Sonic the Hedgehog(2020) Part 1

Vortech was currently walking around the theater, a box of tissues in his hand, and an expression that was mixture of boredom and annoyance. He had been handing out tissues to any who needed them in which, given the heartfelt conversation Yang's counterpart had with Bumblebee, there had been quite a few that required them in order to clean up their tear-filled faces.

Vortech's last stop was with team RWBY, handing Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang tissues to wipe up their tears.

As the four girls accepted the tissues, Vortech gave an exasperated sigh.

"Does anyone else need to dry their eyes?" Vortech drawled out, looking among the audience, receiving no answer. "Good. Then we can finally carry on."

Vortech opened up a vortex in which he tossed the tissue box into. He then began to trudge his way back up to his throne.

After sniffing as she whipped her eyes, Ruby opted to ask a question to the Vortion. "Sorry about all that... so what universe are we going to see now?"

Vortech, upon hopping onto his throne, glanced down as Ruby as he gave his reply. "The lot of you wasted two minutes of my eternity with that tear-fest. How about you all just sit back and watch what I show you."

"All you did was give people tissues." Qrow pointed out. "What crawled up your ass and died?"

"Menial labor is quite tiresome, and absolutely below me." Vortech retorted back.

"Okay, jerk-wad, can you at least give us a hint since you're so crabby?" Yang asked Vortech with a scowl after she wiped her eyes clean of tears.

"Fine." Vortech rolled his eyes. "All you need to know is that it'll be much more comedic-based than what we saw with Bumblebee."

"I think that's a good plan." Jaune said as he continued to wipe his eyes.

"Well, if that's everything you all have to say, let's get back schedule." Vortech said as he started up the next universe.

As he did though, Nora shot her hand. "Hey, what do we do with all the used tissues?"

Vortech stared down at her, blinking a bit before rolling his head back with a groan. He opened up another vortex, from which a trash can fell out from.

"You just had to open your mouth." Vortech muttered as he grabbed the trash can and went on his way to take the used the tissues.


The viewing screen came alive to the overhead view of a coastal city. The sun was rising and all seemed peaceful. That was until two blurs were shown running through the streets of the city. The one in the lead was blue, as the blur that chased the blue one was red.


"What might this be, now?" Pietro asked in immediate intrigue.

"A red blur? Does this involve Ruby?" Yang asked.

Ruby gave a small gasp as she looked to Vortech. "Is it my turn to be the main character in a universe?"

"Not by a long shot." Vortech immediately replied as held out the trash can to Glynda, who deposited her tissue into it.

"Aw." Ruby sagged upon hearing this.


The blue blur quickly ran up from the streets and onto a tall building, just as the red blur shot red bolts of energy at the blue blur. A closer look showed that red blur was in fact a white and black airship of some kind, emitting a red energy.


"Hmm. Interesting air ship design." Ironwood observed as he brought a hand to his chin. "Not to mention how fast it's going."

"I've never seen an airship go that fast." Penny said with curios look. "What kind of energy could it be using?"

"Whatever the energy is, it's better than any Dust on Remnant." Pietro said with an awed look. "I'd like to shake the hand of the man who created that beauty."


The airship chased the speeding blue blur through the streets once more, firing more laser blasts at its target. A closer inspection of the blue blur showed the audience that it was some form of anthropomorphic blue hedgehog with green irises, white gloves, and red and white shoes. His overall appearance seeming almost cartoon-like.


"What on Remnant?" Cinder of all people found herself questioning the odd sight first.

"Is... is that a blue hedgehog?" Sienna asked as she blinked her eyes in surprise.

"A very fast hedgehog at that." Port observed. "Just look at him go!"

"A very fast hedgehog with an anthropomorphic shape with gloves and shoes." Winter added in equal befuddlement.

"He's definitely the odd little creature." Glynda said, finding herself unable to describe the feeling she had towards the image of an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog.

"The multiverse definitely likes to surprise us, it seems." Ozpin told his deputy headmistress. He too gave an odd look to the fast blue hedgehog

"I think he looked absolutely adorable." Penny said with a bright smile.

"He seems... strangely cartoonish." Weiss said with a raised brow.

"Suddenly Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles doesn't seem so strange." Blake commented as she deposited her tissue into the trash can Vortech was carrying around.

"He's so fast!" Ruby shouted with stars in her eyes. "Maybe even faster than me. Oh, this is so exciting. I know this universe isn't about me, but it's so cool seeing another speedster."


The blue hedgehog continued to run through the streets, evading the airship's incoming fire.

Inside the airship was revealed to be none other than Arthur Watts dressed in a stylish red and maroon suit while wearing red-tinted goggles. He grunted as he steered his airship, smiling as he continued to chase the blue hedgehog.


"Watts?" Ironwood asked with wide eyes.

"Arthur?" Pietro asked in equal shock. "Suddenly I'm not too sure on that handshake."

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Cinder thought to herself with a scowl. "Don't tell me I suffer through him in this viewing."

"Please don't tell me this universe isn't about Arthur Watts." Ironwood said with a shake of his head as he looked back at Vortech.

Vortech had gotten back to his throne again, opting to simply set the tissue-filled trash can to the side. He looked to the Atlesian General, answering him. "This universe is about the blue hedgehog. But Arthur Watts does play a large role to play in it."

"Antagonist?" Ironwood immediately asked with a straight look.

"Yep." Vortech replied at the same speed.

"Thought so." Ironwood replied as he looked back to the viewing screen.


The blue hedgehog continued to run, evading a shot from Watt's airship by hopping onto a car, before quickly jumping off of it and back onto the streets as Watt's fired at the car, blowing it up.

Everything then froze as it showed the blue hedgehog running from the exploding car.

"So I know what you're thinking." A male voice spoke. "Why is that incredibly handsome hedgehog being chased by a madman with a mustache from the Civil War?"


"Civil War?" Oobleck questioned.

"All you need to know for now is that in 1861, the United States of Sanus went to war with itself." Vortech said. "The north wanted to abolish slavery while the south wanted to keep it."

"So similar to the faunus revolution." Oobleck concluded.

"Narrow it down to one country, and you're close to the mark." Vortech told the history teacher.


Everything unfroze as the blue hedgehog continued to run. He looked back to Watts with a small scowl before continuing down his path, evading the cars of oncoming traffic.

"Well, to be honest, it feels like I've been running my whole life."

The blue hedgehog glanced back at Watts and his airship,m. He continued to run past the cars on the street as Watts continued to fire down upon the hedgehog, causing destruction with each blast of his airship.

"Is this too much? Am I going too fast? It's kind of what I do—You know what? Let's back up."


"Wait a minute... is the blue hedgehog actually talking to us?" Yang asked with a raised brow.

"That's so cool." Nora said with wide eyes and grin. "Hello, blue hedgehog person!"

"He can't hear you, and he's not talking to you... per-say." Vortech answered Yang's question.

"Aw, man." Nora said with a disappointed look.

"No. Rather, when these universes are recorded, sometimes the main characters of the universes meet with the recorders so as to input a few words they would wish to give to any potential audience that views them." Vortech explained.

"Huh. That's a little neat." Ruby said.

"Though, unfortunately, there tend to be quite a few that like to break the fourth wall." Vortech thought to himself before taking a quick glance at Neo. He immediately imagined the stout henchwoman in a red and black spandex suit with a mask, her hair tied up into a pony tail as it fed through the back of said mask. The thing to top it all off was Neo wielding a set of katanas. The image sent a shiver down his spine as he quickly shook away thoughts.


The blue hedgehog turned on a corner of the street, turning left as Watts continued to follow him. Just then, everything stopped once more as the viewing went backwards in time, quickly passing by a multitude of scenes as the male voice mimicked reverse audio.

The screen went black for a moment before opening up to reveal a large and beautiful island out in the ocean as the sun rose up.

"This is the island where I'm from."

The speedy blue hedgehog from earlier was shown running through the forest of the waterfall-filled island. He ran across naturally formed pathways and ramps that had a strange checkerboard-pattern on the side of each one. He ran across each one with great speed, eventually running along the third one which had a natural archway under it where water streamed through. After running upon it, however, the archway collapsed and fell into the water.


Yang gave an impressed whistle as she smirked at the sight. "Now there's a place that would make an excellent vacation spot."

"How the hell does the dirt have a checkerboard pattern to it?" Emerald asked in bewilderment.

"Why is there a talking, walking, child-sized hedgehog that runs faster than a bullhead?" Mercury retorted back to his partner.

"I think it's quite the unique landscape." Penny said. "And it apparently appears to be fun at that."

"It would definitely be a nice place to run and jog at." Ruby added in agreement, noting how the blue hedgehog was running around the island pathways as if he was in some form of racing game.


"It had everything. Sandy beaches, cascading waterfalls, public access to loop-de-loops."

As the male voice spoke the blue hedgehog was shown running up and around a strangely, yet natural rock formation of a loop-de-loop, built the same as the ramps and pathways that littered the island.


"There's even naturally-made loop-de-loops?!" Ruby shouted with excitement.

"Oh, yeah. Definitely a great vacation spot." Yang smirked. "I can imagine riding Bumblebee around those things. Autobot or motorcycle, either works."

"Okay, how does that make sense?" Oobleck furrowed his eyes in confusion, immediately finding himself in a rare moment of being dumbfounded. "Was there some form of very accurate weathering?"

"Oobleck, old buddy. I think we've reached past the threshold of questioning weird stuff." Tai told Oobleck. "But I think that we can all agree that those loop-de-loops are cool."

"You do have me there..." Oobleck trailed off as he nodded to Taiyang's sentiment.


"And, I never had to catch a school bus because I could run across the entire island in less than two seconds."

The blue hedgehog that ran up a tall ramp, flying off of it before falling back down upon an adjacent ramp that was several miles away.

The viewing zoomed in to show the blue hedgehog, though he was not the same as when the audience first saw him. He much smaller and much younger. A child. The child version of the blue hedgehog brightly smiled as he continued to run across his island before folding himself up into a fur ball and rolled across the natural pathways.


"Oh, he became even more adorable." Penny cooed at the sight.

"Who's the cutest wittle hedgehog I ever saw?" Weiss went into full on baby speak when she saw the childish form of the blue hedgehog.

"He could be runner-up to the Child." Yang said in agreement as she gave a warm smile to the hedgehog.

"What child?" Emerald asked.

"Not what child. The Child." Nora corrected Emerald. "And he's only the most cutest thing ever!"

"All you need to know is that he's a cute little alien baby from a universe with a lot of space travel." Ruby told Emerald with an cheerful smile. "I'm sure you'd guys would love to see him."

"Baby alien?" Emerald muttered to herself whilst Mercury merely shrugged.


"Also, there was no school. I know, pretty sweet island, right?"

The small blue hedgehog rolled through pathways, small canyons, and turns before flying up into the air with his arms and legs spread out.

"Yeah!" The blue hedgehog child cheered before falling back down.

"I was born with extraordinary powers and was told to keep them a secret."

The blue hedgehog child ping-ponged his way off of rock walls, trees, and the ground as he continued to run across the island.


"Oh, I have got to try and do that." Ruby said with a very impressed smile. "Speed parkour is the bomb!"

"It would make a more efficient, combative use of your semblance." Weiss agreed with was she thought Ruby was talking about.

"Oh... right... I-I can do speed parkour for that too." Ruby stuttered out her reply to Weiss.

Weiss promptly sighed as she shook her head. "Of course. Who am I kidding? Doing something only for fun would be the first and foremost thing on your mind."


"And like any kid, I did the exact opposite."


"A kid knowing when to keep a secret." Qrow remarked with a dry chuckle. "That'll be the day."

"One of the reasons I've yet to tell Miss Rose about why I took an interest in her silver eyes." Ozpin thought to himself as he took a glance at Ruby. "Ruby means well, but there are some things I can't risk with someone so young."


The blue hedgehog child ran across a long wooden bridge before running up more bridges where two small, hut-like houses and a small pavilion was located.

"Whoo-hoo!" The blue hedgehog child cheered as he ran into the house at the top. He rolled his way onto a large, armored, sleeping horned owl, bouncing off of her and waking her up in the process.

"That's Longclaw. She took care of me. She was basically Obi-Wan Kenobi... if Obi-Wan Kenobi had a beak and ate mice."


"That is a big bird." Tai commented with a surprised look. "Well, in a less Grimm-appearance."

"I always did intend to get myself an owl." Port said as he began to frown. "That way I'd have an excellent way of ridding of any rats and mice. Sadly I've yet to go through the proper procedures in how to care for an owl."

"Probably might have more time if he wasn't droning on about his so called glory days." Yang whispered between her teammates as she gave air quotations with her fingers.

"I find professor Port's stories to be informational." Weiss did her best to defend their Grimm studies teacher. "He just... likes to ramble on the plots of them."

"Teachers pet." Yang whispered off to the side, getting a small giggle out of Ilia, who heard her remark.

"Oh, hush, you." Weiss furrowed her eyes at Yang.

Meanwhile, with Glynda, the combat instructor rose her brow to the screen in curiosity. "Obi-Wan Kenobi? Hmm. Probably not the strangest name I've heard. But it's up there."


The blue hedgehog child fell back onto the floor, childishly giggling as Longclaw ruffled her feathers.

Longclaw sighed as she looked down at the blue hedgehog child. "Sonic, someone could have seen you."

"No one saw me." Sonic waved off Longclaw with a confident smile. "I'm too fast!"

Sonic ran in place to make his point clear before pointing at Longclaw. "And I wanted to bring you this."

Sonic pulled out a yellow flower from behind his quill-covered head, presenting it to Longclaw.


"Awe. That's very sweet of Sonic." Penny gave a blissful smile towards the young, blue hedgehog.

"His name really fights him." Ruby said with a smile. "Like a sonic boom. Though in this case, it's sonic speed."


Longclaw sighed with a smile as she moved to her wing to accept the flower from Sonic. However, the sound of twig snapping brought her attention up as she gasped.

Looking out from the entrance to her hut, she saw a platoon of red-furred, anthropomorphic animal warriors, all in similar shape to how the older version of Sonic appeared. However, these warriors had their quills before downward than Sonic's. They were each covered by in cloaks while wearing ornate stone, feather-tipped masks. Each narrowing their eyes as they aiming bows at Sonic and Longclaw with their bows.


"So much for no one seeing him." Jaune winced at how many intruders there were.

"More walking hedgehogs?" Roman asked with exasperated surprise.

"Echidnas, to be exact." Vortech stated.

"Ew. Echidnas?" Roman asked, giving a grotesque look. "Don't they have—."

"Yes. Yes, they do. And I know for a fact that you do not want to talk about it." Vortech said as looked back to Roman.

"Fair enough." Roman simply replied with a shrug.

"God dammit. Why did he have to put that thought in my head?" Blake thought to herself with a scowl, having heard what Roman was talking about.


"Get down!" Longclaw shouted as she rolled atop Sonic, covering him as she used her talons to close the door to her hut, just as the echidnas shot their arrows. Each arrow was shot into the door, with one of them firing through the round window and impaling the flower Sonic had gotten for Longclaw.

"Turns out, with great power comes great power-hungry bad guys."


"Too true." Ozpin shook his head.

Cinder merely shrugged as she thought to herself. "What's wrong in wanting some power? It's only apart of human nature."


The echidnas all rushed towards the hut, some wielding spears while one held a net to capture Sonic with.

"And I led them right to us."

Sonic held a look of fear on his face while Longclaw protectively held the hedgehog child, narrowing her eyes at the echidna warriors.

Longclaw then flew out from her hut with Sonic in her talons, destroying a wall of her house as she grunted. The echidnas fired their arrows at her ad she continued to fly off through the trees, each arrow whistling towards her way as she did her best to dodge each and every one.

Longclaw began to fly up past the trees as she continued on her escape. However, one of the echidna warriors narrowed his eyes, drawing his arrow back in his bow before firing. The arrow flew right into Longclaw's side, below her right wing. She yelled in pain before falling to the island's jungle floor with Sonic, both of them grunting as they did.


"Oh, no!" Ruby shouted in worry.

"And she was so close to flying past the tree line too." Yang snapped her fingers in frustration.


Longclaw skidded to a stop as Sonic was still on her grasp. She got up as she looked down at the blue hedgehog child, setting him to ground.

"Listen carefully, Sonic. You have a power unlike anything I have ever seen. And that means someone will always want it. The only way to stay safe is to stay hidden."

