New Possibilities

  Warning: Briefly mentions drug overdose. 

  Stretching, Magnus glanced around Alexander to see what time it was, and was surprised to see that it was just after ten in the morning. Alexander was laying in the same position that he'd fallen asleep in, head on Magnus' chest, with his arm wrapped securely around his lover's waist, and a leg thrown over one of Magnus'. In general, Magnus had never been one to cuddle throughout the night. Camille was the only person Magnus had ever lived with, and she didn't like feeling constricted - or at least that's what she told him. Magnus tightened his hold on Alexander immediately, thinking of Camille's betrayal. When they started their relationship, Magnus had been adamant about not forming feelings or evolving their relationship beyond sex, but he'd failed. Instead, Alec had been the first person since Camille that Magnus had been able to open his heart up to. He hadn't been lying last night when he said that he'd never leave Alexander, but he was still terrified of what they'd inadvertently started building.

Eventually Magnus extracted himself from Alexander's vice like grip, got up, slipped on his t-shirt, and went to the kitchen and made coffee. With a fresh cup of coffee in hand, Magnus grabbed his phone on his way out to the balcony, and relaxed on the couch soaking up the morning August sun.

Magnus sighed as he noticed the barrage of texts from their group chat. Raphael had apparently taken it upon himself to cancel their standing Saturday night plans, as well as informing the others that Alexander wasn't feeling well. Thinking about Alexander, and the way he would inevitably be feeling when Magnus finally woke him up, Magnus sent off a quick text to Raphael to come over and help him make breakfast. Not for the first time, Magnus was frustrated with himself for not knowing how to cook decently enough to not rely on other people to feed him.

Not long after he sent the text, there was a light knock on the door. Getting up quickly, Magnus answered it.

"Hey," Raph said in greeting. "I've been waiting for you two to wake up. Where's Alec? How's he feeling this morning?"

It warmed Magnus' heart that Raphael thought so highly of Alexander. Raphael didn't warm up to people often, and yet he took an instant liking to Alec.

"He's still asleep," Magnus whispered. "I didn't want to wake him until the food was ready."

Nodding, Raphael and went straight to the kitchen and got to work. Once their meal was ready, Magnus went to wake up Alec.

Upon seeing his lover, Magnus' heart swelled and he couldn't help but smile. Alexander was hugging a pillow, and laying on his stomach with one leg out from beneath the covers and small snores were being muffled by the pillow. Crossing the room, Magnus sat at the edge of the bed, gently rubbing Alexander's back to coax him awake.

"Darling," Magnus whispered, his lips grazing the shell of Alec's ear. "Breakfast is ready. Come and eat."

"Magnus," Alexander slurred, eyes fluttering open. "You're still here," he said with a sleepy smile.

"Of course I'm here. I promised I wouldn't leave remember," Magnus responded, his own smile creeping up at how happy Alexander seemed to be that he'd stayed.

Magnus kissed Alec's temple, then stood to give him enough room to get up. Magnus headed out of the room, but quickly frowned at Alexander's groan. Looking back, Magnus saw him sitting at the edge of the bed, head in his hands, and could guess the hangover was the cause of Alexander's distress. He quickly remembered the water and pain relievers he'd left on the bedside table, and handed them to Alexander. Alec gave Magnus a shy smile in acceptance and took them.

"Come darling, Raphael made breakfast. That should help with the hangover as well," Magnus said, then reached into the drawer underneath the bed and pulled out another pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt for Alexander to wear. Magnus would love to watch Alec walk around naked all day, though he didn't want Raphael - or anyone for that matter - to see what was his.

"Raph stayed the night, too?" Alexander asked as he dressed.

"No," Magnus laughed. "He came back over this morning once I messaged him."

Nodding, Alec made his way out of the room, Magnus following closely behind.

"What's up buttercup?" Magnus heard Raphael say... loudly. Magnus snickered as he rounded into the kitchen just in time to see Alexander grab the side of his head and groan.

"Shh. Do you have to be so loud?" Alec moaned in pain.

