Jace's New Start

Storming into the office building of Idris Public Relations as soon as he landed in LAX, Jace ran past a secretary and into a private meeting room. There he found Mr. Rudy Preschutti, Victor's boss. Mr. Preschutti sat at the head of the conference table looked up in confusion as Jace entered. He was a stout man with black hair and glasses. In fact, the best way Jace could describe him as was a pudgy Harry Potter, glasses and all.

"Jonathan," Mr. Preschutti said, his face scrunched up, causing his glasses to skew in the process. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Sir, I hate to drag you away, but I need you to come with me," Jace said firmly, leaving no room for argument.

Mr. Preschutti quickly ended the meeting. He apologized to the people in the room before following Jace down the hall.

"Jonathan, is everything okay?" Mr. Preschutti asked in a near panicked tone.

"No," Jace responded coldly. "Victor has officially ruined my life."

"Wh-what?" Pudgy Harry Potter sputtered.

Jace didn't bother replying to the man and pushed right through Aldertree's closed office door.

"What the hell?" Victor jumped at the intrusion. "What's going on here?"

"You're fired you sick son of a bitch!" Jace blurted out, feeling his skin heating up with anger.

"Fired? How are you going to fire me?" Victor replied, his cocky facade going into place, but Jace could see the uncertainty before he schooled his features. "You're under an iron clad contract."

"Yes, but the contract states that if the client - me - feels that his or her best interests aren't being met, the contract can and will be terminated," Jace smugly pointed out, holding said contract in his hands.

"And how was Victor not looking out for your best interests, Jonathan?" Pudgy Harry Potter asked.

"Exactly!" Aldertree exclaimed. "Everything that I've done has been in your best interest. You wouldn't be getting anywhere near the amount of media recognition if it weren't for me."

"You see, Victor," Jace stared the man down, emphasizing his first name. "My family has been torn in half with the accusations you've put in my head about my brother. Because you manipulated me into thinking that my older brother - a man who's made a name for himself all on his own - is trying to ride my coattails. Even though he and I aren't even in the same business! You kept putting lies in my head."

"They aren't lies. Your brother is trying to use your name for his own self gain," Aldertree said, although with a lot less confidence than he had before.

"No," Jace sighed, shaking his head and looking down at his feet. He still couldn't help the overwhelming guilt he felt in regards to what he'd already said to Alec. "Alec isn't the type of person to use someone else to get what he wants. Believe me, I know. There was a lot more going on than I realized." Jace blew out a shaky breath and looked at Preschutti, then looked Aldertree square in the eye. "You ruined the best relationships that I've ever had. My brothers and sister want nothing to do with me; my father won't allow me to come back home until I figure out how to fix everything that I've screwed up, and my mother has been so stressed out I wouldn't be surprised if I've taken years off her life. Even my fiancé hates the man I've become. She broke up with me! So yes Victor, you're fired because you never once looked out for me. I spoke to my agent this morning, and she's willing to set me up with an attorney if you and the firm choose to fight me on this."

"Victor," Mr. Preschutti bellowed, face turning an ugly shade of red. Jace saw a vein pop out on Preschutti's forehead and nearly laughed at the fact that it almost looked like the shape of a lightning bolt. "I took a chance on you when your last agency fired you. I told you that you would only get one shot at my firm. Jonathan Herrondale is the biggest client we have right now, and you've managed to go back to your old ways. You are officially suspended without pay until a thorough investigation has been completed. Pack up your things and leave the premises immediately."

"This is ridiculous," Aldertree grabbed his things with a huff. "You have not heard the last of me. I will ruin you Jonathan!"

"And now you're threatening clients!" Red faced, pudgy Harry Potter exclaimed. "If you do anything to jeopardize Jonathan's career or his name, you will face legal charges. Now get off my property."

Without another word, Aldertree walked out of his office with his metaphorical tail firmly tucked between his legs. With a satisfied grin, Jace turned to leave, feeling better by the minute.

Mr. Preschutti cleared his throat, "Jonathan, I'm so sorry you had to play victim to Victor's callousness. I will do anything I can in order to help you with this situation. I can set up meetings with some of my other representatives in between your schedule. I would hate to lose you as a client of ours, and his actions in no way represent how my firm runs as a whole."

"Honestly," Jace's shoulders slumped, feeling the emotional drain taking hold. "I'd rather have my mom and my agent look into a new PR rep for me. I don't really trust myself to find my own anymore."

"I understand," Mr. Preschutti sounded dejected. "I will be contacting you soon for an official statement against Victor. I need to know everything that was exchanged between the two of you. This will be sealed with our Human Resources department so none of the information you write will be made public. It will strictly be for the purpose of the investigation."