Sonic brought his hand together as he cast Longclaw a sullen look. From a pouch hanging from her side, Longclaw pulled out a small golden ring. She tossed it to the side, causing the ring to expand into a large, round gateway that led to a forest under the cover of night.


""Woah."" The entirety of Ruby, Jaune, and Nora awed at the sight.

"Now where can I get some jewelry like that?" Roman asked with an impressed smile. "It'd make getaways so much easier."

"Those are definitely magic-imbued. No doubt about that." Qrow commented.

"It's definitely an alternative way of fast travel." Pietro added.


Pointing her wing to the portal, Longclaw began to explain to Sonic. "This world is on the far side of the universe. You should be safe there."

"I don't want to go without you." Sonic pleaded to Longclaw with a sad look.

"You must." Longclaw told Sonic as she handed him her pouch. "These rings will be your most important possession."

Longclaw then gasped as she heard the pursuing echidnas shouting. She watched as the echidna warriors all ran towards herself and Sonic from afar, all of them panting as they pursued.

"If you're ever discovered, use one." Longclaw told Sonic as she moved him towards the portal. "Never stop running. Now go!"

Sonic gave Longclaw one last look before hopping through the portal, running at a normal speed through the forest. He looked back, his face growing in worry as he watched Longclaw spread her wings out as she prepared to hold off the echidnas, whom all shouted as they ran towards her.

"Longclaw!" Sonic shouted as he started to run back to her.

He held his hand out as he tried to reach her. Longclaw looked back to Sonic as the portal started to close. She gave him a sad smile as the echidnas neared her.

"Goodbye, Sonic."

"No!" Sonic shouted as he ran with both his hands out.

Just as he neared the portal, electricity zapped as it started to turn to a golden dust.

"No!" Sonic shouted once more as he ran through the dust that was once the portal.

He panted as he stopped in his tracks, a sullen look on his face as he was alone in the forest.


"I thought you said this universe would be comedic." Yang complained to Vortech.

"I did. I didn't say there wouldn't be other elements to the universe." Vortech replied to her with an even look.

"It's like another situation with Bumblebee." Ruby sadly spoke. "Sonic got forced from his home and the person that raised him."

"Not to mention Sonic accidentally led those echidnas to him and Longclaw." Blake said as she gave a sympathetic wince to the screen. "That can't be good for his morale."

"And unlike Bumblebee, Sonic's only a child." Weiss shook her head. "He's on a new world with zero knowledge of it, and he no one to guide him."

"I've gone through worse." Emerald thought to herself.

"Well it doesn't look like he had too much trouble on Remnant." Jaune hazarded a guess. "I mean, we all saw him end up being chased by a mustache-guy in an airship that can go as fast as Sonic, but he didn't seem like being on Remnant affected him too bad."

"Hopefully that is the case for Sonic." Pyrrha said. "No child should ever live on their own."

"I couldn't agree more." Ilia muttered as Ren and Nora nodded their heads in agreement to Pyrrha.


The title of the universe zapped upon the blackened screen, the heading outlined in blue electricity while the subheading was outline in a red bar.


The viewing became alit again as an empty road was shown in the middle of small forest, surrounded by lush, green hills.


On the right side of the road was a sign for Green Hills. Beside that sigh was a Green Hills Sheriff police cruiser. Within the sheriff's vehicle was Taiyang in a sheriff's uniform, wearing sunglasses as he held a police laser LiDAR Scanner.


"Oh, hey I'm in here too." Tai pointed out with a chuckle. "And I'm a sheriff. That's kind of cool."

"Lame." Roman bluntly commented. "Sheriffs are just over-glorified cops."

"I'm choosing to ignore that." Tai said as he held his smile.


He waited patiently as he cocked his head forward, looking out onto the very empty road before him.

"Come on, one car?" Taiyang asked to no one in general as he expected a car to drive along the road.


"Ooh, car duty." Qrow said with a wince. "That's gotta suck."

"Wow. Dad's got car duty and he hasn't seen a single car." Yang commented. "That's has to boring for him."

"I know that if me, I'd be dying for a car to just pass by me." Nora said. "Whether it's speeding or not."

"It all depends on the average use of the road." Ironwood stated. "My father was a sheriff who stationed himself in anima from time to time. I remember coming down from Atlas to join him on a few of his duties. Car duty being one of them. Believe me, the more cars that are on the road, the less you'll be bored. The less cars there are... yeah, it's going to be get pretty dull very fast."

"Well, cars or no cars, at least I'm still doing my duties for the community." Tai said with an affirmative nod. "A community that's call Green Hills rather than Patch, but it's still for the community."


He sighed as he set the scanner down for a more, shaking his tired hand. Taiyang then held the scanner up again as he looked out from the opened window of his car, making fast car noises and pretending as if a car was speeding pst him. He did this two times before accidentally hitting himself in the chin with the scanner, prompting him to groan in slight pain.


"Ouch." Jaune winced at the sight.

"This is why some people talk about gun safety." Yang cracked a small joke.

"At least I'm trying to make the best of the car duty." Tai said with a shrug.

"Reminds me back when you weren't so softened by the job of fatherhood." Qrow told his old teammate. "You were way cooler to hang out with then."

"I'm still cool." Tai defended himself.

"Of course you are, Tai." Qrow patted Taiyang on the shoulder. "Of course you are."


"I'm bored." Tai said as he sat back in his seat.

Just then, Tai's police radio buzzed to life as another man's voice spoke through it. "Tai, do you read me? Are you there?"

"No, Wade. I'm actually on a yacht in Barbados." Tai sarcastically replied with an even tone. "With Rihanna."

"OMG." Wade said on the other side of the line before chuckling. He was shown inside an office in the sheriff's department. "That's amazing. Please send pics."

"No, Wade. I'm at the speed trap." Tai replied back to Wade in a bored tone.


"I even have my own rookie deputy." Tai chuckled. "This is great."


"Already? How did you get back so fast?" Wade asked, clearly showing he wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. "Barbados is in the ocean!"


"A deputy who apparently can't understand sarcasm." Glynda added with a blank look.

"It seems he's even worse at understanding sarcasm than that troll from the Middle-Earth universe." Winter commented with a shake of her head.

"Even I'm not that gullible." Jaune said with a surprised look.

"Ironically tactically unaware of your surroundings is how I would describe you." Ren told his team leader.

"Um... is that a compliment?" Jaune asked.


"Hang on, I think I got something." Tai told Wade through the radio before setting his mic down in favor for the scanner once more.

Taiyang held the scanner out once more, only to find a slow moving turtle on the road. The scanner beeped, prompting Tai to look at the back of it as the small, target speed screen read: "001."

"Hey, buddy!" Taiyang shouted out to the turtle. "Where's the fire? Got kids living around here."


Despite the corniness of the joke, a few people found themselves laughing at Taiyang said to the turtle.

"Okay. That was a good one." Ruby giggled a bit.

"He's so bored that he's taking cracks at a turtle." Yang chuckled.

"I never thought I'd ever laugh at a joke that Tai made." Qrow gave a small laugh. "Is it the end of times?"

"Oh, ha. Ha." Tai rolled his eyes at Qrow, though sporting a humored smile.


Tai watched as the turtle continued to slowly move along the road as he gave his best attempt a smile. "I thought that was kind of funny. Sorry."

Tai had set his scanner back on the dashboard of his car as he decided to take his sunglasses off from his face.

Just as he did, a blue blur whooshed past him, causing the radar of the scanner to beep.

Tai looked at the scanner as the target speed screen now read: "296."


"That was Sonic, right?" Ilia blinked her eyes at the screen. That hedgehog really was fast.

"That's who it appeared to be." Blake said.

"It's impressive how fast that hedgehog can run." Sienna said with a surprised look.

"He is faster than me!" Ruby shouted with wide eyes of astonishment. "I can only go up to 195 an hour."


"What?" Taiyang asked in confusion he grabbed the scanner as he started to inspect it.

From behind Taiyang, Sonic peered down from the roof the car and through the back windshield. The scanner clicked after Tai inspected it, prompting Sonic to lift his head up as Taiyang peered out through his other open window.

He spotted nothing once again. However, unknown to him at the time, Sonic whooshed past him once more, causing the radar scanner to beep.

Taiyang looked at the scanner again, widening his eyes in disbelief as the target speed now read: "300."


"300?" Ruby blinked her eyes at the sight. "Okay. That's it. I'm going to start training with my semblance. Get a treadmill. Run around Beacon."

"It's good to see that competitive spirit has finally gotten to try and train more with your semblance." Weiss told her partner. "Even if it may not be for any actual tactical reason."


Tai tapped against the scanner to see if it was broken. As he did so, Sonic came speeding in behind him, smiling brightly as he saw the target speed number. He silently shouted yes while throwing his fist to the air, a confident look on his face.

Sonic zipped off again, causing Tai to look out the window of his cruiser's open door.

Taiyang was shown walking alongside the road as he looked around in confusion, placing his hands on his hips. He then spotted something in the wheat grass beside the road as he began to walk towards it. He kneeled down, reaching his hand out to pick up a blue quill that seemed to glow. Tai twirled it around his hands, inspecting it before his dispatch radio turned on.


"I can all ready tell that's going to come back to bite Sonic later. Somehow." Blake said as she observed the blue quill Tai's counterpart picked up.

"Guess Sonic hasn't fully learned on how to keep himself hidden." Ruby said with a wince.

"I can't say I blame him. I'd go stir-crazy if I didn't have some form of interaction with people." Yang said.


"Tai, we need you down on Main Street." Wade told him over the radio as Tai rose up, his eyes still on the blue quill. "There's been a violent gang shoot-out."

Taiyang got back into his cruiser, the tires screeching as he drove off back to Green Hills.

Wade then laughed over the radio as he continued to speak. "Just kidding. A duck stole a bagel. But they do need it back."


"They need the sheriff because a duck stole a bagel?" Pyrrha questioned with furrowed eyes of confusion.

"Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that a duck stealing a bagel is about the most crime we're going to see in this Green Hills place." Weiss blandly spoke with a raised brow.

"A town without crime." Emerald mused aloud. "Doesn't sound possible. And even if it was, it must be one boring place."


As Tai drove off the slow-moving turtle was on the side of the road, trying to make his way to the grass. As the turtle slowly moved, a truck was driving down the left lane of the road, headed straight towards the small reptilian.


"Turtle, no!" Ruby shouted to the screen.

"Curse nature for giving land turtles slow movement." Nora said with a scowl.

"I can't watch." Penny said as she covered her eyes with her hands.

"Who's up for roadkill turtle?" Mercury quipped with a straight face.

"Now is not the time." Ruby pointed an accusatory finger Mercury's way, prompting him to shrug and raise his hands in mock surrender.


Just when it seemed the turtle was about to be run over by the oncoming truck, Sonic whooshed in, picking up the turtle and saving it from what would have been a grizzly fate.

Holding the turtle in his hands, Sonic looked down to the creature. "Whoa, buddy, you almost got yourself killed out there. What are you, some kind of adrenaline junkie?"


"Phew." Ruby brushed her hand against her head in relief.

"Looks like dad and Sonic like tacking cracks at the turtle." Yang gave a small chuckle.


Sonic lightly petted the turtle's head with a finger before putting his arm on his hip. "It must be rough being slow all the time. Tell you what. Today is your lucky day."

"🎶I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky
Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity🎶"

Sonic was shown zooming down the road with the turtle in his hands, the rush of the wind blowing back against the turtle's head, making it seem as if the turtle was smiling.


"Awe. That's so sweet of Sonic to do." Pyrrha cooed while chuckling.

"That must a dream come true for the turtle." Ruby chuckled at the sight.

"Now the turtle really is a speed demon." Yang said with a laugh.

"It's cute how it looks like it's smiling." Ilia cooed a bit at the sight. What could she say? She liked reptiles.

"That turtle is going through a once in a lifetime opportunity to defy nature." Weiss said with a giggle.


"Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" Sonic cheered as he ran. "Have you ever felt so alive?"

"🎶 I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva🎶"

Sonic then held the turtle up in his left hand, smiling towards him. "This is great. You're doing amazing."

Suddenly, Sonic lost grip of the turtle, causing the small reptile to fly back, out of his hands.

"Oh, geez!" Sonic shouted with wide eyes speeding back to get the turtle before it hit the ground.


"Not again!" Ruby shouted with an alarms look.

"This is why you hold heavier objects with two hands." Tai stated. "The same can be said with animals."


Running back forward, Sonic had the turtle back in both of his hands again as he rubbed it's head. "Good recovery."


"Don't scare me like that." Ruby said as she held a hand to her chest, her heart rate slowing down.


"🎶 I'm gonna go, go, go
There's no stopping me🎶"

"Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" Sonic cheered once more as he continued to zoom down the road.

The viewing cut to a forest floor where Sonic set the turtle down. "Let's keep this our little secret, okay?"

As Sonic set the turtle down, the reptile was shaking and rattling in his shell.


"Oh, dear." Penny looked at the sight while giggling.

"That turtle isn't going to be walking for a while." Port added in with a chuckle.

"This is taking shellshocked to a different level." Yang joked with a chuckle.

"I can't even be mad at you because of how cute this scene is." Ruby told her sister with a light glare.

"The turtle looks like he just had several gallons of coffee." Blake said with a small laugh.

"He's probably about to lose balance." Ren suggested with his small chuckle.


"You never saw me. I was never here." Sonic told the turtle, waving his arms about as if he was disappearing before zooming off through the trees.

Just as Sonic zoomed off, the turtle fell down into its belly.


Once more, the students in the audience couldn't help but chuckle from the turtle losing balance. Even a few of the adults chuckled a bit at the scene.


"🎶 Don't stop me, don't stop me
Don't stop me, hey, hey, hey🎶"

Sonic zoomed and zipped through the trees and plants before coming upon an entrance to a cave, rolling down into it and bouncing off a bean bag that was within the cave.

"🎶 Don't stop me, don't stop me
Ooh, ooh, ooh, I like it🎶"

Within the cave was a bunch of Sonic's personal items he had collected over the years, ranging from boomboxes, checker boards, various toys, and comics books. Just to name several.

He sped around his cavernous abode, starting off by grabbing a yellow hair brush and mimicking as if he were singing into a microphone.

"🎶 Don't stop me, don't stop me
Have a good time, good time🎶"

Sonic then speedily twirled on his head before posing in a break dance move. Sonic then got a green, balloon guitar and jumped down from the bean bag, pretending to okay it as if it were a real guitar. He then ran to grab a jump rope, running back and forth so fast that it appeared he was not only playing jump rope by himself, but with two other versions of him.

"So what we're you expecting?" The voice of Sonic asked as he twirled around in a tire swing and continued to okay around with the balloon guitar. "A dirty little hedgehog eating berries and struggling to survive? Think again. Because I am living my best life on Remnant."


"He definitely knows how to spruce up a cave." Yang commented.

"Sonic even has a tire swing." Jaune pointed out. "I always wanted one of those."

"He's so fast that he can even play jump rope by himself." Ruby said with a gobsmacked expression.

"I'm just glad that Sonic doesn't seem to be having trouble on Remnant." Pyrrha said with a relived tone. That is before the image of what first happened in the viewing popped into her head. "Well... for the time being, anyways."


Sonic was then shown sitting in his bean bag chair as he flipped through a comic titled "the FLASH." He continued to flip through the coming before speedily zipping through the other stacks of comics in great fashion, putting each one off to the side after he was done.

"I've got a library..."


Ruby and Jaune immediately perked up at seeing the comics Sonic was reading. Especially Ruby, given the name of the comics.

Even Mercury raised his eye brow in intrigue at the comics.

"If I could read that fast, I could get through so many books." Blake said in awe. "Then again... I may not be able to savor the books themselves by reading them so fast."


Sonic was then shown wearing a headband as he ran inside an active dryer machine.

"a home gym."


"Ruby tried that when she first got her semblance." Yang said with a nostalgic chuckle.

"What happened?" Weiss opted to ask.

"She was able to do for a while, but dad eventually grounded her from jogging in the dryer because she was starting to mess up the spinning function of it." Yang told the SDC heiress.

"Not my fault the dryer couldn't take my weight." Ruby pouted as she crossed her arms. "I'm a growing girl."

"Ruby it's because you were growing that you couldn't do it anymore." Tai told his daughter while shaking his head with a small smile.


"and a state-of-the-art security system."

Sonic then popped up with a ninja headband on his hand and nunchucks in both of his hands, doing a Kung-Fu shout before swiftly and expertly twirling the nunchucks... before accidentally hitting himself in the face with one of them, causing him to grunt in pain as he fell back.


