Location Scouting
Warning!!!! Okay so the first thing I want to get out of the way is that towards the end of the chapter, Alec mentions a time when he went to Northern Ireland for work. There briefly mentions of the IRA. I don't want people to get offended about anything that was written okay. If you don't want to read that part, feel free to skip it. It won't hurt my feelings one bit. That conversation Alec has with Magnus is somewhat based on a story that my ex brother-in-law told me about one time that he and his friends were hanging out in a pub. (He's born and raised in Ireland, and has only been in the states a few years)
Now, on to the chapter!
Magnus awoke with a pep in his step. He was excited about spending the day with Alexander almost completely one-on-one. Yes, his realtor would be around, but Magnus knew from experience that she wasn't a hoverer. Mid May in New York meant that the weather was already turning quite humid. Magnus opted for white skinny jeans, a deep purple v-neck t shirt, along with his usual makeup and an array of jewelry.
Walking down to the kitchen, Magnus noticed that Alec already had a breakfast smoothie in his hand, waiting for him.
"Good morning, Alexander," Magnus said as he made his way over to Alec, plucking the cup out of the chef's hand. "Thank you."
"So what's the plan for the day?" Alec asked as he turned to wash some dishes.
Magnus was too busy staring at Alexander. He wasn't wearing his usual chef's attire, but he was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans that were doing amazing things to his ass. He had on a gray fitted t-shirt, with a black vest over it. Magnus thought that maybe his sister or his mother had bought that particular outfit for him. The clothes were only making Magnus' desire to do unspeakable things to Alexander worse. Magnus had no qualms about blatantly checking out the other man, but shrugged the thought off before he had an issue in his own pants.
"Well, my driver is going to take us to the first location," Magnus replied instead. "Then we'll just walk through the business district to the other places I want to show you. They're all within a few block radius."
"Sounds good to me. When do we leave?" Alec asked. Magnus almost missed the question because he was too busy looking at the way Alexander's forearms were flexing as he wiped his hands off with a dish towel.
"My driver should be here any minute," Magnus' phone pinged with a text notification at that moment. Magnus reached for the phone and chuckled. "Well, it looks like my driver is ready for us."
"This place is beautiful, and I love that it's right on the East River, but it's just too big," Alexander said as Magnus watched him wander around with wide eyes.
"I have to agree with you there, Alexander," Magnus said, hiding his disappointment.
They were at one of the locations that Magnus owned, and he thought this would have been the perfect place for Alexander's bistro. Unfortunately, Magnus forgot how huge the place was. It would have been perfect if Alec were to open a full service restaurant, not the small bistro he wanted to start out with. Magnus also refused to tell Alexander which spots he owned. He didn't want to influence Alec's decision one way or another.
"So," Alexander said, looking at Magnus and Etta, Magnus' realtor. "Are there any spots that are kinda in between in sizes? Bigger than the first location we went to, but smaller than this one?"
Magnus was a bit worried when he hired Etta as his commercial realtor, but she had been very professional throughout the years. Even though they couldn't make it work as a couple, he was able to salvage somewhat of a friendship with the strong willed woman.
"I think I can find something that'll suit what you're looking for," Etta said, smiling at Alexander. "Let's move on, shall we?"
"So Alec, tell me. What type of bistro are you planning to open?" Etta asked as the trio walked towards the next location.
"It's going to be a small French bistro, but I'm also going to serve a few American dishes to keep my clientele up," Alec quickly responded. Magnus glanced over at his chef and sure enough, there was a slight blush forming on Alexander's cheeks.
"Oh that sounds lovely! I love French cuisine. What dishes are going to be on the menu?" Etta asked.
Magnus had to stifle a laugh, he could see Alexander growing more insecure by the minute. It amused Magnus that Alexander exuded confidence in so many aspects of his life, especially when commanding a kitchen. But when it came to accepting compliments - or just talking about food - he would grow shy about it. It was moments like this that it was clear how passionate Alec was about cuisine.