"Yes I do," Raph said indignantly. "Now eat up so you can tell us why you decided to go out and get solo drunk last night."

Magnus did not laugh at the affronted look that quickly took residence on Alexander's face. No he did not.

"These are the people I choose to hang out with," Magnus heard Alec mutter under his breath as he sat at the island and started to eat.

"Yes," Magnus said, unable to keep the amusement out of his voice. "And we're currently taking care of your hungover ass."

Alexander just continued to eat, the only indication he'd heard Magnus was a slight grunt. Magnus and Raph shared a look, both clearly amused. Magnus began eating alongside Alec while Raph started washing the dishes he'd used.

"Yesterday was an all out shitty day," Alexander began after a few minutes of silence. "It started with the rejections Luke called me about for the design of the bistro. So that was hours coming up with a new layout with Luke's architect. And it means we have to wait even longer before they can start working in there." Alec sighed while rubbing his temples. " Then when I went to my parents house last night, mom told me to go to the library and visit with my dad while she finished up dinner. Nothing too abnormal right? Wrong! When I walked in there stood none other than Jace and Isabelle. I was so pissed! I tried to leave, but mom cornered me and made me speak to them. She essentially threatened that I wasn't allowed to leave until we made up.

"Had my mom just given me a heads up - or at least asked me to talk to them - I would've done it, if for no other reason than because she's my mom," Alexander said, standing up pacing and running his hands through his thick hair. "But oh no, she decided to blindside me instead!"

"So... what did they say to you?" Raphael asked after a long tense silence. Magnus shot him a glare. He knew Alexander needed to gather his thoughts before he spoke.

"Well, Izzy essentially flung herself at me and kept apologising. I held her back from me and Jace started talking," Alec said as he sat back down. "I was so pissed off that I didn't let him speak. Needless to say, it was about then that I just lost it."

"What did you say?" Magnus couldn't help but ask surprised. Alexander was probably the most level headed person he knew. Judging by the widening of Raphael's eyes, he was thinking the same.

"For starters, I refused to call him Jace," Alec said with a slight chuckle. "He's always hated when family would call him Jonathan. No one calls him that unless they're upset with him. He asked me to stop, but I threw back in his face that he didn't think of me as family. I'm not sure we are even really friends at this point."

"Didn't your parents adopt him?" Raph asked, Magnus sent another glare towards his friend. Magnus felt that Raph was being too intrusive.

"They did," Alec said carefully. "But that wasn't why. It was at that engagement party Jace had Magnus throw. During an argument Jace made some snide comment about a nice family dinner that didn't include me. So that's why I refused to call him Jace. I know it's petty, but I couldn't help it. I think I just wanted to make him feel the same pain he inflicted on me to begin with.

"I didn't exactly hold anything back with them. I pretty much told them both what I've been wanting to say to them since the fallout.," Alec added.

"Did Jace tell you what his motives were for treating you like shit?" Raph asked. Magnus just sat back, listened, and processed everything. This was the most Alexander had talked about his siblings since the engagement party gone wrong.

"He says his PR rep manipulated him," Alec said, rolling his eyes.

"You don't believe that?" Magnus asked thoughtfully. In fact, he was slightly shocked that Alec didn't believe Jace. After hearing what Max said the night that Jace lost his shit, Magnus honestly believed that Victor Aldertree did a thorough job at manipulating Jace, and Magnus knew what that feeling was like.

"You can only allow yourself to be manipulated, if deep down you held those same thoughts," Alec narrowed his eyes and responded coldly. "Just like Izzy allowed Jace to do the same to her."

"What was Isabelle's excuse?" Raph knit his brows together, and said, "all you've really done was talk about Jace so far."

Alec groaned, rested his elbows on the table, and put his forehead in his hands.

"Do you need some more pain killers?" Magnus asked, concerned that the first dose wasn't helping.

"No, I'm fine," Alec gave Magnus a warm smile and waved off his concern. Magnus could see Raphael smirking out of the corner of his eye.