"Ouch." Tai said with a wince. "I know that feeling."

"Sun could probably teach Sonic some moves." Ruby suggested as she took a glance at Blake.

Blake was quick to notice Ruby glancing at her prompting the cat faunus to sigh. "If you guys call Sun my boyfriend one more time..."

"Oh, come on. He follows you like a sick puppy. A puppy that you always humor." Yang told Blake. "It's so obvious."

Blake rolled her eyes at Yang, though she couldn't help but give a tiny blush in response. Ilia had spotted this, causing her eyes to turn red as she narrowed them.

"You have got to be kidding me..." Ilia thought to herself. "Blake has another boyfriend?"


"🎶 Oh, I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah
200 degrees
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit🎶"

Sonic was then shown on one end of a ping-pong table, twirling a paddle in his hand before speeding over to the other side, giving a 'come at me' gesture with his hand. He proceeded to play ping-pong ball with himself atop the the ping-pong table, which was shown to be a makeshift table made from a sign that read: "Hill Top Rd"


"And he play ping-pong ball with himself. I'm so jealous." Ruby sighed as her arms slumped.

"Why would you want to play ping-pong ball with yourself?" Yang asked her sister. "It's so much fun with two people. Playing with just yourself... that's worse than Blake's level of depression."

"I am not depressing." Blake retorted back to Yang with an offended look. "I'm just... I like keeping to myself."

"I mean, Ren likes doing that too, but with you, I don't know, you just seem more distant." Jaune added into the conversation, with Ren nodding his head in agreement.

"Wow." Blake sat back in her chair as she crossed her arms. "Some friends you guys are."

"I know it's depressing to play by yourself." Ruby stated, bringing the conversation back to what she and Yang were talking about. "But it's cool when you can do it like how Sonic does. Also Blake, I don't think you're depressing. Just... a little stand-offish."

"I guess I can accept that." Blake said with a shrug.


"🎶 I'm travelling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you🎶"

As Sonic aimed to hit back the ping-pong ball he had hit towards himself, he fell to the side, knocking over the pouch of golden rings.

"Oh, no." Sonic said with a worried look before dropping the paddle and going over to the rings, pilling them back into the pouch.

"And, if I'm ever discovered, I'll follow Longclaw's instructions and use my rings to escape to a new planet."

Sonic held up a map that showed the island and several other worlds. The map was titled: "Safe World." A majority of the places on the map were x-ed out, including the island. One world, which seemed to have mushrooms on it, was circled as his next destination. Sonic held up one of the rings in his other hand before hovering it over the mushroom world.

"A nice, safe little world filled only with mushrooms."

Sonic flung the ring out, causing it to expand into a portal as the mushroom world was shown.

"Gross, smelly, mushrooms."

"I hate mushrooms." Sonic said with an annoyed look as he looked at the portal to the mushroom world, his ears lowered.


"It seems Longclaw made sure Sonic was prepared in case he was ever caught on Remnant." Ozpin observed, though not without twisting his face into a small grimace. "Though it definitely seems this mushroom world is the last resort."

"That sounds more like a punishment than a safe place." Taiyang said with a perturbed look. "I know mushrooms aren't necessarily a bad thing... but they're definitely not fun."

"Ew. Why would anyone, anywhere, ever want to live in a world filled with mushrooms?" Nora balked in disgust.

"Number one worst vacation spot. Ever." Yang shook her head with a scowl.

"Not to mention that the only think he'd probably be able to eat is mushrooms." Ruby said as she frowned at the thought. "Why not a world filled with cookies? Or a water world?"

"Oh, believe me, hehehe, I've seen the universes that involve Sonic the Hedgehog." Vortech said with a wicked chuckle. "Water worlds are some of the worst planets he has ever visited. Especially the Labyrinth."


Sonic was then shown zooming up to a cliff's edge that protruded out from the side of a mountain as the blue hedgehog looked down upon the town surrounded by the large green hills and mountainous landscape.

"But let's not worry about all that. This is Green Hills. The greatest place on Remnant."

Getting into a running position, Sonic ran off of the cliff and down into the valley below, leaving a trail of blue as he sped along.

"These are my people and, dare I say, I am their lovable space creature."

Sonic ran into the town of Green Hills, before resting himself atop a building as he looked down at the town with a smile on his face.

"So what if they don't know I exist?"

As people walked alongside the street corners, going through shops and going about their day, Taiyang stood out near a parking lot, still dressed in his sheriff's attire. In his hands was half-eaten donut.

"My favorite person is the Donut Lord. Protector of this town and defender of all creatures big and small."


"Donut Lord? Donut Lord?! HAHAHAHA!" Roman roared out in laughter. "He called you Donut Lord! That's fantastic!"

"Oh, come on." Tai complained with lowered eyes.

"Heh. Donut Lord." Qrow chuckled while shaking his head. "It's perfect."

"That is the best name to call any cop." Roman wheezed while wiping a tear away.

Neo continuously giggled in agreement with her boss.

A few other people had laughed at the title Sonic had given Taiyang's counterpart as well. The most loud being Ruby, Yang, Mercury, and Emerald. The former two laughed because they thought it fit their father well. The latter two laughed because they had similar sentiments with Roman.


Sonic smiled as he watched Tai hold traffic to allow a family of ducks to cross the road.

"Morning." Taiyang greeted the ducks. "Donald. Daisy. Daffy."


"Awe. That's sweet of Mr. Xiao Long." Penny swooned at the sight.

"That's Dad all right." Ruby said with a soft smile, still chuckling from the Donut Lord bit.


Summer Rose was then shown in yoga attire as she walked through the front porch of her house, and into the backyard. All the while she held a laptop in her hands.

"Donut Lord lives with Pretzel Lady."


Ruby, Yang, Taiyang, and Qrow all shared strange looked with each other at what Sonic said about Summer.

"Pretzel lady?" Yang asked.

"I don't know." Tai said with a shrug. "Maybe it we'll see an explanation for it in a moment."


Summer was shown on the back porch as, having placed a yoga mat down as she watched the yoga class on the computer, stretching her leg out while reaching her arm back to grab her leg.

"She is super nice to animals and strangely was born without bones."


"Oh... it's because she does yoga." Tai surmised with a nod.

"I guess not every world has ever heard of yoga." Ruby guessed with a shrug.

"It's a shame. It's a nice way to relieve any stress on your joints." Weiss said as she rolled her hand a bit in emphasis.

"I find it relaxing." Cinder admitted with an even look. After all, planning the downfall of Beacon academy had its more stressful moments.

Meanwhile, Tai inwardly sighed in relief as he relaxed in his chair. "Pretzel lady. For a second I worried Sonic might have accidentally peeped in on the more... nightly activities Summer and I used to do."


Sonic was shown on a tree stump some distance away from summer as he mimicked her movements. "Ouch, ouch, ouch."


"And that is why I don't do yoga." Jaune chuckled at the scene. "I flexibility in my legs."

"That's why you need to do leg day with me." Nora politely chided her leader. "You can get so much more mobility with them."

"Uh, no. Sorry, Nora." Jaune shook his head with a stern look. "We did that all ready, and we all ended up in bandages."

"I mean, in Nora's defense, I didn't find her leg day training all too bad." Yang admitted.

"Notice how only you are saying that." Weiss pointed out as she, Ruby, and Blake did not have any pleased looks whatsoever.

"My calves were sore for a week." Ruby said with a deadpan. "And I run for a living!"

"Hey. No pain, no gain." Nora said as she crossed her arms.


"There is one person in town who's actually onto me."

An old man with a beard was shown inside a bar, a serious look to his face as he unfolded a sheet of printer paper, which revealed a crudely drawn image of Sonic.

The patrons in the bar all laughed at the old man as said man showed the picture to Taiyang, who tried to hide his amusement.

"He calls me the blue devil." Sonic said while chuckling.


"Oh, that is a terrible drawing." Emerald said as she stifled a chuckle.

"It's so poorly drawn it's almost humorous." Sienna added with a humored smirk.

"I'd say with the fact that someone is onto Sonic should already set of a red flag, but..." Blake trailed off as she gave the old man a good look. "This guys doesn't strike me as the type that people take seriously."

"He's probably one of those cooky conspiracy people." Yang commented with a laugh.


"I almost caught him last night." The old man told Tai.

"Say hello to Crazy Carl."

Carl was shown out in the woods at night, a light atop his hat with his camper van behind him. He had set up a series of bear traps in order to try and catch Sonic.

Carl yelped in surprise, however, when he saw the blurish form of Sonic whooshing past each trap, activating them and setting them off without being caught in a single one.

"We have fun together."

Carl carefully walked through the field of traps with a flashlight in hand as he tried to go after Sonic. Unfortunately, his foot had gotten caught in a net trap he had set up, grunting as he dragged upside down into the air.

"I know you're out there!" Carl yelled out to Sonic in an almost crazed state. "And I know you're real!"

"No, I'm not!" Sonic echoed back to Carl, still messing with him.


Everyone in the audience found the interaction between Crazy Carl and Sonic to be humorous. Even Cinder found herself chuckling.

"Hahaha!" Roman laughed out. "Nice."

"Ooh, that... that got me good." Tai laughed as he wiped away a tear.

"I'd say it's almost cruel to Carl..." Glynda trailed off as she too chuckled a bit. "But it is a bit funny."


Taiyang and Summer were shown on a couch next to Zwei as they ate popcorn and watched a movie on the screen with the lights dimmed.

"Movie night is my favorite."

"Please, please, please, please, please." Sonic begged with his fingers crossed as he looked into the house through a window, peaking one eye open at the tv.

The tv screen showed a movie title named: "Speed." This had caused Sonic to quietly cheer.

"Yes! Keanu!" Sonic said with an awed expression. "You are a national treasure."

"When I find you—." Keanu's character spoke angrily on a phone as bus was on flames in the background.

"Pop quiz, hotshot." Interrupted the man on the other line as he was shown driving a car. "There's a bomb on a bus."

"Pop quiz, hotshot." Sonic quoted before kissing his finger sand spreading them out. "It's a classic line."


"There's a movie I might be interested in." Mercury commented as he munched on some popcorn.

"Speed." Yang had read the title of the movie. "What's the synopsis of that?"

"Short of it is that someone put a bomb on a bus, and if that bus goes below or above its current speed, it will explode." Vortech explained. "Keanu Reeves plays the police office that tries to save the people on the bus and stop the bomber."

"Okay. Now I'm definitely interested." Mercury stated.

"How good of an actor is Keanu Reeves?" Jaune asked his question.

"He's leagues better than Spruce Willis." Vortech said with a straight look. "I can tell you that much."

"Heresy." Jaune pointed and accusing finger towards the Vortonian, a crazed look in his blushing eyes.


Tai and Summer laughed as they watched the movie with Sonic still looking through the window.

"Basically, we're like a family. Even though we haven't met yet."

Sonic looked down with a sad smile as the movie continued.


"Not my definition of a family." Emerald muttered to herself.

Penny put a finger to her chin with a confused look. "But... isn't family meant to know that each member exists?"

"I have a feeling we're about to find out that not everything is going too good for Sonic." Pyrrha said with a frown.


"You don't zink your prolonged isolation is making you a bit crazy perhaps?" Sonic asked with a German accent as he was sitting in a chair in psychiatric office with a notepad in hand and glasses on his head as he tapped the side of his head with a pen.

"Crazy? Me?" Sonic asked as he was now shown lying down on the couch beside the chair. "No way, Doc. You got me all wrong."


"Dude. You're talking to yourself." Tai said to the viewing screen, even though Sonic couldn't hear him. "You're not really giving us much confidence. Even though you mean well."


"And despite all these so-called friends of yours, deep down..." Sonic started off in the German accent again before taking off the glasses and looking sullen as he used his normal voice. "'re still rather lonely?"

Sonic started to walk away from the window of Tai and Sunmer's house. He looked back up with a smile as he watched Tai and Summer laugh to another movie they were watching.

"Perhaps afraid you'll be alone forever?"

Sonic's look became more downtrodden, glancing downward before walking away.


"Man... this might be more sad than what happened to Bumblebee." Yang said as she cast Sonic a sullen look.

"It's one thing to lose your memories. But from what we have seen, Sonic doesn't have anyone to go to." Ren said with a sad sigh. "For all we know, he's the only member of his kind."

"All alone in the universe." Ilia said as she looked down to the floor, her eyes lowered.

Even Emerald couldn't help but give Sonic a sympathetic look, though she did her best to hide it well from Cinder and Mercury. Before she met Cinder, she shared a similar feeling that Sonic felt now. Though she learned to try and bury that feeling long ago.


Raccoons were shown chittering as they dug through a trash can outside beside a house. A car pulled up towards them, honking its horn at the raccoons before it parked.

"Uh-uh. Hey! No, no, no, no." Tai told chided the raccoons as he stepped out of his truck. "Get out of there. Come on. Oh, come on! Get out of there!"

Despite Taiyang yelling at them, the raccoons didn't seem to budge as they continued to rummage through the trash. "Get out of there, you trash pandas."


"God, I hate raccoons." Tai shook his head with an annoyed look. "I have the same problem back in Patch."

"Good thing we have Zwei to scare them all off." Ruby said with a proud smile.

"When he's awake, that is." Yang reminded her sister.


Taiyang entered his house as began to call out to his wife, hanging up his utility belt as he did so. "Summer, as Green Hills' most respected veterinarian, what is the fastest way to exterminate a raccoon?"


"Bad idea to ask a veterinarian on how to exterminate an animal." Port said with a knowing look. "Believe me, I tried it once, and it did not go well."

"It's gonna go ten times worse with Summer as the vet." Qrow added.

"Only if I pester her about it." Tai stated. "Which... I hope my sheriff counterpart won't do."


Zwei then walked over to Tai, causing the sherif to kneel down and pet his dog. "Hi, Zwei. Hello! You're glad to see me. You don't eat garbage, do you?"

Summer walked in with her pajamas covering herself. She smiled at Tai cooing Zwei before giving a quite sigh. Within her hand, Summer held an envelope, which she hit against her other hand several times in order to get her husband's attention.

Bringing his attention over to his wife, Taiyang noticed the envelope. "What's that?"

Summer responded by holding up the letter, prompting Tai to point at it. "Is that what I think it is?"

"Uh-huh." Summer replied with an excited smile. "Open it."

Tai seemed nervous as he placed his hands atop his head before walking over to Summer. He took the envelope into his hands as observed it. "Oh, it's kind of small. Is that bad?"


"It usually is bad." Roman commented with a sly smirk. "They say size doesn't matter, but people only say that to help your insecurities."

Tai rose his brow as he glanced back towards Roman. "Yeah, you can't really get me with size jokes. Those don't faze me in least bit."

"I didn't hear a denial to your size." Roman shot back with a schooled look.

"I have Yang and Ruby." Tai retorted as he motioned his hand to his daughters. "That's testament enough."

"Dad, please don't bring us into this." Yang said with a grimace while Ruby shook her head with a disturbed look.

Roman glanced down at the two sisters before leaning back in his seat, speaking to his stout companion. "Well, Neo, dad joke's got me there."


"Just open it." Summer told Tai.

With a small and nervous smile, Tai started to rip the envelope open as he and Summer walked into the kitchen. He tossed away the torn up envelope and looked upon the letter inside. With an exhale of his breath, Taiyang began to read the letter.

"Dear Taiyang: We have reviewed your application to the San Francisco Police Department, and pending interdepartmental review and background check, we are happy to inform you that you have been selected to join our team."

"Oh, my God!" Summer cheered while laughing.

"Wow." Tai said in with an amazed and relieved look.


"I take it he wanted to transfer from his more town-centered sherif station to a full on police department." Winter observed from the letter and the reactions that came from it.

"This San Francisco Police Department must be a highly rated police force of Taiyang Xiao is more than willing to transfer to there." Glynda commented.


Out from under the kitchen island, Summer pulled out a large pink box and set into the island top.

"Oh, my God." Tao said in continued amazement as he rubbed his hand through his hair.

Summer opened the box up to show Taiyang what was inside of it, looking to her husband the entire time. "Ta-da!"

Tai smiled before his face turned in confusion. "San Francisco Sucks."

Within the pink box turned out to be a white frosted cake with the words: "Forget those Morons, San Francisco Sucks!" All of which was above a red bridge that was burning.


"Whoopsie." Ruby said with a small giggle.

"I guess that was a backup cake." Tai chuckled at the sight. "Summer always had a backup plan. Even with food."

