Staffing the Bistro
Interviews were exhausting, which was ridiculous as Alec wasn't even doing any work. He was just sitting. The interviews were being held in the classroom side of Lydia's catering company/cooking school. Lydia sat on his left and Raphael on his right as they watched people cook and listened to them try and explain why they were right for the job. In the end, though, there had really only been two who'd stood out.
"Chef Lightwood," Eronte intoned while he was being interviewed. "I know my education level isn't nearly as impressive as yours, but I want to let you know that I'm willing, and able, to learn. I'll do whatever it is that you ask of me, and I want to thank you for giving me this chance."
"Eronte," Alec smiled, but was a little taken aback by that declaration. "I don't give a damn about your educational level. You've got a raw talent, and some serious skills in the kitchen."
Eronte's interview was over now. He'd been one of the two applicants that hadn't merely wasted Alec time. The moment Alec had heard Eronte's name it rang a bell, and it wasn't long before he was calling up his first mentor, Luigi, to let him know that his Sous was planning on leaving him. Alec had assumed this would be bad news for his friend's business, but Luigi had just laughed, explaining it had been his idea that Eronte apply at Alec's Bistro. In fact, Luigi had encouraged both Eronte and his girlfriend, Lindsay, to apply as they'd gone as far as they could with their careers at his restaurant. The demonstration of his skills had simply been for show. Alec and Raphael had already decided to hire him.
"I'm confident that you're going to be an integral part of this bistro," Alec continued. "Luigi vouched for you, and I trust his opinion explicitly. Welcome to the team." Eronte's smile seemed to light the entire room as he shook Alec's hand.
"Thank you!" Eronte said breathlessly as he took Alec's hand. "Thank you so much! I did tell you that you're my idol, right? Just because I work in an Italian kitchen, doesn't mean that I only excel at making Italian food. I studied all of your recipes in that French cookbook you put out a few years back." Eronte winked, causing Alec to let out a snort.
"Oh yeah," Alec scratched the back of his neck. "I forgot I published a cookbook."
"How could you forget something so important?" Raph asked incredulously.
"Because it didn't do very well," Alec explained. "The sales in Europe were only slightly better than the sales in the States. No one was interested in it. I think in the end I had to pay the publishing company instead of turning a profit," Alec said jokingly.
"I just assumed that the only people who bought it were your family and me," Lydia scoffed, causing Alec to glare at his friend.
"French cuisine isn't for everyone," Raphael shrugged.
"Which is why I'm going to have American dishes on the menu as well," Alec added.
"And it's going to be the best restaurant in Brooklyn," Eronte responded with a sly grin.
"Hell yeah!" Both Alec and Raph exclaimed. Lydia and Eronte chuckled at the duo.
Now that Eronte was on board, they invited him to join the rest of the interviews. Alec and Lydia's thought process was that the rest of the kitchen staff needed to be able to get along with, and follow orders from both Alec and Eronte. If Eronte helped with the hiring process, they'd be able to create a better team dynamic.
The second applicant that stood out was his newest Saucier, Julian Blackthorne. Everyone sat in astonishment as they watched Julian work. His sauting skills nearly surpassed Alec's own. His stews were devine, and Alec was impressed that Julian could make a simple lettuce stew taste like an orgasm in your mouth. The kid had some serious talent, and he'd just completed his final year of culinary school last May. Unfortunately for Julian, he was wasting his talents by working in a low grade diner as a line cook. Hiring this kid was a no brainer for Alec. Alec also learned that Julian was the younger half-brother of Magnus' housekeeper, Helen, who also became a friend of Alec's and was now dating Alec's cousin, Aline. When Alec brought up the topic Julian explained that Mark and Helen were the oldest in the family. Then there was him; then they all had two younger sisters, and two younger brothers.
"Why didn't Helen tell me that you were applying to work for me?" Alec asked, not really to anyone in particular. "I see her everyday."
"That's because she didn't know I was looking for another job," Julian replied anyway. "We don't exactly come from money, and I didn't want my parents or siblings to think I was ungrateful for the job that I have, but I'm miserable there and I've been looking for another job for a while now."
"Well," Alec smiled, sticking out his hand. "You don't have to look any further. I'd be honored to have someone with your skills working for me."
"When can I start?" Julian's smile matched Alec's as he returned the handshake.
"We're going to start training in a week," Raphael explained. "I have your contact information, so I'll email everyone the training schedule once we've found the rest of the staff."
"I'll keep an eye out for the email," Julian's grin was on full display. "I'm going to head to the diner and give them my notice. And Alec." Alec turned to fully face Julian, giving him his complete attention. "Can you please keep this to yourself for now? I know you're friends with my sister and her girlfriend, but I want to tell the whole family myself. It's often hard to get everyone together at one time so it might take a few days before she knows."
"You got it kid," Alec agreed readily.
Unfortunately for everyone involved, the rest of the interviews and cooking demos didn't go as smoothly. They were trying to find a Chef de Partie, but it seemed like a sick joke.
