Alec's Sickly Planning
Alec woke up feeling like pure hell. His chest was tight, he could barely breathe, and every time he coughed, phlegm would come up with it. He was also sweating quite profusely. Needless to say, Alec was sick. He hadn't been feeling well for nearly a week now, but he'd thought the over-the-counter cold medicine he purchased would've helped. Clearly it hadn't.
Alec was also thankful that Magnus had been out of the country for the last week because he really didn't want his hot boyfriend to see him in this state. Alec didn't get sick often, but he'd be the first to admit that he was not a pleasant person to be around when he was. The last thing he needed was to gross Magnus out with his phlegminess.
Getting up, Alec felt a wave of dizziness overtake him, but chose to push through and ignore it as he and Raphael had a lot of work to get done. The first of which was that they needed to meet up with Lydia to go over times to set up interviews. She was nice enough to let them use the kitchen at her catering company to conduct the demonstration potion of their interviews. Alec had been working as a chef long enough to know that people can fluff a resume, and talk a good game about their culinary capabilities, but could fail miserably when it came to actual cooking.
He and Raph also needed to check out the renovations being done to the bistro, and there were still more vendors they needed to get quotes from. Alec wanted to make damn sure that everything he cooked would be fresh every single day. Finding the right vendors for the right price could make or a break a restaurant. Also he wasn't going to allow sub par or frozen food into his kitchen as a matter of principle.
After a quick shower, in which he wheezed from the steam and his clogged nasal passages, Alec padded into his kitchen to make himself some coffee. His appetite was practically nonexistent at the moment as his cold symptoms worsened. Coffee could be food right? Before filling up his thermos with the liquid caffeine laced treasure coffee, the front door opened to reveal Raphael. Alec gave his friend a small smile while he concentrated his shaking hands on getting the coffee in the mug.
"You alright, man?" Raphael questioned in concern as he walked into the kitchen, taking the thermos and pot from Alec to pour it for him. "This cold seems to be getting worse. Are you sure you're up for today? I could get everything settled for you."
"I'm fine," Alec wheezed, slumping against the island counter. "I can rest all weekend."
He then went into a horrific coughing fit, moving towards the trash can to spit out the mucus that he'd coughed up.
"I don't think so," Raphael said, moving towards a swaying Alec. He placed his hand on Alec's forehead, causing Alec to groan from how cold his friend's hand felt against his searing flesh. "You're burning up, Alec."
"And I'll be fine," Alec protested. "If I start to feel worse, I'll let you personally take me home for the rest of the day."
"If you say so," Raph replied. Alec could tell that he didn't believe Alec, but at least he didn't argue, to which Alec was grateful.
"I'm fine," Alec waved Raph's concern away. "Let's get going. We've got a lot to do today."
Despite his cold, they made it to Lydia's catering company just when they were meant to. The space consisted of a large kitchen with multiple work stations situated like that of one of Alec's old classrooms from culinary school. This was where Lydia conducted most of her cooking lessons. There was a bigger, industrial sized kitchen the next room over where Lydia did most of the cooking for her catering orders. She also had a storage room for all of the items she needed to transport her food in, and a pantry. Lydia had made a name for herself with her company, and was booked solid for the foreseeable future. She even had her own wait staff and kitchen staff, which she'd offered to lend out to help Alec and Raphael train their new staff for the bistro.
"Hey guys," Lydia said excitedly as they walked into her kitchen. She had a space set up with her laptop and a planner out and ready for them. Alec was eternally grateful that she was in business mode. He didn't think he could deal with small talk in his current state.
"Lydia, it's good to see you again," Raphael said, always the professional. "We won't take up much of your time. We know how busy you are."
"Don't even worry about it," Lydia said, waving away Raphael's statement. "I'm more than happy to lend out my kitchen to you guys. Alec here was the first person to invest in my company. If it weren't for him, I'd still be working in a restaurant saving up for this place."
"I didn't know that," Raphael said, glancing at Alec. Alec nodded, then closed his eyes to combat the dizziness that threatened to overtake him yet again.
