Meeting The Family... Officially

Magnus woke to the smell of bacon, sighing he realized how much he loved waking up to that smell. Though, he tensed when he realized that the only person who could've been doing the cooking was asleep right next to him.

"Darling," Magnus whisper yelled, nudging Alexander to wake. "I think someone's in your house."

Magnus tried keeping the panic out of his tone, but was unsuccessful.

"Hm," Alec murmured, starting to wake.

"I think someone's in the house," Magnus said more insistently. "Who comes in to rob someone but stops to cook bacon?" He mumbled, more to himself than to Alec.

"It's probably Max and Jace," Alexander responded, snuggling into Magnus' side, clearly unconcerned.

"Why would they be here?" Magnus asked annoyed now that he knew he had nothing to worry about. He'd planned on having sexy play time with Alexander before they had to get ready for dinner with Alec's family, though that plan would be very ruined if guests were added. The night before, the gang left rather late, and Magnus was annoyed that he was unable to give Alexander his birthday present... which included a TAG Heuer smartwatch, and at the very least, a blow job.

"Every year for my birthday, Jace and Max would make me breakfast," Alexander said, groaning and sitting up. "Pancakes, bacon, and eggs were about the only things they could make without burning when we were kids, but the tradition stuck."

Okay, Magnus ruefully thought, he couldn't be a dick and kick Alexander's brothers out of the loft when they do this for him every year. Magnus wasn't that much of an asshole.

Magnus and Jace had thrown Alec's birthday bash on Friday night. Last night they ended up eating a ton of leftovers from said party, and by they he meant Jace, Isabelle, Clary, and Simon along with Ragnor, Catarina, and Raphael. But now it appeared that Jace and Max were going to continue to hang around until it was time for dinner with the Lightwood parents... which Magnus was internally terrified about. He'd met Robert and Maryse a few times before, but that was when he was Alexander's boss. Now that they were a couple, Magnus feared that they wouldn't approve of them being together. Raphael told Magnus that his fears were irrational, but Magnus couldn't keep the fear at bay. His sordid past was enough to feel that the Lightwood parents wouldn't want their son with someone with enough emotional baggage to fill a cargo plane.

They each got out of bed, Alec handed Magnus a pair of his sweatpants and a t-shirt, and then proceeded to put a similar outfit on himself. Magnus watched mournfully as Alexander started efficiently covering his glorious body with clothes that didn't do justice to what lay underneath.

"Let's go before my brother's try coming up here and embarrass themselves," Alec said, turning towards the stairs that descended from his bedroom area, but Magnus wasn't going to let Alec get away from him that easily. He grabbed his boyfriend by the arm, pulling him in for a passionate kiss.

"Happy birthday, cintaku," Magnus whispered into Alexander's lips while he ran his fingers through Alec's hair.

"Thank you, baby," Alexander smiled, kissing Magnus a few more times then pulled him towards his brothers.

Magnus followed Alexander into the kitchen, and smiled at the sight in front of him. Jace and Max were all smiles when they greeted their brother with a barrage of 'Happy Birthdays' and bone crushing hugs.

"It's about time you two woke up," Jace said, his smile was sly. "Did you guys stay up all night fucking or something?"

"First off, Jonathan," Magnus said with a pointed look. "Alexander and I don't 'fuck', we make love, and second of all... no. Some people," Magnus continued to glare at Jace who was the last to leave last night at the ungodly hour of three in the morning, "decided to overstay their welcome so I couldn't give Alexander his birthday sex like I'd originally planned."

Jace and Max laughed at Alexander's affronted look. His poor boyfriend looked like he wanted the floor to open up and swallow him whole.

"All you had to do was say something," Jace shrugged, but his smirk was still firmly in place. "I would have left had I known that you wanted to bang my brother."

"Okay," Alexander said, dragging the word out and blushing a deeper red. "Let's change the subject, shall we?"