"Of course," Jace decided to go into professional mode, no need to be unprofessional to a man who had done nothing wrong. "Anything to keep Aldertree from working in Public Relations again."

"Thank you, Jonathan," Mr. Preschutti said with a nod as he shook Jace's hand. "For bringing this to my attention, and for pulling me out of what could have been a very boring board meeting."


When he arrived home, Jace looked at the landscape and the extravagant house he'd insisted on purchasing. Clary had argued that they didn't need the lavish home, just something big enough for themselves with a few spare bedrooms for when their family came to visit, but Jace put his foot down because he wanted something that he'd never had before. But looking at the house now, Jace realized that Clary was right. The first time their family came to visit, Clary joked by saying 'welcome to our new, pretentious home.' Jace always hated that she would joke about their home, and he could never understand why she would say that about the home he picked out for them. But looking at the house with a new perspective, he now understood. As Jace wandered through the house, all of his thoughts remained on Clary.

Clary came from old money. Her father was one of the wealthiest men in all of New York when he was alive, and her brother now runs the family business. After Valentine's death, Jonathan inherited all of their fathers assets. Valentine was the biggest asshole Jace had ever met, and the man expected his children to act the same way he did. He tried to instill the same views in Clary that he did with Jonathan, but Clary refused to treat anyone like they were beneath her.

Jonathan was the same age as Alec, and luckily for everyone involved, Jon went to a private school in Manhattan. But from the stories that Clary told him, Jonathan walked around the school like he was God's gift to the world. He treated everyone like they were there to serve him. Jonathan didn't have any friends, only lackys. Boys would follow him around everywhere, and girls seemed to throw themselves at the guy. Worst of all, Jon was also truly horrible to his sister and mother. Jocelyn and Clary chose to relocate to Brooklyn after the divorce, and Jonathan threw a fit and refuse to go to his mother's house when she was supposed to have him for the weekend; all because Brooklyn wasn't good enough for him. Clary didn't fare any better at her father's house. Because she sought out friendships, whereas Jonathan looked for other kids to manipulate, he hated that Clary had friends - because just like Valentine - he thought that Clary should have held herself to a higher standard and 'not stoop so low as to act like a middle class citizen.' Jace couldn't help but take offense to the way Jonathan saw the world, because his own parents were middle class citizens. And because Clary went against everything her father and brother said, she was cut off from her father's fortune and nearly had to leave St. Xavier's Preparatory. Her only saving grace was that Clary ended up with a scholarship which kept her in the school. Hell, the day Clary turned eighteen she went down to the courthouse and changed her last name from Morgenstern to Fray just so she had no physical ties to her father and brother.

"Oh shit!" Jace ran a shaking hand through his hair as he sank down onto his couch, knees giving way to the realization of what he'd become.

And there it was, staring him right in the face. Of course, Clary had sided with Alec. Had Jace really been no better than Clary's father and brother? Of all people, it could be she who'd recognize the similarities, even if only on an unconscious level. Jace's actions had cost him two of the most important people in his life, just as Valentine and Jonathan's actions had cost them. Clary was right; Jace was no longer the same man she'd fell in love with. With the help of Aldertree, Jace was becoming something else entirely. He'd been selfish, putting himself on a pedestal, while trying to pull Alec down just to lift himself up. He'd pushed all his insecurities onto Alec. Every word he said to his older brother the night of the engagement party had only been projections of his own self doubt. After all, Alec had done nothing but support Jace and his crazy ambition of becoming an actor their entire lives. Alec had helped him run lines with Jace in every high school play, and in college Alec had always encouraged Jace, even when he couldn't come back home to see Jace's performances. Alec even gave up a large portion of money for him. Granted Alec gave up that money for all of them, but regardless, Jace had still ended up with a portion of Alec's inheritance. And how had Jace repaid Alec? Oh yes that's right, he'd shit on his selfless brother, and then left him out to rot.

Jace stood back up with purpose. His mind running though ideas and plans. He paced up and down the length of his living room brainstorming until he realized what he needed to do.


Jace was determined to fix everything he's broken. Taking a deep breath, Jace called Clary at her mother's place in New York. He wasn't sure if it was a change in his tone, or if he'd simply taken her unaware, but the reason hardly mattered. Clary had agreed to hear him out. She didn't have time at this moment however, and suggested a later date for him to call back.

The time waiting to speak to her seemed to pass in waves of extreme slowness and great haste. When he finally found himself on the phone with her, once again, Jace hardly knew where to begin.