"But to answer your question, Raph, every time he called her, Jace would throw in comments about the attention I was getting at her wedding. She claimed that she didn't think anything of it at first, but the more Jace talked about it, the more annoyed she got," Alec paused and huffed out a breath. "Then she started making snide comments to me whenever we were around each other. It got better after a while, but her barbs still hurt. When I asked why she didn't just talk to me about it, she claimed that she didn't want to cause a fight because I was living with her and Simon."

"Ouch," was Raphael's response. "How did you handle that confession?"

"I may have compared her to a petulant child and told her to start acting like the adult she's supposed to be," Alec stated simply. Magnus couldn't really argue there.

"Anyway," Alec continued. "Jace asked if we were okay again. I basically told them both... basically no. I would play nice for our parents and when we're out in public together, but we will never have the relationship that we used to have. Then they told me that they'd do anything they can to make up for what they did." Alexander had this far away look about him. He then shook his head as if he were trying to clear his thoughts, and added, "I just don't think there's anything that can be done. I just feel like that for the rest of my life, I'm constantly going to be wondering if I'm doing something to make them jealous of me again. I know it doesn't make any sense, but I really feel like I'm going to be insecure whenever I'm around them."

"Oh, darling," Magnus said, reaching out to grip Alexander's hand.

Magnus had figured out a while ago that Alec wasn't totally secure with himself. He had always been confident in his job, but was always reserved in his personal life. Just from what Magnus had witnessed, Alexander didn't do well with compliments, and was always trying to downplay his achievements. Now Alexander would have to deal with a whole new set of insecurities. At that moment, Magnus vowed that he would do whatever he could to support and lift Alec's confidence.

"It's okay, Magnus," Alexander said, squeezing Magnus' hand and giving him a sad smile. "I'll get over it eventually."

"You shouldn't have to get over anything," Raphael exclaimed, slamming his fist against the table causing both Magnus and Alec to jump. Magnus was so busy lost in Alexander's eyes, that for a moment, he forgot that Raphael was even in the room. "Your brother and sister have no right to make you think that you're less than them," Raph intoned.

"They may not have done it intentionally, but it's there nonetheless," Alec replied with a shrug.

"True," Magnus said, pausing to collect his thoughts. "But as long as you're in ours lives, we will insure that you are important."

"I agree with Magnus on this one," Raph pointed out, a smug smile lighting up his face.

"I don't care if I'm important though," Alec quickly replied. "I just don't want to have to constantly worry that I'm overshadowing them somehow."

"One of the things that I've learned throughout the years is that no one person is more important than another," Magnus sighed thinking about the stunt he pulled back in high school when he outed Alexander. "No one has the right to treat anyone else as if they're inferior, and in an ideal world, everyone should treat everyone else with the respect they deserve."

"However, we don't live in an ideal world," Raphael countered. "But one thing you can do is take whatever anyone else throws at you with a grain of salt. Just remember that you are important to those who care about you. Jace and Isabelle may have treated you like shit, but I'm sure that deep down they do love you. I'm not saying that you should just bend over and take whatever shit they handed out to you, but use this as a learning tool and use this incident as an opportunity to actively communicate with them from this point on."

"Raph, can I ask you a personal question?" Alec asked, but quickly added, "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"Ask away," Raphael said, his eyes softening when his gaze met Alexander's. Magnus did not feel a surge of jealousy at that look, no he did not! Oh who was he kidding. He totally did. "Alec, you're becoming one of my best friends, you can ask me anything."

That statement dissolved Magnus' jealousy right there. Raphael had never taken to an 'outsider' the way he had with Alexander. It had even took Raphael a while to warm up to Ragnor, Catarina, and himself.

"When your brother took over your parents restaurant and destroyed everything your parents worked towards, how did you get past that?" Alexander took a deep breath. "Did you ever resolve yourself to forgive your brother for doing that?"