"Well, there is one thing I would like to know," Magnus said, remembering something that he'd been meaning to ask about the Lightwood's relationships to some of the people who were at the party Friday night. "It seems - to me at least - like you all are related to pretty much... everyone!"

Jace and Alexander laughed at Magnus' exclamation, while Max just looked perplexed.

"We kind of are," Alexander said. "You already know how Gideon is related to us, but Aline is also our cousin. Her father, and our mother are first cousins. Aline is our second cousin, but when we were all kids, she kinda felt more like our sister. She's a year younger than me, and a year older than Jace and Izzy."

"And she's the girl who's dating my housekeeper, correct?" Magnus had been surprised to see Helen at Alexander's party. He knew they got along well, but wasn't aware they were friends. "How did they meet?"

"Oh," Alexander said, smiling like a lunatic. "That would be my fault. Before I even met you, Helen and I became friends. Izzy, Aline, and I went out for drinks one night so I decided to invite Helen to come along, and the rest is history."

"They are very cute together. How long have they been dating?" Magnus was trying to remember when Alexander started working for him.

"I think they went out on their first date about a week after I started working for you," Alec said, seemingly mulling it over. "I ended up taking that Monday after Tessa's dinner party off, and introduced them that night."

"And how is Lydia related to you guys?" Magnus asked, now that he knew Helen and Aline's story was pretty cut and dry he wanted more gossip.

"Lydia is Clary's cousin," Jace said, taking over as Alec finally started eating his breakfast. "Clary's mom and Lydia's mom are sisters. Lydia has always been..." Jace seemed to stall in his explanation, looking towards Alexander. Possibly for guidance? Magnus wasn't exactly sure, but it seemed that Jace was conflicted.

"She's always been a bitch," Max piped in causing Magnus to choke on his coffee.

"Max!" Jace and Alexander shouted, Jace laughing while Alexander looked mortified.

"What? I don't care that I was only five years old when you started complaining about the 'scholarship girl' that transferred to your school," Max said with conviction. "I heard you complaining to Jace that this new girl always tried to best you at everything, and besides, you were the one who said she was a bitch." Max shrugged and stuffed his face with an oversized helping of pancakes.

"He's not wrong, Alec," Jace pointed out while still laughing. Then made eye contact with Magnus. "Though, you were the reason Alec and Lydia started becoming friends." Jace pointed to Magnus.

"Me? What did I do?" Magnus asked, feeling affronted by the accusation.

"It wasn't directly you, baby," Alexander said, placing a kiss to Magnus' temple. "Imasu was technically the one who outed me, you just kinda helped."

Just then, Magnus felt that exact same pang of guilt from all those months ago after Alexander explained why he loathed Magnus at the time. He remembered Alec's face when he explained to Magnus that he was the cause of Alexander's terrible high school years. If Magnus could go back in time, he'd change everything about how he handled that situation.

For a moment Magnus replayed everything that had happened that day back in high school when Alexander had knocked him over. Magnus did remember thinking that Alec was beautiful, even back then. Alexander was not as built as he was now, but was more lanky and not quite as tall. Magnus did remember Alexander's eyes, blue eyes and black hair had always been Magnus' favorite combination, but Alexander's eyes looked like God himself had placed sapphires in his irises. More importantly, Magnus remembered the devastated look Alexander gave him when he and Imasu outed him. Magnus had felt bad at the time, yet he chose to do nothing about it. Instead, Magnus just continued laughing along with Imasu and pretend he didn't have a heart. Magnus had truly been a horrible person back in high school.

"How was I responsible for Alexander and Lydia becoming friends?" Magnus asked aloud, not sure who he was directing the question to.

"Some of my friends approached me afterwards to tell me that they didn't believe what you and Imasu said," Alexander said, shifting in his seat. "When I refused to say anything, or deny the accusations, they put two and two together. Most of my friends refused to talk to me from that point on, and some decided to treat me like I was a second class citizen. Lydia must have taken pity on me and stood up for me. She and I became close after that, and it grew into the friendship we have today."

