Impractical jokers: Speech Impediment

Heres the anticipated Impractical Jokers chapter.

Before we get started, I would just like to say Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Does this chapter have anything to do with MLKJ Day? No. But Happy MLKJ Day nonetheless.

So let's all celebrate the day dedicated to one of the greatest men that ever walked this Earth, and I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

The screen came to life to show a blue, brick wall with the shadow of a city at the bottom of it, which showed a large red warning sign on it as a narrator started to quickly read out white words that started to appear on the brick wall.

The following program contains scenes of graphic stupidity among four lifelong friends who compete to embarrass each other."


"So, this is a tv show in another dimension?" Jaune asked Vortech.

"Yes." Vortech answered Jaune. "It is a comedy show on a channel called TruTV. As opposed to reality tv, which is all acting, this show follows through with real reactions. The only thing planned within this show are what it is the cast does."

Vortech then looked towards where Cinder and her group sat. "I should also point out to our newcomers, that like most other universes we will view, this universe has no aura or semblances."

Cinder couldn't help but raise a brow at this. She and her crew were new to this experience, and thus didn't exactly know how to feel about it. However, she would be lying if she wasn't in the least bit interested.

"So if this is a show, who's the cast?" Qrow asked.

"Funny you should ask." Vortech said to Qrow with a slight chuckle. "It's stars you, Taiyang, Port, and Oobleck."

"That sounds like a recipe for disaster." Glynda bluntly stated, getting said men to look at her.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Tai asked, sounding a little hurt.

"The four of you may be skilled huntsmen, but putting you all together would lead to clashing egos and and a variety of immaturity." Glynda responded.

"I wouldn't say were that bad..." Port trailed off slightly as Tai, Qrow, and Oobleck nodded in agreement.

Glynda just gave the three of them a menacing deadpan stare, prompting the four adult men to turn away in fear and embarrassment.


"Coming up: Why is Oobleck looking pretty in pink?"

The intro showed Oobleck dressed in a pink ballerina leotard and tutu with a fake crown upon his head. He was doing his best ballerina dance behind what seemed to be a glass window as Taiyang and Port were shown laughing and clapping at Oobleck as they watched from a separate room.


"Pfft! Hahahaha!" Qrow let out a boisterous laugh at what Oobleck was wearing.

"Now there's an image." Mercury muttered to Emerlad as he quietly chuckled.

"What am I looking at?" Emerald asked a befuddled look.

"Well... this was unexpected." Oobleck said with a raised brow.

"You're a brave man." Sienna said to Oobleck. "Most men wouldn't even attempt at wearing a leotard and a tutu."

"Heheheh." Yang chuckled along with Ruby, Nora, Pyrrha, and Jaune. "I wish I had my scroll with me."


"Why is Qrow getting his flirt on?"

The intro then cut to Qrow, decently dressed in a grey suit while holding a bouquet of flowers as he read something to a woman.

"I'll kill ten thousand men for you." Qrow said, not sounding sure of what he was reading as his friends laughed, the woman giving Qrow a strange look.


"Uh, what?" Ruby asked.

"Sounds like something Tyrian would say to Salem." Cinder thought to herself.

"You want to say something, Qrow?" Winter asked Qrow with a raised brow.

"Only thing I gotta say is that I'm as confused as anyone else." Qrow shrugged.


"And which losing Joker will take the fall at city hall in tonight's punishment?"

It then showed one of the Jokers, their face pixelated from view as they stood upon a podium, reading something as many city hall members watched.


"Wait, punishment?" Ironwood asked.

"Basically, there are several challenges in each episode." Vortech explained. "Whoever loses the most challenges has to suffer an inescapable punishment."

"Apparently a punishment that involves speaking at a city hall." Pietro said with a shake of his head. "I've known a similar feeling, back when I was younger."

"Speaking to a bunch of politicians." Roman surmised. "Sounds like Hell."

"Like you wouldn't believe." Ozpin muttered as he took a sip of his coffee.


A guitar cued the them song of the intro as an animated taxi cab was shown driving across the blue brick wall, all of the Jokers popping out before going back in, leaving Qrow behind as the taxi drove off, Qrow showing a look of shock.

"Prepare for something amazing." Port stated as the intro cut to Qrow wearing a chef's hat as he stood by a donut cart.

"Hey, mustache. What's up?" Qrow asked as a hot air balloon carried his name, showing "Qrow" in yellow.

The intro then cut to Taiyang in a human sized piñata suit, hanging from a crane.

"I want my mommy!" Tai yelled out before he was shown in a regular button up shirt with pants, his name shown in yellow below a stop light reading "Tai."


"Heheheh!" Ruby and Yang chuckled at the image of their father in a piñata.

"Why is he in a piñata?" Ilia asked with a confused look, though finding the image somewhat humorous.

"It's from a previous punishment." Vortech said with a small chuckle.

"Must have been a helluva punishment." Qrow chuckled as he looked at his old friend. "You want your mommy, Tai?"

"Shut up." Tai said to Qrow. "Or do you want me to talk about the skirt incident?"

Qrow narrowed his eyes at Tai before taking a swing of new flask. "Touché."


"I will never forgive you!" Port yelled as he was shown angrily pointing at a man in a large, black cat suit before Port was shown smiling, his name in yellow by a bridge as it read "Port."


"What's going on here?" Port asked with a raised brow. "Why would I be angry at a man in a cat suit?"

"It's because this version of you has a fear of cats." Vortech said to Port.

"....That is silliest fear I have ever heard of." Port stated bluntly with crossed arms.

"Why would anyone be afraid of cats?" Blake asked, sounding slightly offended.

"Ailurophobia." Oobleck surmised. "Rare, yet not impossible."

"This version of Port is even afraid of kittens." Vortech said.

"Oh, that is just sad." Mercury said with a shake of his head.

"He must be easily scared." Emerald said with a shrug before eating some popcorn.


"Larry!!" Oobleck shouted as he was shown running upon a sidewalk before being shown smiling as he name shown in yellow beside the Statue of Liberty, reading out "Oobleck."


"Heh! Who's Larry?" Nora asked with a chuckle.

"It's a joke Oobleck made during an earlier episode for a challenge." Vortech said.

"It's sounds like a fun name to just yell out for." Ruby said with a small giggle.

'Larry!!' Neo signed.


It then showed them all standing beside each other while leaning against a metal rail by water, each smiling as Qrow raised a thumbs up, all the while the title of the show was shown.


"We're penetrating the government." Port said before the intro cut to the show.


"That sounds like a terrifying thought." Ironwood said in response to what Joker Port said.

"Impractical Jokers?" Cinder asked as the name went over in her head. "If the intro is anything to go by, what they do must not be very normal. Even upon the standards of making jokes."

"Ah, Like you wouldn't believe, Miss Fall." Vortech said to Cinder. "Though I am only showing one episode for the time being, one episode is hardly enough to scratch the surface of what shenanigans these four accomplish."

"And all just so they can embarrass each other?" Winter asked with a concerned look. "I don't like the sound of that."


The audience was introduced to a blurry window within a room, before a switch was flipped to make the window clear.

The guys were shown standing next to each other in the order of Oobleck, Taiyang, Port, and Qrow.


"Wait, what?" Ruby asked in confusion.

"Huh. A practical illusionary effect." Emerald said. "I wasn't expecting this."

"I've only ever seen these used by small time magicians when I was little in Argus." Pyrrha said in recognition of the glass wall. "It's simple, yet elaborate in its own way."


"We're back at it, trying to make each other laugh while conducting a BS survey." Tai said before the window became blurry.

The switch was flipped as the window became clear again, this time the guys standing in the order of Qrow, Port, Taiyang, and Oobleck as Oobleck leaned his shoulder on Tai.


"Wait." Jaune said as he looked at what happened. "Was this edited so it would look like they rearranged so quickly, or are they that fast?"

"Why, did no one ever tell you that magicians don't reveal their secrets, Mr. Arc?" Port asked Jaune with a slight smirk.

"Besides, if we ask Vortech what happened, he'll probably be cryptic about it as usual." Roman said while glancing over to the Vortonian.

"There are some things that I will explain, some things that I won't, and some things that will be explained in due time." Vortech shrugged in defense. "That's just how I work."

"From what this version of Taiyang just said, it would seem that we've done something similar with this glass wall trick in the past." Oobleck said.

"And apparently conducting BS surveys is apart of it." Qrow added.


"While conducting the survey, the other guys will be behind this glass wall, which becomes see-through at the flip of a switch." Port explained before the glass wall blurred again.

The switch was flipped once more to show the guys standing in a new order, this time going from Port, Qrow, Oobleck, and Taiyang. The former two leaning against each other.

"Every time the glass goes clear, there's gonna be some craziness going on that we have to watch, but can't laugh at." Qrow continued the explanation.

GOAL: Don't laugh


"Ooh. This is one of those "try not to laugh" challenges that I've heard of." Penny said with a curious smile. "How sensational!"

"The goal of this definitely appears simple." Sienna observed. "Though I doubt it will be anything but."

"I remember when these four were students at Beacon." Ozpin said in reference to Qrow, Tai, Port, and Oobleck. "There was always some form of amusement to be found whenever they were together."

"It'll be just like old times." Tai brightly smiled to Qrow, Oobleck, and Port.

"Hohoho. Now those would be quite the tales to reminisce upon." Port said with a chuckle.

"Please don't." Qrow begged him with a groan, remembering the skirt incident he had on initiation day.


The glass wall went blurry again before the switch was flipped, the guys now standing in order from Taiyang, Oobleck, Qrow, and Port. Oobleck sitting  on the front of his legs while the other three stood.

"Whoever laughs the most, loses." Oobleck said with a smile as Qrow waved.

An image of all four friends was shown with the name of the challenge below them.

CHALLENGE #1: Now You See Me...


"Alright. May the best man win." Tai said with a smile.

"Which is obviously gonna be me." Qrow said with a smirk.

"Now, I wouldn't say that. I know that I can control my laughter far better than most when I feel the need to do so." Oobleck stated a matter-of-factly.

"Don't count me out." Port said as he joined in.

"Ladies, you're all beautiful." Glynda said to the four with an eye roll.

"You guys think we should try not to laugh too?" Ruby asked her team.

"I wouldn't try it, if I were you." Vortech said to Ruby. "You and your friends are not exactly the most mature of individuals. I doubt you'll be able to hold your laughter in."

"Says who?" Ruby questioned Vortech with her hands on her hips.

"Says the food fight you all had at the Beacon cafeteria." Vortech bluntly spoke back to her.

"Oh..." Ruby said as she deflated a bit, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment.

"Do I even want to know?" Ilia asked while looking at Blake and Ruby.

"Uhh..." Ruby trailed off as she and Blake averted Ilia's gaze.


Qrow is first up to the plate as he took a seat at a table, sitting in front of a light-skinned, black haired woman.

"This is gonna be very easy." Qrow said to the woman. "We're just Uh, doing focus group, and I'm gonna ask you what sounds like way too many questions for New York City."


"If this wasn't a comedy show, I'd say this almost seemed alien." Ozpin commented. "Never once could I imagine Qrow of all people running a survey."

"If Uncle Qrow ever ran some sort of survey, it would definitely be alcohol related." Yang whispered to Ruby, causing the two sisters to giggle a bit.


The scene cut to Taiyang, Oobleck, and Port watching what was going on from a monitor in a another room.

"So, for the first one, it's none of us." Oobleck said as he held the mic with a smile. "We called in one of our friends."

"Oh." Tai said as he looked to Oobleck, clearing unaware of this.

"Describe a typical New York City, uh, apartment." Qrow said as he looked at a sheet of paper before looking up.

"They're usually small, um..." the woman started.

"Here we go." Tai said as the switch was flipped.

The glass window showed Clover Ebi in an explorer type outfit, wearing an explorer hat as he carefully walked up to a sarcophagus.

"Oh, it's an explorer!" Oobleck said with an obvious smile. "It's Clover!"


"Clover?" Ironwood asked with a surprised look.

"Who?" Qrow asked Ironwood.

"An Atlas specialist." Ironwood answered. "One of the best in our military, and a loyal soldier."

"Why on Remnant is Clover on a show with someone like Qrow?" Winter asked in confusion.

"Mr. Ebi is a comedian, actor, writer, and producer within this universe." Vortech said. "His role in Impractical Jokers is that of a host for a shoot-off of the show known as Impractical Insider, in which more insight is given behind the challenges and jokes. It should also be noted that Mr. Ebi is the host for Inside Jokes, which is an end segment for some of the Impractical Jokers episodes."


The woman continued to speak as Qrow watched Clover open up the sarcophagus, only to reveal someone dressed up as Elvis within.

"Hahahaha!" Oobleck laughed as Tai and Port chuckled, Qrow smiling humorously as he watched Elvis come out of the sarcophagus.

"Qrow is a huge Elvis fan." Taiyang explained.


"Hey that's singer the TV host was talking about in Ghostbusters." Ruby pointed out with a slight giggle.

"He dresses funny." Nora said with a raised brow and a humored smile.

"Yeah. The dead musician." Qrow snapped his fingers in recollection. "So I guess my counterpart's a fan in this universe. What kind of music did he sing anyway?"

"Well, he has forever been christened as the King of Rock 'n' Roll." Vortech stated while looking over to Qrow.