"I'm not exactly sure yet. I plan on sampling some of my dishes to different businesses closer towards the opening. I want to give them stock cards with rankings from one to ten, then see what is most popular with the general public," Alec said ducking his head. "I would also have my staff - when the time comes to hire and train them - pick their favorites and possibly use those as daily or weekly specials."
"That sounds like a great idea! I'd really enjoy it if you would consider my office for a sample," Etta said excitedly, smiling at Alexander.
"You'll have to come by my office as well, Alexander," Magnus commented. "I'm sure we can get you into Cat and Ragnor's parent's offices to sample. I know their companies are big on promoting local establishments."
He wasn't surprised that Alexander could come up with something like that. It was impressive, and very smart on his part. Magnus never would have thought to do it himself. He couldn't help the proud smile that spread over his face at the thought of his friend.
"We're here," Etta announced. "Go ahead and look around Alec. We'll wait over here in case you have any questions."
This vacancy was only a block and a half away from the last spot. Magnus gave Etta a pointed look because he also owned this building as well. So far the only location they've been to that wasn't owned by him was the first place. And Magnus wasn't even sure what Etta was even thinking in bringing them there. That location didn't even have enough room for a proper kitchen.
"So tell me Magnus, how long before you turn poor Alec into another notch on your bedpost?" Etta said, a serious expression marring her features. Magnus was taken aback by the comment.
"I don't know what you're talking about, dear. He's currently my employee and a friend," Magnus refused to look his ex in the eye, instead keeping his gaze on Alexander.
"Oh please!" she snorted out. "He's exactly your type, Magnus. I've seen the way you've been looking at him all morning. Something's going to happen eventually, but what I want to know is that when it does eventually happen, are you going to let yourself be happy, or are you going to destroy yet another relationship?"
"Etta," he gritted out annoyed, she had no right to make any comment on his personal life, especially since this is the first time she's ever been anything but professional with him. "I am not going to have this discussion with you."
"Fair enough," she put her hands up in mock surrender. "Just don't hurt him. He seems far too innocent for you to corrupt."
"Again, I'm not going to discuss my personal life with you. How're the husband and kids?" Chancing a glance at her stricken expression, Magnus knew that was a low blow.
Part of the reason he and Etta didn't work out was mainly due to the fact that she wanted to get married and start a family right away. They were only in their first year of college when they started dating. Magnus wasn't ready to be a husband at the young age of eighteen. She also couldn't handle the fact that photos of them together were popping up in tabloids every other week. Etta had a tendency to run men off with talk of marriage and babies. She would never give the relationship time to blossom before she would broach the subject, which was why she was still perpetually single and without children. At one point, Magnus did love and care about her, but she had wanted him to give up his youth far too early. He tried to convince her to wait until they finished school before rushing into getting married, but in the end her impatience had ended the relationship.
They both looked up and cleared the expressions of their faces at the sound of Alexander's footsteps.
"Guys, this place is perfect!" Alexander walked over with a smile that lit up his sapphire blue eyes. Magnus couldn't help but match the smile at the sight of Alexander so happy and excited.
"So, is this one in the running?" Magnus asked. He knew nothing was going to be decided today, but he hoped that Alexander would choose this spot based on how much he liked it.
"Yeah," Alec scratched the back of his neck, something that Magnus quickly learned was a nervous habit of his. "I still want to check out a few more spots though. I also wanted to take pictures of this place if that's okay?"
"Of course it is," Magnus responded quickly, waving off Alexander's worry. "Have at it!"
With that, Alexander pulled out his phone and walked around taking pictures of every angle of the vacant shop. For some reason, Magnus just couldn't take his eyes off the man. He was mesmerized with the attention to detail Alexander was showing. Never in a million years would Magnus have thought to take photos of every vacant spot in one building. But Magnus was once again pulled out of his thoughts at the sound of Etta's voice.
"I think he could be good for you, Magnus," she said. Magnus turned to face with with a slight glare. "Look Magnus, I can tell you feel something for the boy, and I know that myself - as well as other people - have broken your heart, but that doesn't mean that everyone will. He seems different. Just don't throw away an opportunity to truly be happy."