"I'm so sorry I did that to you, darling," Magnus whispered, feeling like scum.

"I'm over it," Alexander shrugged. "It happened twelve years ago. Those guys obviously weren't really my friends. If they were, they wouldn't have defined me by my sexuality."

"That's a very mature way of looking at things," Magnus stated, proud that his boyfriend didn't seem to let things get to him.

"I've learned long ago not to let what people say, or think about me, bring me down. Working as a chef, and being placed in the public eye taught me that," Alec said with a smile.

"So, Magnus," Max piped in. "Are you ready for dinner tonight? Raph told me that you were nervous."

"You're nervous about dinner tonight?" Alec questioned, sounding surprised.

"Well, yeah," Magnus said uncomfortably. "I want your parents to like me. "

Jace laughed at the statement, which confused Magnus. Alexander sighed and smacked Jace in the back of his head.

"Ow, dude!" Jace glared at Alec, then focused on Magnus. "All I'm saying is that mom and Izzy are already planning your wedding. You've got nothing to worry about. Mom and dad already like you, and it's not like this is your first time meeting them."

"Jace!" Max shouted. "Why would you tell him that? Don't you know that marriage talk is one of the things you only bring up if you want your partner to go running for the hills?"

Alexander groaned, and placed his hands over his face, causing the group to laugh.

"Though, you're mostly correct, Max," Magnus started, wanting to keep the banter going. "I'll have you know that I've already planned the perfect wedding for your brother and me." Magnus turned towards his boyfriend and winked, chuckling when it appeared that all of the blood drained from Alexander's face.

"I'm kidding, darling," Magnus laughed when Alec's expression told him he'd missed the joke.

"Thank God!" Alexander exclaimed, earning laughs from the entire room. "W-we're no-nowhere near t-that step in our relationship!" Alec stuttered, then blushed and started playing with his food.

"I think you broke him, Magnus," Max said laughing.

"Yes, well," Magnus dismissed the comment with a dramatic wave of his hand. "He'll get over it."

"Shouldn't you be nice to me?" Alexander said with a playful glare. "It's my birthday after all."

"Yeah, yeah," Jace said dismissively. "But you just turned twenty-eight. It's not like this is a milestone birthday or anything."

"Jonathan," Magnus said sternly. "Need I remind you that Alexander just forgave you? I'd watch your tone if I were you."

"I was just joking!" Jace exclaimed, his eyes wide. Alexander and Max both had their heads down, shoulders shaking.

Magnus lost all composure and burst out laughing, Alexander and Max followed suit.

"J-jace," Alec stuttered in between giggles. "Magnus was just messing with you."

"That's messed up, man," Jace pouted, causing the others to laugh harder.

"I'm sorry, Jace," Magnus said trying regain his composure. "Too soon?" He asked as innocently as possible, but the statement elicited more giggles from the others.

"Of course it's too soon!" Jace was clearly still put out by Magnus' joke. "We literally just started talking again!" He then plopped down in the chair, pouted his lips, and folded his arms over his chest.

"Aw," Alexander said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Can't Jacey-Poo take a joke? Come here puddin' head."

Alexander then got up and walked over to the blond and pulled him into a hug. "It's okay, pumpkin. I've got you." Alexander was still laughing. Max was howling with laughter while Jace grumbled and tried pushing Alec away.

Magnus couldn't help but smile at the whole scene. It was wonderful to see Alec so happy with his siblings once again.


The Lightwood's brownstone was in Prospect Park, which made Magnus smirk thinking about his second date with Alexander. Magnus had sometimes wondered how Alexander knew about the symphony in the park, but had chalked it up to his boyfriend doing his research. Part of that may have been true, but Magnus now knew that Alexander must have known that the park held events like that one all the time since he grew up here. Even though Magnus' house was located relatively close to the park, he'd never bothered going there. He'd immensely enjoyed his date, so the thought of returning wasn't a far stretch to him. He thought that maybe he'd be able to convince all of their friends to spend the day out there for a picnic or something.