"How do you get a title like that?" Yang asked with an almost awed and intrigued look.

"Mainly because he was always able to draw in the largest, and most enthusiastic crowds while selling the most records than any of his rock 'n' roll contemporaries." Vortech explained. "He nor others in the industry considered him the best musician, but that was not the case in the eyes of the people."

"Huh. Well, whenever we have another break, maybe I should try and listen to a few of his songs. See how good I find him." Qrow said with a glint of interest.


Qrow watched the sarcophagus continued to open before Elvis walked out, fake back-fisting Clover, causing Cliver to fall back a bit with his hat knocked off.

"Oh hoh!" Taiyang chuckled as Elvis them gave Clover a fake gut punch as Clover made it seem like he was in pain.

"Ahahahahaha!" Oobleck laughed at the sight.

"Oh hahahaha!!" Port, Oobleck, and Taiyang laughed as Elvis then kicked Clover in the gut with his knee.

Qrow shook his head with a smile as he gave out a small and quiet laugh, writing down what the woman told him as the screen showed he laughed.

1 laugh


Qrow shared a bit in his other's laughter.

"It wasn't that funny." Weiss said with a raised brow.

"That depends on who you're asking Ice Queen junior." Roman said with a slight chuckle. "I for one like it Atlesian's get their ass handed to them. Even if it is for show."

"He's not wrong there." Ilia muttered quietly.

Mercury found himself chuckling slightly at how Elvis 'beat up' Clover.

Emerald raised her at Mercury. "You actually found that funny?"

"It's stupid, sure, but it's a little funny." Mercury said with a shrug.

"Mm." Cinder hummed with a so-so motion of her hand.


"That was the first one!" Port clapped.

"Are you an Elvis fan?" Qrow asked the woman with a smile as he lightly scratched the top of his head.

"Yeah." The woman responded.


"Heh. He's talking about Elvis to try and save face." Tai said with a chuckle.

"If Qrow laughed at something so simple as that, I doubt his chances at this challenge." Winter said with crossed arms.


"That's our friend, Shawn Klush, the countries premier Elvis tribute artist." Taiyang explained as the Klush Elvis did a little Elvis dance before the window's blurred.

"Alright, what is your favorite season in New York City, to the Fall in New York, and the Fall in Virginia?" Qrow asked the woman.

Just then, the glass wall became clear as Port was shown dressed in a magician's outfit, moving about in a whimsical manner as if he was about to do a trick.

"Oh, oohoohoohoo." Tai said with a slight chuckle as he and Oobleck watched, all the while Qrow couldn't help but smile at what Port was doing.


"What's this?" Ozpin asked with a humorous smile.

"Professor Port in a magician's outfit?" Blake questioned. "Where's this leading?"

"You know, now that I see it, Professor Port actually looks like he could be a magician." Jaune said.

"The mustache definitely helps." Ren added with a nod.


"Yeah, I like it. The weathers cooler, it's not as hot as the summer." The woman answered Qrow as Port removed his top hat.

"Right." Qrow said to the woman as he continued to watch Port.

Port then pointed his wand at the hat, showing nothing was in it, all the while the woman continued to speak

"Ohh!" Tai exclaimed as they awaited for what was to happen.

"There's nothing in the hat." Oobleck said.


"What, is he going to pull a rabbit out of there?" Roman asked.

'Too cliche.' Neo signed.

"Well, since this is called "Impractical Jokers," I'd imagine something more unexpected then a rabbit." Sienna said.

Mercury then started to whisper to Emerald. "Wanna bet he somehow ends up pulling out that rabbit faunus from team CFVY?"

"I wouldn't see how he would be able to do it though." Emerald whispered back to Mercury.


"W-what team are you a fan of?" Qrow asked the woman as Port waved his wan around the hat.

"Yankees." The woman answered.

"Oh, Yankees?" Qrow asked.


"Yankees?" Penny inquired.

"It's a sports team from the sport known as baseball." Vortech said. "The goal of the sport, in a simplistic point of view, is to hit a small ball with a metal or wooden bat. It is quite a favored sport in this universe."

"A bat?" Ruby asked with a raised brow.

"Not the animal." Vortech said. "It's like a club that has smoothed out. That also means no spikes."

"Oh." Ruby muttered as she started to think on how a baseball bat would look.

"There's a sport that has you hit balls with a club?" Nora asked with an ever growing smile. "That sounds awesome."

"A baseball bat, not a club. Though if you wish to learn more about baseball, or any other sport for that matter, I should have a hall of sports somewhere around here." Vortech said.


"Yeah." The woman said.

"Me too." Qrow stated.

Just then, Port removed his wand from the hat, and slowly spit out an orange liquid as if it were meant to be vomit.

"Hahahaha!" Oobleck cackled along with Tai.

"What?!" Tai asked in confusion as he laughed.

Qrow still couldn't help but smile at what his friend was doing, though he thus far do not laugh.


"What the Hell?" Qrow asked with an awkward chuckle.

"That is disgusting." Emerald said as it looked like she was about to turn the same color as her hair.

Cinder shared in her minion's disturbed look as she held her own grimace.

"Well... I can definitely say I wasn't expecting that." Roman said as he and Neo shared disturbed looks.

"I didn't think that was what I going to do." Port said with a nervous chuckle, though disturbed as everyone else.

"That was just gross." Yang shook her head with a disturbed snicker.

"I definitely didn't want to see that." Weiss said as she averted her gaze from the screen.


"Ta-da! Hahahaha!" Oobleck laughed while clapping.

"He made vomit appear!" Taiyang said while holding the mic.


"I wish he hadn't." Glynda said as she too was disturbed that Port's trick involved him vomiting.

"You can say that again." Sienna said agreement.


"Ok, uh..." Qrow said to the woman as he looked over the paper.

"Barty, this ones gonna go. This ones gonna get him." Taiyang said to Oobleck as the two high-fiber each other before Oobleck left the room.

"What is your favorite restaurant in New York?" Qrow asked the woman.

Just then the glass wall became clear.

"I don't know. HeHah." The woman said with a slight laugh.

"I'll tell you what, give me three restaurants that you like around here." Qrow said.

Just then, a young girl, dressed as a ballerina comes dancing in from across the left curtain behind the glass wall.

"Awe. A ballerina!" Tai cooed a bit at the little girl that was dancing.


"Awe." Yang and Weiss cooed at the young ballerina girl.

"Isn't that cute?" Tai said with an adoring chuckle.

"This must be when my counterpart dresses as a ballerina." Oobleck said.


Just then Oobleck comes in from the right curtain, dressed in a ballerina costume as he swiftly picked up the girl with ease, before tossing her to the side, behind the other curtain.

"HehehehHahahaha!!" Taiyang and Port laughed and wheezed at what Oobleck was doing, all the while Qrow widened his eyes in confusion.


"Hahahaha!" Yang, Ruby, and Nora couldn't help but laugh at this.

Many others in the audience couldn't help but chuckle along at this as well.

"I was expecting Barty to come out in a ballerina dress, but-heheheh." Port started with a chuckle. "I wasn't expecting that."

"He just swooped in and tossed the kid out of there." Mercury said while chuckling.

"Okay. Hehe. That one got me a bit." Emerald said as she chuckled as well.

"Hmhmhm. That was far more sillier than I was expecting." Cinder said with a quite chuckle.


Port continued to chuckle as Oobleck started to dance and twirl like a ballerina.

"I'm sorry the restaurant-the restaurant-the restaurants?" Qrow stuttered in his question as he was still confused at to what Oobleck was doing.

One ballerina girl came in from the right curtain as Oobleck went over to her, picked her up, tip toed heavily across the room, before swiftly tossing the girl behind the other curtain.

"Hahahaha!!" Taiyang and Port laughed as Oobleck continued to do his ballerina dance.

Qrow let out a small chuckle that he tried to hide, the screen now showing that he laughed twice.

2 laughs


"Aye! Got him again!" Taiyang said as he chuckled and clapped.

"Ah, dammit." Qrow said with a small laugh and a snap of his fingers.

"There goes another one." Mercury said as he chuckled.

"I know it's a little mean, but since it's all apart of a joke, it is a bit funny." Pyrrha said as she chuckled along with everyone else.


"Look at him!" Taiyang slightly chuckled.

Oobleck then proceed to hop around and sway his arms out, looking stupid in the process.

"Hahahaha!!" Taiyang and Port continued to laugh.

Qrow smiled at what Oobleck was doing, while trying to talk to the woman, pointing to the glass wall.

Port continued and laugh with Tai as the glass wall blurred once more.

"Hahahaha!!" Taiyang and Port laughed while they clapped for Oobleck.

"What?" The woman asked as she noticed the confused look on Qrow's face.

"...Thought I saw a bug." Qrow said as he pointed to the glass wall.

Qrow's score was then shown in green


"HeHah hahahaha!" Oobleck, Taiyang, and Port all chuckled and laughed at Qrow.


Joker Qrow's excuse elicited more laughs and chuckled from the audience.

"Thought I saw a bug" he says." Ironwood said with a laugh.

"He has to make sure that their challenge goes accordingly without notice." Ozpin said with a small chuckle.

"It would probably be funnier if someone actually did notice, though." Port said with a laugh,

"That, or make it would the situation more awkward." Glynda said with her own small chuckle.


Next up to the bat was Oobleck.

"How you doing? Oobleck." Oobleck introduced himself to a different woman that entered the room.

"Now, Barty's traditionally been very, very good at this game." Taiyang as he and Port watched from the hidden room. "Right?"


"I told you all that I know when to keep my laughs in." Oobleck said.

"Well, we'll see about that with the other you." Taiyang said to the green haired man.


"Pssh. I don't give a shi** what he's been good at." Port said waved it off, causing Tai to shrug as some of the crew members laughed at what Port said.


"Hahahaha! Oh, that was good." Qrow laughed while tapping against the arm of his chair.

"Someone's salty." Emerald with a chuckle.

"Wow. Professor Port against Doctor Oobleck." Jaune said with a slight chuckle. "I never thought such a thing could exist."

"Is that how it is going to be, old friend?" Oobleck asked Port while adjusting his glasses.

"While I do not share the full sentiment of my counterpart, I think it is obvious that you will lose this challenge." Port cockily said while stroking his mustache.

"Do not count your Grimm just yet." Oobleck said to Port.

"Hmm. Two shows for the free admission of one." Cinder muttered as she listened in to Oobleck and Port's conversation before eating some popcorn from Emerald's bucket.


"Tell me a little bit about food availability in your neighborhood." Oobleck said to the woman.

"Here we go, Barty!" Taiyang said as the woman spoke.

Just then, the glass wall became clear as Qrow, dressed in a GhostBusters costume, carefully walked out from the curtain, looking around.

"Oh! Oh-ohh!" Tai exclaimed as he was not expecting Qrow to walk out as a GhostBuster.


"Oh, hey! Qrow's a GhostBuster again!" Ruby pointed out with a bright smile before her face slowly contorted in confusion. "Wait, I thought GhostBusters was in another universe."

"What is reality in one universe, can be fiction in another." Vortech explained to Ruby. "In this, GhostBusters is a movie that has nothing to do with Qrow, Ozpin, Oobleck, and Taiyang."

"Huh." Ruby said as she started to understand it.

"I guess you learn something new everyday." Yang said with a shrug.

"What exactly is this "GhostBusters universe" you're all talking about?" Cinder asked.

"Oh, I'm sure you'd love it!" Ruby said to Cinder. "Well, I guess it depends if you like supernatural stuff, but basically it's a universe where Uncle Qrow, my dad, Ozpin, and Doctor Oobleck are scientists that hunt and capture ghosts."

Cinder blinked a bit at how quick Ruby relaxed the information to her as she slowly processed all of it. "...Seriously?"

Ruby just repeatedly nodded with a bright smile.

"There's a universe where ghosts are real?" Emerald asked with a raised brow.

"You know, that actually sounds kind of cool." Mercury said as ate from his popcorn bucket.


Oobleck watched with an even look before someone came out dressed as Slimer from the other curtain, the person wearing green makeup.

"Oh! Hahahaha!" Taiyang and Port laughed.

"It's our old friend, Rob Emmer!" Port said while laughing.


"Oh, hey. They even have some guy dressed as Slimer!" Nora pointed out.

"Slimer?" Mercury questioned. "What kind of name is that?"

"It's the name of a green, gluttonous ghost that Ruby's uncle encountered in the GhostBusters universe." Pyrrha explained as she remembered with a disturbed look of how much Slimer would eat, and how quickly he would do so.

"Though this Rob Emmer only has the color and shape in relation to what Slimer actual looks like." Weiss said as she remembered the green spud. "Slimer is a lot more uglier."


At this point, Oobleck started to smile at what was going on. The woman continued to speak while Qrow pretended to throw a capture stream on Rob, Qrow smiling at Oobleck as he messed with the balloon proton wand as if it were a fishing rod, Rob Emmer waving around as if he was caught in a proton stream.

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha!" Taiyang and Port continued to laugh as Rob went down.

Qrow placed his foot on Rob's back while raising his fist to the air, smiling in victory as he looked at Oobleck.

"Do you have, uh, deliver, or...?" Oobleck asked the woman, ignoring what Qrow had done, not laughing once.


Some of the students couldn't help but chuckle and giggle at how silly it looked when Joker Qrow "fought" the Slimer-dressed Rob Emmer.