"Alec," Lydia said concerned. "Are you okay?"
She got up, grabbed a bottle of water, and pushed it towards Alec. Her forehead was scrunched in concern.
"I'm fine," Alec said, trying to catch his breath. "I've had a cold for a nearly a week, and it won't seem to go away."
"Alec, you're sweating and panting like you've just ran a marathon," Lydia said sternly. "This isn't just a cold and you are not okay!"
Alec winced as she raised her voice. His head was pounding like a drumline playing a cadence, and her voice - in conjunction with his coughing - was not helping at all. Somehow Alec wouldn't have been surprised if the pounding in his head could be heard across the kitchen.
"I tried to get him to stay at home," Raphael said, being the traitor he was. "I even told him that I could handle everything for him. He's just being stubborn."
"I'm fine," Alec firmly stated, glaring at his two friends. "I'll sleep it off this weekend. There's too much that needs to be done for me to take any time off right now."
Lydia glared at Alec, but conceded after a moment's study of Alec's face. He wondered what kind of resolve had shown there to make her give up. Raphael however, did no such thing. He just rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone.
"Okay," Lydia said sounding defeated, causing Alec to smirk and then cough. "Let's get started then."
They got down to business, scheduling their interviews for two weeks from now, and breaking up those interviews into four days. The kitchen staff would be taking up most of the interview process, leaving only a day to interview the bar and wait staff. Once the dates were set, Alec immediately emailed Max and his parents so they could get the 'want ads' out with the interview times, locations, and contact information.
"Now we need to go over training schedules," Lydia announced as she finished typing away on her laptop. Raphael was doing the same on his phone.
"Lydia, just let us know when is best for you," Alec said, tiredly. "I don't want to impose on your catering schedule or your class schedule. If all else fails, we can train our staff early in the mornings."
"My next round of cooking classes start on Monday nights," Lydia explained. "Most of my catering orders are on the weekends, but I do have a few that run throughout the week. Those shouldn't be a problem for you guys, and if something comes up, I can always let your staff use the classroom instead of the kitchen."
"Why don't we just use your classroom for all of our training?" Alec asked, his headache now felt like an entire marching band had taken residence within his skull. "I don't really see us needing to use your main kitchen when we have everything we need here." He gestured around the teaching kitchen they were currently sitting in.
"What about when it comes time for you guys to learn to maneuver around each other?" Lydia questioned.
"Our own kitchen should be ready by the time we need to work on that," Alec waved away her concern. "I need to teach them my style of cooking, and the recipies first."
"Okay," Lydia marked something in her planner. "As it's the beginning of October, we have exactly seven weeks until Thanksgiving. I have multiple orders for company parties and whatnot over that weekend, so when do you plan to start consumer testing?"
"I'd like to do those about a week before Thanksgiving," Alec said after a moment's thought. "We would also like to use your van if at all possible. What's your schedule like for that week?"
"I only have events scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday that week," Lydia said once she went over her schedule. "I'm going to be my busiest the week of Thanksgiving. Events planned everyday, including that Thursday. A lot of rich people apparently don't cook." Lydia explained, laughing.
"We can do our tests Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of the week prior then," Raphael said as he clicked away on his phone. Alec could only assume he was putting everything in on his calendar, and was grateful of that since Alec hadn't even bothered writing anything down.
In fact he couldn't even imagine finding the energy to both write things down and take in other people's words at the moment. Just trying to listen to what was said and remember what he needed to say was almost too much for his pounding skull at the moment. Alec blinked, trying to push past the discomfort. As he opened his eyes again and focused his mind, Alec realized he had no idea what they were talking about. He must have zoned out of the conversation without meaning to. He trusted Raphael and Lydia to get everything in order, but was beginning to think that he probably should've stayed in bed today.
Looking up, Alec noticed that both his friends had stopped talking and were staring at him.
"What?" Alec asked when they didn't say anything.
"Yeah," Lydia said slowly. "I'm taking you to the hospital. You passed out on us for a minute."
