
Today was a big deal for Alec. It was his one year anniversary of running the bistro, but that wasn't why he was so nervous. Oh no, Alec had plans to make an announcement to his family, friends, and colleagues tonight that was making today an even bigger deal than his small business anniversary.

Magnus had been boasting about how proud he was of Alec, and much to Alec's delight, had stayed his number one fan throughout their last year together. But Alec wanted more than that. He wanted a husband, and tonight was the night he was going to find out if he got one.

First though, he had to get through a day in the kitchen. The Bistro was always busy, but today especially it felt like the whole town had turned up to eat his food. It was like everyone knew today was special, Alec thought, but then dispelled the idea. After all that was impossible, since no one knew but him and Raphael.

Alec tried to focus on the task at hand instead of making up nonsense conspiracies about why there were so many customers tonight. Customers meant orders and orders meant work. Alec plated dishes and spread sauces trying to make everything perfect as he always did. Beef a La Mode was tonight's main dish, and Alec wanted it to be perfect. That was the dish that helped win the Michelin Star for the bistro, which was yet another feat in the last year.

He'd been at it quite a while when Raphael arrived in the kitchen. Alec looked up, eager to get confirmation that everything was set from his very helpful friend.

"Yeah," Raphael said. "Good to go."

"You sure?" Alec asked. "Tables all set up and everything?"

"Yep," Raphael said, popping the 'P'. Alec could tell there was something off about his friend. Probably something Raphael wasn't telling him, but Alec decided that was a problem for another day. He'd ask Raphael what was up tomorrow.

Alec couldn't stop his mind from wandering now, even as he sauteed onions and chopped parsley. His mind was playing every possible combination of tonight's events over and over. What if Magnus got called into a work thing at the last minute and left? He didn't know tonight was supposed to be special after all. Maybe Alec should call his office just in case, and ask them not to call him in unless someone died. Yeah that was probably a good plan.

Alec looked down at his hands, then remembered he was in the middle of his prep work. Right, maybe it was best he ask Raphael to do that for him. Looking around he couldn't see his friend in sight.

Which was fine. Alec was probably just overthinking it. Surely, they could go one evening without interruptions. He needed to worry less. Everything would be fine. The plan was perfect after all. Raphael had confirmed it. Alec's suit was hung up in his office. He would change right before close and then Magnus would arrive. Alec had the most wonderful staff who had agreed to stay late and help him set up a table in the back. The table cloth was a rich gold with flecks of green in honour of his soulmate's eyes. In the center of the table he'd planned to put a single rose in a tall thin glass vase. The menu Alec had picked out especially for them to eat with their hands. But even with all this extravagance it would all just be a nice romantic surprise as far as Magnus would be concerned, until Alec got out the ring. Alec hadn't quite decided how he would ask yet. 'Please marry me' or 'will you marry me' or some such things just felt too simple to really explain his love for Magnus. Then again making it more complicated with something like 'will you make me the happiest man alive and consent to be my husband' felt kinda wordy. Alec wasn't really sure why how he asked the question felt so important to him. Surely, Magnus' answer would have more to do with their love, and not Alec's grammar skills.

Urg! Why was he so nervous? After everything they'd been through Alec knew what Magnus' answer would be. There wasn't anything to worry about so why was his mind going round in circles.


Alec looked up at the clock and noticed that the bistro closed in less than two hours. Everything was fine. If Magnus tried to say no Alec would just beg on his knees until the man changed his mind. Or better yet, he could just cuff Magnus to something nailed down that way he'd never be able to leave!

Alec groaned, his hand coming up to cover his face. It was official. He was a mess.

"Hello earth to Alec?" recognizing the voice as one of his staff, Alec uncovered his face and looked up. Casey, his rotisseur, was holding out a plate to him.

"Oh right sorry," Alec said, taking the plate from him while putting on the finishing touches before it was brought out to the customer.

"Nervous huh?" he grinned at him.

"Whatever gave you that idea," Alec said sarcastically.

"You worry too much, boss," Casey told him seriously.

"Tell me something I don't know," Alec sighed.

"Raphael is here to see you again," he said.

Okay, so Alec didn't know that. Having finished plating he set the dish down to be taken by a waiter and looked around.

"Hey Alec," Raphael called to him from across the kitchen. With a sigh, Alec walked over to see what was going on.

"So there's a very persistent guest that is eager to meet you," Raphael told him once Alec was standing near enough to hear.

"Damn it!" Alec groaned out. "I didn't want to go out there until I'm ready." He didn't even have his suit on yet and the place didn't close for another hour! This was such bad timing.

"Do you want me to tell them you're too busy?" Raph asked with a raised eyebrow, knowing good and well that Alec wouldn't want him to do that.

"No," Alec sighed. "Hey Eronte, I need you on the line!" Alec made sure that his sous chef heard him before he left the kitchen.

"They're at table twelve," Raph stated as Alec squeezed past him.

Alec's mind kept wandering as he made his way to table twelve. What could this customer want anyway? Alec so didn't have time for this today.

But then table twelve came into view and Alec stopped dead in his tracks. Magnus was down on one knee in front of table twelve holding a tiny little box out in front of him. Alec almost couldn't believe it. He, of course, knew what this meant but what were the chances they'd both planned to propose on the same night? If Alec had known, he'd have put his suit on before coming out! Now he was just in his kitchen apron. Still, Alec couldn't interrupt now. More than anything else in the world, he wanted to hear what Magnus had to say.