"Well, that was a lot more silly than when Slimer was caught." Ilia said with a slight giggle.

"Eh. At least I didn't get slimed again." Qrow said with a shrug as he drank from his flask.

"So far it looks like greeny's keeping a calm mind in the challenge." Roman said in response at how Joker Oobleck didn't laugh at what Joker Qrow was doing. "Looks like he does know when to keep a lid on it when it comes to laughing."

"The challenge has only started for Barty." Port said. "He's not out of the woods yet."


"Rob always-Rob always brings the goods." Port chuckled while pointing to the screen he and Tai were watching, Taiyang coughing from laughing.

"Ok, uh, and talk to me about breakfasts." Oobleck said to the woman.

"Hahaha!" Port laughed. "Oobleck just asked the hard hitting question. Talk to me about breakfast." He said before wheezing a laugh.


"Ok. What's the joke here?" Qrow asked Vortech.

"This version of Oobleck is known to be what one might call a "foodie." Vortech answered.

"Wait, wait, wait. Oobleck's the foodie?" Taiyang asked as he looked at Joker Oobleck. "He doesn't look like it. He's still skinny."

"I don't think it's that impossible." Ruby said to her father. "You've seen how many cookies I eat."

"She finally admits it." Weiss muttered as she glanced at her partner.

"But thanks to your speed semblance, you have a higher metabolism." Tai said to his youngest daughter. "This a universe without semblances, and someone who eats a lot would have some amount of a height to them. This version of Oobleck still looks like our version."

"My other self probably has a decent workout regimen." Oobleck theorized.

"That, or the other version of Doctor Oobleck has an abnormal metabolism rate." Pietro added.

"Yes, that too." Oobleck said.

"Hey, I thought we were suppose to be watching four idiots prank each other. Not listen to a science lecture." Roman called out.

"Thank you." Mercury muttered in agreement with the master criminal.

"Hey!!!!" Taiyang, Oobleck, Qrow, and Port all said to Roman in response to calling them idiots.


"—Usually I'm going to brunch in like, East Village." The woman said to Oobleck before the glass wall turned on again.

This time a hot dog eating contest was shown. A young man was leading the contest as three old women started to eat the hot dogs. One of the old women scarfing them down like a rabid animal.

Oobleck couldn't help but smile a bit at how funny it looked when the one old woman was scarfing down a hot dog.

"Hahahaha!" Port laughed at what the old woman was doing.

"Oh, my God!" Tai said in humorous shock.


"HeHah. I didn't a old lady could go at a hot dog that fast." Yang chuckled.

"She's trying to eat it as fast as Ruby eats cookies." Blake said with wide eyes.

"Hey." Ruby drawled out as she gave Blake the stink eye.

"She's eating that hot dog like a crazed beowolf." Jaune said with a slight chuckle.


"Okay." Oobleck said to the woman. "Friend or two?"

"Just—like an egg dish." The woman said as the hot dog eating contest continued.

"Ohh, wow!" Qrow exclaimed as the old woman continued to scarf down the hot dog.

"Look at the middle lady!" Port chuckled as he and the others watched the old woman scarf down the hot dog.

"Oh, my God!" Qrow exclaimed as it looked like all that was left of the hot dog that the middle old lady ravaged was the bun, which she became to devour as well.

"Who eats a hot dog like that?!" Port exclaimed as he, Tai, and Qrow all had smiles on their faces.


"Not a lot of people." Pyrrha said with a nervous chuckle.

"It's amazing that an old person can eat like that." Qrow said with slight awe.

"Frankly, I'm astonished at her agility." Roman said with raised brows. "You'd think for someone around her age, she'd be slower in some of her motor functions."

"Of course you would." Sienna said to Roman with an eye roll.

"It wouldn't be impossible for an elderly person to move at the average rate of someone in their mid-thirty's, so long as they exercise properly." Penny stated.


"I'm a big fan, I just recently got into the avocado toasts." Oobleck said in response to what the woman was saying.

"How did he not laugh?" Port asked, his face still trying to settle from laughing.

"Yeah, he didn't laugh." Qrow said with a slightly worried look.


"Oobleck has survived two attempts." Ozpin said with a small chuckle. "I have to wonder if he's going to even laugh here."

"Oh, he's gonna crack soon." Qrow said. "I'm betting on it."

"In Oobleck's defense, there isn't much of a punch-line factor behind everything that has been done to make him laugh." Glynda said as she pushed up her glasses a bit. "The only humor in them is how whacky and surprising they seem."


"Okay. So talk to me about lunch." Oobleck said to the woman.

"Hahahaha!" Port, Qrow, and Tai laughed at Oobleck.


At this line, some of the more easily humored members of the audience couldn't help but chuckle and laugh.

"Heheheh. Okay, that was more funny now that we know this Oobleck is a foodie." Tai said with a laugh.

"He makes it through two attempts at getting him to laugh, and he immediately goes onto the topic of lunch." Cinder said with a calmed chuckle. "That's a power play, if I've ever heard of one."


"Alright. We're sending in the big gun." Qrow said with a smile. "Our big gun."

The woman continued to speak as the glass wall turned on again. This time, the wall shown two women, with two men, dancing in their bathing suits as a man was shown sitting on a royal, gold and red thrown, with Port standing by his side. The man upon the thrown was nine other than Roman Torchwick, dressed with a crown and a royal cape.

"Ohh! It's Roman!" Qrow hollered out as Port was shown tossing money left and right as the little dance party went on.


"What am I looking at?" Emerald muttered with a strange look, while Cinder raised a brow.

"Someone has an ego." Weiss and Ilia said at the same time as they looked at the Roman dressed like a king, before pausing to glance at each other, realizing they said the same thing.

"What's the story with this?" Roman questioned. "Not that I'm against it."

"Why am I tossing money everywhere?" Port asked. "And beside a criminal no less?"

"This version of Roman isn't a criminal." Vortech said. "As for what's going on... it's about to be explained."


"That is Roman Torchwick!" Taiyang said with a bright smile.

"Yes!" Qrow said as he was clearly enjoying this.

"The network executor from TruTV!" Tai stated.


"Oh, really now?" Roman asked with a smirk.

"Torchwick runs a tv network?" Ruby asked.

Yang couldn't help but let out a small snort after hearing Roman was the network executor. "I know Torchwick's a prick, but him basically being the boss made this kind of funnier."

"Wow. We really did pull out the big gun." Taiyang said with a slight chuckle.

"Roman Torchwick as our executor." Port said as he furrowed his eyes slightly. "I never thought I would ever here those words come out of my mouth."

"And yet, heheheh, here we are." Roman said while chuckling, smirk ever present.

'Bow down to you executor.' Neo signed with a giggle.


Oobleck looked at what was going on behind the glass wall, a bit bug-eyed as the woman continued to speak.

Roman looked at Oobleck while holding his hand out towards Port, from which Port handed Roman a strawberry frosted donut.

"Hahaha!" Qrow laughed as Oobleck couldn't help but smile at what was going on.

"A married woman." Oobleck said to the woman he was still talking to as Roman held the donut in his hand, his other hand positioned so that his thumb was sideways and pointing at the donut.

"Ah! Is he gonna share the donut with you, Oobleck?" Taiyang asked with an obvious smile.


"That's like waving a cookie in front of Ruby, only to go ahead and eat it yourself." Qrow said as he watched Roman hold the donut that attracted Oobleck's gaze.

"I still can't believe you would ever do such a thing to me." Ruby said to her uncle, arms crossed with a scowl.

"This is so stupid." Emerald muttered with an eye roll, not particularly found of what was essentially watching Roman holding a donut hostage in the face of a gourmand.

"Hehe. I know. Ain't it great?" Mercury asked her with a chuckle.


The camera zoomed in on Roman's face before he promptly shoved the entire donut in his mouth, leaving nothing but a few crumbs and bits of frosting behind.

"Aw!! Oobleck gets no donut!" Taiyang exclaimed as he and Qrow laughed.


"Heheheh!" Roman chuckled along with several others.

"He ate that donut like Nora eats pancakes." Jaune said with a chuckle.

Even Weiss couldn't help but chuckle. "W-why am I laughing at something so foolish?"

"Because stupid's funny." Yang said as she chuckled along with Blake and Ruby.

Even Emerald let out a quick and small chuckle.

"Hey. I thought you said this was stupid?" Mercury said with a smirk.

"Shut up. I was caught off guard." Emerald waved Mercury off.


Oobleck then let out a small giggle from Roman's action, the screen showing that he laughed.

1 laugh

"Aye, we got one!" Qrow cheered along with Tai.


"Finally!" Port cheered.

"Looks like he isn't incurable after all." Qrow said with a chuckle as he high-fived Tai.

"It is still only one laugh." Oobleck said with a small chuckle. "I wouldn't call it much of a victory."

"Well, you still laughed. That's a win in my book." Port said with crossed arms.

Sienna rolled her eyes as the conversation between the four teachers. "Men."

"Always trying to one up each other." Winter added.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Have we met?" Qrow asked Winter. "I'm the black kettle. Aren't you the equally black pot?"

Winter gave Qrow a scowl as Sienna and Roman chuckled, Cinder even smirked as to what Qrow said to the Atlas specialist.


Roman, Port, and the people in beach wear looked at Oobleck as Roman held his thumb downwards towards the green haired man.

"Hahahaha!" Qrow and Tai laughed.

"Uh, talk to me about snacks." Oobleck said to the woman, his score being shown in green.



"Heh. Now he wants to talk about snacks." Yang said with a snicker.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with talking about snacks." Nora said while eating some popcorn.

"Well, Oobleck has only laughed once, and it's the end of his turn for this challenge." Ironwood said. "It's safe to say that he won't be losing this challenge."

"Unless Mr. Port or friend Ruby's father do not laugh at all on their turns." Penny added.

"Don't count on it." Qrow dryly said to Penny. "Tai and Port are some of the most easily tickled people on Remnant."

"Hey!" Tai and Port exclaimed to Qrow.


It was now Taiyang's turn to try not to laugh.

"A t-shirt and blazer is very earlier 90's." Port commented on what Tai was wearing.

"That's the look that will never die." Qrow commented on what Tai was wearing as well. "Yeah."

"Yeah. Well black blazer, black t-shirt. I don't know what you're doing with that zipper holding onto the belt." Port said to Tai.

"It makes it more casual." Taiyang said as he zipped the zipper up and down, a glasses tip in his mouth as he held onto a pair of glasses.

"Who are you, Criss Angel?" Port asked with a slight chuckle.


"I think I look good." Tai said as he looked at his other self.

"It's definitely more professional than what you usually wear." Glynda stated.

"Who's Criss Angel?" Ruby asked.

"A magician, illusionist, and musician." Vortech answered. "He leans more towards emo in his appearance."

"Ah. So this Criss Angel is one of those magicians." Ozpin said in understanding, not very fond of magicians who dress up in an emo fashion and claim they are masters of the dark arts. He honestly felt insulted whenever he saw those type of people.

Cinder had similar thoughts to Ozpin, though her thoughts trailed towards what Salem thought of those types of magicians. Whenever Tyrian was viewing something on his scroll that involved said magicians, and Salem was nearby, Salem would always scoff and mockingly laugh at whatever they were doing.


Just then, a young man was let into the room as Taiyang got up to shake his hand.

"Hi, my name is Taiyang Xiao Long." Taiyang introduced himself to the young man as they shook hands. "What's your name?"

"Ronald." The young man answered.

"This will be over in a zip." Port joked, having no confidence that Tai would win.

Tai gave a small smile as he looked towards the hidden camera in the room, Port and Qrow slightly chuckling.


"Haha! Nice one!" Tai said to Port as Yang laughed as well.

"Oh God." Qrow groaned as Oobleck shook his head.

"It was bad enough when Professor Port was telling his long stories." Blake said with a grimace. "Now he's telling puns."

"You said it." Emerald agreed with Blake.

"Port, why do you have to make puns too?" Qrow asked the portly man.

"Don't look at me." Port said in defense. "It was my counterpart that said it."


"Tell me about, um... tell about your favorite concert venue in New York City." Taiyang said to Ronald. "Ever been to Barclay Center?"

"Unfortunately I've never been to... most of the places people have been to." Ronald said as the glass wall became clear.

Port was shown in a set-up subway train, dressed as Super Mario, slightly surprising Tai, though he made sure to hide it.

"Oh!" Qrow said as he watched what Port had set up.

"Look at Port! Look at him." Oobleck said as they watched Port slightly bob his head from side to side. "He's just hanging out on the subway."


"Heh! Nice get up." Qrow chuckled.

"I never thought I'd see the day when Professor Port was in blue overalls." Pyrrha said with a small chuckle.

"Who is he dressed as?" Ruby asked with a giggle.

"He as dressed as a video game character." Vortech answered. "Mario, from the video game, Super Mario. It's quite famous in many universes that it is in."

"Sounds like it could be fun." Jaune admitted.

"The game is not complicated, but it also isn't too simple." Vortech added. "It is what makes it a purely fun video game."


Just then, the doors to the subway train opened up to reveal a woman dressed in a pregnant Princess Peach costume as she boarded.

"Oh, who this?" Qrow asked with a slight wheeze.

"She's preggers! Hahahaha!" Oobleck said as he and Qrow laughed.


