New Beginnings

 AN: So there are a couple of important things that need to be addressed before this chapter is read; first, my RL friend, and coworker, Kayda Charlemaigne asked if she could use some of my characters in a couple of her original stories. I of course, said 'sure', and I'm also tying in my story with her's as well. The character, James Smith aka Alex Maystarr, and Mia Spiers are original characters in her story, 'Castle of Teddy Bears' on Wattpad. Check her stories out, they're all really good. And the next thing is that I'm going to have to cut my updates down to once every other Friday until I can get caught up on my writing. Summertime with my job is hell, and I didn't think about that when I decided to post weekly. I'm hoping that by mid September, I can go back to weekly updates again.  

New Beginnings

Alec woke up earlier than usual the next morning feeling relaxed. It may have had something to do with the fact that today he was going to the bank to sign the paperwork for his loan, open his business account, and get his check. Then he was meeting with Etta to sign the lease for the bistro. With a smile, Alec supposed that his good mood could also be caused by the fact that he gave and received a mind blowing blow job recently, or just the fact that he knew that he was going to start having sex on a regular basis. He wasn't sure which option was the cause of his good mood, but he wasn't about to start complaining. This was the happiest Alec had been since his fight with Jace last month.

Alec walked into Magnus' kitchen ready to start his day when he found a note sitting on the island. Apparently Magnus was going to be working through his lunch hour, and requested Alec make him something that would be easy to eat while he worked. Alec started gathering everything he would need to make a salad. He had intended a steak for Magnus' dinner, but decided to cut it up and pan sear it, in order to top off the salad. This way, he reasoned, Magnus would get some protein with his lunch, not just roughage...

Magnus walked in just as Alec was making his breakfast, an omelet. "Good morning, Alexander."

"Morning," Alec said, handing Magnus his plate. "I made you salad with steak for lunch. I hope that's okay?"

Magnus took the omelet from Alec and placed it on the counter. He then pulled Alec in close by the waist and kissed him, hard. Alec was stunned at first, but quickly wrapped his arms around Magnus' neck and returned the kiss just as fiercely. Alec felt Magnus' tongue brush against his lips, and Alec eagerly opened up to allow entry, moaning at the sensation. His hand moved from Magnus' neck and cradled the side of Magnus' cheek, rubbing his thumb across the smooth skin of Magnus' jawline. Magnus in turn moved his hands from Alec's waist and cupped his ass, separating his cheeks. Alec then bucked his hips, letting out another wanton moan when his crotch rubbed against Magnus' thigh. Luckily for both men, they heard Helen humming, and quickly separated themselves before she entered the kitchen. Alec turned towards the sink to start washing the dishes, hiding his kiss swollen lips, the tent in his pants, and the blush he felt rising in his face. Magnus on the other hand didn't look phased at all. He just grabbed his plate, leaned against the counter beside Alec, and began eating his omelet.

"Good morning," Helen greeted them both, seemingly missing their heated makeout session.

"Good morning," Magnus and Alec responded simultaneously. Alec looked at Magnus, then they both burst into laughter.

"Wow," Helen said, sounding amused. Alec still couldn't bring himself to look at the girl. "You two really are in sync this morning, aren't you?"

"Well that's us," Magnus said chuckling. "We're so N'SYNC we could form a boyband."

Alec couldn't help the snort of laughter that escaped him, which led to him and Magnus doubling over laughing too hard to speak. If she only knew just how in sync they were before she walked in, she'd be scarred for life, Alec thought, smiling to himself.

"Okay," Helen said, looking at them like they've grown two heads. "You guys are acting weird so I'm gonna go."

"Bye," They both called out to her retreating form. Then Magnus picked up his breakfast to resume eating.

"So, what all do you have to do today?" Magnus asked. "I know you've told me, but I forgot."

"I'm going to sign the paperwork to finalize my loan and open my business account, then I'm going to meet my parents for lunch," Alec answered, indulging Magnus' forgetfulness. He could only hope it had been all the kissing that ruined Magnus's memory. "Then after lunch I'm meeting Etta to sign my lease, and I'll be back here for the rest of the day." Alec was still working on the dishes, his back to Magnus as he spoke. "What about you? You must be busy if you're working through your lunch."

"Ugh," Magnus groaned. "Don't remind me. I have a shareholders meeting first thing this morning, then Ragnor and I have some contracts to look over because I have this one artist who got himself arrested last night. I need Ragnor's legal expertise to see if it was anything to terminate his contract with the label, because I really can't stand the guy and I've been looking for a reason to get rid of him. Then I have an out of office meeting."