"You wanted to talk?" Clary inquired, sounding a little confused as to why he hadn't spoke.

"Ah yes," Jace said, stealing himself to just blurt it out. And so he did. It wasn't elegant, or in any way structured, but as he kept talking, the truth was revealed. He explained everything that had been going on with Aldertree, telling her every minute detail. Words poured from him in total disarray as he explained the events that took place at his parents house after she had left.

"So this guy has been acting like a little devil on your shoulder this whole time," Clary said, sounding rather annoyed. "Jace, if you would have just talked to me this whole thing could have been avoided."

"I know, Clary. Believe me, I know," Jace had already lost count the amount of times he's heard that. "If I could go back and change it, I would. I'd have run to you and spilled my guts before any of this could happen."

"I just feel like you didn't trust me enough to help you through this. If you don't trust me, then why did you ask me to marry you? Why are you even talking to me in the first place?" Jace's stomach dropped.

"No, Clary. No!" Jace quickly tried to reassure her. "He made me feel that I was alone in all of this. Victor made me believe that because Alec was everyone's favorite, no one else in the family would understand what Alec was doing. I swear it had nothing to do with not trusting you. It was more that I didn't trust myself. Aldertree made me doubt everything that I thought I knew."

"Alright," Clary sighed, sounding worn out. Jace couldn't tell from her voice if she really understood, or was just tired of talking of it. "But what about Alec?"

"Honestly," Jace ran a hand through his hair, guilt ridden over his brother. "I'm not even sure. I can't get ahold of him. He must have changed his number because every time I tried calling, the automated voice recording said that the number was out of service."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," Clary said, sounding guilty.

"Have you talked to Alec since the engagement party?" Jace couldn't keep the accusatory tone out of his voice.

"Yep" Clary said firmly, with not the slightest hint of regret.

"When?" Jace wracked his brain trying to figure out at which points Clary wasn't with him while they were in New York. He didn't realize how disconnected he'd been, with not only Clary, but his entire family.

"I saw him a couple of days after the party, and that's when I found out about the inheritance thing, and I've talked to him at least once a week since," Clary stated. "Jace, you do realize that I won't even consider getting back together with you until you prove that you're not the awful version of the Jace I've known these past months?"

"I know," Jace smiled, though she couldn't see his face. Despite the intent behind the words, her little speech had actually given him hope. The idea of them getting back together was on her mind, which was more than he'd believed possible this morning. Jace completely understood her reservations. He felt her conditions were kinder than he deserved, and he wasn't going to complain.

"So you know why I am so upset with you, then?" Clary asked.

"Because I'm an ass who started treating everyone I love the same way your dad and brother treated you." It was a statement, but Jace knew he was right by the sharp intake of breath he heard on the other end of the phone. "And you know what, that's what made me fall in love with you all those years ago! You always stand up for what you believe in, and even though I couldn't see it at the time, I know know you took Alec's side because it was the right side."

"So what's the plan?" Clary said, more gently than she'd sounded so far. Jace couldn't help but smile back. It felt as if a weight had been lifted from his chest. He hadn't felt so light in a long time.

"Well, first I want to sell the mansion. You were right, this house is too much," Jace explained. "And I also want to sell the house in Brooklyn."

"Why?" Clary sounded confused.

"So I can get an apartment here," Jace explained. "We... I mean I don't need that big of a house. The loft in Brooklyn is too expensive as well. Also I'll need all the money I can get to pay back Alec."

"You know that Alec doesn't care about the money," Clary argued. "That's why he gave it to all of you in the first place. This plan makes it feel like you're trying to buy his forgiveness instead of earning it."

"What else can I do?" Jace asked. "Without being able to talk to Alec I have no idea where to start."

"Good point," Clary conceded. "What else?"

"Selling the house means selling the extra furniture," Jace continued. "I won't need this much furniture in the new place. I plan to rent a one bedroom apartment." Jace paused for a moment before adding. "If you're planning on staying in Brooklyn for a while, would you be able to help sell the loft and my car? I mean, the car rarely gets driven anyway. Besides, it's New York. The traffic sucks even at the best of times."

Clary giggled, and it was music to Jace's ears. He couldn't contain his smile at hearing her laugh again even if he'd wanted to.

"I'll help sell the car, but you're keeping the loft," Clary said firmly.

"Why?" Jace asked. He figured that when he was home he'd just stay with his parents.

"After the movie is done filming you'll be going back home until you land your next role anyway," Clary said, always stating the obvious. "You need a home, Jace. And the apartment in LA... just make sure you can rent on a month to month basis. That way you're not paying for something when you're not there. We can get a storage unit for the furniture when you're done filming."

