Chap. IV: Comrades...

{3rd POV: Beacon Academy: Ozpin's Office, (9:26 a.m.)}

We open up with the sound of the elevator door's opening up. Which then revealed team RWBY walking inside the office, behind them the door's to the elevator then closed. They walk over to Ozpin who was facing the window. As the room fell silent no one respond's and simply wait for him to speak. It is only after a moment of silence that Ozpin turned to face them. He then slowly walked over to them, with Glynda next to him, they noticed a sad look on his face. When he stopped in front of both Ruby and Yang, the two girls simply stared back at him.

Confused Ruby responds to him. "Is something the matter, Professor Ozpin?"

Ozpin takes a deep breath, and tighten the grip on his cane. Before then responding in a somewhat calm tone. "Ms.Rose, Ms.Yang... I'm so sorry."

This time Yang responds in the same confused tone as her sister. "What are you apologizing for Professor?"

Ozpin let's out heavy sigh before then waving his hand to a bunch of chairs. "Please have a seat. All of you."

After seating down the group waited for him to respond. Ozpin looks at Glynda before she then nodded her head. He nod's back at her, and turns his attention back at team RWBY.

"This isn't easy for me to say this to you. Given that you are so young." He says looking at Ruby first, and then turning to Yang. "Tell me, have you heard anything from your family?" Both girl's shock their head's in no. "I see."

They then heard the sound of the elevator doors opening up, before then closing. The sound of footsteps is heard as they all noticed that it was Ironwood, and Winter. The two walk to the side of Ozpin and simply stared at the two girls. Everything then fades to black.

{Evernight Castle: Conference Hall, (10:23 a.m.)}

We then transition to the Conference Hall's, where the rest of Salem's Inner Circle resided. All were seated except for Emerald, and Mercury who staid at Cinder's side. (Y/n) also stayed on her feet but close to Salem, and holding a folder in her hands. Out of everyone the one that dislike the fact that she was close to Salem, was Tyrian but not wanting to cause a scene, he simply stayed seated. Of course that didn't go unnoticed by (Y/n), but much like him, she to stayed silent. She stares back at him, waiting for him to do something. But with the presence of their Grace standing before the group that was impossible.

"Know then." Salem spoke with then garnered the attention of the group. "As you all may have noticed. The fall of Beacon is slowly approaching. So we must all make sure to prepare everything. With that said."

She waves her hand in front of (Y/n). Which (Y/n) then proceeded to placed the folder she was holding on the table. She then placed her scroll on the table which emanated a small bright light, that turned in to a hologram of Beacon Academy.

"This is a hologram of the entirety of the Academy." She said glancing at everyone that looked at her. She then took out a laser pointer and pointed at some spots of the Academy. "Thanks to the information that I got from Cinder. I managed to investigate several weaknesses that the Academy has for starters." She pointed at a spot that was at the bottom of the Academy. "This spoy. Were going to need a distraction. That way when the Grimm storm in, they will start dealing with the rest of Huntsman. All the while will send several flying Grimm to deal with the barrier around the academy."

"And what about the students?" This time Hazel with an unsure look on his face spke up.

(Y/n) looks back at him, with a cold look on her face. "What about them?"

"Your going to bring innocent people in to this."

"A small price to pay." She noticed that as she spoke a small look of hesitation could be seen on his face. "Why are you hesitating? You told me ones, that you wanted to get your revenge of Ozpin to, Right?" She slowly started to walk over to him. "You told me, that as long as Ozpin fell you wouldn't care for the rest of the people. Right?"

Everyone stared at Hazel all with cold looks in their eyes. When (Y/n) stood next to him, he simply stared at the table. She then leans her face close to him, and with both hands behind her back.

"Or was that all a lie?" The group stayed silent. That silence is then broken as (Y/n) let's out a sigh. "The way I'm looking at it. Say that we kill Ozpin. What then? The way I'm looking at it. We only have to sacrifice a small, group of people for the new world. Or do you wan't him to sacrifice more people like, Gretchen. Would you want him to continue with that?"