"Well damn," Alec said, looking up at Magnus. "That's gotta suck for the artist. Is it anyone I know?"

"Hm," Magnus thought for a moment. Alec wondered if Magnus could even tell him who it was, with confidentiality agreements and whatnot. "His name is James Smith, but you probably know him as Alex Maystarr."

Alec did recognise that name, and his eyes grew wide as saucers. "That relatively new artist that sings 'Castle of Teddy Bears'!"

"Ah yes," Magnus said, a light sarcastic tone lacing his voice. "Has that 'homeless Justin Beiber' look going for him. He's a real treat to work with."

Alec threw his head back in laughter, "He does look like a douche. His song's pretty damn good though."

"He didn't even write it!" Magnus exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. "He can't write a song to save his fucking life. Mia Spiers was the song writer. Bless her sweet soul, if she could actually carry a tune I would have signed her as an artist. But damn if she isn't an amazing song writer though."

"Does Mia have a contract with you to where she can only sell her songs to artists under your label, or is she..." Alec started moving his hands around trying to come up with the appropriate word. "More like a freelance writer? For lack of a better term?"

"She is freelance and sells her songs to the highest bidder, or if she writes a song solely with the intent of a certain artist in mind, she will sell the song specifically to that artist. However, if the artist says 'thanks, but no thanks' then she'll sell the song to someone else who has a similar sound," Magnus explained. Alec had no idea how any of that worked, so he was fascinated listening to Magnus explain it. "Though, most of her songs are sold to artists under my label, so I guess I have a bit of bias towards Mia."

Magnus looked at his watch and sighed, "Well, I must be off so I'm not late."

Magnus walked up to Alec - looked towards the entryway of the kitchen as if to make sure Helen wasn't around - and pulled Alec into a toe curling kiss. "I'll see you later? Maybe tonight we can finish what we started?" Then Magnus palmed Alec's crotch to emphasise his meaning.

"Fuck yes," Alec groaned out at the feeling of Magnus' hand on him. Magnus pulled him in for one last kiss, walked out of the kitchen with what seemed like a little more sway in his hips that drew Alec's eyes down to Magnus' perfect, perky ass.


Alec walked into Chase-Manhattan with a little extra pep in his step, and a box of macarons in his hands. He walked up to the Customer Relations counter and was greeted by a young man with a smiling face.

"Good morning, sir," the man greeted Alec with a thousand watt smile. "How may I help you today?"

"My name is Alexander Lightwood, and I have an appointment with Mr. and Mrs. Loss this morning," Alec returned the man's smile. Alec had to admit, the man - whose name tag read 'Ryan' - was very attractive. He had sandy blond hair, and light blue eyes. When he smiled, Alec saw that Ryan had one dimple on his right cheek.

"Ah, yes," Ryan nodded his head in much more enthusiasm than the situation required. Alec really didn't think his presence warranted that much enthusiasm, but it hardly mattered. "I'll let their secretary know that you've arrived."

Alec then took a seat in the lobby, gently tapping his fingers on the top of the box he was carrying while he waited. Luckily he didn't have to sit for too long.

"Good morning Alec," Mrs. Loss said, smiling as she approached, the exact same smile on her face that Cat had. Yesterday Alec was too nervous to notice, but now he realized that Cat looks like a carbon copy of her mother.

"Good morning, Mrs. Loss," Alec stuck his hand out to shake, but once again, Mrs. Loss pulled him into a bone crushing hug. When she released him, he turned to her husband.

"Mr. Loss, good morning," Alec said, and shook the man's hand.

Mr. Loss' eyes drifted down to the box Alec was holding, and his smile grew wider. "Please tell me there are some treats in there," he said as he pointed at the box.

Alec nodded his head in laughter and handed the box to Mr. Loss. "Yes sir. I have an assortment of macarons for you and Mrs. Loss."

"Wonderful! I can't wait to eat them," Mr. Loss opened the lid, and popped one in his mouth. "Mm, thish ish reawy goood," he continued with his mouth full. Alec inwardly cringed. Speaking with a mouth full of food was one of his biggest pet peeves. Mr. Loss then turned to Ryan, "Here, try one!"

"What flavors are they?" Ryan asked, suspiciously looking at the treats.

Alec walked closer so he could point out the flavors as he spoke, "I have lemon, pistachio is the green one. Then there's raspberry, red velvet, and vanilla."

Ryan selected a red velvet flavored one and took a tentative bite. Alec watching him for a moment and noticed his eyes growing wider as he ate. "These are so good! What are they called again?"