Magnus and Alexander drove separately from Max and Jace, so they waited in the car until they saw Max's car pull up to the house before he and Alexander got out of the car. Together the four of them walked up to the house and waited for Max to unlock the door.

"Mom, dad," Max called out, causing Magnus to cringe slightly, remembering how growing up his father hated when he yelled in the house. "We're home!"

At that moment, Magnus saw Robert Lightwood walking out of the front room, dressed in jeans and a sweater. He was smiling at them. Maryse Lightwood also appeared, coming out of a room to their right. She was similarly dressed and also smiling.

Maryse and Robert greeted Jace and Max first before moving to Alexander.

"Alec," Maryse smiled brightly at her eldest child, giving him a tight hug. "Happy birthday, my baby boy."

"Thanks, mom," Alec hugged his mother just as tightly, kissing her on the cheek.

"Happy birthday, son," Robert said, moving in to take his wife's place. Robert then looked at Magnus, giving him a warm smile. "It's great to see you again, Magnus." he then turned to shake Magnus' hand.

"Likewise, Mr. Lightwood," Magnus returned the greeting, then turned to Maryse. "It's wonderful to see you as well, Mrs. Lightwood."

"Thank you, dear," Maryse smiled. "And please, call me Maryse. I'm so happy you were able to make it today. We've been trying to get Alec to invite you over for dinner ever since Alec first told us you two were dating."

"Ma!" Alec groaned. "We had just started dating. It was too soon!"

Jace, Max, and Robert chuckled. Magnus smiled watching the family give Alexander a hard time. It seemed to Magnus that Alec did not bring boyfriends home to meet the family often, though to be fair, Magnus didn't really know much of Alexander's past relationships. He'd never volunteered the information, and Magnus had never asked.

"Now," Maryse said with a clap of her hands. "You boys go in the living room and watch the game. I'll let you all know when dinner's ready."

They did as they were bid. Once out of sight, Alexander moved closer to Magnus, wrapped his arm around him, and gave Magnus a brilliant smile. Magnus couldn't help but match it, leaning in and kissing the side of Alexander's neck.

"Your parents seem wonderful, darling," Magnus murmured in Alec's ear.

"They are, aren't they," Alexander said, holding Magnus tighter.

They sat on the sofa and Magnus noticed that Robert had the Jets game on, and Magnus completely zoned in on the game.

"Ah," Robert said, causing Magnus to take his eyes away from the tv. "I see that you're a fan." Robert then pointed towards the game.

"Yes, Mr. Lightwood," Magnus said with a chuckle. "I'm a huge fan."

"Please," Robert said. "Call me Robert, or Rob. My father was Mr. Lightwood." He then chuckled and added. "I don't even let my employees to call me 'Mr. Lightwood.'"

"I'll not make that mistake again," Magnus chuckled, ducking his head. Even though Robert's tone was playful, it still felt like a reprimand to him.

"I didn't know you liked football, Magnus," Jace said.

"Oh, Jace," Magnus sighed. "It's not just football, it's all sports. I'm not just a pretty face you know." Magnus then pouted his lips and fluttered his eyelashes, causing Alexander and Max to laugh, though Robert perked up. "I even played baseball for St. Xavier's while I was in school."

"Who are your teams?" Robert eagerly asked.

"Jets for football. I know that most New Yorkers love the Giants, but the Jets fans are more fun to be around. The Mets are my baseball team," Magnus stated, ticking his team's off with his fingers. "Fuck the Yankees! Jay-Z once said, 'I made the Yankees hat more famous than the Yankees did', and it's true," Magnus chuckled at his own joke. "For hockey, my team is the Islander's, and basketball I'm a Nets fan through and through."

