Drunken Phone Calls and Drunken Confessions
Magnus was finally home after his long day, and ready to relax before going to bed.
He hadn't realized how hard it would be to keep simple cooking classes a secret from his friends. It had been last month's disastrous attempt to try making breakfast for Alec that had really spurred Magnus to research the cooking classes. Magnus had signed up for a six week cooking course that he'd found online. Ragnor, Cat, and Raph had all wanted Magnus to go out for a drink with them that evening, but he'd blown them off all day.
He didn't want to admit to his friends that he was taking this course, because he knew they would either rib him about it, or dismiss the classes entirely and try to convince him to ask Alexander for more lessons instead. Magnus couldn't exactly tell his friends that he wanted to surprise - and impress - one of their other friends by learning how to cook a meal for the man.
It had been quite a shock on that first day when Magnus learned that Alec's friend, Lydia, was teaching the class. Magnus had not met the woman before that, but he'd listen to Alexander talk about her frequently enough to know who she was once she introduced herself. To make matters worse, Magnus had spent the entire class surrounded by couples all evening, only making Magnus' loneliness feel stronger.
Magnus still hadn't found the courage to tell Alexander that he wanted more. He wanted everything. After Magnus had spoken to Clary nearly a month ago, he'd been trying to gain the courage to ask Alexander on a real date.
During the first class as some sort of ice breaker, Lydia asked everyone why they signed up for the class. Some were getting married and taking the class so they could use cooking dinner as a chance to connect with one another after their busy work days, and some just wanted an activity to do together, but when it came time for Magnus to share, he froze. So, Magnus did what he'd always done; he gave out the bare minimum information. He told them that his boyfriend was a chef, so Magnus wanted to learn how to cook to return the favor. Magnus did, of course, leave out the part that a big name celebrity was whom he was referring to, as well as worked for him. He didn't think that information would go over well with the others.
It had been a sad moment for him, talking of Alec in such a way when the reality was quite different. It made him even more sure that he really did want what he'd claimed to have already.
With a sigh, he brought his thoughts back to the present. Magnus shed his shoes by the front door, walked into his kitchen to grab a glass and was just about to pour himself some wine when his phone rang. Groaning, Magnus pulled the offending device out of his pocket, but grinned at the name flashing on his screen.
"Hello, Alexander," Magnus purred into the phone.
"Alexander," Magnus said incredulously. "Ar-are you drunk?"
"Thass what I've been told, yep yep-hic," Alec responded.
"Okay. Where are you? Do you need me to pick you up?" Magnus asked, already moving to get his keys and wallet.
"I nneeedd yyyooouuu. I'm - hic - at the wolllfff bbaaaarr," Alec slurred, then let out prolonged howl "AROOOOO!!!"
"Wolf bar? Where even is that, Alexander?" Magnus asked, pinching the bridge of his nose. This was not how Magnus imagined this conversation going. Magnus could hear Alec talking to someone, though he couldn't actually hear what was being said.
"Hello?" Magnus heard the unfamiliar voice on the other end of the phone.
"Yes, hi. Who is this?" Magnus asked.
"This is Pete, I'm the owner of The Hunter's Moon. I need you to come pick up your friend," the voice said. Luckily, Magnus knew where the bar was located. It wasn't too far from Alexander's loft.
"I'll be there in twenty minutes," Magnus sighed already mourning the thought of his wine and relaxing evening.
Magnus arrived only fifteen minutes later to find a very drunk and somewhat belligerent Alexander. Walking into the lobby while Alexander was practically putting all of his weight against Magnus was proving to be quite difficult. Alexander outweighed Magnus by at least twenty pounds. Luck must have been on Magnus' side, because at that moment, Raphael had walked up just a few feet behind them.
"Oh, so you wouldn't go out with us, but you went out with Alec, huh?" Raph said snottily, his tone edging on hostile.
"No," Magnus sighed while shifting Alec's weight yet again. "I was home. Alexander thought that it would've been a good idea to go out drinking alone. I got a phone call saying that I needed to pick him up."
