PROLOGUE: Escaping The Pain (Updated)
{A/N: Before starting this story is a request by JadenCarter8 I hope you all enjoy it.}
{3rd POV: Rose's Residence, (8:49 p.m.)}
The scene opens up as a small 7 year old girl, with cat like faunus traits, with short (H/c) hair, and (E/c) eyes could be seen running out of a house. Her body showed signs of malnourishment, along with several bruises across her body. Hinted by how her body was covered in several scars one could tell that she was abused. But out of all the scars in her body, the one that stood out the most was the one in her cat ears, which looked like they had been torn off. She had tears running down her face, but she didn't care. She just wanted to escape and nothing more.
As she escaped all she could think of was the fact that no child should suffer the same fate she had to endure. So she ran regardless of the pain in her body. Regardless of the fact that THEY could be after her. Regardless that her body screamed at her. She ran. She ran as fast as possible. She ran as far away as possible, with not even glancing back ones. Far... Far away from THEM.
{Y/N's POV: (11:15 p.m.)}
Escape. Rub. It was all that was on my mind. I didn't want to deal with this family anymore, it was to painful. Just having them close was to much of a pain because of the continuous beatings by Summer. Or the woman that would be my stupid adopted mother. The constant abuse by Tai, my stupid bastard father, who would constantly train his other two daughters, by putting them against me. And those stupid Sisters, who constantly abuse me with all of them...
The more I ran. The farther away I wanted to escape... Escape... Escape... Nothing mattered to me. I just wanted to run away from them. But I could tell that thank to my faunus traits. They were after me. So I just ran as fast as possible without looking back.
As I ran, I started thinking of the abuse I went through at their hands.
{3rd POV: Flashback, 2 Hours Before The Escape.}
After a long day of training? (Y/n) was in her room with several injuries around her body. She had tears running down her face, seating in a corner of her room, she curled up in to a ball. She just wanted the pain to stop, but what was the point of it all? Pain was all she ever felt, all because she was the bastard child of Taiyang's infidelity, she had to endure pain on a day-to-day basis. And so while she was in her room, she was starting to feel sleepy. A luxury she would sometimes not have in her life.
Just then as she closed her eyes, the door to her room flung open by the sound of a gun shoot. The sound instantly woke (Y/n) up, and looking at the door with fear in her eyes she noticed them. While still on the floor Tai and Summer walked inside the room and glared at her.
"I'm sorry sweetie, but your training isn't over." Summer said in a calm, but creepy tone as she looked down at (Y/n) with her weapon drawn.
"That is right." This time Tai spoke as he nodded at himself. Walking close to (Y/n) he furiously grabbed the girls hair.
"Please no more!" With tears in (Y/n)'s eyes, she spoke in the hopes that they would leave her alone, just this ones.
As her body started to tremble out of fear, both Ruby and Yang walked in and smiled at her. Yang was the first to get close and punch her in the face just because she could. As (Y/n)'s body fell to the floor. She noticed how both Tai and Summer looked at each other with smiles on their faces.
After the training was done Tai and Summer walked up to a now badly beaten (Y/n). They both got on their knees and Summer petted her head. "Don't worry sweetie. This training will be over soon."
"W-What do you mean?" (Y/n) said in a groggy tone.
They both smiled as they looked at each other and nodded. Just then in that instant Tai grabbed (Y/n) by her left arm, and Summer grabbed her right arm. They then pined her down to the ground. Tai turned his attention to his two daughters, and with a warm smile, smiled back at them.
"Girl's can you go grab the scissors?"
Both girls nodded as they goth out of the room and quickly made it back.
Ruby looked at her mother and smiles. "Mommy can I do it first?" She pleaded.
Summer looks at Tau, before he gave an understanding nod, which then made Summer happy. She then looks back at Ruby and nods at her. Ruby's eyes sparkled as she got close to (Y/n) with great enthusiasm.
"W-What are you doing!?" (Y/n) said as tears ran down her face.
"Don't worry sweetie, with this you'll be a part of the family." Summer said as she held a firm grip on (Y/n)'s arm.
Ruby with an evil look in her eyes grabs one of (Y/n)'s cat ears, and using the scissors she swiftly cuts it . (Y/n) screamed out, she wanted to fight back, but they held a firm grip on her. And not only that but because of them being far from the city her screams fell on death ears.
