busy things have become Alec was worried about neglecting his boyfriend, especially since Magnus had been making leaps and bounds in their relationship. Alec was steadily starting to trust him again, and he wanted to make sure that Magnus knew he wasn't taking their relationship for granted.

Everyday Magnus would come to either the bistro, or Lydia's shop to have lunch with him and Raphael using the excuse that he needed to make sure Alec was taking proper care of himself, and Alec secretly loved being doted on. Magnus never let the conversation they had last month at Christmas bring him down, in fact, Alec felt that Magnus used that conversation as motivation instead.

"How was your day, cintaku?" Magnus asked, diving right into conversation. "I am dying to see the finishing touches of the bistro!"

"And just like everyone else, you will find out tomorrow," Alec laughed at Magnus' pouting expression. "We're not letting anyone see the restaurant. We've even covered the windows with newspaper so no one could peek in."

"Now that's just mean, Alexander!" Magnus exclaimed, causing Alec to let out an undignified snort.

"Sorry, not sorry, baby," Alec teased, giving a mischievous grin to his boyfriend.

Little did Magnus know that Alec had every intention in taking him to the bistro after dinner. He had a little surprise desert set up for him.

"How was your day?" Alec didn't want the conversation to be centered around him all night.

"Oh, you know," Magnus made a little hand flourish. "Signed new artists, signed legal documents, consoled a crying Catarina when she heard 'My Heart Will Go On' on the radio. She just kept wailing that Rose was a stupid, heartless bitch, and there was plenty of room on that door for Jack. I had to call Ragnor up to get his hormonal wife under control!"

Alec was so glad they were in the private seating area due to his uncontrollable laughter. "That has got to be the funniest thing I've heard all day!" He exclaimed, wiping the tears out of his eyes. "Oh my god, that movie came out when I was like five! How is she still so obsessed over it?"

"Pregnant women are a mystery to me, Alexander," Magnus sighed, feigning exasperation.

Alec and Magnus continued to make small talk while enjoying their meal. Alec told his boyfriend about Jace and Clary's surprise visit, and Magnus told him about an artist he observed for the day. The band was starting the recording of their second album, and their antics were quite comical.

"I have never in my life seen a group of guys act so goofy and immature one minute, and be so serious the very next!" Magnus explained with a chuckle. "If someone messes up on a chord they all stopped what they're doing, basically do a chinese fire drill, fool around for a good five minutes, then perform like nothing happened."

"What in the world is a chinese fire drill?" Alec asked, lost on the phrase.

"It's basically a prank in which the passengers of a motor vehicle that is stopped at an intersection get out of the vehicle, circle it, and return to their seats," Magnus explained. "Only instead of doing this with a car they do it with their instruments. Once they get back to their designated spots, they would start playing different nursery rhymes before going back to what they were working on previously."

"I guess that's one way to keep yourself from getting frustrated," Alec laughed.

"Indeed," Magnus replied, then quickly changed the topic. "So what would you like to do after dinner? Or do you need to get back home?" Magnus flagged their server down for the bill before adding, "I want you to be well rested for your opening tomorrow. It's a very important day for you and your staff."

"I have a surprise," Alec eluded, not even bothering with the second part of Magnus' question. Alec knew he'd get plenty of sleep, and he and his staff weren't even scheduled to be at the bistro until mid morning.

"I've already set something up with your driver," Alec explained. It was true. He'd already set this in motion. When he'd had to cancel his pick up with Magnus's driver earlier he'd taken the opportunity to inform him of Alec's plan.

Alec had made sure to bring a silk scarf to tie around Magnus' eyes tonight so he wouldn't recognize where they were going.

"Sneaky Alec tonight is it?" Magnus asked, clearly intrigued.

"Yep," Alec confirmed. "So sneaky in fact that you have to wear this-" he pulled out the scarf "-once we get in the car."

"What no handcuffs?" Magnus laughed.

Alec blushed, but had no idea how to reply.

"I'm only teasing," Magnus grinned. "Though you are adorable when you blush." Alec only blushed more at the comment, but he was determined to stay focused. He had a surprise to pull off.

Going in the car, Alec tied the scaff and instructed the driver they were ready.

"Are you planning to kidnap and kill me?" Magnus asked, amusement clearly in his tone.

"If I were going to do that I wouldn't have bothered with the blindfold, nor would I have recruited your personal driver," Alec pointed out.

"You've got me there, darling," Magnus chuckled

The drive would have been short if they'd gone directly there since his bistro was only a few blocks away from Gramercy, but Alec had plans for this as well. To make sure Magnus hadn't a clue what was going on, he's instructed the driver to go the long way around. As they parked, Alec confirmed that Magnus' driver would stay until they were finished before helping Magnus out of the car.

"Well I think we are still in the city limits, but I couldn't quite keep up with the turns," Magnus mumbled as Alec led him blindly forward.

"That was the idea," Alec grinned.

"Alexander," Magnus grumbled. "Where did this sneaky side of you come from anyway?"

"You like it?"

"I love it," Magnus replied, reaching out with his arms to find Alec and plant a blind kiss on his lips.

Blushing though unseen this time, Alec kept to the plan. He guided Magnus inside, turned on on the lights and moved his boyfriend to stand in just the right stop for the full impact. Then he removed the makeshift blindfold.

Alec heard Magnus suck in an audible breath as his vision returned.

"So..." Alec started feeling nervous all of a sudden. "What do you think? You're the first person to see it outside of my staff."

"It's gorgeous!" Magnus exclaimed, turning to face Alec with a big smile on his face. "I'm so proud of you, sayang!"

"Thank you," Alec felt relieved. "I honestly couldn't have done any of this without you. I thought it would be fitting that you be the first to eat here."

