Chapter 22 : Arctic Siren Fleet

Northern Parliament harbor, middle of the night :

3rd P.O.V

Charles was with his brother, Clémenceau, doing a shift to see when the reinforcements will arrive to the base. They actually saw them approaching the base, so Clémenceau went to tell the others about the arrival of the reinforcements while Charles stayed in the cold to welcome them.

Five minutes later, the reinforcements from Azur Lane were docking in the spaces that were freed on purpose for them, After all of them docked, they got down on the docks while Charles went towards them to welcome the coalition group.

Charles : Bonjour tout le monde. I'm glad to see that everyone got here safely. How was the travel ?

Enterprise : We had not much trouble getting here, despite the Sirens that were in our way.

Bismarck : But we could see those purple Sirens you were talking about. We might knew about the blue ones but those purple ones are even stronger.

Queen Elizabeth : I can assume there are more of them here, right ?

Charles : Indeed. But let's go inside to discuss further more on the matter. I think Clémenceau has woke up everyone in the base and I don't think you would like to stay in this blizzard.

Nagato : You're right. Although I'm surprised you can stand the harsh cold of the Arctic.

Charles : You get used to it. But let's not waste time. Let's go everyone.

Azur Lane : RIGHT !!!

(Timeskip given to you by the Wattpad Authors dancing on Russian Hardbass)

Northern Parliament's cafeteria, 4 A.M

3rd P.O.V

Charles and the Azur Lane coalition entered the cafeteria where the Northern Parliament, Iris République and Littorio were waiting.

Charles : Good news. The reinforcements have just arrived.

Sovetskaya Rossiya stood up before going towards the coalition, ready for a handshake with the leaders of the main factions.

Sovetskaya Rossiya : Welcome to our base, comrades. And thank you for answering to Charles's call.

Enterprise : Of course we will come. We cannot let allies fight alone against the Sirens, especially the Siren army present in the Arctic.

Avrora : That's right. We are all together in this.

Queen Elizabeth : Let's sit down everyone. We still need to see the situation in hand.

Charles : Right. But there are faces I didn't saw before. Do you mind introduce yourselves ?

Queen Elizabeth : Oh right. The girl with the white twintails is my sister Valiant.

Valiant : Hello. A pleasure to meet the one who united everyone.

Cheshire : *gasps* It's Owner ! I am Cheshire from the Royal Maids and a Heavy cruiser  ! Meow !

Warspite : Despite her looks, she isn't a real neko.

Azur Lane players be like  : My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

Drake : So you're Charles ? You have some backbone. I am Drake, a heavy cruiser. And I'm used to be called on my cellphone. (A/N : Sorry, but I had to.)

Neptune : I am Neptune, a Royal Maid and a light cruiser. I am also the largest Light Cruiser and an upgrade to the Edinburgh-class Light Cruisers. Overall, it's a pleasure to serve you.

Monarch : We finally meet, Charles. I am Monarch, a King George V-battleship class. And I will show you that my power is stronger than my sisters.

Seattle : Heya, Amigo. The name's Seattle. I am a light cruiser from the Eagle Union and a predecessor of the Worcester-class cruisers. Nice meeting ya ! Can't wait to do a party after that victory with ya !

Georgia : I am Georgia, a battleship of the Eagle Union and predecessor of the Iowa-class battleships. Know that nothing can resist my cannons.

Ibuki : Hello, Milord... I am Ibuki, a heavy cruiser from the Sakura Empire and an improvement of the Mogami-class heavy cruisers... I will do my best to help you...

Izumo : So you are Charles ? A worthy individual indeed. I am Izumo, a battleship of the Sakura Empire and predecessor of the Yamato-class battleships. I will make sure that my foes will fall.

Kitakaze : Hello. I am Kitakaze, a Destroyer of the Sakura Empire and an improvement of the Akizuki-class Destroyers. You can count on me to do my best.

Azuma : Hello, I am Azuma, the only Large Cruiser of the Sakura Empire. You can trust in me that I will do my best on the battlefield.