"It was hard at first," Raphael said after a contemplative silence. "That restaurant meant so much to my entire family. In fact, that's all I'd ever cared about. When Matias fired us all, I was understandably upset. I refused to speak to him for years. Then when I found out that he was going bankrupt and needed to sell the restaurant... I felt as if my entire childhood was being ripped away from me. He took over the business at the beginning of my junior year in high school - just remember I'm the youngest of six kids - and by the middle of my second year of college, he sold off the business. No one else in my family took the news as hard as I did, but I think that was mostly because I spent all of my free time in that restaurant. I was practically raised in that place!"

"But how did you move past that?" Alec asked.

"Eventually I realized that Matias was just trying to do too much too fast. He explained what he was trying to do - and his ideas were great - but they couldn't be sustained over such a short period of time. Because I knew that his heart was in the right place I was able to forgive him," Raph explained. "Just like with Jace and Isabelle, they were both misguided, but I do think they love you very much. Siblings don't always get along, but it's up to you as to how you deal with things. I'm not trying to justify their actions - because they treated you like shit - but what I'm saying is that they are your family, and no matter what, they will be in your life forever."

Alexander groaned and put his head down on the table.

"Talk to me Alec," Raph said.

"I'm just too hungover to deal with my brother and sister right now," Alexander's voice was muffled by the table and his arms. Magnus and Raphael chuckled in response.

"You don't have to deal with anything right now," Raph said, laughter still evident in his voice. "As of right now, just try to deal with the hangover. You can think about what you want to do about Jace and Izzy later. You have every right to take as long as you need to decide if it's even worth forgiving them."

Raphael patted Alexander on the shoulder and collected the dishes to be washed. Magnus went to the medicine cabinet and grabbed some more pain killers for Alec's headache. As Raphael's back was to them, Magnus took that time to card his fingers through Alexander's hair and quickly kissed his cheek. Alexander looked up at him with a smile before taking the pills.

"Well, I'm going to head out," Raph announced as he was drying his hands after finishing the dishes. "I have a few things to get done today. I'll call later to check in on you Alec. If you need anything while I'm out, feel free to give me a call. I already told the gang that plans for tonight were cancelled on the account that you weren't feeling well."

"Thanks, Raph," Alexander said, getting up and moving to Raphael's side. "You didn't need to go through all this trouble for me." Alec reached over, and gave Raph a back slapping hug. Magnus was truly shocked that Raph returned the gesture. He was never one for physical contact, even from Ragnor who was always closest to Raph. This was just further proof of how much Raphael accepted Alec into their group of friends.

"It was nothing," Raph said, smiling at his friend. "I'd never seen you drunk before, so I didn't want to add to your hangover by still feeling the need to entertain tonight. Max was a bit worried, but I talked to him. He said that he'll call you tomorrow."

"Thanks, man," Alec said with a nod, patting Raphael on the shoulder before walking him out.

"Do you mind if I borrow Magnus for a minute?" Raphael asked, grinning at the confused look Alexander was giving him.

"Of course not, why would I mind that?" Alex asked confused. Magnus sent Raphael another pointed look. It felt like Magnus had been doing that quite a bit today.

"I'll be right back," Magnus said while making his way out of the apartment, closing the door gently.

"What do you want, Raph?" Magnus asked softly. He assumed that Raphael wanted to talk to him without Alexander overhearing anything.

"I want you to talk to him, Magnus," Raph said sternly. "No excuses. He clearly feels the same about you as you do him. I could see it in the way you two were looking at each other. Hell, at one point you both were so caught up with each other that you both forgot that I was sitting right in front of you!"

"Raph," Magnus said in exasperation. "He's already dealing with so much right now with Jace and Isabelle. I don't want to add to his stress."

"Alec is a lot stronger than you think. In fact, I honestly think that if you both confess your feelings towards one another, it'll even eliminate some of his stress," Raph stated leaving no argument, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Fine. I hope you're right about this," Magnus said, and Raphael smiled.

"Now go in there and get your man," Raph ordered Magnus before sauntering back to his apartment.

Back inside Alec's loft, Magnus found him in the kitchen putting away the dishes.

"Hey," Alexander said, looking back at Magnus. "Is everything okay?"