"I didn't think I'd ever here Oobleck say something like that." Glynda said with a surprised look.

"You are not the only one." Oobleck said to Glynda. "Though since this is another universe, it can be plausible that my mannerisms can be different from that of my own. We already know that this version of myself leans more towards the comedy profession."

"Who's the pregnant woman?" Yang asked, chuckling a bit when Joker Oobleck said 'preggers.'

"Princess Peach." Vortech said. "The common damsel in destress from the Super Mario games. Always ending up captured, and always having to be rescued."


Tai had a look of confusion on his face as he watched the scene unfold.

The Peach impersonator tried to look for a seat on the subway, only to find that she couldn't find a seat anywhere, Port trying to averts looking at Peach.

"Hahahaha! Look at Port's face!" Oobleck laughed along with Qrow as the scene continued to unfold.

Peach eventually settled for standing beside the subway pole, Port glancing at her.

"Hahahaha!!" Oobleck cackled at the scene.


"Talk about awkward." Emerald said with a small chuckle.

"So much for chivalry." Cinder muttered jokingly.

"Man, imagine actually going through something so awkward." Yang chuckled.

"I'd probably give up my seat right away." Jaune said with a nervous chuckle. "You have no idea how angry pregnant women can get."

"Hell hath no fury like a mother." Ren stated.

"Port looks so nervous." Qrow said with a chuckle. "Even for a joke."

"That's how it is sometimes." Roman said with a smile and a shrug. "Would it the gentlemanly thing to do to let the pregnant woman sit? Sure. But on the other hand, you want to sit down too."

"You should still be courteous and let the pregnant woman sit." Ironwood replied to Roman.

"Are you really trying to connect realism with something comedic and staged?" Sienna asked Ironwood with a raised brow.

"I know it's staged. I'm merely responding to what Torchwick said." Ironwood responded.


"Sure." Taiyang said as he continued to listen to what Ronald said. "N-n-n-now, when you ride public transportation, of course you let a pregnant woman sit, right?"

As Tai said this, Port shook his head rapidly before giving a thumbs up, the wall becoming blurry.

"Hahaha! Hahahaha!" Oobleck laughed while Qrow chuckled. Both finding the look on Tai's face to be humorous.


The audience chuckled along with Joker Qrow and Joker Oobleck.

"I've survived the first attempt." Tai said as he chuckled.

"Barely, from the looks of things." Port said as he chuckled as well.


"What is the Times Square experience like, for you?" Taiyang asked Ronald as the wall became clear again.

This time, a woman in what seemed to be a large trench coat was shown, though something looked off with the picture.

"Oh, here we go." Qrow said in anticipation. "Here we go."


"Oh, no. What now?" Tai asked with a worried chuckle.

"They're going to have someone flash Tai?" Glynda asked with a disturbed look.

"I can't wait to see how this ends." Mercury chuckled.

Cinder squinted her eyes at the woman who seemed to be in a trench coat, noticing that there was something off about it. Something a few other people noticed as well.

"Is it just me, or does look a little off?" Ruby asked as she looked at the woman.

"I see it too." Weiss said, Blake nodding in agreement while Ilia hummed in agreement.

"The women's head definitely looks a little disproportionate to the rest of the body." Pyrrha said as she squinted her eyes.

Ozpin noticed as well as he rose a brow at the scene. "The body definitely looks a lot less feminine."

"I agree." Penny said. "Compared to what most feminine figures appear as, the body type definitely appears to be much more thinner."


As Ronald spoke to Tai, the trench coat was opened to reveal a man's body in golden underwear it shook around a bit, the woman smiling as if she was the one actually flashing Tai.

"Hahahaha!" Port laughed with Qrow. "What is that?"

Tai just had an immense look of confusion as the scene continued.


"Oh God!" Yang said as she laughed, many others chuckling and laughing as well as a few held disturbed looks.

"Woah." Emerald said as she shielded her face with her hands. "I did not need to see this."

"Talk about a turn off." Mercury said as he laughed.

"Tai got flashed with some dudes junk." Qrow cackled as he fond the situation funny.

"Looks like you all were right about the woman looking off." Glynda said as she shook her head at the stupidity of what she was seeing, though she couldn't help but crack a smile.

"It would seem that this is being done with mirrors." Penny observed, ignoring the fact that a nearly naked man was flashing Joker Tai.

"I think I need to wash my eyes out after this." Winter said as she rubbed her eyes with her fingers, trying to get the image out of her head.

"Well whoever the man is that's in the trench coat..." Sienna said as she cringed slightly at the amount of male junk she could see from the outline in the speedo. "He's definitely endowed."


"How is it happening?" Qrow asked.

"What is going on, right now?" Port asked in equal confusion.

The masculine body lowered to show that it belonged to Oobleck, who did nothing but smiled and continued to shake his body as Tai watched. The trick being done with mirrors.

"Ohh! Hahahaha!" Qrow and Port laughed as Oobleck was revealed.

"Hehe." Taiyang let out a small laugh as he couldn't hold it in.

1 laugh


"Wow. That was Oobleck?!" Taiyang asked with a surprised laugh.

"Huh." Oobleck uttered, keeping a stone, surprised face.

"Ugh. This is suddenly worse than the ghost dream the other Doctor Oobleck had." Weiss muttered in disgust.

"Well, now we know who's packing." Qrow crudely remarked while laughing.

"I know we've seen quite a bit in these universes, but this image has to take the place for most disturbing." Pietro said, giving the scene a strange look. "For the time being, anyways."


"Hahahaha!" Port and Qrow laughed and clapped.

Oobleck then turned around to pat his ass several times before the glass wall became blurry again.

"Son of a bitch." Taiyang swore as he wrote down on the paper, Ronald confused as to why he swore.


"This has to be the most crudest version of Oobleck out there." Glynda said with a scoff, rolling her eyes at Joker Oobleck patting his ass.

"I don't think anyone of us are gonna be able to look at Doctor Oobleck the same after this." Jaune said as the other students nodded or hummed in agreement.

"I wish I got to see more this Oobleck." Qrow said while chuckling. "He'd be great at parties."

"To each his own, I suppose." Oobleck said.


Oobleck walked back into the hidden room as he was greeted by Port and Qrow.

"Now that was a turn over." Qrow said to Oobleck, causing all three of them to laugh.

"You see the pair of tits on that girl?" Oobleck asked a straight face before he, Qrow, and Port started to laugh at the joke.

"Hahahaha!" Oobleck and Port continued to laugh as they began to lean on each other.


More of the immature audience couldn't help but laugh along with Joker Oobleck, Port, and Qrow.

"Oh, yeah. I'm definitely liking this Oobleck." Qrow said as he laughed.

"Oh, this guy's great." Mercury said in regards to Joker Oobleck as he wiped away a tear.


"Let's take, uh... the analytics for the weekend." Taiyang said to Ronald.

"I wouldn't mind getting a car." Ronald said.

"A car." Taiyang said as the glass wall turned on again. "Okay."

The wall revealed Qrow, dressed as Marty McFly on a hoverboard, using puppet legs and wires to make it seem that he was actually hoverboarding.

"Oh, Marty McFly on a hoverboard!" Oobleck said as Port laughed.


"What the?" Ruby asked with a raised brow.

"Okay, now that's cool." Taiyang said with a laugh. "I am not gonna lie."

"How is he doing that?" Nora asked in awe.

"It looks like wires and puppet legs attached to the board." Jaune analyzed with an awed look such like Nora's. "But Ruby's uncle is doing a really good job at hiding it."

"Eh. I can still see his real legs." Emerald said with a shrug. "But for the surprise factor, it kind of it impressive."

"Hey, who's Marty McFly?" Qrow asked.

"A character from a movie franchise within this universe." Vortech answered. "It is called: "Back to the Future."

"Are we to take it that this "Back to the Future" is another universe as compared to this one?" Ozpin hazarded his guess.

"Catching on, I see." Vortech said to the headmaster of Beacon. "It is something I plan to show, but for a much later date."


Tai gave a wide smile of shock, wondering how Qrow was doing what he did.

"Hahahaha!" Oobleck cackled with Port at the look on Tai's face.

"By car? By flying car?" Taiyang asked Ronald as Qrow continued to hoverboard.

"Heheheh. That is amazing." Taiyang said with a chuckle.

2 laughs

"Ahahahahahaha!" Oobleck and Port laughed at Tai.

"That is great. That is great." Taiyang continued to smile slightly chuckle at Qrow, Ronald seeming confused.


"Ah, you got me there." Taiyang chuckled while giving Qrow a thumbs up. "I can't even be mad."

"I'm just that good." Qrow chuckled at what Tai said.

"It looks like Port is up next." Ironwood said with a small chuckle.

"It's time to see how well I do." Port said as he straightened himself in his seat.


"How is this happening?" Port questioned.

"That was good." Taiyang admitted.

"Hahahaha!" Port laughed with Oobleck.


Port was the last to go as he sat at the table.

"Look at me." Port said as he looked towards the hidden camera.

"Yeah." Qrow said to Port.

"You're not getting it out of me today." Port said.

"Oh, shut up." Qrow said to Port, not believing him.

"Really?" Taiyang questioned Port.

"J-ju-just shut up." Qrow continued saying to Port.


"Hmph! Yea of little faith." Port said to his friends.

"Oh, please." Qrow waved Port off. "I bet you're gonna crack at the first attempt."

"Yeah. You're not exactly the most stone-faced huntsman." Tai said in agreement with his old teammate.

Port just scoffed at the two before looking to Oobleck. "Come now, Barty. I'm certain you agree with me here."

"No, no. They are right." Oobleck said Port, causing him to open his mouth in shock. "You do have more jovial tendencies."

Team RWBY looked at the conversation between the four adults as they all looked to each other.

"You think this is getting to them a bit." Ruby asked as they continued to watch the four men argue.

"I'm sure they'll be fine." Yang waved it off. "Dad and Uncle Qrow argue all the time."

"I don't know." Ruby said in an unsure voice.

"Well, it's like Miss Goodwitch said." Blake told Ruby. "It's a clash of egos."


"I'm gonna harness all of my negative energy, which we all know I don't fall short on." Port explain.


"I didn't know this version of Port was like Blake." Yang said to her partner with a toothy grin.

Blake lowered her eyes in slight annoyance as a few of the students laughed and giggled at Yang's commented, some of which included Ilia, Mercury, and Emerald.

"Nice burn." Mercury told Yang with a chuckle.


"So just think about your flat feet and the traffic you hit on the way here." Oobleck said to Port, causing Port to laugh a bit, as did Tai.


"You were saying Port?" Oobleck asked his friend as Qrow and Tai smirked at Port.

Port just scoffed as crossed Jim's arms and looked to the side. "That doesn't count. It wasn't even apart of the challenge."

"So much for all of that negative energy he built up." Cinder said with a slight chuckle, a few of the students and her lackeys chuckling along with her.


A bald man in his early 30s entered the room as Port got up to greet him.

"Alright." Taiyang said.

"Here we go." Oobleck stated as they watched Port greet the man.

"Hey, how are you, sir?" Port asked the man.

"How you doing?" The man asked in kind as he shook hands with Port.

"I'm in." Taiyang said as he put down his mic, leaving the hidden room as to go to try and make Port laugh.

"Alright." Qrow said to him as he left.

"Would you say you're a live music venue person, or?" Port asked the man.

As the bald man began to answer Port, the glass wall came to life, showing Taiyang by a cardboard wishing well, a plastic coin in his hand.

Taiyang says something behind the glass wall, waving his arm towards the well before looking up, as if he was praying to God for his wish to come true.


"Okay. Where is this going to lead to?" Sienna asked with a raised brow.

"Something funny, no doubt." Roman said with a smirk.

"Who knows with Tai." Qrow said with a shrug.


"What's Taiyang gonna wish for?" Oobleck asked.

Tai tossed the coin into the well, holding his arms out in an expecting manner, awaiting from something to happen.

"What'd he wish for?" Qrow asked.

Just then, the upper part of Tai's chest rose up, making it seem like he had a pair of breasts on him. Taiyang looked extremely happy.

"Ohh! Hahahaha!" Qrow groaned as he and Oobleck laughed.


"Hahahaha!!" Qrow laughed loudly with a few wheezes here and there.

"Uh..." Taiyang uttered in surprise and embarrassment as a few other people in the audience laughed as well.

"Did your father really just...?" Weiss asked Ruby as she trailed off in a confused manner as Yang cackled along with her uncle.

Ruby just sighed as she shook her head, Yang still laughing.

"Is there anything you want to get off your chest, Taiyang?" Glynda fully asked as she looked to said man.

Taiyang stammered and stuttered a bit before speaking. "T-tha-that's a different version of me!"

"Someone's obviously lonely." Roman whispered to Neo as the two snickered.


Port smiled at what was going with Tai, finding it funny, yet making sure not to laugh.

Just then, both of breasts popped, causing Qrow and Oobleck to laugh more.

"His boobs popped!" Qrow exclaimed as he and Oobleck laughed.

With a laughing smile, Tai clutched his chest and fell to the floor, the glass wall becoming blurry.


Members of the audience continued to laugh at the gag as this time, Tai joined in with a few chuckles.

"I think he wished too hard." Emerald said while giggling.

"He obviously put too much air into the balloons under his shirt." Penny said as she let out a few small laughs of her own. "I wonder if it was intentional."