Roon : We already fought before, but let me introduce myself. I am Roon, a Heavy Cruiser from Ironblood and an improvement of the Admiral Hipper-class heavy cruisers. Sorry for before.

Charles : I accept your apology. Let's continue.

Friedrich der Grosse : Hello my child. I am Friedrich der Grosse, a battle ship from Ironblood and an improvement from the Bismarck-class battleships. You might be from Iris République but I would have no problem making you my son.

Charles : Ummm... Okay, I guess...?

Friedrich der Grosse noticed that Charles's wives were glaring at her, which she understood why without being scared at all.

Friedrich der Grosse : Don't worry, I am not interested romantically in your husband. To me, he's like the son I never had.

The glaring stopped since they heard she was genuine in her words.

Mainz : So, you're Charles ? Good to know you won't disappoint me. I am Mainz, a light cruiser from Ironblood and another improvement of the Admiral Hipper-class cruisers.

Odin : I am Odin, a battleship from Ironblood and predecessor of the Scharnhorst-class battleships. Do not hesitate to ask me for help in tactics.

Charles : Nice to meet everyone. Not without further ado, let's start the meeting.

Nagato : So, what do we know about the Siren Fleet in the Arctic.

Sovetsky Soyuz : Their numbers is really high. There are over a hundred thousand of them.

Avrora : And let's not forget about the fact that the Sirens there are either blue or purple.

Valiant : Purple ?!

Bismarck : I know about the blue ones since we fought them before, but never I have seen Purple Sirens until now.

Roon : It doesn't matter, they will all die, and that's it.

Charles : And they are also lead by an Advisor-class Siren named Omitter.

Nagato : Omitter ? I never heard about her. What does she looks like ?

Clémenceau : She has riggings that looks like a great white shark. For her looks, she is really similar to Roon, apart from her personality. And it seems she is a battleship Siren as well.


Charles : Let's not forget her personality. She seems even more childish than Purifier, to the point she insult us whenever we don't pay attention to her.

Gangut : Can confirm. She called us "fucking shitheads" because we were talking among ourselves.

Drake : Wait, she came right to you ?

Richelieu : Indeed. But it was only for talking and warning us about the attack. Although, I didn't liked the fact that her main subject was Charles.

Odin : Why is that ?

Sovetskaya Rossiya : Because according to Omitter, Arbiter herself took an interest in Charles.

Everyone except Iris République, Northern Parliament and Littorio : WHAAAAATTTTT ?!?!

Bismarck : Why would Arbiter take an interest in him ?!

Charles : I think because of the fact I'm not from this world, and she seems to know about what happened with the Orochis. So, I wouldn't be surprised if she was curious about me.

Monarch : Is there more info ?

Jean Bart : Yeah. Omitter decided to challenge Charles in a fight. Just her and him. Because she wants to test him for some reason.

Littorio : And I don't like what she means by "test".

Charles : Let's start strategize right now. We don't have much time before the beginning of the day, when Omitter will launch the assault.

Algérie : You're right. Let's hurry up.

And so, the coalition started to make plans for the upcoming fight that will decided of the Northern Parliament's fate.

(Timeskip given to you by Chibi Admiral Graf Spee and Chibi Observer Zero sleeping together)

Northern Parliament Harbor, 5:57 A.M

Charles P.O.V

We were readying ourselves for the fight that will soon start, our strategies done, and Ragnell and Alondite in my hands. God and Satan went hiding to be ready for the ambush against the Sirens. I was checking a last time my aircraft to make sure it will help. I saw that Richelieu was approaching me.

Richelieu : Mon amour, are you ready ?

Charles : Oui. I'm ready to fight. What about all of you ?

Richelieu : They are ready as well. They are waiting for the Sirens to show up.

Charles : Shall we go bring the fight to them ? I mean, we must avoid to fight next to the port.

Richelieu : That would be a better option. Shall we go now ?

Charles : Oui. Let's talk to the others.

We went to the group to tell our next actions.