"Good to see mom's as colorful here as we knew her to be." Yang said with a nostalgic smile in regards to the insult cake to San Francisco.


"Oh!" Summer said as she realized her mistake. She groaned as she set the cake box back, all the while giving an embarrassed smile to Tai. "Wrong one!"

She then pulled out another pink box, opening it up to reveal another cake, this one frosted in white and yellow with a police officer frosted on top. This cake read: "Congratulations. I never had a doubt!"

"Ta-da!" Summer said again, this time laughing.


"That one is actually kind of funny." Qrow said with a small chuckle.

"Never had a doubt, it says." Tai chuckled in agreement. "That's Summer all right."


"You never had a doubt, huh?" Tai asked his wife with a humored smile.

"No!" Summer replied to him. "Mm-mmm."

She smiled as she and Taiyang walked around the island to kiss each other and share in a hug.

"I can't believe this." Tai said as he continued to embrace his wife.

"Oh, I know!" Summer said in an excited tone. "You did it."

Tai and Summer both looked at the letter before the former lifted his head up as he spotted something. "Hey, what are those?"

Summer followed the direction Tai's finger was pointed at, and saw that he was pointed to the open and turned on laptop.

"Apartments for rent I found on Zillow." Summer explained to Tai. "I thought Zwei and I could fly there tomorrow and check out some neighborhoods."


"Someone works fast." Weiss commented.

"Summer Rose was a very articulate woman." Yang stated in a factly manner. "Even if she acted like Ruby sometimes."

"Planning ahead is something I got from her." Ruby said with a proud smile. Though she would like to think of it as a genetically passed on trait, given her entire family lost Summer was Ruby was still too young to learn much from her.

"One of the main reasons I made her the leader of team STRQ." Ozpin told Ruby with a small smile.


"I mean, this is all happening so fast." Tai said with a disbelieving look as he walked from the kitchen.

"Oh, man... it's the craziest thing." Summer told her husband as he sat down on a chair at the kitchen table. "You apply for the job, you get the job."


Taiyang gave another chuckle as he looked to the onscreen Summer. "There's the snarky part of the woman I fell for."


"Well, pending a background check." Tai replied to Summer.

"Oh, man. Hope they don't find out about that time you used the neighbor's Wi-Fi." Summer joked as she sat at the table with him.


"Taiyang Xiao Long. How could you do such a heinous act?" Qrow gave a mock-disappointed look to his old teammate.

"I was framed I tell you. Framed!" Tai joined in on the joke before laughing. "All seriousness though, I did actually did borrow the neighbor's Wi-Fi once or twice when I first moved to Patch."

"Was it from that old medicine lady? What was her name again?" Qrow asked.

"No. Madame Mallari doesn't use the CCT." Tai told Qrow. "She's far more old timey. No, I bored it from one of my other neighbors. Leonard."


"Correction: I'm still using the neighbor's Wi-Fi." Tai joked back to her, causing Summer to laugh. "No, but, Summer... are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Taiyang Xiao Long." Summer told her husband. "What did you do the entire time I was in veterinary school?"

"I worked a second job to pay the rent and—."

"A third job to pay tuition." Summer continued Tai's sentence. "You sacrificed for me. I'm happy to sacrifice for you."


"This must be what true romance is like." Penny said with an awe-inspired look. "I would wish to indulge in something like this in the future."

"Yep. Dad and mom were quite the pair." Yang said with a smile. Though her thoughts had become sour. "Unlike my birth mother."

"I can tell it's only going to get more sweet from here on out." Emerald spoke between herself, Mercury, and Cinder. "And I do not like it at all."

"Relax yourself, Emerald. I'm certain something interesting will happen soon." Cinder told her mint-haired minion.


Tai gave a silent and small laugh as Summer got up from the table. "Babe, are you sure you're okay with this? I mean, there's been a Xiao Long protecting this town for more than fifty years. This is a big change."

"I'm positive." Tai replied to Summer before patting his hand against the table as he got up from his seat. "It's time for this guy to get out there and prove himself. I love Green Hills, but, you know, I want to help people in real trouble."

Tai walked up to Summer as he placed his hand on his hips. "I want someone to turn to me in a life-and-death situation and I'll be there for 'em."


"I can understand that feeling." Pyrrha nodded to sheriff Taiyang.

"He wants to make a bigger impact." Blake elaborated with a sympathetic look. "He wants to help with actual problems."

"To prove himself." Jaune softly spoke with a solemn nod. "I know that all too well."

Pyrrha smiled at her partner as she patted his shoulder. "You'll get there. One way or another."

"Helping out a lot of people is one of the main reasons I wanted fo become a huntress." Ruby said with a smile. "It just feels right."

"Like mother, like daughter." Yang smiled as she ruffled Ruby's hair, much the bloodcrowned girl's dismay.


"I get it." Summer nodded to Tai with a smile. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you." Tai told his wife

"Mmm!" Summer said as she and Tai hugged each once more.

The viewing cut to day time as Taiyang stood out near the forest. "And so it is with a heavy heart, that I tell you all that I've accepted a position at the San Francisco Police Department, effective immediately. It's gonna be tough to leave my hometown and all my friendships. But this is something I feel like I need to do... to grow... as both an officer and a man."

Widening his eyes with a smile, Tai spread his arms out as it turns out he was talking to a pink-frosted donut that sat upon his police cruiser. It had a sprinkle mustache, bent paper-clips for arms and legs, and a pair of sunglasses over itself. "What do you think, Sergeant Sprinkles? That wasn't so bad, right?"


"Wow. Dad really is the donut lord." Yang laughed at the sight. "He's even talking to one he made look like a cop."

"Okay, maybe, the donut lord thing isn't too far off." Tai rubbed the back of his neck with an embarrassed smile.

"Disregarding the donut, I'd say that was a fine speech." Ironwood complimented Taiyang. "It probably won't rouse people's spirits, but it's a fine farewell."

"Thanks." Tai responded to Ironwood with a smile. "I'm sure my counterpart worked hard on it."


Tai walked across the road and back towards his cruiser, taking his tie off as he looked down at the donut. "Now all I got to do is... tell everyone who isn't a donut."

Meanwhile, back with Sonic, he had zoomed in behind a tree and some bushes. The time was later in the day, and Sonic watched as kids yelled to each other as the played a little league game of baseball.

"Whoa, the playoffs!" Sonic quietly exclaimed.


"What's this?" Ruby asked.

"This is the sport of baseball. The one I informed you all of when we watched Impractical Jokers." Vortech told Ruby. "A little league version of it, but baseball nonetheless."

"Oh. That's neat." Ruby replied.


Sonic watched a kid on the red team pitched the ball over to a kid on the green team. The kid on the green team hit the ball with his bat, causing the crowd to cheer. One of the kids on the red team tried to catch the ball, but was too late in doing so as the ball hit towards the scoreboard, declaring the hit a home run.


"That right there was a home run." Vortech explained. "If the ball is hit so fat that it's out of the field, it's an automatic win for the swinger."

"Okay. That actually looks like a fun game to try." Yang said with an interested smile.

"You'll need to learn the rules and positions first." Vortech told the blonde brawler.

"However many there are, I'm sure I could get the hang of it." Yang said with a confident smirk.


The crowd cheered and applauded for the green team as Sonic sped past the chain-link fence and hid under the bleachers. He watched with a smile as the kid who got a home run high-fived each of his teammates as he ran to each base. Sonic watched as the kid was surrounded by his friends and couch, being lifted to the air as everyone continued to cheer him on. The sight continued to bring a smile to the blue hedgehog's face.

It was now getting close to night. Everyone was leaving the baseball field, all getting into their cars and driving off. Soon it was dark out. The lights of the baseball field turning on as Sonic walked onto the field.

Sonic looked around with a smile on his face. "Oh! So cool."

Sonic then spotted a bag of baseball equipment that was left in the dugout, and idea forming in his head.


"Someone's forming an idea in their head." Pyrrha commented in regards to Sonic, an amused smile on her face.

"This is gonna be fun to watch." Nora said with anticipating smirk.


"Bottom of the ninth, tie score." Sonic said as he patted a baseball bat against a base plate, a red baseball helmet on his head. "And exactly who you want at the plate with the game on the line: Sonic!"

Sonic then zipped over to the pitchers mound as he put on a green cap, speedily twirling his arm around with the ball in his hand. "But staring him down from the pitcher's mound is the most fearsome southpaw in Green Hills: Also Sonic."


"So it seems he's going to throw the ball to himself, and run back in time to swing at it." Weiss observed.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's how it's gonna go." Ruby said with a nod before smiling. "Still going to be cool though. Like when he played ping-pong with himself, just with much more space."


"Okay. Focus, Sonic." Sonic told himself as he went back to the batter's plate, twirling his bat around as he got into position. "If you win this game, you'll be the most beloved kid in Green Hills."

Sonic then zoomed over to another side of the baseball field, putting on a red cap. He rubbed his nose a bit before slapping his hands against both of his cheeks, after which he made a fart noise with his armpit before making his hands move up in a bird like fashion before calling out to 'himself.' "Hit it to the guy in left! He's a real space case."


"What did I just see?" Weiss blinked her eyes in bewilderment.

"Translation: every sneaky sports call out ever." Yang said while chuckling a bit at Sonic.

"It's definitely over-exaggerated." Pyrrha said while putting her hand up to her mouth as she giggled. "Though it's still humorous."


Sonic then ran over to another section of the field, wearing another green cap as he stared up to the night sky while blowing a bubblegum bubble. He popped the bubble, causing it to cover his mouth as he lazily looked over to his right.

Sonic then ran back to the pitcher's mound as he groaned. "I can't with that guy."


"He's even going with with the shtick of having a ditz on a sports team." Ruby said with a giggle.

"Despite that this is all in self-fulfilling fun, it's always wise to go for the weakest link." Cinder added in her two cents.


Sonic then ran over to the catcher's section behind the batter's plate, wearing a green catcher's helmet. "Hey, batter Sonic. Hey, batter Sonic "Suh-wing," batter Sonic."


"I take it that's a saying in this baseball game?" Pyrrha asked Vortech.

"Sometimes." Vortech replied to her. "Sonic has now taken on the position of the catcher. Their duty is to catch the ball should the swinger miss in their strikes."


Sonic ran back over to the pitcher's mound, reeling his hand back before throwing the baseball forward.

Sonic switched back into his batter attire as he ran back to the plate, swing his bat out and hitting the baseball far out across the field


"Whoo! Look at it go!" Nora cheered.

"Nice swing." Weiss compliment. "Even though he threw the ball to himself, being as fast as he is it gives him more momentum to swing at the ball."

"And what a swing too." Yang added in.


Sonic was shown in a green cap again, sitting in the grass and sniffing a flower before looking up with a gasp, getting up to try and get the ball. "I got it, I got it, I got it!"

Sonic ran over and leaped to cat chi the ball, only to look disappointed as he fell to the ground as the ball missed his grasp. "I don't got it."

Back at the batter's plate, Sonic dropped the baseball as he started to run from plate to plate.

Sonic ran and grabbed the ball, tossing it back to towards the plates.

Just as Sonic got to second base, he ducked his head as he narrowly missed the baseball hitting him.

"Go home! Go home!" Sonic yelled to himself as he pointed to home base.

"Come on!" Catcher Sonic said as he slammed his fist into his glove, getting into position.


"I know he's only playing with himself, but his speed to take on all of these positions is rather impressive." Glynda said. "Even if it is a little silly."

"I find it to be quite fun." Port commented. "We should try this baseball game sometime."


Batter Sonic grunted as he continued to run before leaping forward to home base with a yell as the ball followed him.

Catcher Sonic caught the ball in his hands, though not in time to tap batter Sonic with it as batter Sonic skidded onto and past the home plate.

"Safe!" Sonic yelled out while spreading out his arms.

Sonic continued to skid through the dirt before looking up with a confident smile, jumping up and cheering. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes! I did it! Did you see that? I did it. I did it."


"Wow. He must have caught the ball and gown through three other positions in order to slide onto the plate before he the ball with it, and then went back to sliding against the dirt." Ruby said with an amazed look. "I have really gotta try to get that fast."


Sonic, caught up in the moment, raised his hand up to receive a high-five. Only to realize that he was in the baseball field by himself. Sonic, with his hand still raised, looked around with a sad expression as the bleachers and dug out were both shown to be empty. The only sound that could be heard were cricket chirping.


"Oh... right." Ruby realized as she gave a downtrodden wince at the screen.

"Sonic must have been so caught up in playing the game with himself that he forgot no one was there to actually watch him." Pyrrha solemnly shook her head.

"He sounded so excited too." Penny frowned at the sight. "It's a good thing Ruby became my friend. Otherwise I might end up like Sonic."


Sonic then looked to his raised hand before lowering it, a sullen expression to his face. "I really am alone."

"All alone. Forever." Sonic softly spoke in a disheartened tone as he took the helmet off of his head.


"I've been through that mode of thinking in the past." Ozpin thought to himself as he quietly sighed at the scene. "Sometimes, that still feels like the case."

"No one should ever be alone." Glynda shook her head at the screen, her face calm yet sullen. "It's a shame that in having to hide his powers, Sonic ends up unable to communicate with anyone."

"There's always a price to be paid when keeping secrets." Ironwood softly spoke as he looked the screen. Unknown to him at the time, Ozpin had inwardly winced at his old friend's words.

"If he didn't need to hide himself, I'm sure he would have tried to make friends with me and Summer." Tai said as he gave Sonic a sad look. "It would be weird at first, but we're always accepting of people."

"Poor Sonic." Nora gave a sympathetic look to the blue hedgehog. "He really needs a friend."

"This really is more sad than what Bumblebee is going through." Yang said with a frown. "With Bee, he was able to find me. But Sonic hasn't had anyone since he was kid."

Ilia solemnly nodded in agreement while Emerald glanced away from the screen for a moment.


He started to walk away from the home plate before he opted to speed throughout the diamond shape of the baseball field. Sonic ran and ran in the same field, getting faster with each movement, picking up lots of dirt from the field.

Sonic still had a sullen look on his face as he continued to run. Soon enough though, electricity started to crackle throughout his entire body. He continued to run and run and run, the electricity continuing to build up as Sonic's face twisted from frustration to anger. At this point, Sonic was running so fast and so heavily that his feet was digging into the dirt, all the while blue electricity surged off from his quills.


"Uh, what's going on?" Jaune asked as he eyes started to widen.

"Okay, I've never gone so fast that my feet actually dig into the ground." Ruby said, a surprised look on her face, one that soon grew in concern. "But other than that, what's happening to his quills?"

"It seems Sonic is running so fast that he's his static electricity is building up to an extreme extent." Penny observed with in intrigue.

"Static electricity?" Weiss asked. "Doesn't that mean Sonic will eventually discharge?"

"Most likely." Penny responded. "So long as Sonic eventually stops."

"If the smallest amount of static electricity can send a small shock, what's all that going to do?" Pyrrha asked as she gave a wary look to Sonic.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Blake said with a wince.


Sonic panted as he ran faster and faster, the electricity building up even more so before he closed his eyes. With a mighty yell, Sonic jumped into the air, releasing his built-up electricity, causing it to surge outwards. The surge not only took out the lights in the baseball field, but it spread out further and further, knocking out the electricity in Green Hills, and spreading throughout half of the United States of Sanus, even surging out into space and taking out a satellite.


Everyone was silent. All of them staring at the screen with shocked expressions.

"Well, damn." Roman commented with wide eyes, unable to find the right words to describe the situation.

"All that electricity..." Pietro trailed off. "It took out the power in throughout most of their country. It even breached the atmosphere!"

"Truly astonishing." Oobleck said with his mouth agape.

"Such energy..." Ozpin trailed off in awe.

"With the speed he can attain, Sonic is like some sort of natural conductor." Ironwood said in amazement.

"I couldn't even make a discharge like that." Nora stated, seeming more so impressed with Sonic's feat.

"I could never do that with my semblance." Ruby said as she stared wide eyed at the screen.

"That is definitely going to get some heads turning." Yang winced at the scene.

Cinder continued to look at the screen with her own shocked look. Though underneath, she was very intrigued at the display. "What power... It could probably stand on par with that of a Maiden's. I can see why there are those that seek out the Hedgehog."


Sonic stood frozen in place with a nervous look to him as the quick realization of what he had just done bared down upon him. "I'm sure no one noticed that giant blue explosion, right?"

Sonic then promptly zipped away from the baseball field.