"Oh, yeah. Raph just had to few things to go over with me," Magnus said, waving off Alec's concern. "So, what do you want to do for the rest of the day?"

"Magnus," Alec walked over to him and wrapped his arms around Magnus' waist, looking up at him. "You don't have to stay with me if you've got other things to do. I appreciate everything you and Raph have done so far, but I don't want to keep you from anything."

"I'm exactly where I want to be, darling," Magnus said as he wound his arms around Alexander's shoulders, bending down and kissing him. It was a slow, languid kiss; Magnus pulled away before it could become heated. Alexander didn't need to do anything to exert himself while being hungover. "Why don't you take a nap. It'll help you feel better."

"Sure," Alec said, kissing Magnus once more. "But only if you nap with me."

"I would love nothing more," Magnus knew he was smiling like an idiot, as he led Alexander up to his room and laid down with him. Alexander pulled Magnus into his embrace and immediately fell asleep. Magnus following soon after.


Magnus woke to Alexander moving around in the bed. Groaning, Magnus pulled his lover back to him causing Alec to chuckle, but relax back in Magnus' embrace.

"What were you doing up?" Magnus asked, his lips pressed against the back of Alexander's neck. He could feel Alec shiver underneath him.

"When I woke up and my mouth tasted like something died in there, so I had to get up long enough to brush my teeth," Alec said simply, snuggling closer to Magnus.

"How are you feeling?" Magnus moved his hand to start running his fingers through his lovers hair. That was one of Magnus' favorite things to do. Alexander's hair was always so soft, and the action always seemed to have a calming effect on both of them.

"Hmm," Alexander hummed, most likely from the petting. "My head still hurts, but no where near as bad as earlier. And I'm not nauseous anymore."

"I didn't know you were feeling sick," Magnus said, briefly stopping his motion. "Darling, I wish you'd said something earlier."

"It's fine," Alexander said as he turned to face Magnus, lifting his hand to cup Magnus' jaw. "I didn't get sick, so there was no need to vocalize it."

"How are you feeling?" Magnus asked, turning his head to kiss the inside of Alexander's palm.

"You already asked me that," Alexander responded with a smile and a slight laugh.

"No," Magnus said shaking his head, realizing that Alec misunderstood what he was asking. "I meant, how are you feeling emotionally?"

"Oh," Alexander paused to think, his brows creasing. "Honestly, I don't know how I feel. Like I told you and Raph earlier, I don't know how I can ever forgive them. And I don't know how I'm not going to feel worried or insecure whenever someone asks about me from this point on. I just..." Alec eyes downcasted, and Magnus picked up his hand, entwining their fingers. "I don't know how I could ever forgive them when I know that at some point, somewhere deep down in the back of their mind that they truly harbored those jealousies towards me."

Magnus took a moment before responding. He needed to figure out a way to convince Alexander to eventually forgive Jonathan and Isabelle. When Max came to Magnus, Catarina, Ragnor, and Raphael, and told them everything that Jace had been through, Magnus had been hell bent on helping Max get the rest of the Lightwood siblings to reconcile. Magnus knew he needed to find a way to get Alec to see that his situation wasn't that bad, but Magnus wasn't sure if he wanted to open up his own old wounds in order to do so. On the other hand, if Magnus were to ever have a relationship with Alexander beyond sex, they'd end up talking about it anyway, and there was the probability that Alexander had already researched Magnus and knew of his past that way. Indeed, it was rare that Magnus met people who didn't know about his past in some shape or another, thanks to the internet.

"I really don't think you have to worry about that, darling," Magnus said, then without meeting Alexander's eyes took a deep breath. "You know about my past, don't you? The scandal that made the press a few years ago?"

"No," Alexander replied knitting his brows, causing Magnus to look up in surprise.

"Y-you don't?" Magnus couldn't help but ask. "You didn't research me... at all?"

"No," Alec stated, shaking his head. "I would never betray your trust like that, Magnus. I didn't want to read about you in news and tabloid articles, because usually they aren't true and don't give you the full story, but also because I would have rather learned about your past straight from the source. I figured that if there was something about you that you'd want me to know, you'd tell me in your own time."