"What the hell happened to him?" Raphael asked after taking a moment to really look at Alexander. Alec's head lolled to the side and rested on Magnus' shoulder. He seemed completely out of it. Raph looked at Magnus struggling, and moved to slip his arm around Alec's other side to help distribute the weight.
"I don't know. I asked him what was going on but he just kept mumbling," Magnus replied.
"Well let's get him home, then," Raphael said, helping Magnus drag Alec over to their private elevator.
Once inside, Alexander drunkenly lifted his head and noticed Raphael.
"Rrraaaaph!" Alexander exclaimed, face brightening at seeing his friend. "Whash you doin' here, bruh?"
Magnus and Raphael exchanged looks of a mixture of disbelief and amusement. 'Bruh?' Magnus mouthed to Raph, who in turn just shrugged.
"Hey buddy," Raph said, turning his attention back to Alexander. "Mind telling me what happened today?" Raph's voice was calm, the intonation that of speaking to a small child.
"Yep. Fucked up. Pisshed off Jizzy and... and... the asshole bruvver... What's-His-Fuck... Came here. Got pants-shittingly drunk... without shitting... now, here ya are wif the love of my life. Hic," Alec slurred. "Anndd, muh namsh Alec, not Buddy-hic."
Magnus and Raph exchanged yet another look, and Raph raised an eyebrow in question.
"What did he say?" Raph asked. Before Magnus could come up with any type of response, the elevator doors opened. Magnus and Raph guided Alec to his door, then Raph heaved a frustrated sigh. "Magnus, please tell me you have keys to his apartment?"
"Nope, but let me check his pockets," Magnus maneuvered Alec to where he could start patting him down, then shoved his hand in Alec's right pocket when he felt the keys. Raphael adjusted his grip on Alec while Magnus moved to open the door.
Once they got Alec inside and settled on the couch, Raphael made a move to sit on the coffee table directly in front of Alexander, while Magnus sat next to him.
"Now, can you tell us again what happened?" Raph asked, Magnus could hear the concern in his tone.
"I shaid, hic," Alexander's head rolled back landing with a thud on the back of the couch. "Ishy and Jash got pishy. Mom tricked me, now I are drank, hic."
An enormous belch made it's way out of Alec's mouth, sounding dangerously like he was going to vomit.
"Jesus," Raphael said, waving a hand in front of his face while scrunching up his nose. "We need to get some food in him now."
"Yeah," Magnus said as he really started to worry about Alexander. "I'll go see if he has some bread."
Magnus went to get up, but Raph stopped him.
"He's not a fucking duck, Magnus! He needs something more substantial than bread," Raph got up and made his way to the kitchen. Magnus sighed in exasperation and stayed with Alexander for a few minutes, who as it appeared, fell asleep. Getting up, Magnus went to the bathroom and grabbed the trashcan and placed it beside Alec, then moved to the arm chair and pulled off a soft looking blanket and draped it over him.
"Oh, Alexander. What am I going to do with you?" Magnus whispered, kissing Alec on the forehead. Then he got up and went into the kitchen.
Magnus watched Raphael moving around like he owned the place. Magnus and his friends usually spent every Saturday night at Alexander's place, so it didn't surprise him one bit that Raph knew his way around Alec's kitchen.
"Well," Magnus said as he moved further into the kitchen. "Alexander is passed out. What're you making?"
"Just whipping up some pancakes to soak up some alcohol. What the hell happened to him?" Raphael asked, not for the first time.
"Honestly, I don't know. He was slurring so much that I could barely understand him," Magnus mused. "But it had to have something to do with Isabelle and Jace. I knew he was supposed to have dinner with his parents tonight, but I don't know what exactly happened. Hopefully he'll be able to explain better tomorrow."
"Yeah," Raph huffed out. "Hey, what did Alec mean when he said that I was here with the love of his life?"
"What?" Magnus asked, confused.
"When we were still in the lobby, I asked him what happened, he started spouting off nonsense that I couldn't understand, then he said what sounded like 'I was there with the love of his life.'"