Yang stepped forward with a look of boredom in her face that quickly went away. "My turn!" Ruby then with a playful look in her face nods at her, and handed over the scissors to her.
When Yang got close she looked at the scissors, and she smiled as she new what she really wanted to do. She then throw it to the side, and she grabbed (Y/n)'s other ear, with her hear hand, she then with great force yanked it out causing her to scream in pain.
When all of them finished with her they left the room and walked to their rooms. (Y/n) who was on the floor looks at the ceiling for a moment, before then getting agitated.
Later that night as everyone was asleep (Y/n) went downstairs, and slowly opens the door. She takes a moment to let the cold breeze hit her face, which calm her down. It was then that the sound of the floor beards creaking was heard, which drew her attention. Turning around her eyes widen as she noticed that right behind her was Ruby looking at her with a look of shook in her face. Ruby out of instinct quickly turned around and started to run up the stairs.
Glaring at Ruby, (Y/n) spoke to herself. "...One day i'm going to kill you all." After finishing what she said, she turned to the direction of the outside world and started to run away.
"RUBY!" Ruby turned to the voice and she noticed that it was Summer who responded. "What happen!?" Ruby proceeded to explain what she saw. Tai was quick to run after her and Yang fallowed after him. All the while Summer stayed behind with Ruby.
{Flashback End}
After 2 hours both Tai and Yang got back home, but by the look in their eyes. Summer could tell that they didn't find (Y/n).
Meanwhile far, far away from the house (Y/n) was resting on one of the trees. She felt alone, but she didn't care, all she wanted was to get away. The night sky lid up the tree's around her, which calm her down. Nothing could go wrong. That is until she heard the sound of a twig being snapped. Looking in the direction the sound came from, she noticed that several Beowolf's had appeared from the empty darkness.
As they slowly got close to her they growled at her. Looking at it, she found it strange, deep down she wasn't afraid of it. She had lived in a far more scarier place then the Grimm right in front of her. But still she had a relaxed look across her eyes, knowing that she wasn't going to escape and she lowered her head and closed her eyes excepting her death.
"If you're going to kill me... Please make it quick." She said in the hopes the Grimm would understand her.
She then quickly lost conciseness giving herself up to the Beowolf's. One of the Beowolf's looks at her and sniffed her hair. The Beowolf turned to the direction of the darkness as a woman with ashen-black hair that covers her left eye, and bright amber eyes looked at it. She looks down at the girl, and while looking at her noticed how beat up she was. She then looks at the Beowolf's as they slowly disappeared in the darkness. The woman then sigh as she gently piked up the girl and walked away leaving no trace of her whereabouts.
{Time Skip: Location ???}
After sometime (Y/n)'s escaped the house the aura around the house felt uneasy. Both Ruby and Yang tried going to sleep but to no avail. Tai tried to contact his friends in the hopes of getting help, but he quickly hung up as he figured that they would tried to send him to jail. Both him and Summer then started to regret the way they treated her. But they new that it was to late to fix anything.
Meanwhile back to (Y/n) as she started waking up she noticed that she was in a darkroom with nothing but the red moonlight illuminating throw the window. She took a moment to wait for her eyes to get adjusted to the darkness, until she realized that she was in a very comfortable bed.
"Where am I?"
She told herself as she tried to make out the room. As the moon illuminated more of the room she noticed that the rest of the room was pretty large, with different ornament from top to bottom and a large bed that she was using. She also noticed that most of her injuries had been patched up.
With her faunus traits she quickly heard the sound of two large doors opening from the darkness. Looking at the direction of the door, she noticed a woman with ashen-black hair that was covering her left eye, and bright amber eyes. She also noticed that she was holding a plated of food.
"Good you're awake?" The woman spoke in a calm tone, when she got close, (Y/n) noticed the plate of food she was holding. "Here?"
She handed over the plate of the food to the girl and seat next to her. (Y/n) still not trusting the woman looks at her with a suspicious look in her face. The woman sigh as she grabbed the spoon and took a bite of the food, she then took several bites before then swallowing.
"See? It's not poisonous."
(Y/n) looks back at the food, and started eating it. Because of the injuries she had, She had some problems eating the food, and by the end of the day, the woman help her eat by spoon feeding her. The woman then wipes (Y/n)'s mouth. While starting to have most of her body almost healed, (Y/n) noticed that most of her body was starting to heal.