Magnus looked at Alexander with tears filling his eyes. This amazing, beautiful man chose to learn the truth about Magnus as opposed to reading about whatever was written in the papers. Alexander's actions just proved to Magnus that he could confide his story.

"Alexander, you are truly extraordinary," Magnus sighed out, his voice thick with emotion. "Well, I should start from the beginning then."

"Magnus, you don't have to talk about your past. You don't owe me anything," Alexander said, raising up, lifting his hand to stroke Magnus' cheek.

"I know, but I want you to know everything about me. The good, bad, and ugly," Magnus said straightening up in the bed, moving so that he was sitting up leaning against the headboard. Alexander following suit.

"I wasn't born here in the States," Magnus started, looking straight ahead at the painting of the Brooklyn Bridge that was hanging on the other side of the studio apartment. Willing himself to focus on that instead of the horrid memories that were starting to pull to the forefront of his mind. "I was born in Indonesia. My mother was the only child of a prominent businessman who was placed as the head of the Indonesian branch of Bane Records. My mother had just married the son of a politician the year prior. It was actually an arranged marriage. Her husband's father claimed that if my mother and his son marry, my maternal grandfather would hold a position in their families office. When my mother's father-in-law was elected, the man backed down on the offer he made to my grandfather. My biological father wanted this branch of Bane Records to be the Asian headquarters for the production company, and when he met my grandfather he'd practically offered him the position on the spot. My grandfather - being grateful for the position - offered to host Asmodeus for dinner that evening where he met my mother. My mother's husband wasn't able to make the dinner, but apparently that only worked in my father's favor.

"My father ended up spending three months helping get the branch started, and supposedly fell in love with my mother, causing them to start an affair. My mother was stuck in a loveless marriage to a very dishonorable family. She tried to file for a divorce, but her husband's parents didn't want to start a scandal with her father-in-law being in his new position. From what my mother told me, she found out that she was pregnant with me about a month after my father came back to the States. This caused an outrage with her in-laws because my mother's husband wasn't capable of fathering children. They ended up telling the public that my mother and stepfather used a fertility clinic so my mother could have a child.

"My mother eventually told Asmodeus about me, but he claimed that he wanted nothing to do with a child. He was trying to build his empire, and didn't have time to help raise me. My father did financially support my mother, but my stepfather and his parents wanted nothing to do with me. I was told that his parents would bring me out for social and political events - because who doesn't like babies, right - but my childhood was very lonely. My mother loved me very much, but was barely able to take care of me because she was diagnosed with lymphoma. My stepfather hired nannies to take care of me while my mother was ill. My grandfather died of a heart attack about six months before my mother passed away.

"I had just turned eight years old when she died. The day after my mothers funeral, my stepfather put me on a plane to New York. He told me that we were going to visit a 'very nice man'," Magnus scoffed at that, though it seemed that once he started on his life story, he could no longer stop talking about it. "Once we landed, my stepfather pinned something to my shirt and took me to an apartment. He then knocked on the door, told me to be good, then he left me there. A man, who I would later learn was my father, opened the door, read the note - which stated 'His mother's dead, he's your problem now', and sent me straight to the housekeeper. I couldn't speak English yet, but my father hired tutors for me and by the time I was old enough to start middle school, I was educated enough to attend. That's where I met Ragnor and Catarina and Raphael.

"My father didn't want anything to do with me for years, but as I got older, he realized that I could be used for his financial gain. He saw that I had an ear for music, so he would send me all over the world during breaks in school to scout out new talent. That was when I met Imasu. He had an amazing voice. I recorded his demo and sent it to my father, then I brought him home so my father could bargain a contract for Imasu. I know I've already told you about how things ended with Imasu, so I won't go back into it.

"Then there was Etta," Magnus said, taking his time with how much he wanted to tell Alexander, but chose to tell him everything. "I met Etta during our first year in college-"

"Wait," Alexander said, sitting up further. "The woman who was my realtor?"