"Yeah, leaving the field is probably a good idea right now." Qrow said with a small nod.

"I do believe this event to be the start of how Arthur Watts ends up chasing after Sonic." Ozpin said with a grim look.


At the sheriff's station, scroll lines were constantly ringing as Wade looked at the office-scroll with an unsure look before looking down to his scroll.


Despite everything that happened, Tai couldn't help but chuckle at the deputy's look. "Oh, poor Wade. He internally freaking out."

"I can't say I blame him. With how peachy everything seems in Green Hills, he's most likely underprepared for something this large." Winter stated.


Back with Tai, he was trying to get some stuff packed up when Sonic's blue explosion took out the power. Tai looked to his scroll to see that Wade was calling him, clicking the answer button for his deputy to speak. "Hey, Wade."

"Hi, Tai. Uh, Wade here." Wade told Tai with a nervous chuckle as the lines continued to ring. "What is going on?"

Tai checked to see if the lights in his house worked by flicking one of the switches, only to find nothing was turning on. "Well, gosh, I think the power's out."

"Yeah, no dur!" Wade retorted back to Tai. "The lights are out. The whole town is freaking out. What should I do?"

"Okay, relax." Tai tried to calm down Wade from over the line.

"Take a deep breath, call Gil, see if they can locate the downed line, then... call Zim and see if he can get his generator over to the Super Q so the food stays... fresh." Tai advised Wade as he walked through his dark home, looking out through his window to see that everything had gone dark.

"Call Zim before Gil?" Wade asked over the line as Tai spotted something glowing blue on the island top. "Call Gil—Hello?"

"I'll call you back." Tai numbly told Wade as he moved to the island.

"What! Hello? Was that the end of the instructions?" Wade asked, only to wince as he found that Tai had hung up, the scrolls still ringing.

Wade looked over to the ringing scroll lines with a nervous expression. "Okay, all right. Uh, you can do this. What was the first thing he said to do? Right. Relax."


"Okay, you're technically right, but he also wanted you to call for assistance." Weiss said with a bland look.

"How did Wade not even remember who he wa supposed to call?" Ilia asked. "He was given two names and forgot them instantly."

"Stress under pressure can do that to you." Jaune said with a knowing look. "Believe me, I've gone through it a few times."


Back with Taiyang he looked to his island top, moving a bowl of bananas to find that the quill he had found the other day was glowing a brilliant blue. Tai looked at it strangely as he carefully picked it up, electricity crackling off of the quill as he observed the strange object.


"Huh. It seems that even when his quills are not attached to Sonic, they still emit energy whenever Sonic bursts out like he did." Pietro analyzed the glowing quill. "Fascinating."


Meanwhile, in another part of the United States of Sanus, where there was power, a meeting was building held at the Pentagon.


"Well there's an odd shape for a building." Ruby tilted her head with curious look.

"I take it this building is of importance." Ironwood more so stated his guess as he turned to Vortech.

"The Pentagon." Vortech introduced to the Atlesian general. "The headquarters for the United States of Sanus Department of Defense. One giant office building."

"Must be filled with a lot of offices." Tai commented.


"Twenty minutes ago, an energy surge knocked out power across the entire Pacific Northwest." Commander Walters stated as he sat a table with other leading members of the military. "What do we know?"

"Well, our first instinct was it was an EMP." Informed the Navy Chief of Staff. "But electromagnetic pulses don't have that kind of power."

"NASA has ruled out meteor strikes or solar flares." Stated the Air Force Chief of Staff.

"The Department of Energy says it's not a power plant malfunction." Said the Secretary of Homeland Security.

"Well, sounds like we're really good at figuring out what it wasn't." Commander Walters commented.


"That's how I feel whenever something strange happens and we can't figure it out." Ironwood spoke with a scoffing chuckle.

"It's good to that the military of this country is quick to work on trying to figure out the source of the energy blast." Winter stated before frowning a bit. "Even though it may lead them to Sonic."


"This could be a prelude to a larger attack." Suggested the Army Drill Sergeant. "I'm suggesting we scramble the Fifth and Sixth Regiment."

"No, no, no, no." Commander Walters thought otherwise. "This needs a much more sophisticated mind. Someone who understands technology."

"You want to send in a lab rat?" The Army Drill Sergeant asked.

"Not just any lab rat." Commander Walters said. "A lab rat with teeth."

"You're not suggesting who I think you're suggesting." The Air Force Chief of Staff told Walters with a weary look.


"Lab rat with teeth?" Ironwood muttered before widening his eyes. "Oh no..."

Cinder wordlessly growled as she was able to figure out who Commander Walters was speaking of, especially if the beginning of the viewing was anything to go on. "Watts."


"I know, he's a little weird." Commander Walters said.

"Weird?" The Air Force Chief of Staff rhetorically asked.

"No. No way." The Army Drill Sergeant shook his head in agreement.

"He's a psychological tire fire!" The Air Force Chief of Staff proclaimed.


Despite the fact she would have to view her most hated rival from within Salem's circle, Cinder couldn't help but smirk at the name the Air Force Chief of Staff called Watts. "There's one I have to remember, next time I see Watts."


"But he's also brilliant." Commander Walters pointed out. "Five PhDs. IW off the charts. And his drone tech is revolutionary!"

"You're sure he can handle this?" The Army Drill Sergeant asked the Commander.

"He has a perfect operations record." Commander Walters affirmably stated. "Remember the coup in Pakistan?"

"No." The Army Drill Sergeant shook his head.

"Or the uprising in Azerbaijanistan?" Commander Walters asked.

"That's not even a country." The Navy Chief of Staff said.

"Exactly." Commander Walters said. "And you can thank Watts for that."


"It sounds like Arthur has quite the military record here." Pietro mused.

"Better than he had in Atlas." Ironwood said while shaking his head. "It's a shame the man couldn't get back from a blow to his ego."

Pietro gave a small grimace in remembering how Watts disgraced himself before taking a glance down at Penny, smiling a bit.


"I can't believe you're bringing that freak into this." The Air Force Chief of Staff said in disbelief.

"Neither can I." Commander Walters admitted. "But... we have no choice."

Back at the baseball field of Green Hills, a military camp had been set up in the area. Soldiers patrolled the grounds as helicopters whirred in the air. Military-grade trucks and vehicles also drove through the area while scientists in white hazmat suits used their tools to detect for any radiation within the area. The soldiers all started to indistinctly shout amongst each other, however, when a large, sleek, black semi truck started to rumble into the area, towing with it a long black trailer as two black cars tailed its rear.

Major Bennington was conversing with one of the female military personnel before they both turned around to see the large semi-truck and trailer pull in. The semi came to a stop, revealing to the audience that there was a singular red optic above the the armored windshield of the semi, suggesting it to be A.I. driven.


"That is a very scary semi truck." Ruby said as she shied away from the red eye above the semi's windshield.

"I think the vehicle is A.I. driven." Penny observed from the truck's red eye before frowning. "But I concur with friend Ruby's sentiment."

"You gotta admit though, it looks cool." Mercury pointed out.

"So-so." Yang replied to him. "Could use some gold, in my opinion. Maybe some more red."


"What the..." Major Bennington trailed off in confusion.

Just then, from the left side of the trailer, air hissed as several panels shifted downwards and lowered to the ground, allowing for several steps to pop up from the ramp the panels were located on. Standing out from the doorway of the trailer was none other than Arthur Watts, sporting a silky black suit with an inward red trim, while wearing small, rectangular black glasses. Watts looked around the area for a moment before walking down the steps of his ramp in a precise manner.


"So this Watts guy. What's he all about?" Yang asked, turning her direction towards Ironwood.

"Arthur Watts was one of the top minds in Atlas." Ironwood explained. "He helped to build the security systems in Mantle and Atlas."

"When we worked together he was well known for being formal and sophisticated." Pietro elaborated. "Together, our research team helped to create some of the best weapons and vehicles Atlas had to offer."

"However, Watts was also egotistical and arrogant." Ironwood continued. "I had tasked the research team to come up with next step in Atlas's defense. When everything was said and done, I chose Pietro's idea... safe to say Watts didn't too kindly to my decision one bit. He tried getting revenge on me with using a paladin, but in the end, Watts was repelled. His paladin had malfunctioned from severe damage and exploded."

"So he's dead." Weiss surmised from the explanation.

"Watts's body was never found. Not to say there was much in the way of remains to being with." Ironwood said. "The paladin was too far of burning wreck to get anything discernible, even when the fires went out."

"Then I guess in the universe, people were more accepting of his ideas." Ruby guessed as she glanced back to the screen.

Cinder had stared at the screen the entire time, though she listened in on the conversation. "As much as I despise the man, his survival skills are impressive. Watts was even able to fool all of Atlas into thinking he was dead."


Back with the black vehicles that had tailed Watt's semi, several agents, all in black suits, stepped out from their respective cars. One of which was Agent Stone. Being tailed by his accompanying agents, Watts walked up to Major Bennington.

Taking of his glasses, Watts gave the Major a wry smirk. "Are you in charge here?"

"Yes, I am—." Bennington began to answer before being interrupted by Watts.


Pausing for a moment, Major Bennington attempted to speak again. "My—."

"Wrong!" Watts interrupted again, all while holding a straight face.


"He sounds more insufferable than ever." Ironwood sighed in exasperation while shaking his head.


"Name—." Bennington tried once more.

"I'm in charge!" Watts proclaimed.

"Is Major—."

"Me!" Watts stated.


"I'm in charge." Watts whispered to Bennington.


"And more egotistical." Pietro said with a frown.

"He seems kind of looney, if you ask me." Sienna said with a bland look.

"I don't know. I kind of like this guy." Roman said with a small chuckle. "He seems funny."

"Hmm. Now that Mr. Torchwick mentions it, Arthur doesn't seem to have the same sophistication he once did." Pietro said as he gave another look to the onscreen Watts. "I never knew him to interrupt someone in an immature manner."


Agent Stone stood beside Watts, holding up a data pad of some sorts that had Watt's last initial printed onto its cover.

"You've never seen anything like this before." Watts told Bennington with a small, mocking smile. "It says I'm the top banana in a world full of hungry little monkeys. Allow me to clarify."

Watts then held up his gloved finger, which was tipped with in grey as he made servo noises, shifting his finger and head to the right, all the while Bennington had a confused look. "In a sequentially ranked hierarchy based on level of critical importance, the disparity between us is too vast to quantify. Agent Stone?"

"The Doctor thinks you're basic." Stone clarified for Bennington as Watts walked away.


"Ouch. I understand that insult, and I didn't even need the translation." Pietro said with a wince.

"I didn't, but since he's throwing jabs at an army major, I can respect it." Roman said with a shrug.

"He's barely been shown for a minute, and already the Watts of this universe shows to be extremely condescending." Ironwood said with an annoyed look.

"He used science-speak to insult someone?" Yang asked with a raised brow. "I don't know if that's badass or nerdy."

"I think it's kind of cool." Ruby admitted. "Even if he is an obvious bad guy... and using it to insult military personnel."

"His insults are even more grating to hear in this universe." Cinder thought with a scowl.


"I'm initiating a sweep sequence." Watts said as he looked to his gloved had, which revealed to have several buttons upon the palm of the globe, and a small screen on the wrist as Watts pressed several of the buttons on his gloved. "Ten miles in every direction should suffice."

After pressing the buttons on his gloved, several panels opened up atop his trailer, revealing white, oddly egg-shaped, metallic pods that all started to hover into the air.


"Aerial drones?" Ironwood asked.

"This doesn't seem like Watts' usual style." Pietro commented as he observed the drones before shrugging. "But this is another universe."

"Why do they look like eggs?" Nora asked with a raised brow.

Everyone paused for a moment to consider her words before they all looked at the screen, double-taking on the appearance of the drones.

"Oh, yeah... they do look like eggs." Ruby blinked at the sight.

"Did he purposely make them look like eggs, or was that just a byproduct of the process?" Yang asked.

"Regardless, I would say it's a unique design choice." Penny offered. "Even though they may be bad."


"Is he still looking at me funny?" Watts asked Stone as he glanced back.

"Yes, he is." Stone told Watts as he looked at Bennington.

"Tell him to stop or I'll pull up his search history." Watts told Stone as he made hang loose gesture with his hand.


"Huh... that's a petty blow, even for Watts." Ironwood said with a mildly surprised look.

"I bet his search history is filled with guns, bikini calendars, and military-centered porn." Roman said with a small snicker.

"You're a child." Winter rolled her eyes at Roman.

"I'd actually wager pulling up someone's search history is one of the most heinous crimes there is." Qrow said after taking a swing from his flask. "Who knows what dirty secrets people want to hide."

There was an awkward silence from certain members of the audience. Blake held a small blush on her face, while Ilia's freckles turned pink. Emerald coughed in her balled up hand, and Mercury subtlety glanced to the side. Yang placed her hands on the back of her head, seemingly not too fazed by her uncle's words while Ruby nervously sat frozen with a single bead of sweat falling down her head.

"No one must ever know." Ruby thought herself as her eyes darted from left to right.


"If you don't stop looking at the Doctor, he'll take a closer look at your—." Stone began to calmly reiterate back to Bennington.

"I'm not deaf." Bennington sternly told Stone.

"And tell him his men report to me now." Watts said as he continued to look away from Bennington with an exaggerated motion of his arms. "Blah-blah-blah. Blah-blah-blah. Blah-blah-blah."


"Oh, yeah. Watts is definitely more immature here." Ironwood said with a confident nod of his head.

"If it wasn't for his achievements, I doubt Watts wouldn't be in his military position." Winter scowled at the scientist.


"Excuse me?" Bennington sternly asked Watts. "Listen, pal, I don't know if you realize—."

"I'm sorry, Major." Watts uncaring stated as he turned to face Bennington. "What was your name?"


"Nobody cares!" Watts shouted back to Bennington with his arms out.


"Hahahaha!" Roman laughed a bit at the screen. "Okay, I liked that one."

Ironwood sighed as he stared at onscreen Watts. "I really do hate that man."

Despite Watts's crude and blatant disrespect to Major Bennington, a few people couldn't help but find themselves laughing and giggling at the current scene.

"I know it's not right for me to laugh at this." Ruby said in between giggles. "But that was kind of funny."

"Why do bad guys have the funny lines?" Yang asked after laughing.

Mercury laughed as well, while Emerald kept her giggling down. Even Cinder couldn't help but chuckle a bit at what Watts said.

"It was rude of him to say that, but even I can't help but find it a bit funny." Pyrrha said as she tried to keep her giggling down as Jaune and Nora were more open in their laughter.

"Heheheh." Qrow chuckled as well.

"Seriously, Qrow?" Ironwood asked the drunk huntsman.

"What? Oh, come on. That was funny." Qrow said in defense.


Bennington seemed to be taken a bit aback by this as Watts continued to mock him. "Nobody cares. Listen, Major Nobody Cares."

Watts then started to walk towards Bennington as he spoke in a whisper. "You know why nobody cares who you are? Because nobody cares about your feeble accomplishments. And nobody cares how proud your mommy is that you're now reading at a third-grade level."


"It also seems that his accomplishments have given him the mindset that people are below him." Sienna said after having finished chuckling from the "nobody cares" remark.

"That's perhaps the smallest reason I didn't go with Watts's idea." Ironwood said. "Any more inflation to his ego, and I would have no doubt in my mind that he would act like this."

"He's funny, but he's also a real jackass." Yang said as she crossed her arms.

"It's like Watts already said. He's the top banana in a world full of monkeys." Ren reiterated what Watts said. "He views himself as important, and everyone else beneath him."


"Mmm." Bennington hummed as he resisted the urge to throttle Watts.

"Have you finished Charlotte's Web yet?" Watts continued to mock Bennington as he circled him. Before Bennington could reply, Watts continued to speak. "Spoiler alter: She dies in the end. But she leaves a big creepy egg sac."


"That's uncalled for." Blake crossed her arms at the spoiler.

"Also, ew." Weiss added at the mention of an egg sac.


Bennington inwardly growled at Watts as machinery started to click and whir.

"Ah... my babies." Watts said in awe as he red eyed, white, egg-shaped drones started to fly out. "Whoo! Look what came out of my egg sac."


"Again, that's just unpleasant." Weiss shook her head with narrowed eyes.

"Another reason why the drones look like eggs." Ruby said. "Though, yeah, that phrasing was just weird."

"At least it seems he cares for his drones." Penny offered while giving Watts a strange look. "As odd as it is."