Hazel's eyes widen with anger as he remembered the loss of his sister at the hands of Ozpin. When he got his composure back, he slowly turned to look at (Y/n), with a determined look on his face.

"Tell me what I have to do."

(Y/n) smiled back at him, before then turning to look back at the hologram. As Salem started explaining the plan Cinder raised her arm.

"I would like to suggest something else as well."

"What do you have in mind." This time Salem spoke.

As Cinder started talking everything faded to black.

{Beacon Academy: Ozpin's Office, (11:00 a.m.)}

We then transition back to Beacon as we see both Ruby and Yang staring to the floor in utter shock. As tears started running down their faces, Ruby trying to keep her composure looks at Ozpin.

"P-Please tell me this is some bad joke." Suddenly she then stands up, and tried to walk over to him, but Ironwood got in front of her and held her in place. The two then locked eyes. "Please tell me that this is a joke! Please!"

He saw as tears started to run down her face. But one look at his face was all she need to know that what Ozpin was saying was true. "I'm sorry...." It was all he said before then letting her go.

Ruby still in shock drops to her knee's, and not being able to hold back broke down. Yang got up from her seat and then tried her best to suppress her anger. But not being able to hold it in she walked over to a wall and punched it, leaving a crack on it. Then while still agitated she walked over to Ozpin, but was also held back by Ironwood who was trying his best to hold her back.

"LET GO OF ME! WHO WAS IT!? TELL ME!" She said speaking with pure anger in her tone.

"You have to calm down." Ironwood said trying to calm her down.


"YANG!" Just then Blake spoke, which snapped Yang out of her state of anger. She then still with her red eyes, looks back at Blake, who had a worried look on her face. "Please calm down. Can't you see that Ruby needs you more then ever." Yang lancers at Ruby only to notice that she was on her knees, with tears in her eyes, and in shoch. "Will help as best we can. So please."

After several minuets the group had mange to calm her down. Weiss then spoke to them.

"Have they found anything like fingerprints, or DNA?"

Ozpin let's out a disappointing sigh. "Sadly we are still working on that." He looks at Ruby and Yang. "I promise you that I won't rest till I find the person responsible for this. So until I do why don't you go take a rest."

After team RWBY had left all while trying to help Ruby. Ironwood turned to face Ozpin. "You don't think that it was Salem?"

Ozpin let's out a concern sigh. "I think that it was. She's the only one capable of doing this. But my real question is why them? I know that she was hunting down the silver eyed huntsman. But still."

Glynda then spoke. "Not only that." She takes out a photo which revealed the decapitated heads of Tai and Qrow on top of spikes. "If you ask me. This looks like it was more personal then anything."

"I agree." Ozpin nod's back at her. "For all that we know. That could be possible. I know that Summer was strong, given her training as a huntress, and her silver eyes. But this fells like."

Winter spoke this time placing her thought's in all of this. "With all do respect Sir. Could it be that the person held some deep grudge against them? I mean they were huntsman. They were bound to have enemies at some point. The individual in question even burn down their home."

"That is a good theory." Ironwood said. "For know I'll keep investigating on the incident." Ozpin nod's back at him. "If you'll excuse me."

After Ironwood had left, Ozpin leans back on his chair and took of his glasses. He then scratch his eyes, before then putting them back on. Glynda then spoke to him in a worried tone.

"What do you have in mind?"

"... Make sure to raise up the defenses around the school. And tell all faculty to report any strange occurrences to me or you."


As Glynda left the office, Ozpin looks outside his window, with a series look on his face.

"What are you planing, Salem."

Everything then fades to black.

{Unknown Forest, (7:36 p.m.)}

After the night gave rise, we see as Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury started making their way across the forest. Cinder then stops, Emerald then looks around before speaking to her.