"Yes," Magnus laughed, not realizing that he needed the distraction from talking about his mother. "The very same. Anyway, she and I started dating after a few months of meeting one another. But it wasn't long before she wouldn't stop talking about marriage and children. I loved her very much, but we were only nineteen years old at the time. I told her that we both needed to finish school and start our careers before we thought about anything else. She didn't like that answer and left me. We've obviously stayed friends throughout the years, but we weren't compatible as a couple. After her, I dated around quite a bit, but no one ever stuck.

"Then I met Camille Belcourt," Magnus' breath hitched just bringing up her name. "I met Camille at a charity event. She was probably the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. She and I started dating, and she was the sweetest person I'd ever met. I confided in her more than I had anyone else, and that was including my best friends. Her true colors started coming through after a while though. She started becoming manipulative, always hitting me in my weak spots. I wanted to end things with her so many times, but she would use my insecurities to her advantage. She eventually wormed her way into my home permanently. After living with her for a few months she became verbally abusive. The abuse just wouldn't stop. Catarina convinced me to seek help and get rid of Camille, but then I found out that Camille was pregnant. After finding out, my father ordered me to marry her."

Magnus looked at Alexander when he heard him suck in an audible breath, "S-so you ended up married to a monster?" Alexander asked, tone incredulous.

"I did," Magnus said with a nod, looking back at the painting he'd been fixated on since the beginning of his tale. "We were married for a month when I found out that she had been sleeping with quite literally anyone with a dick, my father included. I had just taken over Bane Records full time so my father could retire, and had a few work related questions for him. He wasn't answering his phone so I went to his house. His household staff had already left for the day, but I looked everywhere for him. When I didn't find him at his house I went home. I had just purchased a brownstone that would've been big enough for a family right before the wedding. Camille picked it out and decorated it the way she wanted it. I personally didn't care, just mourned the fact that I was stuck in a loveless marriage for the rest of my life, just like my mother was. But when I got home, I found Camille and my father naked in my bed. Th-they were both dead," Magnus started to sob. He felt the bed shift, and Alexander's arms wrapped around him, pulling Magnus close to his chest. Magnus could vaguely hear Alexander soothing him while he cried.

"Shh, Magnus," Alexander soothed. "You don't have to talk about it."

Magnus gained his composure after a few more minutes, and pulled out of Alec's embrace. Wiping at his eyes, Magnus gave a watery smile to his love, but shook his head.

"No, it's fine. I thought I was over it," Magnus said eventually. "I want you to know everything, Alexander."

"Okay," Alec said, his hand rubbing the apples of Magnus' cheeks, and leaned over placing a gentle kiss to Magnus' forehead.

"The medical examiner said that they both injected a heroin cocktail. Whoever sold the drug to them mixed the heroin with drain cleaner. The medical examiner also told me that Camille was not, and never had been pregnant. Then a few days after the funeral, a detective came and told me that my marriage to Camille was never legal. Apparently Camille was already married to someone else.

"Alec," Magnus said, looking into Alexander's eyes. "Camille was married to my father."

"Jesus, Magnus," Alec said, his Adam's apple bobbing. "That's awful!"

"I've never known unconditional love, aside from my mother, Ragnor, Cat, and Raph," Magnus continued. He needed Alexander to know the broken state of his heart. "But based off everything you've told me about them before the fall out, it seemed like you and your siblings were so close, closer than best friends. Jace especially. I've never had a loving family, or siblings to bond with before, but I can tell that you all had a very solid bond before Victor Aldertree came into Jace's life. Please consider reconciling when you're ready to do so, and not a moment before. I know what it's like to be manipulated, and you can't fault them for falling prey to someone like that."

"Okay," Alec said, pulling Magnus back to his side and kissing the top of his head. "I'll consider it. Thank you for telling me about your past, and I hate that your father and Camille did that to you."

"Yeah," Magnus scoffed. "They're the reason I refused to date... up until now."

"Up until now?" Alexander said. Magnus stiffened and turned to face him, he could feel his heart pounding over what he was about to confess.