Alec gestured for Magnus to follow him to the table he'd set up before he left. Before Alec could pull out the chair for Magnus, Magnus pulled him into a bone crushing hug that Alec was all too happy to reciprocate.

"This is one of my favorite cakes, and I wanted you to try it," Alec led Magnus to his seat, then proceeded to cut the cake. "It's called a Charlotte Russe, and it's made out of a sponge cake pressed into an elegant mold, filled with thick crème Bavaroise flavored with cooked raspberries, spices, and brandy. I put lady fingers all around the cake, and decorated the top with more fresh raspberries."

"It looks wonderful! It almost reminds me of a strawberry shortcake," Magnus said, his eyes wide as Alec plated his piece.

"In a sense it is," Alec responded, thinking it over. "I just used different berries. I've never really thought about the similarities until you mentioned it. There's also a lot more spices and liquor than the strawberry shortcake."

"Well," Magnus smiled while picking up his fork. "I'm looking forward to digging in."

"After we're done, I want to give you a full tour of the place. Everything is ready for the opening. All we need to do tomorrow is remove the newspaper from the windows, and light up the stoves," Alec responded.

Magnus and all of their friends were the ones to encourage him to start his dream, and Alec was looking forward to everyone coming in tomorrow. Even though he was having the Grand Opening tomorrow he thought it would be best for his friends, family, and investors to get the first look at the place. His plan was to give everyone a tour after they finished their meal. Alec even had comment cards made up for each guest to help him make improvements. The whole staff would review the cards, so when they were ready later that evening for the Grand Opening they would have hopefully worked out all of the 'kinks'.

"This is such a great way to end a perfect date," Magnus sighed as he finished his last bite. "Seeing your dream come to life is just an added bonus. I do feel guilty that I'm keeping you out so late though."

"Magnus, it's fine," Alec got up and moved to kneel in front of his boyfriend. "You have been spoiling me since we got back together. I just wanted to do something that showed you that I'm all in. I want you to feel just as appreciated as you make me feel. If that means I go to bed a little later than I normally would, so be it. You are worth it, and so much more." Alec smiled then said. "I love you more than sleep."

Magnus launched himself at Alec, kissing him with - what Alec felt - all the emotion that Magnus may not have been able to verbalise. Alec let himself melt into the feeling of being wrapped in Magnus' arms. The need for air quickly became apparent, but Alec didn't care one bit.

"Darling," Magnus said, pulling away breathless. "If you didn't have such an important day ahead of you, I would take you home with me tonight."

"It's fine," Alec chuckled. "If I were worried about it I never would have asked you on this date tonight. But I should probably go home alone tonight. Remember, we haven't progressed that far into our rekindled relationship yet. I want to do things right this time around."

"I know, my love," Magnus said, face softening as Alec gazed into his eyes. "I respect your choice to wait, and I would never pressure you into going further than what you're ready for."

"I know, and I love you for that," Alec said, though did feel slightly guilty for making Magnus wait... he was also rather horny as well. Shaking his head, Alec cleared his thoughts and got back on task. "Now, lets see the rest of the bistro. I want to show you just what you helped invest in."


At seven o'clock the following morning Alec found himself, Raphael, and the rest of his staff at the bistro ripping newspaper off the windows, and setting up for the opening.

Alec decided that it would be a good idea to cook his staff a hearty breakfast to help them get through till their break between the lunch and dinner service. After kicking the staff out of the kitchen he and Lydia went about their task to make their breakfast feast. Lydia was in charge of making waffles, pancakes, and french toast while Alec set about making bacon, sausage, eggs, and hashbrowns.

Cooking had always been a stress reliever for Alec. He'd been calm last night when he was with Magnus, but as soon as Magnus had dropped him off back home Alec's nerves had taken a turn. Alec even resorted to taking an anti anxiety pill (that had regretfully been prescribed between the time Jace and Isabelle dropped their bomb and Magnus broke up with him) last night just so he could calm down. But even so, by the time he woke up this morning Alec's nerves were ten times worse than the night before. If he couldn't fix them, then it was his job today to just make sure his nerves didn't show. As long as Alec kept a calm facade he knew the rest of his crew would follow his lead.

"Okay everyone, come and get it," Alec shouted as he finished plating his last dish.

Everyone came rushing in at once, collecting pates and immediately digging in while chatting aimlessly. Alec felt a sense of pride in that moment while observing his staff. They all worked so hard and worked together so well. It was almost like he'd built a family, instead of a restaurant.

"Can I have everyone's attention please," Alec addressed the room once everyone was done eating. "I know you have all been working hard to make tonight's Grand Opening a success. And before you groan don't worry I won't bore you all with a long winded speech, but I just want you all to know how very proud I am of all of you." He clapped his hands together and finished with, "Okay, now let's get cooking."

There was a call of agreement from the group. Everyone's spirits were high. The energy in the room was so powerful that Alec felt like there wasn't anything they couldn't do. Everything happened very quickly after that, and before long Alec was too busy to remember to be nervous.

As Alec crawled into bed that night, his feet sore and his eyes unwilling to remain open for even another second, he couldn't help but smile at how perfectly the night had gone.


First chapter I've posted in five months!!! I really hope it was worth the wait. Life has just been extremely hectic ever since COVID started. My hours at work increased exponentially to the point where I would literally work and sleep and nothing else. For a while my work days ran for 16 to 20 hours a day. It was not fun at all. My goal is to get back on track with my writing and post a bit more regularly. I can't promise to go back to my old writing schedule, but I hope to be able to sit at my laptop for something other than work in the near future. But anyway, how did you like the chapter? What are your thoughts on Alec's date with Magnus? Write a comment and let me know.

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