"Is it just me," Eronte mumbled softly as to not have the interviewee's hear. "Or does this dude think he's interviewing for an Executive Chef position?"
"He does seem rather pompous," Alec answered, looking down at the resume. "He's definitely out, and I don't even care how good his food taste. I have a feeling he won't be able to follow instructions."
"He would definitely wreak havoc in your kitchen," Lydia added.
"And create a lot of unnecessary tension," Raphael provided.
By the third day of interviews, they all nearly contracted e coli. One of the Rotisseur applicants was so nervous, she undercooked a roast and tried to serve it to the group of four. At this point, Alec had long since lost all faith in humanity, and wasn't paying attention. If it weren't for Eronte slapping the fork out of his hands, Alec would've been sent to the hospital.
"Chef," Eronte abolished. "I know this is a painful, arduous process, but you've gotta pay attention, man! This girl nearly killed you."
"I have to agree with Eronte. 'Death by roast' probably isn't something you want on your epitaph, Alec," Raphael stated. "I don't even think your sister is this bad." Raphael then gestured to the four hopefuls that appeared to be shaking in their boots at the counter.
They eventually found the majority of their kitchen staff. It wasn't until the day they were interviewing for their Patissier where Alec felt that he'd had enough. This poor woman named Krissy was what broke the camel's back for Alec.
"Please let me get this straight," Alec shouted his frustration, finally at his wits end. "You apply for a job that you have no experience in, hand off a loaf of bread that was flatter than Naan, and a pie that isn't even edible, and you're telling me that I'm being mean!" The poor girl had tears and eye makeup running down her cheeks. "Have you ever baked a day in your life?"
"I have!" Krissy exclaimed, stomping her foot like a petulant child. "I know how to read the directions on the back of a box, and set an oven at the right temperature. It's not my fault that you gave me stuff that wasn't already put together! Stop yelling at me!"
"Get out!" Alec shouted, then watched her stomp away. "I swear to God I'm either going to take up smoking or drinking by the end of this process."
"I feel like I'm in a bad reality tv show," Eronte sighed, leaning back in his chair. "I-I can't even believe she had the nerve to compare frozen foods to baking. Who... who even does that?"
"We're definitely not Betty Crocker," Raphael groaned.
"Well," Lydia said, passing everyone a bottle of water to cleanse their palates. "If all else fails, you could always bake yourself." She said, gesturing to Alec.
"Yeah, cause bossman won't have enough going on already," Eronte snorted. Alec chuckled as they tapped their bottled water together in a mock toast.
"Why don't you take a five minute break, and call Magnus," Raphael suggested. "He always knows how to cheer you up."
Alec agreed and stepped outside, taking a deep breath before dialing Magnus' number. After the fifth ring with no answer, Alec deflated. He'd really hoped he'd be able to hear Magnus' soothing voice, but alas, Alec only got his voicemail.
"Hey baby, it's me. I'm having the worst day and I just wanted to hear your voice. I hope your day is better than mine. Call me if you get the chance. I know you're busy as well. I love you, mon amor," Alec hung up the phone, disappointed.
Alec came back inside a few minutes later. Raphael was typing away on his phone. Alec presumed he was jotting down notes of some kind. When Raph looked up he gave Alec a questioning stare.
"He didn't answer," Alec sighed and sat back down.
"I wouldn't worry about it too much," Raph shrugged. "He's probably breathing down my replacements neck making sure he's fit for the position."
"How is that going by the way?" Alec asked. Magnus had been rather tight lipped about his new recording manager, and it bothered Alec that Magnus never talked about it.
"According to Catarina it's going well. Magnus is just being his usual anal self. John's been working as an assistant to the recording manager at the London studio for a few years now," Raphael let out a huff of annoyance. "He's perfectly capable of handling everything on his own. I'm worried that Magnus is going to micromanage him so much that it's going to make John either quit, or wish that he'd stayed in London."
"I mean, it is his business. I can understand wanting to have the best staff possible," Alec stated, sticking up for his boyfriend. Alec knew too well what Magnus must be feeling since he was currently sitting in a room where they'd been interviewing the staff for the bistro for the last week. Hiring the right people was no easy task.
With a sigh Alec asked, "When is the next interview coming in?"
Raphael checked his watch before replying. "About ten minutes. Lydia seems very excited to have her come in."
Alec thought about it for a moment. Did he have time for another cup of coffee? Just then the door opened and he knew he didn't. It seemed this potential employee knew the unwritten rule about always arriving early for interviews.
It was, however, not the new candidate, but Eronte and Lydia coming back to the kitchen after getting themselves some drinks. Lydia handed Raphael and Alec another bottle of water, and Eronte handed Alec a cup of coffee. Alec nodded his head in thanks as Eronte sat down in the seat beside him.
"Dude, you read my mind," Alec gratefully smiled at Eronte, earning a snort from said man. "Do we know anything about this candidate already?" Alec asked, turning towards Raphael.
"Only that she's currently working as Lydia's pastry assistant," Raphael answered. "And her name is Emma."