"Yes, Alexander. Up until now," Magnus had to force himself to maintain eye contact. "I don't want to continue our friends with benefits relationship." Magnus saw the moment when his words registered with Alec. His entire face fell - the moment was quick - but Magnus still saw it, "I've developed feelings for you, Alexander. I don't want to just sleep with you anymore; I want to take you out on dates, hang out with our friends as a couple without hiding, and I want to call you mine. My boyfriend."

Magnus sat there, nervously - watching and waiting - for Alexander to reject him. His face remained passive, but Magnus could tell Alec was processing everything that was said in that beautiful mind of his.

"If you don't feel the same, I understand," Magnus' tone hitched, but continued, "Nothing else has to change with us if you don't want to be in a relationship. You're still one of my best friends, I'll figure out a way to get ov-"

Magnus wasn't able to finish his rant before Alexander's lips were on his, tackling Magnus to the bed. The kiss was rough and hard, filled with desperation, desire, and raw need. Magnus loved the feel of Alexander's weight against him, all muscle and hard edges. Magnus spread his legs, making it more comfortable for Alexander to lay flush against him. Bucking his hips, Magnus moaned when his hard member brushed Alec's straining erection.

"Yes, Magnus," Alexander said breathlessly, once the need for air arose. "Of course I'll be your boyfriend."

Alexander's smile was brilliant and made his cerulean eyes sparkle. Magnus was sure that he was sporting a similar expression. Magnus grabbed the front of Alexander's shirt to pull him back in for another kiss. Alexander giggled, causing Magnus to swoon at his adorableness as their lips reconnected. This kiss wasn't quite as passion filled as the last one, it was more languid and controlled.

They were so absorbed in each other that neither of them noticed the door open. It wasn't until the newcomer cleared his throat that they both jumped. 


Sneak Peek

"Hey dad," Alec smiled nervously at his father as they greeted each other with hugs.

"Come on in, son," Robert said as he opened the door wider. "Everyone's in the living room."

Alec walked in and was quickly greeted by Simon, Clary, Max, and his mom. He looked around, but didn't spot Jace or Isabelle in the room.

"Hey guys!" Alec exclaimed as he greeted them all, his nerves slowly dissipating. Moving forward, he went to give his mom a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Are you still mad at me?" Maryse whispered in his ear.

"No, mom," Alec sighed. "I was upset about you setting it up without talking to me about it first. I don't like to be blindsided, but I'm not mad."

"Okay good," Maryse said with a small smile. "And I'm sorry I didn't warn you. I should have known better than to go behind your back the way I did. I was just afraid you would have shot the idea down if I'd asked you outright."

"Alec!" he heard Isabelle's voice behind him, the butterflies returning full force. Jace and Izzy were walking in, each carrying a tray of hor devours.

"Isabelle," Alec greeted with a quaver in his voice, nodding his head towards her, then looked directly at Jace. "Jonathan."

Jace didn't even attempt try to hide the hurt look on his face, and Alec knew the cause. Jace hated his family using his full name. Alec knew he shouldn't be so petty, but he couldn't help it.

The long silence was filled with enough tension that you could cut it with a knife. It seemed that everyone felt it as well, as they all either fidgeted or shifted uncomfortably.

"How's your weekend been going so far?" Jace asked after clearing his throat.

"Fine," Alec curtly responded. "You?"

"Uh..." Jace said, scratching the stubble on the underside of his jaw. Alec knew that was a nervous gesture Jace had. Alec relished in the thought that at least Jace was just as nervous as Alec felt. "It's been okay. Pretty uneventful."

Nodding, Alec turned and took a seat next to Max. Jace and Izzy set the hor devours down on the coffee table and took their seats next to their partners.

"This isn't awkward at all," Max muttered sarcastically so only Alec could hear. Alec's only response was a slight chuckle and a nod in agreement.

"I'm just ready for this night to end," Alec whispered back. "I already miss our Friday night dinners with mom and dad."

"Yeah, me too," Max sighed. "Hopefully the tension will lessen as the weeks pass."

"Hopefully," Alec agreed. 

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