"They're called macarons," Alec informed him. "The cookie part is made out of meringue, and then there's the the filling. That can be clotted cream like what I filled the pistachio and lemon ones with; a ganache that I put in the vanilla ones, jam is the filling for the raspberry, and the red velvet that you tried, the filling is buttercream."

"Wow," Ryan said, "So are you like some sort of chef or something?"

Alec and the Loss' chuckled. "Something like that," he said with a smile.

"Alec here is opening up a bistro," Mrs. Loss said. "In fact, we really should get that loan agreement signed. Ryan, dear, you should get back to work."

With that, Alec followed Cat's parents back to their office where they went over the agreement in great detail. Alec asked a few questions in the process before he signed the documents. Before they were done, Alec also had new business bank accounts.

"Now, you'll let us know when you're opening is?" Mrs. Loss questioned.

"Yes ma'am," Alec answered. "I'll send you invitations to the Launch Party personally. I'll also contact you closer to the time to set up a day to bring samples for your employees. I know this is the main branch, but I'm sure we can work something out."

"Perfect, you make sure to do that Alec," Mr. Loss said with a gleam in his eye. Alec could practically see him salivating. "I have a feeling that Margarette and I will be frequent customers of yours."

"Thank you again," Alec said, giving Mrs. Loss a hug before shaking Mr. Loss' hand. "I'll make sure I keep in touch."

"Goodbye, dear," Mrs. Loss said, and Alec let himself out of their office.

As he made his way through the lobby, he heard someone calling his name. Alec turned around to see a blushing Ryan coming around from behind his desk area.

"What's up?" Alec asked, looking at his watch to see how much time he had before meeting his parents for lunch.

"I, uh," Ryan said, voice shaking slightly. "I just wanted to say, good luck. I studied finance in college, and I think that what you're doing is awesome - a bit risky - but awesome."

"Thanks?" Alec replied as if asking a question. "Why do you say it's risky?"

"Well, in my classes we learned about different business ventures, and starting a restaurant is one of the highests risked ventures," Ryan explained. Ah, Alec thought, this kid just graduated from college. Alec quirked an eyebrow and folded his arms over his chest. "You see, restaurants have so many things to factor in like health codes - which costs a fortune - to litigations. People try to sue for anything they can think of. The success rate of a restaurant is only like seventeen percent!"

"I am very much aware of all the risks, Ryan," Alec said, trying to contain his sigh so the kid didn't hear him. He was just dumping his textbook knowledge on Alec and he was trying to be patient with the guy. "I do know all of that, but I also have it all covered. I made sure to file all of the paperwork for LLC status."

"Oh!" Ryan exclaimed, looking a bit surprised but smiling nonetheless, nodding his head up and down looking like a damn bobble head. "That's good! That's really, really good."

"Well," Alec said, checking his watch again. "I've really gotta go. Thanks for the textbook advice kid."

"I'm twenty-four! I'm not a kid," Ryan blushed again. Jesus, this kid blushes more than me, Alec thought to himself. Alec raised his hands in mock surrender and give the kid a cheeky smile.

"My Bad," he said with a wink, and with that, Alec turned and walked away chuckling to himself.


Alec met his parents at a cute little Italian place that Maryse loved. He could remember coming here at least once a week when he was a kid. Back then Alec only ever order spaghetti and meatballs, but now his palate was far more refined. Today Alec ordered the veal chop milanese, a thin slice of breaded veal. For sides he chose the asparagus and mashed potatoes.

"So how did everything go today?" Maryse asked as she cut into her eggplant parmesan.

"It went well," Alec responded. "I still need to meet with the realtor to sign my lease agreement and pick up the keys. Then I'm going to call Luke and set up a time for him and the designer to meet me at the location to get the blueprints finalized."

"Good," Robert said with a proud smile. "I'm so happy that you've decided to go ahead with this so much sooner than you'd planned. Are you sure that you can manage it all financially though? Your mother and I are more than willing to help you out as long as you need us to."

"No dad," Alec knit his eyebrows and shook his head in protest. "I really want to do this on my own. Right now, I'm okay on the money front, but if down the line that changes, I'll let you know."

"That's all we ask, Alec," Maryse said. Alec could see the worry in her eyes, but he wished she wouldn't. There was no need for her worry.

"Mom," Alec grabbed her hand and could feel his eyes softening as he looked at his mother and spoke. "I promise you, if I find myself needing help of any kind, you and dad will be the first to know."

"Thank you," Robert said before turning back to his lunch.

"So, how does Max really feel about heading up the marketing for me?" Alec asked because he really wanted to know.

