Conflicting Thoughts and Hangover's
"I guess it's a good thing I put a GPS tracker on your phone," Magnus heard a familiar voice from behind as he downed his third shot.
"Catarina, darling," Magnus turned towards his friend. "I left because I wanted to be alone. The fact that I didn't ask you to follow me should've been your first clue."
"Don't give me that attitude Magnus Bane," Cat's tone was threatening. "What was that stunt you pulled back there, huh?"
"That was me keeping myself from falling for another lying, cheating slut," Magnus waved her off, and ordered another drink from the bartender.
"Bullshit. Who says Alec is cheating on you?" Cat asked as she slid into the seat next to him.
"Well, he didn't tell me about those two sluts who asked him out yesterday, so there's that," Magnus stared at his glass.
"He didn't tell you about him because it wasn't a big deal, Magnus! It wasn't even a little deal. Clearly he had no interest in that girl, since you know, he's gay! And that guy? Yeah, like that would ever happen. He has no interest in anyone but you. Why can't you see that?" Cat exclaimed angrily. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
"But he should've told me!" Magnus countered, getting worked up all over again.
"Do you tell him about every man or woman whose propositioned you in the last few months?" Came yet another familiar sound. Magnus whipped around at the sound of Raphael's voice.
"Why the hell would I do that?" Magnus asked, wondering why that had to do with anything. "I have people hitting on me, and propositioning me for favors every other day. That would only upset Alexander."
"Exactly!" Ragnor added. "You didn't tell him about those people because you knew he'd be upset. Yet he didn't tell you about these two people who asked him on a date because he thought nothing of it, and you flip your shit over it."
"Sounds like a double standard to me," Raphael chimed in. "What's really on your mind Magnus?"
As usual his friends had hit the nail on the head. Magnus knew as they'd said the words this wasn't really about some random people hitting on his boyfriend. With a deep breath, Magnus spoke. "Things between us have been going so well. Too well. I feel like our relationship is too good to be true," Magnus finally admitted. "No relationship of mine has ever been as easy - and as stable - as mine and Alexander's."
"Isn't that a good thing?" Cat replied.
"Well yes, but it makes me feel like things are bound to come to a head at some point. It can't be too good to be true forever. At some point it will fall apart, and I guess I just wanted to get it out of the way."
"It sounds to me like you're getting cold feet, Magnus," Cat said, then sighed. "And this is why I didn't want you two to date!"
"But you're the one who asked me to give him a chance long before anything even happened between us," Magnus protested.
"That was before I got to know him!" She exclaimed.
"But Alec is a great guy," Ragnor said, looking at his wife with confusion. "Wouldn't that give you more reason to want them together?"
"It's because I like him so much as to why I didn't want them dating," Cat said, then faced Magnus. "I know how great Alec is for you. I also know that if this relationship ended horribly, it would completely destroy you both. Alec has become a wonderful friend of mine, however, you are family, Magnus. If things go tits up between you and Alec, I choose you all the way. With that being said, I do think you overreacted back there tonight. In fact, I know you overreacted. Alec did nothing wrong, and I think that as long as you don't allow your insecurities to get in the way, you and Alec have a real shot at making this relationship last a lifetime. I think Alec is good for you, and he truly loves you. I've never seen anyone look at you the way Alec does."
"I have to agree with the Mrs on this one, Magnus," Ragnor said. "That boy looks at you like you hung the moon and the stars. I honestly don't think he'd deliborately do anything to hurt you, so don't be stupid by hurting him because you're getting cold feet."
"Whatever," Mangus grumbled petulantly, knowing that his friends were right, but not wanting to admit it. Magnus motioned for the bartender for another round of shots, Raphael and Ragnor indulged him for a couple of rounds before Catarina paid the tab and hauled everyone out of the bar.
The next morning Magnus woke with a splitting headache and a rolling stomach due to his hangover.
After expelling what little content he had left in his stomach, Magnus descended the stairs to his kitchen to make himself a pot of coffee. As he made his way towards the kitchen, Magnus halted in his steps. He could smell the aroma of fresh brewed coffee and bacon all the way from the hallway. There were only two people he knew that would come over and make him breakfast, and he wasn't particularly keen on seeing either Raphael or Alexander at the moment.
Much to his chagrin, both Alexander and Raphael were patiently waiting for his arrival. Sighing, Magnus stepped completely into the kitchen to face the music.
"I don't want to talk," was Magnus' immediate response to the questioning gazes. "I've said all that I needed to say last night. I appreciate the breakfast, but you both can go now."
"Magnus, please," Alexander's voice cracked, causing a pang in Magnus' heart. "I... I don't know what I did wrong. Please tell me how to fix this."
"Raphael, you two should go," Magnus pointedly ignored Alexander. He knew he wasn't thinking rationally, and didn't want Alec to push Magnus into saying anything too rash.
"Why are you doing this?" Raphael exploded. "Alec did nothing wrong, yet you won't even talk to him? I thought you loved him, Magnus? Stop acting like Camille and be a man. Face conflict head on, and work your insecurities out!"
"It's fine, Raph," Alexander sniffled, and cleared his throat. The sound nearly breaking Magnus down. "If he needs space to think, I'll give him all the time he needs."