"Given the look on his face, I don't think he planned for them to pop." Ilia said as she chuckled as well.


"He stayed strong." Qrow said as he and Oobleck saw the smile on Port's face, though he did not laugh.

"It didn't quite work! Hahahaha!"Taiyang said as he entered into the hidden room, laughing.

"It was funny how quickly—." Qrow trailed off as Taiyang continued to laugh.

"Don't worry Tai, you still have Port." Oobleck said as he laughed as well.


"Wha-Barty!" Port yelled at Oobleck.

Oobleck merely averted his friends glare as people laughed some more.

"Now there's a burn." Emerald muttered to Mercury with a laugh.


"Do you enjoy outdoor dining?" Port asked the bald man.

"Uh, Port is, as you guys know by now, uh, doing a lot of stand up. He's working really hard on it." Qrow said as Tai and Oobleck nodded in agreement. "So of course we have to make fun of him."


"Wait, Port's trying to do stand up?" Tai asked in surprise.

"Don't look at me." Port said as he crossed his arms. "I don't know any material for stand up comedy."

"Well it looks like this version of you does." Ironwood said to the portly professor.

"How is this joke going to go?" Winter asked.

"Well, there's only one way to make fun of a stand up comedian." Vortech said to the specialist.

"How so?" Winter asked in return.

"Why, with other, more popular stand ups." Vortech answered.


"What would be pros and cons of... an all day concert?" Port asked the man.

As the man spoke, the glass wall turned on, revealing several men, two brown and two white, each dressed up as certain comedians.

"Oh, oh, oh! It's a bunch of stand ups!" Qrow said. "Hahahaha!"

Port couldn't help but smile humorously at this as each of the stand ups pointed at him like they were laughing at him.


"So who are all these guys?" Roman asked.

"Some of this word's most famous stand up comedians." Vortech answered. "Though at the very least, people dressed up as said comedians. From left to right, their names are Jerry Seinfeld, Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, and Gallagher."

"This outta be good." Yang said with a laugh, being an absolute sucker for stand ups.


Just then, the one dressed as Jerry Seinfeld brought up a sign that read: "You'll never be a real stand up"

"Oh, Seinfeld!" Qrow said.

"You'll never be a real stand up!" Oobleck read Seinfeld's sign, a smile evident in his voice.

Port gave a rueful smile with a slight shake of his head.

"Is that Eddie Murphy?!" Taiyang asked as the person dressed as Eddie held up a sign as well.

"Hahahaha!" Oobleck laughed as he read Murphy's sign which read: "You're a hidden camera hack"


"Ooh. Those gotta hurt." Tai chuckled with a wince.

"As off-putting as these must be, I honestly can't say that I, myself, are affected by them." Port said with a shrug.

"Doesn't make this any less funny, though." Qrow chuckled.


"Is that Richard Pryor?!" Taiyang asked as he laughed as the person dressed up as Richard held up a sign that read: "People laugh just because you're on TV"

"People only laugh because you're on TV!" Oobleck laughed while reading the sign, clapping as he did so.


"Ouch." Roman said with a laugh.

"That would have to hurt just about anyone who's fame comes from television alone." Sienna said while chuckling.

"I know a similar feeling to what that is like." Winter said with a grimace. "For me, it would be the equivalent of saying I was only given a military position because of the Schnee name."

Weiss nodded in agreement with her sister, having similar feelings of that line being used for how she got into Beacon. This caused Sienna and Ilia to glance over at the Schnee sisters, the White Fang High Leader looking at Winter as Ilia looked at Weiss.


Port had a wider smile as he tried to keep back his laughs, looking at the comedian impersonators while listening to the bald man speak.

"Ah, Gallagher, finally!" Qrow said as the person dressed as Gallagher held up a sign that read: "Everything gets handed to you. Congrats"

"Everything gets handed to you! Hahahaha!" Qrow and Oobleck read the sign aloud, Oobleck clapping as he laughed.

"I hehe-here you man." Port said to the bald man with a slight chuckle.

1 laugh


"Ooh, that has to hurt." Qrow chuckled.

"Now that's a line anyone would be offended at." Ironwood stated.

"Another line I sometimes hear as well." Winter said with a sigh.

"Sadly, in some cases, that is half-true." Weiss said sadly as she recalled moments when she was younger.

Ruby tried to console her partner a bit by giving her a reassuring hand on Weiss's shoulder while also giving her a smile. Weiss looked to Ruby and smile back a bit.

"I know a bit of the feeling." Pyrrha gave Weiss a sympathetic glance. Being named the 'Invincible girl' had it downsides as well.


"Whoo! Hahahaha!" Oobleck, Tai, and Qrow cheered and laughed at getting Port to laugh.

"That is rough. Yeah." Port said as he still had a bit of a smile.

"If you can describe the difference between living in Boston, and in here in New York City?" Port asked the man.

Just then, the glass wall became clear once more, revealing someone in a large, homemade turtle costume. The person's head hidden for the time being.

As Port spoke with the bald man, the turtle shell was lowered to reveal Oobleck with green face paint and a green skin cap on his head, chewing on some lettuce.

"Hahahaha! Hehehehahaha!" Qrow and Taiyang laughed at how stupid Oobleck looked.


"Okay." Winter said with a small chuckle. "Now this is just getting ridiculous."

Cinder couldn't help but chuckle in agreement. "He actually made a costume just for a small comedic segment. It's extreme commitment, if nothing else."

"Well, it is a show called Impractical Jokers." Penny said. "Though I must admit that Doctor Oobleck in a turtle costume is unusually amusing."

"Where's our scrolls when we need them?" Yang asked as she and other members of the audience chuckled at how stupid Joker Oobleck looked in the turtle costume.


Port was slowly starting to crack a smile at what Oobleck was doing as Oobleck raised his shell back up, before lowering it once more.

"Hahahaha!" Qrow and Taiyang continued to laugh at how ridiculous Oobleck was being.

"Hmhmhm." Port let out a small chuckle, meaning he laughed once more.

2 laughs


Once more everyone couldn't help but laugh and giggle at how stupid Joker Oobleck looked as not only a turtle, but acting like one as well.

"Talk about method acting." Roman laughed while wiping a tear away.

Neo giggled in agreement with her boss, not just on how funny the scene looked, but also because she knew quite a bit about method acting. After all, she needed to keep up a good charade whenever using her semblance.


Oobleck was then moving his mouth as if he were a snapping turtle, causing Qrow and Taiyang to laugh and giggle more. Eventually, the glass wall became blurry again as Oobleck went back to the hidden room, rid of his costume and makeup.

As Port continued to talk to the man, Taiyang huddled up with Qrow and Oobleck.

"I have a Uh, I have a surprise for all of you." Taiyang said to his friends.

"You got a surprise for all of us?" Qrow asked him.

"You ready?" Tai asked as he began to leave the room. "Here we go."

"Yes." Oobleck said as Tai left.


"A surprise from Taiyang?" Ozpin asked as he was coming down from his laughter. "This can only go a few ways."

"As long as it's hilarious like the last one, I'm down for it." Qrow said while chuckling.

"Dad's surprise is definitely going to be something unworldly silly." Yang said while laughing. "I just know it."

"I still can't believe he inflated balloons under his shirt to make look like his had boobs." Ruby said while giggling.


"In your opinion, what would be pros and cons of more suburban living?" Port asked the bald man.

Once more, as the bald man spoke, the glass wall came to life, revealing Taiyang, sitting down and wearing a pink dress.

"Alright, Taiyang in a dress." Qrow said as the scene continued.


"Oh, this is great already." Qrow said as he continued to laugh.

"First your father used balloons for breasts, and now he's wearing a dress." Weiss said to Yang and Ruby as she chuckled. "How effeminate is he?"

"I'd say he's like that about forty percent of the time." Ruby said as she giggled.

"I'm suddenly having flashbacks to the dance." Jaune said while chuckling. "Nothing bad, but now that I see another guy in a dress, I must have looked really silly."

"I wouldn't say you were completely silly." Pyrrha said with a light chuckle. "I found it a bit charming."

"Yeah. Hehe." Jaune chuckled a bit. "Those Ruby's dad one-ups me since his dress is pink."

"Pink is a manly color though." Ren said to Jaune.


Just then, a brunette woman walked through a pair of curtains that led into the room, as she was dressed in a tan, strong man costume with an American flag speedo. Her face was that of mock shock.

"Ahahahaha!" Qrow and Oobleck laughed as they realized what was going on.

Port put a hand to his head with a smile of amusement, knowing what was going on.


"What the-? Hehehe." Emerald chuckled at the how weird the scene looked. "What's with the gender swapping?"

Many within the audience had similar questions as they chuckled a bit as well.

"Well, it's obvious that there's some inside joke we don't know about." Cinder said with a calmed chuckle. "If Professor Port's face is anything to go by."

"I suppose I should explain." Vortech said with a laugh. "This is not only a gender swap, but a position swap as well. The woman's name is Danica McKellar. She an actress from an old tv show called the Wonder Years. She also happens to be the childhood crush of this universe's Taiyang, in which he was involved in a punishment where he met Danica in an embarrassing situation."

"If these are reversed roles, then I can already guess what kind of situation that was." Qrow said as he laughed.

"Wow. They pulled the "embarrass me on front of my crush" card." Taiyang said with wide eyes and a nervous laugh.


"Ah, Danica." Qrow laughed with a sigh.

"There you go." Oobleck said with a smile.

Danica awkwardly motioned to a set of reading cards, Taiyang nodding his head to them as she picked them up. Danica then awkwardly sat down on a nearby stool.

"He's acting out—." Qrow said before Oobleck spoke for him.

"He's acting out the punishment!" Oobleck said as he and Qrow laughed.

The scene zoomed out to show another scene from Season 4 of the show, revealing Danica in the dress that Taiyang was currently wearing as Taiyang was shown in an American flag speedo, lathered in a tanning oil as he tried to sit down on a stool.


"HAHAHAHA!!" Qrow burst out laughing, finding this to the funniest thing he ever saw that involved Tai.

"Oh my—wow!" Yang wheezed as she clutched her sides.

"Nice speedos." Port laughed at Tai, as did most people in the audience.

"Oh, that poor sucker." Emerald muttered with a laugh.

"Okay. Heheheh. That is more awkward than the pregnant lady on the train." Mercury said as he chuckled.

Cinder couldn't help but chuckle as well as she saw Tai bathed in tanning oil and wearing only a speedo, thinking to herself. "I must admit, the man doesn't look quite that bad in such a way."

"Now that is a sight a need erased from my mind." Glynda said with giggle.

"Preach." Sienna said as she laughed.

"Who would come up with such an evil punishment?" Tai asked, laughing slightly at how awkward and embarrassed his other self seemed.

"Your friends of course." Vortech said with a chuckle.

Tai looked to Oobleck, Qrow, and Port. "You guys are evil."

"And yet there have been much worse punishments." Vortech said.


Port nodded his head with a smile, making it seem like he was focusing on what the bald man said, when in reality he was watching what Taiyang and Danica were acting out.

"So you-so you right now, don't have roommates?" Port asked the man.

"She's gonna flex! Hahahaha!" Oobleck said as he laughed along with Qrow as they watched Danica awkwardly flex in the muscle suit.

Port raised his brows, smile still present as he nodded to the bald man—who continued to speak—Port still trying not to laugh.


The audience continued laugh, wheeze, and giggle at the scene they watched.

"So god-damned stupid and awkward." Emerald said with a wheezing laugh.


Just then, the bald headed man noticed that Port was looking somewhere else and decided to turn around, seeing the glass wall lit up and watching as Danica continued to flex.

"Hahahaha!!" It was at this that caused Qrow and Oobleck to laugh more.

"Uh, just uh, that's-that's Danica McKellar, from the Wonder Years." Port said to the man with an amused smile as he pointed to what was going on. "That's her right there."


"And things just got worse! Ahahahaha!" Yang said as she bellowed out a laugh.

"Oh my God." Weiss laughed along.

"They've been caught!" Nora giggled and laughed.

'The jig is up!' Neo signed as she giggled.

"Port wasn't being subtle enough." Qrow said as he laughed.

"Oops." Port spoke as he chuckled.


The bald man looked confused as he looked back at the glass wall, Taiyang waving to the man as Danica slightly brushed back her hair awkwardly.

"Ahh!! Hahahaha!" Oobleck cheered as he and Qrow clapped and laughed.

"Alright, this is interesting." The bald man said.

"I don't know what the Hell's going on behind there, just like you." Port said to the man as he pointed his hands to him, smiling all the same.

"Hahahaha!" Qrow and Oobleck continued to laugh



"Hahahaha!" Roman laughed loudly. "Oh, this is great!"

"Oh, I needed this." Mercury said as he tried to calm down from his laughter, wiping away a tear.

"He's still trying to play it like this wasn't planned." Ilia chuckled out.


A tallying board was shown with the guys upon it, each of their names above themselves as Taiyang had received a lowered thumb icon in red upon his section of the board. The narrator spoke just as Taiyang received the icon.

"Taiyang was his own laugh track, so he's on the fast track to the Loser board."


"Hey, wait a minute." Tai said with furrowed eyes. "Me, Qrow, and Port all laughed twice. How come they didn't get a thumbs down along with me?"