"No I didn't," Alec said, before a coughing fit wracked his body. "I just zoned out for a minute is all. I wasn't asleep or anything"
"No Alec," Raphael said, glaring right at him. "You didn't zone out, you were unconscious for a good two minutes. You're going, and there's nothing you can say to change our minds."
"But what about our other appointments?" Alec asked, his voice raising by an octave.
"I don't give a damn about your other appointments, Alec!" Lydia exclaimed. "I literally saw your eyes rolling into the back of your head just now. We are taking you to the hospital, end of story." There was a finality to her voice that broached no argument.
"I'll take care of everything, Alec," Raphael said, helping Alec out of his seat. "If it's that important that you're there, I'll explain to everyone that you're sick and need to reschedule. Or if you don't think I'll mess up, I can take care of the vendors and the contractors today for you."
"I don't think you'll mess up," Alec said defeated, slumping over in Raphael's hold as fatigue hit him hard. "I know you can handle it."
"Good, then I'll tell you how everything went as soon as you feel better," Raphael sighed in what Alec could only assume as relief. "But not a moment before."
Alec let relief flood him as he sagged further into Raphael's hold, and was only vaguely aware of his eyes rolling into the back of his head again.
The next thing Alec knew he was waking up in a hospital bed. He didn't even remember getting here in the first place. Taking his time to get himself acclimated, Alec noticed his entire family, and all of his friends talking quietly amongst themselves off to his left. The only person missing was Magnus, though Alec knew he was in London dealing with work issues.
"What's going on?" Alec asked, finally ready to let everyone know he was awake.
"Hey, sweetie," Maryse said, rising from her seat to kiss his forehead. "You, young man, apparently have pneumonia. That so called 'cold' you thought you had, was in fact a serious untreated bacterial infection."
"Oh," Alec stated, not knowing what else to say. Alec was feeling rather stupid about the whole situation.
"Hey," Catarina said gently, placing a hand on his cheek. "Don't sound so dejected, Alec. It happens to the best of us. You're working your ass off with the bistro, and neglected your health. Just focus on getting better. If things need to get done while you're laid up, I'm sure between all of us, we'll find a way to make it work."
Alec smiled weakly at his friend. That was probably the most she'd said to him since he and Magnus have been together, and he suspected that Cat wasn't at all happy with the change in their relationship. He'd tried asking Magnus, Raphael, and even Ragnor about Cat's change in demeanor, but they all kept reassuring him that she was just being the way she always was whenever Magnus started dating someone new. He just wished she didn't put him in the same category as Magnus' past lovers.
"Thanks Cat," Alec replied, his voice hoarse, probably from the amount of coughing he'd done all day, or he supposed, all week. Isabelle must have noticed this, as she quickly appeared holding out a glass of water. Accepting it, Alec smiled by way of thanking her before drinking it in large gulps. The glass now empty he glanced out the window only to notice the sky darkening. "How long was I out, anyway?"
"You passed out on me around ten this morning," Raphael said. "Lydia and I ended up calling paramedics for you and they admitted you as soon as you arrived. It's about eight-thirty now."
"Great," Alec said rolling his eyes. He'd lost a whole day! "Now that I'm up, let's get me home."
"No can do, Mr. Lightwood." A new voice spoke, accompanied with the sound of a knock on the opened door. Alec turned to see a stern looking woman had entered his room. She had brown hair with streaks of gray running through a tight bun. "You're going to be in here for at least a few days. You've acquired Streptococcus Pneumoniae, which is a form of bacterial pneumonia. You must have come in contact with another person who was infected, and based off what your family has told me, you seem to have been stressing your body out which allowed the bacteria to spread and feast on your lungs."
"Wonderful," Alec groaned, running his hands over his face.
"No stressing out," the doctor chastised. "Now, I'm giving you an antibiotic, a steroid, and some cough medicine with codeine in it to help you sleep. Your family can stay for a few more minutes, but then visiting hours are over for the night."
"Thanks, doc," Alec said begrudgingly as he accepted the medication, scrunching up his face at the taste of the cough syrup. Alec then said his goodbye's to his family and friends who made promises to visit the next day.