"She said that she would meet us here?" Emerald spoke in an unsure tone.

"Patience." Cinder lightly smiles to herself, before then crossing her hands. "She'll be here."

"Let's see. I'm already starting to get bored." Mercury responds back to her.

"Sorry I'm late everyone."

Just then they hear (Y/n)'s voice as she slowly walked out from the shadow's. What was surprising was the fact that she was wearing a different set of clothes, that covered her cat ears thanks to the hood, and her tail that was wrapped around her waist.

Emerald somewhat surprised at the new clothes smiled back at her. "Looking good little sister."

"Not back." This time Mercury responded after her. "Looks like your going hunting."

"Hehe, thanks you two." (Y/n) turns to look at Cinder. "So shall we?"

After walking across the forest for a couple of hours. It was then that they reached a camp. The rest of the group which was revealed to be a bunch of White Fang member's, all ran towards them, and stop with their weapons pointed at them.

Mercury In a sarcastic tone, placed his hands behind his head. "Oh come on. We just came here to talk."

"Talk about out the welcome party." Emerald said with a faint smile on her face.

Cinder then takes a step forward. "Please put your toy's down. I don't want there to be bad blood between us."

"Silence Human! Your kind isn't welcome here!"

"That's right! Get lost!"

They said making sure to take aim at their unwanted guest. (Y/n) getting slightly annoyed at them, walks passed Cinder, and placed her left hand on her waist. She then spoke in a demanding tone.

"I would like to speak with your leader, Adam Taurus."

Just then a gun shoot is heard, but just as it was about to hit her, it was quickly deflected by (Y/n) taking out one of her scythes. She then let's out a disappointing sigh.

"You had the chance to do one simple thing."

As the rest of Cinder's group stood back. (Y/n) slowly started approaching the White fang, with a sinister evil smile on her face. The darkness then cuts her off.

We then cuts to Adam and his Lieutenant in a different tent around a table with maps, masks, and vials of Dust all around.

"We should have everything prepared in two day's, sir." The Lieutenant said.

"Good make sure that everything is..."

His sentence is cut short with the sounds of groans, explosions, and crashing are heard outside the tent flaps. The two then come out of the tent, weapon raised and prepared for what was about to come. They then stood in surprised as the last remaining White Fang soldiers is swiftly decapitated before their very eyes by (Y/n), who had her hood on, and covered in blood.

"What the hell!?" Adam said trying to understand what the hell just witnessed.

"Ah, I take it that you must be Adam Taurus, right?"

(Y/n) said scythe still drawn amid the still-smoking battlefield, with White Fang soldiers laying all around and Cinder's subordinates kneeling on the ground with cases in front of them. 

"Adam, we could've gone to anyone for help." (Y/n) discards her scythes and strides towards the two. "But we chose you. So please I would ask that you hear us out. Because our plan will be beneficial for the both of us." (Y/n) looks at Emerald and Mercury before then nodding to them. Emerald opens her case to reveal Dust crystals and collector canisters inside, while Mercury shows the neatly-arranged stacks of Lien in his. "So, will you hear us out?" Adam slowly straightens up while (Y/n) under her hood smiles. "Good."

{Small Time Skip}

After the remaining surviving White Fang members started cleaning what was left of their comrades. We cut away to the image of Cinder standing respectfully in the center of a tent, Emerald and Mercury sitting on their knees behind her, and (Y/n) still with her hood on standing close to Cinder, and with her arms crossed.

Two surviving members of the White Fang armed with a rifle and sword are to one side, and the Lieutenant leaning up against the other, as Adam steps into view before a map of Remnant.

"So, let me get this straight..." Adam spoke trying to under stand what was going on and what she was asking. "You could've gone to anyone for help. You could've made a deal with a gang leader, paid off some Huntsmen that have strayed from their... righteous and noble path... but instead, you choose to seek an audience with me."