"I honestly don't know." Vortech said as he tapped a finger to the right pincer of his helmet. "I'm certain there's a reason for it, but I have yet to find out why."

"Well that sucks." Tai said as he crossed his arms. "I feel like I'm getting cheated here."

"Suddenly I have an idea as to who is going to punished." Cinder said as everyone that heard her looked towards the grumbling form of Taiyang.

"Oh, this is going to suck for dad." Yang said with a cringe as Ruby sucked air in through her teet, giving her dad a sympathetic look.


The episode cut to an image of New York City as the Empire State Building was shown before it cut to atop a different building, specifically the viewing area of it, as the guys were shown in more well-dressed clothing as Taiyang—wearing glasses—spoke first.

"Today, we're at the top of the rock, asking strangers for advice on our wedding proposals." Taiyang said as he clasped his hand together.

"Except the crazy proposals have been written by the other guys." Port continued the explanation.

"The goal is to get the stranger to say that your crazy wedding proposal is ready to go." Oobleck said.

GOAL: Get a stranger to say your proposal is ready


"So this is when Qrow reads out that ridiculous proposal." Winter analyzed.

"Eh. I'm certain someone out there would like it." Qrow shrugged. "At least I didn't come up with it."

"Time to see how this goes." Roman said with a chuckle as he rubbed his hands together.


"If they say your proposal isn't ready to go, you lose." Qrow said. "Just like everybody that ever got married."

Oobleck looked shocked at this as he turned to Qrow. "What the—?!"

CHALLENGE #2: Indecent Proposals


"Dude. Not cool." Tai said to Qrow with furrowed.

"Hey, the other me is right on some cases." Qrow said in defense.

Winter cast as glance at Qrow before releasing a small sigh as she thought to herself. "While I won't say it out loud, the drunk is definitely right in mother's case."

"Wait a minute. Why did Oobleck sound offended by what Tai said?" Ironwood questioned.

"Because in this universe, Oobleck is happily married with two children. A girl and a boy." Vortech answered.

"Well, congratulations, Barty!" Port said as he patted his friend on the back.

"Why are you showing me congratulations? It is my other self that has a family of his own." Oobleck question Port. Though the thought did go over in Oobleck's mind. While the prospect of having a family did sound like a joy, he knew that he worked too much for such a thing to balance out. Though that did not mean he was completely against it.

"It's still a different version of you, so I say it technically counts." Tai said to Oobleck with a supportive smile, right before his swiftly punched Qrow in the shoulder.


Qrow was seen wandering around the viewing area with a bouquet of Roses in hand.

"Oh, I paid so much money for this ring." He said.

"Three month for income, right? That's it?" Taiyang asked Oobleck as Port was looking at his scroll.

"Three month's income." Oobleck said with Taiyang at the same time, confirming Tai's question.


"Oh, I hate that fact so much." Tai groaned.

"At least you never had to pay alimony when it came to Raven." Qrow whispered to Tai. "Though, then again, she didn't pay alimony either."

"I still do not see why one must pay for such an expensive ring for a spouse." Penny said as she titled her head in confusion.

"Advertisement." Weiss said to Penny. "Companies always do it to sell their products. It just so happens that any business selling wedding rings makes it seem the only way you can show your love to someone is by buying them an expensive ring."

"That sounds horrible." Ruby said.

"It's called making a profit off of people's weaknesses, Red." Roman said to Ruby. "The business world is far more dangerous than the real world, in some cases."

"Torchwick speaks true on that account." Winter said as she could recall nearly every business move her father usually makes.


Tai then looked to the side with a slightly annoyed expression. "That's straight up bull shi**. That's why I'm never getting married."

"Yeah, that's the reason." Oobleck bluntly and sarcastically said.

"Hehehehe." Tai chuckled at Oobleck.


"Oh, that has gotta hurt." Mercury said with a chuckle.

"Ow." Tai said to Oobleck as a few audience members chuckled at what Joker Oobleck said.

"My counterpart is only speaking about your counterpart." Oobleck said to Tai. "Not to mention that you've had two marriages."


Qrow continued to walk around before spotting a pregnant woman sitting on a bench.

"Excuse me. Do you know what time it is?" Qrow asked the woman, getting her attention.

"Si-sixteen: forty-one?" Qrow asked as she showed her phone.

"She's engaged." Oobleck said.


"Well this should go swimmingly." Glynda said with an eye roll and a chuckle. "The woman's already been proposed to, and she'll most likely shoot down whatever is within Qrow's proposal."

"Yeah, gotta agree with you there." Qrow admitted. "With what we saw in the intro, I doubt any sane woman would accept a proposal like that."

"Not unless that woman was like Tyrian." Cinder thought to herself.


"Don't be nervous." The pregnant woman said to Qrow.

"I'm just so nervous. I was up all night... just thinking about what to say, and the right thing to say." Qrow said while pointing to his head for emphasis.

"Do you actually-do you mind if I run it by you, real quick?" Qrow asked the woman.

"Of course." She replied back.

Qrow then leaned down to her level as he pulled out a folded piece of paper. "Okay, yeah I'll read-I'll read it."

"Here we go." Oobleck said with a smile while clapping. "Here we go."

"Manduke. That's her name. Megan... Manduke." Qrow started, chuckling slightly at the name. "Let's cut the bull. You need me, like I need a hole in the head."

"Whoa." The woman said.

"Hehehehahahaha!" Oobleck laughed at what Qrow was reading.


"Heheheh. I've known a few people who'd agree with that." Qrow chuckled as he took a swing from his flask. "Ice Queen senior definitely one of them."

Winter didn't dignify this with a direct response, but merely crossed her arms while glancing off to the side.


"But that's what works about two sick nuts like us." Qrow continued to read. "I'll kill ten thousand men for you. I'll murder them with my fists, if I have to."

The pregnant looked more and more confused as Qrow continued to read.

"I just want you to be able to do what you love. Pottery, teaching,... and me." Qrow said to the woman.

"Heh-hahaha!" Oobleck laughed once more.


Everyone in the audience couldn't help but laugh, or chuckle at how ridiculous the proposal sounded.

"Oh, this is better than the first time we heard." Roman said while chuckling.

"It's a very blunt proposal." Ozpin admitted with a laugh.

"I think it's safe to say Qrow will lose this challenge." Glynda chuckled as she shook her head.


"Get off your high-horse, and get-heh." Qrow started before chuckling, silently reading what was next before continuing. "Yeah-get off your high-horse, and get on my hog."

"Haha!" Oobleck laughed as Port and Taiyang silently chuckled in shock, the latter putting his hand to his mouth.


"It just keeps getting better." Mercury said while laughing.

"Who wrote this proposal?" Winter asked with a contain chuckle.

"From how eager my counterpart sounded, I'd wager that he wrote it." Oobleck said with a small chuckle.

"Well he definitely did a good job with it." Sienna said as she laughed.


"Let's ride off into Hell, before the devil knows we're dead. Will you marry me?" Qrow finished reading as he looked to the pregnant woman.

"Whoa." She said with a nervous chuckle.

"Heheheh hahaha!" Taiyang laughed alongside Oobleck.

"Any changes, or it's good to go?" Qrow asked the woman as he handed her the paper.


"I'd imagine this would be a proposal Yang would write." Weiss said as she chuckled.

"I don't think you're entirely wrong there." Yang admitted as she laughed.

"There's no way this woman is going to say the proposal is good." Emerald said in between giggles.


"Aw, she's really digging in!" Oobleck said with a smile.

"Aw!" Taiyang exclaimed as well.

"I think this is too much." The woman said as she motioned her hand to the paper.

"Which part is too much?" Qrow asked.

"I'll kill ten thousand men for you." The woman quoted from the paper.

"I'll kill ten thousand men for you." Qrow repeated with a nod as he accepted the paper back.

"Hahahahahahaha!!" Oobleck, Taiyang, and Port all laughed and clapped at Qrow losing. Oobleck and Port double high-giving each other.


"Yeah, it was obvious from the start that Qrow wasn't going to win this." Ruby giggled as everyone chuckled in agreement.


"So just take the murder out?" Qrow asked the woman.

"Yeah." She nodded.

"Okay, alright, alright, alright." Qrow said as he started to get up.

"Oh, there you go, bud. Nice try!" Oobleck said with a smile.

Qrow was seen walking away before looking back at the pregnant woman. "T-like ten men?"

"No." She shook her head while smiling.

"No-no men." Qrow said in clarification.

"Hahahahaha!" Oobleck laughed once more.

"Kill no men?" Qrow asked.

"Hahahahahahaha!" The other three laughed as Qrow received a thumbs down.


"He's trying to go about it like he's actually trying to work on a proposal." Tai said with a laugh.

"I lost already, so I might as well make some fun out if it." Qrow shrugged.

"That proposal was doomed the moment killing was involved." Winter chuckled.


Next up was Oobleck as he started walking to a young man wearing a cap, roses in hand.

"Aw, there he is." Qrow said as they watched Oobleck walk up to the young man.

"What time you got, bud?" Oobleck asked the man as he looked at his arm.

"What's your name?" Oobleck asked.

"I'm Doug." Doug answered.

"Doug? I'm Daryl. Good to see ya, pal." Oobleck introduced himself with a fake name.

"Haha!" Tai laughed.


"Looks like they even have their own fake names for the proposal." Jaune said with a laugh.

"Daryl sounds like a silly name." Nora giggled. "Doctor Oobleck doesn't even look like a Daryl."


"I lost time." Oobleck said as he showed Doug a wedding ring. "My girl's coming up, in a little bit."

"Good luck, mate." Doug said to Oobleck.

"Thanks, bud." Oobleck said. "Well, I'm a little nervous. I actually wrote it down. Do you think I-Uh-can I run it by you? See what you think?"

"Oh yeah, go ahead." Doug said.

"Yeah, le-le-let me-let's get your opinion on that." Oobleck said as he took out a folded paper.


"Time to see how Barty's proposal goes." Port said with a light chuckle.

"I wonder if it will be as insane as Qrow's." Glynda said.

"I do wonder who wrote my proposal." Oobleck couldn't help but wonder.


"Uh, here you. Ready?" Oobleck said as he started to read. "Madea."

"Hahahaha!" Qrow, Taiyang, and Port all laughed at the name.

"Now I can finally tell you why I insisted on no longer being your therapist." Oobleck read, cracking a smile.

"Hehehehahaha!" Port laughed.

"For the past three years, we have met once a week, and yes, you have made progress on your chilling mental issues. But something more important has happened as well." Oobleck continued to read before looking at Doug, the guys laughing as he did so. "I've fallen in love with you."


"So the story behind this is a psychiatrist has fallen in love with a patient." Ironwood shook his head with a chuckle.

"Isn't it considered unethical for a psychiatrist to form a romantic relationship with their patient?" Penny asked.

"Usually. But that's what makes this proposal unusual and funny." Pietro chuckled to his daughter.


"Today I stand before you, not as Dr. Cummings, but as a potential suitor." Oobleck looked back at the note as he continued, chuckling a bit at the name. "Daryl Cummings."

"Daryl Cummings?" Port asked as he wheezed.

"Doctor Cummings." Qrow said while chuckling.


"Daryl Cummings." Roman chuckled out.

'Ph.D.' Neo signed to her boss, causing him to laugh more.

"Doctor Oobleck's fake name just became much more funny." Nora said with a giggle.


"Ethics be damned, I know everything about you. Both because we're soul mates, and because you spent the last three years paying me to listen to your private thoughts."

"Hahahaha!" Port laughed.

"There will be no need to ever lie to me, because we both know I already know the truth about you. Say yes, my little chickadee. Say yes." Oobleck finished as he looked to Doug.

"Not bad, mate." Doug said.

"Sounds good?" Oobleck asked.

"Yeah." Doug nodded.

"A-hahahaha!" Port leaned back laughing.

"Oh, come on!" Qrow said as he and Tai chuckled.


"I take it Qrow wrote my proposal." Oobleck said with a light chuckle.

"Aw, dammit." Qrow swore with a laugh.

"It definitely wasn't as absurd as the last proposal." Sienna said with a small chuckle. "This one actually sounded somewhat sweet."

"It looks like Oobleck wins another challenge." Glynda said with a slight chuckle.


"Think she'll come aboard on that?" Oobleck asked.

"Yeah." Doug replied.

Oobleck then smiled at Doug. "Daryl Cummings, therapist."

Oobleck then received a thumbs up icon.

"Hahahaha!!" Port and Tai laughed. "Daryl Cummings!"


Nora giggled at the name once more as a few others joined in with their own chuckles.


Port was now up as he stood beside a woman who was looking through a tower viewer.

"A, yo, here we go, buddy." Qrow said to Port.

"Just nervous." Port said to the woman as he showed her the paper.

"Let's see it. Let's see it." The woman said to Port. "There's no way she's saying "no."

"A-hahaha!" Port laughed along with the woman.


"Awe. Look at that. She actually thinks you have a chance." Qrow laughed a bit towards Port. "Time to see how this goes wrong for you."

"It will only go wrong depending on who wrote my proposal." Port said as he smirked. "After all, you wrote Barty's and he came out just fine."

"Well, we'll see about that." Qrow replied with crossed arms.


"I actually like-I'm so nervous I wrote it down. What I want to say." Port said. "Do you mind if I run it by you?"

"Sure." The woman said.