"Huh," Magnus said, trying to contain his shock - and excitement - while willing his heart rate to slow down. He must have missed that part while trying not to drop Alec. "I have no idea."
"Well," Raph said, chuckling. "It appears that drunk Alec is in love with you."
"Yeah," Magnus said laughing along, hoping that his laugh didn't sound as forced to Raphael as it did to his own ears. "It appears so."
"Do... " Raphael started, tilting his head as if he were studying Magnus. "Do you want Alec to have feelings for you?"
Damn, Magnus thought. He must not have been as nonchalant as he thought. Although, aside from Cat and Ragnor, Raph had known Magnus longer than anyone else, so of course he would see right through Magnus.
"Would that be too much to ask!" Magnus exclaimed, no longer trying to hide his feelings. "He's so genuine, kind hearted, and sweet! He cares about his family, and treats everyone so polite and respectful. Not to mention the fact that he's absolutely gorgeous! H-he's everything I've ever wanted."
Magnus hung his head, too dejected to feel mortified about spilling his guts to one of his dearest friends about his crush. Could it really even be called a crush anymore? The way he felt about Alexander seemed like he was well beyond the crush stage.
"So, tell him," Raph stated like it was the easiest thing in the world to do.
"You know I can't," Magnus responded after a while.
"Don't throw that bullshit at me, Magnus," Raph said, looking at Magnus as if he grew another head. "All you need to do is ask him out."
"But, what if he rejects me?" Magnus whined. He knew he sounded petulant, but dammit, he had a valid reason for it. "You know I won't be able to handle it."
"First of all," Raphael stated, giving Magnus a pointed look. "A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts. And second... I don't want you to start playing the 'what if' game. Yes, there's a possibility that he could reject you. And yes, there's also the possibility of you two dating and not working out, but there's also the possibility of you two dating and falling in love. He could be the one for you, and if you continue to be a stubborn ass, you'll never know for sure how it would turn out."
Magnus knew he was right, but his fears were still there. Sensing that, Raphael continued, "Magnus, I know that you've had a shit deal in the past, but you can't let that fear dictate what you do now." Magnus looked his friend in the eye, sighed and nodded. "Now, wake up sleeping beauty so he can eat something before he pukes," Raph said with a pleased tone to his voice. Magnus chuckled and went to do just that.
Magnus walked back to the living room and gently carded his fingers through Alec's hair.
"Alexander, darling it's time to wake up and eat something," Magnus whispered.
Alec opened his eyes and smiled up at Magnus. Magnus couldn't help but return his own smile, and help his friend to his feet.
Magnus followed Alec back into the kitchen, keeping a close eye on him and his unsteady feet. There were a few times where Alexander tripped on nothing while trying to navigate to the barstool.
"Whus 'is?" Alexander slurred, Magnus proceeding to help him on the stool.
"That, my dear, is your food. You need to eat something, Alexander," Magnus informed his drunk friend.
"Oh," was Alec's response, grabbing the fork and knife he effectively started butchering his pancakes.
Raphael smiled fondly while rolling his eyes, and took everything away from Alec to cut the pancakes for him before handing them back. Magnus tried really hard not to snicker, he really tried. Raph looked at Magnus and motioned for him to follow his lead.
"Alec obviously can't be left alone tonight," Raph said once they made their way to the living area. Not out of Alexander's sight, but far enough away to not be able to hear them talk. "Do you wanna head home and I'll stay with him?"
"No," Magnus said with a shake of his head. "I'm already here. I don't mind staying on the couch. Go home, you can at least sleep in your bed tonight, and you're right next door in case I need you for anything."
"Okay," Raphael said with a nod. He then walked over to Alec, whispered something in his ear and gave him a one armed hug.
"Call me when you wake up, and I'll come over and make you two some breakfast," Raph said walking over to give Magnus a hug as well. "Maybe tomorrow we can finally find out what caused him to get shit faced."