All of Watt's drones stood at attention in an arc formation behind him as the Doctor moved his hands as he spoke. "You know what I love about machines? They do what they're told. They follow their programming. They don't need time off to get drunk and put the boat in the water."


Penny furrowed her eyes at the screen before looking down in thought.

"If I was never given an aura, I would just be another blank android. Much like Arthur Watts's egg-shaped drones. Doing everything I was told without question. I suppose Ruby was right right about me being a real girl." Penny then smiled to herself as she looked back up towards the screen. "I'm glad I was given a heart and soul."


Bennington narrowed his eyes at Watts as the scientist pointed to him. "Now you do what you're told. Stand over there on the edge of your personal abyss... and watch my machines do your job."


"Ya see, this is why I critique you on using so many bots." Qrow said as he glanced over to Ironwood.

"I use the Atlesian Knights so that no soldier has to die on the field." Ironwood retorted back to Qrow before giving a weary look at Watts. "But I will say that in the wrong hands, having more drones than men can be a bad thing. Case in point with Watts."


His eyes still narrowed at Watts, Bennington seceded, walking away from Stone.

"Can you feel it, Stone?" Watts asked his favorite agent.

"I can feel it, Doctor." Stone told Watts with a smile.

"It's evolution, Stone." Watts said as he messed around with the buttons on his gloves, the drones whirring, a manic grin forming on his face. "It's evolution!"


"I guess we add insane to the list of differences between this Arthur, and the Arthur we knew." Pietro said as he looked at the Watts variant with apprehension.

"He's starting to border on Merlot levels of crazy." Ozpin commented with a grim look.


All of Watts's drones started to fly out over the vast area of Green Hills. All of them spread out as they searched through the woods. One drone was made focused by the viewing as it beeped while scanning the surrounding area as its sights were set on a large rock, scanning some form of anomaly. A spectrum analysis showed that the drone was scanning a muddy shoe print on the rock, which also revealed a strange toe shape.


"That's uh... that's Sonic's shoe print. Isn't it?" Jaune asked with a straight face, his eye lids lowered.

"That's what it seems like." Ren said with his own even look

"Oh, boy." Jaune quietly said with a wince.

"This is bad. This is very bad." Pyrrha shared in her crush's sentiment.


Back within Watt's trailer, he watched the drone's finding through a large screen, racks of more drones behind him. Watts analyzed the shoe print while tapping in some commands to the drone from two tablets situated at the table he sat on.


"Gosh dang it! I know he's the bad guy, but that lab looks so cool!" Ruby begrudgingly squealed out. "Why do the bad guys get the cool stuff?"

"Probably because they don't follow by the rules, Red." Roman pointed out before puffing a few bubbles from his cigar. "Goodie-two-shoes always have regulations and limits. Ain't nothing like that on the other side of the street."

"Last I checked, every piece of tech you've used was stolen from Atlas." Ironwood shot Roman a stern look.

Roman merely replied with a shrug. "Like I said. We don't follow rules."

'It's good to be bad.' Neo signed with a sweet smile.


"Agent Stone?" Watts asked as said agent entered into the tech savvy trailer.

"Doctor." Stone acknowledged Watts.

"Do you see anything useful in this image?" Watts asked Stone, having the screen zoom in on the shoe print.

"Nothing at all, Doctor." Stone replied after observing the print.

"Of course you don't." Watts stated in a matter-of-fact tone, a small smile on his face. "Your eyes weren't expertly trained to spot tracks by the Native-Sanusian Shadow Wolves."


"I've never heard of a group like that, but it may seem that this version of Watts even received some military training." Ironwood observed. "Or at the very least, something close to it."

"Given the name of these Shadow Wolves, they must be highly skilled in the craft of tracking." Sienna said with an intrigued look.


Stone gave a slightly confused glance to Watts as the scientist continued to use tap his fingers on his tablets. Once done, Watts rolled back in his chair as he and Stone watched the large computer screen create a 3-d analysis of the shoe print, showing not only the shoe but the feet as well.

"That's extraordinary." Stone said in awe.

"No. What's extraordinary is, I've determined the exact height, weight and spinal curvature of this creature, and my computer can't find a single match for it anywhere in Remnant's animal kingdom." Watts told Stone as the computer then showed a 3-d analysis of the foot print, removing the shoe aspect of it.

"This blackout was not a terrorist attack." Watts stood up from his seat as he spoke to Stone in a serious tone before pointing to the computer screen. "And that's no baby bigfoot. This guy is something else... entirely."

Watts walked back up to the table, placing his hands upon it as he spoke to Stone. "Divert all search units to the site of the footprint. That's one small step for man, one giant leap for me."


"Egotistical as always." Ironwood shook his head in disapproval. "Even out in the field."

"This Watts is also a lot quicker in analyzing clues." Pietro said with an impressed look.

"Which is bad for Sonic." Tai said with crossed arms.

"Man... his machinery is so evil, but it's all so cool." Ruby whined in sadness.

"I hear ya." Pietro sadly shook his head in agreement.

"I'll give this Watts some credit. It seems he's even smarter than the one I know." Cinder thought to herself before smirking. "I wonder how well that would go with Watts? It would probably hurt his ego knowing there's a version of him vastly superior to his own self."


Indistinct radio chatter was heard throughout the woods as soldiers with guns and dark searched alongside Watt's drones. The men chattered while the dogs barked, and from a distance, atop the hill slope, Sonic watched behind a log in worry.

"Okay, okay, everything is fine." Sonic told himself. "You played some baseball, got a little upset, lighting shot out of your butt, and now they're coming for you."


"Yeah. Everything's totally fine." Yang waved off in sarcasm.

"I supposed this means Sonic will have to leave Remnant now." Weiss said.

"Or chased as he tries to." Blake added, thinking back to the beginning of the viewing.

Meanwhile, Nora couldn't help but giggle a bit at what Sonic said. "He said the explosion he caused shot out of his butt. That's like saying the entire thing was one huge fart."

"You just had to ruin something cool, didn't you?" Ilia asked Nora with narrowed eyes.

"What? Sonic said it, not me." Nora pointed to the screen before crossing her arms. "I just elaborated."

"My point exactly." Ilia replied with a deadpan.


Sonic then zoomed away from the area and back into his cave. "All right, all right. Remnant isn't safe anymore. Time for plan B. Mushroomville."

Sonic looked around his cave before zipping around it, grabbing various personal items. "But I gotta take my stuff. Okay, essential items only. Okay, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair gel, night-light."


"Smart. Sonic will need to keep up with his hygiene. Especially in a world filled with mushrooms." Winter nodded in approval.


Sonic had placed all of that stuff inside a red backpack before running around to grab some more items. "Funny hat, This half-eaten cantaloupe. Oh, and my scented candle. My entire comic book collection. Bean bag chair."


"And immediately he went for non-essentials." Winter said with a bland look.

"What use is a half-eaten cantaloupe?" Weiss asked. "Unless is a new one, I doubt it will taste well."

"I can agree with scented candle." Blake said.

"I'd probably go for a few comics myself." Jaune admitted. "But that's just me."


Sonic stood beside his bean bag chair, having set his comic books beside the backpack while wearing the large and funny red hat. "Can a bean bag chair fit in a backpack?"

Sonic then zoomed to another part of his cave, the hat falling off his head. "No, no, no. Of course not. That's stupid."

Sonic zipped back to his item-filled backpack. "Okay, what else? The rings! The rings, yes, of course."

Sonic ran over to a side of the cave wall were the pouch for rings hung from. Grabbing the pouch, Sonic zoomed back over his backpack, placing it over his shoulders as he started to grab a ring from the pouch. "Here we go. Ring time."

Pulling out a ring, Sonic furrowed his eyes as began to toss it. "Mushroom planet, here I come."

Before he could, however, the sound of drones whirring past over his cave caused Sonic to look up in worry. "Oh, no. They're right outside."


"Uh-oh." Ruby said with worried eyes. "He can't go to the mushroom world if they see him go through it."

"Especially if the ring portal doesn't close in time." Penny shared in Ruby's concern.


Putting the ring away as soldiers' dogs barked, Sonic started to run. "I gotta go somewhere else."

Before he left his cave, Sonic took one last look at the place he called home, his face growing sullen once more. "Goodbye, cave."


"The second home he's ever had, and he's been forced to run from it like the first." Yang shook her head.

"And like he said, Sonic doesn't want to go to the mushroom world." Pyrrha sighed. "He's had the best life he's ever had on Remnant."

"As lonely as it is for him." Ilia added on. "But it's obvious he still loves Remnant."


Back with Tai, he was tracing a line on a map with a sharpie as Summer started to call him on his scroll. Picking up his scroll and putting it to his ear, Tai spoke to his wife. "Hey."

"Hey." Summer jovially greeted Tai from the other line.

"Whatcha doing?" Tai asked Summer as he continued to trace on the map.

"Just coloring with JoJo and Rachel." Summer answered Tai as she was shown sitting in the living room of her sister's house, hanging out with her niece and sister, who were busy building a LEGO rocket ship.


"Mom has a sister. And a niece?" Ruby asked with blinking eyes. "I have an aunt and a cousin?"

"None that I ever knew of." Tai said with just as much surprise in his tone as Ruby. "She was an only child."

"It's probably another alternate universe thing." Yang said as she looked at Ruby. "It would be cool though if we had a cousin and an aunt."

"Yeah..." Ruby trailed off before taking a closer look at the screen. "What's JoJo and Aunt Rachel playing with?"

"LEGOs." Vortech stated, memories of his home part of the multiverse popping up. "A famous toy where people read instructions and build objects out of small plastic bricks. They're fun and... quite addictive."

"Huh. That sounds cool." Ruby said as she looked at the LEGO rocket ship her alternate universe cousin and aunt were building.


"Ah, that's sounds... half-fun." Tai commented before he walked over to the island, where t he partially eaten cake remained. "Hey, exciting stuff here. We had a power outage. The whole town went dark. It was like a sign telling me to get out of Dodge."

"Wade must have lost his mind." Summer said as she got up from her spot.

"Yeah." Tai confirmed over the line before the viewing went back to him. "And he does not have much to lose. How's your sister? Did she convince you to leave me yet?"


"Ah. So apparently Summer's sister doesn't approve of our marriage." Tai said before giving a small chuckle. "Rachel sounds like a peachy woman."

"Like anyone could get you to divorce mom." Yang told her father with a soft chuckle.


"No, but she did tell me to check your scroll for dating apps." Summer informed Tai, getting Rachel's attention.

"The only apps on my scroll are the ones that came with it." Tai replied over the line.


"Figures." Qrow commented.

"Yeah, dad. You really need to get other apps on your scroll." Ruby told her father with a bland look.

"What? Most apps cost money." Tai defended. "All I need is the call function and the matching games I like to play."


"And the Olive Garden." Tai added.

"Ah." Summer said as the viewing went back to her. "Because when you're there..."

"You're family." Tai finished her line.

Taiyang's attention was then drawn to the sound of garbage cans clattering beside his house. He moved over to the nearby window, drawing back the curtain a bit to see that trash cans beside the storage shed had been spilled. "No way. The raccoons are back. And they are in for a surprise."

"Your surprise better not be my tranquilizer gun." Summer warned Tai. "They're just hungry."

"And also, that's for bears." Summer told Tai as he grabbed the tranq gun from out of its casing, checking to see if a dart was in the chamber before cocking it.


"Using a tranquilizer gun meant for bears on a smaller animal?" Blake asked. "Wouldn't that potential kill the raccoons?"

"Most likely." Port answered his student.

"You're gonna end up pissing off Summer by shooting the raccoons with that." Qrow told Taiyang.

"Probably." Tai said with a nod. "Sometimes deeds for the greater good don't go unpunished."

"Dad. Shooting raccoons is not apart of the greater good." Ruby said with a deadpan.


"Good. Now I know it'll work." Tai told Summer.

"Tai!" Summer exclaimed to him.

"I'm kidding. I'm just gonna use it to scare 'em." Tai replied to his wife. "Possibly to death."


"What's worse is that Summer is a veterinarian in this universe." Glynda said as she looked back at Taiyang. "If your counterpart kills one of those raccoons, he'll definitely be sleeping on the couch."

"That's only one, or a few nights." Tai said in rebuttal. "I can take it."


"Love you, honey, bye!" Tai quickly said to Summer.

"Tai—." Summer tried to speak to Tai.

Tai had set his scroll down into the table, digging his finger into the frosting of the cake and licking it off before he moved towards the front door.

Summer had an annoyed smile on her face as her sister spoke to her.



A few people in the audience couldn't help but laugh at Rachel's words.

"I see why mom's sister doesn't want her with you, Dad." Yang chuckled. "She thinks you're insane."

"In other words, a bad influence." Winter added on.

"I raised Ruby and Yang on my own. I'm they turned out fine." Tai said in defense.

"The puns say otherwise." Qrow found himself agreeing with Winter.


Within Tai's shed, as it turns out, it was revealed to be Sonic who caused the noise, having accidental broken a flower pot upon entering the shed. "Okay. I'm in. With minimal damage to Donut Lord's property."

Sonic go to the floor as he reached for ring from his pouch. "Here we go. It didn't work out on Remnant, but that's okay. You're going to a safe world. A nice safe world full of mushrooms. Mushroom: that'll be your only friends."


"That does not sound fun." Penny said with a shake of her head.

"It's obvious he doesn't want to go too." Weiss said with a sad look. "Then Sonic really would be alone."

"On a planet filled with mushrooms." Ilia reiterated Sonic's words.


Sonic mused the idea of the mushroom world as he spoke before furrowing his eyes. "That sounds awful. I can't do this. You have to do it. There no other option."

Taking a deep breath and exhaling, Sonic brought the ring up. "All right."

Just as Sonic was about to toss the ring, he was interrupted once more, this time by Taiyang with the tranquilizer gun and a flash light in hand.

"SFPD... pending background checks." Tai barged in before turning to where he thought the raccoons would be. "Paws in the air!"

He froze, however, when he spotted Sonic. The blue hedgehog himself was frozen as well, staring at Tai with wide eyes.


"Awkward." Ruby said with wide eyes.

"Well this is a predicament." Jaune said.

"By this point, Sonic must like being caught." Cinder said with a bored look.


With a nervous look, Sonic tried to find a way out of his new predicament. "Uh, meow?"


"Meow?" Yang asked before she started to chuckle. "That's the best he's got?"

"I mean, in this situation, what else can Sonic do?" Pyrrha asked as she chuckled alongside Nora and Ruby.

"Blake once did that when we were playing tag." Ilia said with a giggle. "She hid herself in a closet and I found out of sheer luck."

"You promised you wouldn't tell anyone about that." Blake grinder through her teeth to her old friend with an embarrassed blush.

"Now that I would have liked to see." Yang said as she now chuckled at the expense of Blake.


"AAAHHH!" Tai screamed at Sonic in fear.

"AAAHHH!" Sonic screamed back.

Out of reaction alone, Tai fired the tranquilizer dart at Sonic as the dart became embedded in his left leg.

"Ow!" Sonic groaned in pain as he looked at the dart in his leg, taking a small step back.


""Dad!"" Ruby and Yang shouted at their father.

"Whoops." Tai said with wide eyes. "My bad."

"Now Sonic's gonna have more trouble getting off Remnant." Qrow said before looking at Taiyang. "Like my Ghostbuster counterpart once said: "Nice shooting, Tex." Whatever Tex means."


The effects of the dart started to take quickly to Sonic as his vision became blurry, his movements more sloppy. Looking at Taiyang, he spotted the words upon a white shirt the sheriff was wearing.

"San... Francisco?" Sonic numbly asked before accidentally dropping the ring in his hand.

Tai watched with a shocked look as the ring enlarged into a portal atop San Francisco, prompting him to drop the tranq gun and flash light.


"Well that ring just got wasted." Emerald said.

"Oh, this is not going to go well." Ruby shied at the screen. "I just know it isn't."


Sonic moaned as he wobbled around the portal before falling onto the ground, accidentally dropping the ring pouch into the portal as it dropped on the top of a skyscraper.

The portal started to close up as Sonic made an attempt to reach the portal.

"No." Sonic lazily said as the portal closed before groaning and passing out.


"Oh, come on!" Yang shouted, throwing her hands out.

"Just one bad turn after another." Jaune shook his head.

"I knew it would end up bad!" Ruby squealed out as she covered her hood over her head.

"There's goes his only way off of Remnant." Ilia said with a grimace.

"I'm starting to picture how Watts ended up chasing Sonic around that city in the beginning." Ironwood said.