Magnus had no response. He knew that he was not relationship material, but Magnus couldn't deny how much he wanted Alexander. He just didn't know how to go about getting what he wanted, and not getting his heart broken all over again in the process.
"Are you done with your pictures?" Etta asked when Alexander was once again walking towards them.
"I've got everything from the inside, I just want to take a few of the front of the building and the patio area," Alec replied, then proceeded outside before continuing onto the next property.
"Well, I think we've had a very productive day," Magnus said as they left Etta. "Wouldn't you agree, Alexander?"
"Yes," Alec groaned, throwing his head back. "But that means now, I have to make a decision." He sighed. "I'm glad I took so many photos. I can put them in my computer and work on designs for the decor. That'll probably help with my decision making."
Alec chuckled while shaking his head. Magnus didn't know what was going through his mind at that moment, but Alexander looked very happy about whatever it was. Magnus smiled and decided to question it. "What's with the look?" he asked.
"Oh, um..." Alec started. His features went from happy to somehow sad even if he was still smiling. Magnus started to retract the question when Alexander continued. "The only reason I have that program in the first place is because when I bought my flat in Paris, Izzy wanted to help with the interior design. So, in order to be able to know what the hell she was talking about, she and I both downloaded an interior design program. I sent her the photos of my flat, and she and I ended up Skyping and creating the design together. I had a lot of wine, and a lot of fun spending time with my sister that night, even if it was through Skype. That memory just kinda came back to me."
"Alexander," Magnus gasped, grabbing Alec's hand to keep him from moving. "I'm sorry I asked. I know things with your siblings are rocky at the moment, and I didn't mean to inadvertently bring it up."
"Magnus, it's fine really. It was a very fond memory, which is why I was smiling about it," Alexander said, squeezing Magnus' hand then releasing it. Magnus felt the loss immediately, and had to force himself to not reach out for Alexander's hand once again.
"Well," Magnus said, looking at his watch, trying to find a way to quickly change the subject. "It's half past four and I'm starving. What do you say we get out of here and grab an early dinner, since we skipped lunch?"
"Dinner sounds amazing, right now," Alexander agreed. "I can't believe we forgot all about food until now!"
"Great!" Magnus said enthusiastically. "I know of a terrific Thai restaurant near my office."
"Lead the way," Alec said with a smile, so Magnus did just that.
"So, what exactly is involved with running a restaurant?" Magnus asked as they walked.
"Well," Alexander started, looking contemplative. "As the owner, it's my responsibility to do the bulk of the inventory, staffing issues, and other things like bills and day to day operations."
"What would Raph do?" Magnus was genuinely curious. He didn't want his friend to work as a glorified server.
"Oh, he would have plenty to do around there," Alexander said, grimacing in the process. "He would deal with the customer's issues, and the front staff. Not my cup of tea, by the way. He would also be responsible for the liquor, beer, and wine inventory; as well as linens, glassware and silverware."
"But, I thought you said that you were going to be handling staffing issues?" Magnus asked, not able to hide his confusion.
"I probably should have been more specific," Alexander laughed. "At the moment the plan is that I'll deal with staffing issues for the back of the house while Raph handles the staff in the front. If there's a situation where one of the front house employees has a problem, but they feel like that can't go to Raph about it, then I'll handle it and vise versa."
Magnus nodded, but before Magnus could ask more questions, Alexander spoke up, "What about you? What does a CEO of a major record company do all day?"
"My job is so boring!" Magnus groaned out. "All I do is listen in at board meetings, deal with agents, a few troublesome artists, and sit there and sign shit! But at least I look damn good doing it!"
"That can't be all you do?" Alexander said, laughing.
"Oh, but it is. My job is not exciting by any stretch," Magnus responded, laughing along with his friend.
"Don't you travel to find new talent?" Alec asked, brows knitted in confusion. At that moment they reached the restaurant, and were being seated before Magnus could respond.
"No," Magnus said, shaking his head. "Most people assume that it's the CEO's job to find new talent, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I have talent scouts for that. If they find people they like, we go from there."