After Magnus walked Raphael out, and locked up for the night he went back to check on Alexander.
Alec had his head laying on the counter, softly snoring. Magnus chuckled as he saw that his lover was passed out again.
"Darling," Magnus said, running his fingers through Alec's hair. "Wake up, cintaku, you need to brush your teeth and go to bed."
Alexander lifted his head, a sleepy smile on his face. With a nod, Alec allowed Magnus to help him up and guide him to the bathroom. Finishing up there, Magnus helped Alec up the five steps to his bedroom area.
"Where are your pajamas, darling?" Magnus asked as he sat Alec down on the bed.
"I, uh," Alexander stuttered, furrowing his brows. "I don't where any."
"Okay, well let's get you undressed then," Magnus said, starting to help Alexander out of everything but his boxers. Once that was complete - which took a lot longer than it needed to - Magnus pulled away to look for something he could sleep in.
After Magnus found a pair of Alec's sweatpants, and changed, he helped Alexander get into bed.
"Goodnight, Alexander," Magnus said, kissing his lover on the forehead. Before Magnus could get very far, Alec grabbed his wrist.
"Please stay," Alexander pleaded, voice sounding vulnerable.
"Alexander," Magnus sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed looking at him. "I don't think that'll be a good idea tonight. I won't be far though, from what Max told me, your couch is rather comfortable." Magnus smiled, taking the hand Alec wasn't holding and rubbed his cheek.
"I don't want to have sex tonight, Magnus," Alec said, no longer slurring his words, much to Magnus' relief. "I just... I don't want to be alone. I know the rules, and I just want one of my best friends next to me tonight."
"Alright," Magnus said reluctantly, though if he were being honest with himself, being referred to as a 'best friend' was kind of a downer for him. "Let me just get a few things and I'll be right back." With that, Magnus kissed Alec's cheek and headed to get some water, pills for the hangover, and a trash can just in case Alec got sick during the night.
Returning to the bed, Alexander tented up the covers to allow Magnus to slide in. When Magnus was positioned and comfortable, Alec snuggled in close with a sigh.
"I have a secret to tell you," Alec started. "I've broken some rules with our relationship."
"Oh?" Magnus asked. "Alexander, we decided to get rid of the no spending the night rule, and we aren't doing anything tonight that would break another rule."
"No," Alec said shaking his head, seemingly convinced he was indeed breaking a rule. "Not that. I've fallen in love with Magnus."
Magnus sucked in a breath at the declaration. He truly didn't know how to respond to that; did he confess his feelings as well? Would Alexander even remember this confession? Before Magnus had the chance to respond, Alec continued, "But you can't tell Magnus that I love him, m'kay."
"Why can't he know?" Magnus asked breathlessly, genuinely confused. If Alexander were in fact in love with him, why couldn't they have a real relationship?
"Because, if he knew then he wouldn't want me anymore," Alec said in a pained voice.
"No, Alexander," Magnus said, moving Alec so he could look his lover in the eyes. "How could you possibly think that?"
"Because of the rule," Alexander looked down, not meeting Magnus' eyes. "And everyone leaves me eventually, even my brother and sister. It's just how life works."
"Oh Alexander," Magnus said, pulling his Alec in close. The pain behind Alexander's words nearly broke Magnus' heart.
"I'd never leave you," Magnus whispered to a snoring Alec before he too drifted off to sleep.
AN: Hey everyone! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I'm sorry it's so short. I honestly didn't think it would be ready in time for today's update, but alas, it is here. No sneak peek again this week, but next chapter will take place the following morning, and it will also be in Magnus' POV.
We've lost four people at work (either with us having to fire them, or they've quit) so I've been working 12-14 hour days. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. This week I've been making the effort to wake up a few hours earlier than I normally would just so I can make time for myself to write.
But, enough of my personal crap. Please leave a review and let me know what you thought about the chapter. I will do my best to respond to each and every one of you. If I happened to miss a comment on the last chapter, or even on this chapter I apologise. I'll do my best to respond.
Have a great weekend guys!
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