"No!" Raphael snapped. "He doesn't get to hurt you, Alec, which is exactly what he's doing. Magnus needs to man up and act his age, not his shoe size," Raphael argued. Magnus was slightly hurt that Raphael would take Alexander's side in this fight, but there was nothing he could do about it at the moment. Instead of saying anything, Magnus turned around and went back to his bedroom, promptly locking himself in and began texting Cat.
To Cat:
Call the dogs off! Raphael came over with Alexander and tried to make me talk. I had to go and lock myself in my bedroom.
From Cat:
No! Magnus you need to get your head out of your ass and stop letting irrational fears cloud your judgement. If you can't handle being with Alec you need to tell him yourself.
To Cat:
I don't know what I want to do. Alec said he'd give me space so I guess that means it's over.
From Cat:
It's only over if you both say it's over. If Alec says he's giving you space, it means that he wants you to make a decision. He respects you too much to just end things.
To Cat:
You're supposed to be on my side! Stop making Alec out to be a victim, I'm just as much a victim, if not more than he is!
From Cat:
Ugh! I can't talk to you like this! Calm down and talk to me once you've come to your senses!
Sighing, Magnus chucked his phone on his bedside table and burrowed himself under the covers. He was pissed that it seemed that everything was against him on this, but Magnus can't help the way he felt. Feeling the burning pressure behind his eyes, Magnus took a shuddering breath and let the tears roll down his cheeks.
It was Thanksgiving Day, and Magnus was still sulking around his house. He was supposed to go with Alec to his parents house for the day, but Magnus politely declined the offer to Maryse, making up some excuse about having an open invite to the Loss' and not wanting to offend them by not coming.
Feeling lost, he decided to scroll through his phone while he waited on his take-out to arrive. His social media notifications were going off like crazy. On Instagram, Isabelle posted several pictures of Alec with cutesy captions such as 'Spending the day with my family and my favorite big brother.' Magnus studied all of the pictures diligently. Alexander was smiling, however, there were dark bags under his eyes like he wasn't sleeping well, and his smile seemed fake and didn't come close to reaching his eyes. The day after their fight - and after Magnus woke up from his pity party - Magnus sent Alexander a text saying that he needed time to think, and it'd be best if they took a break from each other. Alexander said that he respected Magnus' decision, but continued to text at least once a day, whether it be a simple 'good morning', or 'I love you', or 'I hope you're doing okay'. Magnus didn't know how to feel about that. On the one hand, it warmed Magnus' heart to know that Alexander wasn't giving up on him, but on the other hand, it made it harder for Magnus to move past his fears. He didn't know how to explain what he felt, apart from conflicted.
Magnus knew he was being irrational, yet he didn't know why he felt the need to pick a fight with Alec over something as trivial as another man flirting with his boyfriend. Magnus knew Alexander was a very attractive man, in fact, Alexander was the most beautiful human being - inside and out - that he'd ever met. Alexander's soul match his outer beauty. Magnus knew Alexander was too good and pure. Magnus had always felt that Alexander was too good for him, yet he pursued him anyway.
Then there was the fact that Raphael was barely speaking to him. Magnus never in his life would've thought that a single person could come between their friendship. Magnus couldn't blame Raph, however, mostly due to the fact that Raphael was not only Alec's friend, but also his coworker.. Their friendship had also grown very fast, and Alexander did remind Magnus of Raphael a bit, they were both always trying to please their family, and just generally loyal to those they were close with. Magnus found he was actually slightly jealous of how fast they became close to one another.
Then there was Ragnor. Ragnor just told Magnus that he was being stupid, and needed to get his head out of his ass. Ragnor also made it no secret that he still checks up on Alexander. Ragnor warned Magnus that Alec wouldn't wait around forever, and would soon grow tired of Magnus' antics and move on. Magnus felt rather betrayed by two of his best friends. They'd never been against Magnus when it came to his other exes, but they both claimed that this was because Alec was different from everyone else.
The only person Magnus could completely count on right now was his beloved Catarina. She'd said her peace the morning after the bar, and thankfully made no mention of it since. She'd stuck by Magnus' decision on his break with Alec without objection. Cat also, from what Magnus could gather, made no attempt to contact Alec. He felt that Catarina was the only friend who truly had his back.
Conflicting thoughts consumed his every waking moment. Magnus couldn't help but dwell most on two in particular. He feared more than anything that breaking up with Alec would mean not only losing his two best friends, but possibly the greatest love of his life as well.
Well, that's Magnus' POV for you. How'd you guys like the chapter? Do you think Magnus is just being immature, or do you sympathise with his fears?
Also, sorry for not responding to comments, I ended up getting really sick last week and all I did was work and sleep. I'm actually STILL taking my stupid antibiotics, but I'm feeling fine now. I'm going to try to get to all of your comments this week.
This past week I took a much needed vacation from work. It was freaking AMAZING!!! My birthday is this Sunday, but for my birthday present from my husband, he took me to the Washington/Dallas game. It was EPIC!!! Unfortunately, my poor Redskins got their asses handed to them, but at least my husband was able to bask in Dallas' victory (yes, I married and Cowboys fan) can you believe it?
Anyway... now that I'm done rambling about part of my vacation, send a review. You guys know that I always love hearing from you. The next chapter will be posted in two weeks!
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