Noticing that Raphael, Ragnor, and Catarina all hung back, Alec started to worry. "Please tell me that you guys didn't call Magnus and worry him?"
"Oh, we called him alright," Cat said, her eyes narrowing down at Alec. "He's up in the air as we speak. Just because I couldn't go with him on this trip, doesn't mean he didn't badger me into cancelling the last of his appointments, and getting him the earliest flight back home."
"He didn't have to do that though," Alec whined, then looked at Cat in confusion. "Wait a minute, why couldn't you go with him?"
"Well," Cat dragged out the word, beaming and reaching into her purse to pull something out. "Ragnor and I recently found out that we're expecting. We had our sixteen week checkup just this morning, and Magnus didn't want me to reschedule my appointment."
"Congratulations, guys," Alec attempted to say, but ended up sounding more like he was once again a prepubescent with how his voice cracked. He looked down at the ultrasound photos that Cat handed to him and gasped. "It already looks like a real baby! How are you not showing yet?" Ragnor and Cat laughed - Raphael looked like he was going to be sick - and Cat smoothed out her top to show Alec the slight baby bump she was carrying.
"She hides it well, don't you think," Ragnor said, beaming at his wife. "Our parents flipped out when we told them. My mom actually fainted!"
"They flipped out in a good way, right?" Alec asked apprehensively. He knew that when it came to certain things, people sometimes acted differently.
"It was in the best way possible!" Cat gushed, still glowing with happiness.
"I'm so happy for you both," Alec stifled a yawn, and he could feel his eyes drooping.
"Okay, sweetie," Cat said, her eyes softening as she looked down at Alec. "Get some sleep, and we'll see you tomorrow."
Alec just nodded, and she bent down to kiss him on the forehead. Ragnor and Raphael gave him a tentative hug before leaving the room.
The next thing Alec knew he was waking up to a nurse checking his vitals, and issuing medication to his IV. He was about to ask the nurse what time it was, but the nurse put a finger up to his lips, then pointed towards the couch in Alec's room. There, passed out and looking uncomfortable as all hell was Magnus, and he was sound asleep. Alec could feel the heat rising in his face, but he knew his lips turned upwards in a dopey smile that he suspected was always in place whenever his boyfriend was near.
"He raised some serious hell trying to get in here tonight," The nurse, Joshua as the name tag read, whispered. "You're one lucky guy to have someone like that wanting to sleep in the position he's in instead of waiting until visiting hours to be with you."
"I know I am," Alec replied, smiling as he gazed at Magnus curled up on the uncomfortable looking couch. "I'm very lucky." Peeling his gaze away from Magnus, he turned back to his nurse. "You sound like you're speaking from experience?"
"I have been with my Katie since high school," Joshua chuckled softly. "We married the day after we graduated, and fifteen years and three beautiful children later, we're still madly in love. Now," he said, patting Alec on the shoulder. "You should get some more sleep before the rest of your family gets here. It's only six AM, and you need to get your strength up so we can spring you outta here."
Alec lightly chuckled, before going into a coughing fit. He was thankfully able to muffle his coughs enough not to wake his sleeping beauty on the other side of the room. Joshua must have noticed, and quickly gave Alec another dose of the cough suppressant and a cup of water to wash down the vile taste of the medicine.
Three long days later, and Alec was finally being released from the hospital. Magnus had refused to leave Alec's side the whole time he'd been recovering in the hospital and while he appreciated that his boyfriend wanted to stay with him, Alec felt bad that he was pulling Magnus away from his work. Magnus however, brushed off his concerns saying that he could easily work from the hospital.
They were currently driving back to Magnus' brownstone, and Alec was only slightly annoyed that he and Magnus argued about where Alec was going to be staying. Alec wanted to go back to his loft, whereas Magnus wanted him to go to his brownstone. Even though Alec wanted to rest in his own home he finally relented, mostly due to the fact that he still felt guilty for Magnus leaving his business trip a week early just because Alec got sick. Magnus' driver pulled their bags out the truck of the towne car, while Magnus insisted on helping Alec into the house.