"Shit," Max whistled. "Alec, I think I just fell in love with your boyfriend!"

"Language Max!" Alexander said laughing. "And I don't share! Find your own perfect boyfriend."

"Oh dear lord," Robert chuckled, shaking his head at his son's banter, Jace laughing along with Robert.

"Sorry, Max," Magnus sniggered. "I only have eyes for one Lightwood." He then turned towards Alec and winked, causing the most adorable blush to appear on his boyfriend's cheeks.

"Anyway," Alexander stressed. "I didn't know you liked sports so much, Magnus?"

"Yes, well," Magnus cleared his throat. "None of our friends are big into sports, so I guess it just never came up."

Magnus noticed that Robert was about to say something, but was interrupted by the doorbell. Excusing himself, Alexander went to answer the door, leaving Magnus with Robert and his brothers.

"Were you all expecting anyone else?" Magnus asked. Part of the reason he agreed to meet Alexander's parents this weekend was because he knew that there wouldn't be very many people at Alexander's family birthday dinner. Isabelle - much to her disdain - had her clinic rotation for the weekend. Simon had something to do with his mother, and Clary was still working on a project for her job. Magnus couldn't imagine anyone else showing up.

"I'm not sure?" Robert sounded just as confused as Magnus felt. He had a feeling, based off of their facial expressions, that Jace and Max knew exactly what was going on.

The next thing Magnus knew, Gideon was walking into the living room with Alec. Magnus looked between Alexander and Robert; Alexander's nervous expression, and Robert's continual confusion.

"Alec, I didn't know you invited another guest," Robert said, his tone calculating.

"Well," Alexander said, his hand reaching to rub at the back of his neck, a gesture that Magnus had come to learn was a nervous tick of his. "Dad, this is Gideon Lightwood. We just recently connected due to that magazine article last month. Gideon, this is my dad."

It took a couple of seconds for Alexander's words to sink in, but Magnus watched as Robert stood and embraced his nephew in a tight hug.

"My god, son," Robert said as he pulled away from Gideon, his hands clasped on Gideon's shoulders. "I haven't seen you since you were an infant. You look so much like your father."

Robert was looking at Gideon like he'd seen a ghost. From what little Alexander told him, Magnus knew that Robert was estranged from his family, but realizing just how much was rather shocking to Magnus. The Lightwood's had always seemed like a close knit family to him, but he thought that they'd at least have seen each other on holiday's. It seemed he had been mistaken. Magnus couldn't help but wonder what had happened to split such a family in two.

"Yeah, people always tell me that," Gideon said. "I look like dad."

"It isn't a bad thing," Robert replied.

"Just gets old sometimes," Gideon shrugged.

"Ah, well in that cause, you look like you," Robert smiled at his nephew, and Magnus could tell he was really making an effort with the guy. He then steered Gideon towards the couch, and the rest of the Lightwood children got up and greeted their cousin.

"I suppose I should probably explain why I got kicked out of the family," Robert began. "When I was still at Columbia, your grandparents hated the fact that I was dating Maryse. They assumed that it was a 'phase' or something, and when I finished my degree, they thought I would join my dad and Ben in the family business and leave Maryse here in New York. My parents wanted to merge the company with a competitor, however, they wanted the merger to be enforced with a marriage. Since Ben was already married to your mother, they wanted me to marry their daughter, Annamarie Highsmith. I refused, of course. I was, and still am, very much in love with Maryse. When I told my parents that there was no way I was giving that up, they made me choose. They didn't like my choice and kicked me out of the family. Getting to be with the love of my life was the best thing I could've done. It brought me four amazing kids, and a life I knew I'd never have had if I'd went along with my parents plans."

"And I thank my lucky stars everyday that you chose me," Maryse said from the doorway, startling everyone in the room. She walked towards them, extending her arms to embrace Gideon. "It's so wonderful to meet you. I'm glad you could finally come to a family dinner. I've been dying to get to know you."