Charles : Everyone, can I have your attention please ? *everyone looked* Merci. We are going to bring the fight to the Sirens to avoid damaging the harbor. Are you ready everyone ?!

Everyone : YES !!!

Charles : I didn't heard that. ARE YOU READY ?!?!

Everyone : YES !!!

Charles : Then, let us depart at once to bring the fight to the Sirens ! Let's show them the power of our unity !

Everyone : URRAAAAAAA !!!

And we all went towards the place where the Siren Fortress is and where the Sirens will most likely fight us.

After a while we arrived near the Siren Fortress in a zone where there is no icebergs. It almost feels like this place was created purposely to be a battlefield.

As we arrived, we see that Omitter was here, waiting for us.

3rd P.O.V

Omitter : Finally, you came. I was starting to wonder if you had chicken out !

Bismarck : So, this is Omitter...

Nagato : I take it you are Omitter.

Omitter : Damn right you are, furry midget ! Oh, and there's even royal midget too ! What a lucky day !

Nagato and Queen Elizabeth got angered by her words.

Omitter : Hahahahaha !!! I hope you are ready because- *sees Roon* Wait a minute ! *points at Roon* Who the fuck are you and why do you look like me ?!

Roon : YOU are the one copying me, Pig Face ! I'll make sure you'll be my riggings's next meal !

Meanwhile in the Siren world :

Arbiter : Oh my ! The fight hasn't even started we already have  some entertainment ! This is looking good !

Purifier : Ayyy lmao. She got insulted the same way as you, Alpha.

Observer Alpha : Shut up or next time, I will make sure to make you eat your smile.

Arbiter : Silence, you two !

Observer Alpha/Purifier : *scared* Yes, Empress !

Meanwhile in the Basilica :

Shoukaku : ...

Zuikaku : Sister, what's wrong ?

Shoukaku : I felt a disturbance in the ayyy lmao. Someone stole my line.

Zuikaku : Come on. Stop with that. Do you remember what happened the last time you said that ?

Shoukaku : ... *PTSD flashbacks of Nurse Akagi* Please, no. Anything but that.

Back to the Northern Parliament :

Roon and Omitter were bickering, which quickly annoyed Charles, who ended up shouting.

Charles : *lets out murderous aura* SHUT UP !!! YOU'RE ANNOYING ME !!!

The two girls stopped before looking scared.

Omitter/Roon : *scared* Yes, Sir !

Both of them went to their respective side before getting back to the serious matters !

Omitter : Ahem ! Where was I...? *looks at a script* Oh yeah ! Here we are ! *hides the script* Now that you came, it's time for you to face the power of the Arctic Siren Fleet ! Give your all ! And Charles, don't forget our 1 versus 1 !

As she finished talking, a white blinded everyone. When the light disappeared, the coalition group could see a huge amount of mass-produced Siren ships and a lot of Purple Humanoid Sirens as well.

Omitter : I'll be rooting for you, boy ! You better not make me wait ! And be ready to show your power to me ! Until then, NIGERUNDAYO !!!

Omitter got out of the battlefield, leaving Azur Lane and the Siren Fleet facing each other.

Charles : Looks like it's time to fight ! Everyone in position ! And let's win this battle for the sake of humanity !

Skill activation : Siren Killer X

Everyone : OUI !!!/ SÍ !!!/YES !!!/HAI !!!/ JAWOHL !!!/ DA !!!

Both sides charged into the fight, promising a huge battle that will enter history. Kitakaze and the Cruisers went ahead and started destroying the mass-produced Siren ships while the Battleships and Carriers prepared their salvoes and aerial attacks respectively.

While he prepared his planes, Charles didn't hesitated to join the fight with Ragnell and Alondite and started beheading Humanoid Sirens right and left.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Battleships and Carriers were watching how the vanguard was doing.

Queen Elizabeth : This is starting really greatly ! I hope we can maintain the advantage  !

Bismarck : We have the advantage thanks to the "Priority Ships". So we deal more damage to the Sirens. But is that true that Charles can deal increased damage to Sirens ?

