Chapter sixteen
About an hour went by before their first visitor arrived. Deku swung by after work was over, unable to stay long after dropping Katsuki off, this was his chance to see the baby.
"Oh kacchan, he's so perfect" The greenete whispered, the purest amaze in his voice as tears started to form.
"Kacchan~ I'm so happy for you." He whimpered as he wiped at his eyes, Katsuki was unable to hide the proud smirk forming on his lips as he watched his best friend admiring his creation.
"He's just so cute"
"Hell yeah he is" Katsuki proudly said, his voice expressing just how high he felt showing off his baby.
"My sister texted, she, mom and Natsuo are in the hospital entrance. I'll be right back." Shoto said, giving the blonde a quick kiss before he got up to fetch his family and leaving the two alone in the room.
"How're you holding up." Izuku asked, Katsuki shrugged as he shifted on the bed "honestly my body still aches a bit and aparently i tore some, little shit has broad shoulders." He huffed though he couldn't deny it was all worth it, his body would heal to almost what it was before.
Izuku nodded his head as he gave the blonde his baby back once he sensed the longing coming off the omega.
"I'm sorry I couldn't stay with you long after you got here." Izuku apologized as he rubbed his arm, guilt dripping from his voice as he spoke.
"what? No, don't beat yourself up. I admit I wasn't in much of a mindset to have more than just shoto in with me, besides I probably wouldn't have gotten here so fast without you" He said, adjusting his sleeping baby in his arms as he spoke, he didn't dance around shit for anyone's feelings and izuku knew that.
"Yeah " He happily said as a smile creeped onto his lips, only seconds before shoto's family walked in, fuyumi awwing at the baby once she saw him curled up with Katsuki.
"Oh he's so cute!" She exclaimed immediately rushing over to get a better look at the baby. "Aww"
Shoto proudly watched from the door letting his family take a look at his son without getting in the way.
"He looks exactly like shoto when he was a baby." Rei said her voice soft and filled with love.
Izuku gave Katsuki a look that said he had to get going and with that he left to go home.
"He has shoto's chubby cheeks." Natsuo commented giving the halfie a small grin.
"Congratulations bro." He added walking over to the male and giving him a hard pat on the back.
"Thanks I guess." Shoto muttered as he rubbed at his hurting shoulder almost offendedly.
"I just knew you and shoto would make cute babies." Rei chimed, the frail woman's eyes fixated on the small bundle.
Katsuki finally knew what heaven felt like, true pure happiness, holding his perfect baby so tightly in his arms.
"What are you guys gonna name him?" Fuyumi curiously asked. Katsuki looked up at shoto with a soft contemplative look on his face before he looked back down at his baby.
Him and shoto had discussed names here and there but nothing solid or anything that really stuck but looking at their baby it was clear.
"Taiyō." He answered in conclusion, shoto had thought of the name but they hadn't gotten to discuss it much but he just knew once seeing his baby that was the name for him.
"Taiyō Todoroki '' He repeated looking up at his alpha and able to see the soft tears that formed in his eyes. He could be such a baby sometimes yet it made Katsuki smile, he truly loved this dumb C.E.O he never truly realized it until now, he finally understood his feelings, it was love, it always had been love he'd just been to stupid to realize it until now.
A few hours later and Katsuki had fallen asleep again, it was just after dinner, the sky's were dark and the room dim.
Todoroki laid on the bed Katsuki asleep in his arms and their baby asleep in it's bed beside them. He softly caressed his thumb over his loves arm his mind on the events of the day.
He'd been conducting an important meeting when izuku had burst in unannounced and without knocking, disrupting the meeting and the look on his face was one of worry and impatience.
Shoto hadn't even apologized for the disturbance as he grabbed his suit coat and hurried after the male, a worried and curious look on his face.
"What's going on? Why are you here?" He had asked following hurriedly after the male as he sensed something wasn't right.
"It's kacchan his water broke and he's minutes away from having your baby I'm not sure if we'll get there in time but we really need to hurry."
He could remember the panic and pure fear that engulfed him as he quickly followed close behind the greenete, he was praying that they made it there in time.