Maryse gave Gideon a look that was so motherlike, it gave Magnus a pang of longing. His own mother had been loving, though very sick the majority of his childhood before she passed away. Then he was swept away to a completely different country, and forced into a cold and distant home with his biological father. Magnus evied the Lightwood family, wishing he could have had the type of relationship that Alexander had with his family.

"Thank you," Gideon replied, quite bashfully. "I noticed things about our family's behavior that I wasn't too fond of, or proud of. I ended up getting drunk at a company function and told our employees exactly what the rest of the family thought about them. I, of course, was escorted out of the function courtesy of my dad. Dad, grandma, and grandpa tried to make me give a public apology, but I refused. That's when they kicked me out of the family. Gabriel and Tatiana refuse to even talk to me anymore. I'm so happy you guys wanted to get to know me. Alec and Jace said you guys were awesome, but I still worried that you'd hold so much of a grudge towards my father, that you'd not want to get to know me. "

"We'd never think that," Robert responded firmly. "Just because others in our family have been so cruel as to shut people out, doesn't mean we do."

"Enough deep depressing shit for one afternoon, don't you think?" Jace so eloquently said smiling, and causing Magnus to roll his eyes. "Did anyone see the Mets game last week?"

"Jesus, Jace," Alec said, rolling his eyes. "No couth whatsoever."

Everyone, including Maryse - which surprised Magnus - started talking about baseball. Magnus quickly learned that their house was divided when it came to sports. Maryse, Alexander, Jace, and Max were all New York sports fans. Maryse apparently grew up in Queens which was home of the Mets, as well as the Jets before they started playing in New Jersey. Robert, Isabelle, and Gideon were all Boston fans.

"Robert," Magnus said, once they started talking about football again. "How could someone as genuine as you possibly follow a team that's filled with cheaters! The Pat's will do anything to win, including - but not limited to - deflating balls! I just don't get it."

"Well it's not like the Jets are an exceptionally good team either, Magnus," Robert laughed good naturedly.

"But at least they come by it honestly!" Magnus rebutted.

"That is true," Robert laughed. "At least you're not a Colt's fan. I don't think I could allow Alec to date you if that were the case." Robert then winked at Magnus, letting Magnus know that he was indeed joking and not at all serious.

"Well, enough sports talk everyone," Maryse said, changing the subject. "How about we all give Alec his presents?"

"Mom," Alexander groaned. "I already told you guys that I didn't need anything. Why'd you get me stuff?"

Magnus chuckled at how much his boyfriend sounded like a kid in that moment. Though, most children would've probably whined about when they could open their gifts, and not that people actually bought them gifts in the first place.

"Here, son," Robert stood, handling an envelope to Alec. "This is from your mother and me."

Magnus sat beside Alexander, watching him open his gift. Inside appeared to be an invoice of some kind, and Magnus snorted when he saw that it was from Robert and Maryse's marketing firm.

"Really, dad?" Alec deadpanned. "Thanks for reminding me how much I owe you."

"Oh Robert," Maryse said laughing, swatting Robert on his arm. "He's joking with you, Alec." She then stood, and moved over to the side of the loveseat they were sitting at and pulled something very big out between the couch and the wall. "Happy birthday, my sweet son."

"Mom," Alexander gasped once he peeled the wrapping off the gift. "I love it." His voice thick with emotion. Magnus realized that the painting meant something to him as the tears glistening in his eyes were proof enough. Magnus just wasn't sure what he was looking at.

"I commissioned Jocelyn to paint this when we got back from our last trip to France. I knew this was your favorite stop on the wine tour we went on, and when I downloaded the picture, it seemed perfect to give to you," Maryse explained, though Magnus was still lost.

The painting was of a small village, that looked like it could have been a town square or something. The streets were cobblestone, the buildings made of wood and stucco, giving it a Tudor style look to the facade.