Jean Bart : Yes. Not only that, but he also takes less damage from them. But his power can truly shines if he is either alone or fighting with only the Iris République.

Enterprise : But even without that, he is still a force to be reckoned with.

Yorktown : Indeed. But just because he is here doesn't mean we will automatically win, we have to do our part as well if we want to seize the victory.

Georgia : It's true. That's why we came here. And we shall give our all.

Nagato : Agree. I shall do it in the name of the "BIG SEVEN".

Mutsu : Me too !

Clémenceau : My planes are ready. Are you ready as well ?

Everyone : YES !!!

The Main Fleet launched their planes and salvoes. Thanks to their power, they destroyed a high number of Sirens. But they are still a lot to kill, so they prepared again another slavo and aerial attack.

Seeing this, Charles decided to launch his Mirages to clean up a bit his surroundings, which worked because of the Sirens's cries of pain.

Siren 4837 : NOOOOOOO !!!

Siren 856 : ARRRRGHHHH !!!

Siren 94263 : AVENGE ME, GIRLS !!!

(Timeskip given to you by Charles and Clémenceau wearing Ironblood attire)

Charles was advancing with the Cruisers. However, the Sirens decided to trap him, so they could get rid of him more easily. But what they don't know is that Charles has already planned for this as he sees that it is the moment to bring them on the battlefield. For now, he plays along the Sirens's plans.

It didn't took long before Charles was surrounded by the Sirens.

Siren 8427 : You should give up ! We have you outnumbered !

Siren 6274 : If you give up now, you might become a slave !

Charles : Non. Not today.

Charles decided at the moment to point Ragnell towards the sky, which started to glow. The Sirens were mocking him due to his actions.

Siren 8373 : HAHAHAHAHA !!! Look how dumb he is !!!

Siren 84272 : Is this guy serious? Why the hell he is imitating a Christmas tree ?!

Siren 7356 : We lost to this ?! This is really ridiculous !

Siren 279 : Who cares ?! He's going to die.

Meanwhile with God and Satan :

God was eating Dunkerque's sweets while Satan was listening to metal music. As he was dancing, he opened his eyes to see a light from Charles's position. He stopped his music before telling God the news.

Satan : Old man ! It's finally time to kick those Sirens's butts !

God : Of course, they had to do it when I'm gonna eat some sweets ! Let's kill them !

Satan : Now, we're talking ! Let's put some havoc on the battlefield !

Both of them teleported above the Sirens, readying their attack.

Back to Charles :

The Sirens finished to mock Charles and decided it was time to end him. But as they tried, they looked up to see in the sky a light beam as well as flames raining down on them, making them cry in pain before dying.

Siren 63 : NOOOOOO !!!

Siren 7338 : *Siren pain noises*

Siren 251 : THIS ISN'T OVER !!!

At the same moment from the Main Fleet P.O.V

All the Batlleships and Carriers advanced in the battlefield and joined the Vanguard while killing the Sirens. Despite they have not much difficulty killing them, the fact that Siren reinforcements appeared make it more annoying to deal with. But as they looked in the sky, they saw a light beam and fire raining down on the Sirens, who were suffering from the pain.

Pamiat Merkuria : What in the name of Stalin is this ?!

Bismarck : Those flames... does this mean Satan is here ?!

Richelieu : Oui, he was there to ambush Sirens that were in Charles's way.

Drake : And what about that light beam ?

Saint Louis : This means God himself has joined the fight as well.

Queen Elizabeth : HOLD ON ?! GOD CAN FIGHT ?!

Émile Bertin : He is quite skilled in fighting, despite hating it.

Sovetskaya Rossiya : ...I have no words to express how surprised I am...

Littorio : Sometimes, you just need to accept things as they are.

Jean Bart : True.

Back to Charles :

Thanks to God and Satan, Charles managed to get rid of the Sirens that were on his way to the Siren Fortress.

Charles : Merci les gars. Do you mind taking care of things from here while I go face Omitter ?

God : No problem, my child. Leave it to us.