"Oh, it's all he ever talks about!" Maryse gushed, clearly proud of their youngest. "He's been so excited, making up mock up advertisements since the night you asked him."

"Thank god," Alec breathed out a sigh of relief. "I was worried that I may have asked too much of him. I really wanted him to do it, but I wasn't sure if he would want to."

Alec was truely relieved to hear the news. He wanted this project to be a bonding experience for him and Max.

"Were you really that worried?" Robert asked surprised, likely by Alec's expression.

"Yes. This is the last summer that he's going to be in high school, and I was worried this project would mean sacrificing his summer break," Alec explained, but it wasn't just that. After finding out that his other two siblings basically resented him, Alec was scared to learn whether or not Max would end up feeling the same way somewhere down the road.

"Are you kidding me?" Maryse said laughing. "For the last two years he's been interning with the company. This is his first year getting paid to do the job that he loves. He's ecstatic to be earning a wage this summer."

"Well, then I'm glad I inadvertently upgraded Max from a lowly intern to a paid intern," Alec's comment caused his parents to laugh even more. They sobered up, but then suddenly Maryse's expression turned more serious than she'd seen in a while.

"Will you be coming to dinner on Sunday?" she tentatively asked, which caused Alec's good mood to crumble to the ground.

"I'm sorry, momma," Alec mumbled, looking down at his plate. "I just can't face them yet. I know my absence hurts you both, but I still need more time before I can see them."

"We understand, son," Robert said and placed a hand over Alec's. "What Jace and Isabelle did was wrong. No one blames you for not wanting to be around them right now. Take all the time that you need."

"Thanks dad," Alec tried his best to smile at his parents, but he felt that it may have looked more like a grimace. "I would still appreciate not saying anything to them about what's going on in my life. I don't want to give them anymore reasons to resent me."

"I still don't like this," Maryse commented with a grave expression. "You three used to be so close. You were always there for each other. I just wish this feud would stop."

"I know mom," Alec placed the hand that Robert wasn't gripping on top of his mothers. "Maybe one day."

The whole thing about Jace and Izzy had never left Alec's mind, even if he acted unphased around other people. He was still very much hurt by Jace's words, however there was more going on than just that. Alec felt a deep seeded anger towards his siblings. The fact that they were so close growing up, accompanied with the fact that they told each other everything, made the situation that much worse for Alec. If there was ever anything that the other did that they didn't like, they would voice it. They wouldn't hold something like jealousy inside them, and that's what bothered Alec to the point of insanity some nights. He just wish they would have brought up what they felt before everything got out of control.

Jace verbally hurt Alec more so than Izzy. She'd made the occasional snide comments about him living with her and Simon, but Alec thought it was due to stress from school and she never outright said anything that would make him think that she was jealous of him. She always seemed so proud of the things he accomplished, not jealous. Isabelle's silence hurt Alec more than anything Jace could have ever vocalised.

The server picked up their plates and handed Robert the check. Alec tried to swipe the check away from his dad, but Robert was quicker than him, "It's my treat Alexander. You should know by now that we never make any of you pay for anything when we're around."

Alec only rolled his eyes at his dad's smug expression, and began to pout. "One of these days I'll be able to snatch the check before you."

Maryse laughed at Alec's petulance, while Robert smiled in triumph, eyes twinkling in the way that Alec had grown up knowing as his dad's mischievous side. "Son, as long as I'm on this earth and still breathing, your mother and I will always take care of you kids. Even if that means just paying for lunch."

Alec laughed at his dad's antics. He understood where Robert was coming from, knowing what his father went through when his grandparents disinherited him. Alec decided that he would let his father have his way.

The server brought Robert's credit card slip back and turned to Alec. "Excuse me sir?" The waitress said shyly, "Are you Alec Lightwood?"

Alec felt his eyes widen in surprise. This was the first time since he'd come back to the States that someone had recognized him. It felt odd to him that a stranger would come up and ask him who he was in public. He was recognized all the time when he was out and about in France, but never when he was at home. "Yes, how may I help you?"

"Well," the server said, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "The chef on duty today is a huge fan of yours. He's also my boyfriend, and I was wondering if he could come out here and meet you?"

Alec glanced at his watch, checking to see how much time he had left before he needed to meet Etta. "I'll tell you what, let me say goodbye to my parents and then I can meet your boyfriend. I'd love to tell him how much I enjoyed my meal anyway."

"Okay, great!" The girl squealed, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "I'll just be right over there when you're ready." She pointed to the server station located at the corner of her section.