"Uh," Max said, looking at the painting with as much confusion as Magnus, Jace, and Gideon. "What was so great about this little town?"

"It was probably my favorite stop on the tour," Alec gave a choked laugh. "It's the tour I took mom and dad on for their anniversary last year. We were in Kaysersberg, which is a village in northeastern France, and the people were just so kind! And the food!!! Oh gods, the food was absolutely amazing. The mixture of smells from the bakeries were my undoing. If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be there."

"It sounds charming," Gideon said, smiling at his cousin.

"It was," Robert said smiling at his wife, presumably remembering the trip himself. "That was possibly the best trip we've ever taken. The night of our anniversary, Alec decided to set up a romantic dinner for us on the winary we were staying at. We ate at a table for two right in the middle of the vineyard under the stars. Apparently while we were having our own romantic evening, Alec was roaming around this village and talked his way into the kitchen of one of the bakeries. He learned some of the locals techniques, and had a blast."

"That sounds like something you'd do," Jace laughed, looking fondly over at Alexander. Magnus couldn't help but mirror Jace's expression, it was just like Alec to do something special for his parents, but work in the process.

"Where do you think you'll hang the painting?" Magnus asked. There wasn't really anywhere in the loft that Alexander could hang it, so Magnus was curious.

"I know exactly where it'll go," Alexander smiled. "There's a wall in the dining room of the bistro that I've been wracking my brain with how to decorate, but this will be perfect hanging there. I could maybe put a sconce on either side of it, plus it'll give Jocelyn free publicity especially since I've commissioned her to do most of the artwork for the decor."

"I'm sure she appreciates that," Maryse giggled, looking at Alexander with the amount of pride that could only come from a mother. "I'll call her later to let her know that her painting is going in the bistro, that way she can stick to the countryside theme."

"Mine next!" Max shouted, jumping up to hand Alexander a small box. Alec opened it and laughed. Inside the box was a keychain, the background was yellow, and had the logo 'The Corner Bistro' written in elegant script. The I in bistro was a wooden spoon. Magnus had to admit that it was creative, and it was also the first time he'd seen the final design of the logo.

"It looks great, Max," Alec said, giving his brother a pat on the back. "I love it."

"Good, Clary will be pleased as well," Max let out a breath, seemingly like he wasn't sure how Alec would like the gift. "I know we hadn't finalized the logo yet, but this seemed like your favorite design so far."

"It is my favorite, but the others were awesome as well," Alec said, shaking his head while he continued looking at the keychain. "I was going to have Raph go over the designs to get his opinion as well seeing as he's my general manager."

"I don't see why you still can't have him look," Magnus said, pulling Alexander closer to his side. "I'm sure he'd appreciate being included. Besides, this can be just for you if you decide not to go with this design." He then pointed at the keychain still in Alexander's hand. "Now, how about I give you my gift next?"

"Sure," Alexander smiled and took the proffered gift. He opened the velvet lined box - because Magnus didn't have time to wrap it - and opened it to find the HAG Heuer smartwatch with a carbon fiber band. Magnus was worried about giving Alec his gift in front of his family, but his fears were for naught, as they all gushed over the watch itself. The watch was expensive, but Magnus favored the brand due to how well made the watches were.

"Thank you, baby," Alexander said, placing a kiss to Magnus' cheek. "I love it."

"You're welcome, darling," Magnus responded with a cheeky smile. Before Magnus could say anything else, Alexander's phone rang with a facetime call from Isabelle.

"Hey Iz," Alec greeted the image of his sister warmly.

"Hey big brother, how's the birthday boy doing today?" She replied.

"I'm good, how are clinicals going today? Are you at the hospital, or at the police station?" Alec asked, seemingly genuinely curious about his sisters work.

"I'm in the stations morgue. I would love to tell you what I've been working on today, but I know how queasy you get when I talk about autopsies," Isabelle said with a laugh. Alexander's face did scrunch up in the most adorable way when she said that, not that Magnus could blame him. He didn't exactly want to hear about Isabelle's adventures cutting up dead bodies either.