"Yeah. Yeah-this is-this is my fault." Tai said as he rose his hand. "I take full responsibility for Sonic losing his rings."

"Well, in your counterpart's defense, I think his police training caught the better of him in this case." Ozpin tried to comfort Taiyang. "Granted, you were slow to shoot, but your body was moving before you could think."


Tai was left standing there with a completely befuddled look, blinking his eyes in shock and confusion. "What?"

The viewing showed Sonic asleep within Zwei's dog cage. Tai slowly poked a spatula through the bars of the cage, lightly poking Sonic's head, giving the anthropomorphic blue hedgehog a strange look as he then used the spatula to turn the hedgehog's head a bit.


"Seriously?" Sienna asked, glaring her eyes a bit at the screen. "You a sentient creature in a dog cage?"

"Again, not my best moments right now." Tai said in surrender.

"At least it's Zwei's cage." Ruby tried to offer some relief. "He one of the cleanest dogs there is."

"Ruby, it's still a cage." Blake pointed out.

"Sonic is an animal though." Weiss countered to Blake. "I'm not using the term animal in any insulting way here, but Mr. Xiao Long is just making sure he takes what he believes to be the safest route. He doesn't know Sonic."

"He could have hand-cuffed him." Ilia said with a displeased look. "That's more humane than a cage."

"Would you handcuff an anthropomorphic animal?" Weiss asked Ilia with a raised brow.

"Well... maybe not, but there's still gotta be something better than a cage for Sonic." Ilia stood somewhat firm with her statement.


Recognizing the blue quills on the back of Sonic's head, Tai placed the spatula down before going to pick up the blue quill he had with him, scoffing in surprise that it matched the ones on Sonic's head. "The blue devil."


"Crazy Carl was right." Nora said before giving a giggle. "The blue devil is real."

"Though he's not much of a devil." Pyrrha said with a humored smile.


Walking away from the table where Sonic and the cage were set upon, Tai walked over the kitchen counter, setting down the quill as he tried to think of what he was going to do next. Behind him, Sonic had started to stir as he got up, opening the cage door and crawling his way out as he began to stand up.

Taiyang had opted to to grab his scroll, turning around just in time to see Sonic up and out if the cage. The sight had caused him to jump back a bit in surprise.

"Donut Lord?" Sonic asked in his weary state.

"It can talk." Tai told himself as he stared at Sonic in bewilderment. "You're not... You're not here to abduct me, are you?"

"You abducted me." Sonic pointed his hand to himself.


"That is true." Tai acknowledged with a tilted nod.

"You pulled a reverse card on the alien." Qrow chuckled before taking a sip from his flask. "Now the only thing to make this go full circle is if you end up probing Sonic."

"That's just gross, Qrow." Tai shook his head at his brother-in-law. "Also, are you drunk?"

"Just a tiny bit." Qrow replied with a woozy expression. "Nothing I can't get over."


Tai stood there in a moment of silence before responding. "Okay, that's a fair point. What are you? Why are you hiding out in my garage?"

"I-I needed somewhere safe." Sonic told Tai as the effects of the tranq dart withered away. "And you're the only person I could think of, Donut Lord."

"Why do you keep calling me Donut Lord?" Taiyang asked Sonic.

"'Cause you talk to donuts." Sonic told Tai, as if it were obvious to the sheriff. "And then eat them if they get out of line."

"Again, fair." Tai commented.


"He did talk to sergeant sprinkles." Ruby said with a giggle.

"Well, if I'm Donut Lord, that makes you the Cookie Queen, Ruby." Tai replied to his daughter with a humored smile.

"I can live with that." Ruby replied with crossed arms.

"Then I guess that makes me the pancake empress." Nora proudly declared. "And Ren, my ever loyal head chef."

"I'm the only one that makes you pancakes, but okay." Ren said to Nora before shrugging.

'Cigar Czar.' Neo signed with an arrow pointing at Roman.


"Wait, wait, wait. Where are all the mushrooms?" Sonic asked as he looked around Tai's kitchen, realizing he hadn't gone to the mushroom world. "Why am I still on Remnant? What is— Oh, no! I lost my rings."

"What?" Tai asked, even more confused then before as he arms were spread out.

A low rumbling was soon heard, drawing Tai and Sonic's attention towards the window. From outside of Taiyang's house, Watt's semi and trailer wheeled up.


"Wait how did he get here?" Tai asked in surprise.

"Sonic didn't leave any other tracks, did he?" Ruby asked with a concerned look.

"We've already seen that this version of Watts is quick and efficient." Ironwood said. "Perhaps one of his drones spotted a glimpse of Sonic heading towards Tai's house. Either that or Watts tracked down Sonic another way."


"What's happening?" Tai asked. "Is this your mother ship? I'm not in the mood to get probed."

"You think you're worried?" Sonic asked Tai as the sheriff looked out through the window that led to his front porch. "I'm not even wearing pants."


Despite the situation at hand, a few people in the audience couldn't help but chuckle.

"He has a point." Yang chuckled. "Sonic has more right to be worried about being probed."

"I've only realized now that Sonic is basically naked." Jaune said after chuckling.

"Naked? Oh, dear." Penny covered her eyes upon hearing this.

"It's okay Penny. Sonic has fur." Ruby told her robotic friend, getting her to remove her hands from her eyes. "He's covered."

"You know, now that we've seen Sonic like this for a while now, it'd be weird seeing him with pants." Nora admitted.


Pulling back the curtains a bit, Tai water as Watt's semi truck pulled up to the front of his house, the brakes hissing. "What the..."

Sonic had looked out the window as well, recognizing the semi as he yelled and drew back the curtain. "They're coming for me!"

"Who's coming for you?" Tai asked with an urgent look. "What's that got to do with me?"

"I don't have time to explain, but you have to help me." Sonic pleaded to Tai.

"No, I don't." Tai said with an obviously freaked out look before calling down. "Why?"

"Well, my legs, which normally would be classified as lethal weapons, feel like spaghetti." Sonic pointed an accusing finger at Tai before lowering his arms and continued to give a pleading look. "I need your help. Please. It's life or death."


"The reason Taiyang wanted to leave to be a police officer in San Francisco." Ozpin surmised.

"Dad's found his calling now." Ruby stated. "There's no way he won't help Sonic."

"Yeah, I'd be more surprised if I didn't help him." Tai said as he smiled towards the screen. "Besides, it's kind of my fault he can't run away right now."


Tai glanced over to Sonic, his word's registering in his head as it reminded him of what he wanted to do as a sheriff. Giving an unsure look, Taiyang sighed before resigning to fate. "Fine. Come with me."

Tai started to walk away from the kitchen as Sonic held a smile on his face. He attempted to follow Tai, getting off of the bench he stood upon, only for his legs to falter as he felt face-first onto the floor.

"Uh, little help?" Sonic asked Tai.


Once more people chuckled at the viewing screen.

"Well that was sudden." Pyrrha said in between chuckling.

"No pause. Just a face plant on the floor." Yang chuckled.

"If he he couldn't property get off of that bench, how did he get to window in the first place?" Emerald asked as she chuckled in a more quote tone.

"He probably crawled or limped over." Mercury shrugged after having finished laughing a bit.


Outside of Tai's house, Watts walked up, kneeling down to the dirt patch by a bush as he used his gloved hand to scan a set of shoeprints. Clicking the buttons on his glove, Watt's pulled up the image of the shoeprint onto the screen on his wrist, matching it to the print he had found in the forest.

Back inside, Tai had gotten Sonic up to the attic. "All right, stay here. And be quiet."

"Good plan." Sonic pointed at Tai. "Great plan! We're already working so we'll together. Practically finishing each other's sentences."

Taiyang gave Sonic a weird look before climbing down the ladder to his attic, closing the ladder and the attic door behind him.

"Okay, bye." Sonic awkwardly said as the attic door closed.


"I don't think now is the best time to try and make friends." Weiss said with an unsure look.

"Well, other than Crazy Carl, Yang and Ruby's dad is the only true human interaction Sonic has had." Blake pointed out.

"I'm sure we'll become friends in time." Tai said. "Besides, I just realized that Sonic is like if Ruby was a boy... and a hedgehog."

"The speed, this awkwardness, the love for animals, awestruck by everything around him." Yang listed off her fingers. "It all makes sense. Ruby is like Sonic."

"I'm not awkward." Ruby said in defense of herself, only for Yang, Weiss, and Blake to all raise their eyebrows at her. "Okay... maybe just shy."


Taiyang had gone to the his front door, opening it and walking down the steps to his house as he watched Watts crouched down and inspecting the dirt near the bushes and trees on each side of concrete path to the house.


"There's an odd sight." Qrow commented. "A mad scientist digging through your front lawn."

"Time to see how I handle this Watts guy." Tai said as he cracked his knuckles.


"Hello there!" Tai called out to Watts, getting his attention. "Can I help you?"

Getting up, Watts started to walk over to Taiyang, waving at him. "Good morning, my rural chum. I'm... from the power company, investigating the blackout. If you don't mind, I'd like to take a few readings inside your house?"

Watts walked up the steps to Taiyang's house as Tai gave him a mock-surprised look. "No kidding? You're from the power company?"


"Does he really expect me to believe that?" Tai asked with a bemused chuckle.

"I would say what gave him away was calling your counterpart: "rural chum." Ironwood said.

"That and his suit doesn't exactly say: normal." Winter pointed out. "And I doubt anyone from a power company would wear something so sharp."


"Mmm." Watts nodded to Tai.

"Oh, you must know my buddy Spencer. We play softball together." Tai told Watts with a smile.

"Ah! Spence." Watts exclaimed, falling into Taiyang's bait. "He's a good man."


"Wow." Tai chuckled in disbelief. "For a smart guy, he fell for one of the oldest tricks out there."

"With Watts always demeaning people, I suppose he wouldn't expect anyone to try and trick him." Pietro said.

"Perhaps this version of Watts isn't all that smart." Cinder thought to herself with a smirk.


"Yeah. Yeah-oh, come on in!" Tai said to Watts as he motioned to the door.

"Great." Watts said with all too eager look as he continued to walk up the steps.

"Take all the reading you need." Tai said before immediately turning around, blocking Watts from entering his home. "Except, uh... Doesn't the power company usually take their readings from outside the house? That way they can check them even if you're not home. Also, my buddy Spencer works for the gas company, and he's more of an Ultimate frisbee guy. So you want to tell me why you think I'm dumb enough to just let you walk inside my house?"


"So Spencer was a real person, he just works at a different place." Ruby realized. "At least that would make Dad's ruse all the more believable."

"Your counterpart just told off to Watts on every mistake he made." Ironwood said as he looked at Taiyang. "That's definitely going to piss him off."

"Eh. Let him get mad." Tai replied with a shrug. "He may be a lab rat with teeth, but he's since he's always looking down on people, he's going to slip up."


Watts stared at Tai with a slightly narrowed gaze before bringing his left hand behind his back, pressing the buttons on his glove, causing smaller, more round-shaped drone with propellors on their arms, to fly out from atop the Watts's trailer.


"Right. I forgot he had more drones." Ruby said with a look of realization.

"Guess we found out how Watts is going to counteract you." Qrow told Taiyang.

"If there's one thing I know about Watts, it's that he was always prepared." Pietro said with a grimace.


"I'm sorry, Mister..." Watts trailed off with schooled, yet aggravated look.

"Xiao Long." Taiyang answered Watts with a daring smile. "But everyone called me Tai. Except my dentist, he calls me Tao. But it's gone on for so long now that it would just be weird if I corrected him."


"Tao?" Tai asked with a weird look.

"I went through something like that once." Jaune said. "A neighbor of my parents' once pronounced my name as John rather than Jaune."

"To be fair, they are similar." Ren told his leader.

"My name is more accented than just John." Jaune said as his crossed his arms.


"Well, Tai, whose-dentist-calls-him-Tao." Watts spoke to Tai with a straight look before turning around and walking back a bit. "You may have noticed that this entire town has been experiencing a power outage."

"Yep, no lights. Picked up on that." Tai told Watts.

"Twenty minutes ago, I tracked an energy pulse with a similar signature to the one that caused that disruption." Watts explained as his smaller drones sneaked their way into Tai's attic, one going in through the open window on the roof and activating its scanners for any anomalies. Sonic held a weary look as he was behind the drone, opting to try and hide behind some boxes.


"I left the window open?" Tai asked with a disbelieving look.

"Rookie mistake." Winter shook her head.

"In your defense, you didn't know you would be facing a man with drones." Glynda told Taiyang.

"Similar energy signature..." Ironwood trailed off before widening his eyes. "Taiyang's counterpart still has the quill."

"Ah, Crap." Tai said in realization as he slumped his shoulders.


"Listen, uh, Mister..." Tai trailed off this time.

"Doctor." Watts corrected Taiyang with a cocky smile. "Dr. Watts. But my dentis calls me Arty."

"Hmm." Tai nodded. "Look, uh, Dr. gigawatts. Um, I'm sure what you're here for is very serious, but it's got nothing to do with me. You can ask anyone in town. Everyone knows me."

"I bet they do." Watts replied back. "I'm sure you're hella popular with the Jebs and Merles and Billy Bobs, in this glorified gas-station test stop. Betcha go way back to the days of tippin' cows and playing' in a jug band!"

Watts started to mimic someone playing a jug instrument, spitting as he repeatedly slapped his hand against his side.


"Oh, those are fighting words." Yang scowled as she cracked her knuckles.

"Never say that to someone from Patch." Ruby narrowed eyes at Watts.

"Does this guy have a death wish or something?" Tai asked with an annoyed look.


Tai gave the sight a strange look before Watts stopped and slowly walked up to him. "And maybe someday you'll achieve your goal of getting a Costco card or adopting a Labradoodle. But the reality is, I surpassed everything you're ever going to do... before I was a toddler. I was spitting out formulas while you were still spitting up formula."


"I... can't tell if he's exaggerating or not." Pietro blinked his he's with a bewildered look.

"He really likes to point out the intellectual inferiority in people he views as beneath him." Sienna said in regards to Watts. "It seems he always has a new set of colorful words to insult someone with."

"That's Watts for you." Ironwood shook his head at the disgraced scientist's counterpart.


"I was breastfed, actually." Tai informed Watts while still giving him a strange look.

"Nice." Watts said, his seething look ever still present. "Rub that in my orphan face."


"Hey, you insulted me first." Tai said to the screen. "And I wasn't even trying to insult you."

"Didn't need to know about the breastfed part." Yang shook her head as she and Ruby shared perturbed looks.

"This is definitely one of the more odd conversations I've ever watched unfold." Emerald said with a grimace.

"Why on Remnant would Watts be jealous of not being breastfed?" Cinder thought to herself as she rose a brow to the screen.

"I guess some of the issues of this Watts stems from him being an orphan." Ironwood surmised.

"That will do it." Glynda commented.


Tai glanced off to the side before Watt's continued to talk. "Mr. Xiao Long, are you familiar with US Code 904, Title 10, Article 104?"

Tai glanced up a bit in thought before replying. "Yeah, who isn't—."

"Anyone..." Watts interrupted as he quoted the article. "Who attempts to aid an enemy of the United States shall suffer death." And if I'm the one that catches you, it'll be even worse."

"Worse than death?" Tai asked.


"He did say he'd pull up some army guy's search history." Roman said with a shrug. "He could probably do a lot."

"The way Watts is issuing that article makes it sound more as an unlawful threat." Ironwood scowled at the screen. "Sonic isn't even an enemy."

"Yet Arthur is making the excuse that he is." Pietro shook his head. "If he's the only one that finds out of Sonic's peaceful intentions, he'll make sure no one else does."


Back in the attic the drone continued to search for any anomalies. As it did so, Sonic had folded himself up into a ball as he hid amongst dirty sports balls.

"Okay, I'm a ball, a normal ball." Sonic told himself. "I'm blending in like a ball."


"Awe. That's kind of cute." Penny sweetly smiled at the screen.

"It's a clever tactic. Especially given what he can do with his body structure." Ilia commended the blue hedgehog. "But talking to himself is going to get him caught."

"There may be a chance the drones don't have audio receptors." Ruby hazarded a guess, though even she was unsure of her response. "But I doubt after everything we've seen, Watts would forget to input a detail like that into his other drones."

"The drone may also be able to scan the quills on Sonic's body and figure out he isn't a ball." Weiss pointed out.

"Let's hope that won't be the case." Yang said with concern.