"Alexander," Magnus started, a wobbly smile in place. "You have made me so proud since the day I met you. You've shown me what it was like to love without constraint, and you've been my rock through and through. I love you with everything I have, and everything I am. Would you do me the greatest honor in the world by becoming my husband?"

Before Magnus finished talking, Alec had tears rolling down his cheeks while he was smiling. It was too much! Too wonderful. Too beautiful. A bright happy laugh escaped him. Then a sound alerted him and Alec turned to see Raphael, who seemed to be holding Alec's own proposal ring in his hand.

Grabbing the ring from Raph, Alec joined Magnus down on one knee. "I would be honored to marry you, but only on the condition that you will wear my ring as well."

Magnus eyed the ring then looking back at Alec, a stunned expression marring his features.

"You were planning to propose as well?" Magnus questioned, which only made Alec chuckle.

"Yes," Alec said smiling. He was still waiting on Magnus' answer, but instead continued. "I've been planning the details out with Raphael for the last month."

"But I've been planning this with Raphael for the last month!" Magnus exclaimed. Then at the exact same time, both of their heads turned towards the conspirator.

"What," Raph scoffed. "Did you honestly expect me to tell either of you what the other was planning, and ruin this moment? I ended up forming my own plan, and recruiting our staff to help orchestrate it."

Just then Alec noticed that his entire staff was in the dining room watching everything that transpired, all with smiling faces and teary eyes. Julian even had his phone out, presumably taking pictures or recording a video. Alec then looked back to his boyfriend.

"You never answered my question," he said nervously, looking in Magnus' eyes.

"Of course I'll wear your ring," Magnus whispered. "Nothing would make me happier."

Magnus placed the box he'd been holding on the table, keeping the ring in his hand. He then slid the ring intended for Alec on Alec's finger. Alec was still holding the ring intended for Magnus, and did the same before crashing his lips to Magnus'. Cheers went up through the entire bistro causing both Magnus and Alec to grin into the kiss.

"Well," Alec said, standing and helping Magnus up with him. "I really hope everyone's orders are on their table since it appears that my entire staff is standing around." Alec winked just so his employees would know he was joking around. Alec felt heat on his cheeks and looked down. Magnus chuckled, while everyone else just shrugged.

"Look at it this way," a voice came from the crowd. Alec looked towards the voice that must have been a customer, but couldn't pick out an individual face. "Your staff doesn't get to witness their boss becoming engaged everyday. We all understand, and would never hold it against you."

One of his customers then raised their glass of water and soon the others were all following suit.

"Congratulations chef Lightwood." The sound echoed through the room as everyone took it up. Alec felt his face grow even hotter. He never did like to be the center of attention but today he'd make an exception. It was like he was flying, flying high on the winds of happiness.

Alec took a glance around the bistro. The crowd was moving now, coming towards them to offer congratulatory words and hand shakes. They were some of the most important people in Alec's life here tonight. His family were all smiles, gushing to Magnus and welcoming him into the family. His friends, and staff - who admittedly had become another extension of his family - were all celebrating with them, and then there were his customers; some regulars and some who he's probably seen before, but he couldn't quite place, were all expressing their happiness on his new coming nuptials.

It had been a long road to get to his happy ending, but Alec wouldn't change a single moment of it for anything. Even twenty years from now when they were one of those old married couples, they would always be the Chef and his CEO to Alec.


Well, that's a wrap. I'm sorry it took six months to get this last chapter out. It hasn't exactly been the greatest start of 2021 for me. A lot has happened in my personal life - some great - but mostly bad. I split up with my husband due to the fact that he couldn't quite understand why I didn't want him continuing to have a friendship with a woman half his age and barely legal. The fucker had the audacity to ask if we could have an open marriage so he could sleep with her. Needless to say, I did not want that, and that caused enough problems that I ended up leaving him. And just a disclaimer, whoever is following me on Twitter, please don't harass my ex. I just want to be done with him, and I don't want to deal with him calling me up and bitching.

It was actually REALLY hard finishing this story since it seemed like my life was falling apart and I had no desire to write about someone else's happily ever after. I have to give my beta editor, Writesalott, a lot of credit for this chapter. She was able to take what I'd written so far along with my outline for the chapter, flushed it out, and added a bit of flare to it. I didn't want you guys hanging any longer than you have been so here it is.

Now that this story isn't hanging over my head anymore, I'm going to work on an original idea that I've had. Once I publish it, if you'd like to read it, great! I have no idea when I'll publish it, but whoever's following should get a notification when I do. This next story is going to be my own personal therapy session for me. I just need to get my thoughts out and write.

On a brighter side, I received another promotion at work! I'm starting with a brand new contract and I'm employing about thirty new security guards to some vacation resorts down at the coast. It's fun and I get to move (I'm temporarily at my mother's house) and start all over again. As usual, work will take up a lot of my time, so writing will be scarce for a while longer.

But anyway, please tell me your thoughts on the chapter. I'd love to hear what you liked and disliked about the chapter, as well as the story as a whole. Thank you all for sticking with me for the two years that I've been writing this. I appreciate and love you all!

Until next time!

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