"Okay darling," Magnus maneuvered him up the stairs. "Would you be more comfortable in bed, or in the theater room?"
"Baby, I'm tired of lying in bed constantly. I want to watch tv," Alec groaned.
"Alright, I'll help you get there, then I'll make sure you're comfortable before I pick up your prescriptions," Magnus kissed Alec, and tightened his hold around Alec's waist. "Now sit down. I'll get the blankets and pillows and be right back."
Magnus turned to head out of the room when Alec grabbed his arm.
"I'm fine," Alec stressed. "I don't need you constantly babying me. Please go to work. I'll be okay on my own."
"No, Alexander!" Magnus exclaimed, yanking his arm out of Alec's grip. "Do you realize how upset I am with you right now? When I left for London you were fine. Every time I spoke to you, you said you were fine! Then suddenly I find out that you were in the hospital with pneumonia. Why would you lie to me about your health?"
"I'm sorry," Alec replied weakly, unable to meet Magnus' eyes. "I just didn't want to worry you. You were so stressed out with whatever it was that was going on in London, and I honestly thought it was just a cold. I didn't want to add to your stress by complaining about my not feeling well."
"Alexander," Magnus said softly as he placed a gentle hand on Alec's chin. "Please look at me, sweetheart. We're in a relationship, and I don't care how stressful things get with me, if you need to complain, please do so. If you're not feeling well, tell me. Being in a relationship means that we get to support each other and share whatever burdens life throws at us. I don't care if it's just a sneeze, I want to know anything and everything that's going on with you."
"I want that too," Alec admitted with a slight chuckle. "I just felt that you've been dealing with me and my problems practically since day one, and if I continued to bitch about every little thing that's bothering me, you'd eventually get fed up with me."
Alec hadn't mentioned his past relationships with Magnus before, but it seemed like this was the time to start. He'd never put much thought in how his previous relationships have ended, and even though Alec and Jace have reconciled, Alec couldn't keep Jace's words of anger out of his mind. He used to think communication was key in any relationship, but based off Jace's words - by saying that Alec was the reason all of his relationships failed all those months ago - Alec constantly wondered if he really was the problem.
"Darling," Magnus pulled Alec into an embrace. "I could never get fed up with you. Do you not realize how vital you are to my happiness? Alexander, you've unlocked something in me that I thought was dead. What I feel for you is stronger than anything I've ever felt for someone in my life. Please don't ever think that you're a burden to me. It couldn't be further from the truth."
Magnus pulled Alec closer, burying his nose at the junction of Alec's neck and shoulder. Alec melted in his arms as Magnus tightened his hold, however, Alec needed to pull away quickly so he wouldn't cough all over his boyfriend.
"Let's get you settled so I can get your medication," Magnus said with a chuckle, pulling Alec towards the big couch in front of the entertainment center. Magnus kissed his temple then left the room in a rush.
Alec was in the middle of watching Cake Wars when the doorbell chimed. Magnus had been gone for about an hour, so he should be back relatively soon. Groaning, Alec got up and slowly made his way downstairs to the door. With it being a Saturday, Helen was off so there was no one else around to do it for him. Opening the door, there stood a tall, wiry man with blond hair and jade green eyes.
"Magnus!" The man slurred in a British accent, then rushed towards Alec and pulled him in for a rough kiss.
Alec, being weak from the pneumonia, tried pushing the guy off him but he was a lot stronger than he looked.
"What the hell?" A voice screamed behind them.
The guy pulled away from Alec and turned towards Magnus with confusion. Alec just couldn't look away from Magnus' murderous stare.
Oh shit! Alec thought, This isn't going to end well.
Happy Monday guys! Sorry that I'm posting four days late, but between myself and my beta, we've both been busy with work. Those of you who follow me on Twitter already know the reasoning behind the late update. But anyhow, the chapter is up and I know for a fact that chapter 32 will be posted on time for the next update seeing as I'm almost finished writing that chapter. I hope you enjoy the chapter, and as always, I'd love to know what you thought of it! See you all in two weeks :-)
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