Cinder then spoke still in a calm tone. "You're the one we need. Your skill, your ability to lead those beneath you. You're an exceptionally valuable man, Adam. And we've put a lot of thought into-"

Adam quickly interrupts her, stepping forward with his finger raised. "Then you're clearly not thinking straight! If you truly understood me, you would know coming here was a mistake. The White Fang is not an organization for hire. We're-"

"A Revolutionary Force." This time (Y/n) cuts him of with a smile seen by everyone. She then placed a hand on her waist. "Oh, trust me I understand what your going with. If you work with us and believe in our plan. Then it will be beneficial for all parties involved." As Adam continues pacing around the tent. (Y/n) looks at her right arm before then clenching it in to a fist. "I know the feeling all to well. To be rejected by the people, and looked down as some THING." Deeply sighs. "I know the feeling all to well."

Cinder then spoke. "We have... an associate in Vale. We are working on a revolution of our own. But we can't do it without your forces. Well what's left of them anyway. We need-"

Adam cuts her off again. "What you need... is to leave." He hoists up his weapon. "You're asking my men to die for your cause - a human cause." He then puts a hand to the hilt of his sword. "That is not an idea I am willing to entertain, human-"

Their conversation is cut of by the sound of (Y/n) sighing. "There it is again. That word again. Look I get it. You've been through so much, and I understand. Human's are trash. Just look at what they did to us."

"Us?" He said confused at her words. "What would you know?"

"Back in my old home. Each day I wish for death. Constantly being on the revising end of humans abusing me for their own selfless desires. Sometimes they would even leave me without food."

"You make it sound as if your-"

(Y/n) cuts him off. "A faunus?"

Adam nod's back at her. (Y/n) snickers before then slowly removing her hood and exposing her car ears and tail. Sure enough Adam was slightly surprised by this, but that still didn't change his mind.

"Why don't you tell me a little about yourself." (Y/n) said with faint smile.

Adam looks at her, before then looking at his men. "The rest of you leave us."

Slightly confused the group leave while (Y/n) and Cinder stood with him. Cinder looks back at his two companions before sending them off. When the three of them were left alone, (Y/n) smiles back at him.

"So you going to tell me?"

"I'm only going to tell you." Looks at Cinder. "Her on the other hand."

"Cinder can you leave us?"

"You sure?" Cinder spoke back slightly worried about her.

"Yes. I'll be fine. Trust me."

(Y/n) looks over her shoulder at her and smiles. Cinder nod's back at her, before then walking outside the tent.

"What did you mean with your words?"

"I to hated humans to some extent. I hated them so much that after I escaped all I wanted to do was to kill them." She then touched one of her cat ears. "After living with them for so long. My life was hell. Being treated like trash, by the people that adopted me. They though to turn me in to one of them, by trying to cut my ears off. I hate them my parents, my sisters, everyone. All humans to me were nothing. It was only after being save by Cinder, and treated fairly by my Mistress. That I found a new calling in life. And that calling was to free my faunus brethren."

Adam didn't respond back and simply saw her walk to the map, and placed her hand on it.

"Like Cinder said. With this plan will be able to change the world, and the people around the world. Okay she didn't say it like that. But you get what I'm saying, right?" Adam didn't respond back. "So I told you about me. Why don't you tell me about yourself."

"I was raised by a human mother, and a faunus father. After I had started growing up, he saw me as an animal. He had no real moral for human life. It was only after turning 18 that I found out that I was born out of a simple mistake. My father forced himself on my mother getting her pregnant in the process. After hearing that I killed him." He looks at his arm before then clenching it in to a fist. "But after my mother found out, she took her own life finally free from the person that tormented her daily." Adam then takes of his mask which revealed a burn mark of the SDC (Schnee Dust Company). "I was then captured by humans and was put to work. So having had enough. I escaped but not before killing the rest of those humans."