He remembered the first thought seeing his love on the bed, the first time seeing him in days, his thoughts were of happiness and love and relief he hadn't had the baby yet but also panic as he the realization that his omega was moments away from having their baby.
He smiled to himself as he remembered being light headed once things actually progressed so much, watching and listening to Katsuki in pure agony made his stomach feel queasy and his chest heavy but once seeing the pure shock and almost instant love in his eyes made everything else feel insignificant.
He carefully got up off the bed, making sure not to wake his love. He gently picked up their little Taiyō from his resting place. The baby slowly opened his eyes to stare curiously up at his father, chubby cheeks red and looking all too kissable.
Shoto couldn't help the smile that spread across his lips as he ran a gentle finger over the baby's soft chubby cheeks, his heart swelling even more of true pure love. The kind that can move mountains and calm seas, though his blissful moment was ended as he heard a rustle at the door.
Immediately his head snapped up to meet the gaze of crimson red. Mitsuki stood beside her husband. She stared silently down at her grandchild before her eyes flickered back up to hold shoto's cold gaze.
He could sense what the alpha wanted to ask, she wanted to hold their precious son, shoto knew exactly what she did, he knew everything yet he felt bad for the alpha.
She slowly walked towards him though he gave her a threatening look as she got too close for his liking.
"Come to see the grandson you for-fitted!?" He asked, his brows furrowed as he held the baby closer tilting him more towards his chest so the couple couldn't see his face. "Or have you come to talk to the son you abandoned!?" He growled as the other alpha gave him an almost offended look, it was a mix of guilt yet it seemed fake in a sense.
"It was wrong of us... wrong of me, to act the way i did, it's just, when the doctor told us that Katsuki was carrying a baby much larger than his body could handle I snapped, I got scared, I didn't want what happened to me, happen to him. I wanted so many children, I wanted a whole army of them, but when Katsuki was born I hemorrhaged and nearly bled to death, I was told it was too risky to have another, I was scared I was going to loose my only baby that I pushed him away entirely by mistake."
Mitsuki spoke, her voice tender and calm yet filled with such sadness, it almost broke shoto but Katsuki had been clear they weren't allowed even ten miles near Taiyō, he would freak if he saw his parents here this close to them..
"That must have been rough but still it's not my choice, I have to obey Katsuki's wishes." Shoto said, delicately placing the baby next to Katsuki, the blonde subconsciously wrapping his arms ever so carefully around the baby as if he knew he was there.
Shoto wanted to show off his perfect son, he wanted to exclaim to the world how proud he was of his omega but he knew Katsuki would have his throat if he let his parents near the child he worked so hard for.
Mitsuki gave him a saddened look, a heartbroken one of a person full of regrets and empty wishes to change the past.
She wiped away sad tears that rolled down her rosy cheeks before she walked out of the room, the door closing behind them with a soft click.
The faint sound woke Katsuki and caused the blonde to slowly open his eyes, tired crimson orbs first resting on their baby before they flickered up to meet the alpha's own gentle stare.
"Finally awake." Shoto teased, putting on a smile before he went over to the blonde's bedside. Katsuki pressed a gentle kiss to his baby's head as he nuzzled into him. Little Taiyō squirmed a little, flailing his little arms as his face scrunched up for only a moment, his ocean blue eyes opening for a moment to stare at Katsuki curiously.
Shoto couldn't figure out what was going through his little mind as he stared at his mother, those purfect eyes tired yet full of life.
Shoto took a seat at the foot of the bed, resting his hand on the blonde's thigh. "We can go home later today, after lunch, but it's still early, you should get back to sleep" He softly said, Katsuki's tired gaze flickering towards him, it was six in the morning and much too early for Katsuki to be getting up just yet.
The blonde didn't say anything as he closed his beautiful eyes again, nuzzling his baby who had gone back to sleep as he too fell back into the bliss of slumber.
Shoto gently stroked the blonde's hair strands tangling with each other, the blonde stirring a little from the gentle touch, merely softy pushing his face further into the pillow.
"You did such a good job" shoto whispered, stroking the blonde's cheek with his finger, this was the the start of their life together, the life the three of them would share for the rest of their lives.
the rest of eternity.
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