"Yeah I'm good," Alec said, looking a bit paler than normal. "Are you on your break or something?"

"Yep. I just wanted to call since I couldn't be there today," Isabelle said, sounding a bit put out. "I tried to see if I could get my rotation switched with some of my other classmates, but no one wanted to give up their rare free weekends to switch with me. But I wanted to see what all you got for your birthday." It appeared that Isabelle was bouncing in her seat.

Alexander showed her what he'd opened so far with Isabelle 'oohing' and 'ahhing' in the appropriate places. She also stayed on the line long enough for Alexander to finish opening his other presents.

Isabelle had, of course, bought Alec what looked like enough clothes to replace his winter wardrobe. Simon gave Alexander a planner that was archery themed so he could keep track of important events and meetings. He also painstakingly penciled in dates and times for him and Alexander to go to the range, which Magnus thought was cute. Clary gave Alexander a framed blueprint of the bistro, and had little thumbnails of mock up designs of the logo placed around it. She even left him a note of where he was to hang it in his office.

"Okay," Jace said, jumping up and handed Alexander an envelope. "Open mine next."

"It's not some sort of invoice like dad's gift is it?" Alexander joked, causing everyone to laugh. Jace just glared at his brother.

"Just open it!"

Alexander did as he was told, sucking in a breath. Magnus looked over and saw a deed for a box suite at Citi Field, home of the New York Mets. The suite was bigger than the one that Bane Records held, and right there in black and white, was the name of Alec's bistro as the owner of the suite.

"How," Alec said, not taking his eyes off the deed. "How did you manage this? This is way too much!"

"Nawh," Jace said, the picture of nonchalance. "Just think of it as an investment. You could have staff meetings, then watch the game. You could take investors there, or anything else you want to do. As long as you talk about business even if it's for all of thirty seconds, you can write it off on your taxes."

"How did you even afford this?" Alexander asked in awe. "This suite couldn't have been cheap."

Alexander was mostly right - a suite that size costs about a quarter of a million - but that was still cheaper than other stadium suites would cost.

"It was nothing," Jace replied, one hand waving away Alexander's protest, the other hand scratching at the underside of his jaw. "Trust me, Alec. It was nothing, and I wanted to do something for you and the restaurant. I thought this would be the perfect gift for you."

"Thank you," Alec whispered, hugging his brother.


Hey guys! I am so so sorry for missing last weeks update. I can honestly say that was the first time I've ever missed an update schedule, and I've been beating myself up over it.

This promotion has taken a little longer than I thought it would to get used to. I'm not even going to lie to you guys, at first I hated this promotion, and seriously considered begging for my old job back. Over the last say... week and a half, maybe? It's been getting much better. There have been a few days that I ended up working over 36 hours straight, and that seriously sucked ass!!!

My sleep schedule also went from going to bed at 4am every morning, to getting up at 4am to go to work. I'd been working the 4-midnight shift for so long that it took me damn near a month to get used to a new sleep schedule.

I've also officially given myself a new writing schedule, and so far I've been able to stick to it. I don't have a preview for you guys for chapter 31, but it is nearly finished, so that's a plus! And with me giving myself an actual writing schedule, I will most likely never miss another update... but don't hold it against me if I end up missing one every once in a while. You guys know that life happens, and real life is more important.

Anywho, if this chapter sucked, again, I apologize. It literally took me 6 weeks to write the damn thing. Editing this chapter was hell!!! There were parts that made absolutely no sense, so I ended up deleting some things, and adding others. And because I wanted to make sure this chapter got out to you guys today, I only went through one round of edits. Again, I apologize if the chapter sucked. Hopefully the next chapter will be better though. Until then, send me a review and let me know what you thought. And don't be afraid to let me know how much this chapter was subpar at best.

Love you guys!!! 

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