"I'm selling the Maserati and downgrading to a practical vehicle," Jace didn't need to have a car that expensive anyway.

"Or, you can just drive my BMW," Clary suggested. "I'm not sure when I'll be back, so there's no reason to buy a car when mine will just be sitting there. I've got a meeting with aunt Charlotte this week about a project she wants me on, so there's a chance I'm going to be in New York for quite a while."

Charlotte Branwell was Jocelyn's sister-in-law. She owned Codex Graphic Designs, the company Clary works for. Alec's friend from high school, Lydia, is Clary's cousin and Charlotte's daughter.

"That's nice of you," Jace said by way of accepting her offer. This only added to his hope of one day getting her back.

"Now that's out of the way, maybe you should focus on getting Alec to forgive you," Clary continued. Jace agreed, and for the rest of their conversation they talked of nothing else. Even though Clary didn't necessarily think his plan will work, nevertheless she was willing to help.

Jace and Clary weren't back together... unfortunately; she needed time, but Jace understood that, and would give her all the time she needed.


Jace had returned to LA on Monday and now he stood beside the airport baggage claim on a Friday morning. He'd only been back for a week, and yet so much had happened. Waiting for his mother's flight to land was giving his mind time to wonder. Maryse was flying in to LAX for a long weekend to meet the potential new publicist along with Jace and his agent. Unfortunately, Maryse's flight arrived late so Jace took her straight to the coffee shop where they were meeting everyone else. Jace parked the car in front of the gray cement building. It had what looked like slabs from old wooden pallets around the base of the windows on the front of the building, giving the coffee shop a rustic meets industrial look. He was a few minutes early but that just meant he had time to get a drink before everyone else arrived. Apparently this publicist, James Carstairs, came highly recommended.

"So, what do you know about this guy?" Jace asked nervously. He was terrified of making the same mistake twice.

"Well," Maryse said. Jace saw her head tilt to the side as she thought. "He's used to working with clients in the music industry, and he's very professional. He once dropped a client because he became romantically involved with her. He's currently representing three musicians, but he did let me know that he would be interested in gaining you as a client should the opportunity ever arise."

Jace nodded his head and made a move to get out of the BMW. "And Maia thinks this guy could be the right publicist for me?"

Maia was Jace's agent, a beautiful woman with mocha colored skin, it's only blemish being a scar on her neck. She was very curvy, and feisty as all hell. From what Jace remembered, the scar had come from her brothers dog biting her. According to her husband, Jordan Kyle, Maia's brother Daniel was an abusive drug addict. He'd told his dog to attack Maia because she refused to give him money for drugs. The scar was huge, but she didn't let that stop her. Maia's confidence - which borders on cockiness - was one of the things that Jace loved most about his agent, turned friend.

"Yes. She was... let's just say not impressed that you never spoke to her about Victor." Maryse smiled before adding, "I believe her exact words were something along the lines of 'If he'd just come to me first I'd have prevented that manipulative bastard from getting to him in the first place."

Jace snorted. Maia's words from his mother's lips was something else. "Let's get this over with then," Jace said.

Together they walked through the entry to the coffee shop, and his gaze immediately landed on Maia. She was sitting at a four top table alone, but as soon as she saw them she jumped up in greeting.

"Maryse," Maia greeted Maryse with a hug and a beaming smile. "Thank you so much for coming out here." She then turned to Jace with a scowl on her face, and smacked him on the back of the head.

"Ow!" Jace rubbed the sore spot. That woman can hit. "Seriously woman! What the hell?"

"That," she emphasised with a pointed finger. "Is for being a dumbass. Because of you, we now have a lot of damage control to tend to."

"Fair enough," Jace sighed, still rubbing his scalp where she'd smacked it. He chanced a glance at his mom and noticed her hiding a smile with the back of her hand. Jace knew he messed up, and his mother's response to his agents actions was justified, though a little disheartening.

As they sat, a waitress came over to take their drink orders. Jace wasn't in the mood for coffee; his nerves were already wound up tighter than a clock so he asked for decaf. His mind wandered off as Maryse and Maia started a conversation. Jace really needed to apologise to his brother and start the process of repairing their relationship. His mind was turning, running over ideas and ways to accomplish such a thing after having messed it up so badly. Speaking of things he'd messed up, there was Clary. Even though he was closer to making amends with the love of his life than he was with his brother, Jace still felt uncertain on how to do so. At the moment she refused to come back home, always saying she needed time away, but Jace wanted so badly to fix things between them. He was seriously considering dropping out of the movie. If they weren't already over half way finished the filming he felt sure somehow that he'd have already left. Jace blinked. Someone had said his name.