"...T-Thank you." (Y/n) said in a slightly low tone.
"Can you walk? After all you have been asleep for the whole day." The woman said as she looks at her.
(Y/n) nods back at her question, before then speaking. "Who are you?"
The woman smiles back at the girl and put the plate of food on a table next to her. "My name is Cinder Fall. But we don't have time to talk." She said getting up from the bed. "Come with me."
(Y/n) slowly got up and fallowed after Cinder. As they walked throw the long dark hallway. (Y/n) kept her head down not wanting to look at Cinder. Cinder then stops in front of a big door, and (Y/n) stops after her. Cinder then looks at the girl, before then reaching out to (Y/n) and cleaning a small dirt mark that was on (Y/n)'s left cheek. (Y/n) looks at her with a shocked expression as she though that she had cleaned her face well. Cinder then gives her a kind smile, before then turning to the door and knocking at it.
"Come in."
Another woman spoke from inside the room. Cinder then opens the doors and the two walk inside. Walking inside (Y/n) noticed that the room featured a crystal table surrounded by six wooden chairs.
(Y/n) then froze as she noticed that at the end of the table, a woman with deathly pallor skin, jet black sclerae in her eyes, and glowing crimson irises set in her throne. She leaned her body to the side and crossed a leg over the other, and stared back at (Y/n) before then looking back at Cinder. Cinder bowed down to her, as (Y/n) simply looks at her.
(I take no credit for the photo.)
The woman raised an eyebrow as she looks at the small girl standing close to Cinder. "Cinder, who is this?" She spoke in a stern, but calm tone that demanded respect, and even after speaking she never broke eyes contact with the small girl.
Cinder simply kept her head down as she spoke. "I found her while I was investigating the forest close to Vale."
"You found her?"
"Y-Yes, Mistress."
Looking at the girl, she noticed the cat like ears and tail.
"Come here child?" The woman spoke as she gesture the girl to get close to her with her left arm. (Y/n) looks at the Cinder, which she simply gave her a reassuring nod. When (Y/n) got close to the woman, she meets the woman's gaze. The woman looks across the girl's body, before then speaking to her. "Tell me your name?"
"...(Y/n)... Rose."
The woman looks at her with a look of disbelief in her eyes. "You are the child of Summer Rose? That is strange."
"I'm..." (Y/n) pauses for moment before responding. "I'm just her-"
Just then the woman touched (Y/n)'s left cheek, which then made (Y/n) shed some tears. Deep down she couldn't explain it, but all she could do was cry. Looking at the tears the woman smiled at her.
"You have suffered so much haven't you?" (Y/n) with tears in her eyes didn't speak. "I can see it in your eyes and." She then looks at her cut and torn cat ears. "My name is Salem, Grimm Queen and now tell me. What do you want to do?"
"... " (Y/n) remain silent for a moment as deep down she new what she was talking about. "I... I want..."
"I can give you what you really want. By just looking at your eyes I can tell what you desire, but I want to hear it from you. What is it you want?" Salem said as she slowly reached out to touch her cut cat ears.
(Y/n) looks at Salem as tears started to run down her face. Thinking about it she already new what she wanted the most. It was only a mater of her saying it. Salem then lifted up her chin and made eye contact with her.
"Tell me what you want the most?"
"I... I want..." (Y/n) then clenched her arms in to firsts. "I want to make them pay, all of them! The very same people that mocked and abused me! I want the power to KILL them ALL!"
"... Hm. Very well child. But in exchange I want something from you?"
(Y/n) gripped her arms. "Anything you ask of me. Will be yours."
Salem leans back on her throne before speaking to her. "Right know you are nothing more then a child. So for now don't worry about it... Cinder." Cinder looks up at her. "You may leave." Cinder nods, and just as quickly leaves the room.
As soon as they were alone. Salem looks at (Y/n)'s cat ears, and using her magic started healing them. She then released her ears, (Y/n) then noticed that her cat ears were back to normal. With a mixture of shock and disbelief she looks at Salem.
"My dear child I shall give you the chance you so desire. The chance to get stronger. The chance to become something more then what they aren't. The chance to transcend your faunus limits. That is if you are prepared to wager your life for that power."