"Perfect, thanks," Alec smiled as he went to bring her in from the front lobby of the building where Lydia had been having all of the candidates wait before the interviews started.
As Alec reached the lobby, a petite girl with long blond hair, pulled up in a chefs cap, and wearing the standard chef's uniform of a white coat, and checkered black and white pants that was standard issue for Lydia's team sat waiting patiently. Turning, Alec noticed her striking features; pointed chin, creamy pale skin, and a spark in her eyes that Alec recognized as determination. Just at first glance, the girl reminded Alec of Jace when he was younger. He just prayed that this girl didn't have the cocky attitude that his adoptive brother had.
"Emma Carstairs?" Alec asked when he made his way over to the girl, his hand out ready for a handshake.
"Yes, Chef," Emma responded eagerly.
"This way," Alec motioned for Emma to follow him into the classroom area where the interviews were being held.
"So, tell me about yourself while you're preparing your dishes," Alec said as he took his seat.
"I graduated from the New York Culinary Institute this past May, I specialize in pastries, and baking, and I'm currently working as an assistant to Lydia's pastry chef," she responded in a matter of fact tone as she started mixing ingredients.
"And Lydia," Alec turned towards his friend. "How do you feel about one of your assistants interviewing for me, and potentially leaving your services?"
He really wanted to know what his friend thought on the matter, because even if this girl was good, he'd never steal an employee away from Lydia.
"I was the one who added her to the interview list, and called her in right after that disastrous interview we had to sit though," Lydia shrugged as if it didn't bother her at all. "Emma's good, and you need a good pastier for your staff. Her talents are wasted as an assistant."
"Lydia," Emma suddenly spoke up. "Would it be alright to use some of the dough I prepped yesterday to make a french loaf with? If I made it from scratch right now, it would end up flat seeing as the yeast won't have time to rise."
"Of course you can," Lydia smirked, winking at her assistant.
"You planned this didn't you?" Alec huffed out a laugh once Emma was out of sight. "You sneaky little brat."
"You know I did," Lydia responded unapologetically. "Emma is great, and if I weren't the pastry chef, she'd have my job."
"Should I just go ahead and hire her, or do you want to continue to have the poor girl work for it?" Alec raised an eyebrow, amused at his friend.
"Make her work for it, it'll be good for her," Lydia laughed, causing the three men beside her to shake their heads.
"You are an evil woman," Raphael said. Eronte nodding his head in agreement.
They all continued to chat with Emma while she worked. Eventually, she graced them with her freshly baked goods, and Alec hired her on as he knew he would. He did inform her that she could choose her assistant, and told her what the budget was for hiring them. Emma, having the best idea that Alec had heard all day, suggested that they interview at the three Culinary schools in the area, and offer the position as an internship. That way they could save money on getting free help, and using it as a learning experience for the students.
"I do have to ask," Emma said, nervously fidgeting as she cleaned her work station. "What is your policy on employee romance? I know some kitchens have a zero tolerance on coworkers dating."
"Uh,"Alec rubbed the back of his neck, feeling rather uncomfortable about the sudden change in topic. "W-why do you ask?"
"Well," Emma blew out a breath, looking down at her feet. "You kinda hired my boyfriend earlier this week. Jules and I have been friends since we were in diapers and together since high school. I couldn't take a job if it meant leaving him."
"Jules?"Alec asked, looking through his employee list, not recognizing the name anywhere.
"Julian Blackthorne," Emma clarified.
"Oh!" Alec said in surprise. "Well, you've been together this long, I don't see why it would be an issue. Just make sure that the two of you realize that as soon as you step foot in my kitchen, you're coworkers, and not significant others." Alec was about to say 'lovers', but the fact that these kids were just a few years older than Max made him choose a different description. Alec shuddered at the thought, Max was still a baby, and these kids were already starting to grow on Alec. He felt like a father, needing to shield these children from adulthood.
The rest of the interviews consisted of the wait staff, bartenders, and other kitchen staff. Alec was surprised when he noticed who was applying for the kitchen porter positions. Spencer and Logan helped Alec out during his first dinner party when he'd been working for Magnus. Already fond of those two kids, Alec hired them immediately. Lindsay, Eronte's girlfriend, was hired by Raphael within the first five minutes of her interview. He even made her his Front of House manager. Raphael then hired on a woman named Lily Chen as his head bartender, letting her know that she would also be a support to Lindsay when needed.
By the end of the week, Alec, Raphael, and Eronte felt confident in their staffing choices. Alec finally felt that he could breathe at the thought that these interviews were finally behind him.
Hey guys, so I know it's been four months, and I apologize about that. I appreciate everyone who has stuck with this story, and hasn't given up on it. As you all know, working, and adulting sucks, but it's a necessary evil. I don't want to say that my work hours are slowing down, because everytime I say that, shit hits the fan. I usually average roughly 65 hours a week, which leaves very little time for my hobby. Just bare with me a bit more. And leave a review/comment to let me know what you think of the chapter. Love you all!
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