The drone beeped, causing Sonic to pineal his eyes out. "Shh. Stop talking. No, you stop talking. Be quite, Sonic. You be quiet, Sonic. Oh, I hope they aren't scanning me with X-rays. I had kind of an embarrassing lunch."

Another drone came flying in, scanning the attic as well, both drones nearing to where Sonic hide.

"Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't freak out." Sonic told himself as they neared closer and closer. "Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't freak out."

The drones had gotten so very close, that Sonic lost it. "I'm freaking out!"


"No, Sonic, don't!" Ruby cried out to the screen.

"To be fair, if Weiss was right, he would have to run away regardless." Pyrrha said.

"Gah! Curse bad guy technology!" Ruby cried out again while pulling on her hair a bit.


Sonic then rolled out from the sports balls, causing them to roll out as well as Sonic rolled to the attic door, causing it to open as he fell out, rolling down the stairs.

"Why don't you have your stairs carpeted?" Sonic asked in regards to Taiyang as he hit against the steps before ramming against the kitchen island, causing a loud clatter among a few pots and pans.


Many in the audience winced at the loud clattering sound that could be heard throughout Taiyang's house.

'Amateur.' Neo signed.

"Watts definitely heard that." Blake winced. "Especially with the door open."


"Compared to what I—." Watts began to threaten Tai before they both heard the clattering sound.

Tai looked back at Watts, and he looked back at him. Keeping his demeanor calm, Tai gave his excuse. "Old pipes."


"He's not going to fall for that." Qrow shook his head.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Tai sighed.


"Yeah. Probably just the house settling." Watts seemingly agreed before turning around. "Nothing to see here!"

Watts then swiftly turned around and pushed past Taiyang, marching his way into the house.

"Hey!" Tai shouted as he went after Watts.


"Well so much for distracting him." Tai frowned.

"I would say that your counterpart should have used a search warrant against Watts." Winter began to say. "But given what he just did, I doubt Watts would let the need for a search warrant to stop him."

"That military official did say he was psychological tire fire." Sienna recalled.


The both stopped in their steps, upon seeing a raccoon digging his paws into the celebration cake, eating some of it.


"Oh, not the cake." Ruby said with a heartbroken expression. However she quickly changed her mood. "I mean... at least Watts didn't find Sonic."

"Where did the raccoon even come from?" Tai rose his brow. "Did it get in from the open attic window?"

"Who cares? Sonic was able to hide himself." Yang said, not caring about the cake or the raccoon. "Now all it will seem to Watts is that the raccoon made all the noise."

"Don't underestimate Watts." Ironwood said with a knowing look. "Remember the beginning of the viewing."

"Right... he ends up chasing Sonic in an airship." Yang remembered while slumping her arms in annoyance.


Watts gave a disgruntled look as Tai nodded in his head with a shrug.

"Here's the thing." Watts began to speak as he held up his finger. "I'm never wrong."

Tai responded by placing his hand on Watts's shoulder. "Well, first time for everything, I guess."


Cinder couldn't help but smirk at the scene. "While Watts isn't wrong about Sonic being in the house, that face of his is worth the price of the misconception."

"Suddenly I'm all the more thankful Watts found the raccoon instead of the Sonic." Ironwood said as he chuckled at the look on Watts's face.


The raccoon made its way out the doggy door while Tai walked over to where the cake was. "Would you like some cake? I hear raccoons have the cleanest mouths of any animal that routinely eats garbage."

Watts gave an unamused chuckle before frowning and turning away. Just as he did though, he stopped, spotting something in his way out. Leaning to the side in an almost comedic fashion, causing the door to creak, Watts spotted the glowing, blue quill, smirking as he picked it up.


"Uh-oh." Ruby said as she froze.

"And there goes my good mood." Ironwood frowned at the sight.

"Right. Probably should have had that quill." Tai winced again.

"I can hear the smugness in his voice all ready." Cinder rolled her eyes in thought.


"Look at that." Watts said in a 'I told you so' tone as he showed Taiyang the quill. "I was right."

Watts then waved his hand around his face. "Note the lack of surprise. Shall we try this again?"

Watts then started to whistle the "Flight of the Valkyries" as one of his egg-shaped drones slowly and menacingly hovered into Taiyang's house. Sonic watched with a worried look from under his hiding spot in the kitchen, watching as the drone opened up to panels on its body, revealing a weapons' system.


"Of course the drones have weapons systems." Tai deadpanned towards the screen.

"Dang it!" Ruby slammed her fist against the arm of her chair. "Curse Watts's cool machines."

"That egg-drone is about to scramble Dad." Yang said with a worried look.

"The irony." Qrow dryly commented.


Tai looked at the drone in shock with a hint of fear before looking back at Watts.

Watts looked between Tai and the drone before walking slowly towards Tai as he stroked the blue quill. "I'm going to give you five seconds to tell me where it is. Five..."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Tai deflected.

"Four." Watts said.

"Hey, tough guy, I'm a cop and you're threatening an officer." Tai warned Watts as he pulled out his badge.

"How can you threaten somebody who never existed?" Watts asked Tai with a knowing look. "Three..."


"Wait, Watts can do that?" Tai asked, his face now far more concerned than before.

"He shouldn't." Winter scowled. "That's a serious crime. He could be stripped of his military position."

"It's like he said, no one would know about it if Tai doesn't exist." Sienna said as she looked over to Taiyang and the Specialist.

Yang glared at Watts while Ruby's fear grew ten-fold.


Tai glanced at the drone, which continued to menacingly hover above him.

"Come on!" Watts shouted at Taiyang. "Rack your brain. You might be able to come up with some lame excuse to go on living in two..."

Tai looked to the drone with a look of fear before looking back at Watts, opting to stay quiet.

"One." Watts said, getting ready to give the order to his drone.

Sonic then zipped out from under the island, raising his hands up in surrender. "Wait! Don't hurt him!"

"AAAHHH!" Watts shrieked in surprise as he and the drone looked at Sonic.

Tai then gave Watts a swift and strong right hook, sending the scientist onto the floor with a grunt.


At this, everyone laughed at the viewing screen. The loudest that laughed being Ironwood and Cinder, the latter even snorting a bit from trying to contain her laughter.

"It's perfect!" Cinder shouted within her mind as she laughed.

"Take that evil mustache!" Ruby shouted to the screen with a grin on her face.

"That felt good." Tai said after calming down from his laughter. "It may not have been me-me, but it still counts."


The drone responded with a rapid beep, opening up more panels in an x-shape fashion, revealing more weapons as it red eye focused on Taiyang.


And at that, Tai's eyes widened again, an incredulous look on his face. "Seriously?"

"Oh, son of—!" Ruby began to shout in anger before the viewing interrupted her.


Tai saw this and quickly grabbed Sonic by the hand as he ran, prompting the blue hedgehog to yelp as the drone chased them, firing off its guns and blowing holes into the wholes and windows of the house. Tai and Sonic ducked as they both crawled on the floor to avoid the drone's rapid fire.

"This feels excessive." Sonic commented as he poked his head up.


"You got that right." Yang agreed with Sonic.

"That's a lot for a firepower for one small drone." Jaune exclaimed with wide eyes.

"It's tearing up the house likes it's made of papier-mâché." Tai said as he jaw dropped.

"And that's only one drone." Ruby said with a mix of awe and fear.

"Arthur may have a severe superiority complex in this universe, but you can't deny the man's efficiency." Pietro said as he adjusted his glasses, eyes glued to the screen.


The drone stopped shooting in order to reload its weapons. Tai peeked out to see the drone had stopped, and took his chance.

"Stay behind me." Tai told Sonic, only to look around and find Sonic wasn't there.

Tai peeked over a chair at the kitchen table to see Sonic had climbed up on a shelf behind the drone, a determined look on his face. He looked to Tai, who shook his head Sonic, only for Sonic to nod his head with a thumbs up.


"This feels like a "Ruby rushing in head-first" plan." Weiss dryly remarked as she stared at the screen.

"Hey!" Ruby shouted indignantly to her partner. "I'm not that bad."

"Flying on a Nevermore, rushing at a Deathstalker without any strategy." Weiss listed to Ruby.

"Well... I'm not that bad anymore." Ruby said as she shied away from Weiss.

"Kick it's tailpipe!" Nora shouted towards Sonic.

"Nora, the drones don't have tailpipes." Ren told his partner.

"Oh." Nora said in realization. "Break it's shell!"


Just as the drone had reloaded and began to target Taiyang, Sonic leapt onto the drone.

"Hiya!" Sonic shouted as he tackled the drone, causing it to spin as he fired its weapons. "Don't worry. I got it right where I want it!"

Sonic yelled as Tai went for better cover away from the gunfire.

"Can you believe Amazon is gonna deliver packages with this things?" Sonic quipped as he continued to tussle with the drone.


"What's that quip about?" Jaune asked.

"Amazon is a multi-million dollar, online delivery service company." Vortech elaborated. "They want to use drones to deliver packages."

"Ah." Jaune said in understanding.


Tai continued to hide as the drone shot through walls and picture frames.

The drone twirled around, trying to get Sonic off of its chassis as Sonic tried to stay on. "This was a horrible plan! What was I thinking?"


"How Ruby felt on the inside when going up against the Deathstalker." Yang said as she shared a chuckle between herself, Blake, and Weiss.

Ruby merely pouted while crossing her arms and looking off to the side. "Maybe..."


Tai saw Sonic struggling with the drone, allowing hint to crawl out from under the chair he hide under.

"I'm gonna puke!" Sonic shouted as the drone continued to twirl around.

The drone eventually got Sonic off of it, just as Tai grabbed a metal bowl from the kitchen table and slammed it against the drone with a grunt, sending the drone to ground, disabled.


"Yeah!" Ruby cheered.

"Fighting metal with metal!" Yang threw her fist to the air.

"Take that you egg-shaped drone." Tai smirked to the screen. "I hope Watts takes his eggs fried."

"You just had to ruin it." Qrow deadpanned at Taiyang.

"You mean make the moment more awesome?" Tai retorted, smirk ever present.

"No." Qrow shook his head. "Your jokes will never be awesome."


Sonic moaned on the floor as Tai ran over to pick him up. "Come on! We gotta get out of here."

"Oh, don't tell me that's all you got!" Sonic hazily shouted back at the defeated drone as Tai ran out of his house with him in his hands. "I'm just getting started! Let me know if you want to go round two with the blue."

Taiyang opened up his truck door, setting Sonic in the front passenger seat before getting the driver's seat and starting the car as the engine revved, all the while Sonic groaned.

Tai drove his truck out from his driveway before speeding away from his house. As he did so, Agent Stone pulled up besides Watts's semi truck, alongside the other agents as the tires of their cars came to a screeching stop.

Stone exited his car, watching as Taiyang drove off before looking towards his house. He rushed in to see Watts groaning on the floor.


"Phew. They got away." Ruby sighed in relief.

"That whole scene gave a new meaning to hit and run." Emerald commented.

"It's a good thing Agent Stone didn't decided to go after them." Pyrrha said.

"If I worked alongside Stone, I would have chided him for not chasing a fleeing vehicle." Winter stated. "But given the nature of Arthur Watts, I will instead commend Stone for doing otherwise."


"Doctor! Are you okay?" Stone asked as he helped Watts up. "I saw a guy race out of here and thought—."

"That you should stop them?" Watts asked with an aggravated smile.

Stone was silent, glancing down a bit.

"Open your mouth..." Watts told Stone. "and say you thought that you should stop them."

"No, I thought that maybe I should check to see if you were okay—." Stone replied Watts promptly grabbed Stone by the teeth of his lower jaw, bringing him in closer.


"Eeh." Jaune flinched at the screen.

"His hands in his jaw too." Mercury said. "This Watts guy is pissed."

"Dr. Watts should at least be thankful that Agent Stone was kind enough to check up on him." Penny pouted at Watts.

"Like we've said. Watts isn't one to take to failure all too kindly." Pietro said with a frown.


"You know what's hard about being the smartest person in the world?" Watts asked Stone.

"Everyone else seems stupid." Stone answered through hand clasped on his jaw.

"Stupid, yes!" Watts said at the same time. "Way to go! You got that one."


"Demeaning to those under his more personal employ." Ironwood shook his head at the sight. "If it wasn't for Watts's successes, he would have been out of the military by now."

"Though it does seem that Stone cares for and aspires to Watts in some capacity." Glynda observed. "It also seems that Watts tends to like Stone, to a degree, than most other people. At the very least, he prefers to talk to him more."


Watts removed his hand from Stone's jaw, wiping off any saliva on his glove on Stone's suit.

"Whatever this creature is, it's our job to secure it, neutralize it, uncover the source of its power." Watts stated as he walked from Stone, moving his hands about. "And if it resists, we take it apart... piece by piece. See what makes it tick."


"Just like my counterpart said in Bumblebee's universe." Yang said with a scowl. "Watts is going to try to dissect Sonic."

"There's one human I'd be more than glad to kill." Ilia muttered as she narrowed her eyes at Watts.

"I'm sure Sonic's gonna find some way to kick that egg-head's butt." Nora crossed her arms while nodding.


Watts held a wicked grin on his face before putting in his small, rectangular sunglasses, only to find that they had bent after taking a fall on the floor.

"Stone?" Watts asked.

"Doctor?" Stone acknowledged his boss.

"Call Optical Illusions." Watts said as he took off his damaged glasses. "Tell them I need new frames. They know what kind I like."

Watts tossed the glasses away as he walked passed Stone, who was quick to follow Watts.

"Oh, and bring that quill." Watts told Stone, pointing to Sonic's blue quill.

"Yes, Doctor." Stone nodded as he complied.

Watts then promptly made his way out of Taiyang's home, and towards the lab in his trailer.

And with that, the viewing ended.


"Given Watts's genius, I do not trust what he will be able to do with Sonic's quill." Ozpin furrowed his eyes at the thought of what devilish scheme Watts could concoct with the quill.

"The bit with the glasses was a little funny though." Roman added with a small chuckle.

"True." Ozpin found himself nodding to the side in agreement with the criminal.

"Welp. Myself and Sonic are now on the run from a madman with a bunch of robots." Taiyang surmised his counterpart's situation. "It's gonna be one heck of a road trip."

"One you will have to view when we come back to this universe." Vortech told Taiyang before looking out to the audience. "Now, I'm sure you all enjoyed that universe. Comedic, just as I said."

"The stuff with Dad, Sonic, and even Watts was funny." Yang said. "But Sonic being sad about being alone was not comedic."

"Yeah. But at least he's made a friend with Dad now." Ruby said, her optimism igniting a smile. "Well... somewhat, anyways."

"I'm definitely curious to see more." Pyrrha added in her two cents.

"So V, what's next on the agenda?" Nora asked Vortech in a relaxed tone.

"V?" Vortech muttered to himself with a raised brow before shaking it off. "Disregarding the nickname, it's high time we finish up with our story in the Ghostbusters' universe."

""Yes!"" Ruby, Nora, Yang, and Jaune cheered.

"It's about time." Qrow said with a smirk.

"Spirits will rise and the Destructor will come forth." Vortech stated as he started up the next viewing. "And the only thing standing in their way are four partial throwing scientists. Let us finish the tale."

End chapter_



Sonic: Himself
Thomas (Tom) Wachowski: Taiyang Xiao Long
Maddie Wachowski: Summer Rose
Doctor Ivo Robotnik: Arthur Watts
Agent Stone: Himself

Author's notes:

And done! The first part to Sonic the Hedgehog. Like with the Mandalorian, I can safely say that I am the first person to a chapter based on the movie. Now, I'm not the first person to a chapter around the Sonic movie, that right goes to The Timeless Writer.

Anyways, the highlights in writing this chapter for me were the scenes with Sonic and Dr. Robotnik, and how everyone reacted to them. Especially Robotnik. I know people will say that Jim Carrey playing Robotnik feels more like natural Jim Carey than a fictional character, but it's still fun to watch nonetheless.

Now, down to brass tacks. A few of you have shown that in the previous Hobbit chapter, that you guys would have preferred Sauron being himself, rather than Salem being Sauron.

So I'm going to put up a vote.


A.) Do you guys want me to replace Salem with Sauron, and give Salem the role of Galadriel?

B.) Do you guys want me to replace Salem with Sauron, without her being Galadriel, allowing Glynda to be Galadriel?

C.) keep everything as it is? P.S: THIS MEANS SALEM WILL BE SAURON

I leave it all in your hands.


Remember to comment and review. I'll see you all next time, Rule Breakers.

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