"I see. You and I are one in the same. Like you said if they won't hear the words of a human. Then why not the words of a faunus."

After finishing their conversation Adam put back his mask, and ordered everyone to walk inside. A moment of silence was felt across the tent as none spoke. Cinder then broke the silence by speaking.

"So what's it going to be."

Adam looks at (Y/n) before then turning back to Cinder. "Very well. But the White Fang will only lessen to me."

"That's fine by me."

As they all walked outside of the tent, Adam walks over to (Y/n) who had put her hood back on. "Mind if I ask you one question?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"I'm looking for someone a faunus named, Blake."

The name caught (Y/n) by surprised at first. So she answered back. "You know her?"


"I see..... Frankly what ever business you have with Blake, that's between the two of you. I only care about one thing, and one thing alone." (Y/n) turns around to walk away, with a sinister smile on her face. "Taking revenge on my two sister's. That's all."

"I see. I hope you get your revenge."

"Oh don't worry I will. Besides you don't have to worry. All you have to do is make sure that the White Fang fallows order."

"That's easier said than done. Don't worry I won't let you down."

"Anyway catch you around."

{Time Skip: Evernight Castle: (Y/n)'s Room Balcony, (11:28 p.m.)}

After finally returning to the Castle, (Y/n) took a moment to just relax and take a breather. She gazed as the Dark lands, with only the sound of the wind, and the Grimm that roamed the land soothing. She then hears the sound of footsteps approaching her as it revealed to be Cinder. The two exchange smiles before Cinder then walks next to her, and gazed at the Dark lands.

"So I have to ask. What did you do to change his mind?"

"What did I do? We simply talked." She said in a sarcastic tone.

"... Okay change of subject. What are you planing to do in the future?"

"That a simple question." (Y/n) reaches both of her arms up to the sky. "The stars, the sky, the earth, the world. Everything will belong to Salem. And those that try to stop me, will only be meet with death."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Truth be told. I don't know... But when the time comes I just want to live a normal life."

"I see... Well will be heading back to Beacon soon. So prepare what you need."


After Cinder had left, the sound of the wind blowing is heard. (Y/n) had a relaxed look on her face, before then leaning forward on the balcony bars. Her expression then changes to one of seriousness, and lets out a sigh.

"When are you going to stop hiding." (Y/n) responds and looks over her shoulder, which then from the shadows come out. "Tyrian."

"Hey there little Sister. Hehe." He said with a sinister smile on his face, and with both hands behind his back. One look at him, and (Y/n) could tell that something was up. "I was just wandering. What's your relationship with her Grace?"

"That is none of your business." (Y/n) said countering his question, she then turned around to face him, with her hands inside her pockets.

"Truth is. I just feel like your getting in my way, and it's starting to annoy me. So I figure that if you don't start backing away from her, then I'll be forced to hurt you. Hehe, HAH-"

"HAHAHA!" Just then Tyrian is cut of by (Y/n) starting to laugh after him, which only infuriated Tyrian. After finally calming down, she glared at him with a smile still present. "Oh, i'm sorry I just find it funny. That someone like thinks that his useful to the Queen."


"Hey calm down. You wouldn't want to fight me, right?" She waves her arms over her head in a playful gesture, before then dropping them down. "Besides." She glares at him with a smirk on her face. "You wouldn't be able to beat me. Not even in a 100 years."

Tyrian smirks before then taking out his weapons and preparing to charge at her.

"I'll KILL YOU LITTLE BITCH! And after your gone, I'll have her Grace's affection all to myself!"

"Is that so." (Y/n) could only smirk, and then leans her back to the bars. "Then by all means come at me."

The two of them had a moment of silence (Y/n) waited for Tyrian to make the first move, with a smile on her face, and vice versa. The sound of the wind howled. When the howling of the wind stopped Tyria quickly charged at (Y/n) in the hopes of quickly finishing her off. Getting close he starts lifting his right arm, and prepared to deliver the finishing blow.