"... Transcend... If I have to put my life on the line for you, to kill them. Then I am prepared to die for you. Tell me what I must do and I will do it." (Y/n) said without breaking eye contact with her.
"Then as of this moment forward you will be called (Y/n) (L/n). You will be my second in command. Understand?" Salem said as she looks at (Y/n) with a smile on her face.
(Y/n) nods back at her question, before then bowing down in front of her. "Yes my Queen."
Salem smirk. "Call me Salem?"
(Y/n) nods her head. "Yes Salem."
{Time Skip 11 Years: (Y/n) 18 Years Old}
After the disappearance of (Y/n) Rose. The Rose family desired to find her, but her whereabouts were unknown. Not even their friend, Ozpin new where she was... But soon they will realize what it means to face true terror, and pain... Or true hell.
Meanwhile back in Evernight Castle, Conference Hall. Salem is seen awaiting for something as all her subordinates remain silent in the room. Suddenly the door's to the Conference Hall open up and a woman with long black hair, and red eyes walks in with a bag in hand. Placing the bag on the floor, she then quickly bowed in front of everyone. Well more Salem then the rest of them.
"So did you kill him! HEHE, HAHAHA!" A man with a scorpion tail said as he started laughing maniacally as he looks at her.
The other two man that were in the room remain silent as they looked at her. On the other side of the table was Cinder also remaining silent, with her eyes close.
"Stan (Y/n)?" Just then Salem spoke, which then made the scorpion man quickly fall silent after hearing the Queen speak.
The woman know revealed as (Y/n) then got up, and flung the bag at the scorpion man which he quickly caught with both arms. Looking inside he quickly got scared and dropped the bag over the table. inside.
"WHAT THE HELL!" As the bag landed on the table everyone noticed, that it was the head of Leonardo Lionheart.
Salem smirk as she looks at the head. "Good that traitor was getting on my nerves. Watts, Hazel, Cinder, what do you think?"
Cinder was the first to speak as she looks at Salem. "Mistress I would like her to help us with the fall of Beacon. That is if you are willing." Cinder said as she smiled knowing that she trusted (Y/n)'s abilities.
Hazel crossed his arms and remain silent. Watts on the other responds. "I hate to say this. But I agree with Cinder. (Y/n)'s abilities have far improved over the years. And she would be a great asset on this Mission."
"And you Tyrian anything to say?" Salem said as she looks at (Y/n).
Tyrian on the other hand shook his head in no, clearly to afraid to look at the woman. But he stayed hidden behind his wooden chair. "Nope of cores not my Goddess."
"Good... Leave us." Salem said as everyone then got up. "Oh, and Tyrian dispose of the head." Tyrian with a bit of hesitation nodded his head. He then fallowed after everyone as they all walked out of the room. Salem then turned her attention at (Y/n). "Come to me, Y/n."
Without hesitation (Y/n) walks up to Salem, she then got on one knee and bowed down, while looking at the floor. Salem then started to play with (Y/n)'s cat ears and smiled, when her tail started moving around.
"Are you ready (Y/n). You're revenge is at hand?"
(Y/n) smiled. "Yes my Queen."
"Tell me? What are you without me?"
"Without you I am nothing... But thanks to you, I am everything. That they will never be."
Salem smiles as she lifts up (Y/n) face to meet hers. "Good... (Y/n), along time ago I told you. That in exchange I wanted something from you. And you said that anything I ask of you, will be mine. Do you still remember?"
(Y/n) nods her head. "Yes. And till this day I still stand on that promise."
Salem nods her head. "Then what I want is simple. Nothing to heard to give." Salem lean close to (Y/n). (Y/n) on the other hand blushed as she looks at Salem face-to-face. While (Y/n) could smell a faint perfume that smelled nice, Salem leaned her face even closer to hers. The room was silent as Salem in that instant kissed (Y/n) across the lips. When the kiss finally parted, it left a trail of saliva connecting their lips. "I want you (Y/n)."
(Y/n) still in shook, blushes as she looks up at Salem. "S-Salem." She said trying to calm her tone.
Salem then lean back on her throne. "Now go you have a long day a head of you."
(Y/n) nods her head, and with a smile on her face walks away. As (Y/n) left Salem being an immortal witch blushed.
"Show then your true power."
When she finished what she was saying everything faded to black.
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