"Does that happen often?" Maryse said when he turned back to his parents, voiced laced with humor, and a proud smile on her face.

"Not since I've been back home," Alec said with a laugh, shaking his head while still trying to wrap his mind around being recognised. "It happened every single time I stepped out of my door in Paris though."

"That explains why you were so calm at least," Robert said, pulling Alec into a hug. "Just keep an eye on the time, son. We wouldn't want you to be late signing your lease."

"I will," Alec pulled out of Robert's embrace, then pulled his mom into a hug and kissing the top of her head. "I love you guys. Have a good rest of your day."

He then turned to find the server. As promised, she was standing over by the work station looking like she was placing an order by the way she kept looking from the computer to her notepad. "So..." Alec said as he approached her looking for the girl's name tag, but not finding one.

"My name's Lindsey," she said with a friendly smile.

"Well, Lindsey. How about we go back to the kitchen and surprise that boyfriend of yours?" Alec asked, matching her smile. He loved going back to other kitchens; the hustle and bustle was 'home' to him.

"Oh, he is going to flip!" Lindsey's smile grew impossibly wider at his suggestion. "Follow me." With that, she turned and headed towards the double doors that Alec could only assume led back to the kitchen. "Wait right here. I don't know what he's doing at the moment, and even though I want to surprise him, I don't want him to burn or cut himself."

"Fair enough," Alec said. He certainly didn't want this guy to hurt himself just because Alec decided to surprise him in the kitchen where there were knives and stoves.

A few seconds later, Lindsey came around the corner and gestured for Alec. As he followed her through the kitchen, he noticed some of the other staff giving him odd looks. He could understand, it's not everyday that another chef visits a kitchen, especially in street clothes. When he walked over to the front line, Alec saw a tall, attractive dark skinned man shouting out orders to the line cooks.

"Hey Eronte," Lindsey said, trying to gain her boyfriends attention.

"Just a sec," Eronte said, inspecting the food being handed to him. Once he was finished he turned to another cook. "Steve on pass. Anne on the line. I'll be back in five."

There was a chorus of 'yes chef' before he left the pass and walked over to Lindsey with his brows furrowed. Alec could see that Eronte didn't quite recognize him, which would work towards Alec's advantage.

"Lindsey, what's going on?" Eronte asked. Before Lindsey could answer, Alec spoke up.

"Hi," he held his hand out for Eronte to shake. "I just wanted to come back and meet the great chef that made my meal." Eronte shook his hand, but still didn't piece together who Alec was. "My names Alec Lightwood."

Then Eronte's eyes grew wide as recognition hit, his mouth forming a perfect 'O'. It was quite the comical expression. "M-m-my n-n-n-names E-eronte. Oh my god! I'm shaking hands with my idol!"

Alec couldn't help the laughter bubbling up inside him. The guy looked like he just met a superstar or something. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Eronte. Your food was absolutely divine! My family and I have been coming here for years. How long have you been cooking?"

Eronte was apparently trying to relearn how to breath... or think... or come up with a coherent sentence. His mouth was opening and closing but no sound came out. He eventually gave up, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I've only been a chef for two years. I went to the local Community College and got an associates degree in culinary arts. Luigi was kind enough to give me a job when I graduated."

Alec knew that Luigi was the executive chef and owner of the restaurant. When Alec was younger, he'd gotten to know the man and indeed ended up spending quite a bit of time with him. "Ah yes, Luigi was kind enough to let me come down after school somedays and show me a few things."

"Seriously!" Eronte exclaimed. "Luigi told me that he 'taught the great Alexander Lightwood everything he knows', but I thought he was bluffing!"

Alec threw his head back in laughter. That sounded exactly like something the old man would say, "Well he did teach me everything I know about Italian food, so I'll give him credit for that."

Alec glanced at the wall clock in the kitchen and cringed. "I hate to cut this so short, but I really need to go. It was great meeting you Eronte."

"Thank you so much Mr. Lightwood," Alec cringed yet again, but this time it was because of the formal usage of his name. "Before you go, would you be willing to sign my chef's jacket?"

"Sure," Alec said, taking the sharpie marker that Eronte pulled from his jacket pocket. "As long as you never call me Mr. Lightwood again. Mr. Lightwood is my father." He chuckled knowing full well that his father preferred to be called Robert.

"Deal!" Eronte agreed instantly. Alec asked where Eronte wanted the signature, and the younger man pointed to the spot on the left side of his jacket , above the restaurants logo. Alec signed, shook Eronte's hand, and promised to come back again. He made a mental note to come back and surprise Luigi as well. It would be good to see the onry old man again.

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