"EVERYTHING THAT I DO IS FOR THE QUEEN! AND IF I HAVE TO KILL HER THEN!" Tyrian told himself as the world around him felt like it had slowed down. But that didn't matter as he only wanted one thing.

All the while (Y/n) simply stayed with her back against the bars, and a still visible smile, that only infuriated Tyrian. We briefly cut to some small Grimm's walking around across the lands, before then cutting back to (Y/n) and Tyrian.

Silence befalls the two of them, as we then see Tyria's arm inches away from (Y/n) head. Tyrian stared back in confusion, his arm then starts to tremble before then simply stopping. (Y/n) takes out her scroll and looks at the time before then putting it away.

"You see Tyrian. This is what I meant, when I said that you can't hope to be able to even beat me." She lets out a sigh. "Anyway I have to go. As for you."

She placed both of her arms behind her back, and leans close to Tyrian's ear, before then whispering something to him. She then walk passed him and starts walking to her door. We then see as Tyrian stepped up on the metal bars, and stretched his arms up in the sky, with a smile of his face.


(Y/n) all the while walking away, waves her arms at him. "May the Queen take the world Tyrian."

He then jumps. After a short moment of silence the sound of his body hitting the hard ground is heard, fallowed by the sound of Grimm's running over to him and tearing him apart.

Back to (Y/n) as she kept walking across the lang hallway. A close up of her face revealed an evil grin, and a shadow across her eyes. "Hehe." 

{Small Time Skip: RWBY's Dorm, (12:37 a.m.)}

After having a very exhausting long day, we cut to team RWBY's Dorm. Weiss and Blake could be seen sleeping in their respective bed's after trying their best to cheer up Ruby, and calm down Yang. We then see Ruby while still in her bed, could be seen crying over the new's of her family.

"You doing okay?"

Just then Yang gets up to her bed, and laid with her. Ruby still not being able to say anything simply kept crying. But Yang quickly pulled her in close to her chest, and rubbed the back of her head.

"It's okay. Let it out." She said trying to calm her crying sister, but a close look at her revealed that she to was also crying. "Let it all out. I'm right here."

After the two had calm down Ruby while facing the wall spoke. "Hey, Sis. Can I ask you something?"

Yang with her hands behind her head, and facing the ceiling nod's. "Sure. What is it?"

"Do you ever stop to think about (Y/n)?"

"I..." A moment of silence fell between the two sisters before responding to her. "I do." She said with a hint of hesitation in her tone.

"I see... I miss her to..." Ruby lets out a sigh before then speaking to her one last time. "I just hope that wherever she is, she is safe."

"...Yeah..." Yang turns around facing away from her. "Me to... Anyway try to get some sleep."

"Goodnight, Sis."


{Yang's POV}

After Ruby had finally fallen asleep I started to think on her words, and about our sister. Truth be told I didn't care at all for her... But i'm sure a little lie wasn't going to hurt her. Still I couldn't help but wander if this was retribution for what we put her through.

I turn around and looked at Ruby who was fast asleep. I then let out a silent sigh. "Sorry Ruby. But the truth is I don't care for her. I only care for the one person that is important to me. And like hell its her. Besides she abandon us. So why should I care..." I told myself so that no one could hear me. But in realtor I was lying to myself. I new that she hated us, but still its not like she's ever coming back. I gently petted Ruby's head and smiled. "Don't worry Ruby. I'll always look after you. As a Big Sister should... So sleep tight."

{3rd POV}

As Yang closed her eyes. A close up of Ruby's face revealed tears running down her eyes, before she then whispered a name. "(Y/n).... Zzzzzzz-"

And with that everything faded to black.

A/N: Okay here's another chapter that I wanted to share with you all. Sorry that I took sooooo long, but I couldn't think of what to do with it. So I gave it some time, and here you all go. Hope you all enjoyed it.

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