The guys were smiling brightly as they watched, Oobleck pointing to Taiyang.

"I worked hard all night." Port said with a nervous chuckle.

"Well, it better be good." The woman said.

"Yeah." Port agreed. "No, it is. It is."

The woman awaited for Port to read the paper as he took in a deep breath.

"Marry me, bitch." Port read from the paper.

"Hahahahahaha!!" Qrow, Oobleck, and Taiyang laughed and cackled.


"Hahahaha!!" Mercury let lot a boisterous laugh along with Qrow, Roman, Taiyang, and Yang.

"Wow." Was all Emerald could say as she snorted out a chuckle. "Someone's very straight forward."

"Yeah, Professor Port isn't going to win." Ruby said with an uncontrollable giggle.

Meanwhile, Port just had an agape jaw at what his proposal was.

"I wonder who wrote that one." Qrow said as he laughed.


"What's on the other side?" The woman questioned.

"Uh, it's blank." Port said as he showed the woman the other side of the paper.

"Okay." The woman said with a light laugh.

"Hahahaha!!" The guys continued to laugh at what was going on.

"You think this is ready, or, uh?" Port asked the woman.


"Hell no." Glynda said as she chuckled. "No woman is going to marry someone from a proposal like that."

"It's Port's lose." Oobleck stated as he chuckled as well.

"I almost feel bad for him." Blake said in regard to Joker Port. "With a proposal like that, he was set for failure."

"At least he tried." Ilia said with a giggle.


She looked at him before replying with a small chuckle. "No."

"Hahahaha!!" The guys laughed once more as Taiyang high-fived both Oobleck and Qrow.

"Sometimes the simplest ones are the best." Taiyang said as Qrow still chuckled, Port receiving a thumbs down icon.


"He is right." Cinder said with a laugh. "Sometimes simple is the way to go."

"Too bad it didn't work out for Professor Port." Weiss giggled.

"Looks like it was Tai that screwed you over." Qrow said to Port as he laughed, high-fiving Tai in the process.

"Unbelievable." Port huffed as he gave Tai a glare.

"Sorry." Taiyang said with a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck.


"You guys want a photo of you guys?" Taiyang asked a family as he was up next. "Let me take a photo of you guys right here. Get the whole family in."

"Tai being helpful. Starting it off." Oobleck listed.

"Oh boy." Qrow said as he crossed his arms.


"Looks like I'm the last to go." Tai said.

"But unlike us, you're getting an opinion from three people." Oobleck said with chuckle. "I can only assume that Port must have written your proposal."

"I hope you lose." Port commented to Tai whit lowered eyes.


"Ready?" Taiyang asked as the family stood beside each other as he took the picture.

"There you go." Taiyang said as he gave them back their phone.

"Good luck." The son said to Tai.

"Yeah, my gir-my girlfriend is going to be up in just—at this point like five minutes, yeah." Taiyang said.

"Here. Do it here." The son said to Tai, saying that he should propose on the view platform.

"Do it here?" Taiyang asked the boy.

"Ohhh! Nice." Oobleck said as Port chuckled.

"Ah, helpful child." Qrow said with his head on his hand.


"Awe, that's sweet of him." Ruby said in regards to the boy helping out her father.

"I hope it's the kid that gives dad advice." Yang chuckled. "That'll be hilarious."

"That will only happen if they believe your father's proposal needs critiquing." Ren said to the blonde brawler.

"And that is going to depend on what it is Professor Port wrote for the proposal." Blake added.


"Can I be cheeky-can I, can I run the proposal by you?" Taiyang asked with a slight chuckle at the end.

"Yeah." The mother said.

"Uh, Julie." Taiyang started to read out. "You complete me. After losing my wife three years ago, I thought I'd never experience love again."

The family listened and watched as Taiyang continued to read.

"I've learned from my mistakes, and what happens to my first wife will never..." Taiyang halted as he started to see were this was going. "Ever happen again."

"Hahaha." Oobleck chuckled with Qrow and Port,


"You know it started off reasonable." Sienna said as her lips slowly curled up in a smiling manner. "But it would seem the proposal has taken a dark turn."

"Yeah, this isn't gonna go well." Tai admitted with a cringe.

"I call this karma." Port said with a smirk.

"Dad's proposal kind of sounds like he's a psychopath." Yang said to Ruby.

"Yeah, he's not gonna win either." Ruby said.


"All of the cages in the facility are now properly secured, and another incident resulting in a fatality is highly unlikely."
Taiyang continued to read.

The mother awkwardly nodded her head, prompting the other guys to laugh.

"Julie, will you marry me?" Taiyang finished reading.


"Yeah, that's going to be a "no." Emerald said.

"I don't think I want to know the story behind that proposal." Roman said with an awkward laugh.

"Wow. You wrote something evil." Tai said to Port with a chuckle.

"I do my best." Port said with a chuckle.


"You know what?" The son said, getting Tai's attention. "Cut that fatality part out."

"What?" Tai asked.

"Ah hahahaha!!" Oobleck, Qrow, and Port laughed as they clapped in victory.

"Cut the fatality part out?" Taiyang asked.

"I could be thinking "Am I gonna die?" The son said as to what "Julie" might think.


"Yes! Hahahaha!" Yang laughed as her hopes came true.

Many of the audience laughed and chuckled along with her. After all, it's not everyday you see a kid give an adult advice on their wedding proposal.

"I'm certain no one would ever marry anyone who's proposal involved in their potential demise." Winter said with a chuckle.


"Hahahaha!!" Oobleck and Port continued to cackle and clap as Qrow chuckled along. "From the NASA base!"

"Wow!" Qrow smiled wide as Port continued to clap.

"This is highly unlikely you would die. I made that point." Taiyang refuted.

"My brain..." the son said as he rose his arms to his head. " not ready for this stuff."


"That poor child." Pyrrha said with a laugh. "He's been put on the spot for something he's too young for."

"It's still funny though." Mercury said with a shrug, a humorous smile on his face.


"Ahh! Hahahaha!!" Port and Qrow laughed, the former clapping with a smiling Oobleck.

"So this is not rea-I'll take that part out?" Taiyang asked befor admitting defeat. "Great, okay."

"Hahaha." Qrow and the other guys continued to chuckle.

"Have you ever heard of the tv show, Impractical Jokers?" Taiyang asked the son.


"Okay, now where is this going?" Ozpin asked with a small chuckle.

"Probably something impractical." Tai said with a smirk, causing Yang to laugh.

"Oh, Shut up." Qrow said to Tai with a slight laugh.

"Look who's laughing at my jokes." Tai said, still smirking.

"I only laughed cause it was stupid." Qrow said with an eye roll. "You have a terrible sense of humor."

"I'll still take your laugh as win." Tai replied back with crossed arms.


"He likes them." The mother said as she pointed to her son.

"Yeah?" Taiyang asked. "Do you think you're on the tv show, Impractical Jokers, right now?"

Tai then proceeded to remove his glasses from his face as if her were Clark Kent.


"Is he actually revealing that they're on a tv show?" Ilia asked.

"He took off his glasses like he's a superhero." Mercury said as he chuckled.

"You would reveal that it's all apart of a tv show." Qrow said to Tai as the man shrugged in return.


"Oh my God!" Oobleck exclaimed while raising his hands.

"Oh my God!" Oobleck and Port said as Qrow just smiled.

Oobleck then moved his way past Port and towards the door, and walking towards Taiyang and the family of three.

"Hey, that's Oobleck from Impractical Jokers." Taiyang told them.

"I apologize." Oobleck said as he walked up to the son.

The family looked on in complete surprise at Oobleck's appearance.


"That child must feel like he's meeting his heroes." Cinder said with a light chuckle.

"I've seen similar looks whenever I met younger fans." Pyrrha said with a smile of remembrance.


"You see, I didn't have to do a glasses reveal." Oobleck said.

"Ahahahaha!" Port laughed loudly while clapping.

"I'm sorry you had to experience that." Oobleck said to the son, patting his shoulder before walking back towards the hidden room.

"It was no-by the way, he took of the glasses like-like a Scooby-Doo mask." Port said to Qrow as Oobleck walked in. "The kid—."

"The kid had no idea who he was!" Oobleck laughed while clapping.


"Wait a minute. I take my glasses off and the kid doesn't even recognize me." Tai said with a confused look. "But all Oobleck has to do is just say hello and he gets instantly recognized."

"You must not be as famous as the rest of us." Qrow said with a smirk. "That, or Oobleck is more recognizable."

"That's kind of like how I was when I met you." Jaune said to Pyrrha with a nervous laugh.

"It wasn't bad though." Pyrrha said as she chuckled. "It was somewhat refreshing that you didn't know me."


"That was as vintage Taiyang Xiao Long—." Port started.

"Taiyang." Oobleck said while shaking his head.

"—as you can get." Port finished.

"Hahahaha!" The guys laughed as Taiyang received a thumbs down.

Back to the Loser Board, Oobleck was the only one with a thumbs down as Qrow and Port both had one each, all the while Tai had two.

"Tai's proposal got poo-pooed, so he's getting punished."

It all showed the guys in different poses as Tai was shown to have a shocked pose, the word: "LOSER!" appeared upon him in red.


"Well, now we know who has to make a speech in front of some government officials." Tai said with a nervous and down-hearted laugh.

"Normally, I would say not to worry, since I know what it's like to speak in front of government officials for the first time." Ironwood said to Taiyang. "But given everything that's happened, I doubt it will go well."

Taiyang just sighed in defeat as he friends chuckled at him.

"Poor dad." Ruby said as she and Yang lightly chuckled while giving their father sympathetic looks.

"Time for the real fun to begin." Cinder muttered as she ate some popcorn from Mercury's bucket.


The scene then changed to the four standing in a room within City Hall.

"Well, Taiyang is our loser!" Oobleck said as he rubbed his hands together.

"I see you're dressed up." Port said as he pointed his hands towards the black dress suit Taiyang wore. "That's convenient."

"We have you at New York City Hall, and you're going to be giving a speech to the Mayor's advisory board." Port said to Tai.

"Yes." Taiyang said. "Well, what am I advising them on?"

"Let's just say you're an expert with a great speech." Oobleck said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"I know you're thinking we wrote the speech." Port said while leaning back and waving his hands in the air.

"Well, yeah." Taiyang said.

"I promise you, the speech is fine." Port said to Tai with a smile.

"Yes." Qrow confirmed.

"The speech itself is amazing!" Oobleck said as Qrow chuckled.

"Which begs the question, what's not fine." Taiyang emphasized while smiling, the other guys laughing as he did so.


"A great question." Ren said with a calmed chuckle. "From what we've seen, Professor Port, Doctor Oobleck, and Ruby and Yang's uncle will have come up with something to make the speech less than fine."

"Not to mention that he's going to speaking in front of government official." Weiss said. "That just makes everything twice as bad."

"Ones things for sure." Blake said. "I don't think any of us are going to pity him."


Cut to a meeting hall within the building where various humans and faunus all met at, and moved around in.

"This is straight up, City Hall." Port said in a quieted voice as he, Qrow, and Oobleck were all in another room. "Like, we're penetrating the government."

"These are real advisory boards." Oobleck said as he began to list things off his finger. "There's a faunus advisory board, a women's advisory board, a Muslim advisory board, and they invited Taiyang to speak."


"Yeah, I'm screwed." Taiyang said with a sigh.

"Better to get it over with than prolong it." Sienna said.

"I just hope it won't be anything too embarrassing." Tai said as he shook his head.

"Tai, come on." Qrow said as he put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "Do you really think we'd ever do something so cruel to you?"

As he said this, Qrow motioned his hand to himself, Oobleck, and Port.

"Cause if that's the case... you're damn right we would." Qrow said with a laugh as Oobleck and Port chuckled along.

"Gee. Thanks." Tai deadpanned at Qrow with a roll of his eyes.


The guys giggled a bit as Taiyang was seen standing and looking around the room.

"Taiyang." Port spoke to Tai with a mic. "The speech is on the table, but there's also a stack of cards with random lines on it."

As Port said this, the podium was shown were two separate stacks of blue and yellow cards were.

"When we say "line" at any point, you read that line." Port said with a smile as Qrow chuckled.

"No matter where you are in the speech, okay?" Port said as Taiyang slowly nodded, knowing that he was screwed.


"Oh, yeah. He's definitely screwed." Mercury said.

"There aren't many things that can damage one's reputation more than embarrassing yourself at a government meeting." Ironwood said as he shook his head.

"Here here." Ozpin agreed with his friend.


"Welcome everyone here, to City Hall." The Mayor of New York greeted everyone.

"The Mayor's the only one in on it with us, although Taiyang doesn't know that." Port said to the camera.


"At least one government official is in on the joke." Penny said.

"Which just leaves the scrutiny of every other official that Ruby and Yang's father will be speaking to." Weiss added to the android's statement.

"It's kind of cool though that our influence can get a mayor to work with us." Qrow said. "And we're not even huntsman in this universe."

"Well, like Professor Port said, you all are penetrating the government." Pietro said with a laugh.


"I'd like to introduce you to Tai, who will be overseeing our new advisory board." The Mayor introduced Taiyang to all those present. "Give a nice Yonkers welcome to Taiyang."

The advisory board members all clapped for Taiyang as the Mayor welcomed Tai aboard the podium.