Satan : Yeah, go have fun while we make them suffer. *maniacal laugh* For once I can laugh without Richelieu attacking me, that feels good.

Charles : Well, I'm on my way. Go tell the others.

God : Will do. Good luck.

The three men split up, each one going in a different direction.

(Timeskip given to you by Chibi Dio Brando hugging Chibi Formidable)

Charles P.O.V

I finally entered the Siren Fortress. I proceeded to explore while killing the eventual Sirens in the way, but they were none. Omitter was really serious about a 1 versus 1. At least, she has honor. I finally found the room where she is. And when she noticed me, she was happy because she will finally get a fight.

Omitter : Finally ! You are here !

Charles : I must commend you for having honor !

Omitter : Of course ! This cannot be a 1 versus 1 if there are other people ! Then shall we start ?

Charles : Oui.

Omitter : I was already taking care of the kynos. Polnareff must be hiding somewhere... Ha ! But it does not matter ! *points at Charles*
You are the next !


I got angry at that and I turned my hand into a fist.

Charles : B A S S

I started approaching her.

Charles : Omitter !

Omitter : Ah ? Are you approaching ? When you escape, will you come to me ? Despite the fact that his grandfather said to you the secret of the world is Josheph, a test director, who tried to complete the exam before the sound problem.

Charles : I cannot hit your shit without getting close to you.

Omitter : Oh ! I ! Then get closer to you as you wish !

Omitter started to approach me.

Author : Hold on. What the hell is happening here ? Come on, can't you stay serious for five minutes ?

Charles/Omitter : Non.

Author : Let's just restart that part. Also, this was made on purpose because it was a reference to a funny video that I watched recently, which I put down there.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Take 2

Omitter : Oh ? You are approaching me ? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me ?

Charles : I can't because of the COVID-19 and the social distancing.

Omitter : Understandable. Have a great day.


[We'll be right back. Thank you for understanding and waiting for the rebooting]

Take 3

Omitter : Finally ! You're here !

Charles : I must commend you for having honor !

Omitter : Of course ! It wouldn't be a 1 versus 1 otherwise ! Let's not beat around the bush and let's start right away !

Charles : Give your all !

(A/N) : And that's it for chapter 22. I hope you have enjoyed it. Feel free to leave your feedback and opinion in the comments.

As you saw, the next chapter will show Charles and Omitter's fight. That's all I will say for now.

And may I ask you how did you fare in Aurora Noctis and Scherzo rerun ? For Aurora Noctis, I got everyone except Perseus. While for Scherzo, I'm only missing Z36.

That's it for this chapter. Thanks for reading it. And see you in the next one.

TheBreizhOne out !


New characters that have appeared in this chapter :


Oh ? You are still here ? Then, for making this far, I shall offer you a bonus. You will be the first one to witness a big moment in history.

For the first time ever in the multiverse, you will see the mythical plushies talking among themselves. Translation is not included because we have no data on their languages. I still hope you will like it. Let us start.

Plushie Belfast : Yus ! Yus Yus Yus ? Yus ! Yus Yus !

Plushie Takao : Nu ! Nu nu nu ! Nu nu ?

Plushie Amagi : koff koff ! Koff ?

Plushie Bismarck : Nein ? Nein Nein Nein ! Nein Nein ?

Plushie Takao : Nu ! Nu nu nu ! Nu nu !

Plushie Belfast : Yus Yus Yus. Yus ! Yus Yus ?

Plushie Amagi : koff koff. Koff koff koff !!! Koff ?

Plushie Belfast : Yus ! Yus Yus ! Yus.

Plushie Bismarck : Nein Nein ? Nein Nein Nein. Nein Nein !

Plushie Takao : Nu ! Nu nu ? Nu !

Plushie Amagi : koff koff ! Koff ?

Plushie Bismarck : Nein Nein !

Plushie Belfast : Yus !

Plushie Takao : Nu !

Plushie Amagi : Koff !

And this is all we could have retrieved before they noticed us ! I hope this will help understand those magnificent creatures ! See you next time !

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