"Oh, that sucks!" Alec exclaimed. "So you don't travel at all?"
"Well, not for work, but I do travel..." Magnus started. "Except Peru. I'm no longer allowed in Peru."
Magnus gave Alexander a wicked grin at his incredulous look.
"You got banned from an entire country?" Alec exclaimed incredulously, causing Magnus to laugh.
"Remember Imasu?" Magnus asked, already knowing the answer. "He's from Peru. I went with him after graduation. A few weeks into the the trip, I found out the bastard was cheating on me. I may have gone out and gotten blackout drunk, danced naked out in public, then... this is not my finest moment... shamelessly flirted and had an affair with a woman in front of her husband, did god-only-knows-what and nearly got arrested, but the police officer took pity on me, dropped me off at the American Embassy, and they sent me home. The Embassy 'strongly encouraged' me to never come back. Said I'd face jail time if I did."
Alexander's face was priceless! His eyes were wide, mouth gaping, and red in the face. That part worried Magnus a bit, "Alexander, are you okay?"
The only thing Alec could do was nod his head up and down, then left and right.
"I'm, uh... um..." Alexander sputtered, then took a few deep breaths. "I'm just trying really hard not to laugh right now. That story was - well you know - and we're in a nice restaurant."
Then Alexander did the most adorable thing that Magnus had ever seen. He picked up his napkin, placed it over his mouth, and started chuckling to the point where his entire upper body was shaking. Magnus couldn't help but laugh a little with him.
At that moment, the server walked up to them with an amused look, "Have you gentlemen decided on an entre?"
Trying, and failing to gain control of his composure, Magnus said, "Yes, I'll take the Massaman Curry and the spring rolls please."
The waiter turned towards Alexander, "For you sir?"
"I'll have the beef Phat si-io, and the spring rolls as well," Alec said. Magnus noted that Alexander was able to school his features much faster than himself. That little shit, Magnus thought to himself fondly.
"Now, where were we?" Magnus asked, as the server left the table.
"We were laughing at the fact that you actually got banned from an entire country," Alexander said with a sly smile, causing Magnus to playfully glare at him before they both succumbed to laughter.
"So, where else have you travelled?" Alexander asked before taking a bite out of his spring roll.
"Let's see," Magnus hummed in thought for a moment, "England, Spain, France, and the Caribbean. And, what about you?"
"Oh, cool," Alec started, looking up at the ceiling. Magnus noticed that whenever Alexander thought about anything, his gaze always went upward. "I've been to the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Italy, and of course France. I've also been to California for work and for vacation."
"United Kingdom, huh," Magnus said with a smirk. He wondered if Alec knew the difference between Great Britain and the United Kingdom.
"Well yeah," Alec said, blush starting to creep up on his features. "It's easier than just naming off England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. And I'm sure as hell not going to place the Republic of Ireland in that category. They tend to get pretty salty if you try to lump them in with anything to do with England. A colleague of mine made that error when we were there visiting Belfast for a Travel Channel thing. One of the producers was from Ennis, in County Clare. If looks could kill, my colleague would have been six feet under."
"I can only imagine!" Magnus could quite easily picture how that conversation went, "What happened after that?"
"Brian, the producer, proceeded to give us a history lesson on the IRA, which he and his family are part of. Of course, a few of the patrons in the pub we were in overheard the conversation, and a fight broke out. One of the patrons rushed us out of the pub so we wouldn't get caught in the scuffle, but no one would allow Brian to leave without a few new bruises. It was terrifying," Alec said, shaking his head as if trying to get rid of the memory.
"Why did they pull you out?" Magnus asked, "Not that I'm not happy they did, but what did it matter if you were involved in the fight?"
"They recognized me as an American, and Théo as a Frenchman so they didn't want us to get caught in there," Alexander said. "Unfortunately because of the fight, the Travel Channel cancelled the episode."
"I'm glad all that got cancelled was the episode," Magnus winked. "It would have been a real shame if you had gotten cancelled."
Alexander blushed and laughed, but agreed nonetheless.
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