"Oh, here it is! Here it is!" Oobleck said excitedly.

"Oh, here we go." Qrow said.

"Thank you, Mr. Mayor." Taiyang said to the Mayor as he took center stage, the clapping starting to quiet down as Tai looked at the first yellow note, which was the speech.

"Thank you, Mayor Spano, and thank you to the city of Yonkers." Taiyang said. "I'm truly honored that you asked me to speak at this milestone event."

"Who's gonna say "line" first?" Oobleck questions excitedly while rubbing his hands, Port having his hands to his mouth in complete nervousness.


"Who's gonna get to torment Tai first." Qrow chuckled.

"They're really enjoying this punishment." Emerald said with a snicker, in regards to the Jokers.

"What upstanding, fun individual wouldn't?" Mercury asked her a smirk.


"I would like to oversee the importance of these advisory boards." Taiyang continued with the speech. "To make decisions about local government without the council of different representatives would be foolish."

"Line." Oobleck said to Tai through the mic.

Taiyang then flipped over a blue card.

"Mu—!" Tai stuttered with a slight chuckle.

"Excuse me." Taiyang said as he leaned down behind the podium a bit, trying to prepare himself.


"Okay. What's the line?" Yang asked with a slight chuckle.

"Well, whatever it is, your dad's already cracking up." Blake chuckled in agreement.

"He keeps on doing that, and he's gonna blow his cover." Ilia said, shaking her head while smiling humorously.


"Hehehahahaha!!" Port cackled while Qrow and Oobleck chuckled.

Taiyang rose back up as he started to say the line. "My blonde head is filled with crazy thoughts."

"Hehehe! Hahahaha!" The guys all laughed in chuckled as the looked at the faces of everyone within the board meeting.


A few members of the audience chuckled at this line.

"Okay. That one wasn't so bad." Tai admitted with a light chuckle.

"Ah, blonde stereotype jokes." Qrow chuckled with a sigh. "Always great to get back at Tai with."

"There's gotta be better stuff than that." Mercury said. "That line may have been a little funny, but I don't think it has enough flare."

"I'm certain something better will come up." Cinder said to her lackey. "After all, the Jokers haven't disappointed thus far."


"In order to determine what is best for your city, you must consider the needs of all who reside here." Taiyang continued with the normal speech.

"Line." Oobleck said into the mic.

"I only touched his throat." Taiyang stated.

"Heheheh." The guys chuckled and wheezed as the advisory board members all started to give Tai strange looks.


At this line, more people laughed at.

"Oh, God." Glynda groaned with a light chuckle, pinching the bridge of her nose as she shook her head.

"That is not the kind of line that is going to go well in a meeting like that." Pyrrha said with a giggle.

"Now that's what I'm talking about." Mercury laughed along with Cinder and Emerald.

"Who'd you touch, Tai?" Qrow asked his friend with a sly smirk.

"Shut up." Tai waved Qrow off with a laugh.

"We don't need to put you on a list anytime soon, do we Mr. Xiao Long?" Winter asked with a tittering chuckle.

"Oh, come on. Not you too." Tai said as he pointed to the specialist.

"Hehe. Well, whaddya know. Ice Queen senior came make jokes." Qrow said with a laugh.

"I can be funny when I want to." Winter said to Qrow as she crossed her arms.


"In my opinion, diversity—." Taiyang started.

"He-hahaha!" The guys continued to quietly laugh and wheeze.

"—brings together so many people, from various walks of life, into one room, is often the closest thing—."Tai continued.

"Line." Qrow spoke into the mic with a smile.

Tai cleared his throat as he read the next line. "I washed it. What happens next is up to you."

Port wheezed at Tai as the guys moved around in the hidden room, smiling while being slightly scared of the looks the advisory board members were giving Tai as Oobleck tried to hide behind the American flag.


"Hahahaha!" Roman bellowed out his laughter as others laughed and chuckled along with.

"Oh my. Heheheh." Glynda said as she chuckled, not expecting the joke.

"I... wasn't prepared for that one." Ilia said as she tried to calm down her laughter.

"I don't think any of us did." Blake said to her friend as she too tried to calm down her laughter.


"I think it is beautiful to see so many people here today—." Taiyang said while trying to cover a nervous chuckle.

"Don't laugh." Oobleck warned his friends.

"—who care so deeply about the community they represent." Taiyang said. "A community is like a quilt, interwoven with many different parts."

"Line." Port spoke into the mic.

"Show of hands. What year were you born?" Taiyang spoke another line.

"Heheheh!" The guys all quietly wheezed and chuckled.


"So stupid." Sienna said as she chuckled.

"Now that one was just silly." Yang said as she and her team chuckled.


"The road ahead is not easy." Tai continued with the speech. "But it is in the hands of people who care. It is your job to give your community a vision. It's your job to help them overcome adversity."

"Line." Qrow said once more.

"We've all slept on a wet mattress that we don't know how it got that way." Taiyang read.


The audience continued to laugh at the lines they heard, each one only continuing fuel their humor.

"I don't think anyone here has done something like that." Ren said as he chuckled.


"Ahahahehehe!" Port wheezed as the advisory board members started to look annoyed and bored.

"I have never been so happy to be back here." Oobleck quietly said to Qrow and Port as he motioned to the room they were in.


"I bet. They don't have to face the scrutiny of all those advisory board members." Jaune said as he laughed.

"Like I said, no one wants to make a fool of their self in front of government officials." Ironwood said with a chuckle.

"If I was in dad's position, I know for a fact that my nervousness would get the better of me." Ruby stated with a giggle.


"Working together is caring together." Taiyang said.

"Line." Qrow told Tai.

"My father really messed me up emotionally." Taiyang said.

Port wheezed as the advisory board members continued to look more and more confused and annoyed with Tai.


The audience continued laughed, though Mercury seemed to laugh the hardest at this joke. Mercury definitely never had the best father, on that he openly admit, but since he also killed his own father, he wasn't negatively affected by the joke, quite the opposite in fact.


"As leaders, the world has never been smarter." Taiyang read as the guys continued to laugh, wheeze and chuckle as they moved around in the hidden room.

"Line." Oobleck said.

"It itches and b-it burns, but I still show up for work every morning." Taiyang said.


Qrow seemed to laughed the hardest at this joke, knowing his semblance has actually ended up causing something similar to happen.

Tai merely shook his head as he laugh along with everyone else. It may be him that's getting punished, but at least it was only an alternate version of him, and not actually himself that had to go through this torment.


The guys continued to wheeze as Taiyang continued. "That's when I developed a mantra the guided me—."

"Line." Oobleck said with a wheeze.

"Malcolm X has streets named after him for a reason. Capiche?" Tai read.


"M-Malcom X?" Blake asked in between laughs.

"I don't know who that is, but it's just funny the way he said capiche." Nora said with a giggle.

"Malcolm X was a radical that could be comparable to Sienna Khan, though he was much less of a terrorist." Vortech said.

"Wait. What?" Sienna paused in her laughter as she looked to Vortech, only to receive no answer.


The guys continued to laugh their asses off as Taiyang continued with the speech. "Listen to the problems that others—."

"Line!" Qrow said as he held back his yell, the guys still laughing.

"All the woman in the world aren't worth a goose drop a Flemish man." Taiyang said.


"What?" Winter asked as she and everyone else continued to laugh. "What does that even mean?"

"Sorry, but not even I can tell what that joke means." Vortech chuckled. "All I know is that a Flemish man is someone from a place known as Flanders, Germany."


The guys continued to wheeze as Port spoke. "Line."

"I've been attacked by monkeys on three separate occasions." Taiyang stated from the line.

The guys wheezed as the advisory board members started to look really annoyed.


"Now that one is silly." Nora said to Ruby as they laughed.

"I can't even imagine what dad would look like being attacked by monkeys." Yang said as she laughed.

"I can." Qrow said with a chuckle.


"I'd love to share a personal anecdote." Taiyang said.

"Line." Oobleck quickly spoke.

"Home is where you duke the hardest." Tai said with a straight face.


Once more, everyone laughed.

"S-so crude." Weiss said as she couldn't help but laugh.

"I don't think he's wrong though." Yang said as she laughed.

"C-can we not talk about ta-taking a-a duke." Blake asked as she tried to calm down her laughter.


"A big part that we're doing here is setting an example." Taiyang said while sipping his eyes a bit.

"Oh my God. Oh my God." Port wheezed as the guys all moved around and tried to hide in the hidden room, trying to contain their laughter and hide from the annoyed faces of the advisory board members. Oobleck hiding behind some curtains as Qrow looked like he was trying to climb and scratch his way out of the room.


"They're hiding! They're actually trying to hide!" Emerald laughed aloud.

"Oh my God!" Yang said with a wheeze. "They're scared just by watching those board members' looks from another room."

"Qrow's actually trying to climb out of the room." Tai said as he laughed.

"We are scared shitless." Qrow laughed in agreement.


"When folks on a platform as visible as this can be seen working to together visibly, is a huge inspiration." Taiyang said.

"It-it looks like a room where people have just been laying fart after fart after fart." Qrow commented as Oobleck and Port wheezed and giggled, one of the advisory board members banging the back of his head against a pillar. "And everybody's just too politful to say anything about it."

"Before I turn things over to Mayor Spano, I'd like to close by saying—." Taiyang started.

"Line." Qrow, Oobleck, and Port all said to together.

"There's water on my goolie." Taiyang stated.


"Hahahaha!!" Qrow laughed the loudest from this joke.

"These just keep getting better and better!" Roman said as everyone continued to laugh.


The guys all laughed and chuckled as people clapped as Taiyang gave the stage over to Mayor Spano.

"I'm gonna take my notes." Tai said to the mayor.

"Nice work baby, nice work." Qrow commented to Tai.


"Oh, that was great." Yang laughed with a sigh as everyone tried to calm down.

"My face hurts from laughing so much." Jaune chuckled as he tried to let his face settle from his laughter.

"Yes. It was quite humorous." Penny said with a giggle.


Tai walked over to a left exit, only to find that it was locked. He turned back as he spoke. "So there's no e-so I can't go out this way?"

The guys continued to cackle and laugh as Taiyang was lost in which direction was the exit.


"Wow! He doesn't know how to leave!" Nora said as she laughed.

"It just keeps getting worse for dad." Ruby giggled out.

"The awkwardness just grows and grows." Ilia chuckled.


"T-this way?" Tai asked as he went to a right exit, moving past of the advisory board members. "Excuse me. I'm sorry. Thanks, take care."

"He's gone." Qrow chuckled as Oobleck and Port continued to wheeze.

Tai paused as the right exit before turning back around. "This is an emergency exit too? That's an emergency exit too? Tha-that's an emergency exit?"


"God, this is humiliating." Tai shook his head with a laugh.

"I'm certain your other self with find the proper exit." Oobleck reassured Tai with a light chuckle. "It's only a matter of looking and ask around."

"And until then, we're gonna enjoy how this makes you look like an idiot." Qrow lightly laughed before taking a swing of his flask.


The guys wheezed and laughed some more as Tai continued to make his way across people.

"I'll go this way. I'm going this way?" Taiyang asked the Mayor as he pointed to another direction. "I'll go this way."

"HeheheHahaha!" Port cackled as he backed up on Qrow, Oobleck shooting his hands to the air in victory.

"Thanks, take care." Taiyang said as he went to another exit.

The credits started to roll as the screen went black.


As the screen turned to black, everyone started to settle down in their laughter.

"That was quite the humorous show." Cinder said as she still lightly chuckled.

"Why, I don't think in all my years that I have ever laughed this much." Pietro said as he wiped away a tear of joy.

"Yes, it was quite enjoyable." Penny said with a smile.

"Granted, most of it was stupid, but I suppose that's why it was funny." Weiss said with a giggle.

"So... what happens now?" Emerald as she calmed down from her laughter.

"Now we move onto the viewing." Vortech said as he started to set things up.

"Is it going to be as funny as this one?" Mercury asked, still smiling from all the laughter.

"It is a little comedic, but not as much as Impractical Jokers." Vortech's answered. "It's time we get back to the GhostBusters."

"Yes!" Ruby cheered as the screen soon came back to life.

Cinder raised her brow as the viewing screen went to the next universe. "Well, this should interesting."



• Joe Gatto—Bartholomew Oobleck

• Brian "Q" Quinn—Qrow Branwen

• Sal Vulcano—Peter Port

• James Murray—Taiyang Xiao Long

• Casey Jost—Clover Ebi

•Simmy Kustanowitz—Roman Torchwick

Here's the new chapter, hope you like it. I made a few changes to the original dialogue to fit with the characters.

Now this episode did have an Inside Jokes segment at the end, but I honestly didn't feel like writing it. However, since I do voting polls for this story, I'll make a compromise for all of you.

Should I...

A.) leave the chapter as it is


B.) Work in the Inside Jokes segment

The decision is yours.

Make sure to comment any reviews and tell me if I misspelled anything.

I'd also like to point out that I will be writing Cinder a bit different than how she is in the show. I don't want her to be someone who's only goal is to obtain power. I want to design her as a character who seeks power, but only sees it as a stepping stone to a greater goal, that goal being to no longer suffer in a cruel world.

Like with Roman in the Hobbit chapter, Qrow, Oobleck, Taiyang, and Port had most of the speaking here since it was about them.

Anyway, with all that said, see you all next time.

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