"Hm," Jace said, looking at the odd looks the women were giving him.

"Are you alright?" Maryse said, her expression shifting to concern.

"Umm yeah," Jace shook his head, clearing this thoughts. "I just have a lot on my mind. What did you say?"

Maryse's eyes softened and gave Jace a sympathetic smile, "I noticed you had this far off look, so I asked what was on your mind."

"I'm just self reflecting on what my personal life has become," Jace laughed nervously. "I'm trying to figure out how to fix all of my screw ups when the people I need to fix things with are on the other side of the country."

"We'll help you get through this," Maryse placed a hand on his cheek and smiled.

"Jace," Maia grabbed his hand, squeezing. "It'll work out. We're going to do everything we can to keep your personal life outside of the media, but when people see you out and about without Clary, do you have a plan to explain her absence?"

Jace was about to reply when they were interrupted by a newcomer. Jace's eyes widened and mouth gaped open at the sight of the man. He looked to be in his mid to late twenties, dark brown - almost black - hair with a silver streak in his bangs, and almond shaped eyes that were the most mesmerizing, soulful, silver color he'd ever seen. Jace was straight as an arrow, but looking at the man in front of him Jace couldn't help but notice how devastatingly handsome he was.

"Good afternoon," the newcomer said with a kind smile before reaching out to shake everyone's hand. "My name is James Carstairs, but please, call me Jem."

"Hello, Jem," Maryse said kindly. "I'm Maryse Lightwood."

Maia made her introductions and Jace snapped out of his haze to make his own introductions. "Jonathan Herondale, pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure's all mine," Jem smiled widely to the group. "Shall we get started?"

"Of course," Maia replied eagerly. Jace cocked an eyebrow at her quick response. "I have a date with Jordan tonight." Maia shrugged, completely unapologetic.

Everyone chuckled, Jace shaking his head. Leave it to Maia to have no qualms about making it known she had prior obligations.

"Okay," Jem said, clapping his hands together. "So Jonathan, I hear you're in the market for a new PR rep. May I ask what happened with your last one?"

"Uh... " Jace's discomfort grew to new heights. It was because of Aldertree that Jace didn't want to just jump right into dishing out all of his laundry to anyone he wasn't close to. Finally he said, "I um... I kind of have recently developed trust issues, which was why I fired Victor Aldertree, so I'd rather not discuss it."

Jace looked around at his mom and Maia, and saw looks of pity marring their features. He chanced a glance at Jem who's small smile was filled with kindness and understanding. Jace found himself relaxing at the sight.

"I understand. The PR industry is pretty tight knit, and I've been around Victor Aldertree. If there's one thing I can say, it's that he's always been arrogant and conniving. I've spoken to his past clients, and I've heard nothing good to make up for the bad. I'll tell you what," Jem leaned forward with his elbows resting on the table, looking Jace directly in the eye. "If you choose to hire me as your rep, I'll only agree to sign a one year contract to start out. That way we can learn more about each other, and if you feel like you can trust me, I'll be more than happy to extend the contract."

Jace nodded, but there was something that had been plaguing his mind ever since Simon brought it up at the last family dinner, "May I ask you something?"

"Anything you'd like," Jem said in a patient tone, and Jace took a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking.

"If I'm doing a planned interview and there are certain things that are off limits to ask, is it your job as my publicist to make sure the reporters don't ask those questions? And if so, and they ask them anyway, am I still supposed to answer them?" Jace asked with uncertainty.

"Jonathan," Jem placed his hand over Jace's who tried - and failed - not to flinch away at the contact. Jem retreated his hand and continued. "I'm assuming Victor ignored your requests and expected you to discuss things in interviews that you were uncomfortable with." He waited for Jace's nod. "I would never make you do anything you're not comfortable with. If there are certain topics that are off limits I will give a list to the reporters. And if they ask those questions anyway, you should refuse to answer and move on to the next question."

That statement confirmed what Jace had suspected. This was someone he wanted wanted to have a working relationship with.

"Okay. Let's try this," Jace said with as much conviction he could muster.

"Great," Jem's smile was so bright and contagious, Jace couldn't help but match it.

For the rest of the afternoon they discussed what Jace wanted for his public image as well as a myriad of other things that Aldertree either never took into consideration, or chose to ignore altogether. By the end of the meeting, Jace felt lighter than he had in awhile. 

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